Saturday, June 30, 2012

Online Journal: June 16-30, 2012 VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan

Friday, June 15, 2012 ~ Online Journal: June 1-15, 2012 ~ ~ VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan 
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights ~

U.S. Bill of Rights ~ ~

Constitution of the United States ~ ~

U.S. Declaration of Independence ~ ~

Sabbath, June 16, 2012
@ 9:01 AM ~ Woke up at 5:30 AM. I have nothing big planned for today. I need to wash clothes and make it through the day sane and sober with at least a semblance of serenity. I am usually in a cool mood and calm state of mind. If I have to deal with any insanity it is generally from outside of me, esp. when I step outside into the sinister streets around here. I myself am usually composed and occupied with my own personal interests, as I try to stay out of any bullshit drama trauma emanating from other folks. My Amigo Goyo gave me a used frying pan. I still need to go to Grocery Outlet. I should get going before it gets hot.

FBI Terror Plot: How the Government Is Destroying the Lives of Innocent People | Civil Liberties | AlterNet ~
Personal Daily Horoscope of Saturday, 16 June 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951

Making things clear Valid during several months: During this time you may be inclined to keep your opinions to yourself and not communicate them to others, even when you should. At the same time you may be more in touch with the hidden sides of your own personality, your unconscious drives and compulsions than at most other times. The first of these two effects may be undesirable or inappropriate, but the ability to get at hidden areas of your character can be quite useful. The problem here is that you may feel that others will hold anything you say against you. And this may be true, especially if your words are motivated by petty ego concerns. But it is even more likely that what you don't say will be held against you, so it is very important at this time to say everything that has to be said.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:

Mercury in the 12th House,  12,
activity period from 13 June 2012 until end of August 2012

Other transits occurring today, for subscribers

Moon Square Pluto, exact at 05:12
Moon Opposition Sun, exact at 08:21
Moon Trine Mars, exact at 13:01 
Important long-term influences, for subscribers

"Sobriety and stability" (Venus Trine Saturn)(L)
"Buried tensions" (Mars Square Moon)(L)
"The life of the party" (Venus Sextile Ascendant)(L)

@ 10:14 AM ~ Went to K Street Mini-Mart for another cup of coffee. On my way back I saw Brother Niles. He is a good man who is now staying at De-Tox. As he did at Sally's he has embedded himself as kind of a janitor and maintenance man. It was good to see him sober and stabilized. So many folks I know need basic help for their very survival. We need to continue to combat drug addiction as a major opponent of people who are just trying to stay alive and relatively sane.

@ 9:49 PM ~ It was really hot today and it is still kind of hot outside. Was blessed to see Cousin Mark earlier, he was walking his beautiful dog Stella and another dog. It was a great surprise to see him.

I finally washed clothes today. Tomorrow I need to clean up my cell AKA bunker AKA dungeon. I know this will help me feel better. What I really need is a decent computer desk. Guess I will check out a Netflix before I go to sleep.

Ralph Nader: 30 Million Workers Would Benefit From Raising Minimum Wage to 1968 Level

714 people have signed our petition to raise the federal minimum wage on . Can we reach 1000 this weekend?

Sunday, June 17, 2012
@ 9:38 AM ~ It is Father's Day and I wish I could talk to my Son Camilo, but I have no idea of his whereabouts. Such is life for me. I already called my Dad yesterday, he usually does not even answer his phone. Sometimes Holidays can be a drag for me as I just endure through each one. It can be kind of a mass hysteria, especially around The Holidays.

My Padre: Pete M. Lopez
Meanwhile, life goes on, the world is still a wreck and many refuse to take a stand against the Evil Powers who are now 'in power and secure'. Being in the world I must take a stand when it comes to basic issues of life involving the humane rights of all people. I will live in the world in rebellion against the ruthless Reign of Tyranny that I see.

So much of the work to be done well is an inside job ~improving our health ~working out ~nurturing the soul ~becoming more loving.

@ 10:23 AM ~ The local Elder store man at the K Street Mini-Mart is so kind. He gave me 15 nectarines from his own backyard h picked himself.

Sometimes it is the little simple things we do that have more meaning that the big grandiose things we plan to do.

#OWS I continue my little ministry helping homeless folks interested in recovery from drug addiction & working on Spiritual Growth (1/2)

#OWS (2/2) ... I am now able to work on what gives my life meaning and occasional joy, without being stuck in a wage-slave job.

@AlessCullen I do not lose hope, will contact a few local folks and continue to work on my general health and well-being.

OWS As for myself, this is a time for reflection, for typing stuff up, for some networking and sharpening my knives!

10/20/2011 VIDEO 4:54 Message To Humanity: The Time is Now (Remastered) ~ ~ VIA @AlessCullen

@AlessCullen We are alive, awake and aware. We will continue to be strong in spirit as we educate and inspire each other.

Note: It dawns on me that I spent so much time Tweeting on Twitter that it is easier to just copy and paste Tweets I like the most here. I did this before a long time ago, but I would get carried away and save about all of them for a day. That can get real tedious, better just save some treasures here. At least Tweets that I think are cool and that is a subjective decision.

@ 10:14 PM ~ We had a small good CASA Meeting. Brother Trigger and his friend Dan showed up. Plus we had a couple of other brothers there, one who is homeless outside in the streets. It gets hard when I see the basic survival need right in front of me without having any solvent solution. At least I encourage sobriety, recovery and liberty in the long-run. A lot of the suffering does have to do with self-understanding. We need to look at the patterns that get up caught up in unhealthy life-styles that are usually the result of our own personal choices, not always, but usually.
#OWS 6/17/2012 VIDEO 26:03 American Spring: The Documentary (pt.1) ~ ~ VIA @RT_com

#OWS 6/17/2012 VIDEO 26:20 American Spring: The Documentary (pt.2) ~ ~ VIA @RT_com

Monday, June 18, 2012
@ 8:09 AM ~ So far it has been a good morning. I already went out and got two large cups of cafe from my little K Street Mini-Mart. I slept pretty well last night and feel refreshed, ready for a good day of typing, sharing and power networking.

Democracy Now: Norman Finkelstein on What Gandhi Says About Nonviolence, Resistance and Courage - YouTube

JOIN US. Anonymous 2012 - YouTube

6/18/2012 VIDEO 11:53 Conversations w/Great Minds - Chris Hayes, Twilight of the Elites P1 ~ ~ #OWS

6/17/2012 VIDEO 12:41 Conversations w/Great Minds - Chris Hayes, Twilight of the Elites P2 ~ ~

@ 3:14 PM ~ Just had a big Jumbo Burger at Burger Inn. Time for a sweet siesta. God is Good!

Personal Daily Horoscope of Monday, 18 June 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951

A foggy day Today you may feel inclined to keep a secret or hold back information in order to avoid a confrontation with someone. It is not good to do this, because it will only contribute to the fog of confusion and unclarity that surrounds you during this time. For the same reasons, avoid any form of misrepresentation or distortion of the truth, even if you think it might be politic to mislead someone. In every way you should strive to keep all your communication and thinking clear, lucid, factual and rooted in the real world. If you try to avoid confrontations by acting evasively under this influence, you will run up against even more demoralizing confrontations later. Also be careful in any kind of negotiations or business dealings today, because you could be the victim of misrepresentation, even if you are not the perpetrator.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mercury Square Neptune, , exact at 19:51 
activity period from 18 June 2012 to 19 June 2012

Other transits occurring today, for subscribers 

Mars Square Moon, exact at 05:29 (L)
Moon Conjunction Moon, exact at 19:36
Moon Trine Neptune, exact at 15:39
Moon Sextile Pluto, exact at 17:45

At the risk of seeming redundant, I am aware of basic astrological influences, but I am not a fanatic about it. My days of fanaticism are way over, I hope for the rest of my life. Fanaticism can be such a great imbalance in life, it can even be fatal!

@ 9:00 PM ~ I have rearranged my computer, a chair and stuff so I can type here more comfortably. Before I was on the edge of my bed and had to lean forward to type or type with the keyboard on my knees. I still need to be a decent computer desk, but it must have certain features to fit in well here in my little bunker.

6/03/2011 VIDEO 28:02 Alan Watts - Tribute to Carl Jung ~ ~ Take time to listen, hear it out. Heal.

We need to learn to be loving of our being, to first fully accept and recognize our being just as we are if we are to help heal our being. If we are to help heal America of its widespread insanity and inhumanity ~we each need to be fully integrated humane beings. So much of our division in the world is a mirror of our own divided self ~being against being ~internal civil war ~broken by hate. We need to surpass the insanity of believing in absolute good and absolute evil ~the perverted polarity of today's truly insane society. We condemn the evilness in others without recognizing the evilness in us that condemns. We rush to hate and are slow to love. Acting like soulless robots we judge others by the illusions of appearances ~forgetting all the delusions we have fallen for ourselves. We Like and Unlike with a click of the mouse ~While the rats scurry around in the basements of our collective psyche unharmed. We see an old forsaken friend and wonder what they want, what their angle is, what is their need and pretend we have no agendas.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012
@ 4:41 PM ~ I have a couple of Medical Appointments. Have been kind of taking it easy, though I did some heavy Tweets earlier. At least heavy to me without wanting to be read as arrogant and egotistical. Just sometimes I get an insight about stuff that comes up from my subconscious and from who knows where else. Kind of like a channel, though that word is kind of spooky, if not borderline psychotic!
Personal Daily Horoscope of Tuesday, 19 June 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951 ~ New Moon  

The loftier side  ~ Weak, transient effect: This is usually a very positive influence, making you feel very benevolent and generous toward those around you. Tonight your spirit is inclined toward contemplation of the loftier aspects of life. You are not concerned with the nasty little details that make life less than it should be, although you are aware of them. But you simply cannot see any point in paying any attention to them. Emotionally you feel quite good, for this influence promotes optimism and positive thinking. At times this influence indicates self-righteousness and smug arrogance, as if you considered yourself as the embodiment of social truth and wisdom. This attitude may not be entirely conscious on your part, but it may be subtly evident in your phrasing or in an unspoken attitude toward others.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Moon Square Jupiter, , exact at 19:36
activity period from 19 June 2012 to 20 June 2012

Doctors w/o Borders Doctors w/o Borders ‏@MSF_USA "The situation here is're going to have 35,000 people without water." #SouthSudan

We must have a good understanding of our personal past experiences to clearly see where we are here now in an existential realm. On an individual level, type up a brief autobiography, what life events brought you to where you are now reading this? How did you get here? Once your Home Base is secure ~do a General Inventory ~what areas in your life need improvement? ~where are your blind spots? Help fortify your own home ~make it a sacred sanctuary ~be able to protect it with arms and fortifications ~be prepared. Occupy Wall Street helped to wake up American Leftists out of their collective coma, but what were they doing before Occupy?

We need to engage in the processes of Electoral Politics, not just to win elections, but to mount Social Platforms for educating people. It ain't brain science. Let us look around our local existential situation, see how we can help and help others help themselves.

@catsrimportant Yes, cats AND dogs are important. All Species of Life are important. Humane Beings should be the Caretakers.

It all begins with the Individual Being ~Taking care of our own Being ~Being compassionate about the Well-Being of others. I see different levels and degrees of World War happening in hotspots all over the surface of the planet and dirty oceans! If you can look at the world and see any real world order we must not be living on the same planet. I see Disorder, Chaos, Confusion! Do not be frozen in fear about THE NEW WORLD ORDER. There is No New World Order! It is the same ancient Cabal of Evilness. Pending Revolution, we need to Liberate ourselves of our own Spiritual Sickness that has infected us all being raised in a Sick Society. Do not even involve yourself in a Revolutionary Movement if you are not willing to all obstacles in the way by ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Social Revolution will only lay the groundwork for helping to meet the People's Needs and Save the Environment. It's a process!

Obama seems to take pride in approving the ‘Kill List’ personally ~Nixon chose bombing targets ~Stalin selected those to be purged.

Nowadays for any Revolution to happen and remain 'in power and secure' it must be global and protected by armed people! Some folks would rather forget all about a Relevant Revolution and just go back to meditating on their navels! Back to sleep. Relevant Revolution will require the People's Ownership of the Land and all the Social Institutions thereon. People Power! Clearly the Occupy Wall Street Movement alone is not going to make a Revolution, especially without open visible Leadership. We need to topple the Rulers of the 1% 'haves' and put the Representatives of the 99% 'have-nots' in Power to make Revolution. To believe there can be a Leaderless Revolution is social, political and mental insanity. Revolutionary Movements require Leadership. It is up to the People of a given country to make their own Revolution with their own Leadership, Organization and Mass Support. We here in the USA should focus on creating a relevant revolution inside the USA, not get out of focus by foreign affairs.

#Egypt The
Aim of the General Strategy of Revolution is the Seizure of State Power by ANY MEANS NECESSARY. ~ ~ View video

We should understand that there has been no relevant revolution in Egypt ~no transformation of property relations. ~ ~ View v

@Peta_de_Aztlan 6/19/2012 VIDEO 25:15 Inside Story - Has Egypt's revolution been hijacked? ~ VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan

‏@AJEnglish Ecuador says WikiLeaks founder seeking asylum
@UnivisionNews Oliver

Stone Blasts Mexican President Felipe Calderón At 'Savages' Screening

We have powerful tools and weapons on our side to be utilized with conscientious compassion, not with cold cruelty. A Liberated Life is for the living, for those who dare to care, for those who tell the truth, for those who do not fear freedom. We all have such beautiful potential many of us have hardly tapped into. Liberated Beings will naturally help liberate the world.

Be Liberated Now! This means we are positive more than negative, rational more than emotional, hopeful more than hopeless. Quit looking outside of your Being for answers that can only come from within ~from the Unconscious Psyche to Higher Consciousness. The Ultimate Aim of Global Fascism is to destroy all vibrant Liberated Consciousness. They are afraid of our Spirited Minds! Liberated Consciousness. They know the main battleground is in the Minds and Souls of the Masses. Live life as a Liberated Being. Keep waking up, help to kindly wake up others. Be humble, sincere and good at learning. Liberation is a state-of-being, not a fixed conclusion to happen a zillion years for now. Live as Liberated as you can now! We need to show the world what a Liberated Being is now. Be humane, be loving, be compassionate now. Dare to care! The good news is that we can be Liberated Now. We can live as Liberated as we can in our Personal Lives now. It's an inside job.

#OWS A movement is an ocean wave: this is the whole tide turning from Cairo to Moscow to Athens to Santiago to Chicago.” —Rebecca Solnit

My point in this stream of Tweets is that Revolution is not enough, Occupy is not enough. We need to Liberate and Be Liberated.

Activists should get involved with a clear understanding of the risks involved in progressive activism, not be blind followers. I was born in 1951 and was in full rebellion by the time I was sweet sixteen ~got arrested for inciting a riot at 17! Hung jury!

#OWS After NATO: From Chicago Spring to Occupy Summer and Beyond | ~

#OWS advocates NYC Protest for Global Revolution on its Website ~CHECK IT OUT > ~
Look at the USA, which was founded on a revolution! What happened to the Soviet Union? Is China now really an Empire? Beware! In my lifetime I have seen Revolutions decay and degenerate into Counter-Revolutions or Reactionary Regimes.

We need a General Understanding of Revolution: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ~ ~

We need to wisely Use the Power of the Word to help bring about a true Life of Liberation for the global masses. We are advancing!  Remember we are under U.S. Laws that many of us may not even know the details about. #NDAA #SmithAct

Revolution means Overthrow and Overthrow means Violence. No matter how you twist it, Revolution is Treason. Why pretend? Technically, it is against US Law to advocate Revolution, esp. Violent Revolution. It is a Felony. It is Treason. It is against the Law.

Washington elites talk the new 'US empire' ~CLICK and READ ~ ~When is the next 911? Are you ready?

Revolution is the Overthrow of the Ruling Class and its replacement with another Ruing Class. Are you ready for Revolution? Stop and Think! Do you want even know what the hell a Revolution is? Have you ever experienced a Revolution? Are you a Revolutionist? If you propose a Revolution of what we can generally call an Evil Empire, what do you propose to put in its place? Have you foresight? Do you remember why we even have a Government? Is it so we can have Local Police act like an Occupying Army? Is Obama sane? We live under a Government that does not meet the basic common Survival Needs of many of the People living under it? Remember our Five Basic Common Survival Needs: food, clothing, shelter, education and health. These are our Common Denominators!

FYI: Scattered and Scattered Minds | Dr. Gabor Mate's best selling books | treatment of ADD and ADHD ~ ~

BOOK Scattered: How Attention Deficit Disorder Originates And What You Can Do About It: by Dr. Gabor Mate ~ ~

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
@ 9:50 AM ~ I did a bunch of Tweets this morning that I will convert into an Article. I need to be conscious and compile stuff as I go along in life. Twitter can be great therapy for me.

@ 5:45 PM ~ I finally made myself some scrambled eggs, pork chops and hot tortillas with the frying pan I got from Goyo. Cool. Am about ready for my late siesta.

@ 10:05 PM ~ Today is about over. Brother Gallo may give me a ride to pick up my computer desk tomorrow. He is always hurting for gas for his big truck. I myself do not even own a bike now. Usually in the evenings there are a few folks watching TV in the front lobby, the Cyclops. I wonder how well the others eat here. Here by where I am at there is a kitchen room with a stove, oven and microwave. The other floors do not have a stove with a oven though there is a stove nor do they have public microwaves for their floors. So I am blessed to be in this spot. Sometimes I get a bit claustrophobic but I know I can always amuse myself here or just walk a short distance to be outside on the sidewalk to see what is going on. Time for my Seroquel medication. Oh yes! Today was the first day of Summer. Hasta manana!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

@ 2:21 PM ~ I have had a pretty quiet morning. I am going to the bank now to get some funds out. Hope to get a cool computer desk here soon.

Sabbath, June 23, 2012
@ 9:47 PM ~ I was up late last night watching a movie online and woke up a bit late. It is the Sabbath, Another day on Mother Earth. I am wondering what is the best use of my time, energy and resources. Surely helping others is a big part of what my life is about. At the same time, I want to understand myself better to attain better peace of mind within my own being. Helping others gives me purpose in life and it also helps me better about myself, thus it helps my own self-esteem.
Personal Daily Horoscope of Saturday, 23 June 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951
Selflessness ~ Weak, transient effect:

This influence makes you very sensitive to other people's moods, and if you are at all psychic you will be more sensitive in this regard as well. But with this sensitivity, you have to be careful about the people you are with. On the other hand, it is good to be with friends whom you are devoted to. This quality of time can signify selflessness and genuinely caring for others without regard for your own needs, and this is not done in a martyred spirit. You feel great sympathy and compassion for those who are in need, and are willing to help either personally or through working with a charitable group. This influence may also arouse your daydreaming tendencies. Today during the day you may wish to be by yourself and retire into your own private inner world, or you may wish to talk about your daydreams with friends. The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Moon Sextile Neptune, , exact at 11:13 
active only on 23 June 2012

Other transits occurring today, for subscribers

Moon Conjunction Pluto, exact at 13:10
Moon Square Sun, exact at 16:02
Moon Sextile Moon, exact at 14:53
Important long-term influences, for subscribers

"Making things clear" (Mercury in the 12th House)(L)
"Easy company" (Venus in the 11th House)(L)
"Cooperation" (Sun in the 11th House)

@ 10:33 AM ~ The people of Earth are concerned with a desire for power over their lives and this can be a natural desire for self-determination. Now the people of Earth are being ruled by Evil Powers who have direct control over the Earth's governments and natural resources. Why do we allow the Evil Global Empire to rule over us? Why do we allow tyrants to stay 'in power and secure'? What is our role? Our role in life should be to meet our basic survival needs, take care of ourselves and get rid of all who oppose our survival. Life is not brain science. Life is about staying alive, meeting our basic needs and working together for the common good of all global citizens.

We need a true global economy to help us manage. We do not even have a true functional economy that economizes. We have Masters of Capital who profit off our energy. We have been set-up! We do not even have a true economy under monopoly corporate capitalism. It is a Ponzi pyramid scheme! The Great Con Game. We do not even have a true democratic government ruled by the representatives elected by the majority ~the 99%!  Congress is millionaires! The USA is not even truly a United States. We are fighting each other because we are in the Divided States of Amerika! We do not have a true democratic government in the USA. We have a ruthless rogue regime in power to protect the Global Elite spearheads by puppet President.

Our whole Electoral System is a fraud composed of the same two-headed monster called the Democratic and Republican Parties. Every 4 years we are given the illusion of choice between the lesser of two evils, while the same Evil Powers stay 'in power and secure'. We do not even have a nation, at least, not an independent nation! We of the USA are an internal colony of an Evil Global Empire! A true nation by definition should be a free, independent sovereign nation. There are no nations under any Empire. The existence of an Empire precludes a valid claim to nationhood. Even the United Nations is not truly united. If so-called Nations were truly united we would not be in this hell hole we' re in. We cannot even agree on a full definition of the Enemies of Humankind. Many want to pretend that we do not even have Enemies. Despite the New Age profiteering hypnotists, we are NOT really all one, though we should strive for a general unity. We are in Divided States. Under the Evil Empire we are still subject to the ancient Roman Empire's formula of Divide-and-Conquer and Keep Divided and Rule.

It is no wonder that many old activists have either been co-opted by $$$$ or have turned their backs on the whole situation in disgust. If they are not now, Old Activists need to get re-activated, yet comprehend that activism has positive and negative aspects (OWS vs. Tea Party). It is naive to think that when we use the word 'activism' we all mean positive, productive and progressive activism. It could be the opposite! #Framing How can we get on the same page if we are not even in the same book or could even be in a different library?

We need to have a common understanding of basic terms we use in our dialogues and not just assume we are operating with the same definitions. First of all, we need to comprehend what we call reality as connected reality. All existing objective realities are connected in one way or another, despite our subjective interpretations of a given reality in our minds. What is, simply is. This may seem patent to some, but often people argue in circles over issues because they are using different definitions to explain the same social phenomena.

We need to have a basic understanding of power. Most people are suspicious of power because they are often victims of unjust power wielded by those 'in power and secure', namely, the Global Fascist elite exemplified by the Bilderberg Group of the Illuminati. As humane activists, we seek power over our own lives in accordance with our basic needs and common desires. We want all forms of state power to be put in the hands of the people and taken out of the hands of our social controllers. A functional definition of power is the dual capacity to correctly define connected reality, then transform it in a projected manner. We want power over our own lives. The climax of global power will occur when the people have direct power over the land, over the viable social institutions in our lives and over the natural finite resources of the earth.

To achieve power for the people we get involved in social movements in order to build up a mass consciousness and move in the direction of seizing control over our own lives. We cannot do this all as one lone individual so we gather together in social movements, build up social organizations and create a matrix of movements that are working towards the same general strategic aim: the seizure of power.

#Watch 1/31/08 VIDEO 58:58 George Lakoff: Moral Politics ~ ~ Cognitive science

#Watch 7/16/08 VIDEO 5:12 #Idea Framing, Metaphors, and Your Brain -George Lakoff ~ ~

#Watch 10/03/2008 ~ VIDEO *Quantum Physics* Welcome To The Matrix ~ ~

11/13/2009 VIDEO MOVIE 2:19:30 End Game HQ full length version ~ ~ Take time to watch! VIA @RealAlexJones

#Watch 12/15/2009 ~ LONG VIDEO ~"The World in 2030" by Dr. Michio Kaku ~ ~ Believe it or not!12/18/2010

VIDEO 30:53 'EndGame 1.5' (Extra Material, Disc 1) ~ ~ experts!

VIDEO Secrets of the #CIA 1:32:20 ~ ~Uploaded by conspirates on Apr 18, 2011 ~1,373,510 Views~

#Watch 8/19/11 VIDEO 48:04 ~ Albert Einstein- How I See the World ~ ~ Find the questions!

#Watch 11/17/2011 VIDEO 1:29:53 ~ History Channel Albert Einstein (complete) ~ ~

#Watch 1/23/12 VIDEO 56:12 ~ Albert #Einstein: How I See The World (Full Documentary) ~ ~

2/09/12 VIDEO 13:10 #WikiLeaks Julian Assange #Facebook is CIA spying machine ~ ~

4/04/12 VIDEO 3:24 #Wikileaks Cable: Exposing Facebook Worldwide #CIA Covert Psy-Op ~ ~

6/19/2012 VIDEO 45:35 : The Great Game with Author Daniel Estulin ~ ~ VIA

Watch: #Zeitgeist: The Movie - 2007 by Peter Joseph ~

LINKS: Jordan Maxwell | Esoteric Scholar ~ ~ ~
Intellectual cleverness without the Power of Loving wisdom can be very destructive to humane life. Knowledge is not enough. For the Warrior a path with heart is set ~it is leading somewhere cleared by love ~against all odds ~confronting all challenges.


Sunday, June 24, 2012
Personal Daily Horoscope of Sunday, 24 June 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951

Loaded with energy ~ Ego energies and physical energies run very high during this time. You will feel positively loaded with energy, for which you must find an adequate outlet, or you will have problems. The best way to handle this influence is to do some necessary heavy physical work. But that will work out only if you derive satisfaction from doing it. Sports, if you are at all athletic, is an excellent outlet. If you just sit around, you will begin to feel itchy and restless for no apparent reason and then become quite irritable. In this mood you will snap at anyone who comes along for no reason at all. This time is quite good for initiating any new project on your own. It is a time of beginnings, and you should use it for that purpose, particularly for projects that you will be identified with and be given credit for. The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mars Conjunction Mars, , exact at 04:52 
activity period from 22 June 2012 to 26 June 2012

Other transits occurring today, for subscribers

Moon Trine Chiron, exact at 05:56
Moon Trine Med.Coeli, exact at 06:50
Moon in the 2nd House, from 09:41  

@ 10:40 AM ~ I am proud of myself. Today I quietly celebrate 8 years of sobriety off alcohol and that is good for me. I now have given myself permission to have a drink of alcohol without any guilt trips. At 60 years of Earth-life I have no intention of being 100% sober the rest of my life. I know now that a lot of my drug addiction problems had deeper mental-emotional-spiritual roots that I am now working on one day at a time.

We have our Open CASA 12-Steps Meeting this evening @7 PM @Salvation Army 1200 North B Street ~Sacramento, California.

@ 11:56 PM ~ We had a good small CASA Meeting. Brother Bobby, Brother Gallo, Sister Ellen, Brother Kevin and others were there. I really appreciate it this evening, We discussed the 12-Steps and there was a new Brother Matt from ARC who was a good new addition. Late here and I am a bit sleepy. Time for dreamland. ~Che Peta

Monday, June 25, 2012

@ 5:57 AM ~ I woke up early this morning. Am looking forward to a productive day.

@ 9:12 PM ~ Mainly did my usual research today. Earlier I went by myself with my Grandpa cart and went to Office Max and got my own computer desk, now I got to put the whole stuff together. I was hoping for a ride with a friend but he fell through. I do not like to depend on others.

Later on in the early evening I went to the store and saw my friend Goyo. His Mom, Aunt Mary, has a severe stroke and she is really disabled now. He is going to move out of their place, she is with other family being taken care of and Goyo is going to move out by 23 & P Streets. I have known Aunt Mary for long years and wish her well with all the lifetime she has left. God bless her!

READ: The Troubled Revolutionary Path in #Egypt: A Return to the Basics ~ ~ VIA @jadaliyya

VIDEO: Zeitgeist Full Movie With 2010 Update ~ ~ Uploaded BubbleParadox 1/06/2011

VIDEO Zeitgeist Moving Forward (2011) ~ ~ Uploaded MaladaptiveCatalyst 5/09/2011 + Dr. Gabor Mate

VIDEO: 10/11/11 Dr. Gabor Mate @Occupy Wall Street explains the link Between Financial Crisis & Mental Illness ~ ~

VIDEO: Brain Development & Addiction with Dr. Gabor Mate ~ ~ Uploaded by heartspeak 2/23/2009 ~

Only in the presence of compassion will people allow themselves to see the truth. ~ Dr. Gabor Mate ~ ~

VIDEO Vine of the Soul: Encounters with Ayahuasca ~ ~ Uploaded by vineofthesoulfilm on Dec 8, 2009 ~

VIDEO: Dr. Gabor Maté: Ayahuasca and Addiction Treatment ~ ~ Uploaded by vineofthesoulfilm 11/03/2010

VIDEO Dr. Gabor Maté~ Who We Are When We Are Not Addicted: The Possible Human~ ~ Uploaded artandmeditation on 1/12/2012

LINK: Vine of the Soul | Encounters with Ayahuasca ~ ~

VIDEO Sting talks about is Ayahuasca Experience ~ ~ Published 4/27/2012 by CreerPourInspirer ~

Ayahuasca ~Don't shut the door on nature's own pharmacy - The Globe and Mail ~ ~

VIDEO Famous People with Bipolar Disorder ~ ~ Published 4/26/2012 by twistedjfate ~

@ 11:38 PM ~ I feel pretty good right now. I feel as if I have had what is termed a paradigm shift ~though i do not particularly like the word paradigm. We can call it a kind of breakthrough because I proved to myself that I can stay sober off alcohol, now have 8 years from my old states of drunkenness, yet I feel a kind of emptiness too. I know that I need to conscientiously work on other areas of my character, practice more discipline, clarify my direction and strengthen myself with a lot more direct determination. Alas, I have so much further to do in my estimation, though I am very grateful to still be alive, aware and learning. Time for dreamland!

Sometimes I feel as if I just go into another dimension when I sleep and go through other experiences that I wish I could remember better than I do. Nada mas ahora! ~ Che Peta

Tuesday, June 26, 2012
@ 11:53 AM ~ I am here in my bunker. Checked out the Diabetes Class at SNAHC, but did not stay for it. Now I know it starts at 10:30 AM until 12 Noon. Maybe next week. More important for now I got my Dental Appointment Invoice to give to Heather/CEPS for my check to pay SNAHC for my 1st Appointment.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
@ 9:57 AM ~ Woke up a bit late today, guess I needed the sleep. Time for a shower and getting more ready for the day.
 @ 11:48 AM ~ Went to K Street Mini-Mart and got two large coffees. I feel pretty calm and am not easily excited by the insanity in the world. I maintain that we live in an insane society that is addicted in many ways. For us to go further in our thinking we need to understand the nature of addiction and its negative consequences.

For me, life is a double helix of working on my Inner Liberation as I fight for Global Liberation in the matrix of connected reality.

@ 5 PM ~ I have decided to go over Gallo's tomorrow instead of today. Right now my concern is that I misplaced my Pulse Card I need to withdraw money from it. Life goes on!

Thursday, June 28, 2012
@ 7:43 AM ~ We need to look at the Big Picture in life, the global overview in the matrix of connected reality, not only partial glimpses. Be in tune with your Inner Spirit. Stay conscious of being here now. Be aware of your own immediate environment. From the axis of being, learn the dance between the mind, body and soul. Go with the flow and be fluid in life. Stay in focus, clearly see your life situation and keep in mind what is essential for your own well-being now. Let your Divine Spirit guide you throughout the day, do not less yourself get stressed out by the monkey mind. Be aware of what you can change in your own personal life, examine your actual conditions and develop your attention span. Keep your priorities in mind, do what needs to be done, pay attention to your basic fundamental survival needs. Know that as we help others we also help ourselves. We actually are one family of humanity struggling to survive. You must do your own work, no one else can work out for you. Cast aside false gurus and shady shamans. Do not be gullible to deception. Be in harmony with your being, be sensitive to your own feelings and learn the art of being still when it is warranted. Always remember that you are actually a conscious being being, not a doing doing without self-awareness. Strive to be whole and wholesome, complete unto yourself and develop your talents with daily practice. Learn to live, to sing, to dance and to love with all your heart without fear. Live life well as you live in the now.
Personal Daily Horoscope of Thursday, 28 June 2012 Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951 Small embarrassments >During this time your feelings make themselves more noticeable than usual - even small embarrassments become extremely uncomfortable. Therefore, if you should make any mistake today, you should not immediately accuse yourself for it, as it is probably not as serious as it seems. This sensitivity, though, also gives you a good feel for the weaknesses and sensibilities of others, so that you can be very tactful and accommodating about them. In this way you encourage others to be open and also admit to their sore points. Your capacity for understanding and your readiness to take due account of personal traits, offers others - for example children - enough security to trust you. The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Moon Sextile Chiron, , exact at 14:40 
active only on 28 June 2012

Every Thursday (until revoked) there is free access to all transits listed below.
Other transits occurring today

Moon Opposition Med.Coeli, exact at 15:29
Moon in the 4th House, from 15:29
Moon Trine Moon, exact at 00:51 

@ 4:48 PM ~ Back in my bunker. I went over Gallo's and did three videos of him expounding on education. I still need to finish uploading them to check them out. Gallo and I do have stimulating conversations. Sometimes I wish we could record them, but that could hinder the natural back-and-forth of it all. Iron sharpens iron.

1/12/2011 VIDEO; Meltdown (pt 1-4) The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse 2010 ~ ~VIA @Badbanks29

1/12/2011 VIDEO Meltdown (pt 2-4) The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse 2010 ~ ~VIA @Badbanks29

1/13/2011 VIDEO Meltdown (pt 3_4) The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse.2010 ~ ~VIA @Badbanks29

VIDEO Meltdown - (pt 4_4) The Secret History of the Global Financial Collapse (2010) ~ ~VIA @Badbanks29 [After the Fall]

VIDEOS Meltdown pt 1-4 ~pt 2-4 ~pt 3_4 ~pt 4_4 ~

Friday, July 29, 2012
@ 6:36 AM ~ Went to bed around 9 PM last night so I feel pretty well rested. Am already on my 2nd cup of cafe. I need to keep mindful of the need for me to be kind to others and not slip into Darwinian thinking about life.

~ Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi ~

Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace!

That where there is hatred, I may bring love.
That where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness.
That where there is discord, I may bring harmony.
That where there is error, I may bring truth.
That where there is doubt, I may bring faith.
That where there is despair, I may bring hope.
That where there are shadows, I may bring light.
That where there is sadness, I may bring joy.
Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort, than to be comforted.
To understand, than to be understood.
To love, than to be loved.
For it is by self-forgetting that one finds.
It is by forgiving that one is forgiven.
It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life.

—Saint Francis of Assisi—

@ 8:04 AM ~ The above prayer has often given me comfort from time to time over the years.

Sabbath, June 30, 2012
@ 1:53 PM ~ Sometimes I get discouraged and wonder if all I do online makes any difference or has any lasting value to anyone, though I do have 1980 Twitter Followers, though I myself only Follow 99 Twitter Accounts. I think that says something about the general interest of others. It's a job.

@ 9:45 PM ~ God, this day has just whizzed by. Another day of not accomplishing much, I thought it was hours earlier. Time is so relative at times, perhaps all the time. We learn more when we allow ourselves to open up and let the subconscious flow out of our conscious level.

Titles and Links to VIDEOs via C.G. Jung
6/18/2011 VIDEO 1:02:20 ~ C.G. Jung - The World Within ~ ~
VIDEO: Carl Jung: The Wisdom of The Dream -Vol 1-A Life of Dreams [FULL] > ~Published 2/21/2011 by QuantumLeap365

VIDEO: Carl Jung: The Wisdom of The Dream -Vol 2- Inheritance of Dreams [FULL] > ~Published 2/21/2011 by QuantumLeap365

VIDEO: Carl Jung: The Wisdom of The Dream -Vol 3- A World of Dreams [FULL] > ~Published 2/21/2011 by QuantumLeap365

VIDEO: Carl G. Jung - Matter of Heart > ~Published on Apr 19, 2012 by noousia

@ 11:30 PM ~ It is almost midnight. I probably did not get too much done today, then, how do we really measure progress? What is progress? From A to B and on and on? Where do we end up anyways? I know that according to Earth time tomorrow is the new Month of July. We will see how hot the summer gets!

Twitter Link~

Humane Liberation Party Portal


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