Friday, June 1, 2012 ~~
@ 10:11 AM ~ Well we are into a new month. We will see how this month evolves. I hope I make some progress in regards to my personal health issues, such as, my glasses and my teeth.
I wandered into the N.A. Meeting this morning and spoke towards the end of it. I need to remember to be humble when I am among people who are still at a tender stage in their personal recovery from drug addiction. I am looking forward to celebrating my eight years of sobriety this month on June 24, 2012 from alcohol. I have over ten years of not shooting up dope. I now take the psychotropic Seroquel for my bi-polar diagnosis. Plus, I drink coffee and smoke cigarettes. Thus, I cannot technically call myself drug free. Not to mention aspartame in my Diet Pepsi and fluoride in my toothpaste.
I need to take a shower, get cleaned up and prepare more for the day. A couple of friends may come by later and I want to clean up a bit in my bunker.
Uncle Sam Admits Monitoring You For These 377 Words = Complete list of DHS monitoring keywords = http://www.zerohedge.com/news/guest-post-uncle-sam-admits-monitoring-you-these-377-words
@ 7:41 PM ~ I have spent most the day in my bunker, researching, Tweeting some news links and sharing some insights with others. Sometimes when I am in a serene space I receive words that seem to be inspiring for I have not consciously tried to formulate them. I figure it is the subconscious source that rises up into the conscious level. Will try to make it for the store before it closes for a Neapolitan Ice Cream.
@ 10:43 PM ~ Getting a little OCD about the Key Word List above, putting it in alpha order. What the hell I am kind of a wordsmith anyways. It can be a little tweak program.
Sabbath, June 2, 2012
@ 11:20 PM ~ It has been another blessed day of being. Slept pretty well last night. Went to the SPCA Thrift Store this afternoon. I made a few calls. I did my usual Tweeting. I hope it serves me in good stead. Anyway I know it is a kind of therapy for me. So many folks I know around me in actual life offline are so apathetic and uninterested in stuff that I am very interested in. Thus, at times I get really lonely for a good rap with someone in person. Oh well, tomorrow is the fresh start of a brand new day.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
@ 5:15 PM ~ I am here now in my bunker. I have my regular CASA 12-Steps Meeting today @ 7 PM. It is getting to the point where those who I know in real life around me here, who do not even bother to ever attend my little CASA Meetings, are becoming increasingly irrelevant.
@ 10:36 PM ~ We had a small CASA Meeting but it was a serious one. Most of the folks who are residents at the shelter are apathetic to CASA Meetings and are basically just glad to be in the shelter, though, they should be aware of the reasons that got them into a situation where they had to turn to a shelter, instead of family or close friends. The majority of the clients are there behind alcohol/drugs in one form or another, often poor life-style choices. It is all interrelated. Of course, with the U.S. economy taking a dump more folks are there simply because they had no alternative but to go into a shelter. However, it makes one wonder why those who are there did not have a strong support system in place. Where does the role of blood family come into play in all this neediness?!?
Before when my Mother, Ella P. Lopez, was alive and well I was able to stay with her and my Dad if I was facing being out in the streets, but after she died that was not acceptable to my father. Nonetheless, it helped me to be more self-reliant. I do miss my Mother so. She was such a beautiful woman in so many ways with the kind of love that only a good Mother can have.
Some Tweets from today ~
Naturally, to bring about lasting revolutionary change we will have to overthrow our own character defects ~the macro and micro.
Imagine if we were able to transform all the drunks and other addicts into radical revolutionists into progressive recovery!
Do not be idolatrous about or bound to any doctrine, theory, or ideology, even Buddhist ones. -Tich Naht Hanh-
Monday, June 4, 2012
@ 12:42 PM ~ Did my usual morning routine. Need to go to BofA only to use their ATM. I not longer have an Account with that fascist-corporate 1%er bank. Then I will just go by spirit. God is good, often misunderstood by those in the hood.
~~~~ ~~~~
@ 3:39 PM ~ Just came in. Got $400 out of my Account. Plan to get Monthly Bus Pass tomorrow and upgrade my phone. Had a half of a Subway Sandwich, which is good. Funny how interaction can change how they make or how generous. People do tend to go by appearances and our general politeness. Came back here and ate it in the Meeting Room as I communed with a few residents here.
June 4, 2012
Prayer and Meditation Asking and Receiving Madisyn Taylor
Meditation and prayer can offer us different experiences and both can be powerful tools.
Prayer and meditation are similar practices in that they both offer us a connection to the divine, but they also differ from one another in significant ways. Put simply, prayer is when we ask the universe for something, and meditation is when we listen. When we pray, we use language to express our innermost thoughts and feelings to a higher power. Sometimes, we plumb the depths within ourselves and allow whatever comes to the surface to flow out in our prayer. At other times, we pray words that were written by someone else but that express what we want to say. Prayer is reaching out to the universe with questions, pleas for help, gratitude, and praise.
Meditation, on the other hand, has a silent quality that honors the art of receptivity. When we meditate, we cease movement and allow the activity of our minds and hearts to go on without us in a sense. Eventually, we fall into a deep silence, a place that underlies all the noise and fray of daily human existence. In this place, it becomes possible for us to hear the universe as it speaks for itself, responds to our questions, or sits with us in its silent way.
Both prayer and meditation are indispensable tools for navigating our relationship with the universe and with ourselves. They are also natural complements to one another, and one makes way for the other just as the crest of a wave gives way to its hollow. If we tend to do only one or the other, prayer or meditation, we may find that we are out of balance, and we might benefit from exploring the missing form of communication. There are times when we need to reach out and express ourselves, fully exorcising our insides, and times when we are empty, ready to rest in quiet receiving. When we allow ourselves to do both, we begin to have a true conversation with the universe.
Save: What the Mayan Elders are Saying About 2012 by Carlos Barrios
LONG VIDEO 1:04:12 2012 ~ The Mayan Word ~ bit.ly/Mvo6P7 ~ + http://www.2012mayanword.blogspot.com/
~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
@ 10:33 PM ~ Busy doing stuff elsewhere on the Net. Will get new phone upgrade tomorrow and take care of some other business.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
@ 9:40 AM ~ Isaiah 41:21 Produce your cause, saith the Lord; bring forth your strong reasons, saith the King of Jacob.
Personal Daily Horoscope of Tuesday, 5 June 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951
Cooperation |
Valid during several weeks: At this time it is usually best to work and cooperate with other people. At other times you have found it necessary to be alone in order to find out who you are and the chief purposes of your life. Now you must ask these same questions in conjunction with others. Engaging in group efforts and projects in your personal and public life will be the most effective way to accomplish this aim. Socialize extensively and study the people you associate with, for they are a reflection of yourself. What is true of your friends is also true of you, for the most part. Among your friends, strive to establish who you are. Without becoming domineering, you should let them know what kind of person you are, so that you can fit into the group dynamic without violating your integrity. | |
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today: Sun in the 11th House, 11, activity period from 27 May 2012 until beginning of July 2012 | |
Other transits occurring today, for subscribers Moon Conjunction Chiron, exact at 06:36 Moon Square Jupiter, exact at 12:57 Moon Square Venus, exact at 16:02 Moon Trine Med.Coeli, exact at 07:24 Moon in the 6th House, from 23:49 Moon Square Saturn, exact at 23:32 Venus crosses the solar disk, exact at 18:31. Visible from Sacramento |
@ 9:09 PM ~ I had a pretty good day, did not meet the love of my life but I know she is around here on Earth somewhere.
Julian Jaynes and the Bicameral Mind Theory - YouTube bit.ly/MgfZ2s ~
On Why I Support Occupy Wall Street Protestors via @Peta_de_Aztlan wp.me/prH9G-88
4/26/2011 VIDEO 39:27 Carl Jung: Face to Face [FULL INTERVIEW] ~ bit.ly/pRTV6v ~ To know God is beyond belief in God
I finally got my new upgraded phone and I love it. I will need to learn more about it. Need to go see Brother Gallo tomorrow morning, maybe see Marcos too.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
@ 6:02 AM ~ I naturally woke up exactly at 5 PM. I need to get into a good consistent sleep routine. We do not usually need more than 6 hours of sleep. Of course, this can vary with one's general health condition. Time for my morning vitamins.
I know of the trinity of mind, body and soul and try to keep a balance in all three realms of life. Sometimes being off-balance can be a blessing. Who always has perfect balance? Being off-balance for a moment can help make us aware of where improvement is needed in our lives.
Personal Daily Horoscope of Wednesday, 6 June 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951 ~
Distorted views ~ Weak, transient effect: Today during the day fancies and illusions may become more important than reality. With some people this takes the form of simple daydreams, which are not likely to be a problem. After all, daydreaming is quite harmless. This is not a good time to make decisions or to embark upon a course of action that requires clear thinking. Subconscious influences are often very strong during this time, and they can distort your views in just about any area. Old points of view, habits picked up in childhood, prejudices - all can mislead you under this influence. People with an alcohol or drug problem may have difficulty with this influence. It gives everyone a strong desire to leave the real world, which strengthens some people's dependence on drinking or drug taking. The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Moon Square Neptune, , exact at 15:11
active only on 6 June 2012
Other transits occurring today, for subscribers
Moon Sextile Sun, exact at 19:33
Moon Opposition Uranus, exact at 03:54
Moon Trine Mars, exact at 23:25
Same lunar phase as natal (Capricorn), exact at 07:08
@ 7:02 AM ~ From your beingness learn to go with the flow, staying consciously aware of your beingness and knowing in what direction you are going. Follow no one else once your know your own course, but be open to taking needed directions. Many are lost and just faking it. When you are fully awake, stay conscious of your own beingness. Feel your being. Appreciate this exquisitely magical moment. Do not rush mindlessly into the day, rushing is part of the disease. Ease into the day. Of course, use the wisdom of common sense. Stay aware in your beingness. Awareness is superior to any concept of consciousness. Be aware of breathing in-and-out. Keep your own pace. Do not allow others to rush you. They are in their own time, you are in your own lifetime. Live your life!
Consciously work on your own Inner Liberation as you strive for Global Liberation. Get rid of your own character defects. Life is about building up and strengthening your true Inner Character, raising self-esteem and helping others as you can. Being alive takes energy. Avoid like the plague energy vampires that are injurious to the soul's work. Use energy wisely. Take the time to examine your energy expenditures. Use energy to pursue quality education and self-enlightenment. Don't waste it!
@ 11:37 PM ~ Got my Monthly Bus pass today, so I got that out of the way.
Went to go see Gallo today and did this Video I posted onto YouTube >
6/6/2012 VIDEO 4:29 Mike K. AKA Gallo ~On Survival Today ~ http://bit.ly/MJ10ou ~ VIA
Plus, we had a little Sidewalk Sale today from of the Shasta Hotel here this afternoon that was cute. Plus, my friend and sister Linda came by. She actually went to the procedure here and visited for a few minutes in my room AKA bunker.
The day has gone by quick. Did not get much else done, but I am OK with that. I am learning better how to handle any passing anxiety with a reminder about my being in my beingness. I am a being, not a doing. Being conscious of my being, I daily work on my Inner Liberation, as I advocate Global Liberation in my own way. I am not a plump Buddha on a hill contemplating my navel. I daily handle my own mental-spiritual-psyche issues. Almost midnight before I turn into a pumpkin. Blessing to all and to all a good night.
~ From Sacramento, California with Love
Friday, June 8, 2012
@ 9:33 AM ~ Guess I did not get around to checking in here yesterday. Time just slips through my fingertips. Felt a little spacey yesterday, don't know it is was the stars or a little sleep deprivation. Last night I woke up around 2 AM, heard what sounds like children on a field trip, then it went away. Went back to sleep and just got up around 4: 30 AM, did my wholistic morning prayer, took a shower, made some coffee + got some coffee from K Street Mini-Mart. My friend here Dave S. gave me a little coffee pot which does the job. So I can nurse my caffeine addiction. My bad.
Life is often a matter of adjusting to changing circumstances and readjusting. Going with the flow of life and not drowning.
@ 10:20 PM ~ Earlier today I had diarrhea. Might of had some bad milk from little containers I got from K Street Mini-Mart. Feel better now. This afternoon I laid down for awhile. Later on, Brother Gallo and I met at Cesar Chavez Plaza Park and checked out Friday Night Concert with Mumbo-Gumbo. There are usually a lot of really beautiful women there, which is good for the eyes.
VIDEO 39:27 Carl Jung: Face to Face [FULL INTERVIEW] ~ bit.ly/pRTV6v ~ To know God is beyond belief in God.
LONG VIDEO 1:04:12 2012 ~ The Mayan Word ~ bit.ly/Mvo6P7 ~ + 2012mayanword.blogspot.com ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
#OWS On the Occupy Movement Today Posted on 06/08/2012 ~ http://wp.me/prH9G-8i ~
Tomorrow is the Sabbath, my favorite day of the week!
Sabbath, June 9, 2012
@ 8:52 AM ~ I got up around 5 AM. Made some coffee here, then went and got two more cups at the K Street Mini-Mart. Yes, coffee is one of my addictions, it helps to give me a boost in the mornings, the same as millions of other folks around there world.
It seems about every day there is one manic or another shouting and screaming to himself out on K Street. It is a sign of the general insanity in the USA. I am not sure how it is in other countries. A lot of folks are just losing their self-composure. The vast insecurity that pervades the country, esp. among those who have no tangible that life will get better for them.
Sometimes I do wonder what good my presence online does, whether those of us who are online activists make any difference in the world. If we do I wonder how much impact we really have on the world. In many ways, it is about reaching out to others, sharing information and hoping that it will help influence people to get involved and make it a better world. One must be self-motivated.
Personal Daily Horoscope of Saturday, 9 June 2012 for Peter Lopez,born 15 November 1951 | |
Emotional encounters ~ | |
During this time your emotional experiences are much more intense than usual, which is reflected in the kinds of people and situations that you are drawn to. For example, you may draw in unusually intense or powerful people who have a strong effect upon you. Very often through your emotional encounters with these people, you experience moods and feelings that are quite different from your "normal" self. You may ask if this is really you, it seems so different. And you may also desire something that belongs to someone else, or you may desire greater control over something that is both yours and another's. In either case you must recognize that your attachment serves no real purpose and that it is a potential source of trouble. | |
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today: Moon in the 8th House, 8, from 17:24 activity period from 9 June 2012 to 11 June 2012 | |
Other transits occurring today, Mercury Square Jupiter, exact at 12:49 (L) Moon Sextile Chiron, exact at 13:36 Moon Sextile Med.Coeli, exact at 14:30 | |
Important long-term influences, for subscribers |
@ 9:23 ~ I am feeling better. Sometimes I can feel a depressed mood coming on so I try to change my focus, eat something I like and try to stay in a good spirit. I am truly blessed right now in my life and must keep that in mind no matter what mood I am in.
@ 11:32 PM ~ Went to SPCA Thrift store this afternoon, got a shirt, got out, got a Chinese meal, then came back to my bunker and napped. There was a Fiesta del Calle Concern at Cesar Chavez Park with Santana family there around 4 PM that I checked out. It was a surprise hearing about it from my Brother Bobby via mobile phone. It was cool. Took a few short videos. Bummer is that I cannot upload my Videos from here inside my bunker because of No Data Connection - Signal from inside here in my room.
Some of my many Tweets today ~
My Best Tweet Today: Bill Maher To OWS: ....Start Participating In The Political Process ~http://bit.ly/MvpJGk ~
I am VOTING for Peta Lindsay
I must obey the dictates of my own moral conscience and cannot Vote for Obama again. Fool me once and it's on me, not twice!
Now I am an independent voter and do not support the two-headed monster of traditional electoral politics in Amerika.
Presidential elections should be about more than choosing the lesser of two evils and sticking to the devil I know.
Obama has failed to live up to certain campaign promises he made to many people, he is not even a man of his word. http://wapo.st/LcxpB9 ~
Los Tijerinistas de La Hermandad - YouTube http://bit.ly/LcZybh
Sunday, June 10, 2012
@ 9:15 AM ~ I slept pretty well last night, which is truly a blessing. I went to bed to sleep around 1 AM and woke up on my own at 7 AM, so I got a good six hours sleep. We literally cannot live without sleep.
I have my CASA 12-Steps Meeting this evening at Salvation Army Homeless Shelter ~1200 North B Street ~Sacramento, California ~across from a Porn store.
On the personal side, if it is a side since I am pretty much living an Open Blog life, I have not had a steady girlfriend for a long time, but could not cope with a woman being around all the time, especially being a typer and often online. Plus, people often get on my nerves and have such irrelevant interests compared to mine.
All of us together can help save Mother Earth. None of us all alone. Learn the power of harmony and strength in solidarity! People of Earth, Unite!
Personal Daily Horoscope of Sunday, 10 June 2012
for Peter Lopez,
born 15 November 1951
| |
A kind of romanticism | |
Try to use today to get a clearer idea of where you are in your life and how well you have fulfilled your spiritual and material needs. In various ways your ideals will be appealed to today. Someone may request your help, or you may be called upon to work for others, with no direct or immediate benefit for you except for the satisfaction of doing good work. A kind of idealistic romanticism may be a factor in your relationships today, which is perfectly all right if it enables you to experience beauty. But do not let your idealism convince you that your loved ones are any more than ordinary humans. You are inclined to give way to others' demands and to put your own needs in second place. Make certain that the persons for whom you do this are worthy of your self-sacrifice. | |
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today: Sun Trine Neptune, , exact at 16:57 activity period from 9 June 2012 to 11 June 2012 | |
Other transits occurring today, for subscribers Mercury Square Venus, exact at 12:55 (L) Moon Square Mercury, exact at 09:59 Moon Trine Uranus, exact at 13:54 | |
Important long-term influences, for subscribers "Cooperation" (Sun in the 11th House) "Group relations" (Mercury in the 11th House)(L) "Easy company" (Venus in the 11th House)(L) |
@ 9:53 AM ~ I need to constantly be mindful, when I am mindful, of the need to keep my life as simple as I can and not complicated matters more than they already are. Sometimes it is good to be mindless and feel our own feelings without the constant chitter-chatter of internal dialogue.
Monday, June 11, 2012
@ 8:39 AM ~ I woke up a bit late, then I was up a bit late last night. Our CASA 12-Steps Meeting went well, a small group and I was blessed to have my Brother Bobby AKA Tata and Brother Mike K. AKA Gallo there. I know doing those meetings is helpful to some and it also helps me make it through the week.
Brother Bobby is in the Meeting Room right now and that is good. We have NA Meetings about every weekday at the Shasta Hotel.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
@ 8:38 AM ~ Did not sleep well. Went to sleep late, then we had a Fire Alarm here at the Shasta Hotel. We all had to get out of our room and got outside about close to 4 AM. Fortunately it was not too cold. It was a bit of a inconvenience. Apparently they do not even know why it happened. We had a Sacra Fire Truck here with a ladder extended a bit and others from here were out on the sidewalk. Just a reminder of how fragile our life situation can be when we think we are all safe and sound.
Life can be a delicate balancing act. Being conscious on the thinking level, aware of subconscious stuff beneath the conscious level that needs to come up and also aware of our beingness in connected reality. A lot of it does involve our conscious awareness of our beingness, letting thoughts flow without constant editing and being cognizant of what we transmit out to the world. Life is a balancing act between our Inner Being, the Outer World and this genera existence of Being in Connected Reality.
We should not assume that others know what we know, nor should we assume that others do not know what we know. In general, knowledge comes from our experience via our sense perceptions. It can be direct or indirect experience. Some people can see the same thing at the same time, yet have a completely difference experience of what they thought they saw. Many times it can be our pre-conceptions or prejudices that distort or alter what is perceived. Prejudice is a prejudgment. Many times people use the term prejudice, when they actually mean racist. The two terms are not necessarily the same.
Folks do not even want to discuss the reality of racism. Thus, it remains silently dwelling in the subconscious. You cannot get rid of racism by fucking it away with someone of a difference race. Crude but true. It takes cultural understandings. What we know of as racism is like an invisible demon that divides our truly coming together in unity as humane beings. Trust and believe, racism is not the monopoly of so-called White people. It is deep and pervasive in all so-called races. White racism remains a major obstacle to Unity among progressive peoples in the United States, along with other factors. We cannot get rid of racism by legislation, intimidation or any other dynamic under a System that incorporates Institutionalized Racism. It is the System that must be transformed as it continues to mass produce new narrow-minded racists every day. The goal is to become more and more conscious of what is going on in our Collective Subconscious. Words none dare type. Yes, we are all human-beings or human-animals, but we are not all necessarily Humane. There is a qualitative difference!
@davidicke Even the so-called New World Order is the ancient quest of Evil Men for World Domination. What's new about that?
@davidicke The fascinating beauty of People is our great diversity in cultures, languages and interests. We are
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
@ 8:21 AM ~ I woke up about 7 AM. I slept pretty well. Called Gallo and told hm that I would be over this Friday to do another Video. I do not want to feel obligated for any weekly event, other than my little CASA 12-Steps Meeting. I am trying to keep my spirit up and not dive into any kind of major depression. Sometimes the folks around me or so wrapped up in their little lives and care so little about the rest of the larger humanity that just being around them can bring me down. Alas, we are where we are and the struggle goes on.
@margodelagarza Yes, I love TED Talks LINK: http://www.ted.com/ ~ Ideas worth spreading ~ Influencing Consciousness
Our attempts to define Consciousness is like trying to define God, we do not have a complete definition. It is still being defined. Consciousness is all so complex that we often need to settle for a relative simple definition just so we can analyze it. Maybe we get to the point where we no longer even require a complete definition ~just work with what we know. There are different kinds and levels of consciousness. Cosmic, biochemical, global, personal and others. All remains relative.
I know the goal of psycho-analysis is to help make the subconscious conscious, for us to know who we are on a conscious level. I try not to think in absolutes. I cannot know everything nor I wonder if there is a God if He can know everything or wants to. I myself am interested in mass consciousness ~ what is the level of consciousness of people on a mass level? With Internet Power we get an approximate glimpse of mass consciousness, then there is the collective subconscious. Via the Internet we type words, make videos and input images in attempts to try to at least influence mass consciousness. Consciousness is immediate awareness of our beings, it enlightens the soul, stimulates the senses and activates emotions. There are no absolute formulas for defining consciousness. It is complex, interconnected and still evolving. Its own master. Consciousness alone is not enough, it must bring results in terms of enlightened actions. Consciousness creates consciousness. Consciousness is a lot more than the endless accumulation of knowledge. It is not content with enough. It always wants more. For us to attempt to raise consciousness we must have a keen awareness of our own level of consciousness. Where are our heads at?
We want to raise consciousness up into higher levels of understanding so that together we can change and influence the world. Do we not? We will always end up frustrated if we endlessly seek final answers, final conclusions or think we ever know it all. We need to raise and expand collective consciousness, as we continue to elevate and expand our own individual consciousness. We need to question our assumptions, let go of any kind of intellectual arrogance. Admit we are completely ignorant of all we do not know.
Who let all these tyrants get to the top of the State Power pyramid? Who allows them to stay 'in power and secure'? Is it all that simple? All this talk of overthrowing the government, of getting rid of the 1% and little discussion about what to install in its place. All these socialist revolutions seem to have merely replaced one set of tyrants for another set of tyrants, often first in disguise. WE should take the time to stop and consider what are our true motives in being involved in social activism. Is it the will to power?
Clearly, any relevant revolution must begin within ~we must overthrow the bulk of our own character defects, our own personal shortcomings. Social animals tend to look for the cause of their problems outside of themselves, not taking personal responsibility for what is here now. Who allows these fascist pigs and fanatical fools to stay 'in power and secure'? What is our role in the general situation?
Daily we must do our own Personal Inventory, take stock of our situation, what is worthy of space on our shelves, what has become useless we need to toss out? We need to change what we can within ourselves. Take a good look at our personal relationships. Engage in self-criticism. Real life is more complex than the 99% vs. the 1%, the good guys vs. the bad guys, cowboys vs. the Indians! Look within. All of us exist in the matrix of connected reality, we are all connected together in the matrix of life. Examine it. The radicals of today must dig out the roots of the Evil Empire to get to the bottom of it all. What have we absorbed without consciousness? If consciousness of what we are facing in real life does not make you radical, then you really need to keep your eyes wide open. Yes, there is real evilness in the world, Yes, there is a real Evil Empire secretly controlled by the Satanic genius of evil. Yes, knowledge is power, but giving out information is not enough. True wisdom is applied knowledge in the world. We are beings, not doings. After we understand the business of our beingness we can better go out into the world and transform it. In this business of life seeking liberation, you must come to a firm decision to go all the way, use any tactic or stay a slave. There are polarizing forces in the world, classes at war. locked into conflict by the economics of life. Each of us must decide where we stand. If I did not believe in exhausting peaceful methods of struggle I would not even be online. We need to educate to liberate! I already give the CIA Updates via my Facebook Account where my Twitter posts go. They know where I am. No fear here.
After the General Strategy has been understood by the intelligent commander, the tactics applicable to his situation are the products of his imagination alone. All I can offer is a particular prescription for a particular ailment, it's up to you to take your own medicine or not. Free Will.
Personal Daily Horoscope of Wednesday, 13 June 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951
Sobriety and stability Valid during several months: You are satisfied with reliable, stable relationships at this time and do not make unrealistic demands on others. You recognize that your loved ones are human, and you ask only that they live up to their obligations and you will do the same in return. This is a good time to discuss any problems that may have arisen with a relationship, because your sense of reality is strong and you can be objective. Relationships that begin under this influence are characterized by sobriety and stability. They may not be demonstrative, but there is a steadiness of feeling that enables them to survive when others fail. Often such a relationship occurs because of practical rather than romantic considerations, but this does not weaken it. The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Venus Trine Saturn, , exact at 18:28
activity period mid-April 2012 until mid-July 2012
Other transits occurring today, for subscribers
Mercury Square Saturn, exact at 01:39 (L)
Venus Sextile Ascendant, exact at 16:26 (L)
Mercury in the 12th House, from 04:01 (L)
Moon Opposition Neptune, exact at 14:06
Moon Trine Pluto, exact at 16:14
Moon Sextile Moon, exact at 18:06
Moon Square Uranus, exact at 00:28 Important long-term influences, for subscribers
"The emotional consequences" (Venus Opposition Mercury)(L)
"The life of the party" (Venus Sextile Ascendant)(L)
"Easy company" (Venus in the 11th House)(L)
Thursday, June 14, 2012
@ 7:12 AM ~ I am up and online. Went to bed real early last night. I slept pretty well and pretty long. I am suppose to go to Guest House today to see about my Meds and stuff. So that will be a treat. Called Guest House as I am not sure if my appointment is today or not nor what time it is. That's my fault.
My duty is to share the truth as I know it ~not convince or try to recruit anyone. I count on your own native intelligence. We are truly blessed with Global Communication via Internet Power with the potential to reach out to the world. Why do so many post such irrelevant bullshit? One of our main concerns should be helping to get others online via the Internet + computer literacy. Many activists confuse their experience being online with the experiences of others who are not online. Thus, there is a big connect between those Online and those Offline ~huge gap in our mutual understanding.I am VOTING for Peta Lindsay
Friday, June 15, 2012
VOTE for Peta Lindsay
@ 9:30 PM ~ Went over Gallo's today and did a few Videos. Links Below >
6/15/2012 VIDEO 4:48 ~ Freedom is An Inside Job (1/3) ~ http://bit.ly/LTLDIt ~
6/15/2012 VIDEO 3:34 Freedom is An Inside Job (2/3) ~ http://bit.ly/LTMLvr ~
6/15/2012 VIDEO 2:59 Freedom is An Inside Job (3/3) ~ http://bit.ly/LTN9KD ~
@ 10:18 PM ~ This first half of the month has gone by quick enough. Tomorrow will be a hot day so I want to get up early and head out to the store. I love the morning time. The day is young, the air is fresh and each morning gives us a fresh new start on life.
As any dear reader may notice, I have learned to be pretty open in my communications. Sometimes this could be a little scary, putting my stuff out here and all, including my fears and worries. Nevertheless, I really know and believe that it is healthy for us to open up, share our concerns with others and not be in a constant censor mode. One thing among many other things that are wrong with the world is that people tend to be sly, secretive and withdrawn when it comes to sharing with others, esp. about our insecurities. I have learned over the years of my sharing stuff online that there are many many people who appreciate when someone has the balls to just put all this stuff out here without hangups. We have learned to believe that keeping stuff to ourselves, keeping our wallet closed and being secretive is smart. Yes, there is such a thing as common sense, but many have gotten to the point where they do not even trust anyone, often not even the one they are sleeping with at night!
Oh well. Tomorrow is a brand new day! Time for another Blogpost for the 2nd half of June.
Venceremos! Che Peta
Barack Tse-Tung: The Dictator 'N Chief Has Arrived! - YouTube http://bit.ly/LtJpLs
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Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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