Thursday, May 31, 2012

Online Journal: May 16-31, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
@ 8:55 AM ~ I need to be mindful of the importance of balance, of paying attention to the existential moment and being willing to bend to others without compromising principles. I live in the world of connected reality, as horrid as it can be, it also has its beauty. I am just trying to survive in this dog-eat-dog world, while still holding onto my sanity, my humanity and this sense of serenity I feel here now.

Bouncing out from my beingness there are matters I need to attend to today, without getting caught up in any insanity instigated by others. The truth is people I deal with in person often make me manic and get on my nerves. So many are so caught up in their own little world they fail to be concerned about the larger global world and the sufferings of the broad masses on Earth.

I need to be a better brother and friend to others beyond my immediate existential situation. Sometimes I need to get out of myself and compromise in relation to what I want to do in order to do what I need to do, especially in relation to others. So many do not listen because they think they have it all figured out.

Thursday, May 17, 2012
@ 9:42 AM ~ I am alive and well. Paid my Internet bill with AT&T yesterday of $60+. Plan to go see Sister Diana today out in Del Paso Heights. There is suppose to be Demonstration at the State Capitol led by Brother Al Rojas. I will, as usual, go with the flow, attract the positive and avoid the negative.

Friday, May 18, 2012
@ 12:02 PM ~ I become more radical each new day, if that is possible. The Fascist Forces of oppression, repression and manipulation become more and more insidious in our lives, even impacting the airwaves. I need to get out of my bunker here for awhile. Let my Spirit guide!

@ 9:24 PM ~ When I take the time to come here when I am on the Internet and post here it is like checking in with myself. It helps to keep me grounded, lets me know that I am OK enough to type up a few thoughts.

I finally went to go visit Sister Diana out in Del Paso Heights. Actually she is not too far in, but far enough for me. I do not really favor the area because it is an area I use to haunt in my past dope fiend times with all its related darkness. Heard a dope deal in the Liquor Store when I bought a Diet Pepsi, then across the street an older blonde hooker wanted to know if I wanted a date and said we could to go her apartment. I told her I did not have the cash but that I would keep her in mind. I never have paid for sex with a prostitute directly, but oh I did pay for women indirectly, especially with a few crazy ones who lived with me. Some women can be so hard to get, then so hard to get away from. All in all, I am glad I am single, am open to a new healthy intimate relationship with a fine woman, but will not put all my eggs into one basket ever again. So I am glad I live alone here at the Shasta Hotel out of harm's way.

Anyways, I may check out a downtown Church that Sister Diana mentioned with a Bishop named Cornell Lovelace. I am sure no relation to Linda Lovelace. Regular churches turn me off when they only focus on the Holy Bible on Sundays and ignore the connected realities that are happening all over the world. As Marx said, religion can be the opiate of the masses.

Link ~

THE CATHEDRAL ~ 1228 23rd Street (at 23rd and Capitol) ~ Sacramento, CA 95816
Phone:  916.441.3305 ~ FAX:  916.441.3315

I still appreciate peopleship with others who are dedicated humane Christians. By definition a Christian should be humane ~ should be a humane being with care, concern and compassion for all living beings. It is hard to try to convince people of their own need to be truly humane regardless of religion or ideology.

My Mom was born June 27, 1931 and died March 3, 1991 ~ got the Info from my Niece Sabrina via Facebook.

Sabbath, May 19, 2012
@ 10:38 AM ~ Slept a bit restless last night, but I am good. Just glad I do not need to go out to the tomato fields.

@ 11:00 AM ~ I am really like how my collages impact on the conscious level and influence subconscious stuff in ways that we are not fully conscious of being subconscious. Certain images can bring reminders of other images, thoughts and memories.

@ 6:30 PM ~ My Brother Bobby AKA Tata came by earlier. It was a good short visit. We discussed an Elders Interview he wants to do as part of a project he is working on. It is always good to meet with him when we both are in sober good spirits. Him and I sure had our insane drinking times.

For now I just want to make it to my Eight Years of Sobriety on June 24, 2012. Then I will feel free to have an occasional drink of alcohol without the fear of slipping into a hard core relapse from sobriety with a regular recovery program. I am into Progressive Recovery Now!

I want to live as free as possible with a minimum of stuff that I have to do. There is a lot more to life than just staying sober all the time awaiting the next chip. I certainly cannot stomach the regular A.A. and N.A. Meetings with the absolutism of not ever having a drink of booze again the rest of my life. So for now I will just do what I do and take life as it comes one day at a time. Nada mas ahora.

A lot of my personal problems now are in the mental/spiritual/psyche area of life, if they can even be called a problem or disorder, it is kind of like a 'condition'. I know we do not change the essence of a matter by merely calling it something else, but some stuff is just so much ado about nothing of any real import in the vast scheme of cosmic stuff.

I need to understand myself more in order to have a good understanding of why I got caught up in the insanity of my past. There are so many factors that, as a cumulative effect, results in one becoming a drunken dope fiend. I know it is not just the dope and booze. It is attached to deeper problems involving the psyche, self-esteem and life relationships in general.
VIDEO 26:15 ~ May 18, 2012 ~ American Spring: The Documentary ~ ~
VIA @RT_com #OWS See it~Be it~RT it

Published on May 18, 2012 by

Even the cold early spring of 2012 could not deter Occupy Wall Street (OWS) activists in New York city. People from different backgrounds continue to come out onto the streets. The agenda driving all the protesters remains the same: income inequality, corruption among banks and multinational corporations, foreclosures, climate change, police brutality and above all, the need to get together and talk in person -- not just via mobile phones. It is all about the courage of ordinary men and women to tell the truth to those who hold power.

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RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
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@  10:01 PM ~ Time for my Medication ~ Two 25MG of Seroquel for total of 50MG. Should sleep well tonight. Last night woke up several times. Sometimes at night with my ADHD tendency I can forget whether I took it or not. I have been taking only 25MMG at night as I am running low. Plus I still feel funny about taking it, like it is a sign of  weakness, but it does help me sleep better.

Good News! My Amigo Gallo AKA Mike moved into GM. He is my good Amigo, confidante and kind of a sponsor for me. I am glad he moved back down from the up in the hills. He can be more useful for the Liberation Movement down here.

My Friend Gilbert V. came from Room 514 above to discuss a matter. He will be fine. I try not to make folks worry about stuff when there is no need. So much in life we have really no control over. I need to go up and visit him one of these days, i would call first.

Well that is it from me for here for today. Time to drift off to dreamland.

Sunday, May 20, 2012
@ 9:46 PM ~ I was out getting a cup of coffee earlier. Saw a Sister Sherry I knew from before. She is going through another homeless period and lost her purse. Chronic homelessness or even periodic homelessness can be such a drag, usually indicative of deeper stuff going on. Been there, done that.

Changing Sky ~Where are the Planets today?
Transits are the movements in the sky, and they are so crucial to Astrology and our everyday horoscopes -- that’s because transits help shape the conditions all around us! Here, we’ll explore the meaning of each planet according to the sign it's in right now.

The Moon tile glyph.The Taurus tile glyph.

Moon in Taurus

May 17, 2012 to May 20, 2012
The Sun tile glyph.The Gemini tile glyph.

Sun in Gemini

May 20, 2012 to Jun 20, 2012
The Mercury tile glyph.The Taurus tile glyph.

Mercury in Taurus

May 8, 2012 to May 24, 2012
The Venus tile glyph.The Gemini tile glyph.

Venus in Gemini

Apr 3, 2012 to Aug 7, 2012
The Mars tile glyph.The Virgo tile glyph.

Mars in Virgo

Nov 10, 2011 to Jul 3, 2012
The Jupiter tile glyph.The Taurus tile glyph.

Jupiter in Taurus

Jun 4, 2011 to Jun 11, 2012
The Saturn tile glyph.The Libra tile glyph.

Saturn in Libra

Jul 21, 2010 to Oct 5, 2012
The Uranus tile glyph.The Aries tile glyph.

Uranus in Aries

Mar 11, 2011 to May 15, 2018
The Neptune tile glyph.The Pisces tile glyph.

Neptune in Pisces

Feb 3, 2012 to Mar 30, 2025
The Pluto tile glyph.The Capricorn tile glyph.

Pluto in Capricorn

Nov 26, 2008 to Mar 23, 2023

The above is a good chart to have for future reference. Certainly it is common sense that the planets above have powerful affects on life on Earth.

@ 10:07 AM ~ I need to stay conscious and know when  to let go of a OCD trait. I was trying to bold all of the chart above, but it is in a table so I am had some difficulty in bolding all of it. This kind of stuff can be real time consuming, especially trying to have stuff perfect, which is often an illusion anyways. Over time I have learned to be real careful about what I am doing and try to be mindful at all times. Sometimes it is good just to be aware and not get an anxiety attack about petty insignificant stuff. Still.... it bugs me!

@ 11:02 PM ~ Well I made it through another day sane and sober. We had a small CASA 12-Steps Meeting earlier this evening, one brother and two sisters, plus myself. I always say, wherever two or more are gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Sometimes I feel the need for more spiritual protection in my life. There are evil dark forces in the world ~be they distant or be they near. There are vibes full of murderous vibes that come from the darker areas of the psyche-soul. I may have enemies that I am completely unaware of in the world. We all need to express ourselves, some are better at expressing themselves than others. This could be a cause for jealousy in the hearts of some. We will pray for them. We should pray for all those who are held back by their own inner fears from seeing the truth of connected reality. Tomorrow we will be blessed with a fresh start!

Monday, May 21, 2012
@ I am alive and well. Slept pretty good. Staying busy. We will see what revelations today brings!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
@ 1:08 PM ~ Another day here and blessed to be online. I try to raise consciousness as I can. In order to raise consciousness we need to relate to the people's present level of consciousness, not get too far ahead. We must continually raise our own consciousness by reflecting, studying and being thirsty for knowledge.  Knowledge is power. The outer world is in deep trouble, many stay with the aches of hunger while the evil 1% live lives of glorious luxury. There is an inner world within us on an individual existential level that may be in need of inner healing. We have the humane right to heal. The 'problem' is not just 'out there' in the outer world, for the outer world affects our inner world. Much damage came  from childhood. We need to strive to fully understand ourselves, though this cannot be done to any absolute degree. We ourselves are evolving. Global revolution would be a great leap forward in our collective evolution. It cannot be global under the present Amerikan Empire. Some of us may not live long enough to see Global Revolution, but with vision we can see it on the horizon on a clear day.

We need to see ourselves as individuals involved in what is actually a Global Revolutionary Movement for peace, justice and democracy. How can we know peace if we have always been in a world at war? Peace must first blossom within our soul. It is what we feel, not think. Between here and death, we must make peace with ourselves, with our families and in our relationships. Settle disagreements. Let go of petty resentments. Be mindful in your communications. Strive to nurture healthy and wholesome personal relationships.

Learn to be alone with yourself in quiet solitude. Ponder upon practical matters in your life that you may have neglected. Do not be afraid of being all alone on an existential level. Know who you truly are in your aloneness. Know yourself to better know others. Know when to stop and be at peace with yourself.

Be in the quintessence of your own beingness. Be a being, not a doing. You do not need to justify your existence by always being busy doing something, anything, being busy to be seen as 'busy'. Before you rush of being busy in the world, take a quiet moment to consider what kind of being do you want to be? Are you a humane being? You have a humane right to be, just to be you, not who others or what others what you to be. This life belongs to you, no one else. What did you ever want to be ~ in your deepest dream ~ that you have not been? Look around you, who really stands in your way? Know yourself well. Be an expert on you. What are your deepest drams? What are your hidden fears? Who are you when you're all alone?

Be involved in positive progressive activism because you want to help and be the best you can be, not out of any guilt trips of any kind. Be involved in the Liberation Movement because it brings meaning and purpose into your life. We are all in this life together. Life should have more meaning than just another paycheck, just another meal, just another day without being killed.

Video: Anonymous - What we are capable of - pm2012

Uploaded by on Jan 25, 2012
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Category:Nonprofits & Activism

Wednesday, May 23, 2012
@ 7:58 PM ~ Another day has swiftly gone by. I am doing some studying and researching online to help me better understand about what the hell has happened to the world economy.

VIDEO 26:15 ~ May 18, 2012 ~ American Spring: The Documentary ~ ~ VIA @RT_com #OWS

VIDEO Documentary: Inside Job ~ ~@lelaissezfaire 12/14/2011

VIDEO 6:42 ~ 50 years of Amnesty International ~ ~VIA @AmnestyOnline #EducateToLiberate

Maybe I am naive or maybe it is my universalizing my own personal direct experience. I truly believe that the more we share Global News and Information with others online with Internet Access the more we can help make the whole world more knowledgeable and in a way safeguard ourselves on an individual basis. At least, I feel that I am helping in my own small little way.

On Twitter @Peta_de_Aztlan I now have 1,924 Followers and only Follow 99 Twitter Accounts in honor of the 99%. Those I Follow are mainly Global News Sources. So I know that folks are not simply Following me because I Follow them. I do try to respond to mentions when I feel it is called for and necessary, especially questions.

On a personal note, I had to re-schedule by Dr. appointment for next week to get a referral to another eye doctor to see about my cataracts and eventually to get a new pair of glasses. I need to take better care of myself and my own health care needs.

Thursday, May 24, 2012
@ 9:54 AM ~ Did not sleep well last night. I am thankful I do not have to go out and function at a regular job. These days I have the freedom to catnap when I want to, though, I do not like to just waste time in my life by sleeping it away. Good sleep is essential for good health.

My next Appointment at Molina Clinic is next Tuesday to get my  Eye Referral. I must not miss this one and still need to re-schedule for Dental Appt. with SNAHC. I guess Memorial Day is coming up next Monday, need to keep that in mind in making appointments and stuff.

Today I have 7 Years & 11 Months off of getting drunk off alcohol.  Guess I will keep doing the deal one day at a time. My sobriety date of alcohol is 6/24/2004 ~ plus over 10 years off of shooting up crank. In real ways, my whole falling into drug addiction was the times in my life and being overwhelmed by fascist forces and negative influences. Plus, I focus more nowadays on my wholistic health as a humane being existing in the mind-body=soul trinity. Regular AA and NA Groups can be such cults, especially the apathy many folks have in r recovery  to social-global solutions to remedying the situations that made us want to escape via dope and booze.

Friday, May 25, 2012
@ 9:51 AM ~ The weekend is upon us. I have already been to the K Street Mini-Mart for Coffee, but plan to go get another cup now. I am doing good research, good sharing of information and expanding my online presence. I know there are other matters to attend to and need to just work harder and smarter. I slept pretty well last night without any meds. though I am still a bit sleepy. Hope to level out in a state of good equilibrium as times goes by.

@ 11:24 PM ~ I treated myself and went to a movie around the corner at the Crest Theater and saw When You Hear My Voice ~ it was interesting, but go boring at times. Interesting ideas about cultism with science fiction thrown in around it. SOUND OF MY VOICE ~ ~

Personal Daily Horoscope of Friday, 25 May 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951

The complete picture This is an excellent day to be with friends. You have a strong desire to be included in something larger than yourself, to participate in group consciousness and activities. Today you are able to work harmoniously with others, because you see that your own benefit is derived from that of the group. This is also a good time to reflect on your life and to examine your goals and ideals. Your idealism will probably be strong, but instead of blindly assuming that everything will work out ideally, you should make a general review of your plans for the future, working very carefully toward attaining your ideals. Also you put all the disparate parts of your life together into a complete picture, so that you can understand the whole.

Tweets from Today ~
Review VIDEO: 12/24/10~2:11:57 ~David Icke ~Secrets Of The #Matrix [Part 1] - Full Version ~ ~

Mass Psychology of Amerikan #Fascism has penetrated deep into the Psyche of the American people who now repress themselves.

Mass Psychology of Amerikan #Fascism requires instilling the need for parental figures AKA The Founding Fathers.

Mass Psychology of Amerikan #Fascism is indoctrinated into psyche of American people from childhood on. Respect Authority!

The terms Psychological Warfare and Spiritual Warfare can be interchangeable in a given context. Psyche= Spirit

#Research: 13 Bloodlines of The Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier ~ ~ #Illuminati #Global #Fascism

Amerikan Fascism involves the science of control, art of wielding authority, mass mind manipulation and fascist media control.

We cannot have a complete definition of fascism ~ it is still 'in the process' of refining, developing, expanding,deepening.

Three faces of Amerikan Fascism: Out of Power and Insecure ~ In Power and Secure ~ In Power and Insecure

Sabbath, May 26, 2012
@ 7:02 ~ Woke up around 4:30, took a shower, made Coffee Made in Egypt and has a bowl of Raisin Bran. Was blessed to see a fine lady who stays here whom I hope to get to know better as time goes by as at least a causal friend. Learning this morning VIA YouTube.

12/24/2010 VIDEO 2:53:42 David Icke -Big Brother, The Big Picture -Full Version~>/b> ~VIA WakeUpCall4World

Sat, 5/26/2012 ~Expose #Bilderberg 2012 Itinerary: Full Details for Next Week’s Historic Protest ~ ~ #Global #Fascism

VIDEO 12/25/2010 ~2:24:49~ David Icke @davidicke - Freedom or Fascism 1/3 - Full Version ~ ~ #GlobalFascism

Sunday, May 27, 2012
@ 9:24 AM ~ Did not sleep too well last night. I am seeing if I can learn to get by without my Seroquel. I want to use other forms of therapy and healing for my diagnosis of bi-polar and my other disorders.

I lot of life comes down to our just taking care of our health in general, as a triune being in the mind-body-soul realms of existence. I am convinced that the so-called U.S. government is utterly insane, inhumane, corrupt and rotten to the core. The U.S.A. Government is really a rogue regime and there is really no participatory democracy in Amerika. It's all rigged. The U.S. government as a rogue regime is controlled by corporate monopoly capitalist ruling powers, not the people ruled by it. A lot of the positive changes we can do now is really changes in our own natural perception of what we see as 'reality' here now.

We need to utilize Internet Power to continue to share opinions, to communicate with one another and to raise Mass Collective Consciousness. This capacity to communicate on what is really a global level has never existed in our known history ~ Atlantis notwithstanding. We need to use Internet Power to help understand one another. Thus, I share what little I know and try to avoid trivial Tweets. It is true, we are at a very critical period in the life or our species ~ we are an endangered species. No joke!

We need to create and develop new vocabulary to describe new situations or better clarify what we are faced with here in connected reality. For example, if we are really in the United States, why do these states seem so terribly divided on so many levels in so many areas? Who has created all this division, who perpetuates all this hate? Who dares to question authority? Who profits from our misery? The USA is broke! Face connected reality! The US Rogue Regime does not have your best survival interests at heart. Congress is made up of millionaires. Ironically, those of us here in the USA are in the best global strategic position to create a new world. We do not need another puppet of the Illuminati in the White House. We need a new government, a new world, a new culture!

Just posting Tweets about how f--ked up life is in many spots is not enough. Posting News Links is not enough, though awareness is key. What are we doing on a personal existential level to help ourselves, to help the people, to help create a new world?!?!?!?!?! I have been posting News Articles and Links for over ten years online. I have a pretty good comprehension of the state of the world. It don't look too good! Many confuse their own personal direct experience with grand cosmic truth. Self-delusion in the extreme. Beware! The Internet has so many trolls, clowns and charlatans posing as 'Spiritual Leaders' it is disgusting. Thank God I am NOT a 'Spiritual Leader'. I  do not have an inflated ego on a good day, but I do have an ego. What great Dr. or 'expert' told you that the ego was bad, evil or should be ignored? Are they rich? Are you? Learn to break down and  define words. Do not be lazy and just accept other people's definitions for important words. Think for your own damn self!

Learn to distinguish between the self-esteem of a healthy ego and one suffering from the vanity of an inflated ego. Love you, be you. What we want is to help develop truly compassionate humane beings. Be humane ~ define humane. Be a humane being, not a frantic doing! Over and over again, I must remind you. You are a being, not a doing. Strive to be a humane being. We should all try to be the best humane being we can be ~ have genuine compassion for all living beings. Give a shit!

Do you want to transform the world you live in? Start by getting rid of any and all character defects, seek to work on personal shortcomings.

@DJWWW_ It is insane to think that if you and I do not exist ~ world ceases to exist. Over-rated consciousness. @davidicke @DeepakChopra

It is humane to be concerned with the least fortunate in the world, not cater to the middle-class for Votes. #Obama #Romney #Criminal #Politicians

Our basic survival needs remain the same: food, clothing, shelter, health care and good quality education. Life is an on-going struggle for survival for the 99%. #OWS Life is an on-going struggle for survival for the 99%. The 1% DO NOT GIVE A DAMN WHETHER YOU LIVE OR DIE. I have gotten wiser since 2008. I refuse to Vote for the lesser of two evils. It is still voting for evil. Same shit, different day.

I am not going to be constantly distracted by the Presidential Elections, as many Leftists and/or Liberals are. We will still be under #Corporate #Global #Fascism. Do not be constantly distracted from seeking total liberation by the media-movie of Global Corporate Fascism. #Illuminati #Bilderberg

I am 60 of your Earth years. It took a long time for me to disentangle myself from exclusively racial-ethnic identities. I strive to be ever more humane. I grow weary of telling folks that I am not a Native-American. I am a native Chicano indigenous to Aztlan, though 1st a humane being. I need to remind folks around me in my life that Indians are from India. I am a U.S. citizen by birth, not a typical Amerikan. I use to be a ranting and raving Left-wing lunatic, so I figure I am improving my self-identity as a humane being. It sadden me how folks find it so easy to hate and so terribly hard to love. We have been infected by hate. Pure Love is the key.

I sincerely believe that many Amerikans could be greatly helped by long-term personal counseling and positive group therapy. Amerika is a sick country. We cannot be cured, let alone healed, if we cannot admit to ourselves our culturally conditioned sickness.

Open CASA 12-Steps Meeting this evening at 7 PM ~ Salvation Army Shelter 1200 North B Street ~ Sacramento, California. We can be healed.

@ 11:47 PM ~ It can be a real thin line between ADHD and Multi-Tasking and being Scatter-Brained. For us, smile!
We had a pretty good CASA 12-Steps Meeting this evening. Went by Gallo's place at Globe Mills, checked it out and then we both went to the Meeting. It feels good to be around him, a kindred spirit.

Talked to Marlene M. about possible good dentist for me. I really want to get my teeth fixed so I am not so embarassed by them and can feel more confident  about my appearance when I smile. I really actually smile to smile, mainly spontaneous smiles. That is OK. BUTTT I would like to be able to talk to a strange woman without being inhibited behind my teeth or lack thereof. Oh hell, don't let me start bitchin'. I must and need to remain appreciative that I have been blessed by the Lord of Love!

VIDEO 2/14/2010~9:36~ Mysterious Deaths of #9/11 Witnesses (MUST SEE) ~ ~ #Investigate911

Tuesday, May 29, 2012
@ 11:01 AM ~ Avoid all forms of addiction, obsession and frozen fixation. Be here now in this magical moment ~ the infinite present. Some folks can be addicted, obsessed and/or fixated on a loved one. Is this harmful or helpful? Addiction results in harm. An addiction can be a thwarted desire for loving attention. Understand the spectrum of addiction. Learn to pay attention. Pay attention to your own existential beingness. Be one with yourself. Many are actually not being themselves. Many are being as 'others' want them to be ~are people pleasers who forget that is is healthy to please one's self within reason.

As a habit, I have programmed myself not to thoughtlessly use absolute terms: all, everything, nothing, nobody etc. Evil tyrants tend to think in terms of absolutes, living in constant fear and are inwardly insecure, no matter how much they own. Even the idea that 'everything' is relative is relative. We cannot comprehend 'everything'. Even absolute truth can be relative without an anchor, source or grounding truth. It can vary with the context of contents. I am alive is a relative absolute truth.On an existential individual level one's life is a temporary condition. Live life well.

We are each given one life to live with relative free will. How free is your will under Amerikan Fascism? How free is your life?

 @ 11:36 PM ~ REPORT: We to Molina Health Clinic on Marysville Blvd. Will have to wait for a couple of weeks until my Referral is cleared by the doctor to SSI, then to see another eye doctor about getting my cataracts worked on on my right eye. I supposedly have enough $$$$ to get my teeth done, but Heather with CEPS says I have to get an Invoice for stuff. So it is moving along as a snail's pace, but still in process.

Have News today about our Drone Czar Obama. The country is going to hell in a handbasket that has a lot of little holes in it. I believe we have millions now who are pissed off the way the country is gong and it is going to get a lot heavier and more intense in the times to come. I figure there are millions of at least liberal if not open progressive who are on the Internet for hours every day. Many of us are connecting up via Twitter, Facebook and other global platforms. Consciousness is growing more rapidly than I thought it would. I guess it is the exponential factor, stuff multiplying upon itself. I think and feel that people are just very unhappy about the way life is going. Many folks are worried about the state of the world and, for us in the USA, about the state of the economy and the regime that is suppose to be governing but cannot even get its acts together because it is a broken government.

Oh well. Life goes on within us and without us, but it goes on. Time for dreamland. Got Seroquel thanks to my companero. Nada mas ahora.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

@ 11:33 AM ~ Need to make a few phone calls today. Command your personal attention, educate to liberate yourself and others and take the time to share because sharing is caring. Many people are always trying to look busy doing stuff and forget they are actually living beings, not doings. Let not multi-tasking be a cover for being scatter-brained. Have you told your loved ones you love them today? Who do you love?

Thursday, May 31, 2012
@ 11:44 PM ~ Had a good visit today with  Brother Mike K. AKA Gallo. We have some great deep conversations that go far and wide. Last day of May. Tomorrow is a brand new day!

Tupac I Ain't Mad At Cha (Uncensored)

RIP Brother Tupac. We are still carrying on and I am just glad you lived for a time while I was alive. Hell, I was born  before you and you died before me. You are missed by many. I know there was so much potential you still had in  you and I wish you would of lived longer. Yes, life goes on within us and without us.

Twitter Link~

Humane Liberation Party Portal

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