Sunday, July 15, 2012

Online Journal: July 1-15, 2012 VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan

  @Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: Online Journal: July 1-15, 2012 VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ ~

Sunday, July 1, 2012
@ 9:35 AM ~ It is a brand new month, a fresh start and I am looking forward to making progress in my life this month. I sleep pretty well last night, feel refreshed and hope the day before me goes well.

Machine Elves 101, or Why Terence McKenna Matters | Reality Sandwich ~ ~

HELP-Matrix Blog: Ayahuasca From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ~ ~
VIDEO: Shamans of the Amazon ~ ~Uploaded by shaman1958 on 10/18/2006

VIDEO: Shamanism - Other Worlds - Ayahuasca Documentary > ~

VIDEO American Autumn: an Occudoc (full length) > ~VIA @OccupiedStories ~Published 6/27/2012 by ncftTV

@ 10:40 PM ~ We had several folks at our CASA 12-Steps Meeting. Brothers Bobby and Gallo were there and their presence always makes me feel better. I am mainly there  to help those who are homeless and seek to know more about recovery and healing. As I focus more in the area of helping those who have been long-term addicts, who now have an interest in recovery matters, I see how the actual drug addiction is merely the surface appearance of deeper and wider 'issues' in the soul of the psyche.
Personal Daily Horoscope of Sunday, 1 July 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951

Trivial pursuits ~
Valid during several weeks: Today, you are inclined to use your mind for leisure pursuits, such as reading for amusement, going to an art exhibit or concert or chatting with friends. Even though these activities seem somewhat trivial, they are an important part of your life, because they give you a chance to rest between heavier concerns. Do not hesitate to take the day off if you can, and simply relax and enjoy it. This influence is important in another way, for it puts you in touch with your feelings, especially those of love and friendship. It is important to know that these feelings are present in your life. In other words, even though days like today do not seem very significant, these are times that justify all the other more difficult ones. That is why they are important.

Monday, July 2, 2012
Personal Daily Horoscope of Monday, 2 July 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951

In good working order ~ ***
Valid during several days: This is a time of balance and equilibrium in your life, when all your affairs seem to run smoothly and without much effort on your part. It is a time when you can relax and take it easy for a while, knowing that your life is in good working order. This is also a time when growth seems to occur without much effort - growth in consciousness, in your social life or wherever you feel that personal growth is important.

But this is not really a time when you should just enjoy yourself. You should do that, to be sure, but you should also be examining your life to see what needs to be done. It is important to think this way now because the equilibrium that is characteristic of this period enables you to look about yourself with reasonable calm and detachment. It is much harder to achieve a perspective when you are in the middle of some major and possibly chaotic change.
This is a good time to achieve perspective in all possible senses of the word. It is a good time for education, either formal or informal, for getting in touch with yourself through self-awareness studies, or for seeing the larger world through travel. Business transactions or negotiations are also favored now. Legal affairs also usually run quite smoothly.

@ 7:58 AM ~ It is Monday morning. Good news! My Pulse VISA Card is finally in working order so I can withdraw cash and buy stuff I need or want. It is such a hassle having another agency or company being in charge of my own finances, but I need to suffer it for now and remain grateful for what allowances I am allowed. I feel a litle restless this morning. Could be the full Moon coming and affecting me already.

Date: Sat, July 14, 2012
Training the mind, opening the heart: Scientific findings from the study of intensive meditation

Time: 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Venue: Trinity Cathedral Church of Sacramento, 2620 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95816

This talk will summarize our ongoing investigation regarding the ways in which attentional, emotional and physiological processes are modified over the course of three months of intensive full-time training in meditative quiescence (Shamatha) and emotional balance (loving kindness, compassion, empathetic joy, and equanimity) taught by Alan Wallace, in a longitudinal randomized wait-list controlled study known as “The Shamatha Project.” Bio Clifford Saron, Ph.D., is an Associate Research Scientist at the Center for Mind and Brain and M.I.N.D. Institute at the University of California at Davis. (
Training the mind, opening the heart: Scientific findings from study of intensive meditation~Tibet House of California

Seek harmony with nature, remember that you yourself are a being in nature. Plan, plant, planet. Our Mother Earth is precious.

For me, Life in this lifetime is a double-helix on the axis of Being ~ Inner Liberation and Global Liberation ~Being in balance.

@ 10:51 AM ~ Clearly I hope we of Mother Earth can pull ourselves together in time to save all of us, all living beings, but we have far to go as an endangered species.

@ 3:23 PM ~ Here now in my bunker. Safe, sane and sound. I bought a new Nikon Camera-Cool Pix. Now I can take actual pictures, including Videos. This is a bit of a breakthrough for me after all this time. I have had a few before but they all got left in the past. Now I am living more and more in the present time.

I bought my July Light-Rail Monthly Pass, so I am cool as far as transportation via Bus and Light Rail. Went to Office Depot and got my camera. Came back into town, went to RiteAid, saw Sister Sherry and got her cell phone number, then after I left Rite-Aid, I met my Brother Bobby. We had lunch in that Chinese Restaurant on K Street than I had never been to before. So it has been a pretty good day. Oh yeah, I left a Voice Mail for Geri this morning. I have been negligent towards her and Rick, but sometimes they can be a real downer because they stay in such a toxic home situation. Time for a siesta.

@ 11:59 PM ~ Just taking a minute to check in. We must continue to work on our own self-esteem. No matter what we do or say we cannot please everyone nor should we try to be people pleasers.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Personal Daily Horoscope of Tuesday, 3 July 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951
Self-inquiry ~>Valid during several weeks: At this time you have to get in touch with your own subconscious mind, to find out how it directs your life in ways that you aren't aware of. Try to see how your actions may run counter to your conscious intentions. We all broadcast two kinds of signals to the outer world. One kind is what we think we are trying to do. The other kind, which are unconscious signals, tell people what we are really trying to do. If these two sets of signals do not coincide, it is not because you are intentionally trying to deceive, but you may confuse people or even worse, cause them to lose faith in what you are trying to do. This is not a time to be wrapped up in your ego. You must be prepared to acknowledge your faults and your virtues without fear or self-recrimination.
HELP-Matrix Blog: Bringing Sex out of the Closet by Robert Augustus Masters --> ~

Research: Psilocybin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia > + ~

@ 9:43 AM ~ I slept well last night. Went to the tiendita and saw a few friends, including Brother Michael Lewis. It was really good to see him. We use to be at Mather Community Campus together years ago. I have a lot of good memories from Mather, even getting married to Sheila Jarvis. I grew up a lot there spiritually. A lot has happened to met since 911. I have become more deeper and intense, yet  have gained more serenity in my life. I am at peace with myself. As usual, I need to continue to work on my personal health.

@ 2:00 PM ~ As usual these days, my morning whizzed by and I have not really done anything exceptionally productive. I will procrastinate a few things until after the 4th of July and deal with stuff on Thursday the 5th.

@ 7:15 PM ~ I went to Grocery Outlet this afternoon and got some comida to hold me over. I keep it simple. Got some torts, can of ham and a few other items.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012
~ Personal Daily Horoscope of Wednesday, 4 July 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951 ~

Hurtful argument ~** During this time you should be careful and keep a tight rein on yourself - especially if you are anyway of a spirited disposition. If you are after some kind of "conquest", it is quite possible that under this influence you ignore warning signs and advance too directly and abruptly. There is also the danger, at the moment, that you sense competition or opposition where there is none. If you are too sensitive and quick-tempered, take every criticism personally and react in an offended manner, then around every corner is an enemy, and every conversation can turn into an argument in which you finally - without reason and probably without conscious intent - hurt others and are presumably yourself hurt to the same extent. The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mars Square Chiron, , exact at 12:01 
activity period from 2 July 2012 to 6 July 2012

@ 8:14 AM ~ I am on my 2nd cup of cafe. Of course, today is the Celebration of July 4th in the colony known as the USA. It is not a nation, it is a colony under the Amerikan Empire.

July 4, 2012 ~ Life Transitions ~The Death and Rebirth of Self

Sometimes a part of us must die before another part can come to life.

Sometimes a part of us must die before another part can come to life. Even though this is a natural and necessary part of our growth, it is often painful or, if we don’t realize what’s happening, confusing and disorienting. In fact, confusion and disorientation are often the messengers that tell us a shift is taking place within us. These shifts happen throughout the lives of all humans, as we move from infancy to childhood to adolescence and beyond. With each transition from one phase to another, we find ourselves saying good-bye to an old friend, the identity that we formed in order to move through that particular time.

Sometimes we form these identities in relationships or jobs, and when we shift those areas of our life become unsettled. Usually, if we take the time to look into the changing surface of things, we will find that a shift is taking place within us. For example, we may go through one whole chapter of our lives creating a protective shell around ourselves because we need it in order to heal from some early trauma. One day, though, we may find ourselves feeling confined and restless, wanting to move outside the shelter we needed for so long; the new part of ourselves cannot be born within the confines of the shell our old self needed to survive. We may feel a strange mixture of exhilaration and sadness as we say good-bye to a part of ourselves that is dying and make way for a whole new identity to emerge in its place. We may find inspiration in working with the image of an animal who molts or sheds in order to make way for new skin, fur, or feathers to emerge. For example, keeping a duck feather, or some other symbol of transformation, can remind us that death and rebirth are simply nature’s way of evolving. We can surrender to this process, letting go of our past self with great love and gratitude, and welcoming the new with an open mind and heart, ready for our next phase of life.

@ 9:43 PM ~ Another quiet day.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

~ Personal Daily Horoscope of Thursday, 5 July 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951 ~

Seeking release ~Today may be surprising to you, or your actions may surprise others. The latter indicates that you are more in tune with your inner self, because the fundamental meaning of this influence is that you have a strong drive to seek release from your usual routines. The everyday patterns of your life will not adequately satisfy your needs today, and you will act in ways that are completely out of accord with your habits. The function of this energy is to introduce the element of liveliness on the everyday level in order to keep your life from settling down into a dreary, lifeless routine. Actions directed at breaking free are not a bad thing, as long as you are really trying to liberate yourself, but if this tendency is carried to excess you may be simply headstrong, impulsive and rash. The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Sun Conjunction Uranus, ,exact at 00:40 
activity period from 3 July 2012 to 6 July 2012

@ 5:56 ~ Got up around 5 AM. Sometimes I feel like there are invisible spirits around here. Maybe I am just being more aware, sensing what others do not seem to notice or it could be my active imagination.

@ 11:00 PM ~ A semi-productive day. Went to Loaves & Fishes today, stopped by the NA Meeting for awhile, then went to my Payee Agency CEPS. I left my package of saved receipts for Heather and my File there. Plus, let letter from SNAHC for my Dental Appointment check.

Did a little experimenting with my Nikon Camera. So far it seems that I can only do a short video of about 3+ minutes. This will not do for the kind of  Videos I want to do. Hopefully someday I will do a little Documentary. I imagine other folks are working on other kinds of documentaries. The more the merrier!

Friday, July 6, 2012
Personal Daily Horoscope of Friday, 6 July 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951 ~A defiant tone ~
Valid during several weeks: You identify very strongly with your ideas and opinions at this time, and you are rather inclined to be argumentative. If someone disagrees with you, it seems like a personal affront. You may get into pointless arguments by defending a position that doesn't need to be defended. You put forth your ideas with considerable vigor at this time, which may provoke others. Even your routine communications may take on a defiant tone, especially if you feel that others have had the upper hand at other times. On the other hand, if you have to "sell" an idea of yours to someone in your job or anywhere else, this is a good time to do it. As long as you refrain from giving people the impression that you are attacking them, you will impress them by the power with which you state your ideas. The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mars in the 3rd House,  3, activity period from 1 July 2012 until end of August 2012

@ 6:52 AM ~Maybe our lives are lived with a bunch of hidden codes behind them that we rarely or never see. The same as when I look at this page in Compose Mode, then Click HTML and see the codes behind what I am seeing in this mode. Life can be very strange and give us clues if we are open to them. Many times they pop up from the deep subconscious.

@ 10:01 AM ~ Feel a little sleepy. Need to go pay my Mobile Phone Bill and go pick up a Check at CEPS for my Dental Visit at SNAHC this coming Monday. Time for a little catnap.

@ 5 PM ~ Another zip along day and have not done shit. On second thought, I did do shit but not the kind I was hoping to get accomplished. I did Pay my Phone Bill, went to CEPS and Loaves & Fishes and picked up my check to give to SNAHC for my Dental Appointment Monday. This afternoon those of us here at the Shasta had a little Community Meal of Hots Dogs and chili beans. I passed on the Ice Cream and colorful cake. I need to keep in mind that I am not really Super-Spic, although there was a time when I thought I was!

Friday, Jul. 06, 2012~The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily ~Published by PETER S. LOPEZ – 61 news spotters today ~ ~

VIDEO 20:10 #Anonymous - Hackers World [HD] ~ ~Uploaded by youcefdar 1/25/2012 ~
@ 9:42 PM ~ Just took a little walk by Cesar Chavez Plaza Park where the Friday Night Concert was winding down, then bought a Milky Way, walked onto the K Street Mall, bought a Neapolitan Ice Cream, then sat across from the K Bar for a bit. So many people seem to spend there time in such non-productive activities. 

To be fair, we all need time to relax, especially after a long hard day of working as a wage-slave in a joyless job. I am truly blessed with my life-style right now, though I do miss having my own apartment and getting fairly decent paychecks. Nada mas ahora. ~ Che Peta

Sabbath, July 9, 2012
@ 8:25 AM ~ We had another False Fire Alarm this morning about 6:45 AM. Fortunately, I was already awake, had showered and was just getting dressed. So I went to my little K Street Mini-Mart and got coffee. In fact, I might indulge myself and go get another cup in a minute.

@ 2:36 PM ~ I took a little catnap, feel a little more refreshed now. It is hot outside so I am not any rush to go out and about.

@ 11:24 PM ~ I had a pretty pleasant day. I appreciate a day without any hassles coming up or stupid snags. At times there is a homeless person on the street outside who has kind of given up and begs for punk change on the corner. It is sad because they have kind of given up in spirit. Much of the battles in life are, indeed, spiritual battles.

Sunday, July 8, 2012
@ 11:27 AM ~ I woke up a little late. Knowing it was a Sunday I did not set my alarm. Sometimes we need to let our body, our being, sleep as long as it wants. It is not just a body that sleeps, it is also our entire being. In our sleep we can enter into other realities that may not have objective existence but are for real for us at the time in our inner subjective experience.

@ 11:14 PM ~ We had a small CASA 12-Steps Meeting at Sally's. It was still a good meeting. We discussed stuff that I have rarely heard discussed at NA/AA Cult Meetings, like brain science, neurotransmitters, spectrum of addiction,  personal power and pure love as a simple cure for all forms of addiction.

Monday, July 9, 2012

@ 7:53 AM ~ It is another day in paradise. It helps to have a positive attitude towards the new day, to help one start out on the right foot. Had my usual coffee, My Brother Bobby stopped by for a bit before the NA Meeting here at 8 AM in the Shasta Meeting Room. He is going good, one day at a time. It is so important to me that he take care of his own personal health in general. Even though sometimes he drives me nuts, he is very precious to me. At big as he gets, he is still my 'baby' brother and my life would not be complete without him. I have my Dental Appt. at SNAHC this morning and need to be there around 9 AM.

@ 6:05 PM ~ Went to my first Dental Appointment. It is going to cost a bundle. Need to check with Heather with CEPS and get a Release from my regular doctor. According to plan I will get dentures on top and partials on the bottom. At one point I will get without upper teeth for a month and have to eat soft food. All of a sudden this does not seem like such a bright idea. And I have gotten use to this grill. I am just meditating on it for today.

My Friend  Trigger came by. He is going through a real struggle right now. He is intelligent and life is a great long learning experience. We all need to carry our own cross, but sometimes we can help others carry their cross part of the way.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

@ 9:13 AM ~  Woke up early at first light. I am going to devote today to me, myself and I. Be who I want to be. Do what I want to do. Live as a Liberated Humane Being!

@ 10:54 PM ~ Hot quiet day. Only went to Office Max for Re-Chargeable AA Batteries. Tomorrow is suppose to be another scorcher. Oh joy! I called my Beloved Father AKA Pops today to make sure he was OK. He is and he is a strong Elder.

Started by Twitter Account @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ Time Zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) ~ Joined: Sun 12 Apr 2009 18:22 ~ VIA #TweetDeck

Started by Twitter Account @Humane_Being ~ Time Zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) ~ Joined: Tue 22 Dec 2009 13:14 ~ VIA #TweetDeck

Wednesday, July 11, 2012
@ 11:44 AM ~ So far, so good. Need to go to BofA and make a withdrawal via my VISA Card. I am just using the bank automatic teller system. I closed my BofA Account months ago in support of Occupy Wall Street and knowing what a big corporate fascist system the BofA is in connected reality.

@ 3:51 PM ~ Went to BofA, took out $400. Still want to see what is coming in and all, but that information is now in the hands of my CEPS Payee until I squeeze it out of them. I should be able to just see my private stuff online as I did when I had a regular bank account. Went to Office Max, got a little Logitech Webcam and a 10 GB Memory Card for my Nikon Camera. Now need to go get Diet Pepsi, then come back and get my washing going. We are now suppose to have a Pest Control routine here on the 16th of July. That should be a drag, but  I will have to do what I have to do. Sometimes I do just wish I had my own little apartment somewhere. I do not even like dealing with people and their complexes if I do not need to do s

Thursday, July 12, 2012
@ 12:00 AM ~ I am still up from yesterday. I guess I ought to hit the hay. Sometimes my sleep is just irregular and I keep crazy hours.

@ 3:12 PM ~ Got up around 5:30 PM. Did my usual coffee run.

@ 8:04 PM ~ My day went pretty well. In fact, my life is pretty well blessed, especially in consideration of a lot of the personal sufferings I have endured, especially since I lost my old job at the Salvation Army Emergency Shelter as a Counselor/Case Manager/Housing Coordinator last year. It was a hell of a ride. I learned a lot, especially via my interactions and communications with others who were homeless refugees.

It does seem that life, God, the Cosmos or whatever or whoever, puts us through changes and challenges in order to strengthen our spirits and build up our  Inner Character.

@ 10:55 PM ~ Saw a Netflix Movie. An adaptation of Hemingway's Garden of Eden. It kind of inspired me to focus on typing up my long procrastinated book. Tomorrow is a brand new day. ~ Che Peat
VIDEO: David Icke - Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protestor (Page One) ~ ~

VIDEO: David Icke -The One Party State (Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protestor -Part Two)
~ ~

VIDEO: David Icke's 'ad lib' documentary at Occupy Wall Street ~ ~Uploaded by davidicke 1/6/2012~ #OWS

Friday, July 13, 2012
@ 2:07 PM ~ I woke up late today, at least for me. at around 9 AM. I took my usual 25mg of Seroquel + 5mg softgel  of Melatonin.

I saw a Sister Sherry this morning, she was in bad shape coming down off a two-day crank spin. Sickening to see here in such a state. She use to be such a fox. Now she is pretty well sucked up. I got her a cup of coffee and gave her a smoke. I need to stay clear away from toxic folks as much as I can. I already kind of live in a kind of insane asylum here at the Shasta Hotel, that is why I liked being tucked away down here in the back. As I have said before, we only have 4 residents on this ground floor. This kind of minmimizes any toxic insanity around me.

The weather is a wee bit cooler today, so that is a blessing. This early evening is the Friday Night Concert in the Park at Cesar Chavez Plaza Park.

Personal Daily Horoscope of Friday, 13 July 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951

The emotional consequences
Valid during several months: This is a favorable time for communication about love and relationships. It will not make the communication either good or bad, but it will help to ensure that communication happens. You will think about and want to discuss your relationships, not only love affairs but also friendships and other kinds of relationships. This is a good time to confront your partner with any problems in your relationship. You may be able to reduce the tension between you because you are calm, rational and detached. The rational side of your personality does not take emotional matters seriously. It likes talk and intellectual exchanges, without giving thought to any emotional consequences. Be careful of what you say about friends and loved ones under this influence.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Venus Opposition Mercury, ,
activity period mid-April 2012 until 14 July 2012

Moon Square Pluto, exact at 12:14
Moon Opposition Sun, exact at 15:23
Moon Trine Mars, exact at 20:03

I am not a fanatical about astro stuff. I do try to stay generally aware. Sometimes I may feel certain ways throughout the day. I wonder about what  up in the heavens above could be affecting the day for me. I just need to be aware of my tendencies towards ADD/ADHD and OCD/CD. What a life!

Sabbath, July 14, 2012
@ 12:41 PM ~ At this rate I figure today will zip by. Funny how when you want to speed up to pass time seems to slow down and when you want it to slow down it speeds up. Much be conscious awareness about time.

Sunday, July 15, 2012
@ 4:42 PM ~ Not much to report. We had another False Alarm here at the Shasta Hotel. It is a drag as we get those falsies every now and then. Thank God they are False Alarms! Still it is an inconvenience.

Personal Daily Horoscope of Sunday, 15 July 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951
Creative energies *** This influence is most likely to arouse your interest in being with a partner, because it most strongly affects the sex drive. You may want to make love with someone even though you do not care for her emotionally. And if there is no outlet for this energy, it may cause arguments and discord between you and your lover. The effects of this influence are not limited to physical love, however. In a larger sense it arouses all creative energies. This is a good time to be involved in any creative work that requires you to be physically active. Abstract or intellectual creation, such as writing poetry or music, especially some of the current popular forms, would be excellent, as would vigorous work in sculpture or another art form that demands physical energy, such as dance.
The partner references are set for a relationship with a woman.  Explanation
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mars Conjunction Venus, , exact at 04:02 
activity period from 13 July 2012 to 16 July 2012

I am doing some decent Videos now. Another kind of personal therapy for me!

VIDEO: Checking In: 7-6-12 VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ ~7/6/2012~

VIDEO: Where is the NWO? (1of2) VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ ~

VIDEO: Where is the NWO? (2of2) VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ ~

VIDEO: Connected Reality VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ ~7/8/2012~

VIDEO: We Want A New World VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ ~ 7/10/2012~

VIDEO: #Progressive Movement Today (1/3) VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ ~

VIDEO: #Progressive Movement Today (2/3) VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ ~

VIDEO: #Progressive Movement Today (3/3) VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ ~7/12/12

VIDEO: Checking In ~ 7/13/2012 VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ ~

VIDEO: On the Power of Sharing VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ ~7/15/2012

@ 11:24 PM ~ Just some sentences before I bid ado to this first half of July. I am generally enjoying my life right now, especially after some hard down depressing times. Sometimes when we go through troubles in life they have a way of making us more appreciative than we ever would of been otherwise. In a way, even hard times can be real blessings, especially when we make it through the fire.

We had a decent CASA 12-Steps Meeting at Sally's. My Amigo Gallo AKA Mike was there, along with another old friend Trigger. Plus some others. I feels good just being able to share where I am accepted and wanted. Where I can be myself without putting on any airs, where I can think freely out-loud and share what is on my soul's mind.

I know I need to look at my typing up my book and quit procrastinating. I am enjoying myself on Twitter and appreciate the idea that I have just over 1900 Followers and only Follow about 99 Global News Sources myself. That tells me that my typing is being appreciated by many others. I'm in the ball park.

Tomorrow we are suppose to have a Bug Spray in many of ours rooms here. I am kind of prepared for it in the sense of knowing it is coming. I just hope they do not demand too much other than clearing my bed area.

Nada mas ahora!

Venceremos Unidos! We Will Win United! Peter S. López AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan  ~ Sacramento, California, USA

In Search of Inner Liberation | HELP-Matrix @Peta_de_Aztlan
~ ~3/03/2012 ~


Twitter Link~ ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan

Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ ~


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