Thursday, August 16, 2012
@ 3:45 PM ~ I got up really late at @ 10:30 AM. I had some heavy dreams. In fact, I have been having some heavy dreams more as of late. They kind of show a lot of systems of stuff going on.
@ 10:51 PM ~ I have been hearing Coast to Coast a lot on YouTube. There is already a lot of fascinating stuff that is already online that helps me to see the big picture more, especially in an historical context. Even time itself as we think we know it is relative.
We are not merely our thoughts, we are the silence in between them. Infinite consciousness silently witnessing life happening.
AUDIO-VIDEO Illusion & the Illuminati - David Icke - Coast to Coast AM Classic ~ ~
Friday, August 17, 2012
@ 7:10 AM ~ Got up at 4 AM. I felt rested enough. I am blessed now because I am able to take a nap later if I get sleepy. Yesterday I woke up late, then took a long nap during the day. There is something nice and peaceful about waking up early. I think it is because other folks here at the Shasta Hotel are sound asleep, some are little demons. We are all intrinsically connected on the level of the Collective Psyche ~whether we are conscious and awake or not.
@ 11:18 PM ~ Finally took Scattered by Gabor Mate back to the Central Library. Still need to finish that book but I often got distracted trying to read it, esp. with Internet here at home in my bunker. Glad I did a personal video. See Link below. It is healthy just to get stuff off my chest. I see that while others may appreciate stuff I post up or not, that it is important that I express myself, especially for me but also for others who are ~for one reason or another~ afraid to express themselves.
Edgar Cayce' s Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) - Edgar Cayce readings...
~ ~
AUDIO-VIDEO Main Show Only- Edgar Cayce's Readings -Coast to Coast AM ~ ~
AUDIO-VIDEO Main Show Only - Edgar Cayce & The Universe - Coast to Coast AM ~ ~
VIDEO Edgar Cayce : Legacy of EDGAR CAYCE PART 1 - A.R.E. ~ ~ Uploaded by edgarcaycetv on Dec 3, 2007
VIDEO The Essenes - Edgar Cayce on the Life & Times of Jesus ~ ~
VIDEO I Am a Humane Being ~ ~ VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan 8/17/2012
Sabbath, August 18, 2012
Personal Daily Horoscope of Saturday, 18 August 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951
A radical reappraisal ~ On this day you will probably have difficulty relating to others, feeling cool and reserved even toward those you love. The problem is that you will have to spend today reevaluating what you are getting out of your relationships and what you are putting into them. You will have a strong awareness of yourself as an independent, even isolated human being, realizing that no one can really get inside of you and feel what you feel. Obviously, this can lead to loneliness and depression, but it can also lead to a radical reappraisal of your life and to a sober consideration of yourself as a human being relating to other human beings. It is necessary to separate yourself from the illusions that run through even the best relationship and to look at what is really there.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Venus Square Saturn, activity period from 18 August 2012 to 20 August 2012
Other transits occurring today, for subscribers
Moon Square Mercury, exact at 13:59
Moon Sextile Uranus, exact at 17:35
@ 10:46 PM ~ It has been a quiet day. Nothing explosive to report. We here in the USA are really blessed not to be having bombs going off and other sudden loud noises, the sounds of military war. I heard some explosive sounds earlier this evening, but I think that was the fireworks from Raley's Field. So we Americans remain a passive people for the most part. We are not directly and immediately affected by the horrors of foreign wars. So far.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
@ 10:02 PM ~ Well the most exciting thing that happened around the Shasta Hotel was that we had a Fire Alarm this afternoon, the usual false flag. It did get me out of my bunker. I ended up going to the Westfield Mall further west up K Street where it turns into a shopping mall. I checked out a few things. Took a few pictures and just kind of sat quietly for awhile.
God I remember before I use to run around like a chicken with its head cut off jerking into different directions. These days I am a lot more conscious of my beingness, more in tune with my personal feelings and better able to control my own moods. I am not easily swayed one way or the other. Lord it has taken so long to get to this point of relative maturity. I am generally a mellow peaceful person and this is a good way for me to be instead of being thrown into different emotional tangents.
I saw a good Movie on Netflix called In the Land of Blood and Honey, written and directed by Angeline Jolie. Plus, a couple of good videos by my hero Gabor Mate.
MOVIE In the Land of Blood and Honey ~ ~ deep!
VIDEO Brain Development & Addiction with Gabor Mate ~ ~
VIDEO Dr. Gabor Maté - The Biology of Loss - Part 1 ~ ~Published on Apr 19, 2012 by theparentchildcenter
Tomorrow is a brand new day. I need to go Guest House to see Wanda at 11 AM.
Monday, August 20, 2012
@ 9:48 PM ~ I ended up just staying around here today. Doing my searching and researching. We are waves of vibration of this unified field of consciousness. Quantum physics is the play and display of potentiality.
VIDEO John Hagelin, Ph.D on Consciousness 1 of 2 ~ ~ #UnifiedField
VIDEO What is Consciousness? VIA Dr. John Hagelin Phd.~ ~
Tomorrow will be August 21st ~the day they killed Comrade George Jackson at San Quentin Prison in 1971 ~ ~
Comrade George Jackson was the Field Marshal and General of the Black Panther Party, and co-founder of the Black Guerrilla Family.
George Jackson: Eyes on Communist Revolution ~Posted by Mike E on August 22, 2009 ~ ~
Soledad Brother: The Prison Letters of George Jackson ~ Online Text ~ ~
HELP-Matrix Blog: Remembering the Real Dragon- An Interview with George Jackson May 16 and June 29, 1971 ~ ~
More than anyone else, Comrade George Jackson had a great impact on the evolution of my revolutionary thought. He was the 'foco';.
Foco ~ From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ~ ~
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
@ 5:33 PM ~ Contacted Altar Regional and hope to see my Brother Steven next week. It was a bit strange having to go through changes just to see him. It has been a long time since anyone from his family, my family has seen him and I carry that shame. We get so dumb and distracted.
This afternoon I went out by Old Sac and got a few things. So here I am back in my bunker with all the other misfits. God bless us all.
@ 9:08 PM ~ Received a Voice Mail from Brother Steven's Careworker. We are scheduled to meet this coming Monday, August 27, 2012 at Jimboy's Tacos at 4 PM located on 1420 29th Street ~Sacramento, CA (916) 452-6451.
VIDEO Series: george1 Uploaded by superkool223 on Nov 18, 2007 ~ ~ Long Live the Dragon George L. Jackson
VIDEO how Huey P. Newton really died: Featuring brother Ciro (pronounced Cairo).~ ~
VIDEO The Assassination of George Jackson --an interview with Colonel Nyati Bolt ~ ~
San Quentin Prison Escape, George Jackson’s Murder, Attica, and Weather Underground ~ ~
George Jackson (Black Panther) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ~ ~
Biography of Black Panther George L. Jackson (September 23, 1941 – August 21, 1971) ~ ~
George Jackson: Forty Years Ago, They Shot Him Down Wed, 08/17/2011 by Norman (Otis) Richmond aka Jalali ~ ~
Lawyer and political activist Stephen Bingham on The assassination of George Jackson ~ ~
August 1971: The Day the Pigs Offed Brother George Jackson ~ ~ A Film: Black August 1 of 10 ~ ~Uploaded by RBGUERILLA on Nov 20, 2011 ~Long Live El General
Long Live the Spirit of El General George L. Jackson! Killed by Fascist Pigs August 21, 1971 in San Quentin Prison. Blood In My Eye!!
VIDEO Global Liberation #5 ~ ~ VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F.Kennedy
U.S. Bill of Rights ~ ~
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights ~ ~
Uploaded by Peter S. López AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan on Twitter
Help Portal ~ ~
VIDEO Maria Hinojosa - Giving Voice to the Voiceless | Link TV ~ ~
VIDEO Oneness: The Big Picture | Link TV ~ ~ VIA @LinkTV
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
@ 12:45 AM ~ I am up late again. At least it feels more peaceful at this time of night around here. I imagine most folks are sound asleep or quiet in their beds. We must melt the ice in our own hearts.
We must learn how to melt the ice in our own hearts. Here now upon Mother Earth, it is day and it is night ~there it is dark, there it is light. I wish you all a very sweet night.
To live with the grace of gratefulness for whatever good life bestows upon you is to be wise and wholesome. Appreciate.
Stress kills. Knowing when you are already blessed heals. Life is what you make it and how you take it. Be in grace. If there is a spiritual path it is not on an endless path. It is a path of heart within that knows it is already there. Let it be.
The clarify of consciousness allows itself to be a channel for creative inspiration from sources beyond the mortal mind. Trust the spirit of consciousness to arise when its needs to arise ~let it flow without constant control. Be inspired. Solid security comes up from within. It is able to go with the flow and not always in need of control. Flow is free.
Those who seek security through what they own, control and dominate are cursed with always being insecure in life. Peak experiences are actually mystical experiences that grab us and need to remain outside of our incessant need for control.
The power of actual presence is in its shimmering stillness, then its infinite potential to manifest in real life. It is a natural desire to be loved consciously, wholly, completely and unconditionally, yet many fear true love. The darkness of evil fears the enlightenment of cosmic consciousness. It prefers the hidden cave to the bright meadow yonder!
Consciousness has the potential to travel across the time-space continuum. It goes through walls, spans distances. The key is to inwardly feel, sense and realize our potential, then to make that potential manifest in the real world. Nothing is more creative than an awakened consciousness. To live consciously. To love consciously. To create consciously.
Many lost souls are simply not in tune with their own inner beingness ~the suffering of disharmony ~the division of discord. We need to be in touch and in tune with our own essence ~actually our own quintessence, This is existential, not mystical. The Cosmic Mind of the Cosmos sees through our unique individual eyes ~it is ultimately Spiritual, not merely physiological.
When the student is ready the teacher appears. When the love is ready the lover appears. Learning to love takes time. Are you the mystery you are trying to solve? Are you fully aware of why you love what and who you love? Be careful when you look at a significant other as your other half, esp. your better half. What does that make you?
@ 11:39 AM ~ I woke up late. Had vivid dreams. Today is another day of my working on the blossoming of my spirit, striving to stay stress free as much as possible in a stressed out world.
VIDEO Mayan Elder Reveals Truth of 2012 Mayan Calendar 1/3 ~ ~
It all begins within where there is infinite potential ~worlds within worlds unknown ~portals into other actual dimensions. Independent of subjective consciousness, we remain beings knowingly or not. The ideal is to be a Humane Being with empathy. When we are alienated from our being we easily become irritated, aggravated, divorced from our very beingness in life. Many actually do not know what they are doing ~they feel guilty if they are not doing something. They are alienated beings.
Listen to your breathing. Breathing is proof of your being. Despite all your activity, we are ultimately beings, not doings. Feelings, thoughts and actions create the soul of our true character and character ultimately creates culture. Build a new culture. Feelings have definite vibrations to them. Thoughts have powerful impacts on our feelings. Nurture thoughts of loving kindness. Feelings do not lie for they are actual feelings.
Words are often deceitful with hidden meanings not portrayed. Be aware. Let your sincere words be in harmony with your actions. Words are as powerful of the true feelings behind them. Feel your feelings. Lovers especially should be aware and sensitive to the power of the word on their beloved ones. Let all your words be sincere.
Parents especially should be aware of the powerful impact their words have on their children. Do not get angry and threaten to kill them!
Use the power of the word with gentle responsibility. Use the power of the word to help, to heal ~not to hurt and kill. Expand Use the power of the word with an awareness of its awesome power. A good word is delicately carved and sculptured, not screamed. Words can be powerful entities. One word can have the power over life or death. Use the power of the word in service to truth. For all the zillions of words you have spoken or the many words you have typed, how far as it gotten you on your path in life?
You must first clear your mind of its confusion. Stop the constant chitter-chatter of the monkey mind. Learn how to be quiet. Listen with an open mind to the tones of people as they speak.
The truth has a definite ring to it that the clear mind will recognize. Go find and speak to the Elders who gathered around the campfire humming the truth with their vibrations. Learn to listen.
Truth is timeless and infinite. Answers to questions lead to more questions. Have a thirst for truth that cannot be quenched. No one has cornered the market on truth. You must experience life without fear to discover what is truth for you in your own life.
Do not be a fallen leaf tossed about by the passing winds of dogma and doctrine. Know who you are and accept all that you are. Come to know your true genuine nature. What kind of person are you deep inside when no one is looking? Are you really happy?
Let your mind be open to the wisdom of the cosmos which is attainable to all with a clear conscious mind free of the falseness of fear. Be aware of the sources of information that filters into your mind. Use your mind to think stuff out for yourself. Learn how to think.
Remember: As a rule with exceptions, everything is relative and nothing is absolute. Avoid thinking in absolute terms.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
@ 1:04 PM ~ Here in my bunker. Another day of creative struggle. I went to SNAHC for a meeting that ended up not on schedule. I want to keep going back there, integrate with some native folks and not isolate myself as much as I do. Regular AA and NA Meeting are usually so lame when they should be more activated and energized. There is that stupid AA clause about not being controversial and the step about being powerless that ends up with folks becoming so apathetic and uninvolved in life in the real rip-and-tear world.
Afterwards I went to Grocery Outlet and got a big bag of potatoes. Now I got to make sure to eat them and give some away to a few folks around here who will put them to good use. I think it is a sin to waste food and at times I am guilty of doing just that.
VIDEO #Elections 2012 VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ ~
Published on Aug 23, 2012 by PetadeAztlan
VIDEO #Elections 2012 VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ ~
Constitution of the United States ~ ~
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights ~ ~
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable."~ President John F.Kennedy
Uploaded by Peter S. López AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan on Twitter
Help Portal ~ ~
Friday, August 24, 2012
@ 10:04 AM ~ Someone or something knocked on my door this morning. I threw a blanket around me but no one was there. So I guess someone was clowning around or it was time for me to get up and get to work. I went and got coffee at my favorite little store around the corner. It is another day in Nazi Amerika. Another day available to us to help raise mass consciousness about our impending doom if we do not all wake up, seize the time and do our best to bring about Global Liberation.
At the same time, it is another day available to us to work on our own Inner Liberation. To improve ourselves, to build ourselves up in order to sustain our beings for the storms to come.
HELP-Matrix Blog: The Long Struggle for Voting Rights by Al Hart, UE News Managing Editor ~ ~
VIDEO Fred Alan Wolf: Part 1 Complete Shamanic Physics -w/ Jeffrey Mishlove ~Recorded 1999 ~ ~
VIDEO NSA's Stellar Wind "Spy Center" aka Utah Data Center ~ ~Published on May 25, 2012 by insimpleterms
HELP-Matrix Blog: The NSA's Domestic Spying Program AKA 'Stellar Wind' ~ ~
The National Security Agency’s Domestic Spying Program ~
VIDEO Still Technically 'Top Secret': How The Government Is Spying On All Of Us ~ ! ~ VIA David Seaman
AUDIO-VIDEO Fred Alan Wolf - Physics, Spirit, Soul, Matter, and Self ~ ~
Sabbath, August 25, 2012
@ 10:10 AM ~ I suspect we are not fully aware of the immediate power of our conscious attention on the here and now, especially when we interact with electronic-based devices.
Let us pray we keep a conscious awareness as healthy, balanced and centered humane beings, not stranded on political wings.
Let us pray we seek loving unity with others in our lives as humane beings, not perpetuate surface divisions amongst us.
Let us pray we function in the world as compassionate humane beings ~take care of our health and help others as we can today.
Let us pray we integrate in life as humane beings ~with care, concern and compassion for all living beings upon Earth.
Let us pray we stay conscious of the Big Picture ~see life on a Global Scale and come out of our caves of confusion..
Let us pray we recognize that the Global Liberation Movement is Spiritual in nature ~We need to awaken the Spirit of the People.
Let us pray we use Internet Power and our Communication Devices to help share relevant information and raise mass consciousness.
Let those who consider themselves 'awake' gently help awaken others with tender love and understanding, not harsh judgment
AUDIO-VIDEO Main Show Only - Project Pegasus - Coast to Coast AM ~ ~
Audio-Video Main Show Only - Creation & Ancient Origins - Coast to Coast AM ~ ~
Jan 21st 2012 ~ Income inequality: Who exactly are the 1%? | The Economist ~ ~ Actually -1%
Personal Daily Horoscope of Saturday, 25 August 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951
Conflicts at home ~ | |
Be aware of any tendency toward anger or irritability during this time. This signifies tension in your personal life that you should attend to. Ego energies are running rather high on the home front during this time, and you may run into conflicts at home. Be careful not to step on the toes of the people you live with, but don't let them step on you either. The only problem to watch for is that arguments triggered by this influence tend to be rather unconscious; that is, each person argues as if programmed, not like a real, thinking person. Old patterns are activated, and no one really addresses the current problem as a new and unique situation with its own special solution. Many tensions and pressures in your personal life can be released at this time if you avoid the kind of trap described above. |
VIDEO RBG-Eyes of the Rainbow: Assata Shakur Documentary/Part 1 of 6 ~ ~
AUDIO-VIDEO Main Show Only - Visitations & Spiritual Experiences - Coast to Coast AM ~ ~
FEATURED WORKS - Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés ~ ~
Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés likes to say that the largest endangered species is the human soul and she knows of what she speaks.
Do not lose heart, we were made for these times..." from Letter To A Young Activist During Troubled Times ~ Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés
Anytime we feed soul, it guarantees increase. ~ Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés
All strong souls first go to hell before they do the healing of the world they came here for. ~ Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés
BOOK Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother's Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul ~By Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés ~ ~
VIDEO Global Liberation #6 ~ ~ VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable." ~
President John F.Kennedy
U.S. Bill of Rights ~ ~
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights ~ ~
Uploaded by Peter S. López AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan on Twitter Help Portal ~ ~ c/s
Sunday, August 26, 2012
@10:16 AM ~ So far, so good.
@ 12:07 PM ~ At first when I use to be online I use to get nervous and worried about how others would react or respond. As I opened up I discovered to my surprise that many others online also shared the same concerns, doubts, fears and concerns. As Mother Teresa hinted at, it is ultimately not between us and them, it is about our conscious communion with the Creator. It is about our growing in spirit within and keeping our spirit safe within our own hearts as we traverse the world in whatever way we travel.
@ 9:03 PM ~ We had our usual CASA Meeting and my Sponsor Mike AKA Gallo was there. I feel better when he is there and he is a great inspiration to me in my personal life.
I am a Spiritual Being who is conscious of the need to be centered. balanced and in harmony with connected reality.
Monday, August 27, 2012
@ 9:47 AM ~ Slept pretty well.
Let us pray we are aware of the power of sincere daily prayer in our lives to help keep us in focus, on center and grounded.
Let us pray we are able to stay centered in our being, able to be at peace with ourselves and ever aware of the power of love.
Let us pray we take the time to best aware of what we need to know and not get distracted by trivial matters in the world.
Let us pray we stay alert to our being, understand that we are actually beings living out our lifetimes, not frantic doings.
Let us pray we are mindful of the fact that our struggle for justice is ultimately a spiritual struggle ~ spiritual warfare.
Let us pray we work on being the kind of beings we want to be in a world where love reigns and government serves the people.
Let us pray we know the truth and shine the light of truth upon the widespread darkness of fear and ignorance in the world.
Let us pray we accept the fact that we are ignorant of all we do not truly know. If we know everything we can learn nothing.
Let us pray we are brave enough to stand up for the Truth and stand up against the great powers of Evil in the world.
Let us pray we have the courage to speak our minds. to condemn evil and to use all our resources to foster freedom in the world.
Let us pray we are more concerned with being consistent with humane principles, than being politically correct for favor.
Let us pray we work on our inner liberation as humane beings, as we continue to strive for Global Liberation in the world.
Let us pray we pay attention to the basic survival needs of the people, as we are mindful of our inner spiritual needs.
Let us pray we work on developing our own leadership qualities, be the leaders of our lives and not worry about followers.
Let us pray we are aware of the Big Global Picture and not let Global Fascist priorities limit our Global Consciousness.
Let us pray we are kind to humankind, respect one another and remember that we are all an important part of nature.
Let us pray we use our time on earth with a conscious love of wisdom, not waste time on energy-draining worry and anxiety.
@ 9:51 PM ~ I had a great Visit with my younger Brother Steven today thanks to his Care Providers with Alta Regional Center. It has been a long time since I had seen him. He looked well, seemed real mellow and the two lady staff members were marvelous. I want to make sure that I see him at least once a month if not more. It is good just to look at him. I really believe he remembers me, if only from an implicit memory in his psyche's spirit.
He was comfortable with me, let me touch him, hug him and hold his hand to walk him towards the vehicle after our brief visit. We sat around him about an hour. I really feel more at peace with myself. It has been a long time and I am ashamed of myself for own selfishness for it taking so long since I had seen him. I need to be a better big brother for him and others in the future.
Here is a pix of his Careproviders below. I think I am already in love with one of them, Guess which one below?!?
So I had a pretty good day. Hope to sleep well and have an even better day tomorrow.
August 27, 2012 ~ Visit with My Younger Brother Steven Lopez
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
@9:32 PM ~ Today went pretty smooth. No hangups or disturbances. I woke up at 3 AM this morning and just felt the urge to get up. I took a little nap later in the day. I did a little Private VIDEO of Brother Steven above.
I guess tomorrow I will head out to Grocery Outlet in the morning before it starts to warm up here. Life goes on and my heart is well.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
@ 10:43 AM ~ It got up around 8:30 AM, took a shower and went to get a cup of cafe.
Sometimes I wonder if I am just wasting my time spending it on posting all these News Links and other forms of information. To me, life remains a matter of balance, being centered and trying to raise mass consciousness, along with raising my own personal consciousness.
I have found that being honest about expressing what is on my mind, what is in my heart, is a key component part of my spiritual growth as a humane being. When I use the term 'spiritual growth' I mean the development of my own inner psyche, my own inner consciousness and my personal consciousness as a humane being.
I am blessed now being on SSI as 'disabled' due to my bi-polar diagnosis, despite the stigma that can come with all that these days among so-called normal people. Thus, I have the time and situation to do what I do. I do not waste my time getting drunk, shooting up dope or chasing tail to satisfy my fleshly desires. I hope someday to meet a good woman with whom I can share my life with as a companion. I know it would be hard to for any woman to be with me as a constant compassion because I have my own timetable and personal interests.
After all the time, I will not settle for just a piece of ass. When we are sexually intimate with a person we share and exchange deep sacred communion. Thus, one should be careful with whom one lays with, especially in these dangerous times.
So many folks are so out of focus, live in constant fear and are afraid to let themselves be seen as vulnerable in the eyes of others. There is some truth to the idea that we are as sick as our secrets. Many folks keep secrets from their own selves because they are not aware of what is going on in their own subconscious. A primary goal of standard psychoanalysis is to make the subconscious conscious so we can live functional conscious lives.
So I don't hang out with phonies, hypocrites or folks who are afraid of their own shadows. Many cannot even hold a good conversation about relevant subjects. Thus, I will continue to be who I am and do what I do as I continue to work on my spiritual evolution as a humane being. ~Che Peta
VIDEO #Obama Preparing for Total Takeover w/ Steve Quayle ~ ~ VIA @RealAlexJones
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
@ 5:27 PM ~ Just woke up from a vivid dream. I guess not too vivid as I do not remember much. I was in a quaint residential area. Saw an apartment type wall with a tall Buddhas with flowery sculpture and greenery around it.
Audio-Video ~Main Show Only- Hopi-Tibetan Prophecy -Coast to Coast AM ~ ~
VIDEO American Radical, Pacifist and Activist for Nonviolent Social Change: David Dellinger Interview ~ ~
On a deep psyche-spiritual level, many of us are dreadfully afraid of pure love. Thus, we do not really know how to make love.
The truth is that many men and women do not really love, accept and understand one another on the deepest primal levels.
If there is to be Global Liberation there must be a long established unity and harmony between men and women in different realms.
The truth is that many people who claim to be in love do not really know how to make love as a divine sacred communion. Sexual intimacy can be a sacred communion that involves sharing fluids, psychic energies and quantum entanglements. So much of our personal life revolves around relationships. Thus, we must be wise when it comes to our personal relationships. When we are sexually intimate with a person we share and exchange deep sacred communion.
We have not had a Revolution because People are not even ready for a Revolution. We are stifled by our Character Defects.
When I use the term 'spiritual growth' I mean the development of my own inner psyche, my own inner consciousness as a humane being. Being honest about expressing what is on my mind, what is in my heart, is a key component part of my spiritual growth as a humane being. To me, life remains a matter of balance, being centered and trying to raise mass consciousness, along with raising my own consciousness.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
@ 7:55 PM ~ I had a heavy day. I finally made it out to my Eye Appointment to see Dr. Joseph Martel. He seems to be a pretty good doctor. I need to do a few things in order to prepare for my Eye Surgery for them to get rid of my eye cataracts on my right eye later this month. I need to stay on top of this matter, not put off what I need to do.
Eye Surgery September 24, 2012 @ 10 AM ~Mercy San Juan Surgery Center ~ 6660 Coyle Avenue ~ Carmichael, CA 95608I left a message on Geri's Voicemail yesterday, hope to call her tomorrow. Plus, a few other folks. I do not even like to talk on the phone anymore. I suppose I need to work on that, but whatever I transmit over the phone just often seems like wasted words. The moment the words are uttered they go out into space and I am not sure what folks actually let sink into their consciousness.
Post-Operative Appointment on September 25, 2012 at 11:10 AM ~ Martel Eye Medical Group ~ 11216 Trinity River Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670.
I really am a longer these days, especially after those years when I worked at the Salvation Army Emergency Shelter with all the inter-communications I had with folks. For sure, circumstances change in time and space.
As I strive to raise consciousness I must also keep in mind the necessity of raising my own inner consciousness.
Friday, August 31, 2012
@ 7:38 AM ~ Slept pretty well. I already took a shower, had a breakfast of Raisin Bran and need to get ready to go to RT for my Monthly Sticker at 9 AM there. Then, I need to go back Gallo's and give him back his Jung Book called Psyche and Symbol.
@ 10:35 AM ~ I went to RT Station and bought my September Bus Sticker. On the Light Rail there I met a young Sister Arabelle, a cute White gal, who are playing guitar. I ended up playing a bit from the Girl From Ipanema. She was on her way to an event in Placerville and seems adventurous. Plus, she is interested in the environment. She told me about a Club further up on the K Street Mall that I might check out in the future. It is up by the Food Court and has activity on weekends.
@ 11:41 PM ~ Well.... that are the last minutes of the month of August. August always saddens me as I am clearly reminded of the death of the Jackson Brothers ~ El General George L. Jackson and the Community Guerrilla Jonathan P. Jackson. The Occupy Wall Street Movement has pretty well peaked out, though it has had its ups and downs. Now #OWS has evolved, expanded and energized the American Liberation Movement in the USA, but so much more remains to be analyzed. So much more needs to be done and elevating consciousness is a central component of what is to be understood and done in the future..
Personal Daily Horoscope of Friday, 31 August 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951 ~ Full Moon
Sudden moves ~ Weak, transient effect: Today during the day you are likely to crave emotional excitement, something that departs from the routine of your daily life. You are likely to seek out people who are different from those you usually meet. You might spend the day in very different surroundings. And while you may feel a bit impulsive, these impulses make you feel more alive rather than inclined to act rashly or stupidly. On a more quiet level, you may use this energy to make needed changes in your immediate personal life or your domestic environment. While others may seem startled by your apparently sudden moves, these changes should be constructive, and the people in your life will accept them. If you have to deal with groups of people or with the general public, you will advocate change and new policies.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Moon trine Uranus, , exact at 16:19
activity period fromfrom 31 August 2012 until 1 September 2012
Other transits occurring today, for subscribers
Moon square Mercury, exact at 12:33
Full Moon in 8th house, exact at 06:58 (L)
We all need to deeply understand the Power of Harmony ~put on emphasis on how we can Unite together ~remember our Common Needs.
We do not need to always be proven right, always get our way or always seek confirmation before we move to transform connected reality.
We do not all have to belong to the same party, follow any dogmatic party line or ever be afraid of moving away from the mindless herd.
We do need to learn how to get along with each other ~despite our differences ~ or we will always be divided from each other as a species of life.
We label all people as being of the 99% or of the 1% ~as it one side is all good and the other all bad. Life is more complex.
The Global Liberation Movement must strive to unite with all peoples of all lands. Reach out to all folks and recruit wherever we are.
We are able now to communicate with all people who are online. We need to work out our differences and seek common ground.
At the same, many of us are deprived of Internet Access and are not ever online. Let us not limit ourselves to online activism.
We need to share our ideas and ideals wherever we are in our lives. Strive to be in consistent synchronicity with others in our lives.
Remember the collective knowledge of the People is the true genius in human history. We as individuals are often ignorant.
Information is useless if it does not have a useful application. Knowledge is the food of the soul. Wisdom is applied knowledge.
Certainly we need to evolve beyond the Left Vs. Right political schizophrenia. Many are not on the same page, let alone the same book.
We label and categorize people out of our own foolish fears. We go along with a mob mentality, try to be politically correct.
We need to evolve beyond the Leader and Followers mentality. Each of us should be a leader. Every follower a potential leader.
Vanguard, Middlegaurd and Rearguard positions are mainly relevant in a Guerrilla Column formation. Are we really there yet?
We need to move forward together side-by-side in unity. Yet it is utterly insane to think we have no need for guiding leadership.
LINK: How Synchronicity Works by Dr. Kirby Surprise ~ ~
Audio-Video Main Show Only- Synchronicities -Coast to Coast AM ~ ~Published on Aug 31, 2012 by Secretsocietiestoday
Audio-Video ~ Dr. Kirby Surprise on Veritas Radio | Synchronicity ~ ~3/17/20212
Audio-Video ~ Dr. Kirby Surprise ~ TMRN 2012 05 ~ 25 Time Monk Radio Interviews Present: ~ ~
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