Sabbath, September 1, 2012
Personal Daily Horoscope of Saturday, 1 September 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951
~ The ideal environment ~
This is a good time for mental work. You plan very effectively, with a clear objective perception of the facts, and you think very carefully, paying close attention to detail. Your mind easily resolves a difficult and complex issue into its component parts so that you can handle each part separately and come to a valid conclusion. This is a good time for talking with others. Your objectivity will impress other people, and they will not worry that you might try to force them into a position that they do not want to take. You will establish an environment in which any subject can be brought up and discussed. Therefore this is also a good time for business negotiations. You know what you want, and you will listen to what others want and arrive at a satisfactory compromise.@ 12:33 PM ~ Another day in paradise lost. Need to do some stuff now that it is online, offline and inline.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mercury trine MC, , exact at 09:56
activity period fromfrom 31 August 2012 until 1 September 2012
@ 4:30 PM ~ I expect this day will zip by as many do.
@ 7:34 PM ~ Just came back from Westfield Mall ~further up K Street Mall. I joined GNC and bought some GINKO BILOBA Plus.
I am at the point in my life where I know I need to integrate more with the social situation that I live in, beyond the confines of my little bunker here where I feel more comfortable. People can really be a wear and tear if I let them. Most are so occupied with daily survival and pre-occupied with trivial matters of no real import. In a way I have become kind of a recluse. I continue to work on educating myself and sharing what gems I may happen to run across with others. I realize there is actually very little in a material sense that I actually need ~my needs are more emotional-spiritual needs.
William Rodriguez Survived #911 Attack ~Last Man out of the Twin Towers Alive! ~ http://t.co/y5eAfUhr ~
VIDEO ~ http://t.co/cF0DhOsU ~
Audio-Video: Main Show Only - Mind Power & Change - Coast to Coast AM ~ http://bit.ly/T7PT8K ~ VIA @DrJoeDispenza
Bridging Science & Mind to Change From the Inside Out ~ http://www.drjoedispenza.com/ ~ VIA @DrJoeDispenza
https://twitter.com/DrJoeDispenza ~ @DrJoeDispenza
Facebook: Dr Joe Dispenza -OFFICIAL NEWS & FAN PAGE ~
https://www.facebook.com/DrJoeDispenzaOfficialNewsFanPage ~
VIDEO TEDxTacoma - Joe Dispenza - The Three Brains that Allow Us to Go from Thinking to Doing to Being ~ http://bit.ly/OLAZEr ~
What the Bleep Do We Know!? & What the Bleep!? - Down the Rabbit Hole ~ http://www.whatthebleep.com/create ~ VIA @DrJoeDispenza
Sunday, September 1, 2012
@ 6:57 AM ~ Another day, another way.
@ 11:18 PM ~ What a day! I am glad it is over.
This afternoon I called my dear Spirit-Sister Annabelle AKA Geri and confirmed that I will be over to her place Tuesday, not tomorrow Monday because it is the Labor Day Holiday and the bus system is on a holiday schedule. She is a sweetheart. So I will go see her and Rick.
We had our usual CASA Meeting and it went well. At the usual Preamble I spoke for awhile about addiction, a little about brain science, developing a strong liberation program and having a recovery program as part of our general program. It gets deep. I need to share what little I know and can coherently articulate to others.
After walking back from the meeting I came back here of course. Some stuff had happened here at the Shasta Hotel while I was gone. Apparently a Black Brother here named Henry on the 2nd Floor nutted up in the Front Lobby area where the TV is and the Front Desk. Someone said he may of been off his meds. He was suppose to of had a 5" Knife by his sock area. I think he was on parole or something. Anyway, Sacra PD showed up and they carted him off to jail I guess. If it is not one thing it is another. I am glad my bunker is back here away from the usual traffic up front with its comings and goings.
Let us pray for the energy to continue our collective and individual struggles for Liberation in the world.
Let us pray we struggle on through periods of confusion to arrive at a new moment of clarity in our creative consciousness and who we are in the world.
Let us pray we can unify ourselves within in the mind-body-soul trinity so we can create a unified solid consciousness in the world.
Let us pray we develop an integrated philosophy for operating in the world based upon a synthesis of science and spirituality.
Let us pray we come to understand that when we help others in the world we are also helping ourselves without division.
Let us pray we accept the fact that we are in this world for a reason, a purpose, a mission. Let us heed our calling.
Let us pray we treat each other as loving and compassionate humane beings in the world, not as predatory human animals.
Let us pray we all find our center grounded in the truth as we know it, not out on a limb on a left-wing or a right-wing.
Let us pray we think for ourselves, be independent liberated thinkers and search for the truth, no matter where it takes us.
Let us pray we come together as one family of humanity to create a new world where we can live a loving life in peace.
Let us pray we know we are first humane beings living out our lives, not constantly distracted doings going in circles.
Let us pray we never become a know-it-all and thus become incapable of learning anything new and enlightening about life.
Let us pray we remember to put out the fires in our own backyards before we race across the street to put out fires.
Let us pray we remember to clean our own house before we bitch and complain about the dirty house across the street.
Let us pray we remain conscious of the present moment here now, not lost in a non-existent distant past or fantasy future.
Monday, September 3, 2012
@ I slept pretty well and woke feeling refreshed. I took a good shower, instead of the usual quick one. We are often in a rush when we clean ourselves, sometimes I pray while I am showering, think about what I want to do and create my day.
Let us pray we awaken on Labor Day with a vision of what labor of love needs to be done by us to create a new world.
Let us pray we have the capacity to define our labor as a meaningful contribution to raising a new consciousness in the world.
Let us pray our labor is the work of helping humanity as we continue to help ourselves to become stronger to weather storms to come.
Let us pray our labor is a labor of love as we work to raise consciousness, to nurture our gardens with care and affection.
Let us pray we keep a balance between our labor of love in the world with the inner work that needs to be done building our character.
Let us pray our good work in the world is done with humane love and compassion for all living beings, respecting the sacredness of life.
BOOK Amazon.com: Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration: Penney Peirce ~ http://amzn.to/NJ5NHA ~
AUDIO-VIDEO Main Show Only - Intuition & Frequencies - Coast to Coast AM ~ http://bit.ly/N9vqzM ~ VIA Secretsocietiestoday
VIDEO How to raise personal vibration and why it is essential ? Penney Peirce ~ http://bit.ly/aB2RZ4 ~
Website for Penney Peirce ~ http://www.penneypeirce.com/ ~ @penneypeirce ~
Penney Peirce's Intuition Blog ~ http://intuitnow.blogspot.com/ ~ VIA @penneypeirce ~
Penney Peirce @penneypeirce ~ Passion comes when the heart is open and the body, senses, and feeling ability are fully engaged.
Red Ice Radio: Penney Peirce - Frequency, Intuition, Time & Dreams ~
http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2010/03mar/RIR-100314-ppeirce.mp3 ~
Frequency: The Power of Personal Vibration ~ http://www.thefrequencybook.com/ ~
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
@ 6:11 AM ~ I woke up with my clothes on, other than my shirt. I have not done that for awhile. Usually I sleep with nothing on in the bottom, usually with a shirt on. When I went to the restroom I could not find my doorstop at first, then found it a bit underneath my little rug by the door. I guess at one point it must of been lifted and I somehow was not aware when it slid underneath it. I am trying to be and stay aware of my immediate situation.
I need to go over Geri's today, which will be a bit of a drag, but I need to keep a positive attitude. It can be such a toxic situation psychologically when I see my old love so subservient to her spoiled son. Oh well, we make our life what it is one way or the other. At least we should have an influence on our life.
Personal Daily Horoscope of Tuesday, 4 September 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951
Commercial affairs ~ Valid during several days: At this time your attention naturally turns to whatever you value in life, whether it be material, intellectual or spiritual. You may have to define your sense of values to another person so that he or she knows where you stand on an issue. On the mundane level, this influence often signifies that you are much more concerned with business and commercial affairs than usual. This can cover a broad range of activity, from shopping much more than usual to entering into an important business negotiation. The important point here is that whatever you do in this area, you will put a great deal of planning and consideration into it, and transactions will be more important and elaborate than usual. As a result you should be able to make the situation work out the way you want.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mercury in 2nd house, 2,
activity period from 2 September 2012 until 16 September 2012
[turn off]Show the love horoscope for this transit (L)
Other transits occurring today, for subscribers
Moon conjunction MC, exact at 10:59
Moon trine Chiron, exact at 10:01
Moon in 10th house, from 10:59
VIDEO December 21, 2012 - Two Suns in the Sky ~ http://bit.ly/Qj0Cw2 ~Published on Apr 21, 2012 by yowbooks
@ 1:52 PM ~ What a day for me. Here in my bunker. I called Geri before I went out there to find out that her and Rick we're coming into town. I need to check my Voice Mail more often. I was on my way to her place, then after I talked to her I decided to catch her around here. Until then I went out to Sac City College, kind of following my intuition, just to get a certain orange high-lighter I like that they have there, in fact, the only place in Sacra I have found just like it as far as the same brand and make. Might be a little OCD on my part. It's probably me.
After I got off the Light Rail by SCC I saw my ol' love Peaches, took a snap shot and talked to her for awhile. I walked around the campus for a bit, then caught the bus into town, went to Time Tested books on 21st Street.
Baldemar Velásquez Draws on Years of Farm Worker Organizing to Continue Struggle in Anti-Union South http://bit.ly/R62fPO ~
@zfree Grassroots Leader Rev. Dr. William Barber on the Fight for Voting, Civil Rights in North Carolina http://bit.ly/R61DJR
As Liberated Beings we need to first liberate ourselves ~liberate ourselves from our own ignorance, our own character defects.
As Liberated Beings we need to create, develop and advance a People's Politics of Fusion, not Confusion. Unity is strength.
As Liberated Beings we need to work on digging out of our souls tendencies towards heartless hatred and harmful anger.
@GoldenRHealth Our little Tweets gradually enhances better Global Communications among all of us to help us all.
#Connect Tuesday, September 4, 2012 ~Democracy Now! http://www.democracynow.org/ ~Get an Overview of Today's News Daily @democracynow
@optumussPRIMEE I thought that was a really 'real' good picture of Barack & his daughters ~
http://flic.kr/p/d68FpE ~ #DNC
As Liberated Beings your vision beyond artificial national boundaries ~build bridges, not borders.
As Liberated Beings see the Big Global Picture ~understand that the so-called Third World is the Majority of the World.
As Liberated Beings free yourselves of the Left Vs. Right ~Dem vs. Repub ~Liberal vs. Conservative conflicts.
As Liberated Beings we need to not get caught up in the petty politics of division. Go deeper than surface labels.
We need to strive earnestly to be Liberated Beings in the world ~strive for Global Liberation ~work on our Inner Liberation
Tuesday, September 4, 2012 ~Democracy Now! http://www.democracynow.org/ ~
Great Video: Dr. Gabor Maté - In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts ~ http://bit.ly/OWhBmy ~ Take Time!
PIX 9/4/12 POTUS Obama & Daughters ~Malia and Sasha~ at White House watch First Lady Michelle on TV at #DNC ~ http://flic.kr/p/d68FpE ~
HELP-Matrix Blog: #DNC Keynote address: Julián Castro ~ http://bit.ly/OWfsrd ~
#Democracy Now! Headlines for September 04, 2012 ~ http://www.democracynow.org/2012/9/4/headlines … ~
Tuesday, Sep. 04, 2012 ~The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily ~ http://bit.ly/MaE9Bk ~
@jlvandenhurk S. To have the courage to help expose what is wrong in this country is key for us to show our real love for this country.
@jlvandenhurk We want to make a better stronger country that is united based upon basic common sense humane principles.
READ 9/2/12 Possible connection between "Stellar Wind" and LDS Church ~ http://bit.ly/SieVoh ~ #StellarWind
For sure Obama would be a better President than Rotten Romney could ever be. Still certain policies of his should be criticized.
#Connect @100TPC One Hundred Thousand Poets for Change, September 29, 2012! Over 500 events in 100 countries Global • http://www.100tpc.org 2012
Democratic National Convention — September 3rd-6th — Barack Obama http://www.barackobama.com/convention
BOOK Sage-ing While Age-ing: By Shirley MacLaine: http://amzn.to/ShVzQ5 ~
Watch Live - 2012 Democratic National Convention http://www.demconvention.com/live ~
Doctors w/o Borders @MSF_USA "Then, injured people started coming from everywhere..." http://bit.ly/Rvts9h On transforming a house in #Syria into an emergency hospital.
#Sacramento ~Time Tested Books: 100 Thousand Poets for Change 9/6 at 7 p.m. ~ http://timetestedbooks.blogspot.com/2012/08/september6-2012-7-p.html … ~
@RawStory Both parties know we have a lot of Americans strung out hard on the Internet ~despite any denial here.
Be keen to making distinctions ~between a healthy ego and egotism ~between self-interest and selfishness ~between you and I.
Be careful that your treasured possessions do not end up being added burdens to be protected. Travel light, journey far.
In a specific situation, to have less is to have more ~create the free space for receiving what will be of more value.
The good sculptor chips away at the outward inessentials, revealing his true work of art hidden in a glob of clay.
Question authority ~Be cynical in terms of questioning the underlying motives of others ~Question the Big Lie!
Try as you may you are still connected to connected reality ~all realities are connected at one level or another,
There are no healthy addictions or obsessions. Avoid all forms of fanaticism. Do your best not to lie to yourself.
In all the connected complexity of life, just try to keep it simple and simplify the complex, not the reverse.
#2012 The first rule of prediction. Be mindful of them but do not live in expectation of them.
Time to get ready to go see my Christian Sister in North Highlands. She's a little fanatical, but she is my oldest friend.
Old love.
Guard your health ~Take care of your loved ones ~Know what is going on in the real world ~Participate in your lifetime!
Stuff does not simply go away by ignoring it. Connected reality has a way of sticking around. Be involved in life!
I'm listening to Queremos Paz by Gotan Project on Pandora on La Revancha del Tango http://bit.ly/OJxRIf #pandora
When the shit hits the fan do not be passively sitting in front of it watching TV, munching on popcorn !
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S. López
Ended up Sacra City College. Bewana he no home. pic.twitter.com/EtZbSUik
At Time Tested Books on 21 Street ~ http://timetestedbooks.net/ ~ I bought a new book by Shirley McClaine ~ http://shirleymaclaine.com/ ~ BOOK Sage-ing While Age-ing: By Shirley MacLaine: http://amzn.to/ShVzQ5 ~
I finally met Geri and Rick by the Crest Theater. It has been about a couple of months since I had seen the both of them. We talked for awhile, catching up on stuff, then, both Rick and her took turns checking out my bunker. I found out I am only allowed one visitor at a time. I am really glad they both were able to see my bunker. It has been a long time to go around that circle. After I lost my place at Globe Mills the last time I moved in with her and Rick for a hairy four months, slept on the couch and just longed to have my own spot with my situation being as it is now. So her and Rick left and I told them thanks them for coming by. Whew!
Then right after they left my Brother Manny G. came by, he too came in and saw my bunker for the first time! He is going to have Eye Surgery for cataracts, went through some concern about stuff, but he will be OK. It was just a false alarm he had. I paid him another $100 Dollars that I owed him. I think I still owe him another $100 at least. He helped me when I was trying to keep my apartment at Globe Mills the first time with a loan of a few hundred dollars. We are old friends. In fact, he is considering eventually moving here into the Shasta Hotel. This would be good for him to have his own spot. He is already 73 years old, so he is an ol' rooster.
I just wanted to post the above. It is good just to be here ALL BY MYSELF now.
Twitter Tweets from Tuesday, September 4, 2012 ~ Peter S. López @Peta_de_Aztlan ~
Family ~ I Follow 99 Global News Sources @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ Will Follow Back Humane Beings @Humane_Being #Liberation #OWS
Praise the Lord of Love, Light and Liberation! Fight for Global Liberation by any means necessary! Liberty or Death!
The Mind thinks but the Body has to put into action ~be involved in order to gain Direct Experience.
The Slave cannot free himself until he stops thinking with a Slave Mentality and starts thinking with a Liberated Mentality!
@OccupyWallStNYC Grassroots Leader Rev. Dr. William Barber ~Fight for Voting, Civil Rights in North Carolina http://bit.ly/R61DJR
Your economy is no longer economical. Your leaders lie. Your President is a smiling superb actor with eloquence. Your government has failed you! It is broken beyond any hope of fixing it. Your Congress is composed of Millionaires! Why do we have to go to War in foreign countries to learn world geography? Do we remember Vietnam anymore? Before 911 most Americans did not even know where in the hell Iraq was? Where was Afghanistan? Where is Iran now? Now is a good time to think about the future. What kind of world do you want to live in? Think outside the USA.
Do not get obsessed or fanatical about anything. Just be actively aware of what is going on here now, not asleep.
The widespread social apathy of the American people could be the major countrywide disease Americans suffer.
IF there was an Emergency and you had Five Minutes to evacuate NOW what would you grab and treasure? Be ready!
The process of Liberation begins within. Liberating our minds of any grand lies, devious deceptions and grandiose illusions.
Don't wait for Jesus! Don't wait until the 2nd Coming! Don't wait for any woo-woo on December 21, 2012! Grow up!
@FilmJG Each of us need to work on building up our own individual character and self-esteem on our own as Liberated Beings!
Connected reality exists independently of your acceptance of its existence or not. It impacts on your life constantly.
@publiusspeaks We are all impacted by political decisions, we should be part of that decision-making process.
Each of us should be the Leader in our own unique individual life. Get rid of your false leaders. Quit searching for Daddy!
Let ideas and ideals be our leaders for which directions we should go, not any mortal man or leader. Lead yourself! Support and Vote for any legitimate 3rd Party Candidate you relate to and No Obama or Romney. Get free! Get real!
We engage in raising revolutionary consciousness to stimulate practical activism in the real world. Before we talk about picking up the gun, we need to exhaust all legal, peaceful, non-violent methods of struggle! IF you truly believe in democracy and proportional representation then you need to be consistent and get involved. Politics remains war without bloodshed. It is the ballot or the bullet. What has changed since Malcolm X was killed?
I'm listening to Don't Forget To Breathe by Bitter:Sweet on Pandora on The Mating Game http://bit.ly/O3fI7H #pandora
Get rid of the old-fashioned terms about Left-Wing and Right-Wing. The grand truth is in the Center. Unite with others. Express yourself ~Stimulate worthwhile conversations with others ~Practice your writing and public speaking skills Trust me. This nightmare is not going to go away if you stay hidden under your blankets or in being Anonymous.
Get involved in the People's Politics ~Relating to the People's Basic Needs for Survival ~Getting involved in your area! We live in a world strongly influenced by politics and politicians impact on your personal lives constantly. We need to be bold and define a new style of politics as relating to the basic survival needs of the people. IF you are turned off to politics and politicians then you are a part of the problem, not the solution. #Apathy
We have got to get out of the Democrats are 'the good guys' and the Republicans are 'the bad guys' mind-trap! IF you are a Democrat what kind of work do you do for the Democratic Party, other than doing an Absentee Ballot? The choice between 'the lessor of two evils' is not a Spiritually healthy choice no matter which you choose. #Karma The choice between Obama and Romney is a choice between disaster and catastrophe. Think outside the cage!
IF you are still stuck on stupid as an 'Obama for President' Supporter you just have not been paying attention! Many people have hidden agendas unknown by others they interact with. Sometimes the obvious is not obvious to some.
Be careful and conscious of what you believe as the truth. Because you saw it on the Internet does not equate to proof. Billionaires Dumping Stocks, Economist Knows Why ~ http://bit.ly/RBOffz ~ http://bit.ly/RBOffz ~
Fact: More than 47,500 people have died in drug-related violence in Mexico since December 2006
~ http://bit.ly/Q2AtzD ~
I use TweetDeck so I have access to both my Twitter Accounts when I use it, though sometimes I Tweet from the Twitter Website. Family ~ I Follow 99 Global News Sources @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ Will Follow Back Humane Beings @Humane_Being #Liberation #OWS Praise the Lord of Love, Light and Liberation! Fight for Global Liberation by any means necessary! Liberty or Death!
VIDEO How to raise personal vibration and why it is essential ? Penney Peirce ~ http://bit.ly/aB2RZ4 ~
We need to practice compassionate witnessing. Fear arises from the unconscious when inner and outer are split. —Rowena Patee Kryder
We need to see that images and symbols are not representations but are the presences of things. —Rowena Patee kryder
Art is a primary expression of soul. Beauty is what soul recognizes. Beauty is not adornment, but revelation. —Rowena Patee Kryder
23 Jun Penney Peirce @penneypeirce To clear ourselves of blockages, these days we only need return to the present moment, where realities of the past exert no influence.
12 Jul Penney Peirce @penneypeirce Offer yourself as the eye of the collective consciousness. Do you know when someone's looking at you, thinking about you, or feeling toward you? Remember: softer focus, fuller attention.
29 Jul Penney Peirce Penney Peirce @penneypeirce Concentrate entirely on one mundane task; brushing your teeth, washing dishes, opening a door. Be super-aware of each part of the task. Clean out your closets, bookshelves, or garage; give away what you don't relate to or use. Notice what comes next to occupy the open space. Practice being fully present with "What Is" in each moment, without trying to change anything. Remind yourself that "It just is what it is."
31 Jul Penney Peirce @penneypeirce True entitlement is a function of centeredness; false entitlement is a function of ego. Practice including people who your mind labels as different, distasteful, or even dangerous, inside the bubble of your personal reality. Your body gives you good advice. Discriminate between a neutral body cue and emotional biases. This is the key to hearing your Inner Voice. Complete old cycles & involvements, the ones that have been draining you. Fearlessly let go, with love, of what isn't appropriate anymore.
#Connect @penneypeirce Intuition Expert.... Northern California ~ • http://www.penneypeirce.com
1 Sep Penney Peirce @penneypeirce In the moment there are no blockages. These are a function of left-brain thinking. Passion comes when the heart is open and the body, senses, and feeling ability are fully engaged.
Passion is engagement without thought of an exit point or strategy.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
@ 9:37 AM ~ Saved a lot of my Tweets from my Twitter timeline above. It is a tedious technical task and can be a real drag. Nonetheless I want to preserve some stuff. I suppose for me and maybe whoever happens to stumble upon here at this website in the future ~assuming we have a future.
Let us pray we command our own conscious attention ~pay attention to personal needs and take time to just be still sometimes.
Let us pray we take time to meditate ~reflect ~do personal inventory ~plan our day out ~take care of business in a calm spirit.
Let us pray we take time to think before we speak ~think before we type ~think before we transmit ~and live as conscious beings.
Let us pray we remember we are first beings, not doings. Are we being our true self or being what other people want us to be?
Let us pray we remember that being online, being offline and quietly meditating inline with our spirit are different states of being.
Let us pray we do not get caught up in the anxiety states of others, caught up in the drama trauma of people who are already toxic.
Let us pray we remember that personal health is the greatest wealth. Strive for longevity by avoiding unhealthy and toxic ways of being.
Let us pray we are aware of our energy levels throughout the day. Avoid any and all energy vampires as much as you can in life.
Let us pray we are in harmony with our inner spiritual beingness in the context of the mind-body-soul trinity ~at peace within.
Let us pray we remember what we need to remember about the past with all its historical lessons ~yet let go of the burden of resentments.
Let us pray we live life as conscious, humane and liberated beings in the here and now, not stuck in the prison of the past.
Let us pray we develop healthy habits of being ~establish creative routines on a daily basis ~keep our hearts open to new love.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
@ 11:00 AM ~ I slept pretty well. Need to remain conscious before bedtime as to whether I have taken my medication and Melatonin as a sleep enhancer ~Shirley McClaine takes Melatonin too!
@ 3:42 PM ~ Met my Brother Bobby earlier by K Street Mini-Mart. We kind of refreshed about what is going on in our lives. I found out I can communicate with him via Google+. I need to avoid any co-dependent thinking. He is a grown man capable of making his own decisions. Sometimes I just worry about his health, as I worry about my own.
Audio-Video: Coast to Coast AM - September 05 2012 - Outbreaks & Psychic Abilities ~ http://bit.ly/Q2CHBA ~
The Skeptical Psychic - Home ~ http://www.theskepticalpsychic.com/ ~ VIA Nancy du Tertre @skepticalpsych
BOOK #Psychic Intuition: Nancy du Tertre: Amazon.com: http://amzn.to/TsVBSW ~
Let us pray we are aware of the power of our hands ~wash our hands and watch where we put our hands. Hands are handy!
Let us pray we are in tune with our inner beingness ~be calm in the frequency of internal vibrations, especially in the external world.
Let us pray we use conscious awareness to attract positive vibrations from the external world ~avoid energy draining negativism.
Let us pray we honor our personal space ~keep a positive attitude when looking out at the world. Attitude affects altitude.
Let us pray we have the spiritual consciousness to work on our inner liberation ~freeing ourselves from character defects.
Let us pray we are aware that our major global problems have their roots in our own spiritual consciousness ~our own shadows.
Let us pray for those who are crippled by their own character defects ~selfish greed, cowardice, laziness, arrogance and others.
Let us pray we are cognizant of our psychic intuition, remain aware of all our ordinary senses and stay alert to synchronicity.
Let us pray we fish in good waters. We can give a hungry man a fish, but how do we create good fishermen?
VIDEO 9-6-2012 ~President Barack Obama's Remarks ~2012 Democratic National Convention-Full Speech ~ http://bit.ly/QkMG6V ~
VIDEO 9-6-2012 ~President Bill Clinton's Remarks ~2012 Democratic National Convention - Full Speech ~ http://bit.ly/NOCTFP ~
VIDEO 9-4-2012 ~Mayor Julián Castro: 2012 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address-Full Speech ~ http://bit.ly/QkYJkO ~ #VOTE
Friday, September 7, 2012
@ 8:05 AM ~ Another day in paradise lost -and-found.
@ 11:33 AM ~ Just woke up from a little catnap. I must of needed it. I do not like to go through the day feeling all draggy and sleepy. I sometimes have an irregular sleeping pattern.
I actually wonder about folks who do not journal in one way or another. For me it is a matter of helping me feel grounded, it is good to practice my self expression and good for my mental health in general. In fact, I do need to do more of it than I do these days.
@ 5:11 PM ~ Just came back from Grocery Outlet. Sometimes when I come back in I will sit for a minutes in the Shasta Conference Room and converse with Linda there or whoever.++++
Let us pray we have enough common sense to not be stuck in choosing between 'the lessor of two evils' in #Elections of 2012.
Let us pray for all the victims of 911 and all the innocent victims of the misguided Amerikan War on Terror. Be a counter-terrorist!
Let us pray we have the courage and integrity to speak up and speak out against all manifestations of Evil Powers in the world.
Let us pray we have the courage and integrity to work on getting rid of our own core character defects and related shortcomings.
"Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny." j.mp/LqBjCY
To learn and not to do is really not to learn. To know and not to do is really not to know. ~ Stephen R. Covey
Habit is the intersection of knowledge (what to do), skill (how to do), and desire (want to do). ~ Stephen R. Covey
How you treat the one reveals how you regard the many, because everyone is ultimately a one. ~ Stephen R. Covey
Isaac Asimov on Creativity in Education ~The Future of Science | Brain Pickings ~ http://bit.ly/fpzmP5 ~
VIDEO 9/7/2012 ~ Humanity’s Greatest Secret: Dreams of the Universe By Marchosias ~ http://bit.ly/QapG6x ~
HELP-Matrix Blog: Beyond November by Michael Hirsch & Jason Schulman ~ bit.ly/TyQG2I ~
VIDEO The Two-Headed Monster VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ bit.ly/QaqYP2 ~
VIDEO The Two-Headed Monster VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ http://bit.ly/QaqYP2 ~
++++ Political Party Alternatives to Two-Headed Monster ~
Party for Socialism and Liberation ~ http://pslweb.org/ ~ VIA @pslweb
Green Party of United States ~ http://www.gp.org/index.php ~ VIA @gpus
Peace and Freedom Party ~ http://www.peaceandfreedom.org/home/ ~ VIA @peaceandfreedom
Libertarian Party ~ http://www.lp.org/ ~ VIA @LPNational ~~~~
U.S. Bill of Rights ~ http://1.usa.gov/etuaxS ~
Universal Declaration of Human Rights ~ http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/ ~
Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Additional Protocols ~ http://bit.ly/T8YK9n ~
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable."
~ President John F.Kennedy
Uploaded by Peter S. López AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan on Twitter Help Portal ~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~
~ https://www.facebook.com/Peta51 ~ c/s
Sabbath, September 8, 2012
@ 9:15 AM ~ Slept well. I hope I can maintain my 'spot' here at the Shasta Hotel long enough to obtain another source of income, preferably the fruit of my writing/typing, then move out into a more normal places, preferably with a decent room with a good view. The view from my room here looks like a prison courtyard. On the other hand it makes me focus more on my computer, the Intenet and typing stuff. I still need to be aware of my ADHD tendency.
At first I just thought I had ADD, but as time goes on I see that I actually have symptoms of ADHD. It is not that I move around like a hyped-up crankster. However, I can distracted to the point where at the end of the day I see that I have not done my major priorities for the day. Go figure.
@ 7:53 PM ~ I just made myself a big dinner of eggs, chorizo with sausage, tortillias + a big avocado. It becomes really a time-consuming operation. I got some leftovers in a plastic bowl with a cover in my little refrigerator.
@ 9:34 PM ~ Thinking about online activists today, I think a lot of so-called progressive folks are just sound asleep. Maybe they are busy doing good work. I need to not be so assumptive and judgmental.
Let us pray we use our words, images and energies to help others, to raise consciousness and to help wake up the whole world.
VIDEO Online Activism VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ http://bit.ly/P5QOCx ~
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable."
~ President John F.Kennedy
U.S. Bill of Rights ~ http://1.usa.gov/etuaxS ~
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights ~ http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/ ~
Uploaded by Peter S. López AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan on Twitter Help Portal ~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~
LINK The Gringo Shaman ~ bit.ly/Rqzk94 ~
VIDEO Gringo Shaman (part 1) ~ http://bit.ly/QuDwzg ~
VIDEO Gringo Shaman (part 2) ~ http://bit.ly/QuEcVk ~
@zfree Grassroots Leader Rev. Dr. William Barber on the Fight for Voting, Civil Rights in North Carolina http://bit.ly/R61DJR
As Liberated Beings we need to first liberate ourselves ~liberate ourselves from our own ignorance, our own character defects.
As Liberated Beings we need to create, develop and advance a People's Politics of Fusion, not Confusion. Unity is strength.
As Liberated Beings we need to work on digging out of our souls tendencies towards heartless hatred and harmful anger.
@GoldenRHealth Our little Tweets gradually enhances better Global Communications among all of us to help us all.
#Connect Tuesday, September 4, 2012 ~Democracy Now! http://www.democracynow.org/ ~Get an Overview of Today's News Daily @democracynow
@optumussPRIMEE I thought that was a really 'real' good picture of Barack & his daughters ~
http://flic.kr/p/d68FpE ~ #DNC
As Liberated Beings your vision beyond artificial national boundaries ~build bridges, not borders.
As Liberated Beings see the Big Global Picture ~understand that the so-called Third World is the Majority of the World.
As Liberated Beings free yourselves of the Left Vs. Right ~Dem vs. Repub ~Liberal vs. Conservative conflicts.
As Liberated Beings we need to not get caught up in the petty politics of division. Go deeper than surface labels.
We need to strive earnestly to be Liberated Beings in the world ~strive for Global Liberation ~work on our Inner Liberation
Tuesday, September 4, 2012 ~Democracy Now! http://www.democracynow.org/ ~
Great Video: Dr. Gabor Maté - In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts ~ http://bit.ly/OWhBmy ~ Take Time!
PIX 9/4/12 POTUS Obama & Daughters ~Malia and Sasha~ at White House watch First Lady Michelle on TV at #DNC ~ http://flic.kr/p/d68FpE ~
HELP-Matrix Blog: #DNC Keynote address: Julián Castro ~ http://bit.ly/OWfsrd ~
#Democracy Now! Headlines for September 04, 2012 ~ http://www.democracynow.org/2012/9/4/headlines … ~
Tuesday, Sep. 04, 2012 ~The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily ~ http://bit.ly/MaE9Bk ~
@jlvandenhurk S. To have the courage to help expose what is wrong in this country is key for us to show our real love for this country.
@jlvandenhurk We want to make a better stronger country that is united based upon basic common sense humane principles.
READ 9/2/12 Possible connection between "Stellar Wind" and LDS Church ~ http://bit.ly/SieVoh ~ #StellarWind
For sure Obama would be a better President than Rotten Romney could ever be. Still certain policies of his should be criticized.
#Connect @100TPC One Hundred Thousand Poets for Change, September 29, 2012! Over 500 events in 100 countries Global • http://www.100tpc.org 2012
Democratic National Convention — September 3rd-6th — Barack Obama http://www.barackobama.com/convention
BOOK Sage-ing While Age-ing: By Shirley MacLaine: http://amzn.to/ShVzQ5 ~
Watch Live - 2012 Democratic National Convention http://www.demconvention.com/live ~
Doctors w/o Borders @MSF_USA "Then, injured people started coming from everywhere..." http://bit.ly/Rvts9h On transforming a house in #Syria into an emergency hospital.
#Sacramento ~Time Tested Books: 100 Thousand Poets for Change 9/6 at 7 p.m. ~ http://timetestedbooks.blogspot.com/2012/08/september6-2012-7-p.html … ~
@RawStory Both parties know we have a lot of Americans strung out hard on the Internet ~despite any denial here.
Be keen to making distinctions ~between a healthy ego and egotism ~between self-interest and selfishness ~between you and I.
Be careful that your treasured possessions do not end up being added burdens to be protected. Travel light, journey far.
In a specific situation, to have less is to have more ~create the free space for receiving what will be of more value.
The good sculptor chips away at the outward inessentials, revealing his true work of art hidden in a glob of clay.
Question authority ~Be cynical in terms of questioning the underlying motives of others ~Question the Big Lie!
Try as you may you are still connected to connected reality ~all realities are connected at one level or another,
There are no healthy addictions or obsessions. Avoid all forms of fanaticism. Do your best not to lie to yourself.
In all the connected complexity of life, just try to keep it simple and simplify the complex, not the reverse.
#2012 The first rule of prediction. Be mindful of them but do not live in expectation of them.
Time to get ready to go see my Christian Sister in North Highlands. She's a little fanatical, but she is my oldest friend.
Old love.
Guard your health ~Take care of your loved ones ~Know what is going on in the real world ~Participate in your lifetime!
Stuff does not simply go away by ignoring it. Connected reality has a way of sticking around. Be involved in life!
I'm listening to Queremos Paz by Gotan Project on Pandora on La Revancha del Tango http://bit.ly/OJxRIf #pandora
When the shit hits the fan do not be passively sitting in front of it watching TV, munching on popcorn !
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S. López
Ended up Sacra City College. Bewana he no home. pic.twitter.com/EtZbSUik
At Time Tested Books on 21 Street ~ http://timetestedbooks.net/ ~ I bought a new book by Shirley McClaine ~ http://shirleymaclaine.com/ ~ BOOK Sage-ing While Age-ing: By Shirley MacLaine: http://amzn.to/ShVzQ5 ~
I finally met Geri and Rick by the Crest Theater. It has been about a couple of months since I had seen the both of them. We talked for awhile, catching up on stuff, then, both Rick and her took turns checking out my bunker. I found out I am only allowed one visitor at a time. I am really glad they both were able to see my bunker. It has been a long time to go around that circle. After I lost my place at Globe Mills the last time I moved in with her and Rick for a hairy four months, slept on the couch and just longed to have my own spot with my situation being as it is now. So her and Rick left and I told them thanks them for coming by. Whew!
Then right after they left my Brother Manny G. came by, he too came in and saw my bunker for the first time! He is going to have Eye Surgery for cataracts, went through some concern about stuff, but he will be OK. It was just a false alarm he had. I paid him another $100 Dollars that I owed him. I think I still owe him another $100 at least. He helped me when I was trying to keep my apartment at Globe Mills the first time with a loan of a few hundred dollars. We are old friends. In fact, he is considering eventually moving here into the Shasta Hotel. This would be good for him to have his own spot. He is already 73 years old, so he is an ol' rooster.
I just wanted to post the above. It is good just to be here ALL BY MYSELF now.
Twitter Tweets from Tuesday, September 4, 2012 ~ Peter S. López @Peta_de_Aztlan ~
Family ~ I Follow 99 Global News Sources @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ Will Follow Back Humane Beings @Humane_Being #Liberation #OWS
Praise the Lord of Love, Light and Liberation! Fight for Global Liberation by any means necessary! Liberty or Death!
The Mind thinks but the Body has to put into action ~be involved in order to gain Direct Experience.
The Slave cannot free himself until he stops thinking with a Slave Mentality and starts thinking with a Liberated Mentality!
@OccupyWallStNYC Grassroots Leader Rev. Dr. William Barber ~Fight for Voting, Civil Rights in North Carolina http://bit.ly/R61DJR
Your economy is no longer economical. Your leaders lie. Your President is a smiling superb actor with eloquence. Your government has failed you! It is broken beyond any hope of fixing it. Your Congress is composed of Millionaires! Why do we have to go to War in foreign countries to learn world geography? Do we remember Vietnam anymore? Before 911 most Americans did not even know where in the hell Iraq was? Where was Afghanistan? Where is Iran now? Now is a good time to think about the future. What kind of world do you want to live in? Think outside the USA.
Do not get obsessed or fanatical about anything. Just be actively aware of what is going on here now, not asleep.
The widespread social apathy of the American people could be the major countrywide disease Americans suffer.
IF there was an Emergency and you had Five Minutes to evacuate NOW what would you grab and treasure? Be ready!
The process of Liberation begins within. Liberating our minds of any grand lies, devious deceptions and grandiose illusions.
Don't wait for Jesus! Don't wait until the 2nd Coming! Don't wait for any woo-woo on December 21, 2012! Grow up!
@FilmJG Each of us need to work on building up our own individual character and self-esteem on our own as Liberated Beings!
Connected reality exists independently of your acceptance of its existence or not. It impacts on your life constantly.
@publiusspeaks We are all impacted by political decisions, we should be part of that decision-making process.
Each of us should be the Leader in our own unique individual life. Get rid of your false leaders. Quit searching for Daddy!
Let ideas and ideals be our leaders for which directions we should go, not any mortal man or leader. Lead yourself! Support and Vote for any legitimate 3rd Party Candidate you relate to and No Obama or Romney. Get free! Get real!
We engage in raising revolutionary consciousness to stimulate practical activism in the real world. Before we talk about picking up the gun, we need to exhaust all legal, peaceful, non-violent methods of struggle! IF you truly believe in democracy and proportional representation then you need to be consistent and get involved. Politics remains war without bloodshed. It is the ballot or the bullet. What has changed since Malcolm X was killed?
I'm listening to Don't Forget To Breathe by Bitter:Sweet on Pandora on The Mating Game http://bit.ly/O3fI7H #pandora
Get rid of the old-fashioned terms about Left-Wing and Right-Wing. The grand truth is in the Center. Unite with others. Express yourself ~Stimulate worthwhile conversations with others ~Practice your writing and public speaking skills Trust me. This nightmare is not going to go away if you stay hidden under your blankets or in being Anonymous.
Get involved in the People's Politics ~Relating to the People's Basic Needs for Survival ~Getting involved in your area! We live in a world strongly influenced by politics and politicians impact on your personal lives constantly. We need to be bold and define a new style of politics as relating to the basic survival needs of the people. IF you are turned off to politics and politicians then you are a part of the problem, not the solution. #Apathy
We have got to get out of the Democrats are 'the good guys' and the Republicans are 'the bad guys' mind-trap! IF you are a Democrat what kind of work do you do for the Democratic Party, other than doing an Absentee Ballot? The choice between 'the lessor of two evils' is not a Spiritually healthy choice no matter which you choose. #Karma The choice between Obama and Romney is a choice between disaster and catastrophe. Think outside the cage!
IF you are still stuck on stupid as an 'Obama for President' Supporter you just have not been paying attention! Many people have hidden agendas unknown by others they interact with. Sometimes the obvious is not obvious to some.
Be careful and conscious of what you believe as the truth. Because you saw it on the Internet does not equate to proof. Billionaires Dumping Stocks, Economist Knows Why ~ http://bit.ly/RBOffz ~ http://bit.ly/RBOffz ~
Fact: More than 47,500 people have died in drug-related violence in Mexico since December 2006
~ http://bit.ly/Q2AtzD ~
I use TweetDeck so I have access to both my Twitter Accounts when I use it, though sometimes I Tweet from the Twitter Website. Family ~ I Follow 99 Global News Sources @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ Will Follow Back Humane Beings @Humane_Being #Liberation #OWS Praise the Lord of Love, Light and Liberation! Fight for Global Liberation by any means necessary! Liberty or Death!
VIDEO How to raise personal vibration and why it is essential ? Penney Peirce ~ http://bit.ly/aB2RZ4 ~
We need to practice compassionate witnessing. Fear arises from the unconscious when inner and outer are split. —Rowena Patee Kryder
We need to see that images and symbols are not representations but are the presences of things. —Rowena Patee kryder
Art is a primary expression of soul. Beauty is what soul recognizes. Beauty is not adornment, but revelation. —Rowena Patee Kryder
23 Jun Penney Peirce @penneypeirce To clear ourselves of blockages, these days we only need return to the present moment, where realities of the past exert no influence.
12 Jul Penney Peirce @penneypeirce Offer yourself as the eye of the collective consciousness. Do you know when someone's looking at you, thinking about you, or feeling toward you? Remember: softer focus, fuller attention.
29 Jul Penney Peirce Penney Peirce @penneypeirce Concentrate entirely on one mundane task; brushing your teeth, washing dishes, opening a door. Be super-aware of each part of the task. Clean out your closets, bookshelves, or garage; give away what you don't relate to or use. Notice what comes next to occupy the open space. Practice being fully present with "What Is" in each moment, without trying to change anything. Remind yourself that "It just is what it is."
31 Jul Penney Peirce @penneypeirce True entitlement is a function of centeredness; false entitlement is a function of ego. Practice including people who your mind labels as different, distasteful, or even dangerous, inside the bubble of your personal reality. Your body gives you good advice. Discriminate between a neutral body cue and emotional biases. This is the key to hearing your Inner Voice. Complete old cycles & involvements, the ones that have been draining you. Fearlessly let go, with love, of what isn't appropriate anymore.
#Connect @penneypeirce Intuition Expert.... Northern California ~ • http://www.penneypeirce.com
1 Sep Penney Peirce @penneypeirce In the moment there are no blockages. These are a function of left-brain thinking. Passion comes when the heart is open and the body, senses, and feeling ability are fully engaged.
Passion is engagement without thought of an exit point or strategy.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
@ 9:37 AM ~ Saved a lot of my Tweets from my Twitter timeline above. It is a tedious technical task and can be a real drag. Nonetheless I want to preserve some stuff. I suppose for me and maybe whoever happens to stumble upon here at this website in the future ~assuming we have a future.
Let us pray we command our own conscious attention ~pay attention to personal needs and take time to just be still sometimes.
Let us pray we take time to meditate ~reflect ~do personal inventory ~plan our day out ~take care of business in a calm spirit.
Let us pray we take time to think before we speak ~think before we type ~think before we transmit ~and live as conscious beings.
Let us pray we remember we are first beings, not doings. Are we being our true self or being what other people want us to be?
Let us pray we remember that being online, being offline and quietly meditating inline with our spirit are different states of being.
Let us pray we do not get caught up in the anxiety states of others, caught up in the drama trauma of people who are already toxic.
Let us pray we remember that personal health is the greatest wealth. Strive for longevity by avoiding unhealthy and toxic ways of being.
Let us pray we are aware of our energy levels throughout the day. Avoid any and all energy vampires as much as you can in life.
Let us pray we are in harmony with our inner spiritual beingness in the context of the mind-body-soul trinity ~at peace within.
Let us pray we remember what we need to remember about the past with all its historical lessons ~yet let go of the burden of resentments.
Let us pray we live life as conscious, humane and liberated beings in the here and now, not stuck in the prison of the past.
Let us pray we develop healthy habits of being ~establish creative routines on a daily basis ~keep our hearts open to new love.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
@ 11:00 AM ~ I slept pretty well. Need to remain conscious before bedtime as to whether I have taken my medication and Melatonin as a sleep enhancer ~Shirley McClaine takes Melatonin too!
@ 3:42 PM ~ Met my Brother Bobby earlier by K Street Mini-Mart. We kind of refreshed about what is going on in our lives. I found out I can communicate with him via Google+. I need to avoid any co-dependent thinking. He is a grown man capable of making his own decisions. Sometimes I just worry about his health, as I worry about my own.
Audio-Video: Coast to Coast AM - September 05 2012 - Outbreaks & Psychic Abilities ~ http://bit.ly/Q2CHBA ~
The Skeptical Psychic - Home ~ http://www.theskepticalpsychic.com/ ~ VIA Nancy du Tertre @skepticalpsych
BOOK #Psychic Intuition: Nancy du Tertre: Amazon.com: http://amzn.to/TsVBSW ~
Let us pray we are aware of the power of our hands ~wash our hands and watch where we put our hands. Hands are handy!
Let us pray we are in tune with our inner beingness ~be calm in the frequency of internal vibrations, especially in the external world.
Let us pray we use conscious awareness to attract positive vibrations from the external world ~avoid energy draining negativism.
Let us pray we honor our personal space ~keep a positive attitude when looking out at the world. Attitude affects altitude.
Let us pray we have the spiritual consciousness to work on our inner liberation ~freeing ourselves from character defects.
Let us pray we are aware that our major global problems have their roots in our own spiritual consciousness ~our own shadows.
Let us pray for those who are crippled by their own character defects ~selfish greed, cowardice, laziness, arrogance and others.
Let us pray we are cognizant of our psychic intuition, remain aware of all our ordinary senses and stay alert to synchronicity.
Let us pray we fish in good waters. We can give a hungry man a fish, but how do we create good fishermen?
VIDEO 9-6-2012 ~President Barack Obama's Remarks ~2012 Democratic National Convention-Full Speech ~ http://bit.ly/QkMG6V ~
VIDEO 9-6-2012 ~President Bill Clinton's Remarks ~2012 Democratic National Convention - Full Speech ~ http://bit.ly/NOCTFP ~
VIDEO 9-4-2012 ~Mayor Julián Castro: 2012 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address-Full Speech ~ http://bit.ly/QkYJkO ~ #VOTE
Friday, September 7, 2012
@ 8:05 AM ~ Another day in paradise lost -and-found.
@ 11:33 AM ~ Just woke up from a little catnap. I must of needed it. I do not like to go through the day feeling all draggy and sleepy. I sometimes have an irregular sleeping pattern.
I actually wonder about folks who do not journal in one way or another. For me it is a matter of helping me feel grounded, it is good to practice my self expression and good for my mental health in general. In fact, I do need to do more of it than I do these days.
@ 5:11 PM ~ Just came back from Grocery Outlet. Sometimes when I come back in I will sit for a minutes in the Shasta Conference Room and converse with Linda there or whoever.++++
Let us pray we have enough common sense to not be stuck in choosing between 'the lessor of two evils' in #Elections of 2012.
Let us pray for all the victims of 911 and all the innocent victims of the misguided Amerikan War on Terror. Be a counter-terrorist!
Let us pray we have the courage and integrity to speak up and speak out against all manifestations of Evil Powers in the world.
Let us pray we have the courage and integrity to work on getting rid of our own core character defects and related shortcomings.
"Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny." j.mp/LqBjCY
To learn and not to do is really not to learn. To know and not to do is really not to know. ~ Stephen R. Covey
Habit is the intersection of knowledge (what to do), skill (how to do), and desire (want to do). ~ Stephen R. Covey
How you treat the one reveals how you regard the many, because everyone is ultimately a one. ~ Stephen R. Covey
Isaac Asimov on Creativity in Education ~The Future of Science | Brain Pickings ~ http://bit.ly/fpzmP5 ~
VIDEO 9/7/2012 ~ Humanity’s Greatest Secret: Dreams of the Universe By Marchosias ~ http://bit.ly/QapG6x ~
HELP-Matrix Blog: Beyond November by Michael Hirsch & Jason Schulman ~ bit.ly/TyQG2I ~
VIDEO The Two-Headed Monster VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ bit.ly/QaqYP2 ~
VIDEO The Two-Headed Monster VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ http://bit.ly/QaqYP2 ~
++++ Political Party Alternatives to Two-Headed Monster ~
Party for Socialism and Liberation ~ http://pslweb.org/ ~ VIA @pslweb
Green Party of United States ~ http://www.gp.org/index.php ~ VIA @gpus
Peace and Freedom Party ~ http://www.peaceandfreedom.org/home/ ~ VIA @peaceandfreedom
Libertarian Party ~ http://www.lp.org/ ~ VIA @LPNational ~~~~
U.S. Bill of Rights ~ http://1.usa.gov/etuaxS ~
Universal Declaration of Human Rights ~ http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/ ~
Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Additional Protocols ~ http://bit.ly/T8YK9n ~
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable."
~ President John F.Kennedy
Uploaded by Peter S. López AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan on Twitter Help Portal ~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~
~ https://www.facebook.com/Peta51 ~ c/s
Sabbath, September 8, 2012
@ 9:15 AM ~ Slept well. I hope I can maintain my 'spot' here at the Shasta Hotel long enough to obtain another source of income, preferably the fruit of my writing/typing, then move out into a more normal places, preferably with a decent room with a good view. The view from my room here looks like a prison courtyard. On the other hand it makes me focus more on my computer, the Intenet and typing stuff. I still need to be aware of my ADHD tendency.
At first I just thought I had ADD, but as time goes on I see that I actually have symptoms of ADHD. It is not that I move around like a hyped-up crankster. However, I can distracted to the point where at the end of the day I see that I have not done my major priorities for the day. Go figure.
@ 7:53 PM ~ I just made myself a big dinner of eggs, chorizo with sausage, tortillias + a big avocado. It becomes really a time-consuming operation. I got some leftovers in a plastic bowl with a cover in my little refrigerator.
@ 9:34 PM ~ Thinking about online activists today, I think a lot of so-called progressive folks are just sound asleep. Maybe they are busy doing good work. I need to not be so assumptive and judgmental.
Let us pray we use our words, images and energies to help others, to raise consciousness and to help wake up the whole world.
VIDEO Online Activism VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ http://bit.ly/P5QOCx ~
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable."
~ President John F.Kennedy
U.S. Bill of Rights ~ http://1.usa.gov/etuaxS ~
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights ~ http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/ ~
Uploaded by Peter S. López AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan on Twitter Help Portal ~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~
LINK The Gringo Shaman ~ bit.ly/Rqzk94 ~
VIDEO Gringo Shaman (part 1) ~ http://bit.ly/QuDwzg ~
VIDEO Gringo Shaman (part 2) ~ http://bit.ly/QuEcVk ~
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Personal Daily Horoscope of Sunday, 9 September 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951
A stormy period ~ This influence is likely to coincide with a stormy period in your personal relationships. There will probably be a difference between you and your partner about some personal objective that you both are very closely involved in. Or a difference in your background and conditioning will cause you and your partner to see a situation very differently.
Associated with these problems is the problem of identifying so closely with your own point of view that you feel your personal honor depends on having your views triumph. Under this influence any kind of team effort that you become involved in is not likely to work. If you can possibly arrange it, try to work by yourself on a project in which you have the total initiative.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mars square Ascendant, , exact at 08:07 activity period from 7 September 2012 until 10 September 2012
Other transits occurring today, Moon opposition Chiron, exact at 11:09 Moon square Jupiter, exact at 18:55 Moon sextile MC, exact at 12:08 Moon square Mars, exact at 00:35 Moon square Venus, exact at 22:39
@10:51 AM ~ I woke up at 9:45 AM. As usual I went to bed late. Got some clothes washing. This evening I have my CASA Meeting. I hope it is well attended, though I tend to be more concerned about the quality of a meeting than the numbers in attendance.
@ 1:37 PM ~ I went to K Mini-Mart earlier. Afterwards I talked to a couple of brothers I knew fro m Sally's. Told them about the CASA 12-Steps Meeting this evening. I talked about how it was all about liberty in relation to recovery, not just sobriety. We need to use the Power of Love for ourselves, love for life, love for the people in order to work on our collective liberty. Traditional AA/NA approaches are lame and do not address the social conditions that spawn various kinds of addiction.
My spirit felt lifted when one brother, a former client when I was a Counselor at Sally's, said, "That's why you're my counselor!" I wonder if he fully understood that I had been laid off and how I was no longer a counselor. Actually I was never a certified counselor nor am I an ordained minister. I am just able to help people to understand themselves better, look for answers to their questions within and cultivate the Power of Love.
Let us pray we are able to encompass a cosmic consciousness in life that is aware of the Big Picture and where we are in the world within it.
Let us pray we are able to tap into the subconscious and raise it up to the conscious level without fear or inhibition.
Let us pray we can respect the religion of others without killing each other over it. Get free of any form of fanaticism.
Let us pray we can take a good look at ourselves and stop blaming others for our situation without doing a Personal Inventory.
Let us pray we are aware of the importance of time passing and not go with the flow then end up drowning.
Let us pray we are fully awake and aware in our lives. Being in tune with consciousness ~Feeling our bodies are we move.
Let us pray we are awake and aware of the beauty and power of being alive upon Mother Earth in these tremendous times of transition.
Monday, September 10, 2012
@ Woke up around 5:15 AM. Hope to get some good stuff done today. I feel blessed now. Some questions float around my mind. How do we create change? What is the best use of my time? How do I find more local allies?
@ 3:11 PM ~ Need to go to Grocery Outlet. It was really insane earlier when I walked to Rite-Aide. I imagine just some insane synchronicity. Cops were on the K Street Mall, arrested someone, then up by Rite-Aide someone was in the squad car, plus, some folks walking around babbling. People are really losing it, losing their cool, losing their composure, losing their sense of inner self.
@ 10:40 PM ~ I had a SE (Synchronistic Event) today. Right before going into Grocery Outlet I saw my good friend and amigo 'Toro' AKA Joe Montijo. I had not seen him for at least a couple of months. We chatted for awhile about stuff, sobriety, recovery and liberty. It was really good to see him. I'll insert his picture here tomorrow.
I am really going to start concentrating on my book, tentatively entitled Progressive Recovery Now! I have been talking about it for some years now, have a blog and a related blog about it. Now I am going to start working on it in earnest. Maybe I have some subconscious fears about it. I will need to dig deep into my memory, dig deep into my subconscious and not pull any punches. Thus, it will have to be a partial autobiography, going into the general life circumstances and prcess that got me into being a drug addict, eventually led me into regular recovery and, as progressed in my recovery let me to the concept of progressive recovery. It will be a new spin on recovery, healing and the protracted process that got me to the level of consciousness I have now.
I know it will be painful, plus it will be extremely helpful for me as I continue to pursue my own personal self-psycho analysis or spiritual evolution.
I will need discipline to do this book. I will to not spend so much time on the Internet posting and will have to learn how to better control and monitor my 'issues', especially my ADHD. Nada mas ahora! Che Peta
Let us pray we use our energy-time wisely, go with the flow without getting drowned in the process. Help create creative change.
Let us pray we understand the centrality of spiritual matters in our collective struggles for liberty, justice and freedom from suffering.
Let us pray we concentrate on our advocacy in support of humane rights and seek solidarity with our allies worldwide.
Let us pray we are not distracted by the scandals of celebrities, the scores of irrelevant games and fascist propaganda.
Let us pray we seek the truth with a strong spine of courage without fear, no matter where the truth leads us in our quest.
Let us pray we do not get tired in our efforts to find the truth, to share the truth and to stand up for the truth against all odds.
Let us pray we consciously strive to exhaust legal peaceful methods of struggle in our quest for Global Liberation in the world.
Let us pray our global liberation struggle is motivated by our pure love for the people, not by the darkness of hate.
Let us pray we do not mindlessly ape the evil character defects of our historical enemies, including insatiable hate and envy.
Let us pray for the conscious cultivation of humane love and compassion for the suffering of all peoples of all lands without prejudice.
Let us pray we have the wisdom of discernment to distinguish the sacred truth from the profane lies of corrupt rogue regimes.
Let us pray we obtain our inner energy from our pure love for the people and that our external actions in the world reflect our love.
4/15/2010 VIDEO 2:14:01 Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined Full ~ http://bit.ly/9nJMxo ~ Take the time!
12-17-2011 #OWS On Expanding Occupy Locations Into Liberated Zones | HELP-Matrix VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ bit.ly/OlQ4y8 ~
1-17-2012 On the Relevancy of Electoral Politics Today Inside Amerika | HELP-Matrix VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ bit.ly/O98kF8 ~
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
@ 11:07 AM ~ Woke up kind of late, but needed the sleep. I already took a shower, ate a big bowl of Cheerios with a banana and took my vitamins and herbal supplements for the day.
#911 Sometimes a great tragedy can have great lessons and the tragedy is greater when we mindlessly forget its many lessons.
Brother Manny - Apache http://t.co/YgZn9R8o ~
Ordered > Scattered: How Attention Deficit Disorder Originates And What You Can Do About It ~ Dr. Gabor Mate: amzn.to/HQp8Dh ~
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
@ 3:40 PM ~ Back home safe in my bunker. Went to go visit my Brother Gallo earlier. We had our usual stimulating conversation. Two old farts trying to figure out the world. He is working on a pamphlet that should come out good. I myself am mainly focus on my long-anticipated book on Progressive Recovery. I like Gallo because I can discuss just about anything with him. It is a true scripture about how iron sharpens iron.
We should make a conscious effort to be in harmony with others who are important to us in our lives, avoid challenging the fragile ago. There is already enough disharmony in the world.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
@ 3:38 PM ~ Just woke up from a catnap. Had dream I was in this house. It had an opening our to a back terrace where there was a huge graveyard next to it. It did not seem gloomy. It was raining outside and the colors were grey-silver. the graveyard was flooded. There were children playing in a pool section it. Then by the edge there was a coloful pretty senorita smiling at me, like she was peeking up out of the edge of a pool. She was wearing a nice red-and-white top, she was in a colorful area. I woke up. Go figure.
Let us pray we try to understand each other, before we react and condemn. Typed words cannot accurately reflect who we are alone.
Let us pray we perceive external reality correctly and the incoming communications from others, without prejudice.
Let us pray we begin to think as global citizens, not obsessed with any form of narrow nationalism. We share the same world.
Let us pray we stop thinking like reactionary Americans and start thinking like compassionate humane beings of the family of humanity.
Let us pray we distinguish between the pronouncements of corrupt governments and the true aspirations of people under their rule.
Let us pray we remember the lessons of #911. Stop thinking in terms of America First and start thinking about all of us together.
Let us pray we keep in mind the mass power of shared prayers and common dreams on the cosmic and quantum levels of life.
Let us pray we are not so caught up in worldly events that we forget to hold hands with loved ones and pay attention to their needs.
Let us pray we keep in mind that our needs are not only physical survival needs, our needs also encompass emotional and spiritual needs.
Friday, September 14, 2012
@ 9:30 AM ~ I was here typing when the room buzzed me that I had a visitor. I think I had one earlier but I was not ready for a visitor. This time I went out and it was my friend Trigger. I thought he was up in Utah right now. He came back to Sacramento, he is still going to school here, but he still needs to see about finding his own home. He said he will be at our CASA Meeting Sunday. If local folks want to see me they can see me there.
I told Trigger I was busy typing. He said I could write a good book on recovery. So that was encouraging. I need to focus on my book and avoid useless irrelevant distractions. I still want to work on building up the Humane Liberation Party but I have not received the interest and support I need. When out external work does not bring needed fruits we need to do internal work on our own selves. Circumstances themselves will impact on the general revolutionary consciousness of people.
VIDEO #Global Unity VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ http://bit.ly/OvmTJ0 ~
"Another world is not only possible, she's on her way. Maybe many of us won't be here to greet her, but on a quiet day, if I listen very carefully, I can hear her breathing."
~ Arundhati Roy
U.S. Bill of Rights ~
http://1.usa.gov/etuaxS ~
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights ~
http://www.un.org/en/documents/udhr/ ~
Uploaded by Peter S. López AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan on Twitter
Help Portal ~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~
Comment~ For some reason this came out a little blurry, Hell, we live in blurry times. It ain't all crystal clear. I will just post it up as it. Do your own Videos. Support Internet Power!
VIDEO September 2002 #Arundhati Roy With Howard Zinn Conversation18 ~ http://bit.ly/QbUPsW ~
VIDEO May 2004 NYC #Arundhati Roy - Instant Mix Imperial Democracy (Buy One Get One Free) Speech ~ http://bit.ly/QKmnVI ~
VIDEO and TRANSCRIPT June 6, 2010 #Arundhati Roy resists Operation Green Hunt | COTO Report ~ bit.ly/OtKgmn ~
11/15/2011 VIDEO Arundhati Roy: Occupy Wall Street is "So Important Because it is in the Heart of Empire" http://bit.ly/Qf2M0k ~ #OWS
VIDEO Arundhati Roy With Avi Lewis Conversation 24 March 2010 ~ http://bit.ly/RNso6i ~Published on Mar 9, 2012 by Roygroupies
VIDEO Arundhati Roy in Kolkata (FULL SPEECH) ~ http://bit.ly/RNxoI8 ~Uploaded by ProjectDystopia on Jan 13, 2011
VIDEO Fault Lines - Arundhati Roy ~ http://bit.ly/RNu5k7 ~Uploaded by AlJazeeraEnglish on May 6, 2010
Audio-Video: #Arundhati Roy discusses The God Of Small Things on Book Club ~ http://bit.ly/SCSUjZ ~Uploaded by Roygroupies on Oct 4, 2011
VIDEO Arundhati Roy CLASSIC Interview: AUSSIE SHOW~~ Enough Rope (2004) ~ http://bit.ly/SCSxpI ~Uploaded by ProjectDystopia on Nov 9, 2011
VIDEO Democracy and Dissent in China and India - Arundhati Roy with Dibyesh Anand ~ http://bit.ly/QHbUg5 ~
Uploaded Jun 17, 2011
Feb 10, 2012 #Arundhati Roy Acceptance Speech at the Norman Mailer 3rd Benefit ~ http://bit.ly/QKnnsU ~
VIDEO Arundhati Roy: Capitalism - A Ghost Story (4th Anuradha Ghandy Memorial Lecture) ~
http://bit.ly/SCRm9H ~ Uploaded Feb 28, 2012 VIDEO Arundhati Roy on Obama's Wars and other ~ http://bit.ly/U71gf1 ~ May 9, 2012 VIDEO Arundhati Roy - GRITtv with Laura Flanders ~ http://bit.ly/PnEvBA ~
Aug 26, 2011 VIDEO India is a corporate, Hindu state- Arundhati Roy ~ http://bit.ly/PnDWb2 ~
Jul 02, 2012 ~Interview: Arundhati Roy ‘Terrorism Isn’t The Disease; Egregious Injustice Is’ ~ http://bit.ly/Meu7Pl ~ VIA @Outlookindia
Saturday, September 15, 2012
@ Got up around 7:30 AM. Taking my time this morning. It is the Sabbath and I make a point of not pushing myself too hard. Doing what I want to do more than what I perhaps should be doing. I am pulling back from merely reporting news to others online via Twitter. In a way, being an online reporter is kind of like being a repeater. We just report what is already out there and in our reporting we emphasize some aspects of the news that pertain to our personal interests than others. We need to be honest.
@ 11:14 PM ~ Today was a good day. Later this evening I went to a huge Celebration for the Diez y Seis de Septiembre at Capitol Park up the streets. There were thousands of people there and a lot of Mexicans. A few were standing there being beautiful so they were kind enough to pose for me. God we have so many naturally beautiful women. I am convinced the best is yet to come!
Let us pray we communicate with a desire to be understood by others, with the sincere hope we really understand ourselves.
Let us pray we understand that we ourselves are terribly ignorant of all we do not deeply know and be humble with grace in our ignorance.
Let us pray we are open to learning from anyone of any supposed status and not let the inflated ego retard our continuing education.
Let us pray we are more committed to changing ourselves, getting rid of our character defects, than trying to change the world and thereby change the world.
Let us pray we help change the world by changing ourselves, try to learn more than teach, try to listen more than speak.
Let us pray we are sincere in our communications, not try to always be proven right, not care about getting the last word.
Let us pray we do not cling to our little darlings, our pet theories, our flaccid flags, our strained ideologies, our favorite philosophy.
Let us pray we are able to let go of what no longer serves us, let go of our ruthless resentments, let go of useless attachments.
Let us pray we can share our limited truth without waiting for validation, without being offended by any who have different truths.
Let us pray we fully understand that we are an endangered species subject to extinction. Our lifetime on earth as individuals is limited.
Let us pray we can live out our lives upon earth as free, independent and liberated beings without fear born of ignorance.
Let us pray we are centered in the core of our living beingness, not lopsided to the left or the right. Centered and grounded.
Let us pray we wisely use what resources we have to deepen mutual understanding among us all. We are one family of humanity.
LINK Life_and_Teaching of Masters of the Far East -Vol_1 (PDF File) ~
http://www.horuscentre.org/images/Life_and_Teaching-Vol_1.pdf ~
VIDEO Natural Cure for Depression, Bipolar, ADHD, Schizophrenia.~ bit.ly/R8lV62 ~ The System is SICK!
Bloglink ~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/ ~
Twitter Link ~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Facebook Profile: Peter S. Lopez ~ https://www.facebook.com/Peta51 ~
Humane Liberation Party Portal ~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~
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