Domingo, Diez y Seis de Septiembre (Sunday, September 16, 2012)
@ 11:30 AM ~ It is now the second half of the month. I woke up real late today but feel rested. I am blessed that I do not have to function within any set schedule in my life now. I love to wake up early because the vibrations around me are more peaceful, less laden with the anxieties of conscious minds from others that have the potential to send those negative vibes out into the local situation. I went to the store, got some milk and ended up getting a couple of cups of coffee.
We have our CASA 12-Steps Meeting tonight and hope it is well attended, though wherever two or more are gathered together in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ his Divine Spirit is amongst us.
@ 11:44 PM ~ We had a good CASA Meeting this evening. We had several people there, a couple of new folks. It feels good when new folks show up. I tell them that it is not a regular AA/NA Meeting. So many folks seem to be turned off by them these days, especially when they are pressured to speak or some with long sobriety time have an attitude like they are better than. I generally focus on the 12-Steps, avoid ego-inflated war stories and do not even go into the old conservative traditions. We need to change with changing times. I hope my book will help to beat back some of the AA Cultism and encourage people to see the positive benefits of a basic 12-Steps Program in their lives.
Personal Daily Horoscope of Sunday, 16 September 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951 ~ Pleasant first impressions ~ * This is one of the most favorable influences for personal relationships. You can readily express your love and affection, and others are likely to show their affection for you. Seek the company of others, because you are in a sociable frame of mind today. Today is also a good time to resolve any problems in your personal relationships. You will be able to discuss any tensions that exist without difficulty, assuring your loved one that your love is sincere. This is also a day when you may meet a new lover or friend. It is a good time for any necessary new encounters because the environment favors pleasant first impressions.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today: Venus conjunction Ascendant, , exact at 10:02 activity period from 15 September 2012 until 17 September 2012.
Let us always pray for a strong unity in us all based upon shared values, shared principles and shared visions for the future.
Let us pray our solidarity together is honored as being sacred and essential for our continued struggle against Evil Powers.
Let us pray we are not fixated on foreign affairs to the point where we neglect to be aware of domestic affairs in our own backyards.
Let us pray for our Warrior Leonard Peltier and work to dismantle a sick system that cages many now in concentration camps.
Let us pray real prayers that protest against injustice, defy evil powers in the world, speak out against injustice anywhere in the world.
Let us pray all Americans wake up and see their strategic role on the world stage in fighting against the Evil Ones now in power.
Let us pray our struggle is not just a matter of weapons alone and who can kill who the most. It is a matter of love for justice to be done.
Let us pray we stop arguing in circles, stop participating in divisive debates and start sharpening our own knives as we move forward.
Let us pray we help the homeless refugees in our midst, feed those who are hungry, provide clothes for those living in rags.
Let us pray we are not blind believers, but have the faith to take positive action in the world based upon our beliefs.
Let us pray we become more and more radical, strike at the roots of evil repression and ignore the scared cowards who lack faith.
Let us pray prayers of liberation, prayers of rebellion, prayers of resistance and become the poems of our prayers in real life.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Personal Daily Horoscope of Monday, 17 September 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951
~ Vigor and irritability ~ This is an excellent day for starting a new project, particularly one that you can work on by yourself, without having to take orders or coordinate other people's actions. You feel very vigorous and have a high level of physical energy, so you really need to be physically active today. One of the worst ways to handle this influence is to sit quietly on the sofa. You would quickly become itchy and irritable as your repressed energies try to find an outlet. It is important that you can identify with whatever you do today. Your ego energies are high, and you demand to be recognized as an individual. If you are not given this recognition, you are likely to become angry and easily involved in disputes. There is no question that unless you are totally occupied, you will be much more irritable than usual today.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Sun conjunction Mars, , exact at 14:18 activity period from 16 September 2012 until 18 September 2012
@ 1:06 PM ~ I got up at 7:30 AM. Kind of late but then I woke up a few times during the night. Plan to go to Uptown Market and get some supplies. It is another day to being alive, of expressing and learning. I am truly blessed to be living as I AM.
I have been watching UStream online in New York City for #OWS One Year Anniversary. - Twitter @Timcast ~ Twitter at @OccupyEye ~ Twitter at @GlobalRevLive
Let us pray for the safety and protection of all Occupy Wall Street Members and Supporters. We are building a new world before our eyes!
Let us pray we remember that our collective struggles for justice involves Spiritual Warfare ~stimulating the Spirit of Rebellion!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Personal Daily Horoscope of Tuesday, 18 September 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951
A frantic pace ~ Valid during several weeks: During this time, you will have many group discussions and conversations with others; you will meet new people, possibly travel quite a bit and certainly have more contact with relatives and immediate neighbors.You feel that you have to communicate with as many people as possible. This is a very good time for all kinds of intellectual activities. It is not a good time to try to settle down and relax. The tempo of events in your environment is likely to be too fast, and it will be difficult to avoid getting caught up in it. Nevertheless you should try sometimes to disconnect yourself from this frantic pace, because it may get to the point that you are continually distracted and unable to think properly. For this reason it is not the best time to try to reach a conclusion on some matter.
@ 9:28 AM ~ Woke up, took a shower and now I am here with only my briefs on typing. I already made my pot of coffee. I am working on creating my day, moment to moment.
@ 11:43 AM ~ Heavy stuff came out today from WikiLeaks. I wonder how many folks actually study and research their stuff. I find it fascinating to see how the fascist mentality and their flunkeys think and analyze.
The Global Intelligence Files: List of Release ~
Let us pray we are able to meet our needs today ~our basic survival needs, our deeper emotional needs and our higher spiritual needs.
Let us pray we command our immediate attention ~Use our time wisely ~Be here now ~Not be constantly distracted by dumb shit!
Let us pray we are not constantly distracted by #Elections2012. More than another puppet President, we need a new world.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Personal Daily Horoscope of Wednesday, 19 September 2012 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951
The small print ~ This influence frequently coincides with a period of good feeling and an optimistic outlook on life. And if you exercise some care, it will be very helpful for all kinds of contractual negotiations, conferences, planning sessions and discussions. However, it is important to be careful. This influence gives a tendency to grand thinking, to seeing the whole more clearly than the parts. You could lose precision and clarity about details, so be very careful about fine points, and read every word of the small print in all your dealings. Make sure that you have covered all the various angles. You can be careful and very successful if you are thorough at the same time. Avoid the temptation of thinking that the small details are beneath the lofty concerns of the day.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mercury opposition Jupiter, , exact at 07:09 activity period from 18 September 2012 until 19 September 2012
@ 9:51 AM ~ Just came back from Cesar Cesar Chavez Plaza Park. They still have the Farmer's Market going on on Wednesday. I saw my friend Trigger on the way and we chatted for awhile. I hope he gets this room he is suppose to move into. A friend and him are living out by the Sacra River, they have a spot out there they refer to as home. At least a few folks have been out there for long years. Environmentally, there is a lot of substance addiction and mental illness associated with folks being chronically homeless for long years.
Greg Grandin: Teaching Empire’s Workshop ~ ~
BOOK Empire's Workshop: Latin America, United States,and Rise of the New Imperialism: Greg Grandin ~ ~
5/11/2006 VIDEO Empire’s Workshop: Latin America, United States & Rise of the New Imperialism ~ ~
An interview with Greg Grandin author of The Last Colonial Massacre: Latin America in the Cold War ~ ~
9/9/2010 VIDEO GRITtv: Greg Grandin: Corporations, Cartels, and History ~ ~
8/13/2012 #Romney's Death Squad Ties: Bain Launched With Millions From Oligarchs Behind Salvadoran Atrocities ~ ~
VIDEO Romney's Death Squad Ties: Bain Launched With Funds From Oligarchs Behind Salvadoran Murders ~ ~
Thursday, September 20, 2012
@ 8:42 AM ~ We are suppose to have room inspections here today. I need to pick up a bit here, but there is only so much I can do because this is still a little room with my earthly belongings.
Let us pray we keep a calm spirit in these troubled times of chaos and allow our enlightenment to give us clarity today.
VIDEO Chris Hedges Warns of Authoritarian Takeover ~ ~Published on Sep 5, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel
LINK Project Camelot | Bob Dean ~ ~
VIDEO Project Camelot interviews Bob Dean - Part 1 of 3 ~ ~
VIDEO Project Camelot interviews Bob Dean - Part 2 of 3 ~ ~
VIDEO Project Camelot interviews Bob Dean: the Coming of Nibiru ~ ~10/21/2008
VIDEO Bob Dean's presentation, European Exopolitics Summit, Barcelona, 25 July 2009 ~ ~
VIDEO BOB DEAN at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009 ~ ~
VIDEO Bob Dean: Bringing in the Light-Project Camelot Productions ~ ~ 4/23/2010
VIDEO Bob Dean - International Conference on Alien Presence -Madrid 26-27 June 2010 ~ ~
VIDEO Robert Dean discusses UFOs | Open Minds Radio ~ ~ 2/8/2011
VIDEO S4 Info V1 - Area 51 Guard's Firsthand Account of Captured UFOs and Aliens ~ ~ 2/19/2011 ~
VIDEO Bob Dean - Extraterrestrial Intelligence ~ ~ 7/15/22011~
AUDIO-VIDEO Bob Dean - NATO's Assessment of Alien Life & The Impact of Disclosure ~ ~ 8/6/2011
VIDEO Bob Dean interview March 19 2012 ~ ~
Friday, September 21, 2012
@ I have my EKG appointment at 2 PM today. I will have to re-schedule my Eye Surgery because I have not done what I need to do in order to get it done next Monday. I guess it is my fault, though I was not sure of the process or procedure I needed to get done. plus, it is hard to get through to the Martel Eye Group via the Phone. I also need to get Eye Medication three days beforehand.
@ 6:00 PM ~ I went to Molina Clinic and got my EKG done, but there was an anomaly in its that shows I may of had a kind of heart attack before. I think I had a problem like that long ago, but I do not remember. It might of been that time when I was in the middle of the Sacramento River when it was cold and a boat rescued me. It gets complex so I will not go into it here. Anyways, the Doctor Trayger suggested I get another EKG at Mercy Hospital using my EKG Printout as my referral. He said he would call them. However, I feel fine and do not feel like going to go get it checked out until tomorrow. Oh life.... if it ain't one thing it is another.
I came back downtown via Light Rail, got off on K Street by here and saw a few folks I know, a couple of sisters and a Brother Phil M. (he is still working as a Light Rail security guard). He may try to contact me via Facebook so I can 'friend' him.
Now I think I will make a sandwich and kick back here for now. Tomorrow is another brand new day.
Let us pray we realize the success of any projected Liberation Movement depends upon the awareness, focus and drive of the individual.
Let us pray we understand that working on ourselves on an individual level for the benefit of us all is not selfish individualism.
Let us pray we know that the instrumental role of the individual must not be swallowed up in the name of the masses.
Let us pray that on an individual level we work on knowing who we are, our inner motives for social participation and what drives us.
Let us pray that our efforts for Global Liberation do not neglect the work to be done by each of us on our own Inner Liberation.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
@ 7:34 AM ~ I awoke at 7 AM, took a shower and feel rested. I am alive and well. Today is the Sabbath being Saturday ~the First Day Of Fall: Autumnal Equinox arrived today.
@10:06 PM ~ I meditated and focused enough to go to Mercy General ER and got an EKG done. It has the same anomaly as my other one yesterday at Molina Clinic on Marysville Blvd. Thus, I will have to contact my Molina Doctor Leonid Treyger for a Stress Test. I need this to get my cataracts removed and to eventually get a new pair of glasses.
Cutting Through the Matrix with Alan Watt - ~
9/25/2012 VIDEO The Illuminati Agenda-Alan Watt-Coast to Coast AM Classic ~ ~
4/25/2012 VIDEO Truth About Illuminati Documentary - Luciferian Conspiracy ~ ~
VIDEO Illuminati The Untold History Of The Bible, hell, heaven.... ~ ~
VIDEO Illuminati 2012 End of the World Conspiracy Predictions ~ ~
#Jesuit Infiltration and Americas Downfall ~ ~
RESEARCH The Vatican - Excerpts from Vatican Assassins ~… ~ #Vatican #Jesuit
BOOK Pawns in the Game: William Guy Carr ~ ~ #Illuminati
VIDEO Secret History of the Freemasons ~ ~
Let us pray we are in tune with our inner being, know why we are here upon Mother Earth and strive to raise consciousness today.
Let us pray we are able to raise our subconscious to a conscious level of understanding why we are here now upon Earth.
Let us pray we can overcome our character defects, work on our inner liberation and not be judgmental about others struggling through life.
Let us pray we use the power of the word with conscious awareness of its potential to create goodness or cause harm.
Let us pray we affirm the sacredness of life as humane beings, not being enslaved by any ideology, religion or other attachments.
Let us pray we are compassionate with others we know in our lives. Many have a hard time just making it through the day.
Let us pray we know that we are not all alone. There are many here among us on the level of cosmic consciousness who are invisible.
Let us pray we appreciate simply being alive. Many are better off than us, yet many others are far worst off. Appreciate.
Let us pray we have the courage to protest against injustice, stand up for the truth and expose evilness in the world.
Let us pray we are humble enough to receive guidance and instruction from others. We are ignorant of all we do not truly know.
Let us pray we know that both heaven and hell are of our own making. Take responsibility for creating your own life-style.
Let us pray we have the wisdom to change what we can in our lives and seek to understand what we cannot change now.
Let us pray we learn the power of simplicity. Strive to simplify the complex and not complicate the simple. Affirm life.
Let us pray we open the prison doors of all who are caged like wild animals. Treat people like beings who need humane treatment.
Let us pray we have the courage to use any means necessary to achieve our liberation. Power never submits to weakness.
Let us pray we can light up the world with the divine spark of divinity that dwells within every humane being who seeks justice.
Let us pray we are motivated by the intrinsic purity of love, not the wrath of hatred. Let us be far better than the monsters we defy.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
@ 11 AM ~ I first woke up at 7:30 AM, still felt sleepy so I went back to sleep at got up at 10:15 AM. I have already taken my shower, am on my first cup of coffee and have my CASA 12-Steps Meeting this evening at 7 PM. When I first woke up I was not sure what day of the week it was. I had some vivid dreams, though my memories of them quickly fade after I wake up.
Tomorrow is Monday and I need to call my Doctor again for another test, possibly a stress test. If it ain't one thing it is another. These little snags in life often make me feel like saying to hell with it, but I do want to get my cataracts removed.
@ 9:41 PM ~ I had my usual Sunday Evening CASA 12-Steps Meeting at Sally's. My sponsor and good buddy Gallo was there. Almost all of my other so-called friends never show up, thus I look at their friendship and support with real suspicion. I am there to help those in attendance, most of whom are homeless or actually not living there in the shelter. I consider myself privileged to even Coordinate the CASA Meetings at I do.
Let us pray we pay attention to the inner work to be done on our own Inner Liberation, as we strive together for Global Liberation.
Let us pray we work on our own beings on a daily basis in order to better prepare us for future times to come in our lives.
Let us pray we seek to reason with each other, to understand one another with an open mind, before we rush to judgment.
Let us pray we understand that each of us, on an individual level, is a unique human being with our own personal history.
Let us pray we are involved in a humane rights group, where two or more are gathered, to help raise cosmic consciousness.
Let us pray we are concentrated in our daily endeavors and learn to work together, not scattered out like so many detached leaves.
Let us be patient with one another, take time to explain stuff and realize that each of us are at different levels of development.
Let us pray we help develop one another as wholistic humane beings living in the trinity of the mind, body and soul.
Let us pray that we love one another as we seek to be loved ourselves and not be afraid to express and show our love.
Let us pray we attract to us the knowledge we need to learn in order to better understand our beingness in this savage world.
Let us pray we are humane to one another and not ape the corrupt characteristics of the ugly greedy monsters we defy.
Let us pray we remember the Warrior Leonard Peltier and make the best use of our relative freedom to help others around us.
Let us pray we study the many lessons of history to guide our actions, not settle for cheap trite political slogans.
Let us pray we think matters out for our own personal consciousness, not just ape the politically correct slogans and sayings.
Let us pray we respect the sacred individuality of one another. Each of us are at different stages of personal development.
Psychological Horoscope for Peter Lopez, born on 15 November 1951 T~
extract by Liz Greene, Copyright © Astrodienst AG 2012
I. Introduction ~ This horoscope analysis - using the insights of astrology and psychology combined with the tools of advanced computer technology - offers you an astrological portrait which is uniquely and individually focussed and which aims at providing greater self-knowledge.
II. Your Psychological Type This short chapter describes your typical or characteristic way of responding to situations in life. The rich array of individual attributes portrayed in your birth horoscope is set, as it is with everyone, against the backdrop of a certain temperament bias. We might call this bias your psychological "type".
You are one of life's true romantics, because your reality is the inner world of fantasy and imagination. The limitations of daily life can bore you, and you try at every available opportunity to inject into mundane situations a note of the mythic and the meaningful. However, your romanticism is constantly being challenged by another side of your personality: your fear of disruption to your material security. Although you dislike being tied to routines which seem inconsequential and stifling, [...] [..]
You need to learn to form a better relationship to your feelings, so that you respond more sensitively not only to the needs of others, but also to your own. This can help you to learn which of your many potentials might really make you happy and which you need to select [...]
III. Character and Shadow In this comprehensive chapter of the Psychological Horoscope Liz Greene provides valuable insights about your essential character traits. The interplay between the conscious and unconscious sides of you is a constantly shifting dance, changing at different stages of your life and altering according to the pressures and challenges which you encounter. The tension between the primary characters in your inner drama is the source of energy which provides your life with movement, purpose, conflict and growth. [..]
Life is a perpetual unfinished novel for you, in which anything could lie around the next corner; and even if you carry considerable worldly responsibilities, you carry them lightly, always feeling as though somehow it isn't yet the real thing, but only a practise run - [...]
You are an elusive person with considerable charm - you could probably sell your mother, if you set your mind to it. Your gifts lie in your capacity to articulate your rich imagination, and in your lively and immediate interest in everyone and everything in your environment. You [...]
Hidden traits [..] This hidden figure contains all those qualities which you have excluded from your values and your outer behaviour in order to retain the intellectual, emotional and physical freedom you crave. The shadow-side of your personality is considerably more conventional, conservative [...]
A minor character You know that nothing in life is free, and have learned the lesson of putting into things what you hope to get out of them; and you are not surprised when life turns out to be unfair sometimes and you are cheated of your deserved rewards, for that is simply how it is. You [...]
IV. The Family Background In the complete horoscope analysis, this chapter deals with your family myths as well as with your perception of your parents and their relationship. Although you are an individual, you have emerged from a family background. Thus you contain certain inner patterns, myths and attitudes toward life which you have acquired from the psychological soil of this background.
V. Relationship Patterns This chapter describes attitudes, needs and characteristic patterns in close one-to-one relationships. Both astrology and psychology teach us that nothing that occurs within a relationship is chance. Your birth horoscope describes what you are like inside, and therefore what kind of patterns, needs and compulsions you are likely to bring into your relationships with others. Your tendency to fall in love with an ideal fantasy rather than a real woman causes you to be perennially dissatisfied in your relationships - even if you have managed to hold together a conventional marriage for many years. You tend to be rather fascinating to women because of your elusiveness and vision, and you may frequently find yourself the unwilling object of others' pursuit. But you are deeply frightened of your emotional needs, fearing the dependency and vulnerability which deep commitment [...]
VI. Paths toward Integration The final chapter of the Psychological Horoscope Analysis contains insights into the potential for growth as shown in your birth chart. The following paragraphs provide some suggestions of ways in which conscious effort might make it possible for you to achieve greater harmony between the different components within yourself, and to strengthen that centre of the personality which psychology calls the ego, the "I".
Monday, September 24, 2012
@8:28 AM ~ I got up around 7:15 AM. Slept pretty well, had my usual forgotten dreams and am just trying to make it through the day without any drama trauma.
@ 3:12 PM ~ Just came back from visiting my Sister Kristian at the local Christian Science Reading Room and had a great conversation with her about stuff. She is such a blessing in my life. She turned me on to this cool website called ~ Temple of Sacred Sound ~ ~
Let us pray we use our time wisely to think about how we can help bring about Global Liberation in the world and stay alert!
Let us pray we become ambassadors of truth, stand up for truth in our lives and not hold back our tongues from speaking truth.
Let us pray we do not become discouraged when Liberation does not happen overnight. We must make a lifetime commitment.
Let us pray we understand Liberation as a protracted process of historical development ~a life-style, not an easy quick fix.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
@ 8:09 AM ~ I finally got up around 7:30 AM, though my alarm first woke me up at 5:30 AM. I woke up a few times during the night, so I slept a little longer. We spend so much of our lifetime asleep.
Let us pray our heartfelt prayers resonate throughout the cosmos into every being who treasures liberty. .
Let us pray we do not lose sight of our long-range goals of global equality, justice in the land and liberty for all.
Let us pray we first help the poorest of the poor among us and give voice to the suffering wretched of the earth.
Let us pray for staple food, a loaded shotgun on safety and a computer with Internet Access in every home.
Let us pray we treasure our sobriety, strive for a greater sanity and all evolve into being liberated humane beings.
Let us pray we stress the positives over the negatives, strive to be for things instead of always against things.
Let us pray we are not satisfied with being simpletons in a fallen world that daily becomes increasingly complex.
Let us pray we take the time to pray in earnest, to daily meditate, to ponder deep, remembering we are beings not doings.
Let us pray we meet our daily survival needs, including our deeper emotional and spiritual needs for well-being.
Let us pray we struggle for social justice with determined calmness, not stressed out over passing winds and sudden storms.
Let us pray we nurture and develop the potential leader in every follower, as we strive to occupy and liberate the world.
Let us pray we do not encourage evil by voting for the lessor of two evils. Vote your conscience, not your political party.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
@ 8:52 AM ~ Woke up about 7:30 AM. Had disturbance last night. I think my old female neighbor next door was having some kind of sleep walking drama. Heard her spouting something loud that woke me up. Might ask her about it today.
United Nations Webcast - Felipe Calderón, President of Mexico, General Debate, 67th Session ~ ~
United Nations Webcast ~Evo Morales ~Bolivia, General Debate, 67th Session ~ ~
Let us pray we balance our lives with our activities online, offline and inline engaging in conscious prayer and mindful meditation.
Let us pray we do not allow our technical gadgets divorce us from engaging in direct conversations with people in our lives.
Let us pray our time online does not aggravate our ADHD or ADD. Have you pet your pets today? Is your Lover lonely?
Let us pray we use Internet Power wisely ~Helping to raise consciousness ~Communicating with people worldwide ~Networking!
Let us pray we do not mindlessly judge people based upon superficial first impressions. Take time to know others.
Let us pray we not only arm ourselves, but have the courage to use our arms for our own self-defense. Guns are not illegal, yet!
Let us pray we have the courage to face and examine our fears. Overcome fear of life with the bravery of faith in yourself.
Let us pray our prayers help to sculpture our souls to give us strength of character and the courage of our convictions.
Let us pray we are not afraid of love, afraid of falling in love and afraid of expressing our love to others in our lives. Love heals.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
@ 7:11 AM ~ Woke up at 5:30 AM via my Mobile Phone Alarm. Silly me, I kind of slid off my bed onto the floor when I reached to turn the alarm off. No injury. It was just kind of a start for the day. I literally fell into the day. I have taken a shower, hope to get some good work done.
@ 8:02 AM ~ Went to go get cafe. My Brother Bobby came by with his grocery cart. He is going to the food fair at the Church later, first he was going to the N.A. Meeting at Cesar Chavez Park. He has been reading ~
BOOK The Tao of fully feeling: Harvesting forgiveness out of blame: Pete Walker: ~
Let us pray we are mindful consumers under corporate capitalism and avoid spontaneous buying as if we are rich. Be thrifty.
Let us pray we have a basic understanding of economics and economic systems to better understand business news today.
Let us pray we are not lazy in seeking to understand the complexities of today. Take time to define words you do not know.
Let us pray we do not rush to choose sides in a regional conflict. Take time to learn what you can from those close to it.
Let us pray that in our desire to follow the herd and be politically correct we do not lose sight of what is right and what is dead wrong.
Let us pray we use our minds and take time to figure out stuff for ourselves. Do not simply ape the opinions of others.
Let us pray we take the time to understand and explain current events to others around us in our personal lives. Educate!
Let us pray we avoid becoming a caste of online activists who forget to help others come online and join our conversations.
Friday, September 28, 2012
@ 7:37 AM ~ Another Friday is upon us and October is right around the corner. This year has gone by pretty fast and I am not made the progress I have waned. I need to get better focused. Sometimes the Internet can just become another great distraction.
@ 2:37 PM ~ I went to go visit my Amigo Gallo. Him and I have some of the most fascinating conversations. It would be interesting to record or video tape them, but they would lose their free flow of exchanging ideas and even our most outlandish ideas, thoughts and opinions.
Let us pray we are able to focus on what needs to be done, while we remember we are beings not doings. How is your being?
Let us pray we work on ourselves and for our own self-improvement, not get all caught up in trying to fix others around us.
Let us pray we work on developing our own self-esteem ~show self-love by taking better care of ourselves as triune beings.
Let us pray we work on our own personal development in the trinity of the mind, body and soul. Evolve as compassionate beings.
Let us pray we can make a clear distinction between our imagination we can bring into life and mere illusion. Be here now.
Let us pray we pace ourselves for the marathon of live, control and channel our inner energy and avoid energy vampires.
Let us pray we do not become frozen and fixated on the sayings and teachings of dead people. Learn to define and refine.
Let us pray we can simply be still and appreciate the sweet miracles of being alive among the living here now, not lost elsewhere.
Let us pray we are aware of the remnants of character defects in our personality and strive to remove them from our psyche.
Let us pray we are mindful of who we mean when we use the word 'we'. Together we are us, you are you and I am I.
Let us pray we do not assume others know what we know nor assume others do not know what we ourselves do not know.
Let us pray we remember that everything is relative and nothing is absolute. Stop thinking in absolutes. All is relative.
Let us pray we arm ourselves with the power of truth as we know it, arm ourselves with the courage of our convictions.
Let us pray we know when it is time to pray and time to practice what we preach. Live in consistency with your core principles.
Amerikan Fascism 1. Corporate Controlled Government and Mass Media 2. Powerful Military Machine 3. Mass Psychological Mind Control
Website: The Nazi Hydra in America ~ ~
BOOK The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century: Glen Yeadon ~ ~ #Fascism
VIDEO PsiOp Radio - The Nazi Hydra in America: Wall Street & the Rise of the 4th Reich 1/6 ~ ~ #Fascism
Saturday, September 29, 2012
@ 6:52 AM ~ I woke up at 5:30 AM. I kind of slept fitfully last night with a few crazy forgotten dreams, just a few images remain in my mind. Tonight is the full Moon, the stars might of been a factor in my now sleeping the best. Oh well. I can take a nap later. Plan to go over Gallo's this morning. We will see what we will see.
@ 1:00 PM ~ Went by Brother Gallo's earlier, we did a good video on labels and I finally retrieved by guitar from him. A little while I ago I went with Patty up to her room. She will be moving to the Berry Hotel this coming Monday and will need help. She is SUPPOSED to have a few folks helping her. I told her to keep in touch.
I feel kind of hyped up today. Must be the Full Moon coming. I only had a few hours good sleep. I had a couple of hard boiled eggs this morning and took my vitamins. I am eating a few little weenie tacos right now. Keep it simple!
Let us pray we are never cowardly, that we stand up for what is right and not swallow any pigshit from anyone online or offline.
Let us pray that we keep in mind that many in the world are suffering under the unjust powers of true Evil Beings in the world.
Let us pray we have the courage to get radical, to get at the root of matters and not play liberal games just to be popular.
Let us pray we remember that people are dying, children are suffering and there is much wrong going on in the world.
Let us pray we are bold, direct and to the point in our communications. If you have the power to reach out to the world use it!
Let us pray we are loving and kind to our friends and allies, yet harsh to the enemies of humankind determine to stay in power at all costs.
Let us pray we practice what we preach, are true to what we teach and flush down any fears of fascism. All power to the people!
Let us pray we flush our fears like the crap it is. Keep posting, Tweeting and using Alternative Media while you can. Don't assume!
Amazon Watch LIVE Annual Celebration - Debi Nova Performance
Streamed live on Sep 29, 2012 by AmazonWatch
Amazon Watch is proud to kick off our series of live online events with a performance by Grammy nominated singer Debi Nova. Join us for her performance at the Hillside Gardens in Mill Valley, California. Join us here and learn more about our work at
Sunday, September 30, 2012 ~Last Day of September!
@ 12:02 AM ~ I guess I am still a bit hyped up from the Full Moon. I am not sure how much is in my head and how much is where my life is at right now with hopes for better times ahead. Time for a little reading, a little prayer and off to the life dimension of dreamland. There is a subtle power in merely being appreciative for each sane sober moment free from anxiety and madness. God is good.
@ 11 PM ~ My last Journal entry on this Blog post for September. It has been a pretty good month, no major problems right now, though, I have some medical stuff to do. My Dad is suppose to see about getting Eye Surgery tomorrow and I pray he will be well. Life is so fragile and he is getting on in years. I guess I will always regret not being closer to him over these years, but he was always hard for me to get close to behind different issues, These days I know we have a deep love and respect for each other, but being Macho-types we do not easily share such feelings with each other. If not this lifetime, maybe the next one. Physical death from this lifetime in this lifetime to me is not real final death ~it is but a transition into another realm in another kind of existence or dimension.
My Amigo Trigger came back this early evening with his friend Daniel and we all went to the CASA Meeting in Daniel's car, so that was a treat instead of taking the Light Rail there and walking back. It was pretty well attended. Brother Danny U. is a resident there again at Sally's and it was good to see him. Over the years I myself was a resident there and it was a humbling and enlightening experience. We discussed the whole drug war insanity and humane rights in general.
Sometimes it can be a drag to stop stuff I am doing here in my bunker to catch the Light Rail and walk to meeting to coordinate it all. However, I do not really have anyone else I can count on to run it. CASA is not like a A.A. or N.A. Sometimes I could do with a break so I can do more work here.
Let us pray we begin our mornings with prayer to help give us grounding in faith and inspire us to create a new world.
Let us pray we become better humane beings ~cultivate our tender care, basic concern and loving compassion for our living beings.
Let us pray any religion was have is one based upon pure love for life, for living beings, for the inherent divinity of all of us.
Let us pray that whatever labels we put upon ourselves to identify us that we are mindful that we are indeed one family of humanity.
Let us pray we keep in mind that power is the dual capacity to correctly define connected reality then change it in a desired manner.
Let us pray we integrate our lives online, offline and inline with our being ~using our words, images and actions to help, not hurt.
Let us pray we recognize that whatever changes we want to see happen in the world must first begin with changes within us.
Let us pray we take a good look at our personal lives and work in areas necessary for our own self-improvement as beings.
Let us pray we all work on our own Inner Liberation, getting rid of character defects, as we Fight for Global Liberation.
Let us pray we become the true leaders of our own lives, not worry about followers and make sure we ourselves are not blind followers.
Let us pray we are aware that we exist in the cosmos and it is natural that it has subtle influences on our natural beings.
Let us pray we do not shrink away from our responsibilities as global citizens and get engaged in the struggle for Global Liberation.
Let us pray that as we fight back against fascist foes and their flunkeys we discover that our own insecure fears begin to fade out.
Let us pray we honor our understanding of truth wherever we are and not be phony hypocrites when we are out in the public eye.
Let us pray we honor our relative truth and not be obsessed with whether others believe us or not. Make sure to believe in yourself!
Let us pray we know that being radical is getting at the inherent roots of life, focusing on what matters in the real world.
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Twitter Link ~ ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Facebook Profile: Peter S. Lopez ~ ~
Humane Liberation Party Portal ~ ~
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