Friday, February 15, 2013

Spiritual Journal: Febrero 1-15, 2013 VIA @Peta_de_Aztlán
Friday, February 1, 2013
@7:19 AM ~ It is a brand new month. We will see what progress we can make this month. I hope we all become aware of the need for us to work on our own personal spiritual enlightment, not get caught up in external concerns and neglect the inner spiritual work to be done.

Living life requires us to strive to be in balance, keep our footing beneath us and not fall overboard. Much of this has to do with our personal relationships and how we handle our relationships. We need to avoid toxic relationships, treat each other wtih warranted respect, yet not indulge the mad insanity of others. Live life consciously, mindfully and with a clear presence of being here now.
My Medication Timeline:
Tuesday, August 16, 2011  ~I went into Carol's place ~the date that I first started taking my Meds.Monday, January 7, 2013 ~ Stopped taking my Seroquel medication of only 25 Mg.

Let us pray we all woke up safe and sound. As a spiritual being, ease yourself into the day without getting caught up in the disease.

Let us pray we are practical minded, pay attention to what's going on, establish our priorities and use our time wisely.

Let us pray we accept our responsibility as social beings in the world to help make it a better world for us and our children.

Let us pray we get involved in the Liberation Movement because of our deep love and compassion for the people, not guilt trips.

Let us pray we got about our liberating work with a sense of joy, a feeling of fun, knowing we are blessed to be able to help.

Let us pray we see the Big Picture in the world, not mistake our partial limited understanding for universal truth about life.

Let us pray we live our lives as stress-free as possible, take time for prayer and meditation, avoid toxic people who are energy vampires.

Let us pray we work on our own spiritual growth and evolution as spiritual beings, not get distracted by bullshit nonsense.

Let us pray we each become our own Spiritual Leader, develop your potential as a leader, be a leader, not just a follower.

Let us pray we balance our lives raising consciousness online, offline in our local community and inline as a creative being.

Let us pray we follow and adhere to our basic spiritual principles, be true to our truth as we know it and follow no mortal.

Let us pray we each become a unique creative channel for raising consciousness, remember the mirror of memory and share!

Let us pray we are wise in our personal relationships, treasure the beauty of your being and let no one treat you like trash!

Let us pray we know that true genuine knowledge originates from direct experiences. Take risks, explore new life experiences.

Let us pray we are aware that energy goes where attention goes. Pay attention to what you are paying attention to in this moment.

Let us pray we can dance in the realm of cosmic consciousness ~know that we can dance with many partners. Live your own life.

Let us pray we can divorce ourselves from toxic dead-end relationships. Avoid the attachment of relationship addiction.

Let us pray we go with the flow, think outside the box, color outside the lines, be true to our truth and be the best we can be.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

@3:53 PM ~ Alive and well. Been watching House of Cards series on Netflix.

@11:45 PM ~ I am not sure if it is just my business or what but time went by quickly today. I did not type up a post today, though I did do a few comments on a few websites. It can sometimes be hard to measure progress in terms of blogposts, or what is learned or share is shared with others. Just trying to share what I can and still do other stuff. I guess I have a tendency to multi-task and try to not get scattered with any ADHD tendency.

Sunday, February 3, 2013
@10:00 AM ~ I am here now alive and well.

@9:00 PM ~ I guess the big event today was the Superbowl and the Ravens winning over the 49ers 34-31. I  checked it out online while I was doing other stuff onlline.

I decided to cancel the CASA 12-Steps Meeting at Sally's because of the Superbowl. It would of been a big distraction from the meeting with all the shouting and screaming from the guys in the next room at the shelter.

Plus, I was just not up to it. Sometimes I wonder what could be a better use of my time on Sunday evenings. I do not like the coming home by myself in these mean streets, especially without a handgun. I often have my Buck knife strapped to my belt when I go to CASA Meetings on Sunday night. Plus, this time of year it is dark outside..

So I have learned to listen to my instints and feel my feelings.
Article: Healer Heal Thy Self ~OM Times Magazine | February 1, 2013 | by Louix Dor Dempriey
~ ~

2/3/2013 ~ We should use our beings to help each other heal, not to hurt one another. We are, in general, born complete and whole without sin, though some are born with deformities none of us are born into sin. This is a false belief many have been contaminated with by Christian dogma. Look at the beauty of an innocent infant in a cribe.

We become ill being raised, conditioned and programmed into a sick insane society. We should not look at the individual divorced from the social matrix within which the indivitual is born and raised in. It is the social matrix that must be transformed.

Ultimately it is the larger social matrix where we should concentrate our efforts, helping to heal society in general and combating real evil in the world. On a pesonal level, we need to work on our own character by improving ourselves on a personal level, doing a Daily Inventory and ceaselessly work on getting rid of the negative influences of our character defects.

As co-creators with the Creator we need to heal the whole of society, correctly define connected reality, get radical and go to the root of spiritual matters, not get distracted by any New Age BS.

Luke 4:23 And he said unto them, Ye will surely say unto me this proverb, Physician, heal thyself: whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum, do also here in thy country.

Namaste! Peter S. López AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan~
~  ~
A great article that should not be overlooked by Light Workers, Healing Helpers and Medical Practtitioners > Healing versus Curing ~By @Deborah_King | OMTimes Magazine ~ ~

2/3/2013 ~ We need to see the curing of an ailment or addiction as part of the process of curing, both healing and curing helps to fortify the whole healing process better in combination. For example, if I see a drunken Indian friend of mine on the street with the shakes I am not going to tell him to just go to an A.A. Meeting and it will be all good. Chances are I will buy him a drink that can help him to think, then if possible I will discuss with him other options for living and most importantly listen to his story if he opens up to me.

The ideal here is to see the creative process of healing. It takes time, develops in stages and should be tailored with the individual in mind. Many of us have endured tragedies and life-traumas that can take a long time to fully heal from, if ever. Maybe we cannot be fully healed but we can be more empowered to life a life worth living.

The power of love, pure love, cannot be easily dismissed as just so much mumbo-gumbo. Love has great curative and healing properties. We need to build a sane and humane society to get radical and go to the roots of spiritual matters.

We need to offer freely available information, healing procedures and guidelines to others in order to help them heal, not just be tempoarily cured of an ailment or addiction.

Another good article ~ Seeing Your Shadow ~By @Deborah_King ~ ~

Namaste! Peter S. López AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~
Email=  c/s

Monday, February 4, 2013
@8:08 AM ~ It is another Monday. The weather looks good outside.

@1:57 PM ~ I took a little catnap. Sometimes a little catnap, not necessarily a long one, helps to give me a fresh start on the day, a new feeling for the day, a new perspective on stuff. I need to work on myself more and not be so hung-ups on connectivity with others online. Many folks only have so much I can learn from at any given time. We need to work on our own self-enlightenment. For sure we should not block outselves by trying to only type what we think others will like or approve of in relation to our typing. We need to express ourselves on a conscious level, yet where does this conscious originate if not the subconscious mind? Perhaps the subconscious level of the mind is more open and susceptible to collective cosmic consciousness.

@4:13 PM ~ Just came back from Grocery Outlet. I got some viddles that should last me for awhile. I walked over there and sat down for a bit at Capitol Park, then I took the bus back downtown to the Shasta here in my bunker.

VIDEO Jose Silva explains Beta, Alpha, Delta Brain Frequencies ~ ~Basic Primer

VIDEO How the human brain works: via
UniversityOfBristol ~

Time Management, Work and the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)~By Peter Messerschmidt | OMTimes ~ ~

HSP Notes ~ ~ VIA Peter Messerschmidt @Denmarkguy

The Highly Sensitive Person or HSP: What Exactly IS that? by Denmarkguy AKA @Denmarkguy
~ ~
Highly Sensitive Person #HSP Self Test ~ ~

Elaine Aron Website: The Highly Sensitive Person #HSP ~  ~

International and Foreign Language #HSP Web Sites
~ ~
Let us pray we command our attention ~focus our energy and not confuse multi-tasking with being scatter-brained.

Let us pray we value our time, energy and attention. Use time wisely, harness energy and pay attention to the here and now.

Let us pray we do our good works with conscious intention, pay atttention to our basic needs and encourage each other as family.

Let us pray we take the time to pray, meditate and contemplate about how best to use our creative energies to help others.

Let us pray we comprehend that we can be co-creators with Creator ~become a creative channel for helping to enlighten others.

Let us pray we do not tire of prayer and perceive the power of prayer with the potential to transmit out to the cosmos.

Let us pray we help our loved ones to become computer literate and get onto the Internet, not create a privileged caste.

On Feb. 4th this year of 2013, Happy 100th Birthday to the Rebellious Mrs. Rosa Parks! A true radical leader and pioneer!



Tuesday, February 5, 2013
@8:44 AM ~ I got up late. Needed the sleep. Got my cafe. Another day in paradise!

@9:35 PM ~ I wish I would of gotten more done today in terms of typing up and article. In a way, because of my own lack of self-discipline just having immediate access to the Internet can be a big distraction  for me Well today I watched C-Span about the Immigration Reform Congressional Hearings.

First Of "Many" Immigration Reform Hearings Underway | Fronteras Desk
~ ~

House Judiciary Examines America's Immigration System | C-SPAN ~ ~ via

Let us pray we take the time to pay attention to the here and now ~do our work with feeling from moment to moment.

Let us pray we concentrate on what can be done now to increase understanding, raise consciousness and work with love in our hearts.

Let us pray we combine our heartfelt prayers with good practices in the world. Be true to what you teach, practice what you preach.

Let us pray we see the Big Picture with a basic humane rights agenda ~not get stuck on one issue, one tactic or one way of struggling.

Let us pray we take the opportunity to increase awareness and raise consciousness in our daily conversations with others.

Let us pray we honor our own truth and respect the humane right of others to express their version of the truth as equals.

Let us pray we seek harmony with others ~not allow ourselves to be divided by Yin Vs. Yang, Right Vs. Left, Dems Vs. Repubs.

Let us pray we are open to valid criticism from any source and have the courage to engage in our own self-criticism.

Let us pray we are sincere and are willing to exhaust all peaceful methods of struggle before we resort to violence in desperation.

Let us pray we know that new situations require new analyses ~even inventing new terminology for new connected realities.

Let us pray we keep in mind the common sacredness of all innocent children caught up in a wicked world beyond their control.

Let us pray we keep in mind the power of spiritual warfare ~keeping our hearts in harmony with the truth as we know it to be.

Let us pray that we who fight for freedom and seek justice are aware that we are winning great spiritual battles in the field.

Let us pray we have the courage to struggle on against all odds with the weapons of truth, honesty and consciousness.

Let us pray we have the common sense wisdom to decide for ourselves who are our friends and who are our enemies, not any govt.

@jadecdiaz Wisdom comes from Creator, from quiet contemplation, direct experience, listening to others and being open-hearted.
VIDEO Daniel Ellsberg: NDAA Indefinite Detention Provision is Part of "Systematic Assault on Constitution"~ ~

Wednesday, February 6, 2013
@7:56 AM ~ Tossed and turned a bit last night. Sometimes I hear little mousy noises in my bunker that kind of bug me, though two little holes were plugged the other week. Still those liittle fuckers can squeeze in under the door. Here now with my cafe.
VIDEO Roseanne Barr opens for Cathy O'Brien on MKULTRA Mind Control ~ ~ Protect your mind!

BOOK Access Denied: The Practice and Policy of Global Internet Filtering (Informati... via @amazon
Benefits of an Astrology Birth Chart ~ ~
VIDEO 12. Bipolar Disorder & Consciousness Part 1: Introduction: ~ via @bipolarorwaking

VIDEO 13. Bipolar Disorder & Consciousness Part 2: Who Heals, Who Doesn´t: ~ via

VIDEO 14. How to Support a Bipolar Episode (BD & Consciousness 3/3): ~ via @bipolarorwaking

Bio of Dr. David Lukoff ~ ~

Voices of Recovery: Dr. David Lukoff: My Spiritual Crisis
~ ~

How 7 Historic Figures Overcame Depression without Doctors | wildflowers' movement ~ ~

VIA @LAWildflowers ~ wildflowers' movement | we all belong somewhere we feel free… ~

VIDEO Dr. Lukoff introduces the Spiritual Psy.D. Program at ITP: ~ Uploaded on Jun 30, 2010 ~

Spiritual Emergency: Personal Account: Dr. David Lukoff
~ ~

VIDEO Talk at Santa Rosa JC on Spiritual Emergence Pt I: ~ VIA DrLukoff
Up Jun 15, 2009

VIDEO Mystical Experiences as a type of DSM-IV-TR Religious or Spiritual Problem: ~ via DrLukoff ~
Pub Oct 13, 2012VIDEO Considerations for the Assessment and Integration of Spiritual Interest: ~ via Chaela Sumner~Pub Nov 9, 2012
So life you see is never a very smooth business. And now the present bristles with difficulties. ~ Uncle Ho Chi Minh

What does mortal common sense do once it is outside the four-cornered room of logic? Dare we venture further down the rabbit hole?

We need to understand that we do not always have to know where we are going, but be willing to go ~find your way on the way.

As activists, what will we do if we find out that we have not only been barking up the wrong tree but in the wrong forest?

Let us pray our energies are open to enlightenment ~that we are not afraid to question our automatic assumptions.

Let us pray we can come together to create a new world without borders that divide us and create bridges that unite us.

Let us pray we help others to get onto the Internet and not just create another class of 'haves' who have Internet Access.

Let us pray we do not forget the basic importance of helping others to become literate ~to teach people how to read and write.

Let us pray we are pragmatic and get involved in electoral politics to make it a politics solidly based upon humane principles.

Let us pray we wisely use our words, images and expressions to help educate others ~help create a common mass consciousness.
Thursday, February 7, 2013

@10:32 PM ~ I got up late, got my cafe and got what I need to wage spiritual warfare against the dark forces of Evil in the world.

@10:14 PM ~ I got caught up watching C-SPAN today on the Senate Hearing Nomination of John Brennan for CIA Direcotr. What kind of country is this to even consider such an evil one? Then, the CIA itself is an evil agency. It concerns me that so many of those around me do not really care about the creeping soft fascism I myself see going on. The basic legal structural framework for fascism is already in place inside the United States. It just has to hide its evil foul fangs. Who listens? Who reads? Who cares?

We need to take a close look at the power of the word and how we label ourselves. We need to look at how we accept labels put on us by others, especially professionals. At what point does a certain behavior become a behavior pattern, then develop into an all-out disorder? Where is the thin line? Is it a thin line or actually a think line that can be disguised and/or rationalized? Could these disorders be managed or modified to the point where they are not actually obserable disorders, but more mere tendencies, potentials that manifest?

For example, one can be labeled with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) yet not manifest this disorder for a span of time. One can get involved in an activity, pursue a hobby or get obsessed by a research topic to the exclusion of other stuff that is going on. If this behavior becomes harmful or injurious to one's responsibilities then it can be considered a real disorder or at least a tendency that is harmful for a time.

What if a given disorder is able to be managed by the patient and manifests more as a tendency than an actual disorder in one's life?

I am questioning my own self-diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Just questioning its actual existence has helped me to become more balanced mentally and spiritually. Is there a big different between what is mental and what is spiritual? Does not the word psyche also mean 'the soul'?

VIDEO narcissists - full documentary 47:26 ~ ~ U
ploaded Dec 18, 2011 ~Ghostly Atheist~
Let us pray we boldly accept our responsibility as humane beings to help make it a better world and thereby help ourselves.

Let us pray that those with the most power and influence are the most humble ~helping those who most need our help, not just the middle-class.

Let us pray for those who have the courage to stand up and speak out against evildoers in the world despite any state repression.

Proverbs 29:18 (KJV) Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

2 Chronicles 1:10 Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people: for who can judge this thy people, that is so great?


Friday, February 8, 2013
@8:42 AM ~ I need to learn better how to keep stuff simple as can be, without over-simplifying, but also without embellishing stuff.

@11:02 PM ~ I am blessed for being able to be here now with a clear mind and a clean conscience. I know there is much I still need to do before I depart this existence on Earth. I just pray the Lord continues to give me this grace period, this time of grace.

On Matters Related to Online Groups VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan: Posted on 02/08/2013
~ ~
VIDEO Secret Lives Of Jesus Christ - "King Of Kings and Lord of Lords ": ~Upload Dec 22, 2011

VIDEO National Geographic:-Jesus The Missing Years: ~ SimonPeter Pub Jul 2, 2012

VIDEO Area.51.America's.Book.Of.Secrets.: ~Pub Jun 4, 2012

VIDEO Uploaded on Jun 19, 2011 Banned College Lecture! U.S False Education Exposed, Hosea 4:6: My Peopl...: ~

Saturday, February 9, 2012
@7:05 AM ~ Slept pretty good. I woke up too early to get up, then I went back to sleep. I try to make sure I get enough sleep and my head is feeling wide awake. I am headed out to the store for my morning cafe, then I will think about what I need to type.

@1:00 PM ~ Went to Burger Inn and got a Jumbo Burger Upgrated (which means extra fries). I saw some nice civilians. I do not even consider myself a regular civilian. I am in a way different head space that most in my environs. The lovely Fatuma is at the Front Desk. She is a good worker here at the Shasta.
Jeremy Scahill: Assassinations of U.S. Citizens Largely Ignored at Brennan CIA Hearing:  ~ via @DemocracyNow

#IRAN  Documentary Yesterday and Today: Rick Steves: via @youtube Uploaded Feb 23, 2011~
LINK The Thomas S. Szasz Cybercenter for Liberty and Responsibility: ~Born April 15, 1920 --Died September 8, 2012

VIDEO Psychiatry, Coercion as Cure, Thomas Szasz Book Review: ~
Uploaded on Jul 14, 2008

VIDEO Thomas Szasz on Socialism in Health Care: ~Uploaded on Nov 28, 2011

VIDEO Thomas Szasz on Psychiatry and Religion: ~Published on Apr 24, 2012

VIDEO Thomas Szasz: Does mental illness exist?: ~ Published on Jul 5, 2012~

VIDEO Thomas Szasz: The Function of Psychiatry: ~Published on Jul 16, 2012~

VIDEO Thomas Szasz: The role of the State: ~ Published on Jul 16, 2012

1/13/2013 Article: Thomas Szasz: A Life in Error: ~

Thomas Szasz, Relentless Freedom Fighter, Dead at 92 - Hit & Run : ~

The New Atlantis » The Myth of Thomas Szasz: ~

Dr. Thomas Szasz, Psychiatrist Who Led Movement Against His Field, Dies at 92 ~ ~

Sunday, February 10, 2013
@10:28 AM ~ I woke up a bit late, went to get my cafe and am looking forward to the CASA 12-Steps Meeting this evening. I awoke with a critical attitude about the world, the movement and the zonbies who live around me. It can get hard for me in this personal loneliness. I am mindful of the many who died last night and thus not even wake up this morning. Who will die today and thus not even wake up tomorrow?

@9:00 PM ~ We had a pretty good CASA 12-Steps Meeting this Sunday evening at Sally's. We had several there and it was a good cozy group. It seems like the shelter there is really going downhill in terms of the spirit of recovery. When I was there we strongly promoted clients going to meetings, now there is no such promotion. The problem with this situation is tht being a client in a homeless shelter is an ideal time for one to take stock of one's general life-situation. What brought people to the point where they had nowhere else to go except an Emergency Shelter?

Logic dictates that if we do not recognize and straighten out our life problems and learn better life skills then we are bound to keep on repeating the errors of our ways.

Let us pray we value our time, energy and resources. Focus more on what we ourselves can contribute, than knocking others.

Let us pray we balance and integrate our lives with connected reality as it is here now. See what you can change in your life and change it!

Let us pray we do not mindlessly take out our personal problems on others. Be mindful of the power of the word to kill or heal.

Let us pray for the hypocrites in Church on Sunday mornings who leave with their hearts still holding onto hatred against others.

Let us pray President Obama cleans his heart, sees the errors of his ways, stops drone warfare, ends his kill lists and wakes up!

Let us pray we love, help and cherish one another. Together we have the potential to transform the world. It is up to us!
VIDEO NOVA Magnetic Pole Flip 530,000 Years Overdue & Happening Now?: ~ Uploaded on Jan 6, 2012

Monday, February 11, 2013
@9:21 AM ~ I woke up a few times during the night, not exactly sure why, but maybe I heard something that woke me up but the noise source was quiet when I woke up. I finally got up around 8:30 AM, got my cappuchino cafe at the K Street Mini-Mart.
500 Nations The Story of Indian Americans Part 1: ~via asariisechunkh ~Published on Oct 24, 2012

500 Nations The Story of Indian Americans Part 2: ~ via asariisechunkh ~Published on Oct 24, 2012

500 Nations The Story of Indian Americans Part 3: ~ via asariisechunkh ~Published on Jul 22, 2012 #IdleNoMore

500 Nations The Story of Indian Americans Part 4: ~via asariisechunkh ~Published on Jul 22, 2012 #IdleNoMore
VIDEO Michael Moore, Chris Hedges on Challenging #NDAA Indefinite Detention and the "Corporate Coup d'etat" @democracynow

VIDEO Despite Offer of Direct Talks, U.S. Intensifies "Sanctions-Centric" Economic War Against Iran @democracynow

VIDEO Hollow Earth, Atlantis and Origin of Humans - Part One - Dawn Of The Gods...: ~

The Great Inca Rebellion: Nova ~Uploaded on Dec 11, 2011
Let us pray American citizens learn about the history, culture and people of Iran before the U.S. Regime attacks Iran in their name.

Let us pray we have the common sense wisdom to decide for ourselves as individuals who are our friends and enemies.

Let us pray we develop, expand and nurture our mass collective consciousness so we become more compassionate each day.

Let us pray we expand our attention span ~focus on a humane rights agenda ~stay in solidarity with each other and come together.

Let us pray we open our hearts, see each other as one Family of Humanity and unite based upon our common survival needs.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013
@8:16 AM ~ I was up late watching 500 Nations series. See Links above.

We are the conscience of Amerika. We do not forget, we do not forgive ~we fight on! @Peta_de_Aztlan ~
Let us pray we learn the true istory of each other ~understand why there is much hostility and resentment amongst us.

Let us pray activists wake up and stop calling the People 'sheep'. It is a sign of arrogance and turns off those we need to reach.

Let us pray our actual actions in connected reality reflect our political rhetoric. Policies and pratices must be in harmny. #SOTU

Let us pray we do daily work on healing our wounds ~helping those who suffer from social disorders and soul sickness.

VIDEO Mind Science Kept Hidden Documentary.WE ARE VIBRATIONAL BEINGS: ~Published on Jan 1, 2013
"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God."
"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind."
"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own - a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we can dimly perceive and to try humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in Nature."
~ Einstein ~ ~


Wednesday, February 13, 2013
@10:00 AM ~ Another day in search of another way.
Let us pray we study our true history as a general guide to action ~learn its great lessons paid for in blood and not repeat mistakes.

Let us pray we remember history without digging up old bones better left buried ~learn to let go of hateful resentments.

Let us pray we remember that we Earthlings are an endangered species ~the love of each other is the most we have and need today.

Our collective unity as one people, as one family, is an essential need for our collective survival ~not mere political expediency.
American Holocaust of Native American Indians (FULL Documentary) ~Uploaded on Nov 5, 2011

Global Hunger - Bread for the World: Have Faith. End Hunger ~ ~

Thursday, February 14, 2013
@8:28 AM ~ Woke up early. I opened my eyes a few times during the night, checked my watch, then, laid down again.

@6:33 PM ~ Went and saw the movie Side Effects. It was pretty good with some good acting. It kind of shows the kind of inherent insanity, mass marketing and shady moves that can go on in the whole matrix among the patient, the doctor and the psychiatric facility. I highly recommend those who take prescribed meds go see it.

Side Effects -- Official Trailer 2013 : ~ via @youtube ~Go see it!
Support and Follow @VDay Live | One Billion Rising ~ ~ #1billionrising

One Billion Rising (Break the Chain) performed by New Light girls: #1billionrising

Let us pray we raise our sons to greatly respect the dignity and humane rights of all women and girls in the world. #1billionrising

Let us pray men and boys do not ever underestimate the united power of women and girls to transform the world. #1billionrising

About Carl's Jung phrase: " Only anguished psychiatrist can help the patient"?

There is a direct learning that can only come from one's direct existential experience, not from any great book or sage.

I have been a psychiatric patient in a psyche ward, I have been a CNA in a psyche ward.

I have been a homeless refugee in the streets, I have been a Case Manager in a homeless shelter..

I have been a dope fiend and drunk, I have been a Coordiatnor for a Christian-based 12-Steps Group.

I have been tormented by my own demons. I have been a Counselor for troubled people.

Empathy evolves from existential experience, yet one must be good at processing one's experiences.

Namaste! Peter S. López AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan    c/s ~ ~
2/14/2013 US Drug Trafficking, Chris Dorner Cover-up, Waco Massacre: via @AbbyMartin [Waco in Feb. 28, 1993]

Friday, February 15, 2013
@10:36 AM ~ My friend Trigger just came by and we conversed for awhile. I am glad to know that he is doing well. It bugs me whenever I know someone who is in a homeless refugee situation in this land of fears. He is in a good room in a good area, all things considered.

@1:56 PM ~ I went by the nearby Christian Science Reading Room to chat with Sister Kristian. I might start a gathering there to discuss Spiritual Healing. If so, I do not want any strings attached. I would not do a typical Christian-oriented group, but more of an Open Agenda one that discusses our personal spiritual problems and efforts to seek spiritual solutions.
Audio-Video: Relationships, Hormones & Supplements - C2CAM ~with John Gray:

Saturn and Pluto: Intense Revolution moving through the sign Scorpio: via @tarotcom

An Intentional Fire? Police Use of Incendiary Tear Gas Criticized in Killing of Christopher #Dorner ~

From Dorner to Waco to MOVE Bombing, A Look at Growing Militarization of Domestic Policing: ~

Banned from the Bible: Secrets of the Apostles (History Channel): ~

Published on Jul 5, 2012

VIDEO Dead Sea Schrolls & The Judas Gospel: ~Published on Feb 10, 2013

VIDEO 2013 State of Indian Nations (Full Program): ~via NCAI1944 ~Published on Feb 14, 2013

Let us pray we are not silent in condemning the evil deeds of any government-police authorities. Burning a man alive is wrong! #Dorner

Let us pray we do not easily forget the evil deeds done in Nazi Amierka by the fascist authorities now in power and securely so.

Let us pray we never give up in our collective struggles to bring into being a new world based upon respect for our common humane rights!

Let us pray we have the common sense wisdom to use social media to help liberate and educate the minds of zonbies in the world.

Let us pray we each shoulder our responsibility as social beings to stand up and speak out against obvious evils in the world.

Let us pray we have the courage to condemn state terrorism and use social media to create an alternative to Corporate Media.

Let us pray we do not have to tell our grandchildren that we were silent in fear while their world was being destroyed.

Let us pray we fully understand that Mother Nature will forcibly respond to the great imbalances allowed by mankind.

Let us pray we fully understand that there are consequences to be wrecked by our passive silence in the face of known evils.

According to the ancient philosopher Aristotle, “Nature abhors a vacuum.” The same principle is at work in our spiritual lives.


Bloglink ~ ~

Twitter Link ~ ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan

Facebook Profile: Peter S. Lopez ~ ~

Peter S. López (Che Peta) - Google+

Humane Liberation Party Portal ~ ~


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