Thursday, January 31, 2013

Spiritual Journal: January 16-31, 2013 via @Peta_de_Aztlan

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013
@4:35 PM ~ It has been kind of a weird day in subtle ways. I went to Burger Inn up on K Street and had a double burger and an upgrade of French fries. Sometimes I wonder why we even bother to communicate to others, especially when they are not even open-minded enough to consider new perspectives on stuff. A closed mind is hard to reach. Sometimes my best ideas fall upon dear ears, like I am talking to a blank wall. I wonder what good it does to convince anyone of anything. It's probably me. This too shall pass.


Thursday, January 17, 2013
@8:34 AM ~ I slept pretty well last night. My body is gradually getting use to not being dependent on taking my Seroquel to give me more restive sleep + keep in mind I take 10 MG of Melatonin as a sleep enhancer.

@8:45 PM ~ Went to go see Movie at the Crest Theater around the corner but it was boring, so I did not even finish seeing it. Rare for me, since I paid $6 to get in + large popcorn and a large tub of Diet Coke.
Let us pray we have the courage to challenge tradition, to stray away from the herd and to explore new ways of understanding.

Let us pray we do not get so lost in the external world that we forget the vital importance of understanding our internal world.

Let us pray that as aware conscious activists who care about the world we understand that being is just as important as doing.
VIDEO 1:48:23 What the Bleep Do We Know? (Full 2004 theatrical release)
~ ~
Root Page ~ Dr. Amit Goswami, Ph.D. : Theoretical Quantum Physicist ~

VIDEO Present! - Amit Goswami (Part One) a Quantum View of God 24:01: ~Uploaded Dec 17, 2008~

VIDEO Present! - Amit Goswami, Ph.D. (Part Two) Quantum Physics and God 23:14 ~ ~Uploaded Dec 17, 2008~

VIDEO Present! - Amit Goswami, Ph.D. (Part Three) Quantum Physics and God 25:36
~ ~Uploaded Dec 17, 2008~

VIDEO Amit Goswami, Ph.D : How to achieve happiness from Quantum Physics perspective!!!!
~ ~Uploaded on Oct 10, 2011

VIDEO Quantum Mechanics ~ ~Upload Jan 7, 2012~

VIDEO Amit Goswami @ Schumacher College: The Science of Quantum Consciousness ~ ~Pub Mar 5, 2012~

VIDEO Amit Goswami - Which came first...the chicken or the egg, Why do we all feel separate ~ ~Pub Aug 4, 2012~

VIDEO Radio 3Fourteen - Amit Goswami - The Self Aware Universe 1:00:06~ ~
Pub Aug 13, 2012~

VIDEO Dr Amit Goswami - 'Consciousness, Quantum Physics and Being Human' -by Iain McNay ~ ~Pub Sep 1, 2012

VIDEO Michio Kaku on #Quantum Mechanics ~Time 58:38 ~ ~Pub Oct 18, 2012

VIDEO Consciousness does matter - Amit Goswami Ph.D., Honolulu HI 34:58 ~ ~Pub Nov 25, 2012~

VIDEO 1:17:28 ~ The #Quantum Activist (Kvantový aktivista) ~ ~ Pub Nov 21, 2012 ~Follow @quantumactivist

Friday, January 18, 2013
@8:24 AM ~ I slept pretty well, woke up a couple of times, but it is good to be off of any bipolar medication.

Now I am wondering if there is actually such a disorder as bipolar. I realize that all these now popular psychiatric diagnoses are essential for Big Pharma to rake its its millions of dollars for pharmaceutical prescriptions.

I would look to natural methods of healing, including good nutrition, group and/or one-on-one counseling and nurturing positive, productive and progressive personal relationships in our lives. This is not brain science. If anything it is natural science.


Saturday, January 19, 2013
@1:20 PM ~ Typed up another article, kind of light weigth for me, but I try to look at the bigger picture of stuff. So many folks need more than just facts and figures, they need a larger wider vision.

VIDEO Psychiatry An Industry Of Death Full Length~ ~Pub Jan 19, 2013 Book: Rape of the Soul: Ty Colbert: ~ Books: Reality Therapy: A New Approach to Psychiatry ~ William Glasser: ~

BOOK Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the Enduring Mistreatment of the Mentally Ill: Robert Whitaker: ~

BOOK Unsafe at Any Dose: Exposing Psychiatric Dogmas, So Minds Can Heal, Psychiatric Drugs Do More Harm: Bob Johnson: ~

Sunday, January 20, 2013
@10:01 AM ~ I slept prety well. To me, sleep is extremely important for us to be balanced. centered and stabilized in our day-to-day life. I need to sweep my floor here in this room. It is such a small tiny room that I am often stuck in the midst of clutter. I try not to bring any more objects in here I really do not need.
VIDEO #Spiritual Liberation [1] @Peta_de_Aztlan - ~
VIDEO The Truth About Your Pineal Gland ~ ~ 3rd Eye? @Peta_de_Aztlan

Monday, January 21, 2013
@8:06 AM ~ Slept well. Got my coffee from the K Street Mini-Mart. I am going to check out Obama's Inaugural Speech today. It will probably be the same ol' propaganda shit.
Let us pray we pay attention to the basic survival needs of the People: food, clothing, shelter, medical care and quality education.

Let us pray we remember the vital importance of unity among all oppressed peoples, not divided by Parties or Wings. Unite and Fight!

Let us pray we come together as one Family of Humanity, as one People, as one Species, in the Spirit of Liberty and Justice for all.

Let us pray we case aside artificial differences that keep us divided from each other and unite based upon shared principles.

Let us pray we understand that spiritual work involves our eliminating our more gross character defects ~not faking holiness.

Let us pray we have the courage to work on our spiritua growth and come to understand enlightenment as a major priority.

Let us pray our self-enlightenment manifests in practical activities, not get warped into yet another form of escapism.

Let us pray we do not get lost in our search for a greater spiritualism and become gullible to the rage of New Age escapism.

Let us pray our Spiritual Work manifests  in practical ways of living with creative behavior patterns that nurture enlightenment.

Let us pray we do not blindly follow Spiritual Leaders and naively swallow whatever they feed us. Be your own Spiritual Leader!

Let us pray we avoid all forms of addiction harmful to our being. Be wholesome and free from the affliction of addiction.

Let us pray we see spiritual work involves working on the evolution of our souls into becoming integrated balanced beings.

Let us pray we take full advantage of our limited lifetime. Be in love with your being. Avoid the stupid stress of energy vampires.

Our time of decay may be distant, but we shall surely decay. Life life in the magic moment of here now. We are beings, not doings.

Strive to consciously keep it simple. Namaste! Yours humanely, Peter S. Lopez AKA
~ ~

VIDEO Addictions & Spirituality; Ascension, Levitation & Teleportation; Two Steps to Become a Believer ~ ~
Comment: 1/21/2013 ~ I love Sudevi ~ It is stupid to seek to destroy the limited ego self. The natural ego is a key component of our personality, our self-awareness. Many allow their own egos to confuse them. Let us avoid an inflated ego, in the Jungian sense.

It is best to absorb spirtual matters with an open heart. Be humble at learning, take sharings for what they are worth. We do not need to convince anyone of anything. We are here to love and help one another.
Namaste! @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
VIDEO Dr. Martin Luther King's Prophetic Last speech
~ ~

VIDEO Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. - April 4, 1967 - Beyond Vietnam: A Time To Break Silence [Full Speech]
~! ~

Uploaded on Jan 15, 2011
Many folk have heard that the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. made the comment that the U.S. government [was/is] "the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today". This was in context to a speech delivered on April 4, 1967 at Riverside Church in New York City - exactly one year before his untimely death. Though not as well-known as his other speeches, this is one of the ones that speak deeply to my soul. Because of a few "blips" in the audio, I tried to include include the entire speech to be read along with the speech. It was, however, longer that what is allowed here.

SO.. you can see this embedded video AND read the speech on my blog here:
VIA Servant2All

VIDEO Yurugu - Dr Marimba Ani.~ ~ Uploaded Nov 26, 2011~

VIDEO Dr. Marimba Ani Speaks in Atlanta on Oct. 28. 2012 ~! ~Published on Nov 25, 2012

VIDEO Dr. Marimba Ani - Afrikan Rebirth part 1 of 2 ~ ~

VIDEO Dr. Marimba Ani - Afrikan Rebirth part 2 of 2 ~ ~

VIDEO What is Culture - Marimba Ani ~ ~ Culture builds the immune system!!

Marimba Ani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ~  ~

Tuesday, January 22, 2013
@7:11 AM ~ Here with my coffee in my bunker. Ready for the day ahead. I have already been to my favorite little store, the K Street Mini-Mart. Talked to a Brother Frank for a bit about religions and stuff. I was not really in the mood for a long conversation about it. We should just treat each other right and respect Mother Nature.

@7:34 PM ~ I got back from Uptown Market awhile ago. When I came into the Shasta here I found out that an old friend of mine named Dave Snyder died in his room the other night of an apparent heart attack. Another resident who stays here, who was a helper and friend of his, found him in his room. She had the key to his place. He was stuck in a wheelchair but he was good to talk to and one of the few folks here I have any kind of an intelligent conversation with here. He will be missed. Life is so very very fragile. Rest In Peace Brother Dave. Clear a space for me because I know none of us down here gets out alive. Namaste!
Let us pray we can respect the religous beliefs of others without waging war and killing each other over the practice of religion.
VIDEO 2012, Galactic Alignment & The Mayans ~ ~Pub Nov 26, 2012~

VIDEO 2012 Galactic Alignment and Mayan Prophecy Information ~ ~Pub Dec 5, 2012~

The Mayan Calendar
~  ~

Thousands mark conclusion of 5,125-year Mayan calendar cycle
~ ~



Wednesday, January 23, 2013
@1:25 PM ~ My Amigo Trigger came by here, we met in the Shasta Lobby, then went outside. I went by the BofA for a $400 withdrawal, then I treated him at the Burger Inn. It is good to be able to do a simple thing like treating a friend to lunch. I am blessed that I can.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013 ~Anonymous Calls for Civil War to Overthrow the US Government
~ ~
Comment: Although I sympathize with the sentiment from this apparent #Anonymous source it smacks of Left-Wing adventurism. No popular revolution can succeed and sustain itself without mass popular support. We have not yet exhaustated all peaceful methods of struggle. It is the mass struggles related to exhausting peaceful methods of struggle that is key to raising any mass revolutionary consciousness.

The ultimate aim of fascism is to destroy, defuse and/or distract any genuine revoutionary consciousness. We need to present a rational alternative to the present unjust order. Egalitarian communalism, democratic socialism or another coherent alternatie to corporate capitalism. Anarchy alone is not a politcal-cultural-economic program. I support #Anonymous in general, but I do not hide behind a mask (though I understand why some would for legitimate reasons). . I am not hiding. People need to know who they are communicating with for them to better have trust and understanding.

We need to relate to and have resonance with the People's present level of consciousness, not issue #Anonymous manifestos and 'heavy' videos about any armed resistance. We need vanguard leadership that is rational, realistic and responsible for its statements. We must win the mass support of the People because it is ultimately the People who will collectively determne the outcome of this Global Liberation Movement.

Venceremos Unidos! We Will Win United!
Peter S. López AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ Email=
Sacramento, California, Aztlan
~  ~

Thursday, January 24, 2013
Being is the Ground of Consciousness: 01/24/2013 ~ ~ via @Peta_de_Aztlan

Friday, January 25, 2013
@3:15 PM ~ Just go back from Grocery Outlet. Earlier I met my dead Friend's Dave S. sister and his nephew. I expressed my condolences. I told her that he was one of the few intelligent people I could talk to here at the Shasta.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
[ No EntryToday]
Protest of Aaron Swartz - Moakley Courthouse - Boston

Sunday, January 27, 2013
@9:32 AM ~ It is a beautiful day outside. The lovely Fatuma is at the Front Desk here at the Shasta Hotel. It is nice to see her firt thing in the morning when I go out into the lobby. She is a precious beautiful creature.

Some mornings there is nothing worth doing for me than typing up some short prayers in the form of Tweets and then post them on Twitter.
Let us pray for all those souls who lost their lives in the horrible nightclub fire in Brazil last night and for their mourning families.

Let us pray we are mindful of how we spend our lives while we are alive in this lifetime. Do we use our limited time upon Earth wisely?

Let us pray we take the time to pray for ourselves and others. Prayer helps to soothe the soul and penetrates deep into the soul.

Let us pray that in all our social activism we do not neglect the inner spiritual work to be done on understanding ourselves.

Let us pray we do not rush through life wrapped up in taking care of business and forget to appreciate the simply beauty of being.

Let us pray we mind our own business, take care of our tasks and not try to control and manipulate others in our world.

Let us pray we love one another, not be afraid of being in love, of falling in love, of expressing our love and honoring our love.

Let us pray we use our personal powers to help ourselves live a life of love, liberty and enlightenment. Use power wisely.

Let us pray we think for ourselves, make up our own minds, come to our own conclusions and strive to live life as liberated beings.

Let us pray we have loving compassion towards people. Many are operating out of their inner fears, anxieties and insecurities.

Let us pray we do not rush to judge others, respect different opinions, engage in creative dialogue and help create peace in the world.

Let us pray we are not distracted by events thousands of miles away and ignore the good we can do in our own local communities.

Let us pray we create a church in our own homes, worship at our own altars and honor our homes as sacred sanctuaries.

Let us pray we live our lives in a healthy balance in the trinity of the mind, body and soul. Avoid addictions and toxic fools!

Let us pray we respect the sacred rights of all living beings to make their own personal decisions about their own health and welfare.

Let us pray we know when to mind our own business, let loved ones live their lives without your personal interference.

Let us pray we know when to be in humble prayer on our knees and when to stand up and fight against Evil Powers in the world.
LINK bipolarORwakingUP by Sean Blackwell ~ ~


BipolarORwakingUP by Sean Blackwell ~ ~
@YouTube Channel bipolarORwakingUP -  ~ ~

VIDEO My Spiritual Bipolar Trip to the Psychiatric Hospital - Spiritual Emergency, Bipolar Disorder
~ ~ Pub 3/26/2012

VIDEO Is it Bipolar Disorder or a Spiritual Awakening? ~
Up 10/28/2011 ~

VIDEO Am I Bipolar or Waking Up? My story of healing 1 of 5 (Spirituality) Up 7/22/2007 ~ ~

VIDEO Bipolar or Waking Up? (2 of 5): Where am I? 9:59
~ ~

VIDEO Bipolar or Waking Up? 3 of 5: Handcuffed ~ Upload 7/23/07
~ ~

VIDEO Bipolar or Waking Up? 4 of 5: Exit Strategy 9:34 ~ ~

VIDEO Bipolar or Waking Up? Part 5 of 5: Are You Ready? ~
VIDEO Flight From Darkness: A Bipolar Disorder Documentary
~ ~Up Aug 29, 2011~
VIDEO Lideres de la MS-13 hablan sobre la tregua; MS 13 leaders talk about El Salvador's gang truce. ~! ~

Monday, January 28, 2013
@11:28 AM ~ I am alive and well, though a little sleepy. I had cramps in my feet last night, esp. my in-steps. I could be from lack of exercise, not doing enough yoga. Then I could be from not drinking enough water. Maybe it is also just a thing that comes wtih age. I am not the young scurrying pup I use to be! ;->

@11:55 PM ~ Today went by pretty quick. I made little progress. Saw a good movie on Netflix called The Whistleblower with Rachel Weisz ~ ~

Let us pray that we are able to open up to others we care about in our lives ~admit our fears, troubles and concerns.

Let us pray that if anyone we know has suicidal ideation we encourage to them to await a new sunrise before doing anything harmful.

Let us pray we remember ~no matter how dark the hour ~that suicide is not a healthy option ~check any sudden impulses.

Let us pray we do not ignore our feelings ~however fleeting ~stay in conscious awareness of what's going on in and around your life.

Let us pray we ask those we care about how they are 'feeling' ~not simply how they are doing. Feelings are real powerful.

Let us pray we take the time to sit down and talk to our children at their level ~establish good eye contact and reassure them.

Let us pray we take the time to encourage our youth ~promote self-esteem ~inspire faith in the future and listen to them!

Let us pray we take the time to expand our circles of life with creative people ~nurture new relationships ~avoid vampires!


Tuesday, January 29, 2013
@7:53 AM ~ I slept pretty well. No cramps, found out a few other people get them too. I have already taken a shower, am here in my briefs, need to get dressed and go get coffee.

@9:21 AM ~ Got my coffee. Finally called Geri but got a dumb Kris Kringle Movie sound on her answering machine. Who knows what madness is going on over there. I need to type up a few letters to a few folks. Saw my Amigo Goyo outside. It was good to see him. Left a Message with Joe AKA Toro with a gal, apparently he was still asleep. So today is Tuesday and some stuff I stress about was just me stressing, that is not necessarily a bipolar symptom. Much remains to be studied and understood.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013
@9:04 AM ~ I woke up a few times last night. I am a little sleepy right now. I still got up around 6 AM, took a shower, went to get my morning Cappuchino Coffee at the K Street Mini-Mart and have just been doing some typing and stuff. Stuff is one of my favorite words, it covers a lot of ground.

@11:09 AM ~ I just had a great visit from a Molina Medicare Account Representative named Dalia Ibrahim-Sutton of Egyptian nationality. She was so sweet I could not even think sexually about her. She explained my improved medical benefits to be kicking in on February 1st.

Let us pray we do not sleep our lives away, get the rest we need ~yet strive to live life to the fullest on a daily basis.

Let us pray we get involved in meaningful social movements ~yet not forget that the true movement begins within our own being.

Let us pray our prayers and practices are in harmony with each other ~integrate being with doing, theory with application.

Let us pray the U.S. Congress and we as a people come to our senses and support sane humane immigration legislation.

Let us pray we appreciate the value of longevity in a good wholesome life ~learn what to attract and what to avoid in life.



Thursday, Januart 31, 2013
@6:40 AM ~ I slept pretty well last night. I have already taken my shower. Now I am getting ready to go get my cafe. It is the last day of January already. Just surviving every day is another victory. Consider that 26,000 children died of hunger-related causes.

@7:03 PM ~ I went and got my RT Pass for February and paid $40 for my AT&T Bill. So I am squre with that. We have a slight rent increase here at the Shasta Hotel, which none of us can be happy about. So this the effect of kind of canveling out any little increase we got from SSI. The System gets you coming and/or going.

@9:32 PM ~ Well this is my last entry for this blog post for the month of January. I need to re-commit myself to my typing and working on a book for publication. As of now I have 2,200 Followers AKA Connects on Twitter. Over the months I get a gradual increase. This is surprising in light of the fact tht I keep the number of people I follow down to 99 for the 99+% of the have-nots who need to unite and topple the Evil Empire. Plus, I  try to avoid any external Information Overload. I generally am pretty good at doing that for myself.

On the other hand, to be honest here, with my OCD tendency (I am looking at any possible Disorders of mine now as tendencies, not a lifelong sentence) I have Tweeted over 95,649 on my @Peta_de_Aztlan Twitter Account since I Joined: Sun 12 Apr 2009 18:22 with '0' Tweets. Yeah, I got ADHD and OCD tendencies.

What the hell, I am still sane and sober. I continue to work on my spirtual enlightenment as a major priority and know I need to have a lot more discipline as a wholistic spiritual being. I need to look at my typing AKA writing as at least a part-time job, an actual investment in my own future. I do not want to live in low-income housing the rest of my life. Plus, I hope to have more I can offer a potentialy lady in my life. Thus, I need to dedicate my AM morning time to my typing and focus on my typing until after high noon.

I must cut way back on my time on Twitter, esp. because I KNOW it is addictive. Then, being online can be real addictive, including Facebook. I got to look at it all as a stage and am aware of the need for me to move on and get something typed up good for future publishing. Plus, I want to experiment more with Videos. Maybe do a little docuentary of one kind of another. A man has to have dreams, at least I do. Tomorrow is a brand new month! Nada mas ahora!
Let us pray we overcome our personal fears ~yet not deny any fearful feelings within us. Fear is an internal enemy of our souls.

Let us pray we work on our spiritual enlightenment as spiritual beings and consciously avoid the opium and fanaticism of religion.

Let us pray we are fully aware that the great struggles to be waged are in the realm of spiritual warfare, not simply politics.
VIDEO Obama's Immigration Hypocrisy 6:35 | Think Tank: ~via @AbbyMartin Pub 1/31/2013

Contact Info for Peter S. López AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~
Email= ~ ~

Venceremos Unidos! We Will Win United!
Peter S. López AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ Email=
Sacramento, California, Aztlan
HELP Portal ~ ~
Bloglink ~ ~

Twitter Link ~ ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan

Facebook Profile: Peter S. Lopez ~ ~

Humane Liberation Party Portal ~ ~

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