Tuesday, January 1, 2013
@10:27 AM ~ I slept pretty soundly. Forgotten dreams now, will try to get better at remembering them. Went to K Street Mini-Mart for coffee. Met a cool Brother Marcos Gonzales ~who is Apache and a Jevhovah's Witness. I will try to recruit him or at least stay in contact. Plus, I saw my Brother Bobby who looked good. We have to go see my nephew Bobby Lopez, Jr. his son tomorrow. That should be ineresting.
Let us pray for the souls of those who died violent deaths last night, especially due to over-indulgence in alcohol or other harmful drugs.
Let us pray we do NOT make New Year's resolutions that we know damn well we will not ever keep all year. Avoid self-disappointment.
Let us pray that this will be the year when our caged Brother Leonard Peltier is set free to be safe at home with his family.
Let us pray that this will be the year when we make great strides forward in the direction of Global Liberation by ANY MEANS NECESSARY!
Let us pray for a Peaceful Global Revolution that will seize the reins of power and put the People in power once and for all.
Let us pray for a Peaceful Revolution and uphold our sacred right to self-defense, our sacred right to bear arms and live in liberty.
Let us pray for a Peaceful Revolution ~exhausting legal methods of waging class struggle, yet not be under any pacifist illusions.
Let us pray we all get up off our ass ~wake up and get involved creating positive progressive changes in our lives and be #IdleNoMore.
Let us pray we have clear definitions for the words we use in our communications with each other and study cognitive science.
Let us pray we comprehend the matrix of connected reality ~subjective and objective realities are inherently interconnected.
Let us pray we understand the true nature of power in terms of defining connected reality, then changing it in s desired manner.
Let us pray we understand the role of electoral politics in our lives because we know the difference between strategy and tactics.
Let us pray we remain balanced in the here and now of connected reality ~strive to relate to the people's present level of consciousness.
Let us pray we avoid the twin evils of Left-Wing adventurism and Right-Wing opportunism. The truth dwells in the center.
LINK Friedrich Nietzsche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ~ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Nietzsche ~
@leo0swag LINK Be Ye Perfect: What DoesThat Mean? By Alan P. Medinger ~ http://bit.ly/UBGJCD ~
#EZLN was founded 28 years ago ~ 1st 10 years it grew beneath the radar; 18 years ago, appeared in public. ~ http://bit.ly/Wd2MMR ~
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
@10:41 AM ~ I think the influence of odd numbers will be more significant this year. Nowadays I prefer even numbers, though I was born with odd numbers of 11/15/1951.
@6:27 PM ~ Just got here. I had a great visit at the UCD Medical Center with my Nephew Bobby Lopez, Jr. I was great seeing him and his Mother Jesuscita. Plus, her handsome son Manuel ~I last remember him when he was a little boy.
I had not seen Bobby for years, admitted my neglect, but they were just happy to see me visit him. He said "Yes" about remembering me. I wonder if it was his father, my younger Brother Bobby, that he remembered?!
My former Sister-In-Law has seven children now ~ 4 daughters and 3 sons. She is doing well. Man, how we age over the years... one moment we are fresh, young with the promise of the future... in a later moment we are well-worn and aged with the passing of the years. Such is life.
Let us pray we live in a spirit of mutual cooperation with each other, not locked into combative competition with an inflated ego.
Let us pray we become a spiritual catalyst in our own lives ~seek to be in alignment with our beingness as spiritual beings.
Let us pray we understand the truth in life without reactionary resistance and live in honor of our own truth without compromise.
Let us pray we are open-spirited ~not just open minded. The heart is closer to the spirit than the mortal mind. Open Spirit.
Let us pray we are not stuck in either-or equations ~explore the realms of multiple-options. Look at life with fresh clear eyes.
Let us pray we are open to receiving wisdom from spiritual guides ~strive to be in harmony and alignment with the inner muse.
Let us pray we respect the power of meditation with no-mindedness. Keep the throne of thought open to enlightenment.
Let us pray we are aware of the power of our inner feelings. Do your daily work with feeling. Put your heart into it. Follow your bliss.
Let us pray we pay attention to our beingness in the trinity of the mind, body and soul. Learn to dance with your inner self.
VIDEO Part 1 - Spiritual Synchronization Workshop Hosted by Spiritual Leader, Teal Scott ~ http://bit.ly/UkOF8z ~11/25/12~
VIDEO Part 2 - Spiritual Synchronization Workshop Hosted by Spiritual Leader, Teal Scott
~ http://youtu.be/OBKHBtFuB4U ~11/25/12~
VIDEO Is The New Age Movement an #Illuminati Conspiracy? (Ask Teal Episode) ~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy11UulqUe4 ~ thespiritualcatalyst.com ~
“It’s as if the ancient Maya could somehow anticipate the fears and struggles we experience in our modern industrial life and offered a mystical end game we could look forward to. No such luck. The truth of the matter is that the Maya calendar was inseparable from the ancient world that created it: a lost worldview of kings, gods and ancestors.
By wrenching this special vision of time and cosmology away from that particular cultural and historical milieu, we do nothing more than manipulate the past for our own purposes and messages. The truth is no Maya text -- ancient, colonial or modern -- ever predicted the end of time or the end of the world,”
~ Dr. David Stuart, professor of Mesoamerican art and writing at the University of Texas at Austin, in his book “The Order Of Days: The Maya World and the Truth About 2012"
~ http://www.ibtimes.com/mayan-calendar-2012-whats-really-happening-guatemala-928051 ~
Greetings All My Relations! Happy New Year!
Let us try to go further into this New Year with a new Spirit, a new Attitude, a new Way of looking at ourselves in the context of the world today and, indeed, in the matrix of the cosmos. Every morning I pray that the Spirit of Love helps to guide me before I get wrapped up in the day's events. I am a humane being, not a doing.
I pay attention to the here now ~ strive to be open-spirited and allow myself to be inspired by life around me. I command my throne of thought ~from whence my thoughts emanate. I try not to be scattered. Instead I strive to be focused on creative pursuits in whatever form they may take. It could be typing an article, watching birds in flight, cloud-gazing or sky watching at night, people watching. Seeking to be in tune with my authentic nature within and with nature around me when I can find it, a grove of trees, a flowing river or even the laughter of children playing.
Our thoughts have tremendous affects on our feelings. In a kind of spiritual dance I make conscious efforts to keep a balance between my thoughts and feelings in direct relation to my beingness. As much as possible, I avoid toxic people who are boozing or doping. I avoid fiendish energy vampires and fools who have a gift for making themselves feel down and out. Self-pity is a killer. Suicide in our society is a common occurence and there are many forms of suicide ~some live out their lives in a kind of slow motion suicide.
Let us learn to be grateful for what we do have, rather than lament what we do not. Let us learn to appreciate the simple blessings we have in our lives, if we just take the time to appreciate. There is better or worse going on in other people's lives. Breathe!
In real ways, our lives are the results of choices made, either consciously or without conscious awareness. Thus, we should be wise when we make our choices in life, not make rash important decisions without prayer, meditation and contemplation.
Make this year be the best year of your life. If it is to come true it is up to you!
"You have to build your own monument – or dig your own pit. Which are you doing?"
VIA “Keys to Success” by B.C. Forbes, published in 1917
Namaste! Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Email peta.aztlan@gmail.com
Sacramento, California c/s
Thursday, January 3, 2013
@8:00 AM ~ I woke up at 6 AM. I have another pesky mouse in here who comes to visit, though I appreciate his visitations and know there are lessons there, I want to be rid of it. I have two little holes in the bottom of two corners in my bunker that mice can go through. Some time ago, the former Maintenance man named Don (who quit for better employment) put a ball of steel wool in them, but I think that needs to be reinforced with a hard card board plate or even a little square tin sheet. Oh well, the worries of a Crazy Chicano!
I saw Valerie, a little blonde and a former client from Sally's at the K Street Mini-Mart. She had just gotten out of jail for non-reporting. She says she has her Bible and A.A. books. Hopefully she will get housing soon. She is on SSI Disability. I hope she gets settled soon. CEPA is her payee, same as mine. She has to see if she has gotten sanctioned by SSI and possibly get re-instated. We often create our own dilmenas.
@11:09 AM ~ One thing leads to another. I saw Gilbert V. and ended up hecking out his place and borrowed a couple of DVDs, including one on Geronimo. In a way, as much as I might bitch, I am in the best spot as a tenatn in this building ~bottom floor, only four of us in this area and I have learned to appreciate my room with a view that looks like a small prison courtyard. With my ADHD tendency it keeps me more focused on my typing, so I am not staring out the window distracted or day dreaming.
Let us pray we focus on the solution in a situation with a positive vibration, not being in a state of negative resistance to a problem.
I love being a writer. What I can’t stand is the paperwork. ~Peter De Vries
From out of our sadness, let there be strength to overcome all our obstacles. Let us all live in peace and harmony as one family of humanity.As a humane Radical I do Resist Evil in the world. We should be aware of absolute definitions for certain words. To say what we resist, persists, as Tolle and others have said, is not to say we should not resist anything, such as Evil Killings.
Remember that often rare qualitty these days of plain common sense. Think with feeling. ~ Namaste! ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan or @Humane_Being
Line of questioning: What does this mean? Why is this bad? Get the original thought and chase it down to the root to find the Suppressed Self. What do you judge?
To simplify, what we judge negatively about others can be a reflection of our own suppressed self, our shadow, that we are not consciosly aware of in our lives and have affects on all our relations.
Let us be aware of our own vibrations, our own emotions, pull up and out the negative roots of weeds and learn from our own shadows.
To simplify, what we judge negatively about others can be a reflection of our own suppressed self that we are not consciosly aware of in our lives.
VIDEO What Is Shadow Work? And How Do I Do Shadow Work? http://youtu.be/C6wDHBt7r5U ~ Apr 28, 2012 VIA @TEALCATALYST
VIDEO How to Overcome Addiction ~ http://bit.ly/Vz1HQS ~ Published on Jul 28, 2012 ~ VIA @TEALCATALYST
VIDEO How to Help Someone Overcome Addiction ~ http://youtu.be/TeBnwqiOjTo ~ VIA @TEALCATALYST ~Aug 4, 2012
Friday, January 4, 2013
@9:04 AM ~ I am alive and well.
@10:43 PM ~ It was a good day, created what I think is a good blogpost after seeing a great movie ~
Just Saw Searching for Sugarman Rodriguez ~Posted on 01/04/2013 by @Peta_de_Aztlan
~ http://wp.me/prH9G-cm ~
Let us pray we are motivated by a Spirit of Pure Love in the here and now of connected reality, not selfish individual desire.
Let us pray we are bold enough to share our truths without fear, knowing that we remain ignorant of all that we do not know.
VIDEO Is The New Age Movement an #Illuminati Conspiracy? (Ask Teal Episode)
~ youtu.be/Hy11UulqUe4 ~ thespiritualcatalyst.com ~
Saturday, January 5, 2013
@ [No Entry]
Sunday, January 6, 2013
@9:39 AM ~ I have my cafe for now. Still need to fix my coffee maker or get a new one. Now I usually go to the K Street Mini-Mart where I have good relations with the storekeepers. It is early morning time and I usually have a few interactions with a few folks, check out the scene and get a feeling for the spirit of the day. I will make one large cup of coffee, drink it there, then bring back two cups here. Each cup is $1.95, though sometimes they give me discounts.
@10:29 PM ~ We had a good small CASA Meeting at Sally's. Our Meeting attendance varies with the time of the month, the comings and goings of tempoary shelter residents. For the first half or so I gave a short rap and then we had a general discussion. I emphasized the importance of Spiritual Libertion. My Amigo Mike AKA Gallo, who also plays the role of sponsor, was there too and it is always a blessing when he is. He is a wise man and a good brother of mine. One of few in my personal here now life I trust to remain steadfast, despite all the brothers I know. Many of us are frozen with fear and have lost a natural will to resist tyranny in the world.
Let us pray we remain fully in the moment of our present being here now, not driven to distractions. We are beings, not doings.
Let us pray we are fully aware that much of the work to be done is on ourselves, developing our talents and sharpening our skills.
Let us pray we are aware that we are living in an insane sick society, many have been contaminated to different degrees.
Let us pray we are able to see the importance of working on our Spiritual Liberation ~freeing ourselves of negativism in general.
Let us pray we do good works with a higher level of consciousness of who we are and what we can be as spiritual beings.
Let us pray we have the wisdom to see the difference between our own personal self-interests and being selfish. Help yourself, help others.
Let us pray we come to know, love and accept ourselves just as we are and thereby better love and understand others.
Let us pray we see that the world has a way of going on whether you help change it or not. Change yourself within your being.
Let us pray we are wise enough to turn to prayer when we are upset, stressed-out or out-of-balance. Prayers have purposes.
Let us pray for the liberation of all oppressed peoples. Come together to create a new world, a new way of living on Mother Earth.
Let us pray we are not fools and not let any form of spiritualism decay and degenerate into yet another form of escapism from 'real life'.
SATURN IN SCORPIO and your 2013 Relationships | OMTimes Magazine @OmTimes
~ http://omtimes.com/2013/01/saturn-in-scorpio-and-your-2013-relationships/ ~
12/12/12 ~ Nostradamus, Mayans & Hopis: End of Days or a Brand New Age? By Sarah Delamere Hurding @OmTimes ~ http://omtimes.com/2012/12/nostradamus-mayans-hopis-end-of-days-or-a-brand-new-age/ ~
What is the Galactic Alignment? ~ http://alignment2012.com/whatisga.htm ~
LINK The Holy Cross Movie MP4-300 ~ http://www.lunarplanner.com/HCmovies/HCmovie300Frame.html ~
#Aboriginal Protection Act (Vic) ~ http://foundingdocs.gov.au/resources/transcripts/vic7i_doc_1869.pdf ~ #IdleNoMore
LINKS Lynn Gehl (Gii-Zhigaate Mnidookwe) ~ https://www.facebook.com/lynn.gehl + http://www.lynngehl.com/ ~
Monday, January 7, 2013
@7:09 AM ~ I woke up around 5:30 AM with my usual vivid dreams that quickly fade into obscurity. I had the idea that we are in the another Mayan Age in time and space in the context of alignment with the galaxy. We need to study more about the interconnections between astrology and astronomy.
@10:42 PM ~ It has been a good quiet day. I broke down and paid my Cell Phone bill. Might get a landline soon cheap from AT&T.
A casual friend I know Andy came by to ask me to go up and see his room. He is on the 2nd Floor with a front-facing window so he is blessed in that regard, but he had been drining alcohol, Kenya the Manager smelled it, he said, and she is going to talk to him tomorrow. I am glad I do not such habits anymore. He is a nice enough guy, but I hope he covers his ass in the future and does not become an old all-out drunkard.
Let us pray as creatures of the Creator with the belief in the Creator of the Cosmos, lest our prayers be in vain.
Let us pray we are not confused by the charlatans of any New Age Movement who have been corrupted by greed, vanity and inflated egos.
Let us pray we make a decision to embark on a spiritual path with heart and not allow ourselves to be corrupted by character defects.
Let us pray we are humble in seeking knowledge, knowing that we are truly ignorant of all that we do not truly know about life.
Let us pray we find the pure love in our hearts to help make this a better world for all who suffer under the tyranny of evil.
Let us pray we uphold our sacred right to bear arms for our self-defense and not be fooled by smiling silver-tongued devils.
Let us pray we help one another, be kind to all living beings and find the power in our hearts to rid ourselves of hatred for anyone.
STUDY What is the Galactic Alignment? ~ http://alignment2012.com/whatisga.htm ~
STUDY GaiaMind ~ http://www.gaiamind.org/ ~
STUDY The Actual Astronomy of 2012 in a Nutshell - An essay by Thomas Razzeto ~ http://www.infinitelymystical.com/essays/2012-nutshell.html ~ VIA @ThomasRazzeto
STUDY Galactic Alignment - Cosmophobia ~ http://www.cosmophobia.org/galactic-alignment ~
STUDY Three Corners Designs: Galactic Alignment ~
http://threecornersdesigns.blogspot.com/2012/12/galactic-alignment.html ~
STUDY Galactic Alignment 2012 by John Major Jenkins | Mayan Prophecy 2012 ~ http://mayanprophecy2012.blogspot.com/2009/07/galactic-alignment-2012-john-major.html ~
Alignment of Earth with the Milky Way Galactic Plane + By Christopher Rudy, Imagineer (PartII) ~ http://www.heartcom.org/2012Alignment2.htm ~
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
@7:45 AM ~ I got up 6:30. Today I want to research on demographics. I remember Domingo mentioned the importance of dressing our passions wit statistics.
@11:05 PM ~ It has been a pretty creative day. I was going to type up one article about one subject, but being open to the Spirit, I ended up doing a way different one. Open LINK Below!
In the Winter of Our Despair VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan 01/08/2013 http://wp.me/prH9G-cE ~
Let us pray we keep in balance today, not allow others to upset us. Ignore the poltroons who do not have the spirit to resist evil.
Let us pray we remain centered, not knocked off-balance by Left-Wing adventurism or Right-Wing opportunism. Eagles have two wings.
Let us pray we engage in a Daily Personal Inventory ~taking stock of our assets and liabilities ~honest self-criticism.
Let us pray we each become a Channel for truth as we know it ~nurture our Internet presence ~give feedback and expand consciousness.
Connecting To Past Lives and New Age Beliefs | OMTimes Magazine AKA @OmTimes
~ http://omtimes.com/2012/10/connecting-to-past-lives-and-new-age-beliefs/ ~ 10/20/12 ~
Comment: There is a difference between having a belief of and an actual knowing about reincarnation. I 'feel' I have been a mortal on earth before, sometimes I get a knowing from an unknown source, other times I knew a given route existed to someplace without ever having been there (this happened to me in Phoenix). Then we need to consider what is intuition and where does it come from?
If we have an open spirit we can access extraordinry knowledge that is seemingly outside the realm of our direct experience. It could be true that we are in this lifetime to fulfill a destiny or to respond to a 'calling' and it is ignorant just to write it of and ignore it. Karma can have positive or negative affects in our lives.
If is certain that we live one mortal lifetime at a time, so we should make the best of it with an open spirit, being open to potentials.
Namaste! Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
Sylvia Browne Teaches Love, Speaks Of Angels And Past Lives | OMTimes Magazine AKA @OmTimes ~ http://omtimes.com/2012/12/sylvia-browne-teaches-love-speaks-of-angels-and-past-lives/
~1/8/2013 ~ I was glad and a bit surprised to see Ms. Sylvia Browne's article here. I have read a few of her enlightening books. She is truly gifted and has been a blessing for many of us. She helped me to expand my understanding of life and its limitless potential.
People often fear the unknown, yet it is the vast realm of the unknown where the free, open spirit must venture in the quest for further knowledge and wisdom. If we know everything we can learn nothing.
We need to be more than open-minded, we need to have an open spirit and not ignore the telling influences of our own 'feelings'. WE are beings, not doings. We can be eternal spirits here to learn what we need to learn, do what we need to do and help others in order to help ourselves and make our progressive transitions from life to death, to life again more easier and wiser.
Namaste! Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Email: peta.aztlan@gmail.com
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
@6:20 AM ~ Well it is another day in paradise! I often say that in the morning to folks. Some folks I think it irks. I just like to give folks a little perspective. Life is what we make it and how we take it. Nothing is absolute and everything is relative. God helps those who help themselves. If it is to come true, it is up to you. If it is to be, it is up to me.
The Life of History’s Most Public UFO Contactee | OMTimes Magazine AKA @OmTimes
~ http://omtimes.com/2013/01/the-life-of-historys-most-public-ufo-contactee/ ~
Our Elder Brothers Return ~A History in Books (1875 to Present) ~ http://www.biblioteca-ga.info/50 ~
About George Adamski ~ http://www.adamskifoundation.com/html/AboutGA.htm ~
THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN ON EARTH by George Adamski - 1937
~ http://www.adamskifoundation.com/html/heaven.htm ~
LINK Internet Sacred Text Archive Home ~ http://www.sacred-texts.com/ ~ VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Thursday, January 10, 2013
@8:18 AM ~ I rose up around 6:30 AM and am doing pretty well. I think I stopped taking my Seroquel medication last Monday night the 7th of January. I was only taking 25 Mg. I feel more awake and alert when I wake up withut the usual croginess. I have been on Seroquel since I went into Carol's Place.
My major addiction is to good ol' tobacco. I have conquered my alcohol and 'crank' addiction. Now I am questioning the validity of my personal diagnosis of being bipolar. Our belief-systems and our self-identification have great impacts on our behavior. That seems obvious, but I wonder. How many people ever question their assumptions? Their belief systems?
@7:25 PM ~ Went to Rite-Aid today and bought Melatonin by Nature's Bounty at 10mg per capsule in a 2-4-1 sale. I need to get a relatively regular sleep pattern, suspect it will take awhile for my to adjust. Now I am blessed to be able to take a short catnap if I feel like it thee days. God is good, sabu!
@11:30 PM ~ Just woke up from a little nap. Just took my Melatonin capsule. I was not hot about the idea of having to take any medication the rest of my life. I am glad I am off the Seroquel for now. I will see about a medication refill to stay 'in the mix'.
Nada mas ahora!
Recall: 1/29/12 Has #Occupy Forgotten Why? By Gilbert Mercier and Liam Fox @NEWSJUNKIEPOST ~ http://newsjunkiepost.com/2012/01/29/has-occupy-forgotten-why/ ~
Is #IdleNoMore the new #Occupy movement? http://huff.to/V7RFJi ~ VIA @HPCaImpact
Bill McKibben @billmckibben: #IdleNoMore -- Think #Occupy, But With Deep Deep Roots ~ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bill-mckibben/idle-no-more--think-occup_b_2448552.html ~
LINK #Indigenous Environmental Network ~ http://www.ienearth.org/ ~ Follow @IENearth
Namaste! Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
Friday, January 11, 2013
@9:12 AM ~ I slept pretty well. The Melatonin seems to work good. For now I will stay off my Seroquel and combat Big Pharma. I do not want to replace one addiction with another, Addiction can also be psychological or even spiritual. We do not even know that much about how the brain operates and should not toy with it.
Met my Brother Bobby at the K-Street Mini-Mart. We had some coffee. Today should be a good day. There is a lot of energy in the air.
Long Video: Princess Diana Evidence of Assassination: Jon King on Edge Media TV: http://youtu.be/5I5MLFwS6fQ ~ LINK VIA @kobymama
Sabbath, January 12, 2013
@5:00 PM ~ It has been kind of lazy sabbath for me, no new miracles from me today. I did post one good article here ~
On the Matrix of Global Liberation: 1/12/2013
~ http://wp.me/prH9G-d3 ~
It is hard for many to look beyond the illusion of their national boundaries. Corporate capitalists criss-cross them constantly.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
@8:43 AM ~ I slept pretty well. I suspect I am still adjusting to not taking my Seroquel Medication. I just take 10 MG of Melatoni at night. I am blessed with my lifestyle as it is right now.
Indigenous Nationhood: What is the Idle No More Movement ... Really? VIA @Pam_Palmater http://www.indigenousnationhood.blogspot.ca/2013/01/what-is-idle-no-more-movement-really.html?m=1 ~ #IdleNoMore
1/13/013 ~ As a humane being and a Chicano de Aztlán I strongly support the #IdleNoMore Movement. I was born in the U.S.A. and thus am an American citizen, but no longer consider myself an Amerikan.
I am also an indigenous native to these lands, as are the majority of Chicanos, Mexicans and other of who we call La Raza. Many of us are in denial about our true native roots. My bloodline goes back to the Chiricahua Apache and Sonoran Yaqui tribes. I was raised with an awareness of being at least part Indian by my Dad who was born in Tempe, Arizona, before it was popular or cool.
I hope the #IdleNoMore Movement will help remind many of us of our true authentic roots. My Mother Country is actually Mexico, but we were abandoned by Mexico many years ago.
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ~ http://www.loc.gov/rr/hispanic/ghtreaty/ ~
Venceremos! We Will Win! Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Sacramento, California, Nazi Amerika c/s
Are You Ready to Awaken Your Psychic Abilities? By Judy Lynch VIA @OmTimes ~ http://bit.ly/VUAsmq ~ #Psychic #Powers
Comment: When we are still in our being, not bombarded by the restless monkey mind. we can better tune into our beingness and allow ourselves to be open to subtle internal and external influences, whatever their soruce.
So much of developing our psychic abilities involves being in a relative state of serenity, not into a constant maddening state of stress.
Do not be afraid to love, to love yourself, to love a new love, to love the people. Fear of exposing ourselves and seeming foolish often hinders our spiritual development. Open up your love to the world. Allow yourself to be vulnerable if it will help others to open up to who they already are!
Namaste! Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
LINK Official JudiLynch.com ~ http://www.judilynch.com/ ~
Monday, January 14, 2013
@7:40 PM ~ I did one blog post today that covered a lot of ground ~
On the Process of Liberation: 1-14-2013 ~ by @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ http://wp.me/prH9G-dk ~
One must be self-motivated in this life and not be brought down to the ordinary mortal level of looking at realiy as a passive American. I see so much major injustice and wrongdoing going on that I am surprised the American people are not up in arms about it all. Alas, we have been conditioned to accept what is without question or certainly without condemning what is wrong. In a way, this makes us a silent accomlice to evilness in the world.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
@9:42 AM ~ I am proud of myself for being off my Seroquel Medication, at least for now. At this point I have not suffered any ill effects, perhaps a little sleeplessness at night but I got to sleep before long just fine. I need to remember BEFORE I started taking meds when I had no problem sleeping. I think by nature and culture conditioning I have kind of a hyper nature anyways. That is why my becoming strung out on crank in my now distant past was so insane. I already had an energetic nature.
Recall: I originally self-diagnosed myself as having bipolar disorder, such a diagnosis was key to my getting onto SSI. I seem to suffer more from ADHD and having a greatly curious mind that often gets me searching and researching in different directions, then I lose track of my original intention in a matter before me or around me that first started it all. If I get any down mood it is usually a depressed one, as distinct from a manic one. Sometimes I will just take a nap and it passes over my psyche.
@6:21 PM ~ Great breakthrough for me! I defrosted my refrigerator!!! I was growing Antarctica in my fridge. It has been another procrastinated project. Thankfully it turned out to be a lot, lot easier than I thought, though I did need to chisel away for awhile until I got chunked breaking free of the glaciers! You know sometimes it is the little victories that count the most. Learning to live with paradox.
Let us pray we emphasize what we have in common as humane beings, more than our individual differences. Be Family!
Let us pray we never had to always be right, have the last word and never have to prove someone else wrong about petty matters.
Let us pray we not forget spiritual powers in our collective liberation. A strong spirit of solidarity will get you through stressful times.
Let us pray we establish clear priorities in our lives ~not neglect those who are important to us or important matters at hand.
Let us pray we remember we are the ones we have been waiting for to help save the world, especially help all our sacred children.
Bloglink ~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/ ~
Twitter Link ~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Facebook Profile: Peter S. Lopez ~ https://www.facebook.com/Peta51 ~
Humane Liberation Party Portal ~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~
I am Doris used every single spell worker on the internet, spent untold amounts of money and discovered they are all fakes...i was the fool though; doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. In the end, I decided that I wanted a tarot reading to know what my future held for me; I contacted a woman who lives locally to me and she told me about a man named (Priests Meruja); he does not advertise on the internet, has another job for income, has no set prices, makes no false promises and refuses to help anyone that cannot be helped and even helps
ReplyDeletefor free sometimes, he will give you proof before taking money. He is a wonderful man and he was the only person who actually gave me real results. I really hope he doesn't mind me advertising his contact on the internet but I'm sure any help/ extra work will benefit him.contact him as nativedoctor101@live.com He travel sometimes.i cant give out his number cos he told me he don’t want to be disturbed by many people across the world..he said his email is okay and he’ will replied to any emails asap,love marriage,finance, job promotion ,lottery Voodoo,poker voodoo,golf Voodoo,Law & Court case Spells,money voodoo,weigh loss voodoo,any sicknesses voodoo,Trouble in marriage,HIV AIDS,it's all he does Hope this helps everyone that is in a desperate situation as I once was; I know how it feels to hold onto something and never have a chance to move on because of the false promises and then to feel trapped in wanting something