Thursday, February 28, 2013

Spiritual Journal: Febrero 16-28, 2013 via @Peta_de_Aztlán
Sabbath, Febrero 16, 2013
@10:13 AM ~ I love Saturdays, The world seems more relaxed without the comings and goings of weekday traffic. I have my cafe here. I will try to simplify stuff without forgetting the inherent complexity of some stuff. We need to be able to ponder deeper, feel our way through, not be afraid of novel ideas.
Let us pray we are open to inspiration from the spirit world beyond our five ordinary senses and be able to live with mystery.

Let us pray we are humble in our learning, accepting the fact that we are ignorant of all that we do not truly know from experience.

Let us pray we are humble in thinking about the progress of humanity. Thousands of children die from hunger-related causes every day.

Let us pray we have the courage to condemn the cruelty of War Criminals, including the War Criminal President Barack Obama.

Let us pray we are not naive and gullible ~believing all we hear from fancy talkers with flashy smiles. Absorb with keen awareness.

Let us pray we have the curiosity to search and research subjects for ourselves, not just repeat what others spout as truth.

Sunday, Febrero 17, 2013
@11:09 AM ~ Sometimes it gets hard to carry on around here. Most of the folks in my immediate external environment are in a zombie-like state of being. They live their empty lives just sticking to the same daily routine for living, or actually, they are merely existing day-to-day in their little self-obsessed world. For many, their next big plan is what they will eat at their next meal.

Thus, I need to be self-motivated and not depend on being moviated by those who happen to be around me. My deep love is a primary motivator!

Blogpost: We Need to Be Self-Motivated via @Peta_de_Aztlan: 2/17/2013 ~ ~

Namaste! Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
VIDEO Awakening Amerika! [1] via @Peta_de_Aztlan

I myself do not accept the existence of any so-called masters equal to the Creator ~my only Master. The Creator is not a single being nor limited to any one gender such as a masculine patriachal God. We must admit our ignorance and not lie to ourselves, pretendng to be all-knowing.

The Creator may be the orign of the cosmos and thus what is known as cosmic consciousness. Maybe we cannot fully fathom the Creator with our restricted mortal minds. Have not men been trying to do in a zillion different ways for centuries?

Let each find their own pathway to their own version of truth. We need to understand that is really going on in connected reality, recognize our humane responsibility to help change it for the better and do what we can to help an endangered species of life, namely ourselves.

"And you will know the truth, and that very truth will make you free.” ~ John 8:32

With Liberty and Justice for All! Peter S. López AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan  ~Sacramento, California  c/s
Monday, Febrero 18, 2013
[No Entry]

Tuesday, Febrero 19, 2013
@11:31 AM ~ I really woke up late today. The usual pattern of being up late, then waking up late. I have been having a few heavy dreams that quickly dissipate from memory. I am suppose to be having a room inspection again at 10 AM and still Kenya has not shown up.

@10:31 PM ~ I thought I would check in up here before I turn in. No inspection from Kenya today, though she knows I was ready. This causes me a bit of anxiety, but she kind of plays little games. It is good for me to keep my room clean anyway. I need to tend to it daily. Usually I am glued to my computer here, typing, networking and helping to raise consciousness in my own way.

My Amigo Mike AKA Gallo came by this afternoon and we had lunch at the Burger Inn. Not much progress as of late, but then no regress. Life goes on. Be open to Spirit!
Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup- A NEW film by Dylan Avery ~ ~

Loose Change (film series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ~ ~ #Investigate911

Facebook Page ~ Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup ~ #Investigate911
Loose Change Final Cut (FULL VERSION): via @youtube
Uploaded on Mar 3, 2011

Wednesday, Febrero 20, 2013
@7:32 AM ~ I went to bed after midnight. Woke up alert at 4 AM, went back to sleep and my alarm got me up at 6:30 AM. So I have my cafe here. It is another day in paradise, such as it is.

@10:26 PM ~ Again no room inspection by Kendra. I hope I do not end up being in opposition to here because she is not even worthy and I do not want to waste my time. I just want to be left the fuck alone and not be bothered by any petty authority figure. I guess I have had an anti-authority streack in me since childhood, starting with my father!

I took a little break and had a Turkey sandwich at Blimpie around the corner on K Street. That was nice and it ws nutritional for me. The highlight of the day. Hey! I like a day that is relatively hassle and stress free. I have had too many of them in the past in my lifetime. So much of it has been stupid stress stuff.
Let us pray we take time for Morning Prayer, grounded in our beingness, balanced in the trinity of the mind, body and soul.

Let us pray we ease into our day in the mornings, remembering we are beings, not doings. Do not rush out the door in disease.

Let us pray we make wise decisions when it comes to our life-style choices. Health is the greatest wealth, not shiny jewels.
FBI Terrorism and the False Flag War via @veteranstoday 
~ ~
LINK Sounds True ~ ~

Learn from @Doctor_Quantum AKA Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D. ~  ~

VIDEO Fred Alan Wolf - Physics, Spirit, Soul, Matter, and Self: ~Uploaded on Apr 26, 2011~

VIDEO Fred Alan Wolf:  Part 1 Complete Shamanic Physics -- ~Uploaded on Mar 6, 2011
VIDEO Physics, Light & God with Fred Alan Wolf: ~Published on Dec 28, 2012~

Check out "Dr. Fred Alan Wolf (Dr. Quantum) - TEDxReset Talk 2011" on Vimeo ~ ~

Fred Alan Wolf: Thinking Allowed, DVD, Video Interview ~ ~

Thursday, Febrero 21, 2013
@1o:21 AM ~ I woke up late this morning. Guess I needed the sleep. I do not like to wake up late, though I know many folks consider it a luxury. There is a fresh feeling about waking up early. I do not usually shoot up out of bed. My morning ritual starts with a wholistic prayer:

After making the sign of the cross: In  the name of the Creator, the Creature and the Holy Spirit, guide our spirits with pure love, enlighten our minds with wisdom and protect our bodies with good health. Amen!

Blogpost: My morning ritual starts with a wholistic prayer…. 2/21/2013 by @Peta_de_Aztlan
~ ~

@6:08 PM ~ I had a great dinner at an Afghan Restaurant next to the Metro PCS Phone store. I all had a nice ambiance ~the lovely exotic waitress, the Afghan decor, the music playing and the Chicken Kebab I had. I love it when I see foreign cultural influences here in good ol' River City. If can be so stifling living here in Sacramento, esp. after all these years and it still being so dry and conservative, if not outright reactionary.

Namaste! Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~
BOOK The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI's Manufactured War on Terrorism: Trevor Aaronson: ~

[108] Media Fakes War Propaganda, Jesse Jackson's Shopping Spree, Targeting Doomsday Preppers ~via @AbbyMartin

Long Audio Video: The Tree Of Knowledge via Terence McKenna [FULL] Boulder, Colorado 1992.~ The Tree Of Knowledge (Terence McKenna) [FULL] ~Uploaded Jul 10, 2011 ~ ~

Friday, Febrero 22, 2013
@9:42 AM ~ I decided to check out the N.A. Meeting here at the Shasta Hotel. It was a good break from my morning routine. My Brother Bobby was there and another brother I have known since he was a child. Funny how one memory can lead to flashbacks in memory.

@12:50 AM ~ I went to the SRO Office and got a bag of footstuff. A Sister I knew, wish I could remember named better, was working there and our former Shasta President was there was functioning as a Coordiantor. Afterwards, I went by the CSRR (Christian Science Reading Room), met Kristian, gave her a little hug and just went into the Reading Room. She was talking to a Black Sister when I first walked in and did not want to interrupt their conversation. We need not talk about the idea of doing Spiritual Health Meetings there. So for now I  will just let that idea go.

Sabbath, Febrero 23, 2013
@11:46 AM ~ I woke up late, then I had a little mouse again that disturbed my sleep. Generally when I am up and on the Net it is a no show. Well, at least I cannot complain of being all alone. For us, smile!

Domingo, Febrero 24, 2013
@8:42 AM ~ Went to go get my cafe. Did not sleep well last night, that damn mouse again. I awoke at 3:30 AM, kept hearing little scratchy noises. Finally just go up around 5 AM. I need to get a good mouse trap or something. I suppose I will move from here sooner than I thought. It does get maddening. Including when I cannot use the restroom because my sweet schizo neighbor next to me takes long bird baths in the mornng instead of just using the shower like regular folks do. It is what it is.

@3:00 PM ~ Just got up from a little catnap, feel a bit better. I need to go get cookies for the CASA Meeting this evening. Today is my Brother Bobby's birthday. I pray he is well. He does not take care of his health good enough.
Let us pray we have the courage to utilize all operative tactics in our Mass Global Liberation Movement for Peace and Justice!

Lunes, Febrero 25, 2013
@7:00 AM ~ I got up at 5 AM. Here I am in my bunker with my cafe and smokes.
Let us pray we spend our hard-earned money consciously ~value the dollar ~buy what you really need, not what you  want.

Let us pray we pace ourselves ~life is a long-distance marathon, not a swift sprint ~value your natural energy and drive.

Let us pray we pay attention to meeting our basic survival needs: good food, clothing, decent shelter, medical care and quality education.

Let us pray we advance cosmic consciousness, sit with backs straight, see the Big Picture and be open to new ideas and ideals.

Let us pray we work on our Spritual Liberation on a daily basis, overcome all foolish fears and have the courage of our convictions!.

Let us pray we each become a channel for the truth, using available resources, the power of imagination and ignore cowards.
There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root. ~ Henry D. Thoreau


Martes, Febrero 26, 2013
@1:07 AM ~ I am still up, thought I would post early today before I go to sleep. Yesterday I went to Office Depot and got a small battery re-charger kit for my camera. I hope I sleep undisturbed for the rest of the night. Enough for now. ~Che Peta

Miercoles, Febrero 27, 2013
[ No Entry]
++++ ++++
Jueves, Febrero 28, 2013
@1:02 AM ~ A late entry before going to sleep, though, it is early Thursday. This may be my post important personal blog or Spiritual Journal. Before I was calling this blog my Online Journal. As I change and evolve this blog will also. Life is existence in the flux of time. I still believe that time is the quintessence of all that actually exists in connected reality ~be it the past time, the present time or the future time. This is my last entry here in this Journal for Febrero. Time is precious.

@12:00 PM ~ Got up early, still in my bunker. This is the last day of this Febrero of 2013. As usual, this month has gone by pretty quick, plus it is the shortest month calendar-wise.
noun \ˈa-nər-kē, -ˌnär-\
Definition of ANARCHY
1 a : absence of government
  b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority
  c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government
2 a : absence or denial of any authority or established order
   b : absence of order : disorder
3 : anarchism

Examples of ANARCHY
    Anarchy reigned in the empire's remote provinces.
    When the teacher was absent, there was anarchy in the classroom.
    Its immigration policies in the last five years have become the envy of those in the West who see in all but the most restrictive laws the specter of terrorism and social anarchy. —Caroline Moorehead, New York Review of Books, 16 Nov. 2006

Origin of ANARCHY
Medieval Latin anarchia, from Greek, from anarchos having no ruler, from an- + archos ruler — more at arch-
First Known Use: 1539
I have been getting sturng out on watching Sons of Anarchy on Netflix the last couple of days. It is a good TV Series that to has good educational value, esp. for its cultural reflections. I don't care what others folks think about it. I love it. What on TV is not subjct to criticism? I want to work more on media and visual arts because it is more capable of reaching people and keeping their attention than only the typed word alone.

Sons of Anarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ~ ~


Bloglink ~ ~

Twitter Link ~ ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan

Facebook Profile: Peter S. Lopez ~ ~

Humane Liberation Party Portal ~ ~



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