Friday, September 10, 2010

Blogpost: September 10, 2010-Fine Friday @Peta_de_Aztlan

@7:43 AM ~ My day is wide open right now with nothing I have to do except live through it with dignity, no meetings to attend and no appointments to make That to me is cool, but the day is young and life has its share of surprises. It was really good spending yesterday afternoon with my dear old friend Annabelle aka: Geri. Plus, my step-son Ricky can be a joy to have around because of his natural innocence and child-like spontaneity.

Sister Geri Lopez aka: Annabelle

Son Ricky Y.

@3:50 PM ~ Called my Brother Bobby just now. He is doing good, staying sober and is going to be OK in terms of his rent being paid and all. Some of these payee services are majorly screwed and incompetent in the way that they disburse monies that they are responsible for disbursing. It is another social shame of a failed broken system. I am going on Bike Patrol out by SPCA Thrift Store. Will check in here later, barring another 911 on 910!

@9:27 PM ~ Today was a pretty mellow day. I realize that I am gradually adjusting between the stresses and strains of working at Camp Chaos (aka: Sally's or Salvation Army Emergency Shelter) and being unemployed with all this free time to utilize for more creative pursuits and productive activities.

Tweets for Septiembre 20, 2010

<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia~Time for a simple prayer by candlelight and the serenity of sleep.~Namaste, Che Peta<+> 2

VIDEO 2:30: ~Eid Ul Fitr...Love Is A Many Splendored Thing~Sept 2010 >

@majeedb: Eid al Fitr 2010 Ends Ramadan: Happy Eid al Fitr Celebrations and Greetings > ~Namaste, Che Peta

Orwell's Dreams~ Noam Chomsky Has ‘Never Seen Anything Like This’:

RT @majeedb: يولجُ اللَيلَ فِي النَهَار ويولِجُ النَهارَ فِي االليل وهو عايمٌ بِذَاتِ الصدورِ) قرآن - 6:57].

RT @majeedb: He merges Night into Day, and He merges Day into Night; and He has all knowledge of the secrets of hearts. Quran- 6:57

Let us spend billions on a Cure for Cancer, not on the Afganisnam War >

RT @MentalHealthUSA: How to Avoid a Drug Addiction Relapse | Addiction Abuse @serenitynews

VIDEO: Deepak Chopra Discusses His Upcoming Book "Muhammad: A Story Of The Last Prophet" >

Watching Stand Up to Cancer on CBS > ~Live Stream >

@SoulFya: We should strive to emanate our expressions from a sacred place of heart where our soul dwells, often in silence..

Before you can speak well or ill of anyone, you need to know something them... be willing to see life from their viewpoint. ~DEEPak

September 9, 2010 EXCLUSIVE–Taking a Stand: Muhammad in the Age of Jihad by Deepak Chopra >

On this eve of 911 let us all hold the value and dignity of each and every humane being sacred.

Thanks. I was wondering what snag was. RT @LoveMyDroid: Yahoo Revamps Mail Service #android

@Truth_Education: I respect your response. Many here in Twitterland. Many potential friends and some potential foes. Namaste, Che Peta

@SoulFya @Truth_Education ~Let us have mutual respect. Respond with reason, not react with emotion. Think before U Click Send ~Love All

Follow @YahiaHamud ~ ~ Esp. if you know Espanol. Love the way Twitter connects us with others and others.

RT @MentalHealthUSA: Embracing life after suicide attempt >

Congo: Make it a Fair Fight- Establish Better Early Warning Systems >

Community empowerment= concept to empower and help communities to defend themselves. >

@RefugeesIntl: Thank U! ~ We need 2C 'homeless domestic' refugees as refugees from a failed state.

Re-Tweet Tip: Feel free to Elimate @Tweeter for the Tweet to Fit 140 ~ Sharing Tweet is the point, not Tweeter

Gracias ~ @kevinyoho: Alive at 25: Reducing Youth Violence Through Monitoring and Support by Wendy S. McClanahan >

@Farfalla9 In a sane society: Drug Education begins in the home, drugs wars are insane and useless.

Please HELP Refugees Worldwide! Follow @RefugeesIntl ~ ~

@Farfalla9 We need comprehensive Drug Education in our schools, esp. for our priceless youth.

Sarah Palin: Burning Quran 'Antithetical To American Ideals' /She got book burning part right!

Flashback: Powerful Women in Love: Modern Male Brains & Young, Powerful Women Who Love Them > ~

@redeemwilliams I first came out of the darkness of my own past and know the value of sharing, opening up in the light of day.

@Farfalla9: In the long run ~or short~ we should encourage people to be free of all meds not essential.

@redeemwilliams: We want to bring what hides in darkness into the light of the world. Sharing is caring.

@Tr_I_n_I_nnerG ~ In this world it is good for us to share without fear or worry. Feedback is good, often misunderstood.

Hitmen kill 25 in bloodiest day on Mexico-U.S. border -Yahoo! News: ~

Within us and without us... RT @majeedb: And life goes on ....

Twitter Tip: Tweet your Truth with Honesty ~ do not waste time worrying Follow or Unfollow

Twitter Tip: On your Twitter Bio put real Location and Weblink if you want to be taken seriously.

Twitter Tip: If you want people to ReTweet be careful to leave room for an RT

Keep mindful in all your interactions of the importance of mental health, physical fitness and spiritual well-being.

BBC News - Depression may double dementia risk, say researchers: ~

@Beat_Depression From yoga to hypnosis and bodybuilding to taichi, you'll find it here! Wednesday, September 01, 2010 4:19:48 PM API PSL demands justice for Manuel Jamines, immigrant worker killed by LAPD:

Third-World-News Blog: Raj Patel: Mozambique’s Food Riots Are the True Face of Global Warming:

@TheDevilsCash @CharmingJerk @BE_PURE ~Sometimes we forget our deep love for the beauty of people is what helps to keep us going.

Glad that POTUS Obama had long news conference. Strong leadership is critical now, esp. day B4 911 tomorrow.

@YahooNews: Reply @KateGabrielle: Opened Search: Yahoo Mail ~ Yep, Yahoo Mail is screwed up now.

@NordicMoxie: @YahooNews: Agree, My Yahoo Mail keeps asking me to Sign In ~Also Use Gmail and Moderate some Yahoo Groups!

When U bond with others U allow the birthing of mutual trust. When U trust, there is no need for hidden hostility and suspicion. ~D. Chopra

Blogpost: Septiembre 09, 2010 ~Jueves @Peta_de_Aztlan > @Peta_de_Aztlan Tweet Button

Blogpost: September 08- 2010-Wed Go C Machete! @Peta_de_Aztlan > @Peta_de_Aztlan Tweet Button

Watching POTUS Obama Press Conference on ABC News ~ Pay Attention to News Events!

RT @democracynow: Arianna Huffington @ariannahuff on "Third World America"

RT @RefugeesIntl: #Iraq's fragile peace rests on its own forces (by @nirrosen)

Let the day be full of meaning, mystery and wonderful experiences to become joyful memories.

Let us pray that all our good dreams come true and people wake up from the nightmares of life.

Let us pray for us to be aware of our immediate situation so no harm befalls us. Stay alert, stay alive!

Let us pray for us to be mindful of our psychic intuition so we are in tune with our natural spirits.

Let us pray for parents so they become the prime examples of loving adulthood for our children.

Let us always pray for the safety and security of all our children from perverted predators.

Let us pray for those lost in the affliction of addiction of any kind, esp. the addiction of hate.

Let us pray for book-burners, hideous haters and angry spirits lost in darkness and despair.

Let us pray for wholistic health and concentrate on our own wholistic healing. Health is the greatest wealth.

Let us pray for balance in our lives, good health and the energy that springs up from love to avoid exhaustion.

Let us pray for the perseverance to practice what we preach and preach what we practice.

Let us pray for better communications among those in our personal lives, especially loved ones.

Let us arise in prayer to grace the day, stay in prayer in our spirits and close the day in prayer at night.

Let us always pray for our enemies that they see the errors of their ways and repent of sins against others.

Let us pray for better focus on what really matters in the world today, not distracted by petty issues.

Let us pray for the innocent victims of natural and man-made disasters, including San Bruno.

Be brave! @mt4704 @Farfalla9 @BE_PURE @YouAre_IT @Tokyo_Tom @MajorTed @AnthonyLawlor @dHappywhore @URNemesis108 @ileducprof #FF 15

@DalaiLama Ethical discipline is the indispensable means for mediating between the competing claims of my right to happiness and others' equal right. 1:34 AM Sep 2nd web Retweeted by you and 100+ others

@DalaiLama We each have a role to play: genuine, lasting world peace will only be possible as a result of each of us making an effort internally. 2:40 AM Sep 6th web Retweeted by you and 100+ others

@DalaiLama When in our interactions with our neighbors we are open and sincere in everything we say and think and do, people have no need to fear us. 2:59 AM Sep 7th web Retweeted by you and 100+ others

@DalaiLama Compassion is the foundation of a good heart, the heart of one who acts out of a desire to help others. 3:06 AM Sep 8th web Retweeted by you and 100+ others

@DalaiLama Watch: HHDL talks the benefits of a calm mind during his teachings in Dharamsala, India, on September 8th. 3:24 AM Sep 9th web Retweeted by you and 100+ others

@DalaiLama I believe that our every act has a universal dimension. 3:30 AM Sep 9th web Retweeted by you and 100+ others

@DalaiLama Having a good heart and benefiting others are proper attitudes for everyone, whether they are spiritual practitioners or not. 19 web Retweeted by you and 100+ others

<+>Friday, September 10, 2010<+>Good Morning Family!~Buenos Dias Familia!~Let us create our day with creative imagination.~Che Peta<+>

~ ~


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