Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blogpost: 9-12-2010-Domingo


@2:04 PM ~ Times flies when you're having fun. And when you are busy doing dirty laundry. I am so glad that 911 is over for this year and that tension that one can feel if one is not patriotic enough in this gung-ho land. If people are so damn patriotic they ought to get involved in electoral politics, help in their local community, raise consciousness in their own homes.

Saved Tweets for 9-12-2010-Domingo

Meaning of Namaste ~

HELP 5-Point Survival Platform >

Link: Holy Bible~Ancient Eastern Text >

Finally, it is also important to remember that the ultimate aim of neuroscience is to understand the human brain. ~

It has been a good day for me. I pray it has been a good one for you all ~ my invisible friends other than typed symbols. Strange planet.

...and then we learn to battle the evil in others by helping their higher selves gain control of their lower selves. ~~Imam Rauf

Sufis teach that we first must battle and destroy the evil within ourselves by shining upon it the good within... ~Imam Rauf

READ/SEE: What's right with Islam By Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, Special to CNN ~9//2010 >

To All Followed by @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ I am shifting into more of a focus on Third World News & Alternative News. Avoid Tweet Overload

@Soledad_OBrien With all respect, I thought you were rude, fixated and argumentative with Imam Rauf. Yes to Mosque!

@hypnoezdiWhen all else fails, read the instructions. - Agnes Allen

@hypnoezdiWhatever U can do, or dream U can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power & magic in it. - Goethe

You do not have to always be right and you do not have to always get the last word. Let it be.

Engage in ruthless self-criticism of yourself when life falls apart around you. Look in a clean mirror.

Be open to constructive criticism that enhances critical thinking and clear consciousness.

Share your truth with boldness and confidence. It is your truth ~ right or wrong. 14

Surely we can learn nothing if we think we know everything. We are ignorant of all we do not really know.

Do not look for ready-made answers outside of yourself. Search within, ask the right questions, be open to revelation.

Our friends are spiritual qualities: love, mercy, tolerance, kindness, compassion, humaneness and understanding.

Our enemies dwell in the minds, bodies and spirits of people: greed, hatred, ignorance, vanity, sloth, lust, gluttony.

Let there be no mistake. Our enemies are not mere mortals, mere man-made governments or mere economic systems.

Just came back from CASA -Steps Meeting at local Salvation Army Emergency Shelter. Feel good. >

@yogameditation We should just BE our natural SELF without languishing in self-imposed labels. B U Today. 22 in reply to yogameditation

Twitter Tip: A Tweet is just a Tweet. Not everyone wants to Click a Link for Every Tweet. Keep it simple. 22

@MedusaWasBeauty Many of us in the gift of the present should take time to study true past history. Google Howard Zinn!

@yogameditation Beyond mind-thinking we should be in tune with our true feelings. Be aware of our being!

Blessings 2 All Our Co-Creators of Consciousness on Twitter! Will try 2 respond 2 Direct Mentions. Avoid INFO Overload

Let history be a guide to action. An understanding of past history helps us to see the present in the clear light of day.

VIDEO 29:46min: Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell's former Chief of Staff on 9/11 > ~

More will be revealed...RT @mparent77772: Powell's former Chief of Staff on 9/11 >

Gracias for Lnk: RT @LionelMedia: Fascism Part II: The Rise of American Fascism >
@BarackObama Thanks POTUS Obama! They really Love us in YOUR AfghanisNAM. >

RT @mparent77772: 2 Killed in Afghan anti-Quran-Burning Protest >

@myinfamy Please do not fear religion and drape it in social-political terms. Combat Amerikan Fascism! @Peta_de_Aztlan

VIDEO LINK @radiohead ~By Some Miracle by PhilipSelway >!

@PermaRev There are many here among us. We need to be mindful of the power of love. We is all kindred souls.

Amen! RT @FamousWomen: Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. ~Helen Keller

@PermaRev We still love you anyway. Getting the last word and having to be right making another wrong are diseases.

@Bludel There have been times in the streets when all I had was faith in Creator and a dirty backpack.

@CoverMonkey Pure love for the people is what drives me. Without the people it would be a lonely planet.

@PermaRev: Many are as devoted to Logic, Reason and Science the same as religions. Topple all your icons.

Now Follow @PermaRev ~ ~ ~ 4 Now

@PermaRev Ah, but many practice their religions draped in the religions of logic, reason, science and spirituality!

RT @brownboyrocks: RT @ErikVidor: When fascism comes to America it will be carrying a cross draped in an American flag. Sunday, September , 2010 9:01:24 AM

@PermaRev The only hell I have seen is here on Earth in our slums, barrios and ghettos where people go hungry.

@PermaRev Even being tolerant has its limits. Maybe we should practice acceptance of those with whom we differ.

@Eye_Of_Kemet We need solid spiritual strength and the full armor of God/Goddess/Creator ~ the Absolute Truth.

@praybot Christians must embrace all true believers. You will know them by their fruits. Let our fruits nourish our souls.

@RebelCapitalist Love for the people is the motivator for all relevant thrusts towards relevant revolution.

@breakingice Loneliness evaporates when we become one with the people, yet solitude has its peace and time.

@AKKAPELLE I am not a Preacher, Pastor or Minister. I am a true Believer in the Lights of Love, Truth and Wisdom.

@PermaRev It is not our Belief that divides us, it is a void of tolerance and love for those with different Beliefs.

@PermaRev: We should have the utmost respect for all sincere beliefs of all believers, including Muslims.

Quiet Sunday morning here in Aztlan Sanctuary. No TV, no music and no useless distractions. Amen!

Let us pray for all those without the Daily Bread of words of prayer to calm their spirits and sooth their souls.

Let us never be weary of praying in our Daily Reflections and stay in a prayerful spirit of honest humility.

Let us pray for unity based upon common needs, common goals and common dreams among all people.

Let us pray for all those lost in the despair of darkness that they see the Light of Love in the shining path ahead.

Let us pray for clarity in our cosmic consciousness and purity in our beating hearts.

Let us pray for the elimination of our core character defects and an awareness of our mortal shortcomings.

Let us pray for all the homeless refugees who have not found their home in the heart of the Great Creator.

Let us pray for all the believers in the Absolute Creator that their faith remains strong in times of divisive disbelief.

Let us pray for all the confused Christians who wrongly believe that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was Almighty God!
Let us pray for all the corrupt Christians in the front pews at Church seeking favors from a perverted Pastor.

Let us pray for all those who awaken with the ache of loneliness without love for the people.

Proverbs 11:31 ~ If the righteous live in difficulty, how much more the wicked and the sinner!

Proverbs 11:30 ~ The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; but the souls of the wicked shall be driven out.

Proverbs 11:28 ~ He who trusts in his riches shall fall; but the righteous shall flourish like green leaves.

Proverbs 11:4 ~ Riches profit not in the day of wrath; but righteousness delivers from death.

Proverbs 11: ~ He who despises his neighbor lacks understanding; but a man of prudence lives in peace.

Proverbs 11:3 ~ The hope of the upright shall be granted; but the price of the wicked shall be destroyed.

Proverbs 11:13 ~ An adversary reveals secrets; but he who is faithful in his spirit conceals the matter.

Proverbs 11:14 ~ A people who have no leader shall fall; but in the multitude of counsels there is deliverance.

I am so glad that 911 is over! REMEMBER VIDEO: Loose Change! Final Cut ~> 7:32 AM Sep th web from Alkali Flats, Sacramento, CA, Sacramento

<+>September , 2010~Sunday<+>Good Morning Family!~Buenos Dias Familia! <+>Let us create our day in harmony with our hearts!~Che Peta<+>



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