Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blogpost: 9/21/2010~Wed ~Last Day of Summer


@10:51 PM ~ It is the night of the last day of the Summer of 2010. I am alive and well, counting my blessings not my curses. I still have my place up here at Globe Mills on the top floor ~ my private 'penthouse' I call the Aztlan Sanctuary. 

I am sane and sober, my sobriety date is now June 24, 2004 ~ the day I went into the local Salvation Army Emergency Shelter I call 'Camp Chaos'. After I went into Sally's I was pretty well aware of how to work a strong recovery program. I eventually called back involved with doing Sunday evening CASA 12-Steps Meeting. CASA is my Christian Ministry and is a key central part of my life right now. The last time I went into Sally's I ended up staying there as a client 'in house' for around six (6) months, including a stint at the local VOA Shelter for a couple of months. I could of left earlier, but I wanted to never forget what it was like to be a client there, again. After I had my fill as a client I ended up moving in with an old love, now Christian Sister named Annabelle L. (aka Geri). I stayed with her for awhile, worked at Office Depot for a spell, then ended up being a Care Worker for a client-patient, went through some chances of residence and had other comings and going. 

Fast forward: I ended up going to work at the Salvation Army in a temporary position in the Winter Shelter program called Overflow back then around October of 2006. Later I was hired onto Case Management, went through about four supervisors, then ended up in the position of Case Manager-Counselor. Actually I adapted into the Counselor position of my own volition and innovation. Long story short, I was Laid Off from Sally's this last September 1st and am now on what I consider a Sabbatical. I have some money in my bank account, enough to get by for awhile and am not in any big debt, though I will focus more on getting a regular job or develop a way of getting income so I can live here as freely as I can without having to be a regular wage-slave.

If I would of had some advance notice about being laid off I would of made plans to go to Sacramento City College this Fall, but alas I was not able to swing it. No use worrying about the past and no use hanging onto any petty resentments. Let go and let God.

So I will enjoy what is left of September, explore some options and do what I can to get off the treadmill of having to report for a regular job and working under any sick control freaks. At 58-years Earth-age it gets pretty screwed still being on this treadmill, having to work to exist hand-to-mouth, making ends meet, always being poor in a financial sense and being so opposed to the status quo here inside the United States of Amerika: aka Fascist Amerika!

I am firmly convinced that we are living under a mature reactionary fascism in the U.S.A. and the scary reality is that most Amerikans in this country are pretty much nonchalant about it all. Apathy plays a major role in the sorry state of affairs in this country and the lack of a real organized public outrage over it all. People have just been so conditioned to take whatever comes up, to tolerate the basic insanity of the U.S. government, to fall for the pretty words of eloquence from POTUS Obama and to not really be concerned about it all because each of us believes that can really do nothing about it all other than just try to make the best of it.

I will continue to speak up, to voice my opinion and to do what I can to help raise consciousness in my personal life, on the Internet and in what ways I can. I have faith in Creator, have a deep profound love for people and will keep on fighting for a Peaceful Revolution with all the energy I have at my disposal.

Do not go gentle into that good night
by Dylan Thomas

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Source: http://bit.ly/3C0nuW


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Last update - Second Full Moon Tuning Event - Unique alignment identified.

As time progresses and our Full Moon comes in sight we, at Para Pachamama ~ Spirit of Earth, have come to learn even more about the significant alignments and energies that can be illuminated during this particular Full Moon/ Equinox event.
"This is a big month. There’s a zero degrees Aries full moon exactly on the Equinox, when the Sun aligns with the Equator at zero degrees Libra. This is the line of cardinal polarity. Here’s a picture: on the evening of Thursday 23rd September, as the full moon rises in the east at 0 degrees Aries, the sun is setting in the west at 0degrees Libra. And both Sun and Moon are in exact alignment with the equator.

If you could view this from space it would be quite spectacular, but even from an earthly perspective, if you find a hill where you can look to both the eastern and western horizons at that magic moment when the Sun is setting and Moon is rising, you will be experiencing a unique energy flow.

Sun pouring its life-giving energy in from the cardinal point of balance, harmony, equality and oneness, and being reflected back from a full moon at the cardinal point of new beginnings, pioneering, warrior, ‘I am’- ness of Aries. And this energy stream is flowing and amplifying in a feedback loop right across the equator line.

As far as I know people, this has not occurred before and, if you’ve been following the exciting astrological events of the last few months, you will know that Jupiter and Uranus are hovering around zero Aries, and Saturn is still close to zero Libra. We have the unprecedented opportunity to expand into fully conscious galactic beings and celebrate the real power of oneness.

This has the potential to dissolve all illusions of separation while still retaining an exciting sense of self. What a beautiful paradox to be resolving."(...)

"This is the opening act for the spectacular show that has been announced for 2012. The show has started. Don’t miss out!"

We hope this article can serve as an inspiration, visualization and amplifier to your meditation and work you do during the full moon and after. Once again, thank you for participating in these tunings and being part of the change we all wish to see, collectively and around us. Our hearts are committed, Para Pachamama!

Namaste, Jiriki

Feel free to share with those who resonate to this message.


Beautiful. Blessings for sharing. If we stop, be still and feel the vibrations of our own souls here now we can feel the radiant reverberations of these times.~Che Peta ~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan ~
Link: http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/


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