Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blogpost: Thursday, September 22, 2010

2010/9/22 John Ross <>

Thanks for your email, Peta.

I tell people we are all part of a loosley knit team bringing beautiful change to humanity and to Mother Earth. From the start, I have felt a kinship with you. Seems likely we have been together in past lives, working for the Light, but cannot tell you anything specific. Seems possible we will do things together in this life as all this unfolds.

My ancestry is all British Isles, mostly Irish but the surname is Scottish. I was born in April of 1948 which will make me sixty four when the era ends.

While on a cruise in 2007, a Mayan ruin called to me and I went alone because no else wanted to go. Not one of the majestic and well known ones, a lesser site on the Gulf coast near Belize. I had a mystical experience while walking on the land where they played ball and was later shown part of that lifetime as a Mayan athelete. I scored a goal, a rare feat and after about three weeks as a national hero, I was sacrificed. When I scored, I knew this was the deal and believed I was serving the nation, but before the end, I felt used by the heirachy. The realization came to me that the Creator does not ask for blood sacrifices, but by then it was too late.

More recently, a book writen by a Mayan elder called me, so I know I have Mayan connections. Many of the south west tribes have important prophesies and that may or may not be part of our connection.

John Ross
Calgary, Alberta

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 13:27:53 -0700
Subject: Brother John ~ on your Tweets and stuff today

Appreciate your presence! I suspect my direct bloodline goes back to Mayans. I am a direct descendant of Chiricahua Apache War Chief and Medicine Man Geronimo  Goyaałé, "one who yawns" and knew of this heritage before it became popular to be Indian {a misnomer}.

Choosing our Timeline: tomorrow fall equinox ~September full moon following six hours later. Each is a moment. >

We know of these prophecies and suspect that more will be revealed as linear time goes by. I just try to help in the here now of connected reality, take care of my health and believe that all of Mother Earth requires a real genuine great healing.
Gracias, Che Peta ~ ~

Don Peta-de-Aztlan
Sacramento, California

Another synchronicity. Agreement. Have a friend named Peter who is from Belize now here in Sacramento at a transitional housing program. Need to re-contact him. He and I were seriously discussing re-locating there but domestic responsibilities keep me here. He has family there and housing. 

I have long felt a 'connection' with Belize. In fact, now that I think about it I have another friend who has property down there but now lives up by Mt. Shasta.
He wants me to go up there for a week, but right now I remain here in Sacra
{short for Sacramento}.

My long-range goal is to keep writing and hopefully have enough of a financial base in order to relocate. I would love to be financially independent of having to work for any company.

My rent here at Globe Mills is $525 per month and it is a Senior Residence.
My physical mailing address:
1131 'C' Street #501 ~ Sacramento, CA (95814)
Don Peta-de-Aztlan
Sacramento, California

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