Saturday, September 18, 2010

Blogpost: Sabbath, September 18, 2010


@5:52 AM ~ Today should be an interesting day. Woke up and got up around 4 AM with the concept of peaceful revolution on my mind. Will write an article around this concept today.


Tweets Posted on September 18, 2010

From now on I will try to keep Tweets revolving around global news, movement matters and philosophical musings.... pray for me ;->~~

NEWS: Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell won't stay execution of Teresa Lewis >

@aazzure I am pretty much honest and open as part of my conscious personality. No matter what we Tweet someone talks smack anyways.

@aazzure I think it does but I do not see them on and it could be a little redundant. This has been an issue with me.

Remember the Four Agreements, including not to take everything personally. A good Tweeter should have a blog.

On if I Follow too many people I miss other important Tweets from others, esp. as I dig the News. I Monitor Several Yahoo Groups.

IDEA RT @AdviceToWriters: Work on a computer that is disconnected from the #Internet. ZADIE SMITH #writing ~Or Self-Discipline

@palestine New aid convoy sets off for Gaza -

READ: 9/11: Israel's Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah >

@sahoura "We have been practicing terrorism for fifty years, only we call it foreign policy." --Jesse Ventura

Now Follow @Inspired_Ones ~ ~

RT @bbcworld: Thousands protest German nuclear power

Tracking the Tzolkin/Cosmocycle and Applying the Tzolkin/Cosmo Codes >

"Empathy is the heart of progressive politics." ~George Lakoff

RT @Cosmocycle is now formally launched with the publication of...

Make Time 2 Learn ~VIDEO 1:03:20 ~Authors @Google: George Lakoff >

Feedback: What do U think? ~

@PermaRev ~ READ: Blood in My Eye by George L. Jackson >

@PermaRev You still have an archaic traditional idea of fascism. We will agree to disagree. #Peaceful #Revolution not permanent

Got to go out on Street Patrol... huaraches on the ground... buck knife on side...

@PermaRev Catch up! A mature Amerikan Fascism has been here since FDRoosevelt 4-Terms Presidency. Decades!

RT @PermaRev: ...real Fascism that is growing happening within structure of both political parties. What to fight it? Get outside of it.

So-called Educators/Leaders need to understand that good communications is being a good explainer ~ breakin' it down!.

@VV4Change ~VIDEO: George Lakoff on The Political Mind 4:48min >

@VV4Change So-called Right-wing reactionaries have been better at grasping linguistics than progressives have so far

@VV4Change Gracias. I am glad I am out of bi-polar thinking, able to follow different lines of argument and trains of thoughts

LINK: Bible Study Tools ~ --Don't freak atheists ~ I am not an either/or fanatic!

Twitter Tip: I like how mind can fill in gaps when reads we sentence

Do not waste #time worrying ~ how many Twitter #Followers you have. For where #two or more are gathered #Matthew 18:20

Think outside the box. The #instructions are on the outside. #Think #Feel #Do something with yourself !!!

Liberal-Left Wing Movement inside U.S.A. is mis-guided, confused and irrelevant to many Third World peoples.

@Bearwalker58 Echo: Simplify the complex ~ strive not to complicate the simple

@CitizenBoquu I love Lakoff. Taught me how to re-frame stuff. Beyond #left-right bi-polar political thinking f > ~

@StaffWielder I have evolved to appreciate our Tweets about trivial personal activities we are doing throughout the day.

RT @indigenous_news: Chilean MPs join hunger protest by #indigenous detainees #Mapuche #Chile

RT @reflexionfidel: Reflexión de 2007, Reflexiones de Fidel - Tomo 3 (+PDF)

RT @ascend08: The New Earth timeline is about peace and about harmony, and about abundance for all.

@lissnup Iranian judiciary Sat. sentenced activist Shiva Nazar-Ahari ~ 6-year jail term ~ subversion charges >

@adel_LPLOVE As an aggressive-assertive Peace Movement gains real momentum peace in Middle East will come closer.

@Bearwalker58 Yes, Brujo Don Juan called synchronicity as simply an agreement. Simplify complex. Many are here now.

RT @hrw: Multimedia - Protecting Civilians in the Democratic Republic of Congo >

PHOTO: Lopez Family Collage > about 13 hours ago via

RT @sciam: We Only Trust Experts If They Agree With Us

@Bearwalker58 Blessings for beautiful day of peace, agreement and revelations~ ~ ~

@RevJJackson $35.00 - One Year Membership is way too expensive for me and poor folks. Ahh..the bottom line in capitalist AmeriKa

Now Follow @RPCoalition ~ ~ about 13 hours ago via web

RT @RevJJackson: Jonathan Jackson is electric see for yourself click the Saturday Morning Forum link or tune in Comcast

@Bearwalker58 I will keep 'following' you and believe this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship ~ brotherhood.

@Bearwalker58 We cannot leave out our women and children in all our analyzes and contemplations. Collective Unity is strength!

Now Follow @Cosmocycle ~ ~ Hope it proves relevant to here now for me.

@Bearwalker58 ~As a humane liberationist I have no need of kingdom, throne and other mortal attachments of ego-vanity.

@Bearwalker58 Creator is not individual being. Creator is absolute beyond mortal mind involving cosmic consciousness.

@Bearwalker58 We need new neurons and synapses that encompass concepts of humankind, not sexist mankind.

@Bearwalker58 Many put too much store in spirits of others and do not witness the energy of one's own spirit.

@Bearwalker58 LINKS: "The Advent of Ahriman" > > >

Now Follow Name: Ojibwe/Cree Elder ~ Location: Canada @Bearwalker58 ~ about 14 hours ago via Help-Matrix Portal

@ascend08 I just try to make it through the day, help as I can along the way and share what has been freely given to me.

Left vs. Right ~ Demos vs. Repubs ~ Blacks vs. Whites ~ Citizens vs. Non-Citizens ~ ALL BI-POLAR DISTRACTIONS

Have you greeted your neighbor today? Do you reach out to others? Are our children fed? Is peace in your own heart?

Yes, we see the evils of corporate capitalism but who allows them to do so. Gov't? Masses of apathetic suffering people?

In our family of humanity we sometimes get into family feuds and get millions killed because of gov't insanity.

We cannot give up on peaceful resolutions of our differences as we are ultimately one family of humanity.

Now I see the great errors of the past ~ defunct Soviet Union and People's Republic of China and Cuba. I am glad to still be alive.

Years ago I just wanted to launch 'foco' urban guerrilla warfare in the U.S.A., esp. after Comrade George Jackson was killed.

@ascend08 ~I pray for the same wish every Christmas. Peace on Earth, simply Peace on Earth. Am I being realistic?

If you are still reeling from yesterday's Sun square to Ceres, Sun-Jupiter contra-parallel & Venus-Pluto parallel, you're in good company.

We should strive for a peaceful revolution without being under any illusions about the violent nature and history of the fascist beast. via Help-Matrix Portal

Let us pray for fertile imagination to help transform this wicked world into a brand new world of love, peace and understanding. via Help-Matrix Portal

Let us pray for those who have lost faith in prayers and wallow in the misery of poverty devoid of faith. via Help-Matrix Portal

Let us pray that we have the courage of heart to fight for freedom in harmony with our spiritual principles. via Help-Matrix Portal

Let us pray that we use our words as weapons to combat false beliefs, fascist lies and demonic deceptions. via Help-Matrix Portal

Let us pray for peace in the Middle East among all warring parties. Free Gaza Now! via Help-Matrix Portal

Let us pray for a peaceful revolution that will attempt to exhaust all legal, peaceful, non-violent methods of struggle. via Help-Matrix Portal

Let us pray for a peaceful revolution that will spark the hearts of many and bring renewed faith in humanity. via Help-Matrix Portal

Let us pray for honest speech among our loved ones spoken from a heart of peace.

Let us pray for a heart of peace free of anger, wrath and wanton violence. Peace begins within.

Let us pray for global peace upon Mother Earth, but know we must fight for peace today.

Morning Sacramento! @brisli_jonas @Kate_MrsMadness @martytrue @cubedweller @Globesters @iBeliebeInSwift @Sian_OhMyJustin ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan

Good RT @DeepakChopra: I am the spirit of freedom in which the universe is born in a ceaseless outbreak of ecstasy ~Rumi

... and we shall see what will become of his dreams. via Help-Matrix Portal

20 Come now therefore, and let us slay him, and cast him into some pit, and we will say, Some evil beast hath devoured him:... via Help-Matrix Portal

19 And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh. via Help-Matrix Portal

Genesis 37:18-20 (KJV) 18 And when they saw him afar off, even before he came near unto them, they conspired against him to slay him... via Help-Matrix Portal

@DeepakChopra Agreement. Just Joined Deepak Chopra's Facebook Community > in reply to DeepakChopra

5:13 AM ~ Still dark outside. Spirit just got me up early today. Time is relative. Still on my 1st cup of coffee. Another addiction.

@SpiritUniversal World requires fundamental social change, namely, a relevant revolution based upon principles of democratic socialism.

@SpiritUniversal I oppose any form of capitalism and the greedy profit motive. I support democratic socialism. I am not a naive pacifist

@SpiritUniversal Agreement. Woke up thinking about striving for a Peaceful Revolution. >

Sunday: Large Anti-Government Protests in Thailand Scheduled on 4th Anniversary of Coup >

4:55 AM ~ Had vivid dreams about traveling on local RT on Light Rail. Will go to Office Dept, Safeway today. ~Che Peta

<+>September-18-2010-Sabbath<+>Good Morning Family!~Buenos Dias Familia! <+>Let us create our day in harmony with peace. ~Che Peta<+>

Personal Daily Horoscope of Saturday, 18 September 2010
for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951
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Vigor and irritability *
This is an excellent day for starting a new project, particularly one that you can work on by yourself, without having to take orders or coordinate other people's actions. You feel very vigorous and have a high level of physical energy, so you really need to be physically active today. One of the worst ways to handle this influence is to work quietly at a desk. You would quickly become itchy and irritable as your repressed energies try to find an outlet. It is important that you can identify with whatever you do today. Your ego energies are high, and you demand to be recognized as an individual. If you are not given this recognition, you are likely to become angry and easily involved in disputes. There is no question that unless you are totally occupied, you will be much more irritable than usual today.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Sun Conjunction Mars, , exact at 02:35 
activity period from 17 September 2010 to 19 September 2010

Other transits occurring today, for subscribers 

Moon Trine Venus, exact at 13:36
Moon in the 7th House, from 22:56
Moon Sextile Jupiter, exact at 09:47
Moon Square Med.Coeli, exact at 02:55
Moon Opposition Ascendant, exact at 22:56
Moon Trine Saturn, exact at 22:50
Important long-term influences, for subscribers 

"Harsh realizations" (Saturn Conjunction Venus)
"Domestic strife" (Mars in the 4th House)(L)
"To be and to have" (Sun in the 2nd House)
View natal chart with transits



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