Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blogpost: Sunday~September 19, 2010

@9:00 AM ~ I need to be more aware and conscious about my own personal health. Check my smoking of tobacco and curtail my caffeine intake.

@7:30 PM ~ Our CASA 12-Steps Meeting went well, though it was a small group in attendance. Those who were there really appreciating there even being a meeting. Sometimes the appreciation and sincerity of people is heartwarming. After all my years of being around our local Salvation Army Emergency Shelter {aka: Camp Chaos} I have learned the power of being fully present in a meeting, using our whole being ~every nerve and fiber of our being~ in order to carry the Messages of hope and healing to others.

On September 19 at 1:03 AM UTC (9:03 PM EDT or 6:03 PM PDT on September 18), Jupiter in Pisces is conjunct with Uranus also in Pisces. Both of these are sky energies since in ancient mythology Uranus was the God of the Sky, and Jupiter was equated with all powerful Zeus, who ruled from the top of the highest mountain.

Jupiter is a positive thinker and attracts good fortune. Uranus is a sparkling firecracker of light bringing sudden insights, new solutions to old problems and it especially dislikes restrictions. Uranus wants freedom over anything else.

The two together usually attract a lucky break or a pleasant surprise. Something comes out of left field to make life easier and more fun. It could be a chance to travel soon or a chance encounter that opens a new door for you. One way or another you'll think 'thank heavens for that' with a feeling of great relief and go on your way with a lighter step and a twinkle in your eye.

However, you'll certainly not want to put up with compromises or situations which are unfair. Uranus can rattle the bars of your cage and give you the courage to say 'enough is enough'. You may also find that a pet project that had been gathering dust on the shelves suddenly comes back to life. There is always a fountain of new possibilities around when Jupiter lends its expansive tendencies to the lightning bolt of Uranus. It will kick start you into forward gear for sure.

Later in the day -- on September 19, we have another cosmic energy of a completely different variety. Mars in Scorpio is sextile Pluto, which pulls together intense determination, depth of conviction and real guts. This aspect has the ability to give you a very clear understanding of a dilemma you may be facing in life right now -- at a very core level. You will not aim for the quick fixes or glib short cuts. You'll really know what needs to done and have the will power and persistence to ensure that you put your truth into practice. You may not say too much but you will be walking your talk for sure!

Edited Tweets for Sunday, September 19, 2010

@coyopa Don't submit to any authority but that true voice you found in your heart - navigate by this alone, regardless of hazards & pitfalls.
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia~Time 4 candlelight prayer & serene sleep. Mas manana. ~Namaste, Che Peta<+>
Domestic homeless refugees are a micro of the macro in U.S. society ~ canary in the mine

Well I shot my whole admonition for thoughtful meaningful purposeful Tweets straight to hell tonight. ;->~~
Beware: We’re exercising the neural circuits devoted to skimming and multitasking while ignoring those used for reading and thinking deeply.

Life is full of irony and much of the truth is in obscure gray areas, not black and white

From where I sit we are in a Great Depression of New Millennium ~ Pray for POTUS Obama & people of

@lurainpenny Gracias for VIDEO LINK > ~Enchanting...needed that...I get high strung at times.

So much of what I see on the streets is self-imposed ~ self-repression instilled for years

I saw some sad lost abandoned street refugees walking back home after meeting...made me sad and pissed

Conscious intention is great. Alas, most of what goes on in our brains I suspect is unconscious.

READ: Cognitive Surplus: The Great Spare-Time Revolution ~Wired Mag >

Stream of new information plays to natural tendency to overemphasize the immediate. We crave the new even when we know it’s trivial.

It all involves the dynamic process of cognition, our cognitive load, how we absorb, file and store memory.

Not if we cannot store the information from our cognitive load into long-term memory we can access at will.
Information flowing into our working memory is our cognitive load. Long term memory key. Many Internet Users suffer cognitive

.....We transfer only a small jumble of drops from different faucets, not a continuous, coherent stream. Like Twitter

On the Net, we face many information faucets, all going full blast. Our little thimble overflows as we rush from tap to tap.....

Internet...easy access to vast amounts of information, turning us into shallower thinkers, literally changing structure of our brain.
If OCD and ADHD are brought under control and tamed they can be transformed into positive attributes, no longer disorders.

READ: @wired: Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains >

Attention span= amount of time a person can concentrate on a task without becoming distracted. >

Open your eyes. See the domestic terrors of Amerikan Fascism. People turning on each other like animals.

Amerikan Fascism hates the power of the Internet and knows there would be mass outrage if it was shut down.

The ultimate aim of Amerikan Fascism is to destroy all elements of genuine revolutionary consciousness.

Fathom the facts of Amerikan Fascism: it is fully aware, conscious, scientific, ruthless and counter-revolutionary.

Keep in mind that under Amerikan Fascism the U.S. Economy is bankrupt, is flat broke and trillions in debt.

Amerikan Fascism fosters passive obedience to government authority and self-repression of our liberty.

Perhaps the worst damage done by Amerikan Fascism is upon the human psyche-spirit

Four qualities of U.S. Fascism: Corporate Control ~ State Authority ~ Military Machine ~ Mass gets deeper

Are you waiting for brown-shirts goose-stepping up Main Street saluting Heil Hitler?!? >

Beware: Fascism is now 'in power and secure' inside the United States of Amerika. Question Authority!

Most progressives ~if any at all~ have a comic book stereotype notion about what fascism is inside the USA.

Fascism has seeped into the inner psyche of the Amerikan mind like a littl' patriot soldier who believes, "My country right or wrong!"

Most people do not have a clue as to what Fascism really is inside the United States. Fascism has infected their minds.

Zen_Moments Thank you! Will try to keep Following barring INFO OVERLOAD

8:16 PM ~ Just came back from CASA 12-Steps Meeting at local Salvation Army Emergency Shelter ~ a small but sincere group tonight!

Combat Terrorism! Help Fight the War on Terror! Overthrow the Amerikan Empire! Occupation Is Not Liberation!

"Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth." ~Pema Chodron
RT @laurenahayes: Wisdom in natural simplicity

John Lennon was definately anti-imperialist war. He would of gotten more radical as he got older/wiser ~ and deeper
BOOK: The Legacy of Luna: The Story of a Tree, a Woman and the Struggle to Save the Redwoods ~Julia Hill > about 17 hours ago via Help-Matrix Portal

When you begin to touch your heart or let your heart be touched, you begin to discover that it's bottomless. Pema Chodron

 Receiving with grace is beautiful. It allows someone the opportunity to give, and blesses both giver and receiver.

Don't be pushed by your problems; be led by your dreams.
Let us choose our cherished dreams with discretion, dreams of harmony among all creatures upon Mother Earth.
RT @AnthonyLawlor: New post, What We Dream Today Is what we live within tomorrow 

It is a nice cool day here. Cumulus clouds that help me believe in the awesomeness of Creator.

@The_AntiJoe Suggest you create a blog. it makes for easier reading. Relevant Revolution is the Ultimate Solution. Peaceful if possible.
@The_AntiJoe I agree. No argument. Just have evolved beyond archaic Left-Wing and Right-Wing terminology. Socialist Liberation!
@ElyssaD John Lennon was such a beautiful revolutionary in his own way... Imagine... gone too soon

RT @ElyssaD: @Peta_de_Aztlan Central Park West & West 72nd Street, New York City. The Dakota. Where John Lennon lived (and died)

Comprehend there is no set right and left ~ these are matters of right or wrong ~ correct or incorrect ~ Please evolve!

Terms "left" and "right"~French Revolution 1789~National Assembly Members divided ~king supporters right ~ supporters of revolution to left

Please Evolve beyond bi-polar consciousness >

I can't help it! My TweetDeck stream just keeps getting flooded. My stream runneth over! I want to Follow so many interesting people.

Twiiter Tip: Try to keep Tweets conscious, thoughtful and meaningful. I know... it is all relative. Just a Tweet

Certain thoughts enter consciousness and change on a cellular level in quantum physics... I Tweet therefore I am

Mentally advance beyond right vs. left thinking. It was first simply courteous seating arrangements of host to right.

My point is we have a sacred right to defend ourselves ~ against predators, spousal abuse or anyone else

ReTweet VIDEO 43:07 ~ Mind Control: America’s Secret War >
RT @Quotes4Writers: "Time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time." T S Eliot (1888-1965)

RT @alison_ruth: With a chance of rain and a high of 71 in September, I think Sacramento can now be considered "Pacific Northwest".

VIDEO: September 19, 2010 ~The Int'l Effort to Criminalize War >

There is no doubt we have the right to protect ourselves, including violent self-defense!

VIDEO 9:46: Why Aren't Progressives Breaking Through? via Norman Soloman >

Join Up! ~ Talking-Circle Yahoo Group >


Join Up! CASA 12-Steps Yahoo Group >

Join Up! THIRD-WORLD-NEWS Yahoo Group >

Join Up! Network Aztlan News Yahoo Group >

Join Up! Humane-Rights-Agenda Yahoo Group:

Check Out RT @conspiracydocs New VIDEO: Mind Control: America's Secret War >

Sunday CASA 12-Steps Meeting at 7 PM ~Salvation Army Emergency Shelter~1200 North B Street~Sacramento, CA

On September 19 at 1:03 AM UTC (9:03 PM EDT or 6:03 PM PDT on September 18), Jupiter in Pisces is conjunct with Uranus also in Pisces.

The term ruthless compassion has an inherent contradiction ~ it is a matter of compassion with discretion and discernment.

@rcinstitute I understand your spin on ruthlessness. Often we confuse personal experience with universal truth.

True RT @rcinstitute: If you truly have faith in your principles, you don't feel compelled to convince others that what you believe is true.

Crying is healing and rinses the soul. Be concerned if you have lost your capacity to cry. Glance at the world.

Ruthless compassion is a contradiction in terms. Be ruthless in self-criticism, compassionate in criticism of others. Sunday, September 19, 2010 8:10:36 AM
@YouAre_IT Blessings. Summer is over, seasons come and go. Let us go with a good flow without being frozen by fear. Sunday, September 19, 2010 8:03:30 AM

So let is be felt, so let it be known, so let it be done. Sunday, September 19, 2010 7:59:08 AM via Help-Matrix Portal
Let us pray for good health to get our good work done on a daily basis. Health is the greatest wealth.

Let us pray for each other, that we never tire of sincere praying because we have faith in our lives.

Let us pray for the complete healing of our Brother Michael Douglas and all who suffer today.
Let us pray for conscious awareness of the value of the present eternal moment, as we use our time wisely.

Let us pray for our enemies ~ that their hearts soften and their minds know enlightenment.
Let us pray for the elimination of our worst character defects as we strive to be humane.

Let us pray for the wisdom to use our time, energy and resources to help others and thereby help our own souls.

Let us pray for the healing of all who suffer from diseases and afflictions in the world.

Let us pray for all caged human beings who suffer in concentration camps in Amerika.

Let us pray for cool calmness in our spirits, that we overcome all unfounded anxiety.

Let us pray for inspiration in our writings, that we allow the Lord of Light to shine through us.

Let us pray for guidance in our lives so we make wise decisions with compassion.
Let us always pray for peace upon Mother Earth and keep a spirit of prayer in our hearts today.

Let us pray as sincere believers in Creator ~ without phony hypocrisy.
Let us begin each day offering prayers and petitions in behalf of others to Absolute Creator with honest humility.

<+>September-19-2010-Sunday<+>Good Morning Family!~Buenos Dias Familia! <+>Let us create our day in harmony with peace. ~Che Peta<+> 7:06 AM Sep 19th via TweetDeck



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