Friday, September 03, 2010
September 03, 2010 ~ Friday ~ On Sabbatical
@8:20 AM ~ Another day, another way. I woke up early around 4 AM but did not actually get up until 5 AM. I will try to continue to wake up early, stay in a working mode even though I am now unemployed and work on cleaning up my sanctuary here for now. I have updated my resume, will tweak it some more and plan to enjoy this Labor Day Weekend while staying mindful of the need for my future employment. I wish I could generate income online since I am online a lot but do not want to get caught up in any fruitless online scams.
It is nice not having to get up, go through my usual morning routine and get dressed. Now need to iron any pants and shirt right now. Plan to go to SPCA Thrift Store later to get more office work clothes, maybe a jacket and a pair of slacks.
Brother Clay came by yesterday and gave me a Voucher for RT Passes for a good price. He was kind of surprised and a little sad when I told him about my no longer being employed. I assured him that I was fine, that I had a big healthy Final Check from the Salvation Army and that I was actually relieved right now.
What is work? Let us consider the idea that work can be creative and productive play if it benefits the worker and it is hoped helps others. There is creative work, there is mechanical work and there is a big difference between the work of your typical wage-slave and the work one does for one's self, especially in relation to creative pursuits.
@3:25 PM ~ I have decided to use this September as a Sabbatical. I will do a deep personal inventory of my part and review my life up to this point, where I am at now and how to go about implementing plans with a vision for the future.
Sabbatical or a sabbatical (from Latin sabbaticus, from Greek sabbatikos, from Hebrew shabbat, i.e., Sabbath, literally a "ceasing") is a rest from work, or a hiatus, often lasting from two months to a year. The concept of sabbatical has a source in shmita, described several places in the Bible (Leviticus 25, for example, where there is a commandment to desist from working the fields in the seventh year). In the strict sense, therefore, sabbatical lasts a year.
The foundational Bible passage for sabbatical concepts is Genesis 2:2-3, in which God rested (literally, "ceased" from his labor) after creating the universe, and it is applied to people (Jew and Gentile, slave and free) and even to beasts of burden in one of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:8-11, reaffirmed in Deuteronomy 5:12-15).
Biblical Sabbath is the origin of the present-day practice of "the weekend", Saturday and Sunday, in which most employees usually do not have scheduled work. Whereas Shabbat (or seventh-day Sabbath) and Christian Sabbath themselves are just one day per week each, both came to be taken off. Among Christians it was considered necessary to do preparatory tasks at home that would permit proper Sabbath observance (i.e., cessation from work) the next day.
In recent times, "sabbatical" has come to mean any extended absence in the career of an individual in order to achieve something. In the modern sense, one takes sabbatical typically to fulfill some goal, e.g., writing a book or traveling extensively for research.
Yesterday I saw a good old friend of mine, Stephen M. who lives up in Mt. Shasta. plus I have a couple of other friends who live elsewhere I might go check out.
I will definitely use this time creatively, constructively and do what I can to work on my general wholistic growth, in fact, develop the concept of wholistic growth as a way of living, of evolving and becoming closer to Creator.
Tomorrow, the Sabbath, is a Recovery Day at SNAHC in the Parking Lot. There will be drumming, booths and other events going on. I am looking forward to it.
Now I think I will head on out to the SPCA Thrift Store, after I stretch out for a bit. Another hot day outside.
@10:22 PM ~ I kind of hibernated today. Went to SPCA Thrift Store and that is always a pleasant hassle-free event. I know I need to get more of a life, especially now with all this free time I have. For me, it is always a matter of balance in a wholistic way and being mindful of my balancing. However, I am a thinker and a creative writer. Thus, I live a lot inside my head. I hope to someday be able to earn a modest living just by writing about different subjects close to my heart. I want to help raise mass consciousness via social media. plus work on my own wholistic consciousness.
All-in-all, it has been a good day. Hearing Soundscapes right now. I have been up since 5 AM this morning, but I took a little catnap this afternoon. Sleepy now. Had some ice cream and cookies. A hot Friday night. Sometimes I feel like going out to a nightclub and checking out the scene, but I do not want to hang around a barber shop. Thinking back. a lot of the ladies I have met in life has been through going out to nightclubs or places where there is dope and booze going on. I drank as an alcoholic for a long time, though as a rule not when I was on the job, but after work watch out!
My alcohol drinking was done over the years in terms of degrees, but it got progressively worse. I wish I would of known about a basic 12-Steps Program before I lost my job with the Redevelopment Agency. Oh well, live and learn or crash and burn!
In relation to meth addiction I was only strung out for less than two years, which is short time for most dope fiends. Still when I was into meth (aka: 'crank') I was really really out there; took it to extreme as is usual with my personality type.
I am experimenting, via with uploading a littl' video I took earlier today at the SPCA Thrift Store. I have already uploaded it onto my new YouTube Account @
Well, that is it from me here for today. Something marvelous about liner time, how it goes on and on in this one ever changing constant eternal moment. Time is kind of bizarre. ~Namaste, Che Peta
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