Saturday, September 04, 2010

September 04, 2010 ~ Serene Sabbath

@8:17 AM ~ I woke up late for me, around 7 AM. Rather I got up late. I had first awoken at 4 PM. I guess I am catching up on my sleep. It is nice not to have to go to Camp Chaos on a Saturday morning. I hope all is well there with 'my people' ~ though all of the wretched of Mother are my people. I claim them and am accountable only to them.

Each word we write takes on its own timezone. What could make common sense at one time could change and be looked at in a different light, from a different angle, at another time. Sometimes we have to let a word keep its own time zone, that is what we wrote at that time and life is surely subject to change.

In all the comings and going of life we must be true to our truth, yet open to new analyzes, new perspectives, indeed, new truths. Do not be subject to passing winds of doctrine. Think life out for yourself. Ultimately we must feel our truth deep inside our quintessence. If you don't feel it inside how can it be true? Do not let someone else figure stuff out that you should figure our for yourself! Be your own moral compass. The mind is highly over-rated. What ever happened to your dreams? Your calling in life? Who are you?

READ: Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life via Gregg Michael Levoy >

I do not live to live up to your expectations of me. I live to live up to my own expectations of my higher self.

@10:43 AM ~ My Brother Bobby just came by for a short visit. I like short visits, exchanging information and catching up with each other. He has been drinking booze, has a hard time staying straight, but alcoholism is symptom of deeper unresolved issues, deeper old ghosts in the basement.

@7:00 PM ~ Came back up a bit ago from littl' bike ride. As usual I saw a few folks I know. I am a bit popular in this part of the urban jungle.  I saw a few folks I know. I am becoming more sensitive to the electro-magnetic vibes of other people I meet in my comings and goings.

@9:00 PM ~ Got information below via Tweets from Twitter Sister @dragonsbard ~

@Peta_de_Aztlan Sometimes it isn't so bad being sensitive to the energy of others but sometimes peoples energy can do vampirism to yours.

@Peta_de_Aztlan Clasping your hands behind you. That seals your aura.

@Peta_de_Aztlan gather the positive energy between your hands again and slowly make a bubble of energy around you.

@Peta_de_Aztlan Then throw that energy off your hands into the earth. Imagine the earth healing and transforming it,

@Peta_de_Aztlan imagine pure positive energy between your hands. Cleanse your aura, around your neck, head, & arms.

@Peta_de_Aztlan Put your palms together & focus on your breathing until you feel energy pulsating in your hands & heartbeat in your hands

@Peta_de_Aztlan When the electromagnetic energy of other intrudes too much there is a form of sealing your aura my mother taught me.

@11:06 PM ~ Well I have had a pretty cool day. I basically did what I wanted to do. As usual, I spent most of it alone in the serenity of my solitude. Talked to Sister Peach this late afternoon by the 5th Floor elevator. Apparently someone has been knocking on her door then cutting out at odd hours. She suspects it is a mentally disturbed white gal that she befriended for a couple of months. Anyway, it was just good to talk normal to her. She is doing well in her educational practice and is now a student-teacher working with young children. We both appreciate each of us being neighbors to each other. Being normal can be a good thing.

Time for sleep now. No set plans for tomorrow, other than making some phones calls to a few folks to kind of touch base with them. I of course do not feel that I have to explain myself to anyone. So much of what people I know in my life around me and what they are doing is so irrelevant to my global consciousness. Maybe this comes off as a little arrogant but that is not my intention. The fact is so many people live shallow lives lost in their own little melo-dramas and remain so apathetic to the worldwide suffering of the vast wretched of Mother Earth.

So I will sleep well as I usually do. Safe in the Aztlan Sanctuary, protected by invisible angels and holy guardians. I pray for all my people, especially our homeless refugees. Tomorrow will be a brand new day and we will see what revelations will be revealed. Namaste, Che Peta



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