Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blogpost: 10/10/10 ~Domingo

@10:15 AM ~ Well it is another Sunday that I did not make it to a regular Church. I am convinced that the world and its government leaders have long gone insane ~at least most of them~ though I do admire Hugo Chavez because he sticks to his guns. So many people are so apathetic and listless ~ like passive dumb sheep~ who just believe what the government tells them or do not have any beliefs that they fight for, that they express. I advise you brothers and sisters not to follow the maddening crowd. Stick to your guns. Fight for what you believe in. Honor your truth, be open to new information and do not be afraid of criticism, but honor your own truth in life. Be bold!

Let them call you mad, out of your mind, beyond reach. In the end you will come to know that the holy truth prevails, not lies. Get your hands on the Pentagon Papers. See the Movie about Daniel Ellsberg~The Most Dangerous Man in America >

VIDEO: The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers- Teaser Trailer

VIDEO 2:33 ~The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers - Trailer >

"It wasn't that we were on the wrong side. We were the wrong side." ~Daniel Ellsberg

So now the Vietnam War is way over. Over two millions Vietnamese killed ~ 60,000 American soldiers. Have we learned yet? The Government of the United States of America openly lied to the American people for long decades about the Vietnam War. So now we are expected to believe POTUS Obama and Secretary of Defense Robert Gates about the history and truth of AfghanisNAM? 

Do not take my word for it. Do the Research

Amerikan Fascist Robert Gates served for 26 years in the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Council. Gates= Nominated to be CIA Director in early 1987. Gates withdrew his name after it became clear Senate would reject nomination due to controversy about his role in the Iran-Contra affair. Robert Gates ~who served under Fuhrer Bush II~ was chosen by POTUS Obama to be His Secretary of Defense. Smell a pig? By the way, what the hell are YOU DOING about the specter of Amerikan Fascism inside the United States. Still asleep? When you wake up, wake up others. Let them know there is an undeclared World War III going on? Or is it World War VI now?

READ BOOK Ghost Wars: Secret History of CIA, Afghanistan, Bin Laden, from Soviet Invasion to 9/10/2001 by Steve Coll >

Wake up! There are serious dangerous times people, especially because so many good decent people are pretending to be asleep. People are now being murdered, being killed, being slaughtered or left for dead mutilated by the evil Amerikan Empire. I am just one poor aging lonely man, unemployed, looking for a decent job during the Great Depression of the new Millennium. Blood in my eye! I will resist the evils of these times with every nerve, fiber and breath of my being. I will never stop!
I echo Patrick Henry: "Give me liberty or give me death." Venceremos Unidos! We Will Win United! Baste Ya! Enough Now! If  I have to go it alone I will go it alone armed only with the Sword of Truth! Let the Amerikan Empire be overthrown!

@9:36 PM ~ We had a pretty good CASA 12-Steps Meeting at Camp Chaos. More people than usual since we are more away from the distraction of the 1st of the month.We learn from others, from interaction with others, from exchanging energies through direct group conversations in the present. We focus on the here and the now of connected reality because that is where the work to be done is done, not outside of time. Some New Agers would have you wrongly believe that there is no time. Yes, time is relative ~linear or non-linear time, yet time is time. The issue here is to honor time, value time as this is the time of your own lifetime. As a rule time moves forward. Notice!

Learn to take your time. Take time to learn, to read, to reflect, to remember and try not to waste it on trivial pursuits. Have you taken the time to tell your loved ones that you love them today? Have you taken the time to love yourself today?

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