Saturday, October 09, 2010

Blogpost: October 09, 2010~Sabbath 

It is certain that the wars of life leave their times on us. Pray for true peace.

Tweets for Sabbath, Octubre 09, 2010 @Peta_de_Aztlan PETER S LOPEZ

RT @My__Health: 10,000 Line Up To Save Homes From Foreclosure At Sacramento 'Save The Dream'
Make a decision! Join Humane Liberation Party! HELP 5-Point Survival Platform >
@_Munir We have the potential power to transform the world and impact on our times to influence generations to come.
Almost midnight here in California. Better hit my bunk like a good soldier before I turn into a pumpkin at midnight. ~Namaste, Che Peta
@TheWrongWoman I shudder at the day when Americans fear to speak the truth about what is going on. Are we there yet?
@TheWrongWoman Finished Watching the Daniel Ellsberg Movie. Know about it. It has given me encouragement to continue speaking out!
@_Munir ...matter how society can bend and twist us up, we came into this world pure and innocent. Examine society.
@_Munir @_Munir Thank you Brother. We must never never forget that we all start out good, pure and innocent. No...
3}...Now we are faced with AfghanisNAM and there are many parallels better the Vietnam War and the AfghanisNAM War. Wake Up America!
2}...Pentagon Papers in order to see the power of the truth and the potential of a corrupt government to deceive the people...
1} I strongly recommend that all conscientious humane beings see 'The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the...
@TheWrongWoman I know. I was born in 51
VIA @EmergentCulture: Ban naughty countries from the net: former intelligence chief >
Watching 'The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers' on Netflix ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
If you doubt your quintessence as being good, then do us a favor and do not spread your evil contamination to others.
If you doubt the essential goodness of the humane being then you need to really examine yourself and your ethics.
Remember: The humane being is essentially good ~prior to social conditioning in reactinary sick society.
Remember: The Goodness of humane nature will eventually overcome all of man's evilness.
@BreakingNews Breaking News
by Peta_de_Aztlan
Mexico names 2 brothers allegedly in drug cartel as suspected pirates in killing of American on lake
@AResilientWoman Yes, speak it and let your words reverberate into your Soul. Let your Soul guide, not mortal Mind alone.
Welcome to All Our New Co-Creators of Streams of Consciousness! I will try to respond to all Direct Mentions. Time is sacred.
@AResilientWoman You must first BE HERE NOW in this magic moment in time. No escapism. No fanaticism. Envision.
@AResilientWoman That ideal is to have a goal ~envision~ commit to a calling ~take practical steps in direction of dreams
@AResilientWoman ~I am not a religious fanatic of any kind. Despise fanaticism. Be practical. What can you simply speak into existence?
2}...before us in rationalization and false complexity. ~Jonathan Zap via Meg White
1} One of the classic ways we deceive and hide from ourselves is by refusing to recognize the obvious, and shrouding what is right...
@AResilientWoman I am going to EGYPT and Other Places... someday, somehow...first is the desire ~ the dream.
Twiter Notice: Who is interested in being in a Facebook Group? ~
by Peta_de_Aztlan
Three things cannot be long hidden the sun, the moon, and the truth.
Collage Picture~Imagine: In Memory of the Spirit of John Lennon! >
@XtyMiller ...But hell Saturday Night ~ declined Invitation to go out get drunk. Safe at home + want to keep Sobriety Date
@XtyMiller To tell the truth, you are I were 'cool' + one of my first Tweeter Friends @majeedb but others were not accurate.
Gracias Here in Sacramento? RT @Suzanna01149: @Peta_de_Aztlan Coca-Cola #Hiring Paying $38 an Hour!
@aazzure Many fanatical fascist flunkies are hard up for jobs too. We are all impacted by Millennium Great Depression.
@aazzure We are stalked by fanatical fascists ONLINE who are CONTROL FREAKS ~ actual SOCIOPATHS. Fascism HATES INTERNET
Checking out "Video on Facebook Groups" on HELP-Portal:
@aazzure Some of us should accept the real possibility that we are being Monitored by dark forces. Let the light shine on!
Twitter Tip: Go to Your Twitter Profile ~ See Connections ~ You can Revoke Access or not to your Twitter Account
Twitter Tip: This Twitter App is not even close but could be harmless fun ~ Find yours @
Peta_de_Aztlan PETER S LOPEZ
@AResilientWoman ...some people are into compulsive relationships and hop from one failed relationship into another without awareness.
@AResilientWoman ~Yes, compulsive buying can be a bad habit when lacks conscious awareness. Count your blessings as it could be worse...
Edited RT @RasoirJ: "Confessions of a Banned Book Reader" - > #writing
@JackieYunTweets If we are OPEN we can feel Cosmic Vibrations through the SPIRITS of others and learn better how to FEEL
Thank you for passing on tender Wisdom to us @AnthonyLawlor >
@DestinyIzel25 ~When one is OPEN and a BELIEVER one can be a RECEIVER. Faith begets Faith. Truth Honors Truth.
@DestinyIzel25 ~When we are INSPIRED we are IN SPIRIT and can tap into SPIRIT SOURCE. It is grace bestowed to us.
@DestinyIzel25 Gracias/Thanks~ When SPIRIT is OPEN Divine Wisdom can only happen THROUGH US not really from us.
Siesta time to re-charge my batteries and start the day anew. Tomorrow is 10/10/10, but today is today. @Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @AnthonyLawlor: As fish do not realize they inhabit water, we don't see we inhabit consciousness.
To me ~and God knows I could be wrong~ It is insane to knock down a city or town I am in. If you don't dig it get the hell out!
@msjomarie Sacramento is the same as many cities. Beauty is what you bring into a situation and in your perception of what is.
RT @XtyMiller: Check this video out -- Chemtrails and HAARP on the HISTORY Channel… via @youtube
@majeedb Blessings Brother. Streamlining my Twitter Feed. Have been studying about AfghanisNAM and Pakistan. Key states.
@palestine Palestine News
by Peta_de_Aztlan
The US Must Answer: Role in and Knowledge of Attack on Gaza Flotilla - Huffington Post
@palestine Palestine News
by Peta_de_Aztlan
Arabs urged to save Palestinian women - Tehran Times
Read Peta_de_Aztlan Daily today's top stories contributed by @reflexionfidel @AnthonyLawlor and @JerryBrown2010
Twitter Tip: Certain Tweeters and RTs seem to get some to float to the top in a Twitter Feed. Monitor who you Follow.
Join Humane Liberation Party! HELP 5-Point Survival Platform > ~
I GOT TO REMEMBER THIS ONE! RT @FaceBookLikes_: i'm not lazy... i'm on energy saving mode ;) #FaceBookLikes
Funny... I thinks...RT @FaceBookLikes_: "Kidnapping" is such a strong word. I prefer to say "Surprise Adoption". #FaceBookLikes
@anuwildantz We are all important, make a difference and are essential to generating new seeds of consciousness ~co-creators.
Very few Americans know or care about central role of Pakistan in Middle East affairs, esp. with Taliban in AfghanisNAM. Sad
Just Googled ~ My Tweets being transmitted to Pakistan! > ~Cool!
RT @DesertErrorist: sometimes you feel like you cant make a difference. then you meet people who feel the same. #WorkTogether
RT @XtyMiller: Check this video out -- Canada Admits - Alien Technology Operated by the USA… via @youtube
RT @leemeade77 Student finds GPS bug on car, uploads photo, FBI demands to have their warrantless bug back >
RT @majeedb: 5 & last line - So- I've brought you a mirror.- Look at yourself and remember me.- Rumi
RT @majeedb: 4- It's no good giving my heart and my soul because you already have these.- #IBID
RT @majeedb: 3- Everything I came up with was like taking spices to the Orient.- #IBID
RT @majeedb: 2- What's the point of bringing gold to the gold mine, or water to the Ocean.-#IBID
RT @majeedb: 1- You've no idea how hard I've looked for a gift to bring You.Nothing seemed right. Rumi - the Mirror-
RT @majeedb: The following short poem by RUMI may remind you of a famous Iraqi song by Nazem al ghazali ....
@RenegadeLette: ;->~~ I love your Concept #stalksaturday: Do we have so-called Followers or Stalkers?!? ~I am a hunter!
@ricardelico It's progressive recovery with a spiritual approach that emphasizes humane rights >.
MUSIC VIDEO 5:45 ~Robbie Robertson - It Is A Good Day To Die via isaac3147 >
MUSIC VIDEO 6:43 ~Robbie Robertson 1998 NAMA - Makin' a Noise via chickyraptor >
MUSIC VIDEO 5:11~Makin' A Noise-Dedication To The Ancestors via 7SpiritBird4 >
MUSIC VIDEO 5:04~via isaac3147~Robbie Robertson - Making a Noise >
@ascend08 What's is wrong with most people is that they are too damn passive like blind dumb sheep ~ We gotta make a noise!
@ascend08 Having strong emotions about social issues and humane rights means you give a damn! Means you are alive!
@ascend08 When we are angry we should not deny our anger ~process it, examine it, handle it~ then LET IT GO!
@ascend08 For years I ran off hatred against Fascist Pigs ~but I matured mellowed ~ Not I am Love Motivated! A lot easier!
Great LINKS! RT @AdviceToWriters: Research Links for Writers: #writing
@ascend08 Just condemning stuff online about AfghanisNAM is helpful, but tell people in person too! EDUCATE!
@ascend08 I was pissed off and angry about seeing USA into 10 Years in AfghanisNAM. But anger alone is useless. ACTION!
@ascend08 We need to accept ALL OUR EMOTIONS ~ ALL OF US ~ process ~ select what is useful ~ let the rest go. Filters!
RT @ascend08: Anger is not a negative thing in its pure form; anger is simply a signal that some rules are being broken.
RT @EmergentCulture: Pictures: Return to the Crystal Caves of Mexico. MAGNIFICENT
RT @AL: The creative work you're banging your head against the wall to create is waiting for you to be still, listen & share what you hear.
by Peta_de_Aztlan
Tune in and set your TivOs! #WhatTheWeek takes the camera to you at 2:30&10:30pm EST on #CNN today! @AriannaHuff of #huffpo talks #Prop19
@YouAre_IT As typical few North Americans know about Mario Vargas Llosa.>
Free Leonard Peltier NOW! >
"I absolutely hate authoritarianism on the right or the left." ~Mario Vargas Llosa
@tweetprogress Let us progress with a strong revolutionary consciousness, strive for reforms but see the long-range solution.
If POTUS Obama really cared about falsely caged activists he would FREE LEONARD PELTIER! Does Gates have him scared?!?
VIDEO: Nobel-Winner Xiaobo 'Stuck to His Guns' on China's Political Reform >
@JerryBrown2010 ~I want to vote for you so don't fuck it up! No more moonbeams and tactical mistakes. Go feed the homeless!
@JerryBrown2010 ~Your Spirit in closed room influences spirit of room. Be aware, humane and humbly know your limits.
@JerryBrown2010 Was fuckin' stupid not to command technics & his dog suggesting 'whore' angle as a tactic on tape >
If you do not believe in Creator God ~ Believe in the Sun, Moon, Stars and the Seasons. Big Bang or Big Boss?!?
I will be there. Hope to see you and others! RT @alyssev: Tonight, Second Saturday, who's coming!?
Those who protest at funerals are fiends, fanatics and fools. Oppose reactionary religion! >
VIDEO 1:50~10-09-2010=Sacramento Chemtrails >
Study history. More people have been killed in the name of a 'superior' religion in religious wars than any other reason.
@ricardelico The Sabbath is actually Saturday, not Sunday. On the Sabbath I usually rest, relax and regroup for the week ahead.
@ricardelico On Sundays I Secretary a 12-Steps Spiritual Recovery Group called CASA at Local Salvation Army Emergency Shelter.
@ricardelico: As for myself, I do not even go to a regular Church. Preacher pimps and phony false believers disgust me.
God knows that I am not a Pastor, Preacher or Pimp. I am just a True Believer in Creator, love science and am not a fanatic.
Let us pray that our love inspires us to offer up our own prayers for others to the Creator.
VIA @indigenous_news: Canadian multinational illegally discharged water in Guatemalan rivers >
Humane beings! Join the Humane Liberation Party! Support the HELP 5-Point Survival Platform >
Let us pray that we are guided by our own spirits, command our own minds and work on our physical fitness. Health is wealth.
Let us pray for all who suffer from the affliction of addiction, including Internet addiction. Keep a balance in life.
Let us pray that we all wake up, seize the time, get involved, join a liberation movement and take positive action today.
Peta_de_Aztlan PETER S LOPEZ
Let us pray that we focus on the present here now in our lives, pay attention and not be distracted by divisive idiots.
Let us pray for the safety of our children and youth both in the home and in the community. Report child abuse! Help!
Peta_de_Aztlan PETER S LOPEZ
Let us pray for all the non-believing atheists who will be all dressed up and nowhere to go in their graves. Keep faith.
Let us pray that we go with the natural flow of life, help others to help ourselves and help life improve for all of us.
Let us pray that we work on ourselves in the trinity of the mind-body-soul as wholistic spiritual beings seeking liberation.
Let us pray for the resilience to make it through another day, to not let our creativity be compressed and to stay strong!
Let us pray that we use social media to help enlighten people, raise creative consciousness and help save Mother Earth.
Let us pray that our prayers touch the inner hearts of all who receive them. Let our prayers give people inner hope.
Let us pray that we pay attention to our own inner spiritual growth, do a daily self-inventory and be open to valid criticism.
Let us pray that we pay attention to meeting the needs of the people in whatever ways we can to help them survive another day.
Let us pray for the poor, the ragged, the hungry, the homeless, the alien in need of humane spiritual liberation.
Let us pray for a better understanding of the Creator of the Cosmos, that the Holy Spirit gives us revelations about life.
Let us pray for the Chilean miners who see the light at the end of the tunnel that arise with new spirits of redemption.
Let us pray for those lost souls who are loss in the mire of their own madness that their souls find their way home.
Let us pray that our sparks of wisdom become flames of fire to awaken our consciousness to higher levels of loving compassion.
Let us pray for those who do not have the energy to pray because their spirits have been so beaten down into despair.
Let us pray that we all awake with an awareness of the awesome beauty of simply being alive on another day. Appreciate.
<+>10/09/2010-Sabbath<+>Good Morning Family!~Buenos Dias Familia!~Let us create our day in harmony with honesty.~ @Peta_de_Aztlan <+>
Time is the quintessence of all in the cosmos. How we use it says a lot about who we are in real life. Learn to take time for time.
Peta_de_Aztlan PETER S LOPEZ
VIDEO 6:33 ~Columbus: Continuation of a Genocidal Legacy >
The Canary Effect~terrifying horrific abuses instilled upon the Indigenous people of North America>


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