Thursday, November 18, 2010

Blogpost: November 18, 2010 - Thursday/Jueves


Tweets from Thursday, November 18, 2010
~ ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan

Peter S Lopez

We are all in therapy all the time insofar as we are involved in soul-making. ~James Hillman, Re-visioning Psychology>
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Be humane and in love wherever you are upon Mother Earth ~Namaste, Che Peta
RT @heidiko44: James Hillman ~ the most recognized theoretician of Jungian thought & the science of the soul
Join the Humane Liberation Party online > ~Let us analyze and act together!
BOOK: REVOLUTION IN THE REVOLUTION? Armed Struggle~Political Struggle~Latin America ~by Regis Debray > ~
Revolutionary state can be revised, principles compromised, corrupted into reactionary state ~U.S.S.R., People's Republic of China etc.
Social life is always in a state of flux ~change is constant ~seasons come and go ~circumstances change in time and space
We should comprehend the true nature of real change ~the ebb and flow of social change ~sometimes closer, sometimes farther
Political positions of Left-Middle-Right are specific to a given era of history, not frozen absolutes ~circumstances change
Fascist mass psychology worked ~progressive became blurred form of social identity for positive political beliefs ~reaction won
Before Fuhrer Bush-911 many activists not afraid of using term 'radical' ~AFTER 911 radical became extremist akin to terrorist
@virtualana1 Surface appearances must be delved into deeper ~better understanding ~'everything' relative ~'nothing' absolute
@virtualana1 That's great. I am happy for you ~reading has helped me to stay ahead of the packs ~gave me deeper understanding
Life goes on within us and surely live goes on without us. Let us seize the time ~Make it better for future generations to come!
8) Reactionary racist elements have become more powerful again ~Tea Party ~Great Depression ~Afghan=Graveyard of Empires ~No vanguard *
7) It all came up in the wash after the Mid-Term Elections ~many youth and others failed to vote ~enthusiasm was dampened ~faith flagged...
6) Progressive felt betrayed ~many once supportive Whites wondered about Obama's integrity, esp. after Huge Wall Street Bailouts...
5) Once POTUS Obama settled into Oval Office his true colors came out ~failed to keep certain promises made during campaign...
4) Many White racists began to realize they had help to Elect 1st Black President who now seemed radical progressive ~an illusion...
3) POTUS Obama was handsome, intelligent, eloquent, well-financed and with a master media team that knew how to use Internet Power...
2) Obama promotes Change ~Yes We Can ~Filled a psycho-social vacuum left by Fuhrer Bush ~time was right for progressive President...
1) Certain social elements were evolving when POTUS Obama was Elected ~many White voters turned off after Two Terms of Fuhrer Bush..
RT @MikeKaneCEO: "The primary way to change your state is through a radical change in your physiology." ~Tony Robbins
@RedState420Esq Actually I like concept of culture of liberation ~there is stuff we should absorb ~that which we should resist
@__kaybee Was hoping on 90's for resurgence of new revolutionary times ~fascism= mass mind control in operation ~new times
@__kaybee That nodal point between 60's & 70's were awesome times ~nostalgic now ~must of been special astro influences at play
@__kaybee Remember Catholic school on Saturdays ~mortal and venial sins ~dislike guilt trips ~stay true to basic humane principles
@__kaybee Concept of sinning opens up a can of serpents ~degrees of sin ~different kinds ~variables of morals ~repentance is not repeating
Now on ~ ~ Has cool features different from ~ ~Take time to compare!
"I think it’s very important for us to start to build a culture of resistance, because what we’re doing isn’t working, clearly." ~D. Jensen
@GaneshBaba Are you who reads these words an incarnation of Ganesh Baba? ~
@GaneshBaba Last time I dropped acid was night Ronald Reagan was Elected ~with a close friend at the time.
@activistchica Late 60's and Early 70's were times of high consciousness ~mass energy ~questioning of government powers
@GaneshBaba Went through my psychedelic stage in late 60's/early 70's. Abstain from unnecessary ingestion of drugs.
@DZA13 Plus I am a creative writer so the architecture of words is a key part of who I am ~need to practice music ~guitar
@DZA13 My Major Interests are to help others ~share personal insights ~reach deep within ~open up to others ~global news
Antimatter Breakthrough Could Lead to Starships, Says Scientist By: Peter Pachal > ~
GaneshBaba Swami Ganeshananda by Peta_de_Aztlan
The slumbering mass is waking up and cannot long be kept in its semi-somatic state.
GaneshBaba Swami Ganeshananda by Peta_de_Aztlan
We must lose no time in realizing the gravity of our present predicament as a specific species geared to free will.
GaneshBaba Swami Ganeshananda by Peta_de_Aztlan
"Spiritualize or perish" - that is the sign on the current crossroads of history that humanity is passing through.
CBS Eve News~$14 Trillion in Debt - Why You Should Care: ~
from Sacramento, CA
Humane RT @GaneshBaba: The fight for the survival of the fittest must now be changed to the fight for the survival of the weakest.
RT @GaneshBaba: The mind is only capable of limited actions without reference to the Divine via the pineal gland.
RT @GaneshBaba: When your back is straight, your rib cage opens, you automatically breathe more fully, and more oxygen gets to your brain.
@virtualana1 I understand. Some parts of LA are strictly guerrilla war zones where one should be armed to enhance life.
@WorldsofGood Yes, something about Twitter that helps with my philosophy about integrating with people that is good.
@DZA13 Mainly like Tweets that reveal personal aspects of ourselves, not just links that take me elsewhere. #pandora
Like RT @AshevilleJungCt: "He whose desire turns away from outer things, reaches the place of the soul. " ~Carl Jung
@__kaybee Yes, one is blessed to have a trusted soul who knows the best and worst of us and still loves us despite our flaws and faults.
@WorldsofGood We are all of the human family ~but sometimes we have bloody feuds that kill thousands.
@virtualana1 Hell, some of our Inner City Gangs are already like urban guerrilla units with weapons and technics.
@virtualana1 You ipad? I'm a scared of you. If terrorist wants something to get through 'they' could be here in sleeper cells in hundreds.
Tweet for Thought RT @AstroHealer: Millionaires don't have astrologers - Billionaires do ~JP Morgan
@virtualana1 As an able-bodied man I can see validity of checking travelers for 'strictly security reasons' ~just don't mess with my pipe!
RT @DalaiLama: Watch HHDL speak at Mother Teresa Memorial Award Ceremony ~New Delhi, India, on November 18th.
It is just me or do Tweets kind of have a central flavor at times like a collective subconscious?! It's probably me.
Twitter Tip: Create a simple blog full of your creative insights > + Excerpts as Tweets
@WritingSpirit Thanks for your Tweet. I believe it is key to go with the flow in writing, not always edited and censored by the mind.
@DZA13 Yes, I play guitar, come from a musical playing family. Nowadays I mainly dig Smooth Jazz ~so much tension in my life #pandora
RT @AfghanistanDocu: WAR IS NOT A GAME: President Obama must stop fudging exit deadlines and get our troops home. ~
Let us beware that we do not inflate ourselves and make Cosmic Consciousness a new god to preacher-pimp!
@joanie399 Yes, Brother Leonard is always in the back of my mind ~warrior caged for decades! Clnton should of paradoned him.
Once again ~Welcome to Our Followers/Co-Creators via Twitter! Let us share, feedback and evolve together as One Family!
RT @GaneshBaba: You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. ~Tagore
GaneshBaba Swami Ganeshananda by Peta_de_Aztlan
The Cosmos is differentiating, diversifying and preparing itself, always, for the coming of consciousness.
Let us pray for the inner courage to go forth into the world armed with the sword of truth and wage spiritual warfare!
from Sacramento, CA
Let us pray that we consciously integrate our good prayers with good practices, harmonize our good words with good works. from Sacramento, CA
GaneshBaba Swami Ganeshananda by Peta_de_Aztlan
The first step in conscious evolution is keeping your back straight.
GaneshBaba Swami Ganeshananda by Peta_de_Aztlan
Consciousness, being Cosmic in nature, has the capacity of infinite extension.
GaneshBaba Swami Ganeshananda by Peta_de_Aztlan
GB quotes are from his unpublished papers and his writing in The Crazy Wisdom of Ganesh Baba
GaneshBaba Swami Ganeshananda by Peta_de_Aztlan
Lead us, oh Lord, from darkness to light; from the unreal to the real; from death to immortality. - the Upanishads
GaneshBaba Swami Ganeshananda by Peta_de_Aztlan
Butter is in milk but cannot be had without churning. Similarly, the Self is in our being but cannot be realized without spiritual practice.
GaneshBaba Swami Ganeshananda by Peta_de_Aztlan
Creation is peripheral; evolution, central. The more concentrated Cosmic Consciousness is, the more the measure of evolution.
Let us pray that we honor the basic survival interests of the masses worldwide before our own individual self-interest.
Let us pray that we have the personal courage of character to speak out against the evilness of evildoers in the world.
Let us never tire of heartfelt prayers beseeching Creator to help us thrive when governments and authorities have failed us.
Let us pray for the release of Our Brother Leonard Peltier from prison as he wakes up for another day in an inhumane cage.
Let us pray for humility that we are able to stifle the individual ego-mind and be faithful believers in the Cosmic Creator.
Let us pray that we take the time to reach out to our distant loved ones and remind them of our enduring love.
Let us pray for unity in the family of humanity based upon our common survival needs and common dreams as humane beings.
Let us pray for pure love to guide our souls, common sense wisdom to enlighten our minds and good health for our bodies.
Wehn yuo cnnaot raed, noe hruendd ftory ccrhaetars mean noinhtg. Hlep ptoorme goalbl latceriy:
Let us pray this week before Thanksgiving that we can have a good meal with the family of our loved ones come Thanksgiving.
Let us pray for the atheist in his funeral coffin who is all dressed up with no place to go!
from Sacramento, CA
Let us pray for closer communion with the Creator of the Cosmos as cosmic creatures inspired by life upon Mother Earth.
Texas Gov. Rick Perry open to sending the US military into Mexico to fight the drug war > ~RT
The "No Way Home" Drive for Jackets: A Cross-Country Journey for Warmth:… via @cbsnews
Let us pray that all of us who are homeless have a good warm coat to help us weather this winter of our discontent.
from Sacramento, CA
Let us pray for all those who suffer from afflictions of addictions, for their progressive recovery and complete liberty.
Let us pray that we are mindful in our communications ~say what needs to be said and do so with honest compassion.
Sometimes praying for global peace seems phony and utterly idealistic, but we must cast aside such doubting feelings.
Let us pray for an end to all wars upon Mother Earth and that we all learn how to live together in peace.
Let us pray that we are able to go with the flow of life as we are moved by the Holy Spirit within us.
Let us pray we are able to meet our basic survival needs today: food, clothing, shelter, medical care and quality education.
AshevilleJungCt Asheville Jung Ctr
"What one could almost call a systematic blindness is simply the effect of the prejudice that God is outside of man." --Carl Jung
<+>November 18, 2010_Thurs.<+>Buenos Dias Familia!~Good Morning Family! Let us create our day with loving compassion! @Peta_de_Aztlan <+>

@7:56 AM~ I am still here at Globe Mills in Aztlan Sanctuary. Have not been able to get help for my December Rent yet, may go to Welfare today. I am consciously trying to combat psychological depression, though in relation to my own personal budget I am in an economic Great Depression. Believe that those of us inside the United States are objectively already in a real Great Depression in a highly polarized country.

November 18, 2010~Thursday
Daily Cosmic Calendar~A very significant day in 2010 is finally at hand. The reason this November 18 is important is that both Jupiter (retrograde since July 23) and Venus (retrograde since October 8) make stations and switch gears from reverse to forward within 4+ hours of each other. Jupiter is stopping at 24 degrees of Pisces (8:55AM PST) while Venus is halting its motion at 28 degrees of Libra (1:19PM PST). Jupiter will continue its forward motion until August 30, 2011 - when it will stop again to go into reverse motion at 11 degrees of Taurus. Venus will continue its forward motion all the way until May 15, 2012 - when it will stop again to go into reverse motion at 24 degrees of Gemini.
Personal Daily Horoscope of Thursday, 18 November 2010
for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951

A serious mood
Weak, transient effect: Today during the day your feelings and emotions are much more intense, but at the same time your sensitivity is stimulated. You feel everything much more powerfully than usual, and you are not likely to take your feelings or anyone else's lightly. It puts you in a serious mood and makes you seek the most powerful and intimate encounters with another. Sexual relationships may be considerably enriched, because this influence enables you to get past the superficial levels of communication that may have been driving you and your loved one apart. In this way you can again feel as one. In general, life will call you to approach it with some passion and feeling. And if you can respond, it can be a very rich and rewarding experience in which you learn much about your feelings.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Moon Trine Pluto, , exact at 09:38
activity period from 17 November 2010 to 18 November 2010

Every Thursday (until revoked) there is free access to all transits listed below.

Other transits occurring today
Moon Opposition Neptune, exact at 07:34
Moon Sextile Moon, exact at 11:27
Important long-term influences (overview)
"Radical actions" (Saturn Square Uranus)
"Basic optimism" (Pluto Square Jupiter)
"A sense of humor" (Jupiter Trine Sun)


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