Saturday, November 20, 2010

Blogpost: November 19, 2010 - Friday/Viernes



Tweets for November 19, 2010~Friday/Viernes
@Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Ancient Cosmic Being Who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Let us come together to help create a Peaceful Revolution! Get Involved! Take Action Now!
RT Angels whisper in my ear they bid me say goodnight but I'll return when morning breaks to share more LOVE & LIGHT
I am about Tweeted out for the Night. Time to wander over to my corner of the cosmos and get restful sleep yonder!
Some insane brilliant minds try to rationalize away the very existence of reality. Tell that to poor hungry children.
As for me, I admit to being a radical in reactionary times, not mere liberal. People seek escape from connected reality.
We are blessed to have Internet Power in our times. Hopefully someone will get a Tweet out before the Big Orange Flash!
VIDEO 4:09 ~ Deficit commission co-chairs warn of Greece-like debt crisis in US >
Soda pop, sales tax targeted to cut U.S. deficit > ~Oh yeah tax soda pop! We're screwed!
Amerikan Insanity: The U.S. budget deficit now $1.3 trillion + national debt $13.6 trillion+ >
Americans have made the term 'America' exclusive to citizens of the United States of America.
Getting late here in Sacramento, California. News says snow is finally slamming up in the Sierra. Had a good rain today.
@heidiko44 Some people need to hide behind masks and mirages. We can help bring them out into the Light of Love #integrity
RT @BJTuininga: VIDEO Life on Pine Ridge Reservation through the eyes of a visitor & friend #indigenous
RT @jpmontano: RT @Free_LP_Now: ... Join me in the fight to SET THEM FREE #FreeBradley #FreeGary #FreeMumia #FreePeltier
@ChiCoSoFly + On Twitter we can use Direct Messages if both two people are Following each other ~exchange information
@ChiCoSoFly What really warms my heart on Twitter is all the good decent thoughtful people I 'met'. Reassuring to me.
@ChiCoSoFly 9:46 PM ~ I dig Twitter for different reasons. Long story short ~mainly work with Yahoo Groups. Twitter reaches more *
@ASacred_Monster Amerika has a lot of heavy bad karma on it. ~Genocides ~Lynchings ~Immoral Wars ~Stalkers
@ASacred_Monster: Amerika has many ghosts ~many restless spirits ~many disturbed souls haunting #GhostAdventures
Watching CSI:New York on CBS ~ ~
FYI: Leonard not on Twitter, send cards/letters: Leonard Peltier #89637-132 USP-Lewisburg US Penitentiary PO Box 1000 Lewisburg, PA 17837
Now Follow @jpmontano ~!/jpmontano/ ~Free Leonard Peltier!
from Sacramento, CA
Follow Voice of Sanity @CornelWest ~!/CornelWest ~ ~We need more voices of sanity!
Cornel West on .....Why Obama Admin "Seems to Have Very Little Concern for Poor People" > ~
Nite RT @AriaaJaeger: Angels whisper in my ear they bid me say goodnight but I'll return when morning breaks to share more LOVE & LIGHT
@MsCollegeKidd I like to Follow newcomers to Twitter, encourage Tweeting and good positive thoughts.
Love this true proverb ~ RT @AriaaJaeger: "When the student is ready the teacher will appear" #Buddhist Proverb
RT @AmazonWatch: Are you watching HARMONY tonight? 7pm EST, 10pm EST ~
9/11 workers approve settlement with New York City > ~Hell, took long enough!
@at1_ment “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.”~ President John F.Kennedy ~
@at1_ment Yes, we need to promote Peaceful Revolution ~we suspect alternative~ by sharing, by elevating and working on our own defects.
Michael Chertoff, former Director of Homeland Security lobbyist for two manufacturers of scanner technology > ~
Check It Out ~ National Outcry Over TSA Body Scanners and Invasive Pat-Downs >
@at1_ment I mainly consider myself a Coordinator of revolutionary consciousness, along with others. We need to resist evil!
Now 100,000 US troops in AfghanisNAM ~includes 30,000 troop surge by POTUS Obama in December 2009 >
@at1_ment We need to get radical and dispel all false interpretations of connected reality. ~
RT @EmergentCulture: Signs of the Times in Code Form? Introducing the #TimeWave, The I Ching and The #Webbot.
New Afghan war plans could cost US taxpayers an extra $125 billion > ~Got loose change?
RT @RizzyShrug: One of the most devastating things in life is when someone gives up on you...~Also great learning experience!
@at1_ment In fact, Americans need to get rid of a lot of delusions, illusions and hallucinations. Where is America?
@at1_ment Advocate raising revolutionary consciousness, Peaceful Revolution and stimulating dialogue, not violence now.
@ChiCoSoFly What are your interests? Why do you use/like Twitter?
NATO targets terrorism, cybersecurity as central to 21st century mission > ~Feel safe yet?
RT @uruknet: Stonewalling Goldstone #gaza #palestine
RT @uruknet: The case against Assange is aimed at discrediting or weakening #WikiLeaks
@at1_ment Concept of democracy is valid ~requires active participation of general population ~It's needs to be simplified.
@at1_ment Yes, the whole Electoral System is corrupt, needs to be re-set to make it more accessible for potential candidates!
Manufacturer Pulls Darvon, Darvocet; FDA Wants Generic Makers to Do the Same >
@KJ_MayorJohnson - Mayor: You and Robert Kennedy, Jr. look good together as leaders!
RT @KJ_MayorJohnson: Robert Kennedy Jr. came to Sacramento today! He spoke at our Greenwise meeting.
@at1_ment Yes the evolution of my personal Spiritual Growth is key element of my Life ~Love learning.
@NatashaRenee Kind of surprising quote from Jung, but he was a great explorer of mind, soul and life in general.
RT @AshevilleJungCt: "I have no judgment about myself and my life. There is nothing I am quite sure about." --Carl Jung
lotusday lotusday by Peta_de_Aztlan
There is a curve of moonlight in the corner of my mind
Appreciate Feedback RT @lotusday:...follow some for learning , growth , a peek into another digi-personae.... I unfollow for balance
Americans need to get rid of the illusion that we are in a true democracy ruled by the majority!
Americans need to get rid of the illusion that we are in a free country! ~
LINK: Bill of Rights ~ Security Card >
@at1_ment Is that Feedback to my question? I will figure so. Follow you for now. Let us eavesdrop! ;->~~
RT @Pakistannews: Pakistan to get six more F-16 aircrafts today - Geo TV ~
@FernandEscultor I just got up from a Meditation of Napping! Kind of let stuff come up, process it, rest up for another charge!
Followers: Why do U Follow people on Twitter? Why do U Unfollow? I really need Feedback for my curious mind. @Peta_de_Aztlan
@EKuntzelman No I have not read it yet. Just the article. ~Will someday soon. ~Money tight ~Big book pile ~Love learning
Followers: I am now glad I have over 1,000 Followers ~I just share what I can via Tweets ~Am Honest, Open and Willing= HOW
To All Followers: When time permits I will respond to direct Tweets to me via @Peta_de_Aztlan ~Let us give each other feedback!!!!!
To All Followers: Let us Co-Create together ~New Springs of Cosmic Consciousness ~Evolve Practical Wisdom ~Simplify the Complex
@EKuntzelman Heavy stuff yet enlightening. Inspires me to write more, to feel more, to be more!
@Aphrodite44 Yes, I want to explore the naturalness of healthy sex, get rid of taboos.
@SarahMourtada I will Follow you so you do not feel alone on Twitter. Have the Power of the Word! from Sacramento, CA
@SarahMourtada I love your Spirit already! Welcome to Twitter! I once thought it was childish with no Followers. Now I got 1,000!
RT @ascend08: There is a stability that comes from knowing my truth and all else then easily falls in place.
A Review of a Revolutionary Concept in Evolution ~ ~VIA @EKuntzelman
@AnthonyLawlor When I go through times of chaos and confusion I know blessings of greater clarify will follow thereafter.
@AnthonyLawlor Different kinds of chaos ~I strive to see clarity through all the social chaos ~See beauty of chaos in nature.
#5. Honor your father and your mother via The Ten Commandments ~Exodus 20: 3-17
If we are blessed to even know our parents ~many do not~ we are naturally and greatly influenced by them as young children.
Without being too corny, I learned a lot about being humane to others from my departed Mother Ella Perez Lopez de Sacramento
@_NealeDWalsch If we speak of the God of the Holy Bible then we should question: Where are writings of female prophets?
@_NealeDWalsch We need to evolve beyond concept of God ~it is a male term ~who is God/Goddess? ~God is nickname for Creator
Full Moon in Taurus ~ There's a Wiener on My Nose: ~Don't be a blurp, check it out! ;->~~
RT @democracynow: Watch the Democracy Now! summary of today's top headlines: ~
@AnthonyLawlor You are a true blessings to have on Twitter here. Clarity in much chaos ~yes, chaos has its role. #FF
We will remember these times in the future when we were called up to raise our self-esteem and our faith was tested.
Some folks have nothing more positive to do than be negative. So we should honor our truth and remain open to constructive criticism.
No matter what I do or say someone will speak disparagingly of me, so I just calls it like I sees it ~Knowing I am an imperfect being.
In my Progressive Recovery I have learned to be open, free and transparent. It is a truism that we are as sick as our secrets.
Vanguard News from Nigeria >
Niger Delta ~14 militants’ camps captured, John Togo flees > ~
Sri Lanka~ Released ex-Liberation Tiger combatants intimidated by SLA in Jaffna >
@virtualana1 Love the Meaning of Namaste ~ ~Namaste to you Sister @Peta_de_Aztlan
@WhenPigsFly03 Patience is a great virture better enhanced by stubborn perseverance ~not mere quiet passive patience.
Ummm.... From Auntie Moon ~Saturn, Act II~Mother Days~November 18, 2010 >
AncientProverbs Motivational Quotes by Peta_de_Aztlan
Nature does nothing in vain.- Aristotle
Oprah_World Oprah Quotes by Peta_de_Aztlan
Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen. -R.W.Emerson
Oprah_World Oprah Quotes by Peta_de_Aztlan
Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out?
Libertana Lysander Spooner by Peta_de_Aztlan
Exposed: #US Military Iraqs Concentration Camps Bring our Troops Home! #War #Freedom #Peace #Iraq
MsMountainBike Helen Knight by Peta_de_Aztlan
Mountain Bike in Alps: Mountain Bike in Alps
Kristie4541 Kristie Ruebush by Peta_de_Aztlan
never say goodbye
hiphophopedlrs somecallmeadreamer by Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @consciousskillz: If you're following someone that causes you to think, reassess and re-examine yourself then that's a great follow.
@FernandEscultor I love global news, esp. from Third World. Feel free to share about Brazil News. ~Namaste @Peta_de_Aztlan
@WhenPigsFly03 Whew! Hope I have Tweeted you some relevant feedback and useful suggestions. ~Love & Respect @Peta_de_Aztlan
@WhenPigsFly03 I am into Progressive Recovery and have remnants of OCD and ADHD. Thus, respect conscious mindfulness today.
@WhenPigsFly03 I admit to being a recovered dope fiend-drunk and am among the many formerly homeless. Love truth in life.
@WhenPigsFly03 Hell you can literally BUY Followers now via certain websites. Quality is more important than Quantity.
@WhenPigsFly03 Feel free to Follow or Unfollow anyone you want as many times as you want. It is Your Twitter Account..
@WhenPigsFly03 Each of us is unique creature of Creator ~Each of us have a Being, a Calling, a Mission, a Purpose in Life!
@WhenPigsFly03 It is YOUR TWITTER ACCOUNT. ~Use it anyway you want with your Free Will. ~Follow your heart ~I only Suggest
I have it set up so my Tweets automatically pop up on Facebook, My Space, My Blogs and other Internet Locations. Imagination!
It is wise to stop and think WHY you even use Twitter. I dig Facebook but sometimes their techs Filter stuff. Wizards behind the screen.
I Love Twitter because it can be used for just about anything your imagination can come up with ~practicing ~preaching ~prostitution!
@FernandEscultor Whatever you conceive of 'It' being ~life? ~the struggle? ~etc.? It is about all of us but it is up to you!
@WhenPigsFly03 My User Name of @Peta_de_Aztlan requires using 16 Character Spaces for others to RT ~Estimate room for RT
@WhenPigsFly03 If you want ReTweet (RT) by someone else be sure to leave room for RT or others may not RT. My Limit is 16.
@WhenPigsFly03 Suggest Follow!/twitter @twitter ~Explore ~Be mindful of time-energy output ~Study Four Agreements
@WhenPigsFly03 As for myself I have not created a single Twitter List, though I am Listed on 114. In a way, Less is More!
@WhenPigsFly03 Monitor several Yahoo Groups, have several Blogs & get lots of Personal Emails. Need to control Incoming Info Flow.
@WhenPigsFly03 Glad you asked. As a rule I will respond to All Mentions @Peta_de_Aztlan and usually do not Tweet lightly.
@FernandEscultor Each of us are living in different existential situation, despite illusions about us all being in Oneness.
@FernandEscultor Now Following You ~Decided to Unfollow Tweeters who have not responded to my appeal to Join HELP ~
@FernandEscultor Join the HELP-Matrix ~ the HumanE Liberation Party online > ~
Join the HELP-Matrix ~ the HumanE Liberation Party online > ~
@XtyMiller IF I Follow everyone much of my Twitter Stream will be deluged with irrelevant useless information.
Suu Kyi Release Is 'Far From Mandela Moment' > ~
RT @_NealeDWalsch: Remember, life is an ongoing process of creation. You are creating your reality every moment.
Certain things you have to do, unless your want to drop out of the movement altogether. ~Sister Suu Kyi
We are all in therapy all the time insofar as we are involved in soul-making. ~James Hillman, Re-visioning Psychology
Go with the flow with what you know ~open up your Spirit and let it go! Live your life with bold courage, not being cowardly.
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S Lopez
Blogpost: November 18, 2010 - Thursday/Jueves @Peta_de_Aztlan > ~
Let us pray for all those who suffer afflictions from addictions, for their progressive recovery and complete liberty.
Let us pray for unity in the family of humanity based upon our common survival needs and common dreams as humane beings.
Let us pray for humility that we are able to stifle the individual ego-mind and be faithful believers in the Cosmic Creator.
Let us pray for the release of Our Brother Leonard Peltier from prison as he wakes up for another day in an inhumane cage.
Let us never tire of heartfelt prayers beseeching Creator to help us thrive when governments and authorities have failed us.
Let us pray that we have the personal courage of character to speak out against the evilness of evildoers in the world.
Let us pray that we honor the basic survival interests of the masses worldwide before our own individual self-interest.
Let us pray that we consciously integrate our good prayers with good practices, harmonize our good words with good works.
Once again ~Welcome to Our Followers/Co-Creators via Twitter! Let us share, feedback and evolve together as One Family!
<+>November 19, 2010_Friday<+>Buenos Dias Familia!~Good Morning Family! Let us create our day with loving compassion! @Peta_de_Aztlan <+>
from Sacramento, CA
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S Lopez
We are all in therapy all the time insofar as we are involved in soul-making. ~James Hillman, Re-visioning Psychology>
About @Peta_de_Aztlan

Friday was a good day. Did not get much done in the external world, but continue to evolve in my internal world. I keep my faith that I will be able to get help for rent in December from one source or another. I am keeping my self-esteem up, staying in the now, continue to work on my Spiritual Growth and am alive and well.

Twitter Link~

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