Saturday, November 20, 2010

Blogpost: November 20, 2010 - Sabbath/Sabado

Blogpost Link~


Comment: Today was another quiet day for me. At least quiet in relation to external reality outside my Aztlan Sanctuary and the local community. It was kind of rainy, windy and stormy. I just went out to the local SPCA Thrift Store and the local little store on 13th and E Streets. There is a little coffee shop on 14th and E Streets that I want to check out in the future.

I am getting a better flow in my writing in terms of knowing when to write and knowing when to edit what I write. I was Laid Off from my job at the Salvation Army as a Case Manager and Counselor on September 1st of this year. For September and October I was on a self-imposed Sabbatical. My work at the Salvation Army, or Sally's as it is commonly referred to, took a lot out of me and I gave a lot of in my conscious efforts to help others, without bragging here. I know when I do a good job or not. However the Management in general did not and does not really know how to run a good shelter, especially in Spiritual Matters. I miss the good ol' days when Clent Arby was the Shelter Director (now he is Director at CATC or Detox on Richards Blvd.) but those days are over. I try to stick in the here and now, not dwell with nostalgia on the past or fantasize about the future.

My primary purpose in life is to help raise cosmic consciousness among the masses of the people via the Power of the Internet, when I am in contact with people on the local level and in relation to my own spiritual growth.

On a personal level I am greatly concerned about my ability to conjure up my rent for December here at Globe Mills for my apartment of what I consider my Aztlan Sanctuary. Plus utilities though I am cool for now. I hope to get help from the HPRP Program via the Salvation Army but have not been able to get an assessment yet. Fortunately, if worse comes to worst I know a female friend who says she will help if, God forbid, I actually become homeless. I have just gotten real comfortable here in my own place, have not really had a place such as this in my 59-years and dread all the trauma of having to move out of here. I feel guilty for even feeling comfortable about having a home and I know that is not the most comfortable thought in relation to a real attachment to actually just having a home. I will keep my faith in Creator, stay sober and as usual continually work on my wholistic growth.

I am glad that I have a lot of Twitter Followers right now. In fact. between Twitter and Facebook as social networking websites I hope to reach out to a lot of people to help raise our collective cosmic-liberated consciousness. However, I need to remember to stay conscious of the here and now. I must keep in mind that I am still recovering from years of chemical addiction and related mental-psyche-spiritual disorders. Thus, I have a tendency to slip into OCD and ADHD thinking and behavior. In conclusion, I need to work out more, curb my tobacco smoking and build myself up to be of better service to others. I live to help the people. Nada mas ahora.

Que Viva Che Guevara! Free Leonard Peltier! U.S.A. Out of the Graveyard of Empires in AfghanisNAM! Let us strive for a Peaceful Revolution against the evil Amerikan Empire!

Peter S Lopez ~Tweets for November 20, 2010
Feel Free to Follow~ ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
@Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA

Ancient Cosmic Being Who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Let us come together to help create a Peaceful Revolution! Get Involved! Take Action Now!
<+>November 21, 2010_Sabbath<+>Buenos Dias Familia!~Good Morning Family! Let us create our day with loving compassion! @Peta_de_Aztlan <+>
Good Nite Twitter Family ~all the Survivors ~Sweet Night Dreams and/or Bright Daylights ~Same Mother Earth @Peta_de_Aztlan
~ November Full Moon ~Nov 21, 2010 @ 9:29 A.M Pacific Standard Time ~I will go with this one for me.
Last but not least ~Full Moon ~Taurus ~Nov 21, 2010 ~5:29 pm ~Beaver Moon >
RT @Rania_ak: I think society reflexively ignores injustice to avoid the overwhelming guilt of their indirect complicity #apathy #denial
Nov 21 (IANS) Body of 55-year-old Communist Party of India-Marxist FOUND ~ ~VIA @IndiaNewsPost
Edited RT @djackmanson: Activist orgs ~If you'd like coverage of regular organising meetings, post details on your websites. #FB *
Full Moon November Event Chart > ~My Birthdate 11/15/1951 ~Moon Gemini ~Leo Rising
Astronomy Calendar of Celestial Events - 2010 ~
Full Moon November at 29°18′5:27 PM Taurus–Scythe Of God >
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) based on International Atomic time ~”leap seconds” ~ UTC & Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) roughly equivalent.
November Full Moon Date for Sacramento, California ~ Nov 21, 2010 @ 9:29 A.M Pacific Standard Time ~ ~
@anuwildantz Full Moon November, 21. 2010 @ 17:27 Universal Time ~ ~ ~variations
RT @anuwildantz: @lindahollier full moon is exactly at the same time for all of us 5:29 GMT - but 21/11 for SA and 22/11 for Australia
@SbuxMel We are already under a Police State ~not threatening or coming ~HERE NOW ~
Remember: Preventative health starts with healthy eating. > VIA @drheathernd
“... Know it for all you are worth, and you will know the key to photography.” ~George Eastman >
“Light makes photography. Embrace light. Admire it. Love it. But above all, know light...
VIA @PhotoPakistan ~The Enigma of Capturing Light~ #Photography ~Gracias @Peta_de_Aztlan
FYI to Followers: On Crazy Horse ~ *
@Le_DeesseJaana Had to ReTweet that ~archs and folds ~got visuals, memories with that one.
@jpmontano We are already bonded by blood, swear and tears of all our people. Love Internet Power ~raising consciousness!
RT @Sexification Sexification by Peta_de_Aztlan
The arch in a woman's back is one of the sexiest parts of the female body...
Welcome to All Our New Followers/Co-Creators! Tried to Personally Respond ~Will try to respond to Direct Mentions @Peta_de_Aztlan
@jpmontano I Tweet to you and many others who may see this you know. Many just look with no comment or feedback. #FreePeltier
Flashback: Flower Children Have Grown Thorns ~ ~Go figure!
@jpmontano We should advocate the total abolshment of prisons as such ~real treatment centers for those in need #FreePeltier
@CheriDouglas For our own sense of self-esteem what we think of ourselves when we are alone is key to self-inventory.
RT @paulocoelho Paulo Coelho by Peta_de_Aztlan
What other people think of you is none of your business
RT @jpmontano: RT @earthspeakorg: The Wisdom of #Indigenous Cultures
@uruknet Thank the power of truth seekers in a world of many deceived by mass lies, mass deceptions and mass distractions.
@uruknet Appreciate your Tweeted article ~articles online? You have the intelligence and fervor!
@uruknet US-Israel Govs. Psyche-Ops ~Loves to keep Iranian people in fear of THE BOMB! ~Most here figure it is matter of time
@uruknet Yes, a lot seems to hinge around IRAN in the Middle East ~so many still confuse it with IRAQ, least Amerikannes
@lindahollier That still trips me out that you are already into my tomorrow morning in my evening today ~sort of ~time zones
@lindahollier You got it! Stealing from past memory ~putting it into new memory framework #SS = #StalkSaturday
RT @uruknet: The Israeli Dependence on the American Support #israel
@uruknet UN Probably needs more War Money from USA ~Am I getting more cynical & suspicious?!? #IranRights
@DesertErrorist I know what you mean. ~One Link leads to another ~Conspiracy Theory ~grain of salt & granule of sugar
@lindahollier 7:14 PM/PST ~Yeah... #StalkSaturday #SS ~with Love! ~SS alone can trigger subconscious memories
‘JFK Deathbed Confession’ reaches #1 on Google Ahead of Ventura TV program > ~What next? May JFK RIP!
@Elissar Love your BIO~''torn between a desire to save the world & a desire to savor the world'' ~We can harmonize both desires!
Europeans, Russia Urge US Senate to Ratify START Treaty >
Mexico 100 years after revolutionaries Villa and Zapata > ~revolution process not conclusion
TSA pat-down leaves bladder cancer survivor ~retired Special Ed teacher~ covered in urine > VIA @GottaLaff
RT @palestine: Palestinian leader Abbas in Cairo for peace talks - Xinhua
RT @uruknet: The Murderous U.S. Government Explained #Afghanistan#MUSTREAD
RT @uruknet: U.S. deploying heavily armored battle tanks for first time in Afghan war #afghanistan
@asraranwar Interested in a VIDEO or ARTICLE about #Iraq #Christian
Still works for many! RT @wanotw: There's an old saying "Fear keeps men in obedience". ~ Linus, Peanuts quotes
@KLTLUVRLT1 1st I was going to react, then thought ~POTUS Obama's Dad born Africa~Mom White= No Black Slave ancestry. Umm...
Recall: 1st African-American~Barack Obama elected 44th president ‘Change has come to America’ >
@MissAbsinthe Voted for POTUS Obama 2008 ~Promised Change has become deranged! Nada Mas! NO Obama 2012
After hearing POTUS Obama ~NATO Summit on Afghan ~I am sure I am NOT GOING TO Vote for Obama in 2012 ~no lesser of two evils
VIDEO 4:32 ~ President Obama's Statement at NATO Summit > ~
RT @CornelWest: But we live in a system that is tilted against poor & working people, disproportionately black and brown and red.
RT @PrisonReformMvt: You must see this!- The True Story Behind "Conviction": #Innocence #DNA #Conviction
How-to Guide to Becoming an Activist: Steps to Supporting Your Cause ~ ~VIA @peedpiper ~
@eviehippychick I Love the concept of your being a Spiritual Activist ~It helps to balance out being ~Spirit & Action
Mexican official: U.S.-born cartel boss Edgar Valdez Villarreal, AKA "La Barbie" 2B extradited to USA > ~
VIA Wall St Journal: Northern Mexico's State of Anarchy > ~Bigger Drug War in Mexico coming?
#Twitter #News: Beauty of News via #TweetDeck ~Easy Post Subject ~Links Auto Shorten ~You Decide to Click or not ~Settings
US Senate Approves Billions for Black Farmers, Native Americans > ~
@rmuse Yes, we should have at least one open center of Resistance for help in each city, town, village and reservation.
@JAHnessa As a life-long humane activist know seeds planted in 70's sprouted in 80's ~ebb and flow #FreePeltier
Coup attempt ends in Madagascar ~via Njaka Andriamahery-CNN > ~30 rebel soldiers ultimately surrendered
NATO backs security handover plan for Afghanistan + Slide Show > ~
Now I am going to try to Follow All Radical Activists who are not going to take it anymore and oppose Evil Amerikan Empire!
@JAHnessa Yes, on-going struggle to #FreePeltier should be an integral part of all our Education for Liberation efforts!
Sec. of Transport LaHood: We’re looking into technology to disable cell phones in vehicles > ~VIA @counterplot
RT @craigslistjobs: Seattle: ACTIVIST JOBS TO STOP NEW OFFSHORE DRILLING W/SIERRA CLUB! $9/14 hr > #Jobs
@Jah_Empress Every day I get faith, hope and inspiration from my female sisters in the People's Liberation Army!
We need to integrate our Resistance online with Resistance offline in our local community infrastructure. At least one office.
RT @palestine: Troops in Gaza assault named on website - The National
Pope approves use of condoms in fight against Aids ~
@counterplot Counterplot by Peta_de_Aztlan
#infowars - Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory: JFK Assassination #newworldorder
RT @counterplot: Activist Post-Supreme Court Will Soon Issue Landmark Decision on Validity of Constitution
Make no mistake. Amerikan Empire implements its strategic plans for global takeover, crushing all resistance + outer space!
In general, I need to eliminate my own old character defects and lessen my own personal shortcomings as a humane being.
In general, from a global overview, the Great Enemy is the Amerikan Empire: its corporate-military-government complex.
Watching Military Confirmation Hearing on C-SPAN. Arrogant Amerikan Warlords openly discussing military footprint in Africa!
@misterlacy Yes, or Black woman. Was naively surprised there will be NO Black/African U.S. Senator in January! Great shame!
@jpmontano Good that we connected via Twitter yesterday. Believe we will know each throughout this Protracted War of Life! Ajua!
@jpmontano John Paul Montano by Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @paulegina: Logging and oil palm destroying tribe’s forest home — Penan - Survival Int'l #indigenous
@wanotw Here in Sacramento I am about one mile from the State Capitol where ol' Brown is back in town as next Governor!
@Jah_Empress Read Male Brain ~ Female Brain ~ @drlouann ~ ~One of my sharp Followers!
@Jah_Empress Actually I have more faith in the courage of women than men. Women have more of a vested interest in life.
@Jah_Empress Courage is essential in these troubled times when so many think they are playing it smart being cowards!
@lurainpenny I like the name Wind Horse! Ya got me chucklin' here. Needed a chuckle. Watching Military Confirmation Hearing on C-SPAN.
@wanotw As an Independent Voter now ~once life-long Registered Democrat~ I refuse to partake in 'lessor of two evils' game.
@wanotw Some in the choir sing off tune. We need to engage with elected officials all year long, not just election time!
Appreciate Feedback for my hungry horse! @AnubisWisdom @wanotw @lurainpenny @ojosilegales @koffiekommie @WhenPigsFly03 @bgdtcoaching ;->~~
palestine Palestine News by Peta_de_Aztlan
Poll: Most Palestinians view talks as precursor to 1 state - Ynetnews
@wanotw Right. We should engage with elected officials of all official parties to foster participatory democracy, not just Democrats.
RT wanotw Super Voter by Peta_de_Aztlan
Congressional Dems need to engage nation through effective messaging & WE must let them know what we want! Contact Congress DAILY!
Let us pray for the personal courage of character to speak out against the evilness of evildoers in a wicked world.
Let us pray for unity as one family of humanity based upon our common survival needs and common dreams as humane beings.
Let us pray that we breath in balance in the divine trinity of the mind, body and soul as free whole humane beings.
Let us pray that we take the time to reach deep into our soul with courage and pull up the best we have to offer the world.
#StalkSaturday With Love~ @palestine @JAHnessa @BlackInformant @BlackNews @Pakistannews @AnthonyLawlor @paschX @lindahollier @heidiko44 #SS
@wanotw Faced of there being no Black/African-American in U.S. Senate in January is a Warning Sign! How far have we come?
Let us pray for the bold courage to raise our voices in support of freedom, democracy and justice without cowardly fears!!!!
Let us pray that we evolve far beyond Right Vs. Left Wings. If assess analyze in terms of right vs. wrong with love of life.
Let us pray for the lives of all people upon Mother Earth as one great family of humanity struggling for survival.
Let us pray that we hold onto our faith in the Creator, in the masses of people and in ourselves as cosmic citizens.
Let us pray that we use Internet Power to help raise revolutionary consciousness, increase enlightenment and empower people.
Let us pray for the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the suffering masses upon Mother Earth without discrimination.
When the 112th Congress is sworn in this coming January, there will not be a single black American in the U.S. Senate!?!?!?
BlackInformant BlackInformant by Peta_de_Aztlan
"Who Will Be the Next Black Senator?"
@BlackNews Black News by Peta_de_Aztlan
Actor Wesley Snipes Argues For New Trial in Florida -…
Let us pray for the Liberation of the Warrior Leonard Peltier and all human who are caged without fair justice.
Let us pray that we recognize the Sabbath ~Saturday~ as the Lord's Day as we seek unity among all believers.
@Peta_de_Aztlan: Blogpost: November 19, 2010 - Friday/Viernes: ~
@EmergentCulture Rohaan Solare by Peta_de_Aztlan
The Informed Citizens Daily. Stories with a birds eye perspective on the Human & Planetary Condition
RT @EmergentCulture Rohaan Solare by Peta_de_Aztlan
The Weeks Top Story: WARNING Issued by European Think Tank on the Deteriorating State of World Affairs.
RT @truthout Truthout by Peta_de_Aztlan
New Afghan War Plans Could Cost US Taxpayers an Extra $125 Billion #Truthout #p2 #p2b
@Pakistannews Pakistan News by Peta_de_Aztlan
Pakistan receives six more F-16s - Geo TV
22 hours ago Favorite Undo Retweet Reply
@heidiko44 Heide Kolb by Peta_de_Aztlan
Stillness leads to a softening ~ physically as well as mentally ~ this is when the real journey can begin #Tao
@indigenous_news Ahni by Peta_de_Aztlan
Companies planning to drill for oil next to Mato Paha (Bear Butte, South Dakota) #sacredsite
RT @truthout Truthout by Peta_de_Aztlan
Nine Years Too Long #Truthout #p2 #p2b
RT @NealeDWalsch Neale Donald Walsch by Peta_de_Aztlan
There is no such thing as Judgment Day. None, except that which you inflict upon yourself.
RT@AnthonyLawlor AnthonyLawlor by Peta_de_Aztlan
Noticing the patterns in the world reveals the architecture of your mind.
VIA CNN~Watching POTUS Obama at NATO Summit In Portugal~Next one will be 2012 in USA from Sacramento, CA
Welcome to Our Followers/Co-Creators via Twitter! Let us share, feedback and evolve together as One Family!
Free Leonard Peltier! ~Follow @LeonardPeltier ~!/LeonardPeltier ~ Now!
RT @Si_Jose: The #FreePeltier Daily is out! ▸ Top stories today by @ElyssaD @randeemckee @Free_LP_Now @jpmontano
<+>November 20, 2010_Sabbath<+>Buenos Dias Familia!~Good Morning Family! Let us create our day with loving compassion! @Peta_de_Aztlan <+>
Amerikan Insanity: The U.S. budget deficit now $1.3 trillion + national debt $13.6 trillion+ >
RT @BJTuininga: VIDEO Life on Pine Ridge Reservation through the eyes of a visitor & friend #indigenous
About @Peta_de_Aztlan


Twitter Link~

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