Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Blogpost: November 23, 2010 - Tuesday/Martes



Posted @11:30 PM ~ Today was another blessed day. No major events. No drama trauma. As I mature I have learned to appreciate just having a day without hassles and a minimal amount of insanity from the external world. I took a little bike down to the K Street Mall, saw a few folks and stopped by the Christian Science Reading Room to chat for a bit with Sister Kristian. She is a precious sincere Christian scientist. I need to get off my lazy ass and ride my Schwinn Mountain Bike at least once a day.

Best note in relation to my shelter is that I got an Email from Salvation Army Shelter Director Elizabeth Hudson and hope that I will be able to get an HPRP Assessment soon in light of my past services. I still need to call 211 tomorrow at 10:30 AM. Venceremos!

My Tweets for Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan via http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan

Peter S Lopez ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Ancient Cosmic Being Who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Let us come together to help create a Peaceful Revolution! Get Involved! Take Action Now!
True RT @KadenaSimon: A woman never forgets a man who made her feel loved, valued, respected and appreciated. Well done Sir Peter :-)
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Be in love with your beloved ones and show it! ~Namaste, Che Peta
A Day After Island Shelling, Anxiety Settles in Seoul, South Korea > http://nyti.ms/dYJlic ~
@BE_PURE Still strive to lose my capacity to hate any individual ~even anger can be a real bummer afterward when tempers cool.
VIA @SpiritCleo: Swimming With Dolphins And Its Benefits > http://bit.ly/ef69io #Loving #Dolphins
RT @DeepakChopra: The observer- observed split occurs within consciousness. The whole universe is a play in God's mind
Too bad, so sad. People find it so easy to hate and so hard to love. Then we wonder what is wrong with the world!
@KadenaSimon Yes, thanks. Spent Nov 15th with Old Love~New Sister in Christ ~Kept it proper ~No friend like a dear old accepting friend.
RT @wikileaks: The Pentagon is hyperventilating again over fears of being held to account: http://is.gd/hGnSS
VIA @sauravj: Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one's values. ~Ayn Rand
@anuwildantz Often soldiers in combat do not stop and question the reasons for wars in which they could perish. Follow Orders!
Learn to let go of personal resentments ~no matter how deep the burn~ set yourself free from your own self-torture.
@KadenaSimon How have your days and nights been Sister Kadena? Have a Thankful Thanksgiving! @Peta_de_Aztlan
@rebeccad Reads like a real breakthrough in your consciousness. Congratulations!
So many bloody battles fought between opponents who never took the time to sit down in peace and reason together.
Is the #bridge between the physical body with its mind and the inner soul in the realm of cosmic #consciousness?
VIA @Hazzz2020: The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring. ~Oscar Wilde
VIA @Grapechick: Metaphysia 2012 Release> http://bit.ly/dFINo9 & > http://youtu.be/GKBbjFUVu7M ~R U Being Shifted?!?
VIA @ascendedthought: New Reality Consciousness. http://bit.ly/hqATWS ~
VIA @loseurillusions: Consciousness is colored by the states that visit it. ~Buddha
RT @jafroemming77: It's time to harness our collective intention...our next phase of evolution is in the realm of consciousness...-jf
@jpmontano Cosmic War fought on battlefields of consciousness ~educating, explaining, persuading, convincing, pleading for truth.
@jpmontano Eternal War between the good, positive forces of the Light and evil, negative forces of the Darkness ~with swaths of gray.
@jpmontano We live in the Cosmos ~far out as that seems to an Earthling mind~ thus, Cosmic Consciousness helps to encompass all.
@lurainpenny Thank you Love ~ I Love Your New Avatar ~I am sure I will have a Peaceful Thanksgiving ~echo to both of you.
VIA @EmergentCulture ~Cheap Thanksgiving: Serve Roadkill Instead of Turkey ~ http://aol.it/gttQvq ~Know few refugees in WA doing this!
@AnthonyLawlor I will always miss the Songs John Lennon would of come out with if only if...
@AnthonyLawlor I love Brother John's Working Class Hero http://youtu.be/njG7p6CSbCU
AnthonyLawlor AnthonyLawlor by Peta_de_Aztlan
John Lennon—Working Class Hero http://youtu.be/njG7p6CSbCU True lyrics powerfully hit home for these times
jpmontano John Paul Montano by Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @Sohakneen: RT @MiningWatch: #Cree Nation opposes Uranium project in Mistissini http://fb.me/zJUgojP3 #indigenous
@drlouann ~ Louann Brizendine ~SF, CA Neuropsychiatrist // Author of 'The Female Brain' & 'The Male Brain' http://www.louannbrizendine.com
from Sacramento, CA
@drlouann It would be a pleasure to hear/read a Tweeter from you from time to time. I ain't judgin' ~ jus' sayin' ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
@jpmontano Break time... Ice Cream ~one of my few remaining indulgences
@AndyeIsTheNews You can read too! Actually we need to encourage Community Literacy as part of what we do in life.
@jpmontano Will send Mobile Number VIA Direct Message ~maybe we can telephonic tomorrow ~absorb more ideas and ideals
@jpmontano You got it. I am like old growling pit-bull ~one bite lock. ~Fish on Twitter for allies. ~Many come and go. ~Personal issues
@jpmontano Truism ~ Wherever two or more are gathered together. Think Protracted War of Years ~Decades ~One day at a time!
@jpmontano Unjust case of continued imprisonment of Leonard Peltier should be on the agendas of all positive progressive organizations.
@jpmontano John Paul Montano ~ Sault Ste. Marie, MI ~Praise Creator for giving us opportunity to communicate via Interent
@jpmontano Suggest you create blog ~Twitter has a way of eating up time and energy ~blogs last longer ~we need more writers
@jpmontano A lot of would-be radical women have been bitten by male dogs in their lives ~wary & suspicious for good reasons
@jpmontano Sometimes Movements tend to get stuck on one or a few issues ~fail to expand ~build infrastructure ~make allies and alliances
@jpmontano I know a lot of people who supported Freedom for Leonard Peltier in first years have gotten pretty burned out ~reasons
@jpmontano My direct experience is that women tend to be more humane than men. Read MALE BRAIN & FEMALE BRAIN by @drlouann ~
@jpmontano True. In these tough times women have more to gain and more to lose, esp. if children/youth are involved. Our better half.
@jpmontano Twitter is great because we can toss out ideas, see feedback and see who else is lurking around here. There are many.
@jpmontano Join Humane Liberation Party > http://ning.it/bO36Rt ~We can discuss matters better there than Twitter alone.
Good Luck with that Billionaire ~RT @N8civilrights: Sign a Petition to Ask Oprah to interview Leonard Peltier. http://bit.ly/djhP4l
@jpmontano People want to see good change happen but leave it to the next guy ~pass the buck ~refuse to take responsibility
@jpmontano Trust me. I have been at this since I was sweet sixteen ~have seen 'heavys' become marshmellows ~stand down under fire in fear
We must purge the poltroons ~radicalize the sympathetic liberals that we can ~continue to mature as warriors ~all tactics, all lines!
Watching NCIS right now ~Like the ops, techniques and chemistry among the characters.
@jpmontano People who know the truth ~play it safe ~kiss ass ~live in paranoid fear ~hold back from speaking up DISGUST ME!
@jpmontano I am at the point in my life when I will express myself ~let it flow out ~share my spins ~claim my truth as long as I can.
@jpmontano TEA Party has taught us for sure that progressive activists DO NOT have a monopoly on being activists. + and - activists.
@jpmontano Many on Twitter are positive activists or interested in being positive activists but do not know how to go about it.
@jpmontano I know Twitter is not the best platform for expositions, but sometimes I get on a roll. Watching Democracy Now!
@jpmontano We do not even have a truly independent nation inside so-called United States. ~whole system corrupt ~rotten to the core.
@jpmontano USA is divided based upon various criteria: class, race, sex, region, language, culture. It is a kaleidoscope of cultures.
@jpmontano I look at life in the USA a lot different than most people do. The United States is not even really UNITED. It is Divided States.
@jpmontano 6:44 PM ~I appreciate it when we are inspired by Creator to share our truth ~as we remain open to good criticism.
Bolivia's Evo Morales rages against US 'coup-plotting' > http://bbc.in/exjssA ~
@jpmontano We should avoid dooms-day prophets and prophecies ~live out lives as natural as we can now ~not easily spooked
VIA Auntie ~Moon Stars and Cards~ Working Stiff or Artist? ~November 23, 2010 > http://bit.ly/eFKS3a <
A sage is the instructor of a hundred ages. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Know that spirit is ever present for all within every heart beat in the physical. ~VERONICA ~ http://www.innerwhispers.org/ ~
@_NealeDWalsch This is subjective thinking Brother Neale ~We must activate our souls in connected reality to make it better.
By creating in a fearless space there is great hope for your planet. ~VERONICA ~ http://www.innerwhispers.org/
RT @EmergentCulture: R.T "Shared meaning is really the cement that holds society together" David Bohm @tkanai1954 @SAlhir: @DavidHolzmer
VIDEO ~2:10~ Smile ~ HELP YOU MAKE IT TO YOUR FLIGHT - Buck Howdy http://youtu.be/9a8jGVXOMsw ~
RT @ascend08: Light could not use this tool of murder that dark used seemingly so effectively because its use would make us one of them.
The end is not near. What will happen is the evolution of the planet and the advancement of your soul. Be fearless. ~VERONICA
CIAV CIAV by Peta_de_Aztlan
Five Myths About VA Health Care Eligibility: http://tinyurl.com/34mgbte #vets #veterans #IAVA
RT @uruknet: RT @danmike1 palestinian voice is out - read this Twitter newspaper on http://bit.ly/9symwO (166 contributions today)
@sheponderings I am into the Arts of War and Peace ~sometimes we need to make war in order to have any peace.
POTUS Obama awakened at 3:55 a.m. Tuesday~N. Korea incident prompts Obama, staff to shift priorities: http://usat.ly/i2UE19 ~
Reply ~Work on my being humane! @sheponderings: Peter I DIG your Avi! You look like quite the artist yourself. ;) What else do you do? :)
3:33 PM ~ Just came back up from journey on K Street Mall ~went by Christian Science Reading Room ~Conversed with Sister Kristen
@sheponderings Appreciate Feedback ~No need for disclaimer ~No chastity test on my belt ~Into Creative Ways, esp. #Writing
Flashback VIDEO 4:28 ~Spin~8-24-2009~Online Groups and the Word... http://youtu.be/HrFoT5aCQ9Q ~
@sarakh7 Love the beauty of diversity ~sitting here on top floor looking at huge cumulus clouds, no cloud identical.
@sarakh7 Being raised in Sacramento have been around lots of forms of social integration ~different times ~different degrees
RT @therealnews: NEW: Chomsky on US Global Policy http://bit.ly/h8vLox
No Social Issue exists in isolation ~In one way or another Social Issues are interconnected in #Connected #Reality.
@sheponderings Following You ~Love the idea of wondering who or what She is Pondering about.@Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @AlterNet: "We Are at War": How Militias, Racists and Anti-Semites Found a Home in the Tea Party: http://is.gd/hEO9Z
@SacStepsForward Please make sure Tweets are short enough for others to Re-Tweet. ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
VIA @SacStepsForward: OPEN WARMING SHELTERS-Tues. 11-23 to 25 ARE:-Volunteers of America A Street Shelter > http://on.fb.me/dGthwq
@sarakh7 I do not even refer to myself as an American ~As for me, I am against all nationalism, racism or tribalism for self-identity.
RT @sarakh7: The whole upheaval in Somalia boils down to this: "my clan is better than your clan."
@_NealeDWalsch This is a New Age RIP OFF ~Website says: Cost of event is only $795 per person ~I am hoping to Pay Dec. Rent!
Is this FREE! RT @_NealeDWalsch: Join us Recreating Yourself –Annual Holiday Retreat in Ashland OR Dec 28 – Jan 1 http://om.ly/BCbcs
@sarakh7 Reminds me of Afghan. Other countries do not have 'national' identity US assigns them. ~regional tribes ~separate clans
RT @sarakh7: There are Somali kindergarteners who won't sit next to a child from a rival clan. And this is in Phoenix, not Mogadishu.
@micah42zero Hell, reminds me of JFK Conspiracy ~No Final Conclusions ~Google Loose Change about 911 ~Smell foul play!
Could Democrats give Obama trouble in 2012? War in Afghanistan is key. > http://bit.ly/f1twYk ~USA: Get Out of AfghanisNAM!
Followers: Take the Lead! Let us build a Movement Matrix! Join the Humane Liberation Party > http://ning.it/bO36Rt @Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @bethtrutwin: When We Have 911 TRUTH the WAR IN AFGHANISTAN WILL END!!! ~War in Afghan began 26 DAYS AFTER 9/11!!! http://bit.ly/eiHmbd
Cambodia stampede kills 375 and leaves government seeking answers > http://bit.ly/hzMM29 ~A Water Festival event!!!
RT @CornelWest: If young folk have access to vast array of courageous and great examples, that will serve as foundation for their judgment.
RT @CornelWest: Young folk are shaped by what older folk present to them.
@NatashaRenee Blog on your Blog more! Enjoyed it before. Mine helps me to check in with me! http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
My Twitter Stats Now ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan 1,027 Followers ~ 54 Following ~ 20,766 Updates ~ 65 Klout ~ Joined Twitter: Sun Apr 12, 2009
Blessings to All Our Followers/Co-Creators of Twitter Consciousness! Let us have a Spirit of Thanksgiving all year!
RT @democracynow: Manufacturers of Full Body Scanners Ramp Up Lobbying Effort, One Led By Fmr Homeland Security Chief : http://ow.ly/3epy9
RT @AnthonyLawlor: At the edge , you can. reach into the renewing energies of the unknown—New post, Truth at the Edge http://bit.ly/bJb2Up
RT @Reuters_US: Massachusetts police probe whether body fell from plane http://dlvr.it/932DJ
@oshum God knows I have my own 'survival issues' but I appreciate the serenity of sanity ~worldwide wars and rumors of wars
RT @truthout: The Shock Doctrine Push to Gut Social Security and Middle Class http://bit.ly/eI5Ptn #Truthout #p2 #p2b
@oshum I love being a loving #humane #being to help bring a slice of sanity to an often insane world.
RT @akvet: North and South Korea exchanging artillery fire http://bit.ly/dVWRqK
Well I guess I am not low-riding drunk with my homeboys around Sacra this weekend! CHP Out inf Full Force!
RT @santacruz_news: CHP announces Thanksgiving holiday maximum enforcement over holiday weekend: SACRAMENTO - http://dlvr.it/92xB5
World condemns deadly N. Korean artillery attack > http://bit.ly/eahCKo ~They're celebrating Thanksgiving early!?!!?
RT @sacramentopress: Last week's top stories highlighted. Check out the Sacramento Press Weekly Newsletter http://sho.me/9o/f
@Rotivation USA cannot tell anyone, "Get into democracy or we'll invade your country and blow you away!" It's never worked!
Heard on CNN ~ 911 in the USA handles 230 Millions Call per year! All these #911 Emergencies?!?!
@NatashaRenee Have not heard from God's publicist ~Think Pope did smart political move for Catholic ratings to go up!
737 American military bases on every continent, and well over 130 countries. ~Chalmers Johnson
Washington said that the great enemy of the republic is standing armies. It is a particular enemy of republican liberty. ~Chalmers Johnson
The choices are stark, a nation can be one or the other, a democracy or an imperialist, but it can’t be both. ~Chalmers Johnson
Life is often ironic. It is a lot more involved and complicated than at cursory glance. > http://youtu.be/8v9yUVgrmPY
RT @indigenous_news: Leaked documents reveal Shell’s strategy when accused of murder in #NigerDelta http://is.gd/hEtUn #ogoni #Shell
RT @truthout: Millions of Americans Could Lose Unemployment Benefits http://bit.ly/eE1H31 #Truthout #p2 #p2b
RT @indigenous_news: So, #Canada Endorsed the UN Declaration of #Indigenous Rights? http://is.gd/hEo1B
RT @GaneshBaba: Have no ambition, above all pretend nothing, but be at each instant the utmost that you can be.
RT @GaneshBaba: Presence = constant awareness of consciousness.
RT @AlterNet: Pope: Condoms OK for Women and Transsexuals Now, Too: http://is.gd/hEmXj
RT @democracynow: 2006 GOP Congressional Report on #GlobalWarming Partly Plagiarized, Reports @USAToday. NEWS: http://ow.ly/3ek9A #climate
RT @palestine: Film review: Palestine as Hollywood fantasy in "Miral" http://bit.ly/hMBH1m
VIA @MichaelTheGeek: Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - VIDEO: American head of Mexican drug cartel? > http://bit.ly/hmbBLg
VIA @democracynow ~ Chalmers Johnson, 1931-2010, on the Last Days of the American Republic ~ http://bit.ly/dZRx2m ~
Let us pray that we take our time today to pay attention to what really matters in life, such as, our spiritual growth and evolution.
Let us pray that we speak our truth and let it be; not worrying about always having to have the last word. Share your truth.
Let us pray for more love, more compassion and more understanding in this wicked world and not lose sight of what is good.
Let us pray that we have the practical wisdom to see what we can change and what we cannot change now. We can always change ourselves.
Let us pray with a belief in the power of prayers ~prayers that go out into the universe and are reflected back upon us.
Let us pray that we combine the faith in our heartfelt prayers with good works in the world today. Be consistent.
Let us pray for a greater understanding of ourselves as spiritual beings encased inside physical bodies with magnificent minds.
Each of us is free to believe or not believe in the Creator of the Cosmos. If there is a Cosmic Creator rest assured you are not it.
Let us have faith in the Creator of our understanding with our own free will and have reverence for Creator with humble grace.
Let us pray that we remember ancient wisdom to help guide our lives today ~ wisdom that is practical common sense.
GaneshBaba Swami Ganeshananda by Peta_de_Aztlan
Each of us is individually responsible for the real revolution in the offing.
Let us pray that our minds and bodies are in harmony with our spirits as Creatures of the Cosmic Creator.
Let us begin our days in a Spirit of Prayer with honor, honesty and humility. Let us pray up to the Creator for one another.
8:22 AM~It is a cold, rainy, gloomy Tuesday from where I sit here in Sacramento, California. I am glad to be inside my Aztlan Sanctuary.
@Peta_de_Aztlan: Blogpost: November 22, 2010 - Monday/Lunes: http://bit.ly/i9yFAT~
from Sacramento, CA
@mrfl0 Thanks For the Shotout~ Let Us Unite in Our Fight to Do What's Right! #shoutout
+>November 23, 2010_Wed.<+>Buenos Dias Familia!~Good Morning Family! Let us create our day with courage and compassion! @Peta_de_Aztlan <+>
About @Peta_de_Aztlan

Personal Daily Horoscope of Tuesday, 23 November 2010
for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951

The inner dimensions

Valid during several weeks: This influence signifies a concern with the very deep issues in life. Today you are interested in what goes on underneath the surface of events and phenomena, and you are willing to dig until you find out. This energy can also turn inward, which is often very profitable. It may be beneficial to be alone so that others cannot distract you from your inward search. For this reason you are likely to be attracted to subjects that reveal the inner dimensions of the psyche, such as psychology or astrology. You may encounter someone today whose ideas have a great effect upon your mind. This is a good time for learning something new, because you can allow your beliefs to be transformed by what you learn. Also you will tend to have a strong effect on other people's thinking today.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mercury Trine Pluto, , exact at 16:50
activity period from 22 November 2010 until beginning of January 2011

Other transits occurring today ~
Moon Square Mars, exact at 08:58
Moon Opposition Chiron, exact at 18:26
Moon Sextile Med.Coeli, exact at 19:19
Moon Conjunction Moon, exact at 03:44
Moon Trine Neptune, exact at 00:09
Moon Sextile Pluto, exact at 02:04
Same lunar phase as natal (Cancer), exact at 19:12

Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/

Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan

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