This Wednesday was a good hump day. Feel that I finally got over the Hump. I am scheduled to go to Family Service with the Salvation Army Next Wednesday to see about getting financial aid with paying my rent for December. Indeed this is a great blessing.
Called Annabelle and she is now doing well in the physical sense, though she has a strong spirit. I will head out to her place sometime next week. I wish her and Ricky ~my step-son~ did not live way across the County, especially withmy having to take the Light Rail and bus out there and back.
As long and as much as I can I am saving my little Tweets here on my personal blog. I had to change the settings because I had this blog set on private. I have had it for a long time. There is some personal revelatory stuff on it from way back, but I am just letting it be. Many people hold back from sharing aspects of their personal lives with others as if they are ashamed of what goes on in this personal life ~umm, maybe they are.
As for me, I know that the most I share with others the most I release tension and hopefully inspire others to open and share. That is half the problem in the world, half of it does not share with the other half. I know it always gets deeper than that ~character defects, such as greed. BUTTT there is a lot to be said for sharing. Nada mas ahora!
Free Leonard Peltier! Venceremos Unidos!
Collected Tweets @Peta_de_Aztlan for November 24, 2010~Wednesday
Follow~ ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez ~ Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Ancient Cosmic Being Who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Come together! Help Create Peaceful Revolution! Raise Cosmic Consciousness! Take Action Now! Be Humane!
@mikhaill Original peoples of these lands you call America were victims of genocide by Amerikan conquest ~worse than Jewish Holocaust.
<+>Good Night Family ~ Buenas Noches Familia <+> Be in love with your beloved ones and show it! ~Namaste, Che Peta
@JobSacramento Thank you for your service. Will explore this more tomorrow, Case Manager/Counselor experience.
@mikhaill Thanksgiving's Many and Complicated Needs ~ ~ #Thanksgiving ~superficial but worth noting.
Thanksgiving is a lie we tell ourselves because we cannot bear to acknowledge our true history. > ~
The Real History of Thanksgiving – The Rape of America by European Racial Supremicists > ~
Lest We Forget From an Attack of Amnesia: The TRUE History of Thanksgiving >
READ: Deconstructing Thanksgiving - A Native American view >
Four Agreements ~1. Be Impeccable with your Word ~2. Don’t Take Anything Personally ~3. Don’t Make Assumptions ~4. Always Do Your Best
Free Leonard Peltier Now! ~ ~!/LeonardPeltier ~ Share On Twitter & Facebook
@AfghanistanDocu THINK & ReThink ~ Can you make Tweets shorter for RTs on Twitter?...Buy 'em books...send 'em to schools...'
@AfghanistanDocu: Latest Pentagon Report admits Afghan insurgency still "qualitatively and geographically expanding."
Followers: Suggest when you RT (ReTweet) Websites keep it simple ~just Link and if need be the @s ~Less is more
VIA @uruknet =VIDEO ~ Iraq's benefits system begins to run dry ~
@BE_PURE We need to Combat Drug Addiction with local-based Community Education ~need Infrastructure always
"We are fighting against a global machine." ~ Marshall "Eddie" Conway~Former Black Panther/now Political Prisoner
Hear about Food Co-op ETC. @BE_PURE AUDIO: Eddie Conway and Huey Newton's "Revolutionary Suicide" >
AUDIO ARCHIVE: Eddie Conway and Huey Newton's "Revolutionary Suicide" >
@kemanichole Yes, lot of -ologies great impacted by cultural-situational settings. I barely graduated from High School '69!
LINK: VIA @TheAngryindian ~INTERNET ARCHIVE: Digital Library of Free Books etc. > <
@kemanichole A lot of the inside work is us contemplating on what are our positions on various issues with Liberated Thought
@oshum Indeed, harvest is plentiful but conscientious gardeners are few ~we will make it all better together ~absorb, unify, elevate!
LINKS: Feminist Peace Network > > ~
VIA @TheAngryindian: 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence » Feminist Peace Network ~ ~@
@BE_PURE Much of our thinking and behavior is cumulative results of our cultural conditioning + Family and Peer Pressures
VIA @PencilsOfPromis: Learning languages ~Study from native speakers ~Latin America & Africa VIA $kype ~ ~GOOD IDEA
"If we let the government portray us as violent then there is no way they are going to listen to us." ~London Student Protestor
Eyewitness: London students protest over fees >
@JAHnessa Yes, with most people the best way to proceed is with empathy and personal acceptance of them just as they are!
from Sacramento, CA
@JimCarrey ~From bizarre mind of Jim Carrey ~Be afraid! ~
from Sacramento, CA
Gracias 4 RTs~ @icpchad @akvet @Jah_Empress @dbudlov @ShredDread @GraceCyxafid @uruknet ~Let us evolve together as humane beings
@JAHnessa Circle of old friends a blessing ~so many of mine have scattered out ~very few left ~many failed to evolve ~got 'stuck' ATTRITION
5:30 PM ~Just came from Safeway ~Lots of shoppers at Safeway ~Met youth headed to Safeground off Light Rail, SSI Pending (mental) ~Faith
@jpmontano We can COORDINATE with this ~ ~Explore ~Experiment ~Innovate ~Initiate ~Drive ~Direct
JimCarrey Jim Carrey by Peta_de_Aztlan
I'm thankful 4 the love of my Family and 2 the Native Americans who invited us 4 dinner and let us take their stuff! Happy Spanksgivin! ;^•
Unbridled arrogance of Amerikan Empire! RT @EmergentCulture: The natives are growing restless and for damn good reason !
RT @AshevilleJungCt: Thoughts on gratitude
VIDEO~3:07~ Thankful for the Sunrise~via Peta_de_Aztlan ~ ~
Let us dare to love one another as one family of humanity, without surface divisions. We are all natives of Mother Earth.
Yes, we know of distortion of Amerikan history, but let us focus on being thankful for gifts from Creator, not bitterness.
SocialistViews Socialist Worker by Peta_de_Aztlan
New developments in the ongoing government harassment against #antiwar and socialist activists
earthtimes The Earth Times by Peta_de_Aztlan
Think tanks: Another war in Sudan could cost 100 billion dollars -
netlibertaire Net Libertaire by Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @HarshaWalia: To follow live twitter feeds on London student strikes and occupations and education protests: #dayx#demo2010
Genocide of Middle East peoples surely damages U.S. Foreign Relations ~AmeriKKKan Hypocrisy!
Obama administration warns Congress pending WikiLeaks release will damage foreign relations >
RT @indiancountry: Obama prepares for second tribal summit-
RT @indiancountry: Special Diabetes Program for Indians shows successful results-
"...everything on the earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission."~Mourning Dove Salish {1888-1936}
"Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were." ~Black Elk ~Oglala Sioux Holy Man
"One does not sell the land people walk on." ...~Crazy Horse, Sept. 23, 1875
"Hoka Hey! It is a good time to die!" ~Crazy Horse
..... and I resolved to prove worthy of the trust." ~Geronimo ~Chiricahua Goyaalé {Born in Arizona: June 16, 1829 ~Died: Feb. 17, 1909}
"I was no chief and never had been, but because I had been more deeply wronged than others, this honor was conferred upon me,.....
"We are all the children of one God. The sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say." ~Geronimo
"When they are taken from these homes they sicken and die. How long will it be until it is said, there are no Apaches?" ~Geronimo
We believed that there is a life after this one, but no one ever told me as to what part of man lived after death. ~Geronimo
To Followers: Be aware that a lot of people have hangups and inhibitions about Tweeting. Some are spies. Just express yourself!
To Followers: Do not worry about Tweeting too much. Worry if life circumstances are such that you cannot Tweet at all.
VIA @Flipbooks “Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you” ~Jackson Brown
RT @uruknet: RT @AmoonaE Report: 2nd East Jerusalem home taken over by settlers v @Dream23fb#Palestine
@GraceCyxafid HELP Matrix ~
"Earth does not belong to us; we belong to earth. Take only memories, leave nothing but footprints." ~Chief Seattle
"Man did not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. " ~Chief Seattle
To Followers:Vary your Tweets= ~Personal Insight ~Good Quote ~Useful Link ~Video (how long?) ~Humor ~Picture ~Imagination
To Followers: Refrain from using cuss words ~though in a given context FUCK the Amerikan Empire could fly! Don't get Suspended!
To Followers: There is no Official Rule Book on How and What to Tweet, but suggest a good Tweet should have a Purpose!
To Followers: Remember if You and another Tweeter are Both Following each other you can send Direct Messages.
awakeningaimee Aimee Pilz by Peta_de_Aztlan
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. ~Winston Churchill
To Followers: Examine your little Bio on your Twitter Profile ~ Does it reflect you are? Do you have a Webpage Link?
To Followers: Join Up on Facebook ~it is what it is~ ~
To Followers: + I am interested in building up an the Humane-Liberation-Party > ~
To Followers: Please Forgive Me if You Follow Me and I do not Follow You. I am mainly into Global News, not arrogant. @Peta_de_Aztlan
I am now unemploed @JobSacramento ~!/JobSacramento/ ~following here from Sacramento, CA
JOB: RT @JobSacramento: STAFF ASSISTANT - Sacramento United States... ~
Followers: GOOD LINK~ ~
RT @democracynow: JOB OPENINGS: Democracy Now! is hiring News Producers and an On-Air Graphic Designer. INFO: Please RT
@SacStepsForward You are not Following me Now. Had to Shorten Your Tweet! If you need help let me know. Communications!
RT @SacStepsForward: Sacramento! If you are in need of a warm place tonight, check out warming center info here:
@JAHnessa My Blog: ~Had to change Settings ~Use 2B Private ~ Now Public ~Going with 'the flow'
From Auntie Moon! Astrological Tai Chi ~ Sagittarius ~November 24, 2010 > ~
SustainablDylan Dylan by Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @VivaLabonbon: "Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state becomes lawless or corrupt." ~Mahatma Gandhi
RT @intifada: There is no "Talibanization" of Gaza
Our Next POTUS? RT @GottaLaff: OH yes she did: AUDIO: Sarah Palin: “We Gotta Stand With Our NORTH Korean Allies”
Reply @GottaLaff: It's because Sarah Palin sees North Korea from her front porch first! ~ ~Poor Palin!
Be thankful 4 a beautiful day here Sacramento! @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ @william_hodges @sharayray @thelibrarynewsHirShitt_Boobs @dredjennings @
@Mr_Christ0pher Amerikan Empire still trying to be the bad ass cop of the world ~cannot feed and house its own children!
@goodfox VIDEO ~1:36~ Taking Back Thanksgiving: 11/4/10 ~PetadeAztlan ~ ~
Power to the Lady! RT @AlterNet: WATCH: Amazing Woman Goes Ballistic on Subway Flasher:
At the risk of being redundant ~Blessings for a Thankful Thanksgiving to all Our Followers AKA Co-Creators on Twitter!
@mssarahbellum Of course by the end of the day I am usually hyped-up again. It's a process! ;->~~
@mssarahbellum Morning hours help set the mood and tone for the whole day ~feeling ~praying ~meditating ~mellowing
@oshum Let us be constant gardeners sowing seeds of awakening cosmic consciousness here now in this magical moment.
Amen! RT @oshum: I have found, for myself, that putting my focused attention on each moment, the Now as it is, helps with survival issues :)
@Mr_Christ0pher Born in 1951 when the Korean War was still going on. Most forget. North Korean leadership is utterly insane.
@mssarahbellum Sometimes many of us forget that we are humane beings, not hyper-active human doings!
@mssarahbellum With remnants of OCD & ADHD ~Being in a prayerful mood in the mornings helps me to be here now, not rushing!
@Asianique We need to slow down sometimes and remember what we forgot in life ~so many simple matters.
@goodfox I agree to a point. It is good to stop and be thankful for life ~not merely bitch and whine about what is all screwed up!
@oshum As a creative writer with mindful awareness I see key of using our voices via Internet to raise cosmic consciousness.
RT @Pakistannews: PM leaves for Tajikistan to attend SCO summit - Geo TV
@Authorwithjoy Yes, the Sun is up in Sacramento, I am up. ~Hearing Soundscapes ~Feel at Peace with myself ~Day is opening up!
Check it out: Another way of reaching out to people! ~ ~
@oshum Right now your Tweets resonated with my being ~feel at peace with myself ~despite world wars and conflicts. ~THEN IT'S EARLY!
Let us pray that we take the time to be aware of where we are at in this lifetime and plan where we really want to be in life.
Let us pray that we take the time to really listen to our beloved ones as if what they say really matters ~ because it does. from Sacramento, CA
Let us pray that we open our eyes, see who we are as a people and make a vow to fight for a Peaceful Revolution within reason.
oshum oshum by Peta_de_Aztlan
I do not serve the body ~ the body serves me ~ I take care of the body, I appreciate the body ~ the body houses ME #OP
Let us pray for peace within our inner spirit because we love our inner self and know for sure who we really are inside of us.
oshum oshum by Peta_de_Aztlan
Birdlaughter beginning of day ~ feathered jokesters ~ prancing at the edge of dawn #OP
oshum oshum by Peta_de_Aztlan
Gazing at the Sun rise...the light divine enters the gate of eye...illuminates the soul...heals and makes us whole. #OP
Let us pray for sweet harmony in the family of humanity and the peaceful resolution of 'conflicts of interest' among us.
Let us pray for the spiritual healing of all who suffer from the affliction of any harmful addiction. Denial can be a real demon!
Let us pray that we are not in such a rush when we awaken in the morning and too busy for magical moments in solemn prayer.
Let us pray for relative peace between North Korea and South Korea. May mutual survival interests prevail upon Mother Earth..
Let us pray for a sweet spirit of thankfulness during this Thanksgiving Holiday. Count blessings, not curses. Be thankful.
Let us pray for the safety of all our children and youth from the evilness of social predators. Good parents be aware. Parent!
Let us pray for the safety and security of all travelers during this troubling Thanksgiving Time. Tension in the day.
Strange! We actually had a EF1 tornado yesterday in El Doraldo Hills @ 1:15 PM ~Weather is fascinating.
6:05 AM ~Pacific Standard Time ~Tweeting from Sacramento, California ~Still dark outside here ~Awaiting the light of day.
RT @raikou_bot: London Bridge is falling down,Falling down falling down,
@grapechick Sure wish that shift would go into high gear. Want to see that movie. It will come out more as time goes by.
@oshum Yeah, something about that survival issue that occupies my focused attention a lot. I try to be practical minded.
VIA @KaramelooNewsUK: Disorder Breaks Out ~Students Protest: smashed up police van in central London as thousands...
@Peta_de_Aztlan: Blogpost: November 23, 2010 - Tuesday/Martes: ~
from Sacramento, CA
grapechick Sherry Gillam by Peta_de_Aztlan
Expand your mind & Explore the Possibilities! #ICP
_NealeDWalsch Neale Donald Walsch by Peta_de_Aztlan
Only when you require no approval from outside yourself can you own yourself.
TreeHugger by Peta_de_Aztlan
How an American Bird Became Known as a Turkey
Amen! RT @heidiko44: just because you find it on the internet does not mean it is true ~ discriminate ~ question ~ think for yourself
RT @heidiko44: A calm mind helps our human intelligence to assess the situation realistically via @DalaiLama:
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S Lopez
RT @palestine: Bomb Thrown At Hadarim Prison
RT @palestine: Settlers Attempting to Take Home in Mount of Olives Area
RT @haaretzonline: Turkish PM in Lebanon to 'fight signs of civil war'
RT @DeepakChopra: In the eyes of love, all people are doing the best they can from their own levels of consciousness.
@JAHnessa OK LOVE. Engage!
@heidiko44 Had a Re-Look at your Website ~Much respect ~Have not seen it for a long time.~
@limbolisaa In a way, wish it was that simple. All is All. All is NOT Consciousness as I understand Consciousness. Perhaps energy.
On My TweetDeck ~ @limbolisaa @tetka @Asianique @zackcovell @KadenaSimon @mindofagenius @MommaSatyagrahaAnthonyLawlor #FollowWed @
@heidiko44 Zenyatta ~ Beautiful Name ~ Woke up early here...Need to get my Caffeine Fix.
@JAHnessa Good Morning Jahnessa ~Dig your Webssite: Voice In the #Wetlands ~
@heidiko44 Good Morning Heidi ~You must be up and running ~Is that a male or female horse? ~Looks beautiful
Went to bed around 11 PM ~ Woke up and got up at 3:30 AM ~Feel rested up ~Must be psychic-spiritual energies in the cosmos!
<+>November 24, 2010_Wed<+>Buenos Dias Familia!~Good Morning Family! Liberate the Day with Courage and Compassion! @Peta_de_Aztlan <+>
True RT @KadenaSimon: A woman never forgets a man who made her feel loved, valued, respected and appreciated. Well done Sir Peter :-)
We must purge the poltroons ~radicalize the sympathetic liberals that we can ~continue to mature as warriors ~all tactics, all lines!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
Personal Daily Horoscope of Wednesday, 24 November 2010
for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951
Cloudy communication
Valid during several weeks: The difficulty with this influence is that you will find it hard to keep emotional issues from clouding your communication with others. You may be expressing your unconscious drives and impulses more than communicating a logical message, but that is not all bad. If you are subject to such compulsions, it is good to express the energy that lies behind them and bring it out into the open. Old thought patterns, attitudes from the past, and unconsciousness about your present situation all endanger your mental effectiveness today. It would be best not to try to reach any important conclusions now. If you do, you will probably have to change them tomorrow.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mercury Opposition Moon, , exact at 09:44
activity period from 23 November 2010 until beginning of January 2011
[turn off]Show the love horoscope for this transit (L)
Other transits occurring today, for subscribers
Mars Sextile Neptune, exact at 23:20 (L)
Moon Square Venus, exact at 04:44
Moon Square Saturn, exact at 12:50
Moon Conjunction Uranus, exact at 17:30
Moon in the 12th House, from 13:09
Moon Square Jupiter, exact at 01:23
Twitter Link~
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