Saturday, November 27, 2010

Blogpost: November 27, 2010 ~ Sabbath/Saturday


Notes: This Saturday has been pretty peaceful. It was quite a storm outside and I know I am blessed to be here in the relative safety of Aztlan Sanctuary. I really have extra empathy for the people who are stuck out in the streets on days such as today.

We should know that the whole issue of there being so many homeless refugees in the world, especially inside the United States, revolves around homeless refugees having little or no self-esteem. Self-esteem involves having a pure self-love for one's self and others; self-respect for one's self and others; and self-confidence in terms of knowing and believing that we can make it in the world in order to make a difference for all of us.

Love is a primary motivator. It inspires us to live, to make life better and gives us the energy to helps others. Indeed, when we help others we help ourselves in real practical ways, including our own sense of self-esteem. Self-esteem should not be confused with being arrogant. Rather, self-esteem involves having a coherent value system based upon valid spiritual principles and common sense wisdom. A man without morals cannot be trusted in life. Better to be by one's self alone than to be surrounded by a clan of pirates without principles.

This wicked world is in a bad way. Wars and rumors of wars. A lot of people are operating out of faithless fear and are divorced from the divine love of the Creator of the Cosmos. We should let our spirit express and exhibit itself through us.

Sometimes I think and know some people in my personal life are worried about my being a kind of brown recluse and isolating. It has occurred to me that they should worry about themselves if they want to worry about somebody. I will be the same ol' shit come what may. 

The truth is that a lot of people live in paranoid fear about being alone ~wrestling with their own inner demons. We know that solitary confinement is a kind of torture that depraved men have devised. Over time I have learned the peaceful serenity of quiet solitude, not having to deal with drama traumas of other people. People can have a deep fear of being alone because their own conscience will creep up on them, they have been left to their own thoughts and some of those thoughts can be terrible thoughts that kindle their fears, doubts and insecurities. As for myself, I do not fear being alone or even being lonely. There are great waves of inspiration and revelation that can come to use in our loneliness.

Many people always have to have the 'significant other' with them around all the time or most of the time or they start to be unsettled. If someone else is my better half what does that say about my own self-esteem? When our love is ready the lover appears. Sometimes intimate one-with-one love is just meant for a season for a reason.

Let us continue to work on our own humane development. Appreciate the diversity of life and learn to find a kind of fascination in its complexity. Sometimes what was complex at first becomes so plain and simple after we really understand it in its connectedness. We are in connected reality, whether we want to admit it on a conscious level or not.

Always remember that we are triune beings in the divine trinity of the mind, body and soul. The soul guides, the mind commands and the body performs. All three essences working in harmony with each other. We will see what dreams come true. Tomorrow is a brand new day.

Free Leonard Peltier! I feel like a part of me is locked up with him, as if life just don't seem right knowing that a beautiful being such as he has been deprived of having a real life out here with his family and friends. In a way, he is doing time for all of us.

Nada mas ahora! ~Che Peta de Aztlán
Tweets Saved from My Twitter Timeline ~11/27/2010

Follow~!/Peta_de_Aztlan @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Ancient Cosmic Being Who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Come together! Help Create Peaceful Revolution! Raise Cosmic Consciousness! Take Action Now! Be Humane!
Aphrodite44 Love Goddess by Peta_de_Aztlan
I do not want to see, smell, eat, or hear of turkey till at least Christmas time... #turkeyoverdose
@Aphrodite44 Thank you for your RT. Glad you seem to see the logic and common sense wisdom of that Tweet. More to come.
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>For the love of life be in love with life! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
WHAT IF what seems far out to us at first blush is actually what has been of us all the time?! Be Honest, Open & Willing to evolve.
A ‘chacaruna’ or “bridge person” is someone who helps people connect with the knowledge of the Cosmos.
Native word ‘yatiri’ in the Aymara language (one of two Inca languages) means healer or shaman.
Know that once I get back to a regular day job I will not have the luxury I do now to Communicate Online to others.
Let us learn better how to express ourselves without getting hung-up on being politically correct ~better 2B morally right.
Well I am about done Tweeting for the day. It has been a relatively productive day for me, as I pray it was for all Tweeters.
Many people do not even know about their own Personal Computer ~let alone know about effective efficient Internet Navigation.
@jpmontano Have faith that as time goes by and with more experience we will learn better how to best utilize Internet Power!
@jpmontano I am glad you took leap of faith and Joined the Humane-Liberation-Party ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
@jpmontano IMHO= InMyHumbleOpinion ~Does not mean that I am a whore, though I am a recovered drunken dope fiend! ;->~~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Lack of perceived Latino leader not a problem: ~
from Sacramento, CA
Report: Latino buying power at $31.3 billion in 2008: ~we can tell 'they' keep track~2 yrs. ago!
from Sacramento, CA
RT @oceanshaman: MISSION STATEMENT:The #Plastic #Pollution #Coalition.. the vision of a world free of plastic
@Astro_Wheels - Learn to stand up in the storm, but have compassion for those who fall.
@Astro_Wheels - Always have a heart that is clean, a goal that is high... learn to laugh but never forget how to w
Astro_Wheels Douglas H. Wheelock by Peta_de_Aztlan
From the ISS Cupola reflecting on a life challenge I heard long ago – 'Be strong enough to know when you are weak.
oceanshaman GRAY by Peta_de_Aztlan
MISSION STATEMENT:The #Plastic #Pollution #Coalition was created with the vision of a world free of plastic (cont)
There is so much good work to be done, especially with ourselves in terms of our own humane development as humane beings.
New experiences open up the potential for the development of our spiritual growth and can advance our cosmic consciousness.
Flipbooks Blair Semenoff by Peta_de_Aztlan
#Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the World” ~Nelson Mandela #quote
Experiencing diversity in our personal lives helps us to expand the realms of our lives on an existential level.
Therapy: I gotta' start thinking BEE ~make honey
Therapy: Watching 'Bee Movie- ~an animated cartoon co-produced by Jerry Seinfield on NBC-Channel 3
Yes @anuwildantz: @Peta_de_Aztlan words from my soul, brother. my motto : be aware [*_*] keep the peace [-_-] be well
VIA @N8civilrights: FREE LEONARD PELTIER. It is the RIGHT thing to do! #POW #FreePeltier
VIA @AdviceToWriters: “Writing is like sex...” ~RAY BRADBURY >
anuwildantz anu by Peta_de_Aztlan
anuwildantz anu by Peta_de_Aztlan
listening to "John Mc Laughlin & Paco De Lucia - Zyryab (1992).wmv"
@anuwildantz: Agree. Let us just be transparent, let the world flow through and be aware of the direction of the flow!
@anuwildantz Have been in 'Movement' to one degree or another most my life. Always loved people, paranoia was a early stage.
Reply: Remember wherever you go there you will be! @bestvghacks: Escape To Latin America Blueprint
Reply~ @EzraGardener: Let us conquer our fears between here and death ~living in constant fear is not a life. >
@anuwildantz Gracias, it's all me. At 59-Earth years I am not living my life out in paranoid fear. I can only be executed once!
@uruknet In truth, there is no free, independent nation called America. It has been subverted by an actually Evil Empire!
@rmuse Let us #LOVE America enough to change it for the better. Dream of America in mythology vs. Nightmare of Amerika in reality!
@oceanshaman Just admit it! You're paranoid when you are on land oceanshaman! ->~~ ~
To blame WikiLeaks for telling the truth is typical of Amerikan Insanity and the worsening insanity of POTUS....
WikiLeaks Release: US Briefs Allies About Upcoming Revelations > ~t
War with North Korea seems to be inevitable sooner or later. On the positive side, Amerikans will learn...
US, South Korea War Games To Go On After Deadly North Korea Shelling > ~
POTUS Obama inherited nightmare island in the Oval Office when he got into the White House.>
Global Crises Overshadow Obama's Economic Message> ~Where is our jobs bailout?!?
Egyptians go to the polls after Islamist crackdown: ~
from Sacramento, CA
Egypt's Elections and the Impersonation of Democracy: ~
from Sacramento, CA
Egypt set for key elections marred by clashes: ~
from Sacramento, CA
Brazilian army set to invade another dangerous Rio slum~drug gang members: ~
GaianCollective Planetary Citizens by Peta_de_Aztlan
Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.- William James
@BE_PURE Good rule: Usually don't Follow locked accounts or those that need verification, whoever it is cannot be all that!
North Korea readies missiles as U.S., South Korea begin drill > ~now we can learn Koreas are at Amerika!
@rmuse As a born-again American citizen I include all the Americas when I use term America ~unless I use term AmeriKan, as in KKK
Will U.S. citizens of the Divided States of America ever think of America as including ALL OF THE AMERICAS!? ~Che Peta
RT @BE_PURE: Our children are flower beds, waiting for good seed. Sow heritage, humility, empathy, kindness, innovation...
VIA BusinessWeek~ Brazil Signs Pact for Power Plant on Guyana Border : ~
American people are not free. They are the colonial subjects of the American Empire. ~Saman Mohammadi
ghazamfar Marthe Neda Gonthier by Peta_de_Aztlan
v @Anahita999 Appeal for donations to help Zanboor support Iranian refugees in Turkey: (2nd button) #iranelection
OpEdNews - Diary: Ending The State of Siege in America: ~
from Sacramento, CA
When I get depressed about apathy of American people in USA my spirit is uplifted by growth of democracy in Latin America!
"Democracy, peace and security can only be guaranteed without interventionism, without hegemony." ~Bolivian President Evo Morales
Bolivian President Evo Morales: U.S. seeks excuse to meddle in Latin America: ~
Costa Rica Daily News ~Argentine President Cristina Fernandez Urges Latin America to Unite! ~ ~
 “How can the US solve the problems of the world if they create the problems?” ~Brazilian President Lula said.
VIA Stabroek News No more dictating to South America –Lula -- Guyana: ~
JAHnessa Jahnessa by Peta_de_Aztlan
ATTN: Bloggers/Supporters,join the "Free Leonard Peltier" group #freepeltier #solidarity
uruknet uruknet by Peta_de_Aztlan
Military Resistance 8K25: "Stronger And Bolder"
@wikileaks Poster: "One Word of Truth Outweighs the Whole World > ~
The Hindu: India, world brace for new WikiLeaks flood: ~truth is our best weapon
"We are far too quiet. We should be more like the French and get on to the streets more often." ~Mike Wallace/Ireland
Ireland bailout protest draws 100,000 to Dublin streets: ~
Angel0139 Angel Brouillard by Peta_de_Aztlan
Cleaning the house...
Jenee3745 Jenee Korchnak by Peta_de_Aztlan
Try to learn something about everything and everything about something.
Jenee3745 Jenee Korchnak by Peta_de_Aztlan
We want far better reasons for having children than not knowing how to prevent them.
AnnemarieSchalk Annemarie Schalk by Peta_de_Aztlan
searching the top universities in the world
SocialistViews Socialist Worker by Peta_de_Aztlan
#Obama (like every U.S. president) sells out the Palestinians #p2 #palestine #israel #tcot
SocialistViews Socialist Worker by Peta_de_Aztlan
There is an ongoing Class war in America, but it is one of the rich against everyone else #p2
BJTuininga Betty Tuininga by Peta_de_Aztlan
The heavy snows have begun to plummet the Upper Mid-West & the Lakota. This a very difficult time for many...
Liam_Fox Liam Fox by Peta_de_Aztlan
U.S. Shuts Down Web Sites in Piracy Crackdown - via @Digg
angelsavant Red by Peta_de_Aztlan
.@KeithOlbermann United States is a Corporation, Not a Country #P2 #TopProg
JennSeyah Jenna Hayes by Peta_de_Aztlan
need help getting famous?? -BANDS & RAPPERS check out
JennSeyah Jenna Hayes by Peta_de_Aztlan
Need a job? want to make easy money working online like me? Learn more at
anusarafriend John Friend by Peta_de_Aztlan
Smile! It's easy...(It takes 17 muscles to smile & 43 to frown.)
ParmatmaYoga Parmatma by Peta_de_Aztlan
Streaming great music from Spirit Voyage!! New playlists, soulfull artists, mantra and magic! Check it out!...
Jrezethebarber Chris Greene by Peta_de_Aztlan
There are more with us than u could ever imagine! PPL, we are not alone.... Keep your minds positive.
Jacque4419 Jacque Mcdonell by Peta_de_Aztlan
Margaret Mead~ The mind is not sex-typed.
Jacque4419 Jacque Mcdonell by Peta_de_Aztlan
Love is the strongest force the world possesses, and yet it is the humblest imaginable.
Jacque4419 Jacque Mcdonell by Peta_de_Aztlan
Chinese Proverb~ A closed mind is like a closed book just a block of wood.
Jacque4419 Jacque Mcdonell by Peta_de_Aztlan
Charles Dickens~ With affection beaming out of one eye and calculation shining out of the other.
Jacque4419 Jacque Mcdonell by Peta_de_Aztlan
Robert Southey~ The loss of a friend is like that of a limb time may heal the anguish of the wound but the loss cannot be repaired.
veganseeds J Muir by Peta_de_Aztlan
Enough of your damn stereotypes. So sick of people who can't deal with reality, use bigoted thinking to box people, experiences in. #fuckoff
earthservant David Wodtke by Peta_de_Aztlan
Teaching a child not to step on a caterpillar is as valuable to the child as it is to the caterpillar. Bradley Millar
Lord, let my personal spiritual growth be submerged in favor of the spiritual growth of all of us as living beings in the cosmos.
RT @GaianCollective: WARNING Issued by European Think Tank on the Deteriorating State of World Affairs.
Obama's back on the hard court _ as spectator > ~GOOD He needs to sit his ass down & see connected reality!
Just added myself to the twitter directory under: #sacramento_ca #love #consciousness #spirit #humane #liberation
Tweet to Self: I thought I told you not to get Strung Out on Twitter All Day! OK... it's stormy outside ;->~~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Remember! RT @JAHnessa: OilSpillDaily is out - read this Twitter newspaper on (161 contributions today)
BOOK: From the Outside Looking in: Experiences in 'Barefoot Economics' ~via Manfred A. Max-Neef > ~
Poverty is no vice. In poverty there is enormous constant creativity with community networks of cooperation and mutual help.
What I have learned from the poor is much more than I learned in the universities. ~MANFRED MAX-NEEF > ~
When you belong, you understand. When you’re separated, you can accumulate knowledge... the function of science. ~MANFRED MAX-NEEF
Sooner or later, you will realize that you will never understand love unless you fall in love. What does that mean? ~MANFRED MAX-NEEF
We have reached a point in our evolution in which we know a lot. We know a hell of a lot. But we understand very little. ~MANFRED MAX-NEEF
Origin of metaphor ~barefoot economics ~economics that an economist who dares to step into the mud must practice. ~MANFRED MAX-NEEF
@JAHnessa Good Morning Again Jahnessa ~Dig your Webssite: Voice In the #Wetlands ~ #FreeLeonardPeltier Now!
Get subversive! RT @SamerGHaddad: Bed Jumping: Subversive Mid-Air Art of Mattress Bouncing ~
Chilean Economist Manfred Max-Neef ~Barefoot Economics, Poverty and Why U.S. Becoming "Underdeveloping Nation" > ~
pixiemona mona by Peta_de_Aztlan
Watch "Incident at Oglala" ~Documentary #film by Robert Redford (90min) #FreePeltier #indigenous #p2
blissedoutjo Jo C by Peta_de_Aztlan
My Mum,a life long Labour Party member said 2day that she feels the party are currently so useless she's considering leaving.
@BE_PURE Hell sometimes I feel like a monarch here. Warm place, food to eat and creature comforts. Everything but the girl.
@oceanshaman Sometimes I admit I first judge by outer appearances when walking down the street. Just try to #mindful ot it.
@BE_PURE To be hungry is not the same as starvation and there are many kinds of hunger and starvation. @Peta_de_Aztlan
Do not be quick to rush to judgment. You are not God! That position has already been taken. Be humble to advance and work on you!
Be the center of the cosmos to yourself since it is your life to be lived of your own free will, but you are not the center to others!
VIA @andreabaker2: Teen texting rules, but adult use soars ~"subversive attractiveness" of sneaking them in: *
RT @mdotwrites: Thinking about the ways in which women of color can produce work rather than just consume. ON BLACK FRIDAY? #subversive.
RT @truthout: Former National Security Advisor on START: "Partisan" GOP Don’t Want to Give Obama "A Foreign... #Truth
@BE_PURE Yes, it is the least we can do ~to be kind to humankind ~sometimes for some it is very hard to do!!!!
RT @JamalDajani: Another peace plan... now proposed by Rabin's son #Israel #Gaza #Palestine
RT @JamalDajani: The Muslim Brotherhood in #Egypt combats a clampdown by security services ahead of elections
Blogpost: November 26, 2010 ~ Verines/Friday~After Day of Mourning > ~ Free Leonard Peltier Now!
We need a 3-D life: Discipline ~ Direction ~ Determination!
Lord let us pray for us to have the courage to change what we can today without cowardly paranoid fear!
We need to cross-over into waging mass struggles for peaceful revolution without paranoid fear. Free Leonard Peltier Now!
Why are people afraid to commit themselves, afraid to get involved, afraid to seize the time? Free Leonard Peltier Now!
Internet Social Networking websites like #Facebook and #Twitter provide an outlet for our energies ~balance and integrate life!
Quotation @trinity0679 ~ Learn from the past, prepare for the future BUT live for today!!!
JamalDajani Jamal Dajani by Peta_de_Aztlan
JamalDajani Jamal Dajani by Peta_de_Aztlan
The gap between the rich & poor in the US widens...and widens
JamalDajani Jamal Dajani by Peta_de_Aztlan
Saddam's Yacht
Remember: More people have a TV in their homes than a Computer with Internet Access. TV is still a Powerful Media.
Now Watching MOSAIC: World News from the Middle East on Cable 17 here now > ~
Let Us Co-Create Streams of Revolutionary Consciousness! Liberate your #Being from any Fascist Hold on your #Mind #Now.
RT @GaianCollective: Many bits of archaic wisdom hold up over time and many do not. Every idea must be held up against the latest findings.
Open Invitation! Let us come together! Join the HELP-Matrix via HumanE Liberation Party> ~
Get Radical ~Utilize Internet Power to raise a new humane revolutionary consciousness #HELP create a global Peaceful #Revolution.
2 All Twitter Co-Creators/Followers: Will try to response to Direct Mentions when tyrant of time permits @Peta_de_Aztlan ~See My Bio
RT @GaianCollective: Informed Citizens Daily. Stories with a birds eye perspective on the Human & Planetary Condition
#Indigenous Peoples in Latin America Unite Against Mining > ~ RT
RT @indigenous_news: #Indigenous Peoples in Latin America Unite Against #Mining > ~
British Novelist John le Carré ~Iraq War, Corporate Power, Exploitation of Africa ~New Novel, "Our Kind of Traitor" >
6:55 AM~PST~Cold , wet, rainy and gloomy outside my 5th Floor Window. Safe and sane in Aztlan sanctuary. We will see what we learn.from Sacramento, CA
GaianCollective Planetary Citizens by Peta_de_Aztlan
"From now on, depressions will be scientifically created." Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh 1913 | Consequence of the Federal Reserve act
GaianCollective Planetary Citizens by Peta_de_Aztlan
"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" -- Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild
AnthonyLawlor AnthonyLawlor by Peta_de_Aztlan
Pre-dawn drumming of rain on the roof, ancient & ever-new. Make what you do like that & you will create something worthwhile. #NaturalDesign
<+>November 27, 2010_Sabbath/Saturday<+>Buenos Dias Familia!~Good Morning Family! Free Leonard Peltier Now! @Peta_de_Aztlan <+>from Sacramento, CA
Love This One VIA @AnthonyLawlor: My fingers emit sparks of fire with expectations of future labors. ~William Blake
Let us pray that we live life as if in a prayer because we practice what we preach to others with humane compassion.
Open Invitation! Let us come together! Join the HELP-Matrix via HumanE Liberation Party> ~
heavyd HEAVY D by Peta_de_Aztlan
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” -Jimi Hendrix
Peter S LopezAbout @Peta_de_Aztlan

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