Comment: This Sunday was a good day for me, they usually are good days when I have a minimum of dumb distractions and drama trauma from others. I am good at creating those things on my own, especially dumb distractions. I realize more and more than I do have at least remnants of OCD and ADHD, though it depends on one's definitions and perceptions of those psychological terms. To me, my past indulgence in chemical substance addiction was a blatant manifestation of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) and with my past 'crank' meth addiction it greatly magnified my ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). What came first the chicken or the egg?
OCD Online Home Page
Understand ADHD
Attention Deficit Disorder Association
In these times I just stay sober, work a progressive recovery program and continue to work on my spiritual growth. I consciously strive to keep life as simple as possible, not complicate matters more than they are, though I know that life is often complicated. In fact, what at first seems complicated is put into a more clear focus once we comprehend certain complexities, yet much of life is complicated in connected reality. The many issues that we face in life cannot be clearly understood in separate isolation but should be understood in relation to other 'issues in question'. Thus, interrelated complexities arise in life that we must be aware of in our lives. The foolish will chuckle but the wise will understand.
I am glad to report that as of November 24 of this year I had six (6) years and five (5) months of physical sobriety, thus, my sobriety date is June 24, 2004. Keep in mind that we can be sober in the physical dimension, yet one can be drunk on one's concentric ego, or drunk off the illusion of power or drunk off one kind of mania or another. Words themselves have built in limitations to describe psycho-social phenomena. So please if you are reading these words try not to get it twisted and jump to conclusions about sobriety, recovery and addicts in general.
I may relapse tomorrow if I falter and fall in my progressive reocvery. That is why those of us who are involved in a process of recovery from drug addiction always say to take it one day at a time! However, as we do so that does not mean that we do not develop practical plans for the future. It means that we do not dwell on the past all the time and are not only in a day dream about the future. Rather we stay in the here and now of this existential magical moment.
We had a great CASA 12-Steps Meeting last night at the Salvation Army (aka: Camp Chaos) that was intense and well attended, especially with brothers from the area Salvation Army ARC (Adult Rehab Center). The term rehab is short for rehabilitation and the etymology of rehab means 'to equip'. Thus, rehab can help equip us to cope with life on life's terms with the practical skills we need to be functional and employable. We have Open CASA 12-Steps Meetings every Sunday at 7 PM at 1200 North 'B' Street at the Salvation Army Emergency Shelter in Sacramento, California.
Related Links~
Today the big trending topic on the Internet, at least from where I sit, was #WikiLeaks and its release of the Secret Embassy Cables or #CableGate ~ SEE:
Indeed, the truth will set us free, set us free of accepted lies, deceptions and falsehoods. Let us be people who tell the truth as we know it in all our communications within our own self and with other peoples. At the same time we must not stubbornly cling to old beliefs when new evidence surfaces that impel us to change our minds about matters. Truth must remain open!
Let us remember each and every day that we must remember our Brother Leonard Peltier ~a Prisoner of War~ and take the time to discuss his continued unjust imprisonment in our conversations and discussions with others in our lives. His case is interconnected with the whole issue of the need to abolish prisoners in general. Caging people does not help to rehab them, fix them or address the core issues involves in why they have become prisoners. Plus, some prisoners are political prisoners of war that are caged with ever having a true trial by their peers. If you know where it is at find a copy of the U.S. Constitution and read it! Venceremos Unidos! ~Your humble blogger, Che Peta
P.S. Feel free to subscribe to this blog. I will try to post onto here on a regular basis. It helps to keep me centered. Sometimes with my own personal issues I tend to get scattered out on the Internet, help monitor several Yahoo Groups, work with other social networking websites, have several other blogs where I post to and am generally busy all the time. Pray for all of us!
Twitter Timeline for November 28, 2010
Get a Twitter Account! Get with the Progam!!/Peta_de_Aztlan@Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez ~ Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Ancient Cosmic Being Who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Come together! Help Create Peaceful Revolution! Raise Cosmic Consciousness! Take Action Now! Be Humane!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
@edwardvirtually Let us pray for the safety, sanity and moments of serenity for Brother Assange #WikiLeaks #cablegate
@edwardvirtually You are right. Old Guard Leftists are quickly becoming irrelevant. I am beyond Left/Right political bi-polarity.
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+> Love the Truth of life~Bless the Transmitters of Truth ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @wikileaks: Australia starts "whole of government" investigation into Julian Assange
Well I am about ready to go to sleep in my little corner of the cosmos. Feel ~mentally drained ~spiritually serene ~physically well
Followers: Update ~TweetDeck ~Click Columns ~Core ~New Followers-- Can Now See Bios of New Followers
Can without beingness RT @AnthonyLawlor: Silence is so vast & mysterious it confounds the mind's ability to analyze it.
RT @Ubabz: Illiterate of 21st century will not be those who cannot read & write but those who cannot learn, unlearn & relearn.~Alvin Toffler
#cablegate Iran May Have Missiles from North Korea, Cables Posted by #WikiLeaks Show > ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
heidiko44 Heide Kolb by Peta_de_Aztlan
Nothing short of a political meltdown for US foreign policy #cablegate v/ @gemswinc @davidhodgson @rainingktula
heidiko44 Heide Kolb by Peta_de_Aztlan
In the beginning there was the word ~ C.G.Jung-The Red Book Reflections:
Study! Cable Viewer: ~The truth will help set us all free! #cablegate #wikileaks @wikileaks
Support @wikileaks ~!/wikileaks ~ ~ #cablegate RT
wikileaks WikiLeaks by Peta_de_Aztlan
Tomorrow's Der Spiegel's cover today:
wikileaks WikiLeaks by Peta_de_Aztlan
Los secretos de la diplomacia de Estados Unidos, al descubierto #cablegate
wikileaks WikiLeaks by Peta_de_Aztlan
LEAK: US Embassy Cables #cablegate
wikileaks WikiLeaks by Peta_de_Aztlan
Cablegate: What's coming up as the weeks go by
wikileaks WikiLeaks by Peta_de_Aztlan
Beyond the spin: WikiLeaks v. State Dep correspondence
@mmnjug We should engage in research and analyses of revelations provided by #WikiLeaks via #CableGate to Educate to Liberate!
Now Follow @BiancaJagger~!/BiancaJagger ~Humane Rights Advocate
BiancaJagger Bianca Jagger by Peta_de_Aztlan
If d US Gov believed 2009 coup in Honduras was "illegal & unconstitutional" why they didn’t help Pres Zelaya #cablegate
BiancaJagger Bianca Jagger by Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @evgenymorozov: WikiLeaks is what happens when the entire US government is forced to go through a full-body scanner #TSA
RT @thelede: Live Update: U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan Says Leak May 'Imperil the Powerless' #WikiLeaks #CableGate
RT @the_hindu: Australian police investigate WikiLeaks’ disclosure of U.S. documents #WikiLeaks
Educate to Liberate! @jeremyscahill @SPIEGEL_English @mmnjug @natecochrane @UnifiedNews @maljunaibi #WikiLeaks #CableGate @Peta_de_Aztlan
Wonder how many people walk down America's streets on the edge of doing something maniacal and homocidal. Who walks by outside now?
8:43 PM ~ We had a good intense CASA 12-Steps Meeting at Salvation Army this evening. Venting ouf anger can be positive for us.
cheekysavant John GilbertGrant by Peta_de_Aztlan
NEWS: Chakra Balancing For Overall Happiness |
@drewsacki Yes, we need to liberate our minds from mass lies spewed by the Amerikan Empire #cablegate
@Diianawww Appreciate RT ~Believe we need to be guided by Spiritual Principles based upon Common Sense #Wisdom
Reply @cheekysavant: Thanks for sharing ~ You know that is big part of the world's problem ~We NEED to share! >
To be #creative in life we must escape from our comfort zone ~take risks ~tempt danger ~advance frontiers.
Recall: 4 Agreements ~1 Be Impeccable with Your Word ~2 Don’t Take Everything Personally ~3 Don’t Make Assumptions ~4 Do Your Best
TweetDeck Support ~ Throttling of search results & mentions when using Twitter realtime streams > ~
RT @JamesKelly: New blogpost : It's in the public interest to understand America's true values - #WikiLeaks #cablegate
We have guided missiles and misguided men. ~Martin Luther King Jr.
Why Do Mexican Workers Head North? - via @therealnews ~rhetorical question?
RT @BE_PURE: The site is free so its not self-promotion but I know that I know that I know is a powerful source.
On TweetDeck Twitter streams for #CableGate and #WikiLeaks are flowing and flooding in My Columns! @Peta_de_Aztlan
#WikiLeaks US officials being instructed to spy on the UN's leadership by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton #Cablegate
BBC News #Wikileaks release of embassy cables reveals US concerns: ~
@VeganBombshell Let us honor and love the beauty of ourselves as we love and honor the beauty of others. @Peta_de_Aztlan
VIDEO ~3:33~ Foggy Morning~via_Peta_de_Aztlan ~ ~
FYI: Sacramento Housing Opportunities ~ ~
Sacramento Housing Authority Opens Housing Wait Lists ~
RT @SacCounty: Sacramento Housing Authority Opens Wait Lists
Pity corrupt control freaks who are fanatics micro-managing while the macro is melting down! #Wikileaks
True RT @JamesVanPraagh: Thoughts are very real, even if we can't see them. They create real & powerful feelings & experiences.
@anuwildantz We have as much claim to a humane civiliation as a pack of wild rabid hyenas ~men love to flatter themselves
VIDEO ~1:17:12~Authors@Google: Slajov Zizek ~Google's NY Office ~his latest book "Violence".> ~
@lurainpenny From long-term evolutionary viewpoint, we are barely out of caves ~already having problems with handling fire!
VIDEO ~1:17:12~9/12/09~ Authors@Google: Slajov Zizek~Discusses his book "Violence" > <
Great News Source! Follow @AJEnglish ~!/ajenglish ~ ~
VIA Al Jazeera ~Are we living in the end times? ~Slavoj Zizek, philosopher and cultural critic > ~
@lurainpenny Trinity of mind-body-soul are essences of a humane being 'in process' of constant change ~evolution prevails
Julian Assange, founder @wikileaks ~release of classified documents will amount to "diplomatic history" of global affairs! #cablegate
Secret US embassy cables revealed - Al Jazeera English: #cablegate
@lurainpenny Overall #Spiituality is more significant than either #Ideology or #Technology. ~Contents in Context
"I think ideology is stronger than technology," says Taliban Abdul Salam Zaeef ~ ~
Amen! RT @democracynow: just released - massive leak of US diplomatic cables by @wikileaks
RT @indigenous_news: Stolen wealth: How Africa feeds Australia via @greenleftweekly
Afghanisnam War is the Vietnam War of this era. Take a stand against Amerikan Empire ~genocide is wrong!
America's Failed War of Attrition in Afghanistan ~by Brother Jeremy Scahill > ~
@Le_DeesseJaana I am single now for once in my life in my own Aztlan Sanctuary ~creative writer in solitude on a good day!
@Aphrodite44 Interesting #777 ~all in good timing ~always feel free to Follow and/or Unfollow ~Prefer a clear Twitter stream
Use hashtag #cablegate for Twitter stream about WikiLeaks and related matters. Click #cablegate ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
@Le_DeesseJaana Yes, it is ill for one to look around in anxiety as to where their 'better-half' is. Be whole unto yourself.
@Aphrodite44 Solitude gives our spirit the time, space and circumstance to just be, to reflect deeply and wonder about life.
Sunday: Activation of Virgo by Moon shifts mass attention from extroverted activity ~Leo Moon~ hermit-like, introverted learning experiences
#cablegate It is patent that Amerikan Empire and other repressive regimes fear the power of truth in minds of the masses.
#cablegate WikiLeaks 'hacked' before release~Modified: 28 Nov 2010 17:32 GMT -Al Jazeera English:
wikileaks WikiLeaks by Peta_de_Aztlan
Please use #cablegate to discuss the pending US Embassy cables release.
@Aphrodite44 Weather in Sacramento is usually pretty nice ~at sea level ~not like 'up the hill' ~foggy today.
Truth Will Prevail ~ RT @JamalDajani: WikiLeaks 'hacked' before release
RT @JAHnessa: OilSpillDaily is out - read this Twitter newspaper on (175 contributions today)
Make a good impression because of the person you actually are, not the person you think others want you to be. Avoid peer-pressure.
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: Blogpost: November 27, 2010 ~ Sabbath/Saturday: ~
The soul guides, the mind commands and the body performs. All three essences working in harmony with each other.
Let us continue to work on our own humane development. Appreciate the diversity of life ~learn to find a kind of fascination in complexity.
When our love is ready the lover appears. Sometimes intimate one-with-one love is just meant for a season for a reason.
If someone else is my better half what does that say about my own self-esteem?
Many people always have to have the 'significant other' with them around all the time or most of the time or they start to be unsettled.
There are great waves of inspiration and revelation that can come to use in our loneliness.
Really? RT @GaianCollective: Humans share 70% of genetic code with sea sponges. ~sponges are good
The truth is that a lot of people live in paranoid fear about being alone ~wrestling with their own inner demons.
A lot of people are operating out of faithless fear and are divorced from the divine love of the Creator of the Cosmos.
Better to be by one's self alone than to be surrounded by a clan of pirates without principles.
Indeed, when we help others we help ourselves in real practical ways, including our own sense of self-esteem.
Love is a primary motivator. It inspires us to live, to make life better and gives us the energy to helps others.
@Aphrodite44 - Behold! What unknown wonders lie within! Love all loving beings.
@Aphrodite44 - Looks comfy. May we all have warm beds. I am on the West Coast in Sacramento.
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On this Sunday Morning, let us pray for us to have the courage to change what we can today without cowardly paranoid fear!
Get Radical ~Utilize Internet Power to raise a new humane revolutionary consciousness #HELP create a global Peaceful #Revolution.
2 All Twitter Co-Creators/Followers: Will try to respond to Direct Mentions when the tyrant of time permits @Peta_de_Aztlan ~C My Bio
Open Invitation! Let us come together! Join the HELP-Matrix via HumanE Liberation Party> ~
Endless Echo: FREE LEONARD PELTIER NOW! ~ ~ VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Amber Alert issued for 3 Michigan brothers ~ Updated:11/28/2010 9:44:02 AM ~ ~
<+>November 28, 2010_Domingo\Sunday<+>Buenos Dias Familia!~Good Morning Family!<+>Let us liberate the day! @Peta_de_Aztlan <+>
WHAT IF what seems far out to us at first blush is actually what has been of us all the time?! Be Honest, Open & Willing to evolve.
A ‘chacaruna’ or “bridge person” is someone who helps people connect with the knowledge of the Cosmos.
Native word ‘yatiri’ in the Aymara language (one of two Inca languages) means healer or shaman.
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