Saturday, December 11, 2010

12-11-2010~ Sabbath~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan


Peter S Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Join Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
One more! RT @NewMindMirror: Double-Edged Sword of Dominance: Top Chimps Tend to Suffer from More Parasites #primates
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Keep the light of truth warming your soul. ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
About time for this crazy Tweeter to go to his sacred corner of the world to meditate for a minute, then venture into the realm of sleep.
@lindahollier I am about to venture onward into vivid images in dreamland. #haiku #twaiku #twitter
RT @lindahollier: Some go off to dream ~ while others are waking up ~ The stream keeps flowing #haiku #twaiku #twitter
@somnidea Blessings are up for you Brother Daniel, your Father and all Truthtellers who suffer persecution in a world governed by liars.
RT @somnidea: I am reminded that it was a *cucunut* salesman. He comes from alternate timeline where it is spelled differently, you see.
RT @somnidea: Dream with following key plot elements: psychotic robot girls, dragons, reality-hopping coconut salesmen, magical noodle soup.
"The role of the intellectual is not to consolidate authority, but to understand, interpret and question it." ~Edward Said
VIA @lindahollier: Independent Intellectual Sphere is Vital to Gulf by @SultanAlQassemi in @TheNationalUAE > <
Read The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily today's top stories are contributed by @prisonreformmvt @peta_de_aztlan
Corruption sweep in Mexico's Michoacan unravels in the courts > <
@FamHealthGuide Family Health Guide by Peta_de_Aztlan
To erase a bad memory, first become a child [NewScientist] - interesting!
@FamHealthGuide Family Health Guide by Peta_de_Aztlan
Even the CIA Doesn't Trust Your Health Care [PsychologyToday]
@joanie399 Nah... after about 6 Years and Half Month I think I will try to stay sober to midnight. Tomorrow we'll see!
@DeepakChopra Deepak Chopra by Peta_de_Aztlan
Inherent in every desire is the mechanics of its fulfillment
Excavating the monastery at Sir Bani Yas island ~
Psalm 17:1 ~Hear the right, O LORD, attend unto my cry, give ear unto my prayer, that goeth not out of feigned lips.
@mychatbox_tweet Last thing I need right now is Information Overload. Not Following you now, but appreciate Invite!
@mychatbox_tweet I am hip. Already got an Account. Want to integrate it with Twitter, my main social networking platform.
#Criminal #Gangs 10 killed & 18 Injured in Gang Violence in southwest #Mexico, government says < >
@mike_barber Do not underestimate Sarah Palin! She gots you Tweeting about her! She knows where certain buttons and triggers are.
Life... It takes what it takes, makes what is makes and shakes what it shakes. Just to survive each day is a true victory!
@steevesamslife 8:18 PM ~So glad that my old days of rage, anger and hate are over ~worse enemies were hidden within all this time.
@mychatbox_tweet Me with my OCD remnants I joined up ~ ~Gracias @Peta_de_Aztlan
@ReThePeople #Assange should use his time wisely in prayer, meditation and soul-searching introspection.
@OrBVIOUS66 My Life-Energy has mainly been concentrated within a grid of square blocks in downtown Sacramento. Still waters run deep.
#Assange apparently is occupying same cell at Wandsworth where Oscar WIlde stayed for several months in 1895. > <
@seanbedlam Maybe the Revolution is not being televised, but I assure you it is going to be Tweeted! ;->~~
RT @BJTuininga: 15 year old girl Sharise Sutherland Kayseas goes missing
RT @BJTuininga: United Urban Warrior Society's 1st Annual "Lakota Kids" Christmas Party
RT @BJTuininga: Historical Video of The Long Walk For SURVIVAL 1980
@OrBVIOUS66 Thank you! / Gracias! Life has been a long and winding road for me with lots of twists and turns. Fascinating!
You find in your path upon Mother Earth that it is easier to live without the rage, poison and negative energy of hate.
As for me, I am consciously striving to lose my capacity for hate towards any single individual mortal. Is Hitler in Heaven?
@ReThePeople I Love POTUS Clinton ~He should of pardoned Leonard Peltier before left office, Guilty or Not! Time served! Enough!
I mainly use Social Networking websites to share information, post news articles, help spread awareness and raise spiritual consciousness.
VIDEO [14:55] 11/29/2010 ~VIA SPREADTHISINFO2 #WikiLeaks: #CableGate 4/4 > <
VIDEO [9:52] 11/29/2010 ~VIA SPREADTHISINFO2 #WikiLeaks: #CableGate 3/4 > <
VIDEO [11:15] 11/29/2010 ~VIA SPREADTHISINFO2 #WikiLeaks: #CableGate 2/4 > <
VIDEO [8:45] 11/29/2010 ~VIA SPREADTHISINFO2 #WikiLeaks: #CableGate 1/4 > <
@BJTuininga Betty Tuininga by Peta_de_Aztlan
Important News From the United Urban Warrior Society / A.I.M. Black Hills Chapter.
@BJTuininga Betty Tuininga by Peta_de_Aztlan
URGENT! Your Letters & Calls needed immediately to prevent destruction of OXFORD, AL Sacred Site!
VIA @seanbedlam VIDEO [1:34] Cablegate and the (nice work anonymous) > <
VIDEO [4:19] ~ VIA RTAmerica ~ Aliens shot down California missile > <
RT @uruknet: MUST READ: The Streets of Baghdad by @asraranwar #iraq
VIA @JulianAssange_:# Wikileaks News: Release 'deplorable': Obama ~supporters called for demonstrations > <
VIA @abdul_mumin VIDEO [8:56] ~ Earth's Interstellar Starfleet or a Unknown Alien Species ~or spoof? < >
Watching #CNN on Cable-TV~ Life among U.S. enemies: Embedded with the #Taliban > <
To All Followers: Feel free to Follow or Unfollow anyone at anytime as often as you want. Remember, it is YOUR Twitter!
@RayBeckerman If you do not now, I recommend you Follow @indigenous_news: #indigenous
In connected reality, pretending to be totally transparent or colorblind is either just pretending or manipulative.
@tari_muntasir It's Sabbath Saturday on my planet, but thanks for thought! #Wednesdays #Twitter #Warlock
RT @uruknet: @cliffyleaks Send Card 2 Julian Assange ~c/o H.M. Prison Wandsworth ~PO Box 757 Heathfield Road ~Wandsworth, London SW18 3HS
@parkstepp Yeah... gotta extract myself from the Tweeter Needle!
RT @democracynow: Send us video on your community radio/TV station & why broadcasting DN! is important to your city. INFO
Take for deep meditation! ~ siesta dog nap! ;->~~
@parkstepp A lot of American character defects came from early Europeans, including from the 'noble' Spaniards. More bad karma.
4.9 magnitude shaker near US border @ 4:52 AM ~depth SIX miles ~zone parallel well-known San Andreas fault > <
@parkstepp Karma from Amerikan Holocaust ~cultural genocide of native indigenous people ~early chattel slave trade of Africans etc.
33-year-old woman ~4 children in car ~50 pounds cocaine in spare tire ~arrested attempting cross into U.S. > <
Mother with four children in car arrested, accused of carrying cocaine across U.S.-Mexico border > <
4.9-magnitude #quake rattles U.S.-Mexico border~December 11, 2010 | 10:38 am > <
Officials fine Mexican hotel where Canadians were killed ~relax, gas line explosion! > <
Hell, let me go look at how screwed up the world is in other countries via Google News. Living here has its dreams and nightmares!
@parkstepp Like Rodney King saw. We had better learn how to get along for it to get any better. Can't blame gov't for everything!!!
@parkstepp Just the murder rates, the suicide rates, the addiction rates, the spousal abuse rates etc. We're stuck with each other!
@parkstepp Just the idea a foreign leader wanting to take America over is absurd. We are good at destroying each other already.
@parkstepp As my ex-hooker friend says, "It all comes up in the wash." We are as sick as the secrets we hide from the light of truth.
@parkstepp Tipping point. Love Twitter ~stream of global consciusness. #WikiLeaks is 'a cleansing' with the truth revealed to all.
So surprised we have not really suffered a rash of suicide bombers yet in our malls ~we are already good at committing suicide here!
@parkstepp Yeah, America is a crazy country. That's why I fit in here as a Crazy Chicano! Ya gotta be 'poco loco' to stay sane here!
@parkstepp Yeah, no one in their right mind wants to take over America! Hell, I am sure we give Obama nightmares as it is!
@prettygunwoman Imagine Sleeper Cells don't mind blowing us up into scattered body parts, but sure as hell do not want to deal with us!
@parkstepp Yep, whole country needs time on the couch ~inferiority complex since 'Nam ~warped American male ego ~hates losing!
Keep in mind that no sane set of foreign government leaders even want to invade and take over America and deal with its people!
@parkstepp I criticize and bitch a lot about America because I know how much better it can be ~key strength is its diversity!
Americans are a very ungrateful apathetic people, then I have lived all my life only in the Brain of the Beast! Count blessings!
My local Lebanese store man says, "Why complain? Nobody care, nobody llisten. Just glad to wake up and smell air!" Cool guy.
@OwlsAsylum Yes, the whole American educational system is in deep trouble ~ask my beautiful Profesora @ileducprof #Education
All~ If Americans really knew their Bill of Rights they would support right of WikiLeaks to express Truth more than Obama Regime.
@OwlsAsylum Sadly, most Americans have no clue about contents of U.S. Constitution & Bill of Rights. It's not written on the US flag!
FYI: CONUS= Continental United States + OCONUS= Outside the Continental United States ~via CIA-Military Lexicon
@OwlsAsylum ...Amerians have a distorted false field of power relationships. I own no N-bombs, planes, tanks, troops and not one drone!
@OwlsAsylum Americans needs knowledge of true history, world geography and basic science. Way behind other countries, though most >
@kacike1931 Most #Americans cannot agree with concept of Open Borders when Corporate Masters Cross Borders constantly ~CLICK!
@OwlsAsylum It seems Americans have to learn world geography by U.S. Gov't having foreign wars costing BILLION$$$! #Drug_War
@OwlsAsylum Regrettably ~much as I love #American patriots, most cannot fathom outside of CONUS (CONtinental United Stats) #Drug_War
@OwlsAsylum Interconnections with ~#Afghan War #Opium #Poppy Fields #Drug_War and #Mineral resources in Afghanisnam & USA..
FYI: Just send an Email via TweetDeck to friend in Jerusalem. 1st time I did that. Some folks I know are not on the #Tweet Level. Go figure.
@OwlsAsylum I work with homeless addicts in recovery and have personal experience about #Drug_Wars ~major interconnections!
@OwlsAsylum Google #Drug_War ~ U.S. citizens are biggest consumers of ALL DRUGS ~Multi-Billions of Dollars involved
#Amnesty ~ Judge Orders Woman Adopted from #Mexico at 5 Months Old to be Deported > <
The #Twitter Revolution vs #Facebook #Marketing - via @Peta_de_Aztlan
Shabbat Shalom - Jerusalem: shabbat shalom 10.12.10: ~via my old cyber sister Dr. Linda
@OwlsAsylum La Familia has positive aspects too. ~Not all dark ~Powerful in California Prison System ~Mexico corrupt #Drug_War
@sheponderings Good Morning! I am a humane activist and online reporter. Follow Radicals!
#Drug_War ~ Mexican government: Slain drug lord was 'spiritual leader' of cartel ~La Familia > <
@seanbedlam What have you written? What are revolutionary implications of comedy? Can I use it in my stage act? ;->~~
@lovelylight09 ~Thanks for Follow Now ~Open Invitation! Join HELP-Matrix via HumanE Liberation Party > <
Now Follow @MALDEF ~!/MALDEF ~ ~Amnesty Now! No Borders!
@CoryBooker Cory Booker by Peta_de_Aztlan
It is in life's darkest moments that we discover within ourselves an inextinguishable light.
@colsonwhitehead colson whitehead by Peta_de_Aztlan
Tip: Don't think of it as "writing pages." Think of it as "making new friends who are made out of words."
@docmarion Marion Ross PhD by Peta_de_Aztlan
Forgive & let go. Don't waste your savings acct of energy on negative thoughts, behaviors. #Shift
@docmarion Marion Ross PhD by Peta_de_Aztlan
Am I crazy or Psychic? The Shift Doctors Speak on Psychosis Versus Awakening Intuition -
@docmarion Marion Ross PhD by Peta_de_Aztlan
Forgiveness is a funny thing. It warms the heart and cools the sting. - William A. Ward
RT @proparations: aol instant messenger buddies, my new main screen name is: roadblockradioop. #skype name is the same. add me!! ***
RT @usamasheriff: Obama honors Nobel winner with statement about himself
RT @indigenous_news: Bangladesh: Army biggest violator of #indigenous people's rights
Always good stuff ~RT @AnthonyLawlor: Living in Matter As Energy, fresh post,
RT @indigenous_news: Colombia: Guaviare #indigenous report being forced to leave their territory #FARC
RT @truthout: Can Union Solidarity Trump Tea Party Rage? #Truthout #p2 #p2b
RT @AJEnglish: US envoy Holbrooke critically ill: US special representative to Afghanistan and Pakistan is critical...
RT @AJEnglish: Kosovo prepares for historic poll: Sunday's parliamentary polls to be territory's first since...
#hackers Thousands download LOIC software for #Anonymous attacks - but are they making a difference? > <
#Cablegate After 12 days of #WikiLeaks cables, the world looks on US with new eyes > <
#WikiLeaks FounderJulian Assange supporters plan protests worldwide ~Detention of Assange is focus today > <
Co-Creators: Meet the New Twitter: ~Have A Tweet Day! @Peta_de_Aztlan
Let us pray for those lost between the left and right who need to find the balanced centered truth within the Sacred Spirit.
Let us pray for those who wander the wide world over searching for the Holy Grail yet have not found it in the heart's blood.
Let us pray that we put down our burdens, release our resentments and nurture all our close personal relationships in life.
Let us pray that we have the courage to reach out and help the neighbor who needs help right next door yet is afraid to ask.
Let us pray for all the haters in the world who need to know that life is really love-motivated and often what we make it.
Let us pray that we use social media to encourage each other, to uplift each other with sincere expressions from the heart.
Let us pray for our Brother Leonard Peltier that he be freed someday soon to enjoy the simple company of his loving family.
Let us pray for our Brother Julien Assange that he be imbued with inner inspiration and humbled by his time in the real Frontline.
Let us pray for all those too proud to pray, too busy to pray, too smart to pray ~yet devoid of any divine purpose in life.
Let us pray for the caged prisoner in solitary confinement who believes that no one prays for him as he prays upon bended knees.
Let us pray for the spiritual healing and good health of all those stricken with the affliction of addiction.
Let us pray for all the wishes wished by children upon dandelions with a single sweet blow on Spring mornings to come true.
Let us pray for believers in the Divine Creator in troubled times when many are blind believers in great smiling deceivers!
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 12-10-2010 Twitter Timeline @ Peta_de_Aztlan: via @addthis
The Secret of Oz - English - [1:50:49] > < ~Fascinating History @Peta_de_Aztlan
Echo: "What is to give light must endure burning." ~Viktor Frankl > <
Let us pray as spiritual beings that we are awake, aware and pay attention to connected reality here now.
Let us pray we can meet our family's basic survival needs: good food, proper clothing, decent shelter, health care and quality education.
Echo: The Four Agreements 1> Be Impeccable With the Word 2> Don’t Take Everything Personally 3> Don’t Make Assumptions 4> Do Your Very Best
Follow Now @PeltierHQ ~!/PeltierHQ ~Official Site ~Free Leonard Peltier Now!
<+>December 11, 2010 Sabbath<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Let love reign! @Peta_de_Aztlan <+> Namaste, Che Peta

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