12-12-2010 Sunday~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
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About @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez
@Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution!
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<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Don’t take life too serious! What you don’t get now, you can catch next time! @Peta_de_Aztlan
YouTube - Sting with Chris Botti - Tomorrow We'll See Part 2, Symphonicity Tour,Hollywood Bowl LA 6/15/10: http://bit.ly/eQUn4U ~
'Tomorrow We'll See' via Sting ~ http://bit.ly/eAygTv
But what do I know? I'm just a crazy ol' dope fiend and drunk trying to stay out of the way and stay straight until midnight!
When I see world leaders I often wonder about what kind of character defects and untreated illnesses they are spreading to others.
@sarakh7 Yes, a basic 12-Steps Program has been a key integral part of my Spiritual Liberation Program for a long time now.
At one level or another ~to one degree or another~ we require progressive recovery today to strengthen our core character values.
VIA @JulianAssange_: Break News: Julian Assange wined and dined at US Embassy cocktail party less than year ago > http://bit.ly/egWEGK <
We who have been raised in a sick, insane and inhumane society cannot help but be infected by widespread social sickness.
Many people are injured, the walking wounded, spreading untreated mental disorders and spiritual diseases to others around them.
Every day people of wisdom should do a Daily Inventory of themselves ~have the courage to engage in constructive self-criticism.
Consciously working a basic 12-Steps Program can help us be aware of areas for self-improvement to build up our character in life.
Unchecked core character defects by authority figures 'in power' can have negative impacts on people on a larger social level.
We can learn to consciously self-control the most gross manifestations of base character defects ~yet remain imperfect beings.
Character defects are obstacles to the evolution of Spiritual Growth ~also known as the Seven Deadly Sins > http://bit.ly/bJOys8 <
Arrogance ~false pride~ is a character defect. Too proud to learn from others, too proud to learn from admitting our own mistakes.
Sloth is a character defect. A basic laziness that can deprive us of self-esteem from fulfilling tasks ~taking care of business,
Many stricken with the authoritarian syndrome suffer from a depraved lust for power, lust for social control, lust always for more.
Lust is a character defect. In the sexual sphere is can actually rob us of the full enjoyment of sensuous sexuality in intimacy.
Greed is a character defect, along with others. Greed is often at the root of wars and regional conflicts. Greed maims and kills.
People deeply involved in a 12-Steps Programs are more aware of the negatives of character defects and shortcomings than others.
Every Sunday I facilitate a CASA-12 Steps Meeting at Local Salvation Army Shelter ~ I am blessed to do so for others and myself.
Afghanistan Suicide Bomber Kills 6 NATO Troops > http://huff.to/eRi6kg via @huffingtonpost
Report: Jailed #Afghan drug lord was CIA-DEA informant: > http://bit.ly/eNAfdS <
VIDEO [2:43] 12/07/2010 ~ Foreign fighters bolster Taliban > http://youtu.be/jldW2biiAGI <
12/08/2010 ~VIDEO: Gaunt, Scared American Hostage ~Bowe Bergdahl~ Appears In New Taliban Video > http://abcn.ws/gQTsLH <
VIA @CNN: Life among U.S. enemies: Embedded with the #Taliban ~by Norwegian Journalist Paul Refsdal > http://bit.ly/fMEIUa <
VIDEO [13:23] ~12/11/2010~ Frost over the World - #WikiLeaks and Julian #Assange > http://youtu.be/duh7eSBnVZE <
Mexicans march in support of 'Craziest' Kingpin Nazario Moreno,> http://bit.ly/e9QS49 <
@uruknet Appreciate your work in raising awareness ~as we work on our own raising. So many levels and areas to explore. @Peta_de_Aztlan
Come Check Out Open CASA 12-Steps Meeting Every Sunday @7 PM ~Salvation Army Emergency Shelter~1200 North B Street~Sacramento, CA
El Paso, Texas ~Alleged drug trafficker extradited by #Mexico to US > http://bit.ly/glxfUP <
Echo: #WikiLeaks Disclose Complicated U.S. Strategy By William Pfaff > http://bit.ly/gcqOIG < Control freaks in chaos!
VIA @JulianAssange_: #Wikileaks rival plans Monday launch after internal split, founders say > http://bit.ly/fquzzC <
Huge Bomb Kills 6 U.S. Soldiers in #Afghanistan > http://nyti.ms/fsij9K <
#Jesus' Great-Grandmother Identified ~Medieval legends > http://bit.ly/hfkTWz <
@dredeyedick History is much about the rising and falling of Empires and their civilizations ~the Amerikan Empire too shall fall.
@dredeyedick Yeah... the EVIL EMPIRE! They are always plotting, planning and conniving...Reminds me of METH Monsters! ;->~~
Interesting ~ Why attackers can't take down Amazon.com > http://bit.ly/gObh2s <
Start a camp fire ~keep the fire burning ~create conversations around it ~open discussions ~talking circles ~meetings of minds
RT @fuTuRe_sHOcK: 'Capitalism died decades ago - about the time the Fed was formed. We've had Corporate fascism ever since.'
@TheMuffinGroper Amerikan Empire generates its own systemic haters ~unjust wars ~killer drones ~control freaks ~bloody history
@TheMuffinGroper America already has BILLIONS of people either hating it or with deep distrust of its underlying motives.
How dare anyone call a man, woman or child whose blood descendants have been here for millenniums an ILLEGAL ALIEN CRIMINAL!
@M0AB Myself, I do not assume Internet will remain intact as it is now. There are already subtle Google-inspired changes going on.
Remember these lands you call America were first inhabited by indigenous native peoples, not by any descendants of Europeans.
We are moving towards a unified world ~where people will have to learn to work together, respect each other and help each other.
We should LINK UP while we can ~exchanging Names, Emails, Addresses, Phone Numbers and Contact Information off the Grid
@dredeyedick We can be sure the Dark Forces of Amerikan Empire hate us crossing borders via Internet Power with a CLICK!
VIA @heidiko44: Blogpost 'Money or Love' by Eve Neuhaus > http://bit.ly/g4SeSj <
@greennature2 In the future ~if we have one~ there will be no frozen borders, false walls or petty divisions among Earth people.
@greennature2 Gracias for RT. I wonder where all these 'We Are One' Spiritual Leaders are at on Amnesty Now!? No Borders!
With #Dream Act shelved, immigrants look to 2012 > http://bit.ly/hz35py <
How Muslims Killed Dracula http://goo.gl/fb/xsUnN GrandeStrategy.com
Business lobby braces for new world under Gov. Jerry Brown: http://bit.ly/fxw3T5 ~New Brown in town!
Road to Recovery: California economy inches back up – except for hiring - VIA Sacramento Bee: http://bit.ly/gphZ6q ~
#Blizzard rocks US Midwest, East Coast braces > http://bit.ly/eQ4KgF <
You must heed your Calling ~You must find and fulfill your Mission ~You are here now for a Purpose ~You are you ~Be whole!
You are here to live up to the highest expectations of yourself ~You alone are living your life ~You must come to a decision
Every day when you arise you must be born anew ~You must experience a Spiritual Awakening ~Live Life and Honor your Truth!
Just as faith without works is dead, wisdom without skillful action is only accumulated knowledge. What good is it in life?
What good is it if you DOWNLOAD all the wisdom of the world if you lack the courage to TAKE ACTION NOW in your personal life?
You must stand up for the power of the truth ~as you know it~ in any forum on any platform or you yourself are living a lie.
Break away from any alliegiance to any flag ~rebel against the Republic ~oppose any unjust nation ~question your false Gods!
What good is the truth ~no matter how much revelation it has~ if we do not stand up for the truth and act upon the truth now!
We will see ~if we dare to look~ that we are the ones who really need to engage in constructive creative change, not 'them'!
Comprehend cosmos ~ grasp global ~ look local ~seek truth ~be open to learning ~treasure truth ~love all people ~hate no one
Do you ever get the feeling ~in relation to the goverment~ that no one is really in charge? Recall: billion of dollars are missing!!!
Count on your own courage, a small nucleus of trusted comrades. Do not count on government relief from problems they created.
Begin with yourself. Raise your level of revolutionary education. Revolution is the ultimate solution, not economic reforms.
Do not compromise basic principles! There can be a very thin line between principled compromises and compromised principles.
We will go nowhere without radical revolutionary organizations led by vanguard elemeents and armed with the truth.
#Mexico's drug gangs aim at new target teachers > http://bit.ly/gm7ueB <
POTUS Obama tries to repair #WikiLeaks damage > http://usat.ly/hgGQQG <
LINK: Indoleaks.org > http://www.indoleaks.org/ <
#IndoLeaks Site Claims to Have Dirt on Nixon, Suharto, Munir > http://bit.ly/eAW5lc <
VIA @wikileaks ~#Indoleaks Touts Revealing #WikiLeaks Documents, But Technical Problems Persist > http://bit.ly/fU2H1g <
#SeekSunday @wikileaks @somnidea @ImABlackPoem @MrStormE @ileducprof @oceanshaman @PrisonReformMvt @truthout @NewMindMirror #Follow #Now
Not a shock to me! RT @NewMindMirror: 40 million Americans drive drunk or drugged--survey http://su.pr/18Itww
RT @wikileaks: Democracy Now - Daniel Ellsberg: Julian Assange is Not a Terrorist | http://is.gd/iCtgG
RT @livingtweets: Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak … sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go.
@PeaceLeadership: My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness. ~The Dalai Lama
RT @PrisonReformMvt: Special report in new issue of The American Prospect: Mass Incarceration in America http://fb.me/NB0tSmLq
RT @BJTuininga: The Lakota of PineRidge make beautiful Star quilts for special occasions... Have materials to share? http://bit.ly/d6Xc8p
RT @USNewsEducation: Best Careers 2011 is live today! Be sure to keep these jobs in mind when picking a #college major. http://goo.gl/Lfk1A
Let us use #Twitter to share important information, post news articles, help spread awareness and raise spiritual consciousness.
Follow Now @PeltierHQ ~ http://twitter.com/#!/PeltierHQ ~Official Site http://www.whoisleonardpeltier.info/ ~Free Leonard Peltier Now!
Echo: The Four Agreements 1> Be True to Your Word 2> Don’t Take Everything Personally 3> Don’t Make Assumptions 4> Do Your Very Best
Let us pray we can meet our family's basic survival needs: good food, proper clothing, decent shelter, health care and quality education.
Let us pray as spiritual beings that we are awake, aware and pay attention to connected reality here now.
Echo: "What is to give light must endure burning." ~Viktor Frankl > http://bit.ly/oGC2A <
Let us pray for the spiritual healing and good health of all those stricken with the affliction of addiction.
Let us pray for the caged prisoner in solitary confinement who believes that no one prays for him as he prays upon bended knees.
Let us pray for all those too proud to pray, too busy to pray, too smart to pray ~yet devoid of any divine purpose in life.
Let us pray for our Brother Leonard Peltier that he be freed someday soon to enjoy the simple company of his loving family.
Yes! RT @heidiko44: “Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind.” -- Eric Hoffer via @Help0thers:
Open Invitation! Join HELP-Matrix via HumanE Liberation Party > http://help-matrix.ning.com/ <
<+>December 12, 2010 Sunday<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Let truth shine! @Peta_de_Aztlan <+> Namaste, Che Peta
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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