http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Join Humane-Liberation-Party!
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Tomorrow Monday. Have demons and dragons to slaughter! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
@ASacred_Monster Thank God I am sober... I was way worse in my 'meth monster' days.
@Yticilef That would depend on who you say Namaste towards. I do not use it on everybody and am not an illusionist.
VIDEO [13:38] 12/16/2010 ~Veterans for Peace White House Civil Disobedience to End War > http://youtu.be/tOde31QYbI0 ~RT
@todayspolitics Todays Politics by Peta_de_Aztlan
131 US Veterans and Peace Activists Arrested for Peaceful Protest (inclding Daniel Ellsberg) #politics http://bit.ly/eF5Tad
RT @ishtarmuz: RT @todayspolitics: 135 Veterans Arrested at White House Protest #politics http://bit.ly/dSTz3s
@ASacred_Monster Cool. Wish I was there to watch it with you, but with my occasional ADHD it would be hard!
About time to scurry to my corner of the cosmos under the blankets ~heavy rainstorms here in Sacramento about all weekend.
@Femimikiki Yeah, some folks would Namaste in their Signatures ~Love it ~ http://bit.ly/QYIuO ~
@ishtarmuz I do a Special List for Subversive! Shhh... don't leak to Homeland Security!
RT @heidiko44: One's psyche can be stimulated only by those #myths akin to one's nature, history & personality ~ Lopez-Pedraza #cgjung
VIA @AJEnglish: S Korea begins live-fire drills: Seoul ~military drills despite UN worries ~threats from North. http://aje.me/gzAtHl ~
RT @AJEnglish: Belarus president re-elected: Amid violent protests and cries of corruption... http://aje.me/h7iNUz
@shaystew We should not reject something just because it is strange, controversial or beyond our experience. How do we learn?
FYI: Meaning of Namaste~ http://bit.ly/QYIuO ~
RT @leysanargo: If you do not think about the future, you cannot have one http://bit.ly/fAlQuD ~We should know who we are in the present 1st
@ARenaissanceMan Thank You. I appreciate your appreciation. Have lived a lot of life. Still waters run deep.
@shamanswell Any 'feelings' about the next few days? Lunar Eclipse and all. Am concerned about Korea ~large bodies of water.
@ARenaissanceMan But I have learned how to use my zipper! ;->~~
@ARenaissanceMan Truth be known. For a long time I had a 'weakness' for beautiful women. You live, you learn or crash and burn.
RT @Emperor_Bob: It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. ~Aristotle
@ARenaissanceMan Addiction implies an imbalance. There is no sane solvent addiction. There is use, abuse and addiction.
Reply @repairgirl: http://tiny.ly/FOdd CIA World Fact Book= Iran consumed 132.1(10^9) kwh of electricity in 2003
Sunday, Dec. 19, 2010~The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily~shared by PETER S LOPEZ + 40 followed people on Twitter: http://paper.li/Peta_de_Aztlan
Love it! RT @danpimre: I favorited a YouTube video -- Joe Cocker - You Are So Beautiful http://youtu.be/spsVigJCvNU
I feel an opening in the Cosmos tonight. I feel that no matter what it is all going to be alright. We will win! Venceremos!
Cool. Fabio won on Survivor Nicaragua! The youngest at 21-years so far. Pretty smart youth after all. St. Louis, Missouri
@repairgirl You have a noble and worthy occupation. This world needs a lot of repairing, some irreparable aspects.
@_Woman_health Good health is the greatest wealth. Let us help heal the world as we heal ourselves.
Follow you @Peak_Performer There is no real Superman. How do you live your life in helping people? Curious.
Follow you @shamanswell ~ http://www.shamanswell.org/ ~Let us work on healing together! @Peta_de_Aztlan
@TamekaDaras3511 I am trying to not be arrogant or judgmental. Am Following you now, as you Follow me.
Follow @amotherworld Maria Lianos~Toronto Area, Canada Publish www.amotherworld.com, write for @BabbleCelebrity. Writer, mom of two
@TravelSherpa Your Tata (grandpa) looks interesting ~ http://bit.ly/gJNKRO
@TamaraSingh25 FYI: @Peta_de_Aztlan= Peta is Pachuco for 'a rope hard to cut + Aztlan is Nahuatl word for ‘people from Aztlan’
@averitorres Averi Torres by Peta_de_Aztlan
"The final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands." ~ Anne Frank ~Anne Frank
@averitorres Averi Torres by Peta_de_Aztlan
Learn to speak love w/o your voice, but with your heart. NOW is the time to listen, feel & see w/your heart. http://bit.ly/14fC2E
@averitorres Averi Torres by Peta_de_Aztlan
"You can not lift another by lowering yourself. Claim your Divinity & soar in that knowledge." ~Averi Torres http:/bit.ly/14fC2E
@averitorres Prophecy can help us give us the drive and power of belief to fulfill a positive prophecy.
@averitorres "I believe the success in prophecy is our ability to change what I see." ~Averi Torres
@LAtherapist Appreciated your blogpost Therapist as Shaman, though I am neither > http://bit.ly/flEm1A ~
7:13 PM ~ Watching Finale of Survivor: Nicaragua > http://www.cbs.com/primetime/survivor/
@Sweetie3012 Sweetie by Peta_de_Aztlan
Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.
@Sweetie3012 Sweetie by Peta_de_Aztlan
Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.
@Sweetie3012 Sweetie by Peta_de_Aztlan
True intelligence operates silently. Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found.
Joe Biden Calls WikiLeaks Chief Julian Assange A 'High-Tech Terrorist' > http://huff.to/dJEFys via @huffingtonpost
Pump up the volume! Congress gives local, independent radio stations the go-ahead > http://huff.to/g4fIZV via @huffingtonpost
@LAtherapist James Walton by Peta_de_Aztlan
I posted a new blog on Therapist As Shaman. Check it out - http://tiny.ly/tNrV
Struggles Remain for Gay-Rights Proponents > http://on.wsj.com/es8qq0 ~
12-20-2010 ~UN Security Council fails reach agreement on Korean crisis, Russia insists UN mediation > http://bit.ly/gKvH82 ~
@Femimikiki Suspect some of us are becoming more telepathic ~picking up psychic thoughts, sensations, vibrations
South Korea Insists on Artillery Drills Monday > http://nyti.ms/faXWDu ~Got your helmet?
03/04/2008 ~A Wave of Watch List, and Speech Disappears > http://nyti.ms/hjVXj3 ~Who remembers?
VIA @JulianAssange_ US has way to shut down #Wikileaks, infamous SDN list > http://bit.ly/9XioAq ~
RT @hrw: DR Congo: Rogue Leaders, Rebels Forcibly Recruit Youth > http://bit.ly/fATTaf ~
VIA @JulianAssange_: #WikiLeaks' Julian Assange angry his rape charge police report was leaked: http://nydn.us/eN2CUT ~
#Iran forces on alert as economic 'surgery' begins ~fuel prices surged 400 percent Sunday > http://bit.ly/guCweV ~
@somnidea So much has happened in history that impacts on current events since 2006 ~More to be revealed in weeks to come.
@somnidea Better to fight with utmost resistance knowing that repression breeds further resistance ~heightens contradictions
RT @somnidea: "I think he just has a tendency to follow the path of highest resistance, simply for the sake of defiance."
Under the U.S. Supreme Court: #WikiLeaks, the Espionage Act and the media > http://bit.ly/flaz47 ~
VIA @papakelt: Joe Biden calls Julian Assange a 'hi-tech terrorist' > http://bit.ly/h70tLQ #WikiLeaks
RT @HuffingtonPost: The 13 Products most likely to be made by child or forced labor http://huff.to/h0cwdp
Word Power: Define Amerikan warlords and Amerikan terrorists in foreign countries as freedom fighters and counter-terrorists!
Trivia Question: Who said, "Create, control and update the dictionary and you impact definitions and perceptions of reality?"
VIA @heidiko44: We have reached a point in our history where lies are protected speech and the truth is criminal. ----> John Perry Barlow
@papakelt Yeah, we Americans have to make war with certan countries to improve our knowledge of world geography! ;->~~
@M0AB Homeland Security - CIA has not busted down my door yet! So they would have to drag me away from my keyboard!
@M0AB Sometimes I wonder how many Tweeters slow down enough to actually CLICK LINKS! I guess posting keeps me out of trouble! ;->~~
Riot Police Attack Belarus Opposition > http://nyti.ms/h7okWv ~Where is Belarus? GOTO > http://bit.ly/lcBwq ~
I hope my posting Global News via Twitter is of information/education use to others here on Twitter. Give me Feedback! @Peta_de_Aztlan
We need to build up a strong People's Mass Media Matrix that will utilize an array of different websites using Internet Power.
12/19/2010-Update 1645 GMT ~14 Afghan soldiers, police killed in two separate attacks > http://bit.ly/dEUbxP ~
@oso David Sasaki by Peta_de_Aztlan
Guatemala's murder rate is currently 4x that of Mexico: http://j.mp/guyM7d
HELP-Matrix Blog: LINK: Wikileaks,the Espionage Act, and the Constitution - C-SPAN Video Library: http://bit.ly/gu9grD ~
@1ideaatatime American Dream was just that ~a dream, an ideal never fully realized by masses. We live in a global nightmare!
C-SPAN Video Library [3 hrs, 14 mins] #Wikileaks,the #Espionage Act, and the #Constitution: http://cs.pn/e775qv ~RT
RT @democracynow: Check out our complete coverage of #Wikileaks, including embassy cables, #Iraq & #Afghanistan war logs. http://ow.ly/3qLUq
RT @cure__diabetes: Help raise awareness for diabetes. Visit http://file2give.org to file tax return. 100% profits 2 charities ~Check 1st
12/19/2010 ~ US Drones Slaughter 54 In Pakistan By Bill Van Auken > http://bit.ly/hapsgD ~
@phildr Being Type II Diabetes I take no medication ~watch diet/nutrition ~abstrain from alcohol ~work out/Yoga ~meditation
@phildr Some of these diseases can be so complex ~connected to whole being, even mental-spiritual states ~improving blood glucose control
Matthew Hoh’s Afghanistan: An Insider Talks > http://bit.ly/g2PjXq ~
Watching great program on C-SPAN on WikiLeaks: The Espionage Act & The Constitution
RT @mparent77772: Definite cure for diabetes found > http://bit.ly/h2728E ~Hope this works, I am Type II Diabetic
VIA @mparent77772: Haiti's Structural Crisis > http://bit.ly/heOPGl ~strategy install unpopular René Préval was well planned
RT @mparent77772: Psychopaths in suits http://bit.ly/eZmtcO ~Beware! Psychopaths endear themselves to victims ~bond quickly
12/19/2010~ PFC Bradley Manning Within His Rights To Give Secrets To Wikileaks By Sherwood Ross > http://bit.ly/dSpalM ~
VIA @mparent77772: From Bush to Obama - America's Fiscal Collapse > http://bit.ly/hj2cmU ~
Rare Event: Upcoming Full Moon to Align With Solstice > http://yhoo.it/g9xNXr ~
VIA NASA Science News ~Tuesday-December 21, 2010~Solstice Lunar Eclipse > http://bit.ly/ezkaiD ~
#SeekSunday @JulianAssange_ @heidiko44 @AJEnglish @wikileaks @indigenous_news @truthout @mparent77772 @KristyTallman#Follow
Lunar Eclipse Falls on Winter Solstice ~1st Time in Centuries ~Tuesday, Dec. 21 @1:33 a.m. ET > http://aol.it/hMFRwg ~
@AdviceToWriters Jon Winokur by Peta_de_Aztlan
Without #words, without #writing and without #books there would be no history, there would be no concept of humanity. HERMAN HESSE
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 12-18-2010-Sabbath ~ Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan: http://bit.ly/eIIxtE ~See collage
@conscire Daldegan by Peta_de_Aztlan
Everyone seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the universe~A Einstein
@pixiemona No. Just comparing ~my Ancient Eastern Text has 'reverence' ~King James has 'fear' ~big difference
LINK: Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung ~2nd Edition 1967 Peking (Beijing) > http://bit.ly/fXJ2t4 ~
It is better to be violent, if there is violence in our hearts, than to put on the cloak of nonviolence to cover impotence. ~Mahatma Gandhi
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. ~Mahatma Gandhi
There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread. ~Mahatma Gandhi
We need to determine our core values as humane beings, stick to the basics and unite together to create a Peaceful Revolution!
The collective treasure of gems of wisdom from the masses surpasses all wisdom from any lone soul. Abhor arrogance!
Search out for kindred spirits now ~instead of searching for survivors over scattered ruins of Armageddon! Seek to find!
Open Invitation! Join the Humane Liberation Party > http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~Let's analyze and discuss issues together!
Echo: It is not all about you ~your little dramas and little traumas. It's about helping the poor hungry wretched of the earth!
Following Steve Caruso~Aramaic translator @AramaicDesigns ~ http://twitter.com/#!/AramaicDesigns/ ~ http://aramaicdesigns.blogspot.com/
@AramaicDesigns Steve Caruso by Peta_de_Aztlan
@LaurieBick Jesus spoke an old Western dialect of Aramaic. Ma'loula's Aramaic is the last surviving Western dialect still in use.
@AramaicDesigns Yes! A grain of salt ~ A granule of sugar. Mainly use Lamsa, then King James, NIV and Spiritual discernment.
Obama is a manipulator RT @truthout: Obama Invokes Reagan to Push START Nuclear Arms Treaty With Russia > http://bit.ly/eEfAHJ
RT @indigenous_news: Taiwan: Indigenous townships call for autonomy http://is.gd/j1njG
For spiritual matters you need to stifle the individual ego ~be honestly humble ~see life in perspective ~heartfelt deep love
@pixiemona Holy Bible wisdom must be seen in context. Many rip out quotations out of context to suit their personal agenda.
@pixiemona In my Holy Bible it is about us having 'reverence' of the Lord, not fear of Lord. > http://bit.ly/eg5Ktl
@pixiemona Do not use King James ~use Ancient Eastern Text of Holy Bible from Aramaic into English > http://bit.ly/eg5Ktl
Echo: Let us pray that our Tweets are relevant and meaningful. Think with aware mindfulness before you click Send & Tweet.
@MrStormE Back in the day, having Family Meals was routine, especially dinnertime. Now it seems so magical and meaningful.
@MrStormE American family is so scattered and dysfunctional. Children/Youth often eat separate from their parents ~in rooms
@MrStormE Use Ancient Eastern Text as Holy Bible ~Dr. Lamsa translation from Aramaic into English. Reverence of the Lord, not fear.
Let us pray for the safety and security of our children and youth from social predators in the world. Let us all be good parents!
Proverbs 1:7 "The reverence of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise knowledge and instruction."
"What is to give light must endure burning." ~Viktor Frankl
Follow @PeltierHQ ~ http://twitter.com/#!/PeltierHQ ~Official Site http://www.whoisleonardpeltier.info/ ~Free Leonard Peltier Now!
Echo: Welcome New Followers AKA Co-Creators! Will try to Reply to Questions or Mentions ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>December 19, 2010~Domingo/Sunday<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Educate to Liberate!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
@jpmontano John Paul Montano
@shamansun shamansun
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@DalaiLama Dalai Lama
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~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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