12-20-2010~Lunes~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Join Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>December 21, 2010~Martes/Tuesday<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Educate to Liberate!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S Lopez
A whimsical Gemini Lunar Eclipse highlights your 8th House of ... More for Scorpio http://twittascope.com/?sign=8
RT @JessicaNorthey: If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Tomorrow is Tuesday and Earth will be more settled. ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Time for dreamland Twitter Family ~I pray you are all safe, sane and serene wherever you are, whatever time it is. ~Che Peta
@papakelt While I got two editions here...Come on over and you can have one. ;->~~ Your Brother Peta
Israeli fighter jets attack Gaza ~target fighters ~several parts ~Hamas-ruled Palestinian territory > http://bit.ly/gglUSC ~
12/19/2010 ~Rep. Peter King to hold hearings on 'radicalization' of American Muslims, critics fear witchhunt > http://nydn.us/hB2eki ~
@papakelt That was on of my Favorites by Fanon ~after Wretched of the Earth!
Good Advice! RT @DefenseActions: Leaving Work Late At Night...Safety Concerns! http://bit.ly/gWfxvk
@jpmontano Good Night Brother. Keep the faith. Tomorrow is a brand new day... after the moon and the stars settle in.
RT @AvaAcosta: Together we can use twitter and allow different cultures to get together and understand each other
@KristyTallman I want my words to be like raindrops in a rainforest among zillions of raindrops. ~ http://bit.ly/hefOTM
RT @ARenaissanceMan: What we call the secret of happiness is no more a secret than our willingness to choose life.
Chris Hedges: Obama is a "Poster Child for the Death of the Liberal Class" CLICK & READ> http://bit.ly/dUwvfY ~
@uruknet Europe has learned a lot from ravages of war and stench of death, esp. behind WWII ~Here violence is Amerikan applie pie
@uruknet .Death penalty abolished in Italy in 1948? Learn something every day. Italy has had more than its fair share of deaths.
@uruknet I am NOT against the Death Penalty in ALL cases ~we ought to put Manson out of his misery ETAL!
@uruknet There's reasons why the world is safer because I made a Vow of Peace a few years back ~damn Deepak ;->~~
@NatashaRenee Ya gotta wonder what kind of sick beings are coming up out of this sick society ~spreading their evil sickness
RT @juan_a99: @Peta_de_Aztlan we mexicans are so happy that Santa is back for Christmas!! That gives us a sence of security, just a sence..
7:34 PM ~This Lunar Eclipse is hitting a few fools ~keep getting silly stupid Tweets~ hope they're not followers! ;->~~
@uruknet This U.S. soldier-rapist Green ~killer of 14-yr old Abeer 'fragrance of flowers'~ should be extinguished > http://bit.ly/hN2iFc
RT @uruknet: 'I didn't think of Iraqis as humans,' U.S. soldier ~raped 14-yr-old girl before killing her & her family http://bit.ly/hHeNc4
Mexican politician 'El Jefe' Diego freed after 7 months in captivity > http://wapo.st/fo51q9 ~
Bill Richardson leaves Pyongyang, North Korea ~satisfied with visit > http://bit.ly/fejxWQ ~
FYI: America’s clandestine war in Pakistan has for the most part been carried out by armed drones operated by the C.I.A.
RT @democracynow: NYT: U.S. Military Seeks to Escalate Military Activities Inside Pakistan http://nyti.ms/hHPH4p
Naomi Wolf vs. Jaclyn Friedman: Feminists Debate Sexual Allegations Against Julian Assange > http://bit.ly/gXdgwW ~
VIA @democracynow ~Chris Hedges: Obama is a "Poster Child for the Death of the Liberal Class" > http://bit.ly/dUwvfY ~
VIA CSMonitor ~How parents keep the faith: Mandate a moral code, not theology > http://bit.ly/hoEpNx ~
2010 Census and politics: Are economic forces redrawing congressional map? > http://bit.ly/h47Fvp ~
VIA @Carydc: The #constitution Daily is out! http://bit.ly/dUOxCV ▸ Top stories today by @peta_de_aztlan @rotwangig @speedmasterwoodco @
Wall St. Journal ~BEWARE 'Net Neutrality' Rules Set to Pass > http://on.wsj.com/eMsfxL ~
Evacuations ordered as storm saturates #California ~San Joaquin Valley > http://bit.ly/eIyY4S ~
12/17/2010 ~#WikiLeaks cables: Sudanese president 'stashed $9bn in UK banks' > http://bit.ly/eCA6A0 ~
12/19/2010 ~Sudan's incurable child disease ~Many accuse government of ignoring "nodding disease" killed hundreds> http://bit.ly/hAhEh2 ~
RT @venanalysis: Venezuelan National Assembly Passes Law Making Banking a “Public Service” http://tinyurl.com/24fjdxz #venezuela
RT @venanalysis: Venezuela's National Assembly Passes Enabling Law for Chavez http://tinyurl.com/2dtr3m7 #venezuela
Thousands flee fresh Darfur clashes ~12,000 headed towards overcrowded camps and settlements in war-torn region > http://bit.ly/g6xWUV
12-21-2010 ~Deadly earthquake hits Iran ~seven people dead ~three villages destroyed > http://bit.ly/h0MmgN ~
#UN extends Cote d'Ivoire Mandate 6 Months~Gbagbo's allies scoff at new EU sanctions > http://bit.ly/hwgFKE ~
FYI: Robert Grenier Retired, 27-year Veteran CIA's Clandestine Service ~Pakistan (1999-2002) ~CIA's Counter-Terrorism Centre (2004-2006)
How to succeed in Afghanistan ~US better served by decentralisation of authority by Robert Grenier > http://bit.ly/dWPOgS ~
Iran hanged 11 people ~connections to Sunni Muslim opposition group ~killed 39 people in mosque bombing > http://bit.ly/egmRQc
@Libertana To abandon ourselves to the despair of anarchy is to disarm ourselves and lack faith in the people.
Showtime for the lunar eclipse ~ Watch the moon turn dark ... or see it on the Internet > http://on.msnbc.com/faOrFf ~
Never lose hope or faith. Each of us trying to make it a better world with a sincere heart can influence life breathing in all of us.
12/17/2010 ~ #WikiLeaks cables detail Fidel Castro's doomed love for Obama > http://bit.ly/fJybvL ~
@Aphrodite44 Each of us can be like an electric fish keeping the streams of life going with our fins and fans on Twitter.
VIDEO [4:33] Holding Fire: North keeps Powder dry after South Korea's 'provocative' live drill > http://bit.ly/e5S7on ~
@EvaWills30 Suggest you learn the language of love beyond your personal individualistic agenda. @Peta_de_Aztlan
VIDEO [1:50] #WikiLeaks | Visualisation of Activity in #Afghanistan using #Wikileaks Data > http://bit.ly/gFTjbr ~
Echo: C-SPAN Video Library [3 hrs, 14 mins] #Wikileaks,the #Espionage Act, and the #Constitution: http://cs.pn/e775qv ~RT
@mparent77772 I for one apreciate your hard work providing INFO to us and spreading the TRUTH via News Links #cablegate
VIDEO [1:24] Visualizing #Wikileaks mirrors spread (7 days animated) > http://bit.ly/hLoCrI! ~
In this Internet age the forces of suppression simply cannot stop the spread of truth, as long as we keep spreading the truth.
Cool RT @mparent77772: Watch How WikiLeaks' Mirrors Spread Around the World [Google Earth] http://rww.to/eyQHk2 #cablegate
Scarcity RT @papakelt: Diversion programs for #Indigenous #women http://bit.ly/gvtJMr #justice
@Deprogrammer9 For #Cablegate we need to read between lines ~know conflicts & contradictions involved
@Deprogrammer9: Hard to grasp significance of #Cablegate INFO without knowing ~history ~players ~politics > http://bit.ly/grPJXl ~
RT @trkrsvoice: #tvwishlist family 2 needs stuff for baby on the way! http://bit.ly/ftpxRG
#Cablegate LINK: Released ~ Browse by 2010/12/19 > http://bit.ly/grPJXl ~
#Cablegate 05SAOPAULO1158, CONVERSATION WITH JOSE DIRCEU, OCTOBER 9, 2005 > http://bit.ly/eDFinb ~
#Cablegate Released 12/20/2010~05BRASILIA2219, BRAZIL CORRUPTION SCANDAL UPDATE: JOSE DIRCEU REFLECTS http://bit.ly/fwuVyj ~
Longest (+ shortest) day? Northern Hemisphere= Summer Solstice 21st June ~ Southern Hemisphere= Summer Solstice December 21st
@Aphrodite44 FYI: 2011 ~ SUMMER SOLSTICE (SUMMER) JUNE 21 2011 17:16 GMT > http://wwp.thelongestday.com/ ~
@Aphrodite44 FYI: 2010 WINTER SOLSTICE (WINTER) DECEMBER 21 2010 23:38 GMT > http://wwp.thelongestday.com/
@Aphrodite44 Now don't get my OCD Remnants activated!!!!!!
LINK: Official Facebook page for Amnesty International USA > http://www.facebook.com/amnestyusa ~
That's why Jesus is the Reason for the Season! RT @LadyGaGaWatch:VIDEO: LadyGaga Bites Head Off Santa: http://bit.ly/hXoT1R
@ACIM44 If we can prove to the world that all of us can live in peace, despite surface differences, it can help heal all of us.
@ACIM44 No where else in the world do the social dynamics that are here in the USA exist. Can humans ever get along together?
@ACIM44 Oh. The great potential the people of the USA have to transform their own government and thereby change the world.
@KristyTallman The basic values the USA was founded upon are universal values that should be embraced by all people.
@ACIM44 People who do not recognize their own untreated personal character defects 'bug' me and try my patience.
It is not anti-American to be concerned all people of Mother Earth ~be in harmony with the belief in liberty and justice for all.
When we evolve beyond the narrowness of American nationalism we can have more loving compassion for all people of all lands.
RT @AnnTran_: The more anger towards the past U carry in your heart, the less capable U are of loving in the present. ~Barbara De Angelis
12/20/2010 6:53 am ET ~Tonight's Lunar Eclipse Comes With a Rare Twist By SPACE.com > http://bit.ly/ezWVoQ ~
I no longer feel any intellectual or emotional allegiance to a corrupt, racist, fascist, imperialist ruling order known to me as Amerika.
@JulianAssange_ Julian Assange by Peta_de_Aztlan
Breaking News: Assange claims death threats by GIs: LONDON, Dec. 20 (UPI) -- Julian Assange in England says he i... http://bit.ly/dE9xFS
Have a chuckle! YouTube - Assange against Zuckerberg: http://bit.ly/gqGaIk ~
from Sacramento, CA
12:07 PM ~Took my shower, washed my hair. getting ready to go hood store in a few minutes for a few supplies. I'll be back!
@Aphrodite44 God I love your Avatar! I admit it!
RT @AJEnglish: Explosion in Kenyan capital: Several people injured when bomb exploded in bag about to be loaded... http://aje.me/hLBVQ8
@1ideaatatime It is about uplifting all peoples of all lands ~all those who dream of a better world of true peace, not nationalist.
@1ideaatatime Wishful thinking will not do it alone. It is not all about just the American people and the failed American dream.
So true sister! RT @AvaAcosta: Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds
@BE_PURE In the jungle we need to always stay alert and stay alive, not paranoid but aware of our immediate situation around us.
@BE_PURE Wow! Power to you Sister! Those Tweets would be a good blog post, wondering where that was going! #lovetheblock
We should see each other as bold Co-Creators ~ creating together, working together and capable of putting aside petty differences.
We should stay independent enough to think for ourselves. Follow no leader blindly, if you follow at all. Where do you lead?
VIA @Peak_Performer: By medicine life may be prolonged, yet death will seize the doctor too.~William Shakespeare ~So true!
People's War is based upon mobilizing Mass Consciousness, Advocating for Our Survival Needs and Sharing the Power of Truth.
#Co-Create @EmergentCulture @DeepakChopra @shamansun @mparent77772 @todayspolitics @AvaAcosta @heidiko44 @dbudlovsoul_whispers #Follow @
VIA @shamansun: I see this time as generation of new seeds, 4 new ages, not just our local seasons but of greater epochs & times to come...
RT @shamansun: Now #Earth is seed in the greater womb of the cosmos, what can be born from us? #comingintobeing
VIA @DeepakChopra 12/20/2010 ~Testing their leadership: Obama vs. Palin > http://bit.ly/ihddk7 ~Take time to read and study!
VIA @dbudlov Canada To Take 75% Of Natural Health Remedies Off Shelves & Police Can Raid Without Warrants! > http://bit.ly/h9l5Z6 ~
Combat Amerikan Warloads! RT @truthout: The Military - Industrial Complex Complains http://bit.ly/gML8F1 #Truthout
Responsibility to Respect in the Age of WikiLeaks: Time for Clarity > http://bit.ly/hhSmET ~Time for bold courage and audacity!
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 12-19-2010~Sunday~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan: http://bit.ly/ez7D61 ~
from Sacramento, CA
Amen! North Korea backs down on threats to retaliate against South Korean exercises > http://bit.ly/hFEjKb ~
NEWS LINK: http://www.allvoices.com/
@Lin0599 Following you as you Follow me. Need to extract myself from here and go to local hood store too. Namaste! from Sacramento, CA
@nsourced D. B. (Sun King) by Peta_de_Aztlan
You could mistake a clever idea for a deep thought today, but ... More for Scorpio http://twittascope.com/?sign=8
@ChloeSaint Chloe Saint by Peta_de_Aztlan
Scientists Study Woman With No Fears aol.it/eWQHsO @AOL
@BE_PURE You deserve the best that life has to offer. You seem to have a lot of patience and perseverance. Keep loving us!
from Sacramento, CA
Echo: Welcome New Followers AKA Co-Creators! Will try to Reply to Questions or Mentions ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Follow @PeltierHQ ~ http://twitter.com/#!/PeltierHQ ~Official Site http://bit.ly/12ZYRc ~Free Leonard Peltier Now!
Echo: "What is to give light must endure burning." ~Viktor Frankl
Proverbs 1:7 "The reverence of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise knowledge and instruction."
Believe It~RT @ascend08: Major energetic event coming; solstice, full moon, & eclipse all together. Those sensitive to energy be aware.
Echo: Let us pray for safety and security for our children and youth from social predators in the world. Let us all be good parents!
Open Invitation! Join the Humane Liberation Party > http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~Let's analyze and discuss issues together!
Echo: Lunar Eclipse Falls on Winter Solstice ~1st Time in Centuries ~Tuesday, Dec. 21 @1:33 a.m. ET > http://aol.it/hMFRwg ~
@soul_whispers Esther Bartkiw by Peta_de_Aztlan
Lunar eclipses mark endings, full moon completion of cycle as does winter solstice...complete what you need to before 2011
@soul_whispers Esther Bartkiw by Peta_de_Aztlan
We are ancient limitless souls living in physical bodies to create, experience, heal and grow...be well my ancient friend
<+>December 20, 2010~Lunes/Monday<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Educate to Liberate!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan
from Sacramento, CA
VIDEO [13:38] 12/16/2010 ~Veterans for Peace White House Civil Disobedience to End War > http://youtu.be/tOde31QYbI0 ~RT
@ethnicmajority EthnicMajority
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~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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