Wednesday, December 29, 2010

12-29-2010-Wednesday~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan

12-29-2010-Wednesday~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
Tweet to Self: I wonder if Twitter has a way of attracting the lunatic fringe?!?!... Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
@lostrelics Yeah, crazy planet... must be why I am here... to help and heal as I can.,, as I work on myself!
@M0AB Sometimes scanning the Global News ~I get a good global scan ~Lots of big egos with big powers
@BE_PURE I guess I am protective towards the ignorant ~see some stupid shits stalking around here ~punk predators ~damaged
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Get Ready for New Year’s Eve! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Well it seems like the world keeps spinning around ~we have not yet self-destructed as a species ~lunatics roam the world ~life goes on
12/29/2010 #Ivory Coast UN ambassador warns of genocide risk > ~or fratricide?
12/30/2010 ~U.S. Revokes Venezuelan Ambassador’s Visa Amid Feud With Chavez >
Killing of Iraq police chief highlights security struggles as US draws down >
@KristyTallman Every day has its ending in the night ~ every new day has its new beginning. Cool being on Earth.
Good one @RecoveryIsSexy: Popular: 10 Elements of Effective Drug Addiction Treatment >
VIDEO [2:37] Recovery Is A Process: via @Peta_de_Aztlan
@BE_PURE Different kinds of addiction but not everything is because of addiction. Ignorant people can be educated.
VIDEO [3:06] America Is Addicted!: via @Peta_de_Aztlan
@ileducprof My common denominator would be teachers and educators who are truly humane with great compassion.
@BE_PURE Yes, one fully committed being can transform the world in certain conditions ~more so on a spiritual level.
After 130 years, will Billy the Kid finally get a governor's pardon? >
@Aphrodite44 Now don't get me started like your zillions of other followers! Yes, seek and we shall find!
VIA @JulianAssange_: Co-Creators please leave your opinion at concerning the attempted repression of WikiLeaks.
RT @ileducprof: Research shows a strong correlation between physical activity and memory recall, information retention, and creativity.
RT @JulianAssange_: Keep us strong and independent ~ReTweet Co-creators!
Watching NCIS right now with LL Cool J. I do actually Watch TV like a half-way normal American. Break from Jihad for Justice!
@Aphrodite44 Think a Twitter Avatar should display at least a inkling of imagination. Yours is one of the best, leaves mystery.
@Aphrodite44 7:20 PM ~Did not put a xxx in it sweetness. Just want to show a dude to put a decent mug on his Twitter Avatar.
@JulianAssange_ Keep communicating with us via Tweets so we know there is someone on the other end of this Tweet. @Peta_de_Aztlan
There is not a worse hell than the lack of hope ~Losing hope is not having a future, because the future is nourished by it. ~Ludovico Silva
Echo: 11/16/2010 [27:00] ~Dr. Gabor Maté ~On How Addiction Changes the Brain > ~RT
@RigorMortism We know all we experience ~direct or indirect~ and remain ignorant of all that we do not know. Room to learn.
@JulianAssange_ Yes, Unfollowed for a few days ~but keep Following @wikileaks ~Sabotage? Distraction? Keep Strong!
Israel disregards legal obligation towards civilians, including patients in Gaza >
I got to get off these invisibleTwitter chains here...looks beautiful outside... light blue skies and big cotton clouds ~Later Gator
@RigorMortism Chuckle! That is why I like to study about cognition ~how we process stuff ~imagine you hear your voice as you read my words
VIA @uruknet: Israeli politician urges "a shot in the head" for Bedouins > #zionism
@RigorMortism Cracks me up! Who's voice do you hear when you 'listen' to my Tweet? Do we ever write here or do we actually type?
@CAllenR I can only write to that specific Blog when I am Inspired ~when it is time for me to do so ~there I cannot force feed
Twiiter Avatars can be important ~Now which one would you want to get into Avatar #1. @wbtxxxveol or Avatar #2. @Aphrodite44 ~
@RigorMortism In fact, for me Twitter can be a kind of Spiritual Practice ~it helps me condense thoughts ~clarify my ideas and ideals
@RigorMortism Some people like or want to write. I need to write for my own mental health and spiritual well-being. It is therapy.
@ShaeTheZombie Now I look at addiction as negative behavior patterns with harmful consequences ~OCD ~not just dope/booze
Cute... sure there are many others! RT @mparent77772: The 25 Dumbest Tweets of 2010 >
@kacike1931 Most basic program for a decent blog is CLICK> ~Blogs can amplify Tweets
True ~within a given context RT @RecoveryIsSexy: Popular: It's the Little Things >
@ShaeTheZombie It will incorporate a lot of stuff. Main emphasis on personal participation in 'causes' instead of dope fiend ways.
@kacike1931 Prefer to Follow people with Blogs for better interactivity, News Links and Positive Organizations
1:45 PM ~Need to go take a shower ~get dressed ~go out on Street Patrol ~catch ya' later Tweeters!
@ShaeTheZombie YES. Am writing a book on Progressive Recovery and Gabor Maté has been a great inspiration.
@OrBVIOUS66 As much as I feel like an alien I love people in all their beauty and diversity. Many are lost without direction.
Read in a Tweet that about one out of five of our Tweets actually spark a Reply or ReTweet. Quantity has its role.
@kacike1931 Do appreciate feedback! Feedback is the lifeblood of social networking. It tunes communications and spurs cognition.
@ShaeTheZombie What catches your eye? Interested in what catches attention and cognition in general.
@OrBVIOUS66 Love you for for that. Inspiring me for yet another Tweet. I use my Tweets for other purposes besides Twitter.
@rachaelmaddox Chuckle. I love you for your honesty Rachael. Monitor a few Yahoo Groups, post there and cross-post to Facebook.
Do I actually have 1,165 Followers or could it just be a dirty dozen?
Tweet-to-Self: Does anyone actually CLICK my News Links are am I just living in my own little cyber world in the cosmos?
New #Venezuelan Law Makes Foreign Financing of Political Organisations Illegal >
@Aphrodite44 Cannot be fully integrated in a racist-materialist-inhumane society. Alienation has its reasons and direct causes.
#Venezuela Receives 2,355 Tons of Cement from Cuba for Housing Construction >
#Bolivian President Evo Morales Supports Venezuela >
12/28/2010 #Cuba to Send Humanitarian Aid to Venezuela >
12/28/10 #Venezuela Reports Significant Increase in Drug-Related Arrests >
US says it wants to maintain diplomatic relations with #Venezuela >
12/19/10 ~Why #Hugo Chávez Happened: Legacy of Carlos Andrés Pérez By Tim Padgett >
@RigorMortism Am trying to balance out Internet Addiction. Am a creative writer who needs to write more for my general well-being.
@Aphrodite44 1:02 PM ~I just feel alienated from much of what folks consider Amerikana. Wish I was in a humane socialist society.
Many in the USA need recovery at one level or another for one addiction or another. Go attend a 12-Steps Group Meeting today!
USA is a severely addicted society ~biggest consumers of all drugs ~military addicted to wars ~millions addicted to Internet
After 2,262 Comments CLOSED on Huffington Post about Internet Kill Switch article. Are we addicted?
VIA @mparent77772: VIDEO [3:48] US war addiction needle hits on health & kids >
VIA Auntie Moon ~Show Me Your Saturn and I’ll Show You a New Year’s Resolution You’ll HAVE to Keep >
Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves – regret for the past and fear of the future. ~Fulton Oursler
Indeed, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. May Brother Greg Bunker Rest In Peace! We will carry on the labor of love.
@sacbee_news LINK: Francis House ~Got Email from Sister Libby with Loaves & Fishes
@sacbee_news Greg Bunker, long time Executive Director of Francis House died from a massive heart attack at 7:15 yesterday evening.
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 12-28-2010-Tuesday Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan: ~So you know
RT @AnthonyLawlor: After the storm / a squirrel scurries / gathering fallen acorns / unaware of the tweets / cascading down this screen #
10:10 AM ~Need to shower up, head to hood store before the next rainstorm. Love my distant Twitter Family. ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
@rmuse I would prefer we learn to take action based upon humane intelligence and loving compassion, but it takes what it takes!
@Verified17 Our enemies are unfounded fear, blind ignorance, reactive prejudice, prior resentments and false superstitions.
@Verified17 These are times when reaching out to strangers and engaging in collective dialogue are critical for species-survival.
@rmuse Program will be on Democracy Now! on TV this eve ~Can see live stream now on Web >
@Verified17 It is a balance between opening up to others in dialogue and being mindful of what we disclose to strangers.
If appeal to decency can’t wake up Americans and make them say stop, maybe appeal to self-interest and fear can do it.
Actually I would love it if Amerikan Fascism killed the Internet ~it could wake people up ~spark mass rebellions >
Insurgents Set Aside Rivalries on Afghan Border >
Remind me again, why are WE in Pakistan?!? Learning world geography via foreign wars? > Image >: ~
Internet 'Kill Switch' Approved By Senate Homeland Security Committee > via @huffingtonpost
@Verified17 Personal boundaries are good ~being aware of our space ~keeping safety in mind ~building bridges across borders
12/29/2010 ~Suicide Bombers in Iraq Kill Police Commander >
@Verified17 Agree ~Knowing personal boundaries are good ~yet be careful not to create borders that divide us. #WisdomWednesday
12/28/2010 ~Ten things Web users should fear in 2011 by Bob Sullivan >
20 percent of the US labor force that became unemployed or underemployed in 2009 remains so as we enter 2011. No recovery there.
VIA @Raul_Ramos: Starting a Cultural Reading Group - Austin Latino Neighborhood |
RT @mparent77772: NOAA's National Weather Service
RT @UN: Haiti: Ridding canals of disease-spreading waste saves lives via @WorldBankVideos
12/29/2010 ~Recovery Noises and Political Taboos by: Richard D. Wolff, t r u t h o u t >
12/27/2010 ~Life Term for Activist Dr Binayak Sen a Setback for Human Rights >
Follow Marc Parent VIA!/mparent77772/ @mparent77772 ~One of the best online positive reporters!
RT @PermaMEDIA: Robert Hirsch on "The Impending World Energy Mess" by Carl Etnier
Allan Nairn: As U.S. Loses Global Economic Edge, "One Clear Comparative Advantage is in Killing, and It’s Using It" >
VIA @mparent77772: READ ~ Interview: How WikiLeaks Affects Journalism >
Let us not be in a rush to cast judgment, to label social phenomena without closer up-close examination. Train the brain!
We should be mindful to distinguish between the good positive people of Arizona and its racist-fascist state government!
2/28/2010 ~ Arizona Bans Ethnic Studies and, Along With it, Reason and Justice >
VIA @indiancountry: Potawatomi Bingo Casino’s Miracle On Canal Street raises nearly $1 million >
@PolishedSuite Love the Four Agreements ~good ways to be mindful of throughout the day >
@almeyda64 What unites us? What bonds us together? What fosters family love? How do we come together to create change?!?
@almeyda64 Who or what conditioned us to let skin color and even the degree of skin color result in hate and hangings?!?
@almeyda64 Lot of work to be done is in our relationships on all levels. What divides us? What separates us? What scatters us?
@democracynow Democracy Now! by Peta_de_Aztlan
Award-winning investigative journalist Allan Nairn on the role of the US in the world today. Live streaming now
@democracynow Democracy Now! by Peta_de_Aztlan
Today's entire show will repeat at 9:20am EST. STREAM VIDEO:
@Raul_Ramos Raul Ramos y Sanchez by Peta_de_Aztlan
Slate's "Best political gaffes of 2010"
@democracynow Democracy Now! by Peta_de_Aztlan
#Wikileaks secret cables “only scratch the surface,” says award-winning journalist Allan Nairn. Watch:
@AJEnglish Al Jazeera English by Peta_de_Aztlan
Iranian court: Man to lose eye, ear: In a literal interpretation of its eye-for-an eye law, an Iranian court ord...
@UN United Nations by Peta_de_Aztlan
All donations to the Trust Fund to End Violence Against Women go to orgs on the ground @SayNO_UNiTE
@democracynow Democracy Now! by Peta_de_Aztlan
Democracy Now! National & Global News Headlines for December 29.
@truthout Truthout by Peta_de_Aztlan
US to Vatican: Genetically Modified Food Is a "Moral Imperative" #Truthout #p2 #p2b
@almeyda64 We should see each other as beings of the same common family and species ~despite surface differences
Four Agreements: #1 ~Be Impeccable With Your Word #2 ~Don’t Take Everything Personally #3 ~Don’t Make Assumptions #4 ~Do Your Best
Check out the Survival Platform of the Humane-Liberation-Party! > ~or Start your own group or party!
Proverbs 1:7 "The reverence of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise knowledge and instruction."
Echo: "What is to give light must endure burning." ~Viktor Frankl > ~
#Follow @PeltierHQ ~!/PeltierHQ ~Official Site ~Free POW Leonard Peltier Now!
Welcome New Followers! ~Co-Creators of Consciousness! Will try to Respond to Direct Questions @Peta_de_Aztlan
Let us pray we come together as one united family of humanity around our common needs, common dreams and common visions.
Let us pray ~with a brave heart ~for Peace in the Cosmos ~for Peace on Mother Earth ~and goodwill towards all living beings!
RT @ileducprof: The dr-v-critical-community Daily is out! Top stories today by @jessienyc @bellcurves @peta_de_aztlan
<+>December 29, 2010~Humpday<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Rise and Shine!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan
You have lots happening now but your anger may get in the way ... More for Scorpio

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