Thursday, December 30, 2010

12-30-2010~Thursday/Jueves ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan


12-30-2010~Thursday/Jueves ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
»!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Get Ready for New Year’s Eve! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Tomorrow is the last day of 2010 ~want to get a few things done during the day ~will probably be asleep by midnight ~unless...
Funny how David Letterman somehow keeps the country going with a kind of continuity that this country needs. Corny jokes and all.
Watching David Letterman to get my fair share of silliness for the day, lest I be bereft of a slice of insanity.
@Jah_Empress Always Feel Free to Pass On whatever I post up. Hope you will be warm and safe tomorrow night. Know many will be out.
@vallie Hey! It ain't New Year's Eve yet! Do you have a hot date for tomorrow? Might to see Fireworks in Old Sac ~if it ain't too cold
@ASacred_Monster Of course that means what kind of positions we are talking about here, let's not get it twisted ;->~~
@ASacred_Monster In true educational pedagogy we are equals in pursuit of continued education in life ~not superior/inferior roles
LINK: The Phrase Finder >
@ASacred_Monster You are most welcomed Educator! We all learn from each other, you know. It has a value one should not dismiss.
10:52 PM ~If I had my druthers I would just be an Online Reporter, Share Insights and engage in Creative Projects in Communities.
10:50 PM ~Almost ready to depart into dreamland. Got $42.00 dollars from Sally's via Major Mark for my Dept of Justice Printout. Blessings.
@REZBOMB Steven Lewis Simpson by Peta_de_Aztlan
The Leonard Peltier Story ; On Russia Today
@ASacred_Monster 10:43 PM ~I like this Twitter Avatar you have up now ~like at HELP Website ~small signs of significant growth
FYI: On Twitter ~same as any Social Networking Website~ we need to know why we even use them on a regular basis, in general
FYI: Working with My Facebook Profile, several Yahoo Grooups + few Special Lists, Titles with Links are easy to post online.
FYI: The Decision time to CLICK a LINK is several seconds at most ~Most LINKS I suspect I never even CLICKED to see LINK
FYI: Beauty of Twitter is we can post stuff with Links and it is up to the Tweeter to decided whether to CLICK the LINK or not
FYI: I am a half-ass Online Reporter sharing Titles of Articles with News Links for others and my own purposes with tads of OCD & ADD
12/23/2010 ~ Julian Assange, My Parents and the Espionage Act of 1917 ~by Robert Meeropol >
RT @BreakingNews: Powerful bomb explodes outside closed Athens nightclub; no injuries reported - AP
RT @joanie399 Follow @PeltierHQ ~!/PeltierHQ ~Official Site ~Free Leonard Peltier Now!
USA Out of Afghanisnam! RT @uruknet: Huge rise in wounded Afghan civilians > #afghanistan
@sacbee_news ~ Facebook campaign could win Sacramento $1M to fight hunger >
Son of Rosenbergs:"My Parents Executed Under Unconstitutional Espionage Act—Why We Must Fight Protect Julian Assange"
"Deepwater Horizon’s Final Hours:" Explosion Killed 11 Workers and Led to Worst Oil Spill in U.S. History >
12/30/2010 The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily is Out as shared by PETER S LOPEZ + 48 followed people on Twitter
@uruknet We need to utilize Internet Power to ~Provide Infor ~Links to relevant News Articles ~Fresh insights ~Integrate Facebook
Russia: Khodorkovsky Sentence Spotlights Unfair Trial ~New Charges Brought as Parole Eligibility Neared >
European Union~ EU: A Commitment to Disability Rights >
Follow @hrw ~Human Rights Watch~New York~timely info ~world human rights crises ~developments ~
Follow @MALDEF Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund ~
Follow @venanalysis ~ Venezuela News, Views, and Analysis ~
Follow @Intentdotcom Intent ~an online community ~finds best content to help you fulfill your aspirations ~
People Follow!/uruknet/ ~ @uruknet News from Middle East ~
@sacbee_news FYI: Grandmother needs help with burial 18-Year old grandson Monday #916/498-9032 >
4:07 PM ~Time for Street Recon ~Need to go get one onion for my frijoles! Weather today has been so clean and beautiful after the rains.
I feel as lot of cosmic energy vibrations rising in the atmosphere. It's probably me...
Social peace is not merely the absence of war as in a truce between warring social elements. All these wars, no social peace.
@papakelt As are you. It takes a man who has seen the damages of war ~direct/indirect ~different levels/dimensions ~to love peace.
New York City is expecting 750,000 to One Million People in Times Square on New Year's Eve! Pray for safety and security!
@papakelt @papakelt All I advocate is legal, peaceful and possible. I would not steer anybody wrong. We must manifest potential.
By asleep I mean people not engaging in construction activity in their worlds ~still questioning, waiting for the next catastrophe.
We did not have Internet Power 'back in the day' to reach out to masses. Now we do have Internet Power and many are asleep!
I remember we had to use actual paper leaflets to get the word out about Demonstrations and Marches ~hand-to-hand door-to-door mobilizing
3:33 PM ~I lived through and participated in the great Anti-War Demonstrations against Amerikan Involvement in Vietnam. We had millions!
@papakelt The ideal of a matrix keeps it flexible ~to each according to their level of commitment ~variables ~no time to convince
@papakelt I Unfollowed folks who have not mede the transition to Humane Liberation Party ~this next year will be tough for many!
VIDEO [3:11] Intro~Peaceful Revolution 12-29-2010 >
@papakelt We need to either Join a Revolutionary Party, Start a Revolutionary Party or help Support Vanguard Leadership.
You cannot save the world alone as a mere lone individual, but together we can transform the world and thus ourselves.
Go before your mirror ~make sure it is clean ~ look into your eyes and ask yourself, "What am I doing to help save the world?"
Run in circles and try to hide but your character defects will always be there to face you in front of a mirror. Look in your eyes.
Don't think you're all that and a bag of chips because you know a lot of stuff. Without action it is dry like stuffing with no gravy.
Ultimately knowing is not matter of the accumulation of mere knowledge. Knowledge must manifest itself in compassion action!
No one who truly knows world history, especially Amerikan history, can fail to be a revolutionist or at least an ally. ~Che Peta
 “...And if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern. Maybe a humanitarian concern.” ~Kissinger
REPORT: Henry Kissinger’s Long History Of Complicity In Human Rights Abuses >
2:21 PM ~Just came up from Sally's, Loaves & Fishes and being on 12th Street Below. Met a lot of people I know. Interesting.
@AI_808 12:19 PM ~I'm scared of you ~ ~gotta' go to Sally's ~Later Hummingbird
New Year's Resolutions: To Love ~To Like ~To Look ~To Live ~and to Laugh More
@AI_808 I want to check them out ~abstain from tatoos ~something about feeling branded, probably past life
@AI_808 Yes, the hummingbird has a sacredness about it ~can appear out of nowhere then flies off and dissappears
12/30/2010 ~Punishment awarded to Binayak Sen violation of human rights: AB Bardhan >
12/28/2010 ~ Hundreds protest against life sentence for human rights activist Binayak Sen
12/26/2010 ~Indian government criticised for human rights activist's life sentence >
@lauriecorona Gracias! Plan to enter into New Year on linear timeline sane, sober and serene without any major drama trauma!
VIDEO [2:41] Offering to defend Dr Binayak Sen my dharma: Ram Jethmalani >
Gracias/Thank You! RT @AnthonyLawlor: Check out this trailer for the movie I AM, coming in February 2011
@Favored_Wisdom Amerika has a lot of bad-ass karma on it. Escape is futile. Amnesty Now! USA Out of Afghanisnam! Free Peltier!
SF Chronicle ~ #Unemployment benefit applications drop sharply >
RT @democracynow: 10% of #Veterans from #Iraq & #Afghanistan Wars are Unemployed, Higher than National Average. #ivaw
RT @venanalysis: Venezuela’s Chavez Decrees Fund for Construction of 4,000 New Homes #venezuela
RT @truthout: New Year's Prediction (I): The Tea Party Conservative Strategy for 2011 #Truthout #p2
RT @Intentdotcom: Support the Intent Of The Day!
RT @venanalysis: Venezuela’s Enabling Law: 5 Questions & 5 Answers #venezuela
@Favored_Wisdom Yes, I have a few by him. Freire was a great advocacy for mass literacy. Study up on him for great benefit.
12/27/2010 ~The Leadership Vacuum — Make It Your Friend @DeepakChopra >
10:09 AM ~Gotta get dressed to go see Major Mark at Sally's ~gong to get help for my DOJ Prinout ~Catch Ya Later! @Peta_de_Aztlan
@Favored_Wisdom You homie is talking out of the side of his neck. Pedagogy of the Oppressed is a great textbook for teachers.
@Favored_Wisdom What is now U.S. Southwest was once Northern Mexico ~but it was all stolen from Native-Indigenous peoples.
12/30/2010 ~ Former Israeli President Convicted of Rape >
@ralphiewiggum With all the clutter we collect some of us still bitch about not having enough room for more clutter! Amazing!
@ralphiewiggum So much stuff we think we need to have 'just in case' becomes so much clutter we do not need ~donate it!
@Intentdotcom: Today my Intention is to review this whole year ~stay in prayer~ and make general plans for next year
@Deprogrammer9 Afghanisnam War ~led by Amerikan Warlords~ has turned American patriots into perverted terrorists in foreign lands
Let us pray that we take the time to clear the clutter out in our lives ~in our hearts, our minds, our closets and our drawers
Let us pray that we are ever mindful of the great wealth of good health ~take care of ourselves in the mind-body-soul trinity
Let us pray that we wake up and let go of all that no longer serves us ~throw the trash out ~forgive and forget ~clean house
Let us pray that we take the time to review this past year ~remember its lessons ~appreciate its memories ~write with wisdom
Let us pray that we make every word, every action and every inspiration count in the real world, not be scattered out.
Let us pray that we continue to work on eliminating our more gross character defects ~do our own personal inventories
Let us pray that we re-new our vows of commitment, of dedication, of involvement in our labors of love in helping people!
Let us pray that we be more mindful of how we expend our energy! Be minful of our activity, have a general plan of action!
Good News! Scott Sisters! Mississippi to free 2 jailed for life for $11 robbery >
Let us pray that we grow deeper in our spiritual faith ~shun unbelievers~ know that to believe is to be in love!
Let us pray for the release and liberation of all Prisoners of the People's War!
Let us pray that we never tire of praying for Peace in the Cosmos, Peace on Mother Earth and Peace in our Homes.
RT @EmergentCulture: To the unthinking masses, things will appear to be alright right until we’re literally in the eye of the storm
VIA @thenation @Robert_Scheer ~ In Money-Changers We Trust >
12-29-2010 ~See Big Picture ~Afghanistan, December, 2010 >
Exodus: After thousands of deaths, citizens finally give up and flee Mexico’s most violent city, Juarez >
@DeepakChopra Deepak Chopra by Peta_de_Aztlan
Infinite flexibility is the secret of immortality :)
@democracynow Democracy Now! by Peta_de_Aztlan
Democracy Now! National & Global News Headlines for December 30.
@mparent77772 Marc Parent by Peta_de_Aztlan
17 National Debt Statistics Which Prove That We Have Sold Our Children And Grandchildren Into Perpetual Debt Slavery
@UN United Nations by Peta_de_Aztlan
Meet the UN's global workforce and consider applying for a job in 2011! Find out more:
@AJEnglish Al Jazeera English by Peta_de_Aztlan
Scores hurt in Algeria protests: At least 53 injured and 29 others arrested as police clash with youth during ho...
@truthout Truthout by Peta_de_Aztlan
Serfing USA: Corporate America Is Robbing American Workers #Truthout #p2 #p2b
@hrw Human Rights Watch by Peta_de_Aztlan
EU: A Commitment to Disability Rights
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 12-29-2010-Wednesday~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan: ~
<+>December 30, 2010~Jueves/Thursday<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Rise and Shine!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan
You've probably accomplished more in the past few weeks than y... More for Scorpio
VIDEO [2:37] Recovery Is A Process: via @Peta_de_Aztlan
VIDEO [3:06] America Is Addicted!: via @Peta_de_Aztlan

@heidiko44 Heide Kolb
@GaianCollective Planetary Citizens
@TheGodLight Spiritual Truths
@DeepakChopra Deepak Chopra

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