Sunday, January 02, 2011

1-02-2011-Sunday/Domingo Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
1-02-2011-Sunday/Domingo Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan ~Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S Lopez
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Blessings for a Great New Year in 2011 ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Governor Brown will have a public refpection at the State Capitol ~might try to make it if it not raining ~health is wealth
Jerry Brown will begin his 3rd Term tomorrow as Governor of the State of California at the Railroad Museum in Old Sac.
@NoirSavant When we protest foreign wars we must not forget the wars to be fought in our own areas, sometimes in our own hearts.
@edwardvirtually Yes, both are evils. We need to cure ourselves of the blue vs. red and right vs. left bi-polar mentality.
@NoirSavant Yes, it is and will always be global. We can have the most impact on the local level in our own local communities.
Many will keep having a philosophical attitude to shit in the face ~pretending it doesn't stink like good perverted patriots.
POTUS Obama will keep offering us false promises with flashy smiles ~the hypnotizing commercials will keep bombarding us.
Corporate super-rich ruling class will keep getting richer, poor folks will keep getting poorer. You don't need a crystal ball.
Amerikan Society will become more and more polarized between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots'. ~As predictable as nightfall
Well today is Governator Arnold's Final Day! I guess he made more of a wreck of California. Let him go back to Movieland!
@WhenPigsFly03 Good send us LINKS. Gather your weapons because we're busting out of this prison planet ~taking no hostages!
Look at global social development. There are not uniform social movements among the traditional rank-and-file unionists.
Much of the People's Struggle is not merely a matter of Material Resources. It is a matter of harnessing our Spiritual Resources!
Let us continue to use Socia Media and interact with Social Networkig Websites in our educational endeavors. Keep loving!
For all its ugliness and the prophets of doom, let it not blind you to the beauty that remains in the world. Open your eyes!
The world is in sorry shape. What kind of shape are you in? Do you work out? Can you endure a long-distance marathon?
Let us not lose heart people. We just have to know who we are ~agree on the basics of what is going on in connected reality.
@BE_PURE Pleasant dreams and warmth and safety for all of you. More will be revealed.
RT @BreakingNews: Australian prime minister promises hundreds of millions in funds to aid flood victims
Follow @RawStory ~!/RawStory/ ~Washington, DC Official Twitter of ~
GOOD LINK: War Is A Crime .org formerly AfterDowningStreet >
@Deprogrammer9 Suggest we create different basic Talking-Circles wherever we are ~discuss common issues of mutual concern
@Deprogrammer9 Many are getting more addicted to many distractiions and attachments ~chemical, digital and subliminal
@davidcnswanson Yes, the two headed Monster of Dems and Repubs has proven to be a total failure to redress our grievances.
@EmergentCulture Sometimes seems like American people are sound asleep ~distracted and scattered ~counting on government
VIA @davidcnswanson: Afghanistan War Weekly: January 2, 2011 ~Good collection ~Share with others RT
@BE_PURE You are a very beautiful, balanced and hard-working sister. Make sure to make time for your own well-being and happiness.
@EmergentCulture Fear there will have to be more great catestrophes to wake up the general population on prison planet!
RT @EmergentCulture: Global Transition Report: We are going from a 3 Alarm Fire to a 4 Alarm Fire!. @RaverJ
@BE_PURE I am sure you a very protective ~just make sure you don't smother him! ~boy is raised to be a man on his own
@papakelt Every Leader was once a Follower ~Every Follower is a potential Leader ~Let your Spirit lead in harmony with mind-body
VIA @uruknet: Total 2010 #Iraq death toll tops 2009: government~2,505 civilians >
RT @Raul_Ramos: Announcing the #LatinoLit Author Series:
@BE_PURE One of my best memories as a little child was sitting on my Mom's lap. She watched me like a Mother Hen ~a hawk!
When we identify with others in their daily struggles with love and acceptance they open up, share and healing takes place.
We had our usual CASA 12-Steps Meeting at the local Salvation Army Emergency Shelter. Such a blessing to help others.
@BE_PURE You are raising a good intelligent warrior for the people. I am proud of your love and dedication. #ilovehim
@BE_PURE Time is what we make time for with good time management and ever present mindfulness. Time is precious.
@BE_PURE Spending time to read with a child is one of the most meaningful activities you can do. Be blessed! #ilovehim
@papakelt Some people are just content to be online activists. I integrate online with offline. Gotta go to CASA Meeting now.
@papakelt In the past I would Unfollow people who could not cross the bridge and Join Humane Liberation Party, now I diversify.
@papakelt Practical actions must be based upon factual analyses of actual conditions, guided by reason and science.
@papakelt At this stage the odds are stacked aganst us with our tiny resources and huge distances. I am not going down without a fight!
@papakelt Much need to be re-analyzed to be relevant to our present situation ~there are gudelines. #HELP
1967 ~The Revolutionary Party & Its Role in the Struggle for Socialism: James P. Cannon > #HELP
Humanity is drifting further into uncharted waters on an ocean of tests, trials and tribulations that will make us heroes or cowards.
LINK: Nostradamus, Michel de Nostredame (1503-1566) >
Ten 10 Ways To Take Action and Make Your Relationship Better >
RT @UN: Getting to Zero: 2011-2015 @UNAIDS strategy for universal access to HIV prevention, treatment, care & support
Goood RT @NewPsychologist: Effective Non-Drug Treatment for Women's Desire and Arousal Problems >
Toronto teen deported to #Mexico, Canada Border Services Agency confirms >
@KadenaTate I hope and pray that we all advance with a love of wisdom this year ~big changes are coming upon us ~let us unite!
1/03/2011 ~ Egypt top cleric accuses Pope Benedict XVI of meddling >
Iranian clerics: Gaza-based aid flotilla, factor of Zionist regime's collapse >
Asian ship sets sail with Gaza aid~goods for blockaded Gaza Strip >
Watch Online Nostradamus 2012 History Channel Videos. > No Longer Available
#Italy urges strong EU response to Egypt church attack >
VIDEOs Playlist Links (7): The Secret Life of Chaos by oregandes ~ >
VIDEO [9:00] ~ The Secret Life of Chaos - Part 2_7 >
VIA @EmergentCulture VIDEO [9:01] ~ The Secret Life of Chaos - Part 1_7 >
The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily Sunday, Jan. 02, 2011shared by PETER S LOPEZ + 100 followed people on Twitter:
@NoirSavant Weaning off Twitter? Good luck. There are worst addictions. It is in balance, diversity, mystery.
U.S. Geological Survey Reports: Major 7.1-magnitude earthquake has hit Chile >
@MikeyEnergy Hell, the UN needs to be United, not divided ~Same as all people upon the globa today ~Big problems first
News LINK: Hindustan ~ Breaking News From India >
#India joins powerful UN Security Coucil as key global player >
Senator Lindsay Graham of South Carolina proposes permanent US bases in Afghanistan! >
U.S. to deploy powerful surveillance system in #Afghanistan >
Good that more and more Latin American governments are recognizing Palestine State ~to hell with Uncle Sam!
VIA Pakistan Times ~ MQM (Muttahida Qaumi Movement) demands withdrawal of POL prices hike >
#Inmates riot at low-security prison in #England >
#Russia Grounds All Tu-154B Planes >
@LUCIDdreamtime FYI: The Christian Coptic Orthodox Church Of Egypt >
#Palestinian FM: #Chile, #Paraguay to recognize Palestinian state in coming weeks >
Rousseff Pledges to Guard Against Inflation `Plague' as #Brazil President >
1/02/2011 ~ Egyptian Coptic Christians Clash With Police in Cairo After Deadly Church Bombing >
RT @BreakingNews: Obama signs Sept. 11 first responders bill - USA Today
@MikeyEnergy I am no economist but know when I am poor. Pain of hunger and poverty are common bonds shared by billions
@MikeyEnergy Guess it is all the love of money ~Das Kapital ~love of material objects over the love of human subjects
@MikeyEnergy U.S. Dollar is still dominant in Mexico ~distinguish between different economies in different Hemispheric sectors
@MikeyEnergy Barrios, ghettos and poor slums inside the USA are like internal 3rd World colonies ~cells are sleeping
@MikeyEnergy Mexico has always been a colony of the Amerkan Empire ~power of the Almighty U.S. Dollar ~gov/t co-optation
@steevesamslife We need to see that Amerikan Fascism in its most advanced form is here now in the USA ~Seek good allies now
APNewsBreak: #Mexico plans immigration shake-up >
@MikeyEnergy I Voted for POTUS Obama for the first and last time ~refuse to choose between 'lesser of two evils' ~work local
@MikeyEnergy Amerikan electoral politics with its two-headed Monster is a mass con game ~politics of corporate fascist state
#Iran says shot down two spy planes in Gulf: report >
@MikeyEnergy Give up! POTUS Obama has been co-opted by fascist corporativism ~Look at his CIA Sec of Defense
Fascist Amerika: Computers That See You and Keep Watch Over You >
RT @heidiko44: In this digital age, nothing is more important than practicing how to relax deeply and how to stay connected to a center
Obama Regime needs Jobs Bailout ~U.S. unemployment at 9.8% close to the recession’s peak of 10.2% in October 2009
News LINK: Inquirer Global Nation ~home for Filipinos Worldwide >
@eren_snchz Juarez has been on this downhill for years ~could get way worse for many ~border war! >
On the failed US immigration changes ~By Lourdes Santos Tancinco >
Short VIDEO: Floodwaters cause havoc in north-east Australia~200,000 residents evacuated >
@ileducprof It is already off the hook in the #Ivory Coast ~ahh, warped egos of men addicted to power! >
Australia: 'Biblical' floods hit Queensland and leave tens of thousands homeless >
#Ivory Coast mass graves investigation launched by UN >
Ciudad Juarez residents flee Mexico's 'dying city' >
@AEB_IT Love Proverbs ~read Proverbs Chapter every morning ~31 Chapters in Proverbs ~Ancient Eastern Text:
Followers: I mainly post Tweets related to Third World News, Social Matters and Personal Insights ~sometimes just goof off
@Verified17 My perception? I am going by what you typed= bc they extinguished all of the real Jews... The ones in power now are from Kazar
@ileducprof LINK: Aramaic Peshitta Bible Repository > ~from Aramaic direct to English
@ileducprof Significant: My Ancient Eastern Text Holy Bible has 'reverence' not 'fear'. Creator God does not promote fear.
@Aphrodite44 Love living alone without significant other ~no drama traumas in my life ~longest I have been single now
@Verified17 OK. Send me a Link. Think before you Tweet. Your idea that all Jews have 'extinguished' smacks of being anti-Jew.
@TheDevilsCash Yes, we must let people know that we ~as humane beings~ do not condone injustice by any fascist state.
@Deprogrammer9 Lots of parallels between Nazi Germany, Fascist Israel and Fascist Amerika. These are fascist states!
@Aphrodite44 Thanks! Think I will just get more cooking supplies and cook book. I can call my Sister Linda who lives nearby.
@Verified17 That is insane. Who extinguished all the Jews? Who is a real Jew? Don't let your sophistry disguise prejudice.
We are silent accomplices to evil when we do not condemn the evils done by the Amerikan Empire and other rogue states.
Peoples of the past Nazi Germany, Israel now and the United States had or have similar delusions of nationalist superiority.
We must look deeply into matters and make distinctions between governments and the peoples under their domain. Look deeply.
@Verified17 Ironic how Jews who were persecuted in the past by Nazi Germany now a have gov't that persecutes Palestinians.
VIA @palestine: #Israeli Troops Kill #Palestinian in West Bank~holding glass bottle >
Condemn Israeli Fascism! RT @palestine: Israeli jets hit Gaza - Arab News >
New Followers! Create good Twitter Bio with Real Name, Blog Link and Location ~Be interactive, not passive ~Sharing is caring
New Followers! Always feel free to Follow or Unfollow anyone on Twitter ~Follow those from whom you can learn ~Avoid INFO Overload
Now Watching 'Nostradamus Effect' on History Channel >
@DeepakChopra Deepak Chopra by Peta_de_Aztlan
All the videos on Soul of Leadership can be accessed through this link Please RT if you like them
@DeepakChopra Deepak Chopra by Peta_de_Aztlan
Ego power is agency power , fickle and dangerous. Soul power is intelligence creativity organizing power and love. No one can take it away
@DeepakChopra Deepak Chopra by Peta_de_Aztlan
If you can't love don't come to my alley, If you can't be naked no need to bathe in my river, if you resent , stay on your side-Rumi
@PeterBrownPsy Peter H Brown by Peta_de_Aztlan
Alcohol Use and Abuse Addiction and Habituation | Medical ...
@SMCSac SMC Sacramento by Peta_de_Aztlan
What are you doing to execute your 2011 professional resolutions? Consider Social Media Masters program.
@BiancaJagger Bianca Jagger by Peta_de_Aztlan
Watch excellent interview of #JulianAssange re: journalist status.RT Julian Assange 1st Interview After Release… @MSNBC
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 1-01-2011 ~Sabbath ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan: ~Saved Tweets
VIDEO [3:51] Dark Ages: 2010 Uprisings just a start, Revolt 2011 coming? >!
Get radical in 2011! ~Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!~ ~or start your own party, group or cell.
Proverbs 1:7 "The reverence of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise knowledge and instruction."
"What is to give light must endure burning." ~ Viktor Frankl >
#Follow @PeltierHQ ~!/PeltierHQ ~Official Site ~Free Leonard Peltier Now!
@Aphrodite44 Thank you for your instructive Tweets, patience and understanding. Sometimes the simplest stuff baffles me.
Let us pray for inner harmony within us as humane beings in the trinity of the mind, body and soul. Strive for wholeness.
Let us pray we love humanity with a deep humane kindness for all of humankind ~beyond divisions of -isms -wings and -ologies.
Welcome New Followers! Tweet your truth without fear. Go with the flow and let it go! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
@LUCIDdreamtime I usually wake up, sit up and say the same wholistic prayer to help grace the morning, get my bearings.
<+>Sunday, January 02, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Rise and Shine! Healthy New Year!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan
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