1-03-2011-Monday/Lunes Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Blessings for a Great Year in 2011 ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Amen! RT @MikeyEnergy: Fear exists one one reason and one reason only : To be conquered . we will respond in legions
RT @wikileaks: 'My parents were executed under the espionage act: we must fight to save Julian Assange' | Rosenberg http://is.gd/k468L
Take time to appreciate the naturalness of nature for those of us who who can. Look for the good in people and in your self.
@lindahollier http://twitpic.com/3mw0e8 - Beautiful picture morning stroller. Have a great day!!!
Keep a balance. Avoid any obsessions. Avoid all addictions. Believe in the passions that make your life worth living. Help us!
The future is before us and is coming upon us whether we are ready for it or not. Be ready, stay in shape and have a brave heart.
The Spirit of the People will always overcome the technology of the Enemies of the People who work against the future.
Life will get better as long as we keep our spirits up. Remember the war of life is about spiritual warfare, not machines of men.
Have hope, believe in yourself and know that sincere efforts are rewarded. Never give up! Keep a balance in life and keep faith.
We know many people are wirhout jobs ~decent jobs~ that we need to meet our basic survival needs for our families.
Well this has been the first Monday of the New Year. I hope all those who had to return to work had a productive day. Be blessed.
Three Governors. http://twitpic.com/3mrkyj
I look forward to the inauguration & wish the best today to Gov. Brown. We caught my last day in office on camera: http://twitvid.com/PE6YV
RT @wikileaks: Julian's Swedish case has been moved to the "terrorism" court at Belmarsh Jan 11 http://bbc.in/dPsNJ8
Chinese investment in Brazil jumped from $82 million in 2009 to more than $25 billion last year!! > http://bit.ly/hnFb8d
1/03/2011 ~Man of War: How does Barack Obama differ... by Stephen L. Carter > http://bit.ly/e2ehik
ProPublica: Obama to use signing statement to reject Congressional authority to legislate on Guantanamo: http://is.gd/k1Zq4
Stephen Carter in Newsweek: Obama and Bush as Commanders-in-Chief are far more similar than different: http://is.gd/k2P66
Following @ggreenwald ~ http://twitter.com/#!/ggreenwald ~ http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/
@EmergentCulture Gracias! It's the same demons ~apathy ~distraction ~different priorities ~cognitive dissonance ~lower consciousness
@EmergentCulture We can gradually build up a matrix of online websites to simulate a People's Mass Media as time goes by.
@EmergentCulture For certain Tweets I cross-post to My Facebook Profile ~few Yahoo Groups I Monitor ~few Blogs I operate
RT @wikileaks: Bradley Manning's right to speedy trial violated: http://is.gd/k3TTH
VIA @wikileaks Wed 12/19/2010 09:30 ET #Wired's refusal to release or comment on the #Manning chat logs > http://bit.ly/iffLrN
RT @wikileaks: Only "witness" against Bradley Manning appears to be a pathological liar http://is.gd/k3JL1
Astrological Tai Chi ~ Capricorn: wp.me/prJkq-26u
RT @BiancaJagger: Obama Could Bypass Guantánamo Limits, Aides Say - http://nyti.ms/gFdsaP
Astrological Tai Chi ~ #Capricorn ~January 3, 2011 > http://bit.ly/eoRjD8
2010: Deadliest for natural disasters in a generation ~around 260,000 died > http://bit.ly/eAo7P9
#Latin America in 2011: the year ahead ~Happenings south of border for coming year > http://bit.ly/hnFb8d
#Palestine’s Latin American Dominoes ~focused on Latin America > http://fxn.ws/ed0l5p
Keep in mind: national debt officially topped $14 trillion on the last day of 2010 ~Happy New Year! http://aol.it/gYdgeP
"The weapon of today is not guns but consciousness." ~Fidel Castro
@MikeyEnergy Apparently #WikiLeaks has even reached some folks with allegedly ET contact. So much coming into the light.
@MikeyEnergy Do not really know much about the level of consciousness ~political- spiritual or otherwise. Good question!
Blog Link: Black Bird Press News & Review > http://blackbirdpressnews.blogspot.com/
#WikiLeaks Cables Say Germany And U.S. Building Secret Spy Project http://huff.to/g4NGln via @huffingtonpost
WATCH: 2 New Suspects Identified In Mystery Of Mass Bee Deaths http://huff.to/cbcf9d via @huffingtonpost
Beware! U.S. Bumble Bees In Sharp Decline, Joining Trend Of Disappearing Species > http://huff.to/ejaU5r via @huffingtonpost
Mexican pro wrestlers keep drug-trafficking culture out of the lucha libre ring > http://wapo.st/gERizy
U.S.-funded infrastructure deteriorates once under Afghan control, report says > http://wapo.st/eNVhL0
VIA @mike_barber ~Text/Video ~A Past, Denied: The Invisible History of Slavery in Canada > http://bit.ly/gNMA9K
Severed head hung from bridge in Tijuana, Mexico > http://wapo.st/ea49BL
Official: Zetas drug gang had base in #Guatemala > http://wapo.st/fU64wb
Open Invitation! Join HELP-Matrix via HumanE Liberation Party > http://help-matrix.ning.com/ <
@edwardvirtually Revolutionary demand: to have safe water to drink for all people @UN http://bit.ly/drl2ep
@edwardvirtually Let us try to create a just world ~heaven on earth ~now just having a decent meal can seem like a luxury.
RT @UN: In 2011, let's resolve that all people will have safe water to drink. Get involved: http://bit.ly/drl2ep @UN #MDG2011
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff: From Imprisoned Guerrilla Fighter to "The Most Powerful Woman in the World" > http://bit.ly/gjo8wk
Goldman, Digital Sky invest in Facebook: source~raised $500 million > http://reut.rs/gD6u3j
@ungaro Know limit of 140 Characters on #Twitter is a challenge ~takes focus on detail ~link to blog ~part of the fun to me
GOP House Chairs Plan Investigate Climate Scientists, Probe Muslim "Radicalization," Repeal Healthcare Reform > http://bit.ly/fuUxje
VIA @reuters: Analysis: Political unrest may bring U.S., #Pakistan army closer > http://reut.rs/fdcUFk
Agreement in Afghanistan offers hope: http://usat.ly/dZW7rr ~would not get excited about this!
VIDEO [1:20] Jerry Brown New 'Old' Governor of California: http://bit.ly/gHVktW ~Brown is in town!
RT @PeterBrownPsy: When to suspect bipolar disorder | Depression and Bipolar info http://bit.ly/gOv4ks #bipolar
Suspect that some folks on Twitter actually have severe ADHD ~Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Take your time!
George Clooney Hopes Satellites Will Shed Light on Sudan ~During and After Upcoming Vote > http://abcn.ws/f83YgR
Yes, another one, overlaps RT @papakelt: #Borderline personality disorder: The Lancet http://bit.ly/i6X8AC #BPD
Good description of worldview RT @ileducprof: "The Afikan Worldview": http://bit.ly/gJrE4Z #BlackEdu
@ungaro Hard to easily C your Tweets with all the abbrev. ~know some of my sentences are incomplete. I always type out PEOPLE.
LINK: Green Party of the U.S.A. > http://www.gp.org/index.php
Obama's compromise tax package will blow up the deficit, undermine Social Security, say Greens.... http://bit.ly/fOtgv2
RT @TheAngryindian: Palestinian, Israeli marriages under stain as Israel keeps ban on ‘family unification’ Raw Story: http://bit.ly/fs50Wj
@ungaro I do not even buy into the archaic Marxist-Leninist approaches of a few of the 'Left-wng' parties. More fanatics.
@ungaro I greatly respect the Green Party as one of the few alternatives to the Demo-Repub two-headed monster.
@ungaro I would even consider a socialist-based mixed economy with some private capitalism, but no form of corporativism.
@ungaro I am not an economist but I would check out the merits democratic socialism, as distinct from corporate capitalism.
@ungaro The Green Party does not endorse any kind of democratic socialism in any form. Where is the alternative?
@ungaro I would not Join any major party unless it openly endorsed political-economy of democratic #socialism. I have had enough.
@ungaro I belonged to Green Party when I Voted for Ralph Nader the first time he ran in 2000. Now I am a registered Independent.
I do not even believe in the existence of communism in today's world as that means a 'classless' society, there is none.
Amerikan economists have vested financial interests in the status quo of corporate capitalism ~from whom they can their paychecks.
American people are turned off to traditional politics as usual ~we need to turn away from both Democratic and Republican Parties.
#Democrats Hunting for Vulnerable Republicans to Shoot Down in 2012: http://fxn.ws/hiqzrx
Jerry Brown becomes 39th governor, promises 'a tough budget for tough times: http://bit.ly/gyBFBu
Mar 20, 2010 ~Where Have All the Monarch Butterflies Gone? > http://aol.it/fJQzJJ
Patterns of widespread decline in North American bumble bees > http://bit.ly/dXhjOZ
1/03/2011 ~Birds, Bees and Fish: Why Are So Many Creatures Dying in 2011? > http://aol.it/i3NJGc
@badwebsites Suspect some kind of sky ray zapped the birds ~they have been around noises before: http://aol.it/i3NJGc
Partial Eclipse "Preview": What You'll See Tomorrow news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/01/p… via @samfind
@JaiDaveon The people are ultimately the main deciders in relation to the course of history and have their role to fulfill.
Following @JerryBrown2010 ~ http://twitter.com/#!/jerrybrown2010 ~ http://www.jerrybrown.org/ ~ http://www.gov.ca.gov/
We can bitch and complain ~moan and groan~ about world conditions, BUTT what are we doing to make it better for all of us?
It is lazy thinking to merely blame the government and not see the role of the masses of the people in transforming conditions.
We should remember that government ~on one level or another~ reflects the people's conscious action or apathetic inaction.
VIDEO [2:00] 11/24/2007 ~TOP SECRET - PLASMA WEAPON~> http://youtu.be/uY1mn1IxFs8
VIA @Deprogrammer9 VIDEO [5:26] 7/24/2010 ~Navy Laser Weapon System (LaWS) > http://youtu.be/vqLkpcHavZE
@spacefroot Yes, we must be aware of the skies above, birds flying over, cattle in the fields, bees, crickets & all living beings!
RT @spacefroot: FACT: every now and then, govt tests new weapons in small area, see how it will effect us on larger scale [Note: ARKANSAS]
11:19 AM ~PST ~OK. Ol' Jerry Brown has been sworn in. Imagine he will be more mellow than before. 1st time with hands on Bible.
Channel 3 ~KCRA ~Governor Jerry Brown about to be Sworn into Office ~Introduced by his wife at Memorial Auditorium
Solar eclipse times on January 4, 2011 ~Earth’s eastern hemisphere > http://bit.ly/hd5dcx
Interested in humanitarian work? Get a sneak preview of the new ReliefWeb site to be launched this month: http://bit.ly/iiVLXo
TECH NEWS: Report: Facebook gets $500M investment: Social networking behemoth Facebook has r... http://bit.ly/gEU8cl www.thetechline.com
@CitizenIndex Too many damn sections and questions. No wonder you only have 44 Followers. Keep it simple!
@Favored_Wisdom Curiosity is key to our learning ~being willing to go into the shadows ~question assumptions ~ever evolving
Jerry Brown as California governor, Act 2: Can he save the state? > http://bit.ly/ggcDzF
Bizarre VIA CNN ~Facebook is now worth $50 Billion Dollars ~My Profile > http://www.facebook.com/Peta51
RT @thenation: We've passed the new START treaty, but the road to nuclear sanity is still paved with hurdles: http://bit.ly/eqToKK
RT @sacbee_news: Capitol Alert: Hoopa Valley tribe loses case of fish v. energy > http://bit.ly/dT10H8
RT @palestine: Asian aid convoy arrives in Gaza - BBC News > http://bit.ly/gRVjC1
RT @palestine: Gaza: Changing course for Hamas? - France 24 http://bit.ly/dK9HeD
Bizarre! 1/03/2011 Leading conservatives openly support a Terrorist group > http://bit.ly/dTiusS
Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) says Obama administration is 'one of most corrupt' > http://wapo.st/eaYsmH
Russian Fascism: Arrests in Russia Signal Divisions Over Dissent > http://nyti.ms/elmbKm
Now Follow @TheWrongWoman ~ http://twitter.com/#!/TheWrongWoman/ ~ http://thewrongwoman.blogspot.com/
@TheWrongWoman If we're going to go there ~I am of the Lost Tribe of Chicanos de Aztlan!
RT @TheWrongWoman: @Peta_de_Aztlan I see myself as a Green anarchist, or/and a tribal nomad.
Strange: New Year's Eve ~Up to 5,000 birds fell from Arkansas sky ~text/video > http://on.msnbc.com/eatoAs
Evey day Free Spirits are ~evolving ~growing ~learning ~expanding ~enlightening ~and most assuredly blossoming in life!
Be yourself as you remain open to personal self-improvement ~you cannot really be anyone else but your genuine natural self.
It is healthy and natural for your Spirit ~to create ~to express ~to flow with nature ~to not be afraid ~to exhibit freedom
When the brain gets plenty of sleep, adequate nutrition & the opportunity for physical activity outdoors it operates at it’s best!
The levels of stress hormones washing over the brain are increased when a baby is left alone to cry for long periods of time.
Babies learn language and brain connections are made when speech is specifically directed toward them.
RT @braininsights: Brain develops to 90% of adult size by age 5~connections made create emotional, cognitive & social foundation for life!
STUDY: Left–right politics ~From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia > http://bit.ly/cL6733
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. ~ Mahatma Gandhi ♥
We are ready to carry on the fight for a better future on a free land. We're not taking sides, we are calling for an alternative.
We cannot change the whole world we live in today, but we can change the real world we live in on a daily basis. Make it better!
Don't fall into the 'labels' trap, including psychiatric labels like ADHD, OCD and other Ds. Be careful what label you accept.
Yes, I am a conservative. I want to conserve the Amazon rain forest, California redwood trees and other miracles of nature.
Once we get rid of our major fears we lose the habit of having to label people to give us a false sense of security. Let it be!
@TheWrongWoman Even the term radical is only in the historical context of reactionary times. I am a naturalist, love nature.
No foul ghosts in my closets ~no reactionary resentments I harbor ~no prescribed meds ~stay straight on a natural high!
@TheWrongWoman Thank you! I am a straight up radical in reactionary times. I express myself, speak my mind and am healthy.
@Shimmer11 Truth. It is not natural to be apathetic. Natural is to be interested, to watch what is going on around us, to be aware!
Life will get better once we make up our minds to tell the truth as we see it ~be open to constructive criticism ~stand up!
Remember before Fuhrer Bush the term 'radical' was not a dirty word. After 911 many started calling themselves progressive!
@Shimmer11 Many people have gotten burned-out ~lack a good healthy balance in their lives in the mind-body-soul trinity.
@Shimmer11 Yes, it is natural to give a damn about hunger, poverty and oppression. It is not natural to not give a damn.
@Shimmer11 At least we should be independent minded, not blindly follow the old traditional party line. We must evolve or perish!
@Shimmer11 Am Following you now. I want to Link up with straight up radicals, though to me being radical is really natural.
RT @Kakabel: Today in 1945 saw the death of psychic Edgar Cayce.
@Shimmer11 Yes, we must transform and renew our minds ~be true independents, oppose both Democratic and Republican Parties.
People are so confused and distracted inside the USA. Corporate fascism remains in power and control, laughing at our stupidity.
We should get smart ~think in terms of what is right and what is wrong ~not get stuck on stupid in Left Vs. Right. Wake up Lefties!
@Shimmer11 Right! We need to throw out that naive crap now. We are in the New Millennium using political terms from two centuries ago!
The right wing and left wing ideas are based upon seating arrangements of the French General Assembly in 1789 > http://bit.ly/cL6733
We cannot simply label people 'right' and dismiss them because we think we are so 'right. as we are Leftists. It's stupid now.
Left-wingers have fallen right into the trap of labels that do not really go to the root of what's wrong in the world. We must evolve.
The truth should be in the center of our consciousness ~based upon facts as they are here now~ in a state of flux, not frozen.
Evil forces of corporate fascism are already 'in power and secure' inside the United States with an apathetic passive citizenry.
We need to be balanced, centered and concentrated on the people's basic survival needs: food, clothing, shelter, medical care and education.
We need to get the whole bi-polar mental sickness of Left Vs. Right out of our minds. We're not playing cowboys and Indians!
Ralph Nader is right. The Left is lost with nowhere to go and have failed to provide vanguard leadership! > http://bit.ly/e8OMbg
RT @venanalysis: A Few Facts about Recent Venezuelan Laws and the Case of Judge Afiuni http://tinyurl.com/2cp26bl #venezuela
Good Morning Twitter Family! Hope this Monday finds you all well and wonderful. At least I hope you are all well in good health.
RT @Antiwarcom: Antiwar.com How Afghanistan Became a War for NATO: > http://tinyurl.com/25vbrgj
03 January 2011 #Pakistan Government Scrambles to Survive Coalition Defections > http://bit.ly/gvskyJ
“The more outrageous the Republicans become, the weaker the left becomes.” ~Ralph Nader
“The left has disemboweled itself. It doesn’t even have a strategy every four years like a good poker player." ~Ralph Nader
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 1-02-2011-Sunday/Domingo Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan: http://bit.ly/ihUU18 ~Saved Tweets
READ RT @mparent77772: ‘The Left Has Nowhere to Go’ by Chris Hedges > http://bit.ly/e8OMbg ~truth is in the center
#Follow @heidiko44 @edwardvirtually @EmergentCulture @BE_PURE @papakelt @KadenaTate @ileducprof @davidcnswanson @davidcnswanson #Follow
Welcome New Followers! Tweet your truth with courage. Go with the flow and let it go! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Let us pray we love humanity with a deep humane kindness for all of humankind ~beyond divisions of -isms -wings and -ologies.
#Follow @PeltierHQ ~ http://twitter.com/#!/PeltierHQ ~Official Site http://bit.ly/12ZYRc ~Free Leonard Peltier Now!»
"What is to give light must endure burning." ~ Viktor Frankl > http://bit.ly/oGC2A
Proverbs 1:7 "The reverence of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise knowledge and instruction."
Get radical in 2011! ~Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~or start your own party, group or cell.
<+>Monday, January 03, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Rise and Shine! Healthy New Year!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan
Your ideas can be so outrageous today that it's difficult to t... More for Scorpio http://twittascope.com/?sign=8
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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