Friday, January 07, 2011

1-07-2011-Friday Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan

1-07-2011-Friday Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez
@Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Prayers for Peace Upon Mother Earth ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Time for me to call is a night from Twitter. Time often whizzes by fast for me. At least it does not drag. Time is relative I know.
@Femimikiki Fascist Obama has been a great disappointment to many who were starting to believe in gov't again. Should of known better.
@DHSJournal Homeland Security by Peta_de_Aztlan
Pictures from Secretary Napolitano's visit to Afghanistan -
@DHSJournal Homeland Security by Peta_de_Aztlan
Blog Post: Assistant Secretary Todd Keil wraps up Critical Infrastructure Protection Month #infrastructure #resilience
@DHSJournal Homeland Security by Peta_de_Aztlan
Sec Napolitano announces partnership with WCO to strengthen global supply chain security and resiliency in Brussels.
FYI: @BenefitsGOV ~!/BenefitsGOV ~ ~ Connect with 1,000+ benefit program
FYI: @TheJusticeDept ~!/TheJusticeDept/ ~ Does not collect comments or messages via account
@Jinjirrie We need to win the wins the hearts, minds and souls of the people with our love, honest truth and practical wisdom.
RT @wikileaks: Note that we can assume Google & Facebook also have secret US government subpeonas. They make no comment. Did they fold?
@Femimikiki When did Common Sense become such a rare quality in society? Common sense dictates Solitary Confinement is torture.
@Jinjirrie Well I am sure they have to Accept Them with a Twitter Account. To hell with them, more ways than one to skin a pig!
@Femimikiki I feel a lot of rage from you about it all. Remember you mentioning her. Can I help at all? Direct Message!
Haiti Earthquake Anniversary: Little Progress, Broken Promises: ~Let us not forget!
@Jinjirrie Are those fascist fools on Twitter? Bummer Obama is on the surface > ~
VIA @democracynow 1/05/2011 ~ Dr. Atul Gawande: Solitary Confinement is Torture >
@Jinjirrie: Shit does that include my Saved Tweets on my Blog about #WikiLeaks? Do they have a Twitter Account?!?! RT @rixstepnews
VIA @wikileaks: 1/07/11 ~ DOJ subpoeans Twitter records of several WikiLeaks volunteers ~By Glenn Greenwald >
RT @wikileaks: New official Julian Assange defense fund ; let us see Paypal try to close this one down too!
@English103 Sometimes being a little paranoid keep the edge on and makes us let susceptible to a set-up, esp. in the streets.
@English103 It can be hard to trust people in these troubled times. We do now easily know who we are communicating with on the Net.
@starZship I really enjoy watching that one ~like a mini-movie. Glad horse came out OK.
@wikileaks I am paranoid and will always stand up for the truth in life. We know the truth will set us free! Be unafraid, go further!
Reply @ClassicTone: Interesting article but somewhat shallow. Left a Comment. ~Che Peta >
Jerry Brown talks Pinocchio and campaign ads with tourists > ~Yep, Ol' Jerry's back
VIA @sacbee_news 11/30/2010 ~California: Local government workers earning $250,000+ >
RT @UN: Interested in disarmament? Find out more about cluster munition & their dangers: #Lao
Audio/Slide Show: Riding on the edge in Georgia ~great mountain pictures >
RT @wikileaks: Rally in Spain tomorrow:
@ClassicTone Yes, in an existential way there is only the NOW ~memories are also powerful, as are dreams of tomorrow.
VIA @wikileaks US tells Twitter to hand over WikiLeaks supporter's messages ~Iceland MP >
@ClassicTone 3~Outside of the restriction of linear timeline of past-present-future let us have inner visions to inspire us.
@ClassicTone 2~ Let us remember the lessons from our own direct experiences and those of othes. History is a guide to action.
@ClassicTone 1~ Thank you for sharing. Yes we really have to be here now ~really do not have much choice than to be here now.
Check out: photohelix's Channe >
VIDEO [14:56] Dead Birds (Pieces of the Puzzle) What is really Happening?> VIA @ClassicTone
VIDEO: Filmed Feb 2010 ~Derek Sivers: How to start a movement VIA TED Talks >
@XtyMiller Believe we have to check stuff out for ourselves and not just go by what the nebulous 'they' said. Investigate!
Lonely teardrops: Just whiffing women's tears of sadness dampens men’s libido >
@XtyMiller I have seen so many Final Analyses turn out to be far from Final ~theories turn into wisps of air ~certainties collapse
@XtyMiller Some local folks around me think I am a littl' crazy yet will consider the merits of my statements. Go figure!
No fear: Woman lacking basic #brain structure isn't scared of anything~amygdala damage> VIA @heidiko44
@parkstepp Oh yeah. I remember now. Must be nice. Gotta go to Bank of America ~
@XtyMiller Yes, many are ignorant victims of biological warfare being instigated by the U.S. Government. WE are called alarmists!
@DrVarLC 9.4% Unemployment Rate does not include millions not on the radar for various reasons. 1.3 Millions jobs in private sector.
Experiencing poverty helps us to be humble, to be thrifty, to be grateful, to be realistic, to be practical ~but poverty still sucks!
On eve of #South #Sudan independence vote, #UN ramps up its multiple roles > VIA @UN
New York Hotel Opening: 2,000 people in line in the cold for 250 jobs. Can I get Paid for being on #Twitter twitting #Tweets?
I am down to my last bag of Rite-Aid Trail Mix. I love POTUS Obama on TV telling us we are coming out of the shit hole!
@XtyMiller Same shit, different day ~except sometimes the colors and textures are different. ;->~~
@parkstepp And 'normal' is a very relative term subject to subjective interpretations and relativistic definitions! ;->~~
@parkstepp Smile ;->~~ I met life on planet Earth in general right now not you brother... Ummm.... what are you up to?!?!?!?
I got all wrapped up rolls of dimes, nickles and pennies. Got to go to Bank of America for paper bills. It has come to that! ;->~~
@XtyMiller I better find me some friendly aliens to be allies with the way stuff is coming down while most are sound asleep!
@UN Thank you for taking time to reach out to others ~We are all on the same planet and should be UNITED! #followfriday
@XtyMiller @parkstepp I'm reading your Tweets on my TweetDeck ~strange stuff going on ~earthly, other-worldly and yonder!
@parkstepp Good writing is inspired and comes from higher realms of consciousness or deeper realms of subconsciousness.
VIA @hrw: Hungary: Media Law Endangers Press Freedom CLICK HERE >
@XtyMiller Yeah, it's all good. Let's just take our psych meds, distract ourselves, go out and get drunk and be pretenders!
Amerika! If you want #Homeland #Security stop thinking you are the center of cosmos and be in harmony with all peoples.
Amerika! If you want #Homeland #Security stop the U.S. gov't from engaging in acts of domestic terrorism.via police brutality.
Amerika! If you want #Homeland #Security provide comprehensive drug treatment programs to help recovering drug addicts, not cages.
Amerika! If you want #Homeland #Security provide a strong support system for prisoners upon release into general population.
Reply @foxnewslatino: You are NOt Following me on Twitter! @SalazarLatino @LlorenteLatino @GalexLatino @LlenasLatino @CruzLatino
Amerika! If you want #Homeland #Security get rid of religious prejudice! We are not all Christians. We are not all believers!
@MikeyEnergy Explain. Who is 'The US'? What 'religious philosophies'? What is your context? Who does the 'allowing'?
Amerika! If you want #Homeland #Security advocate to get Amerikan Warlords and occupation forces out of the Middle East now.
Amerika! If you want #Homeland #Security get rid of your racism, your nationalism, your sexism and your superiority complex.
Amerika! If you want #Homeland #Security secure the basic survival needs of people: food, clothing, shelter, medical care and education.
Whatever we transmit via any of our computers or digital devices onto the Internet is hackable and up for grabs by a given hacker.
@Th2shay #WikiLeaks has transformed the whole dynamics, mechanics and technics of global communications via the Internet now.
RT @AJEnglish: Algeria police on guard after riots: Security forces reinforced and football matches cancelled...
RT @AJEnglish: Israeli troops shot on Gaza border: At least two armed men breached buffer zone near Khan Younisi...
@wikileaks #WikiLeaks has put governments on notice that they are accountable for their asinine actions and sick secrets.
@back2iraq: Gracias! Good to know my Blog is getting around ~we should all have one to share.>
@EzraGardener @RossArntson Surprised to see this via Tweet. I am Monitor Humane Rights Agenda Group/Blog >
@RebelCapitalist Yeah, bro... real paradoxical if not a contradiction in terms ~I prefer RebelSocialist.
#Taliban bomb kills Afghan police chief, 16 civilians in Kandahar bathhouse >
@RebelCapitalist There is nothing inherently wrong with petty capitalism or entrepreneurs. I condemn Corporate Capitalism.
@RebelCapitalist Are you still a capitalist? Good God man... drop the capitalist! Unless you are actually a petty capitalist.
LINK: "Inner Whispers": Messages From A Spirit Guide ~
I will never ever Vote for POTUS Obama again! Quit the Democratic Party! Quit the Republican Party! Be an Independent Voter!
Left needs to go Right ~ Right needs to go Left ~ Meet in the Center where truth, love, faith, hope and reason dwell.
Wake Up Democrats! POTUS Obama is becoming more and more embedded with the whole fascist corporate state of the Amerikan Empire!
The truth of life is in the Center where Love dwells ~when our Love is ready the Love appears, not a second before. Are you ready?
Music Video: Matt Doyle - "If Morning Can't Wait": via Friend up in Pollack Pines ~Just sharing!
@Aphrodite44 Sometimes I wonder if all my #Twitter #News posts do any damn good or who clicks the links >
@Raul_Ramos Right now I am unemployed without a wage-slave job so I imagine I have more time to be on the Net than most do.
@Raul_Ramos Thanks for the Feedback. We need to learn how to better utilize Internet Power to raise consciousness higher.
Find Out How Many People are Clicking on Your Links in Twitter! >
Followers: Feedback is the life and soul of social networking, not just posting a bunch of stuff nobody but cyber ghosts ever see.
@NoirSavant Some people may Tweet from their Mobile Phone, others their Desktop, others wireless in a coffee shop or a library.
@NoirSavant Yes, my purpose is to help build up a vanguard vehicle, not just exchange pleasantries. Going with the flow forward!
#Pentagon seeks $120 Billion in war funds~overseas war costs >
Some people have more at stake in maintaining the status quo ~the business as usual of corporate profits under a fascist state.
Some people are happily employed, safe and secure in their own homes; Others are homeless outside hungry, wanting food and shelter.
Each of us will vary in terms of our personal commitment to social change because each of us are in a different existence.
We will get nowhere as a collective group of people who shared interests and priorities without a structured vehicle in our lives.
We will have to gather our courage, work on our own spiritual growth, help others as we can and build up a flexible matrix.
All of us should be involved in one kind of progressive movement or another. Help to make it a better world. Ignore the cowards!
@MCKswift Sobriety is the starting point for progressive recovery with an aim of true spiritual liberty.
@sacredflow We can be creative in all our work with a fertile mind and imagination. Many forms of creating. Do well.
@MCKswift Good eye! We must have faith in people. Ted Williams has two yrs clean now. One day at a time!
VIDEO [2:18] Scattered Leaves Book Trailer copyright 2010 Lynny Prince.> wmv
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 1-06-2011-Thursday~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan: ~Saved Tweets
Ted Williams, man with golden voice, and mother reunite on 'Today,' mom says 'don't disappoint me'>
VIDEO [1:27] 1/06/2011 'Golden Voice' homeless man finds job, home after viral video success>
RT @mike_barber: RT @gapconsulting: Link: Update on Birds and Fish are now Dying all Around the World
RT @irwintim: Number of Sudanese heading south ahead of referendum tops 120,000
Echo: @Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: Who I Am via Peta_de_Aztlan:
Michio Kaku | Secret Life of Scientists & Engineers | PBS --
VIDEO [6:51] VIA CNN-Parker / Spitzer: ~Imran Khan: Pakistan is 'going down' > ~RT
Followers: If you do not have one now create a Facebook Account for us to have better interaction ~Use Common Sense wisdom!
RT @palestine: Israeli Troops Mistakenly Kill Palestinian During Raid - Voice of America
RT @palestine: Gaza projectile hits Israel, no casualties - Khaleej Times
Followers: Download TweetDeck > ~Expand your Twitter experience, experiment and try New Features.
Proverbs 1:7 "The reverence of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise knowledge and instruction."
"What is to give light must endure burning." ~ Viktor Frankl >
#Follow @PeltierHQ ~!/PeltierHQ ~Official Site: ~Free Leonard Peltier Now!
Welcome New Followers! Tweet your truth with courage. Go with the flow and let it go! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Open Invitation! Join HELP-Matrix via HumanE Liberation Party >
VIDEO [1:36:42] The War You Don't See ~anwar2u20 VIA @uruknet > ~RT
<+>Friday, January 07, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Rise and Shine!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan
The most intelligent way to assure that you'll get everything ... More for Scorpio
VIDEO LINK: J.K. Rowling on Failure And Imagination ~2008 Harvard Commencement Speech >
VIA NPR~ 7 Billion And Counting: Can Earth Handle It? text/audio >

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