1-08-2011-Sabbath Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan ~Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
@shamansun shamansun
@heidiko44 Heide Kolb
Learning to lovingly connect with Self & Spirit heals the childhood lack of loving connection that most of us experienced.http://ht.ly/3zTNL
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Prayers for Peace for all inhabitants of Mother Earth! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
It is about that time to crawl over to my corner of the cosmos ~call it another day that has become night on Mother Earth!
@bethtrutwin What does this have to do directly with ~ Galactic Full Disclosure NOW! http://bit.ly/ic3DIV
RT @AntiCapitalistX: Capitalism has taking human tendencies and reshaped them around an axis of self-destruction.
@aazzure http://twitpic.com/3odxsw - What was it or is it? Part of a cab of a truck? Old machine part? Bizarre!
@OrBVIOUS66 We have more access to social media than many other countries, esp. in rural Third World countries in isolation.
@M0AB We should have more and more social integratiion ~let's start with an integrated re-distribution of the wealth!
@rgl I appreciate my time of solitude ~but interaction with others in different ways is healthy for our general well-being.
@M0AB Yes, good. "Please be quiet" with a tender tone is important with our children ~beats shourting "Shut the #uck Up!"
I am convinced this country has long gone crazy in a bad way ~it just gets worse ~but we can do what we can to make it better.
Good Link: RT @PeterBrownPsy: Cognitive Therapy for Bipolar Disorder > http://bit.ly/hdMqCZ #bipolar
@aazzure I'll help you grow oranges! Orange is about my favorite color! You got land for growing a crop? I like orange juice.
You cannot expect to get healthy people to come out of a Sick Twisted System. Healthy people are the exceptions, not the rule.
Who raised the parents of the parents who raised the parents of perverted predators?!? It all goes back to the Sick System.
"14-year CIA veteran Victor Marchetti has stated in various interviews that the #CIA routinely conducts disinformation campaigns" #psyop
We have a lot of emotionally crippled and spiritually handicapped adults who are perverted predators in a predatory society.
@M0AB Maybe it all begins in Early Childhood Development ~parents constantly shouting at their children ~Sit Down! Shut Up!
RT @AJEnglish: Voting begins in South Sudan referendum: ~People begin voting in a historic vote that will decide... http://aje.me/eUwyo5
Foul folks who blow up and kill others are like suicide bombers walking around amongst us ~untreated spiritual seeikness.
@Texasoutlaw122 We need to learn to live with the idea that we do not always have to be right and get the last word.
@Texasoutlaw122 I mean we who have basic common sense need to let others open up without judging and condemning them.
@Texasoutlaw122 The liberal left is confused in many ways ~lost without spritual principles and disciplined leadership.
It takes more than meditation, introspection and self-reflection. It takes humane interaction with others on a daily basis.
@CherylBrownlee We can see the emotions on people's faces who are all bottled up, tied up and suffering from their own emotions.
We could all do better with a Course in Emotional Management ~learning better how to accept, manage and safely express emotions.
@CherylBrownlee Gracias! Suspect there are a lot of people who just suppress their feelings until they boil over and explode!
@aazzure Sometimes we think too much and feel too little. We need to balance our feelings, thoughts and creative actions.
We need to let people speak their minds, express themselves, provide creative outlets, accept differences of opinion.
We need to tap into the fury, anger and strong emotions of people ~direct them in the direction of a Peaceful Revolution.
April Fool's Day 4/01/2010 ~Marianne Williamson's Plea To Sarah Palin: Words Have Power > http://huff.to/aysBiJ
@aazzure http://twitpic.com/3odb2x - Nice picture. Hey you all still got the good mota up there?
10:00 PM PST ~Night has fallen deep here in California. I suppose a lot of folks are out partying and having fun. Lives go on!
Yes, I usually led my soul lead though still let my mind help guide. RT @ktotheb: When dancing with the Soul, remember to let it lead.
2/09/2007 [8:21] PLEASE Help RE-OPEN California's One & Only Inter-Tribal College (DQ-University) http://youtu.be/HzQYjj4nB3g
Faith in Creator is a kind of blind faith because it can best be seen by the inner heart, by what stirs the inner soul.
America needs it own country-wide reconciliation after today's terrible tragedy in Arizona: between the lovers and the haters.
@eren_snchz Thank you for your Favoring some of my Tweets ~thoughtful of you ~todady has been a heavy day of emotions
Corporate RT @AntiCapitalistX: Capitalism has taking the journalists and turned them into mere stenographers of the capitalist agenda.
@MikeyEnergy Had to get $42.00 from Major at Salvation Army for Dept. of Justice Printout for possible Careworker Job
Shooting suspect Jared Loughner may have posted anti-government messages > http://usat.ly/gxxtOL
Recall VIDEO: 3/25/2010 [4:54] ~Rep. Giffords Receives threats over healthcare: http://on.msnbc.com/dLuJP5 ~
@MikeyEnergy Know that I remember the days when I had my choice of which job I wanted ~now I have a lot more experience
Follow @PeoplesWorld ~ http://twitter.com/#!/PeoplesWorld ~ http://www.peoplesworld.org/ ~People/labor and nature b4 profits
Follow @pslweb ~ http://twitter.com/#!/pslweb ~ http://www2.pslweb.org/site/PageServer ~News from Party for Socialism and Liberation
Watching Blue Bloods ~truth is I like the family bonding that the central family has together ~we need closer families
The 9-year-old who was shot dead today at the Giffords event was featured in a book “Faces of Hope: Babies Born on 9/11." #Tucson
@wikileaks We must stand strong together against the foul forces of Amerikan Fascism ~overcome all fears and fools!
RT @wikileaks: WARNING all 637,000 @wikileaks followers are target of US gov subpoena against Twitter, under section 2. B http://is.gd/koZIA
Your New Year’s resolution: Building a new movement for #socialism > http://bit.ly/hSw6XU
@CelebrityDx Why narrow diagnosis to 'Celebrity'? Money-fame-fate? Beware canary in the mine! What makes evil killers like in AZ today?
Arizona Suspect Likely Facing Death Penalty for Fatally Shooting Federal Judge > http://fxn.ws/gjnzdR ~Amerikan justice, Just Kill Em!
@EsterTonea ~ Love song-Feelings- Julio Inglesias > http://youtu.be/qAl8MtdocR4
@EsterTonea I have a vague memory but might have that blocked out by my subconscious. I liked the Julio Iglesias version.
"I'm Dangerous With Love" - A Shamanic Journey into the Underworld http://t.co/o33CH5A
@EsterTonea So do I... gave me flashbacks. Ahh, ol' memories that bring up feelings that still feel so fresh and tender.
Jerry Brown’s Karma ~by Tom Hayden posted on Saturday, 8 January 2011 > http://bit.ly/exIj9O
@EsterTonea ~Feelings~ http://youtu.be/CyBcHUe4WeQ ~I always loved feelings...
RT @BreakingNews: 800-mile trans-Alaska pipeline shut down after leak discovered at North Slope pump station http://bit.ly/fflH9L
AZ Congresswoman Giffords shot; doctors 'optimistic' about recovery chances ~6 killed, 18 wounded > http://bit.ly/dSyLJl
That's it! I've had enough! I've waited long enough! I deserve it!... gonna go down to Conference Room and get a Milky Way!
Well I guess that CNN does not have to worry about its leading story today ~it if bleeds it leads~ that's the saying.
@EsterTonea Feelings are real to the person feeling those feelings ~whether they are warranted or not~ and should be noticed.
@EsterTonea I know that just hearing someone out when they are upset ~without judging them~ can be a helpful form of therapy.
@EsterTonea Even in the greatest tragedy lessons can be learned and truth revealed can help our eventual triumph in life.
Mystery remains RT @heidiko44: The 10 Leading Theories For Dead Birds And Fish «: http://bit.ly/fbwf7b via @mae37:
@EsterTonea Too bad young Adolf Hitler was not encouraged in his artwork, then he hellped us all to see the potential of evil.
We all need to engage with each other, to reach out to others, esp. when we are angry or upset about the course of our lives. Let it out!
RT @BreakingNews: Army confirms suspect in Rep. Giffords shooting, Jared Loughner, attempted to enlist in service but was rejected - NBC
@heidiko44 It is a matter of each of us practicing self-control ~self-policing, not gun control #whatpartareyounotgetting
@rgl U.S. citizens enjoy a high degree of personal freedom compared to other totalitarian societies ~unless one is a threat to status quo
@rgl Today we really need to define general terms. Same words can have different meanings. I feel relatively free in my mind.
We can change society one human being at a time ~encouage the mammal to evolve into a humane being with loving compassion.
RT @pakistaninews: US concerned about increasing extremism in Pakistan > http://bit.ly/gQx5j2
TEXT-VIDEO ~Rep. Giffords a leading voice in immigration debate ~comprehensive reform advocate > http://reut.rs/gV2xRJ
Rift in Arizona as Latino Class Is Found Illegal > http://nyti.ms/fn8vQx ~Why we get angry!
RT @BreakingNews: User images, real-time updates on Tucson shooting at breakingnews.com > http://bit.ly/ii1C9t
3:20 PM ~Time for a meal ~sometimes I forget to eat and ignore my growling stomach ~need to be more mindful of my body
@PolishedSuite I am humbly Following more of my Followers ~sometimes I get too wrapped up in my own subjective mind and interests.
HOW TO: Use Advanced Twitter Search To Find a Job [VIDEO] - http://on.mash.to/efvo7y
40 New Social Media Resources You May Have Missed - http://on.mash.to/dVi7Ec
1/07/2011 ~Body appears that of Mexican border region mayor > http://wapo.st/fGDIx8
Yes RT @AnthonyLawlor: Moments of violence and death open our eyes to look thru illusions and see what is actually happening. #Gifffords
Today I am learning to be ~more open ~more tolerant ~more receptive ~more sensitive and more understanding of all people.
@nNomad_ Yes. there are a lot of looney lunatics walking about in the general population. Be alert, be aware. be awake.
@aglb66 I know Primo. Good day for all of us to harmonize are one family of unity upon Mother Earth. #Venceremos
Today is a good day to think about the state of the world, the state of the United States and the state of the individual.
A Year in, Amnesty Deal Lures Only 3 Percent of Taliban http://bit.ly/eymafr #afghanistan
Saturday, Jan. 08, 2011 ~The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily is Out ~shared by PETER S LOPEZ + 64 people on Twitter http://paper.li/Peta_de_Aztlan
US/Afghan Special Forces strike kills "Taliban deputy governor in Afghanistan" - Mawlawi Bahadur has been... http://tumblr.com/xkc17x2ynm
Americans encourage violence when it does not discourage the violence of its own government. Violence begets violence.
Let us pray that we eliminate blind hatred for anyone, especially our so-called enemies! Hates begets hate, love creates love.
Let us pray that today we examine the existence of violence in our world ~wonder about its roots, causes and effects.
4.1 Earthquake, San Francisco Bay area, causes shaking but little damage > http://bit.ly/hbSDsH
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. ~ Martin Luther King, Jr
Let us be open to dialogue ~to discussions about our differences ~to new ways of looking at old things ~to reason with compassion.
Life is often fickle, unfair and unpredictable. Let us not disarm ourselves and always uphold our sacred right to self-defense!
To be a pathetic pacifist and always advocate non-violence is to hint at its opposite= violence! Advocate peace, period!
Shia leader Al-Sadr calls on Iraqis 'to resist' ~urges peaceful resistance ~rejection of violence > http://bit.ly/eCjj2b
US to 'expand Pakistan assistance' ~Increased military, intelligence and economic support > http://bit.ly/ifmCsW
White girls seen as 'easy meat' by Pakistani rapists, says Jack Straw > http://bit.ly/esALCA
Rebel Attacks Reported on Eve of South #Sudan Referendum > http://bit.ly/fUYJBr
Deadly clashes ahead of #Sudan vote ~at least 7 people feared dead > http://bit.ly/hc1ReD
Followers: If you cannot handle my style of sanity Unfollow and Follow @iCrazyInsane
@Deprogrammer9 When we believe in illusions spouted by idiots we become addicted to insanity ~divorced from connected reality.
"Violence is as American as apple pie." ~ H. Rap Brown > http://bit.ly/hSkKIh
It is the height of hypocrisy to condemn violence on the domestic scene then give Medals and praise to killer-soldiers overseas.
The legitimate prestige of power is fat slime behind which the U.S. Government hides as it disguises the evilness of its essence.
If we do not condemn the violence of the U.S. Government in its official policies we gift indirect approval of its violence.
The U.S. Government is now a rogue terrorist state ~its ugly military is the biggest practitioner of violence in the world.
Violence is a central theme in all our lives ~no matter how much we contemplate our navels ~it comes with the rurf on earth.
The rogue U.S. Government is not MY government ~it exists independently of my being ~it must be criticized ~it must be transformed
One man's violence can be another man's self-defense. We learn the power of violence by the the violence of the U.S. government.
We can only rid the world of the insanity of violence when we get rid of the violent hate in our own hearts and its causes.
Update: Apparently Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is in surgery for gunshot wound to head ~so she is still alive! Time will tell.
@nNomad_ I am doing OK. Sad about killings in Arizona ~lived in Phoenix a few years ~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~
@DrIreneBlinston Sometimes we get so focused on the ugly in life than we forget to shift back and recall the beauty in life.
The Anatomy of Torture ~Marvin Zuckerman Professor Emeritus, University of Delaware > http://bit.ly/gKim1U
If you were at the Safeway in Tucson near Oracle and Ina this morning during the shooting , please call 602-444-8577.
RT @AP: AP is looking for eyewitnesses at the scene of the Rep. Giffords shooting in Tucson. Please reply to @AP #Congress #Giffords -SB
RT @CyberComm: (Tucson) Rep. Giffords was fatally shot during a public appearance 4 others killed 12 wounded http://tinyurl.com/2dafzdo
#News via #Twiiter is astounding ~ On TweetDeck created column ~Search: Tucson ~Tweets FLOODING DOWN ~Experiment
Let us pray that despite our passing angers about evilness and evildoers in the world that we still cherish peace and love!
VIA CNN: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords has died and six other people have been killed in Tucson ~Prayers Up for Families
LINK: Prison Movement's Weblog ~ http://prisonmovement.wordpress.com/ VIA @PrisonReformMvt
State prison system lucrative for corrections workers > http://bit.ly/dSIo4f VIA @PrisonReformMvt #abolish #prisons
Let us pray we remember the power of prayer when we are troubled, distressed and worried about world events today. Pray!
RT @IronManRecords: Birmingham Underground is out! http://bit.ly/e8TDv7 ▸ Top stories today @dazwright @s0mbunall @cybrum @peta_de_aztlan
RT @cnnbrk: Several people shot at grocery store in Tucson, Arizona ~Pima County Sheriff's Department. http://on.cnn.com/eaHJry
“The artist is the antenna of the race.” ~ Ezra Pound VIA @sacredflow ~ http://bit.ly/eirzGd
Let us pray that we surpass the self-centered ego ~be open to learning from others ~be helpful to the family of all living beings.
Let us pray that we keep a balance in our lives ~keep your mind clear ~keep your body clean ~keep your spirit in command!
Followers: Follow a path with heart ~a path you believe in on a soulful level ~a path that rings true for you ~a path of love
Nine Billion People by 2045 > http://bit.ly/gqOhWd ~IF we are still around! Sometimes we need to question basic assumptions.
RT @michiokaku: What Will the Next Decade Bring for Medicine? -- http://bigthink.com/ideas/26456
RT @michiokaku: The Digital Age in an Analog World -- http://bigthink.com/ideas/26351
Let us pray that we have an attitude of gratitude and appreciate the simplest blessings in our lives with a humane mind.
Let us pray that we really focus on what matters in our lives ~pay attention to our basic survival needs and help others.
RT @BreakingNews: NYC police: Male model in custody after Portuguese TV star slain, castrated at hotel http://bit.ly/gDJ8Zx ~Ouch!
@mychatbox_tweet This is just another distracting Twitter app. You're not even Following me. I prefer TweetDeck!
“Our minds are incredibly interconnected” ~ Dr. Dan Siegel, neuroscientist #interconnection
4th Commandment: Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. ~Exodus 20: 3-17
#Follow @PeltierHQ ~ http://twitter.com/#!/PeltierHQ ~Official Site: http://bit.ly/12ZYRc ~Free Leonard Peltier Now!
"What is to give light must endure burning." ~ Viktor Frankl > http://bit.ly/oGC2A
Proverbs 1:7 "The reverence of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise knowledge and instruction."
Echo: Welcome! To All Our Followers AKA Co-Creators of #Consciousness ~ Twitter is the premier micro-blogging website today.
They have designed the system so that the mentality of a prison inmate can only survive in a prison environment.
Mosaic News Link ~Television Without Borders = http://www.linktv.org/mosaic
Saturday Morning Treat ~ Watching Mosaic on Comcast Cable 17 here in Sacramento ~ http://bit.ly/19g3J7
14 headless bodies found in Alcapulco, Mexico resort city ~largest single group of decapitation since 2006: http://fxn.ws/f8qvIG
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 1-07-2011-Friday Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan: http://bit.ly/f3VdYx ~Saved Tweets
@heidiko44 Good Morning Heidi ~Bless you for reminding us of the importance of #gratitude in our lives. I am grateful for so much.
<+>Sabbath, January 08, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Rise and Shine!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan
The intensity in your relationships continues to settle down t... More for Scorpio http://twittascope.com/?sign=8
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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