Tuesday, January 11, 2011

1-11-2011 Tuesday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan


1-11-2011 Tuesday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez
@Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Prayers for Energy to Keep Fighting for Peace! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
1/10/11 Urgent: Demand Leonard' Peltier's Immediate Transfer to the Mayo Clinic!> http://bit.ly/i4QQjd VIA @LeonardPeltier
@derekmarkham Derek Markham by Peta_de_Aztlan
Demand @LeonardPeltier's Immediate Transfer to Mayo Clinic! http://t.co/pITbiNh symptoms of prostate #cancer for over a year
@Anti_Intellect D. M. by Peta_de_Aztlan
"Blackness and whiteness are produced social constructions, not fixed biological categories." - Dana A.Williams
VIA @ileducprof: Dallas Foundation 2011 Grant Guidelines/Application Instructions ~nonprofit organizations > http://bit.ly/ek1GRf
@MikeyEnergy Amerikan Fascism is infested with fanatical control freaks and is suspicious of all social networking websites.
I am convinced we are living under a mature fascism inside the USA ~in fact, the most advanced form in human history, including psycho-ops.
@savebradley We need to not forget Brother Bradley! In all the WikiLeaks controversy & scandals he has been overlooked by progressives.
Follow Pft. Bradley Manning @savebradley ~ http://twitter.com/#!/savebradley/ ~ http://www.bradleymanning.org/ ~A hero of the people!
@savebradley Pfc. Bradley Manning by Peta_de_Aztlan
Psychologists for Social Responsibility open letter to Robert Gates on Manning’s confinement http://nblo.gs/cz4kZ
@savebradley Pfc. Bradley Manning by Peta_de_Aztlan
Song for Bradley Manning—a new folk song for a new folk hero http://youtu.be/z_eood7DUwI Lyrics http://is.gd/k7lbU /by @drovics via @WaldenE
@savebradley Pfc. Bradley Manning by Peta_de_Aztlan
"The evidence [against Bradley] is extremely questionable." The entire 10min interview w/ @GGreenwald on @BreakfastNews: http://ur1.ca/2rqru
@savebradley Pfc. Bradley Manning by Peta_de_Aztlan
"Regardless of one's view of [Bradley's acts] the conditions under which he is being held are indefensible." http://is.gd/kvMCA /by @LATimes
So Let It Be Known! RT @savebradley: Bradley Manning and the Rule of Law http://nblo.gs/cST9J RT Now!
@MikeyEnergy On the other hand, Twitter has re-invigorated my belief that there are many caring humane beings in the world.
@MikeyEnergy Being on #Twitter without personal involvement in a positive group or party would make Twitter irrelevant to me.
@MikeyEnergy 3 Strikes Law struck out! The whole prison system is screwed up ~in fact, the whole government is screwed up!
1/12/2011 ~ Brisbane, Australia braces for more flooding as 90 people reported missing > http://bit.ly/hp8kCU
@papakelt Yeah. you're resilient AND stubborn! #mhsm
Test of Stealth Fighter Clouds Sec Defense Gates Visit to China > http://nyti.ms/fLAkTC
Bill to abolish Illinois death penalty heading to Governor > http://bit.ly/fV8qJP
Twitter Tribes! ~ #Facebook Page Deleted ~ http://www.facebook.com/uruknet @uruknet 'The page you requested was not found.'
Check it out RT @uruknet: Video: Taliban Can Fight Forever > http://bit.ly/fsQ0du #afghanistan
@AnthonyLawlor AnthonyLawlor by Peta_de_Aztlan
.@katost Takes courage to open up , but it accesses wider energies. Allows entry to wider dialogue of spirit. Thanks for your courage.
@Libertana Lysander Spooner by Peta_de_Aztlan
Soldier Suicides on the Rise http://youtu.be/LKePfJfHdTU murder is not something many men can cope with, thankfully! bring our troops HOME
VIA @Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: Martin Luther King - Nobel Lecture: http://bit.ly/hFOIOe ~Lest we forget!
We will try to persuade with our words, but if our words fail, we will try to persuade with our acts. ~Dr.Martin Luther King, Jr.
As humane beings we should not fight or support unjust foreign wars. We should wage war exhausting peaceful methods, esp. power of the word.
@EsterTonea Whatever terms we use ~psychic, clairvoyance or intuition~ we can develop our mind-spirit-energy readings in life.
@lostrelics I spend too much Tweeting and not enough time writing other stuff, though Twitter sharpens my creative writing.
Interesting: Shape-shifting sugars pinned down: http://bit.ly/gErZI2
@EsterTonea Tia by Peta_de_Aztlan
Sexual energy is one of the most powerful forms of energies out there- it mixes and sometimes misrepresents lust/love/passion
@uruknet Did you Email them or Message Facebook? Any reason or explanation as to why your Account was Deleted?
@Deprogrammer9 There is no argument. Certain people on Twitter I have their Emails at least. Called Communication System.
@lostrelics Good. I have to limit who I Follow ~with hundreds it is not really Following ~Followers block each other out
@Deprogrammer9 Facebook is most popular website on Internet. We use it because it is there! ~ http://www.facebook.com/Peta51
@lostrelics Our only real limitations involve our courage, our curioisty and our own imagination. Where there is a will...
@lostrelics Know that those we Follow can Direct Message us on Twitter IF we Follow them or we can use Facebook.
For example: Found out today @uruknet that Facebook Corporation has deleted the Facebook Page for http://www.uruknet.info/
@lostrelics All of us should have a #Link on our #Twitter Bio ~create a #Matrix of Links and Linkages. Foresight means NOW.
@lostrelics I love your Spirit. We should be exchanging CONTACT information NOW with people we want to stay in touch with.
Better to search for comrades and kindred spirits over the Internet now than to be looking for each other under the rubble.
Imagine the immediate rebellion that would happen if Internet was shut down by the Evil Empire! Genie is out of the bottle!
Rational restraints loosening ~loose cannons on deck moving left to right ~normalcy cannot be fully defined ~people are pissed
After all legal peaceful methods of struggle by the vanguard elements have been clearly exhausted 'V' is the last resort.
@MikeyEnergy USA. is no longer a regular nation nor democratic ~it has evolved into the most Evil Empire in human history.
@SacNewsReview Appreciate good article on Hunger in Sacramento in your Free Newspaper! > http://bit.ly/hvwvvV ~so many assume!
Went to Welfare Dept. to sign up for General Assistance around 11 AM. So crowded I will take a shot early tomorrow morning.
What’s for dinner? ~new face of hunger in Sacramento > http://bit.ly/hvwvvV
Better a fresh bowl of beans by the campfire in a Liberated Zone than a feast in the Master's Chambers under armed guard.
The masses have always had the numbers and the potential power to transform state power relationships on a global scale.
Let us not lower our dignity and become beggars for crumbs that fall to the carpet from the banquet table of the fascists.
Open Letters to the Obama Regime are stupid and displays a false faith in the government over faith in the masses of people.
We need to stop asking questions of the Obama Regime that we know will not be ever answered or sufficiently addressed.
1/11/11 ~Tunisia: the protests continue ~Written by http://www.marxy.com/ > http://bit.ly/eB1GqS
January 11, 2011 @4:50 pm EST ~Bill Cliinton Says Political Tone Must Change > http://nyti.ms/eZ9Rpf
VIA Wikipedia ~ File: Violence world map: http://bit.ly/g11HNf ~the 'V' word of today!
Open Invitation! Join HELP-Matrix via HumanE Liberation Party > http://help-matrix.ning.com/ #HELP
Gun-control advocates say Loughner is proof of need for better background checks > http://wapo.st/hOcmFA ~Here we go!
Whither the violence of the slavemaster? Whither the violence of the slave? Is 'V' ever justified under certain conditions?
@morsemusings There is 'V' in present-day society. The 'V' of hunger, poverty, oppression and a zillion constant offenses.
@morsemusings There is the external 'V' of nature in storms, earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural catrastrophes. Whither?
@morsemusings At its base 'V' is raw brute force. It is a complex phenomena not readily undestood by many of us, esp. victims.
RT @morsemusings: Violence is a defense mechanism. Caused from fear. Caused from feeling separation from love.
#Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1964 ~The Quest for Peace and Justice by Martin Luther King, Jr. > http://bit.ly/15giQv
We need to understand the 'v' word= Violence! Where does 'V' come from? Where do we learn 'V'? Who shows us 'V'? What is 'V'?
Now is a good time to examine what are the roots of our feelings, our thoughts, our vibrations and our radiations? Whither are we?
VIA @morsemusings ~January 11, 2011 ~In Awe with My Flowers ~ http://bit.ly/ikqiZn ~We are all in our here now.
Sometimes we have to slow down to catch up to ourselves ~take time to appreciate being in your beingness as a humane being.
Do you actually show your love to those you profess to care about? Do you take the time to exhibit your love to loved ones?
A lot of the healing that needs to take place in the real world needs to happen within us and in all our personal relations.
Do we take the time in our comings and goings to really relate to those that matter to us or do we take them for granted?
Now is a good time for us to take a good look at each other, to understand one another, to fathom why we are as we are.
In the context of connected reality all of us are interconnected to each other in life at one level, degree or dimension.
Welcome To All My New Followers! AKA Co-Creators of #Consciousness ~Will try to respond to questions best I can. @Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @consciousskillz: What you love you empower and what you fear you empower - and what you empower you attract.~ Author Unknown ~
#Tucson shootings don't quell debate over political rhetoric > http://wapo.st/faf2bG
VIA @BP_Disorder: Foreword So, you’ve just been diagnosed with bipolar disorder... manic depression.> http://bit.ly/dYYeLo #bipolar
RT @AJEnglish: South Sudan voters die in ambush: Voting held third day in referendum, but at least 10 are killed... http://aje.me/g7nETV
RT @democracynow: Non-partisan Solutions Needed in Wake of #Tucson Tragedy, ~Former Surgeon General Dr Richard Carmona. http://ow.ly/3BQzX
RT @PeoplesWorld: AFL-CIO: New House ‘Workforce’ Committee Highlights Anti-Union Goals http://bit.ly/hE0kB3
Reply @SteelersGurlie Pop your bubble and step into connected reality. Condemn the violence of Amerikan troops in Afghanistan!
Gabrielle #Giffords shooting: Jared Lee Loughner facing five charges > http://bit.ly/hlzQpT
Let us pray for a healing in the world ~for healing in our hearts ~for a healing of our wounds ~for a healing of humankind.
Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 1-10-2011~Lunes-Monday Twitter Timeline of Tweets @Peta_de_Aztlan: http://bit.ly/f0bUTA ~Saved Tweets
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S Lopez
<+>Tuesday, January 11, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Rise and Shine!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan
Overspending in order to impress someone you love won't be as ... More for Scorpio http://twittascope.com/?sign=8

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Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan

Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/


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