Twitter Timeline 1-12-2011-Wed. ~Tweets @Peta_de_Aztlan
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Peace, Truth & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party! Help Others!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
She is beautiful RT @heidiko44: #VIDEO: "HEIDI" Cross-eyed German opossum becomes internet hit - via @pdjmoo: http://ow.ly/3CZ9R
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Prayers for Energy to Keep Fighting for Peace Upon Mother Earth! ~Namaste, Che Peta
I made a promise to my Self: Self I am going to put you to bed early!
Ol' Ted Williams ~the now famous homeless brother~ has had a few bumps on the road. Sometimes we need to isolate from the public.
If we are a regular wage-slave the bulk of our day is composed of doing assigned tasks ~bringing home the bacon ~survival needs
@MikeyEnergy A key part of our collective Spiritual Evolution is for us to work on our beingness ~meditate ~clarify confusion
Elevate and expand your consciousness as a Creator of the Creator in the Cosmos ~ http://unitedstarseeds.com/
@shamansun My old gals are hope, faith and melody.
@MikeyEnergy Tomorrow I have nothing I have to do in terms of 'taking care of business' except be, breath and beautify.
@ricardelico Time is such a relative factor in life ~so central yet so elusive. It slips, slips and passes right before our eyes.
@starZship Yeah, I figured... just joshing with you. Sometimes I feel like a legal alien inside the USA compared to many.
Tomorrow I will begin a new stage in my life, I just never seem to get there. It keeps turning into today! ;->~~
@shamansun I will have to check out Lord of the Rings ~so much can be seen through symbols camouflaged by myths. Will check Netflix.
@starZship OK. I should of known better. I imagine aliens have better psychic abilities than naturalized citizens.
@Wuxia The sad thing is that nowadays people are fearful of being themselves, of exposing their true feelings ~real vibrations.
@Wuxia You're right. The vibrations of felt resonance via direct or indirect humane contact. Nothing like the personal..
@lurainpenny The catch with our sacred rights is that they need to be exercised by us for them to stay alive, never privileges.
@ileducprof As a humane being I find it easy to love people in general, though may not endorse their decisions on warfare.
@starZship You must be psychic. Was going to ask what the duck is antimatter?!?! ;->~~
RT @starZship: Antimatter= protons with negative charges, electrons with positive charges, opposite of normal matter.
@Wuxia We are in an era where technology has already become a part of communication systems upon Mother Earth. No turning back!
Our sacred rights are bestowed upon us by virtue of our being Creatures of the Creator ~these sacred rights have always been ours.
Our sacred rights are not simply ours as so-called Constitutional Rights bestowed upon us by so-called Founding Fathers.
I am not hiding, am not unduly paranoid and will continue to exercise my sacred rights as a Creature of the Creator.
I am mainly interesting in raising spiritual-energy consciousness via whatever means are around for me to do so. Reaching out!
As humane beings, now is the time when we need to unite together with all those who have a deep love for all of humanity.
POTUS Obama spoke well in Tucson tonight. He should know his Amerikan Warlords are the greatest practitioners of violence in the world.
"Gabby opened her eyes and I can tell you she knows we are here, she knows we love her and she knows we are rooting for her," Obama said.
Tucson shootings: Let us heal together, Obama says at memorial event > http://wapo.st/hNhHRE
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S. Lopez
7:14 PM ~Obama did well in Tucson in his speech ~a superb one~ I still got mixed feelings about him ~the Escalator of Afghan War!
@IronManRecords Fascist fools do not comprehend that their trying to spook #WikiLeaks supporters just makes us stronger!
@lurainpenny Know I have no control over what is in http://paper.li/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Clever Twitter generated app..
@bodovan Thanks for #Follow Wonder how you can be Following 24,122?! ~Feel free to Unfollow anytime. ~Quality, not quantity.
RT @wikileaks: WikiLeaks volunteer detained by US agents http://bit.ly/eAj2c5
RT @wikileaks: "The Catholic Church shut down Galileo for a hundred years. I think we can shut down Julian Assange." http://is.gd/YvBwaK
Wednesday, Jan. 12, 2011 The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily~shared by PETER S LOPEZ + others followed on Twitter http://paper.li/Peta_de_Aztlan
Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 1-11-2011 Tuesday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan: http://bit.ly/fX0B25 ~Saved Tweets
Behind Lebanon's New Political Crisis - TIME: http://bit.ly/hcyZN4 via @addthis
Echo: #Nobel Lecture~December 11, 1964~The Quest for Peace and Justice by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. > http://bit.ly/15giQv
Open Invitation! Join HELP-Matrix via HumanE Liberation Party > http://help-matrix.ning.com/ #HELP
RT @bigthink: Lung Cancer: To Screen or Not to Screen? http://bit.ly/hvtFqf
Sometimes we can be so serious that it becomes comical ~Learn to let go ~Know the power of non-doing ~Be one in beingness
Do not be so serious all the time ~know that the world got along just fine without you before you poked your head out.
Life life in balance ~an active aware balance ~leaning neither too far to the left nor too far to the right ~keep a center within.
Sting and Trudie Styler Interview - Quotes from Sting and Trudie Styler - Harper's BAZAAR: http://bit.ly/gw2kUX via @addthis
@PeoplesWorld PeoplesWorld by Peta_de_Aztlan
@truthout Truthout by Peta_de_Aztlan
Million-Plus Remain Homeless and Displaced in Haiti One Year After Earthquake http://bit.ly/gaL8iN #Truthout #p2 #p2b
@BP_Disorder Shay Villere by Peta_de_Aztlan
Bipolar disorder damages you......so you must continually repair your mind. Bipolar Auction! FREE BOOK! www.BipolarDisorderBook.com
@PeoplesWorld PeoplesWorld by Peta_de_Aztlan
VIDEO [16:00] Aaron Huey: America's Native Prisoners of War: http://bit.ly/i2fIZC ~Honor the Treaties! Give Back the Black Hills!
1:20 PM ~Just got up from my 'field trip'. As usual I met several people I know who are doing good. Good to see seeds sprout!
@PeltierHQ Good. I hope Concentration Camp got Message that Leonard Peltier needs humane medical care! > http://bit.ly/fQKsPv
Watch & Read VIA @bigthink: Creative Types: Embrace Chaos VIA Malcolm Gladwell > http://bit.ly/gvIuKL
Yes, Live Consciously RT @BE_PURE: Let us shake our collective complacency. Remember, Pray, ACT!
Red Flag! Los Angeles Gang Police Quit Over Financial Disclosure: http://bit.ly/eNkQ2Z VIA @starZship
@morsemusings You have a great creative and productive day. Maybe we can do Skype later! The power of the voice.
7:29 PM ~Time to jump in the shower, get dressed and go out into the outside world beyond my safe Aztlán Sanctuary at home.
@lindahollier I am constantly creating, evolving, experimenting and tuning up myself on a wholistic level of mind-body-soul.
@lindahollier Now I realize that much of the struggle of war in life is within me, my working on my own character defects.
@lindahollier Yes, I have long believed that life is struggle, life is warfare, though I strive to handle it best I can today.
Welcome To All My New Followers! AKA Co-Creators of #Consciousness ~Will try to respond to questions best I can. @Peta_de_Aztlan
So you know, HOW my Spiritual Liberation Program works is to be Honest, Open and Willing to change. develop and evolve today.
So you know, I am involved in my own personal Spiritual Program and dedicated to helping others achieve Spiritual Liberation.
So you know, I am a recovering drug addict and drunk still involved in the healing process of progressive recovery.
Rest In Peace David Nelson ~ who passed over to 'the other side' at 74-earth years.
I know who I am, who I have been and who I want to be in the future, but I live consciously in the here and the now of life.
I do identity with the concept of global democratic socialism as a political-economic system and oppose corporate capitalism.
I am not a Marxist communist. I do not see the potential for there ever being a classless communist society in my lifetime.
I advocate us coming together to create a Peaceful Revolution inside the United States, exhausting all legal methods of struggle.
As a conscious humane being I have tender care, true concern and loving compassion for all living beings of Mother Earth.
Followers: I am first and foremost a humane being who lives at the very center of my existence, not a mere human animal.
Let us take the time in our busy lives of comings and goings to remember that we are human beings, not human doings. Be,
Let us take the time to pray in our lives ~no matter how busy we think we are with our often fragile and feeble mortal minds.
@lindahollier Good Morning Sweetheart! I am doing well, going through a few personal struggles, but that's life on Earth!
@PeaceLeadership Looks like Deepak Resigned as Head of ANH then later and now we have > http://wellworld.org/
@PeaceLeadership Good Morning here. OK Good. Will check it out. Loved ANH then got into other more radical stuff. http://wellworld.org/
<+>Wednesday, January 12, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Rise and Shine!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan
@heidiko44 Heide Kolb
@CausesEffects Causes and Effects
@EmergentCulture Rohaan Solare
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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