1-13-2010-Thursday Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Peace, Truth & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party! Help Others!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @bonniebright5: 1-11-11: A pivotal #Jungian moment: Rafael Lopez-#Pedraza leaves us at age 90: http://bit.ly/hMFvUC ~http://bit.ly/hzEiLE
RT @mhughes3500: Pakistani Taliban drive Haqqani from North Waziristan to Afghanistan http://exm.nr/fzWSqP
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Prayers for Peace Among All Your Loved Ones! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @shamansun: A Neglected Masterpiece of Western Philosophy - #Evolutionary Landscapeshttp://bit.ly/gEhinp
@Kineret_W_A Gracias. At least my neighbors cannot say I am raising Holy Hell here! Try to be a good neigbbor around here.
GSTDL to Host His Holiness the Dalai Lama on May 1, 2011 ~Long Beach, CA > http://bit.ly/dE8aFq
RT @wikileaks: US Congressman Mack (R) & FOX defend WikiLeaks http://bit.ly/eeAWXj
Followers and Friends: Thank you for being there today, for your Re-Tweets and your interplay. We are a quiet bunch here, just typing away.
VIA @wikileaks: Bradley Manning confinement conditions case update > http://bit.ly/gSsrba
RT @wikileaks: WikiLeaks condems US embargo move | Press Release http://bit.ly/hvQI1f
To Liberate Palestine, Humanity: The Winning Attitude by Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD > http://bit.ly/hkQwKN
#Tunisia's youth finally has revolution on its mind ~Sam > http://bit.ly/g7au43
@athena147 Be sure that #WikiLeaks has stirred up a lot of old rivalries among big papers ~information is power and money!
PBS News Hour: Brazil Floods, Mudslides Claim Hundreds of Lives ~Tunisia, Lebann etc. > http://youtu.be/KMYynPjIseI
18 dead in new attacks against Christians in #Nigeria > http://bit.ly/hYyysN
SoS call from #Libya again: 300 Indians stranded this time ~under inhuman conditions > http://bit.ly/e7z7ef
Is the Guardian predicting #WikiLeaks' demise? > http://bit.ly/fUHm2B
@Jrezethebarber Yeah, we gotta stay hip to where's going on ~a lot of stuff is off the regular Mainstream Media we know.
LINK: WIKILEAKED ~Inside the State Department Secret Cables > http://wikileaks.foreignpolicy.com/
@Jrezethebarber A lot of war around #Afghanistan revolves around dope ~underground U.S. drug traffic and global drug market.
@ferozwales Global news watchers and online reporters should keep on eye on #Kashmir and that whole Silk Road swath of land.
VIA @wikileaks: The First WikiLeaks revolution? http://bit.ly/hiFzph ~ReTweet
#Afghanistan is producing 85 % of world's opium ~opium now seven times higher than wheat ~$58 billion demand for narcotics
As #opium prices soar and allies focus on #Taliban, Afghan drug war stumbles > http://wapo.st/fmUCMP
The Frailty of the Afghan War http://huff.to/hjfFiY via @huffingtonpost
#Afghanistan's Plea to the U.S.: 'Don't Do Us Any Favors' > http://huff.to/haWMx7
NEWS LINK: Pakistan Patriot > http://www.pakistanpatriot.com/
China refuses to accept S.Tibet, #Kashmir as part of India > http://bit.ly/eNdiaF
#Burma: The Suu Kyi effect: A new age of quiet defiance ~inspiring a shift > http://ind.pn/iiyiSz
Starbucks sets sights on #India after teaming up with Tata > http://bit.ly/dSvLVr
#China, Korea Moves Underscore Rising Food Prices > http://huff.to/hLcCAI
#Israel tries to export its own brand of censorship ~Dr. Hanan Chehata > http://bit.ly/h9QFDC
RT @uruknet: Anti-War and International Solidarity Activists Denounce FBI Infiltration http://bit.ly/hrO6sJ
@joanie399 We should not condemn anyone ~we should criticize incorrect ideas and mindless methods of work that bear no fruit.
@joanie399 Many former activists have given up in despair ~are doing insane field research ~or pretend to forget what they know.
@joanie399 Each of us ~if we search out hearts~ can contribute in one way or another to make it a better more humane world.
@joanie399 Some people have hangups ~some have real handicaps ~and some are just hung on their own selfish petty interests.
@joanie399 Many are content with going it alone ~exhibiting individual efforts ~yet on the grand scale we all need each other.
@joanie399 Each of us are a unique creature of the Creator with the free will to determine if we want to help others or not.
@joanie399 So much depends on our existential sitution ~some have the time to delve deeply into esoteric subjects, many do not.
@joanie399 We should study various fields of education ~but we know enough to know that action is primary, not scholastic studies.
Citigroup Was On The Verge Of Failure, New Report Finds; Rescue Was Based On 'Gut Instinct' > http://huff.to/gZZB1v
@eglinski We need all of us who care ~yes, many connected issues and complexities
@eglinski Of course I stay within 140 Characters Limit on Twitter. I am a seed planter ~wisdom is the water ~many are thirsty.
@eglinski These global events have been building up for centuries ~not just since it got worse ~and it will great worse.
@eglinski 6:44 PM ~It is that simple. Two major classes: haves and have-nots. Two major systems: Corporate capitalism Vs. Socialism.
@eglinski It's the same old story ~rich get richer, poor get poorer ~hopefully we are learning how to be honest and face the truth.
Life is changes RT @ascend08: Today's blog: 15 MONTHS @ http://bit.ly/dK9gtw May 08 saw big changes for me, this was the lead up.
FYI: CIA Website > https://www.cia.gov/index.html
FYI: Brazil: VIA CIA World Facebook > http://bit.ly/4BtgwQ
CNN to Interview Best-selling Latina author, Alisa Valdes-Rodriguez: http://bit.ly/hGxs7u VIA @Raul_Ramos:
World Bank Sees Healthy, But Slowing Growth For Latin America > http://on.wsj.com/gr7yD0
#England: Justice secretary received warning about Ford #Prison security before riot > http://bit.ly/fUusKd
#Brazil landslides death toll rises ~More than 400 killed ~thousands homeless > http://bit.ly/dL4CAO
A lot of my old friends are dead or missing. Many are lost without even being aware of this lostness. Going in circles nowhere.
"A lot of our friends are dead or missing. There are people we may never find." ~Ramos during 5-mile hike in search of food and water.
@cotisgal So many people are so trapped into constant business doing, forgetting that we are living beings, not human doings.
@cotisgal Learning to quit trying all the time ~just being in beingness ~somehow the world keeps spinning without my hand.
"We were like zombies, covered in mud, in the dark, digging and digging" after mudslides hit about 3 a.m. Wed, said Geisa Carvalho, 19.
#Brazil mudslides claim 355, some still trapped > http://bit.ly/gJelDw
VIDEO 7:57 ~2/09/2008~ The Deepest Truth of Human Existence -www.eckharttolle.com > http://bit.ly/fQUYRY
Icelandic Parliamentarian Calls U.S. Subpoena of Her Twitter Account over WikiLeaks Involvement "Disturbing" > http://bit.ly/furkee
VIDEO 9:35 ~12/02/2009~ The Simple Path To Inner Liberation - Eckhart Tolle > http://youtu.be/1uTxxofWkwU
Learn to feel the difference between the pain of loneliness and the beauty of solitude. Be fully present with you.
VIDEO 8:33 ~2/10/2010~ Eckhart #Tolle on loneliness! > http://youtu.be/ZVVKweSSYtk
VIDEO 8:50 ~4/16/2010~ The Deception of Imaginary #Spirituality - Eckhart #Tolle > http://youtu.be/iDH6JcXdzv8
Thousands of JFK documents and recordings go online > http://reut.rs/g6VtgK
Thursday, Jan. 13, 2011 ~The @Peta_de_Aztlan Dailyas shared by Peta + 31 followed people on Twitter > http://paper.li/Peta_de_Aztlan
Sacramento City ~ Mayor Johnson opposes Gov. Brown's proposal to kill redevelopment agencies > http://bit.ly/icdvna
RT @Katjami: Just added a new blog post on The Metaphysical Realm http://ning.it/gDWUJ3
#Facebook World Map: Rob Beschizza at 10:55 AM Tuesday, Dec 14, 2010 > http://bit.ly/fFVFak
The field battles go on for those of who are combatants in the war of life, but let us choose our battles wisely with loving compassion.
Let us help to heal each other ~beyond the bi-polarity of Left Wing Vs. Right Wing.
Let us unite together as humane beings, quit bickering over petty differences.
RT @AJEnglish: South Sudan vote passes threshold: Celebrations erupt ~turnout registered voters exceeds necessary 60% http://aje.me/h6U6AP
@BE_PURE Naturally, the longer I am sober and work on my spiritual evolution the more I am aware of how much I need to heal.
VIDEO [34:19] 1/12/2011 ~ President Obama Speech at Tucson, AZ Memorial Service > http://youtu.be/bXd4-9AkWL0
@BE_PURE My Cousin Mark C. ~with long years of recovery from drug addiction~ reminds me to Carry the Message, not the mess!
@BE_PURE The more we pay attention to our own healing ~overcome all denial~ the better we can help heal others in our lives.
There is so much work to be done in the world, esp. our personal relationship to the world and our role in it ~Introspection.
@BE_PURE You are bringing up heavy thoughts ~need to deep meditate today on toxic dysfunctional relationships in my own life.
@EmergentCulture POTUS Obama is lying. We are in a Great Depression, not merely a recession. Fascism uses word manipulation.
Palin’s “blood libel”: it’s time to say No > http://bit.ly/giOubi VIA @PeoplesWorld
Banks seize over one million homes in 2010 ~new record by:Joe Sims > http://bit.ly/i3ik2g VIA @PeoplesWorld:
@steevesamslife Learn to live life to the fullest by being in the beingness of the moment here now without rush. Take time.
Do You Need Internet Rehab? Gary Small ~Professor of Psychiatry and Aging, UCLA School of Medicine > http://bigthink.com/ideas/18150
Deepak Chopra on Aging | Deepak Chopra | Big Think > http://bigthink.com/ideas/5228
Others already look to me as an elder in my life. I like that self-concept. It is important for us to age with grace, not fighting time.
Aging: All in the Mind | Jonny Bowden | Big Think > http://bigthink.com/ideas/18596
Twitter Timeline 1-12-2011-Wed. ~Tweets @Peta_de_Aztlan > http://bit.ly/idEJlo
<+>Thursday, January 13, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Rise and Shine!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan
She is beautiful RT @heidiko44: #VIDEO: "HEIDI" Cross-eyed German opossum becomes internet hit - via @pdjmoo: http://ow.ly/3CZ9R
Our sacred rights are bestowed upon us by virtue of our being Creatures of the Creator ~these sacred rights have always been ours.
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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