Saturday, November 17, 2007

11-17-07: Staying On Track

Sabbath: November 17, 2007 @6:17 PM

It is still dark outside this chilly November morning. I have been offline from my base camp here over the Chacon Casa for a few days. He left a short while ago for an AA Conference of general secretaries to Fresno. I pray his trip goes well. Valerie will be around here for a bit in order to help take care of Stella, Mark's new big pup, and I am just writing these few notes before I depart for Sally's and today's workshop.

My only laptop here went down and crashed the other day. Apparently it was not getting enough circulation as the air vent was blocked with stuff and that burned out the motherboard. Thanks to Ali who owns the Computer Surplus store and my tech-support Brother John I now have a new laptop with a new motherboard, though I was able to save My Documents and settings in my hard drive.

After it crashed I brought my big Desktop over here, but it must of gotten jangled in the moving and I could not boost it up here. Toro gave me a ride that evening. So Brother John and I went to Fry's last night to get stuff to restore it all. Have a computer and stuff can be really expensive at times. However, it is my main tool as a creative writer.

I have not heard from FMS for awhile, though I see I may have a voice mail from her. Sometimes she fails to contact me or communicate as I would wish. Because of where she is she needs permission for a night out and last week she did not get it. She will do well so long as she stays on track in terms of her spiritual growth and career goals. A lot of life is about staying on track.

Many times people, places or things will get us offtrack in relation to what we should be being, doing and planning for our lives. Time is often wasted away, sometimes decades are gone before we can assess the wastage that has occurred in our lives.

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