Sunday, November 18, 2007

11-18-07: Creative Relationships


Peta at 56 Earth Years!

@8:12 AM
Well I have finally marshaled the fundamentals to do a little writing. Like that ol' song, 'If It Ain't One Thing, It's Another'. That is the way it is when we are living life on life's terms. We need to take it as it comes, face challenges, overcome obstacles and solve problems as they come up without stressing out at the seams or falling apart into pieces.

My Brother Roberto just called and he is on his way walking to church. So that is a good thing. I love him with all my heart, blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh and spirit of my spirit. HOWEVER, he needs to get serious about all his chemical addiction issues, needs to get a strong recovery program tight and together, plus, the same as all of us, needs to continue to work on inner spiritual growth in harmony with the Cosmos!

I saw Fluflu yesterday for a bit. She has gotten approved for Shelter Plus, so the MCC bit is off in terms of her going to the transitional housing program there. She has a co-dependency issue with her son who invited her out here, then she had to leave the place because his gal did not want her in mix. We often get involved in family-related relationships that can prove to be our downfall if we are not wise and use common sense in all our relations.

There is safety, security and a sense of serenity in my being a solitary being without the social-relational entanglements that most folks have. The way I am I cannot nor do I want to handle the constant distraction of living with someone else, that is, a woman-mate, no matter how fine she is.

I have wasted away so much of my lifetime in fruitless endeavors that I have finally learned to truly value my time alone to myself without having to bear the madness brought on my anyone else.

@9:08 AM
Cousin Mark just called up from Fresno on my cell. He should be back here around 3 PM, then he has to go to Stockton to go have a brother-sister chat with his sister about stuff. Great word: stuff!

I am glad that I have only myself to deal with on a constant basis, though I need to even get out of myself more and focus on yoga and meditation. plus strive to make love more often. Love making is a great stress reducer!

Naturally, there is something to be said about having sex with someone with no strings attached, especially heart strings. As a rule, intimate relationships involve one kind of set of strings or another. I support the legalization of prostitution and the image of locking up women for engaging in the same is barbaric and hypocritical.

Of course, some may think that sex with a hooker can be just about cold cash and lacks warmth and intimacy. Think about it! How many married couples have sex together out of a sense of obigation and even fake orgasms? How many husbands go to a street hooker, view pornography or imagine another woman while they are allegedly making love to their wives?

We need to think with our heads here, above the shoulders, and figure out how to go about having strong healthy intimate relationships without all the hideious hassles and disastrous dramas that are usually found in them. If I am single right now that means, despite all the many dames of the past, that all my previous intimate relationships have utterly failed. I have batted a zero in relation to failed long-term intimate relationships. Thus, it behooves me to take a close look at how I have handled my past relationships, how I have managed or mis-managed them and what kind of circumstances got me involved in them in the first place. A fall into the pit, a gain in one's wit!

As a rule, when I met a new gal who was a total stranger, I was lonely at the time, bored with life in general and was usually in a social party setting that involved alcohol drinking. Plus, my natural social inhibitions were down. I was out on the prowl, up for dancin' and romancin' without a care for any repercussions. Think back about who you met and under what conditions you first met any 'significant other'. Were you in a sane sound state of mind?

Religiously, we need to cultivate an ever closer relationship with the Creator and in the process understand that so-called God is not a man nor is God a female Godess. The word God is in reference to the Creator and ultimately the Creator cannot be confined to any one sexual gender. God is Love, God is a Spirit, God is the Truth and is not a mere lone individual.

In communion with the Creator we can work on have a creative relationship with our own inner self, then, on creative relationships with others.

Look at the divorce rate in Amerika!


Marriage and Divorce:
Latest Stats Available

Here's a sampling of some of the most recently available statistics on marriage and divorce in the United States of America:

  • There were approximately 2,230,000 marriages in 2005 -- down from 2,279,000 the previous year, despite a total population increase of 2.9 million over the same period.
  • The divorce rate in 2005 (per 1,000 people) was 3.6 -- the lowest rate since 1970, and down from 4.2 in 2000 and from 4.7 in 1990. (The peak was at 5.3 in 1981, according to the Associated Press.)
  • The marriage rate in 2005 (per 1,000) was 7.5, down from 7.8 the previous year.
  • In 2004, the state with the highest reported divorce rate was Nevada, at 6.4 (per 1,000). Arkansas was a close second, with a divorce rate of 6.3, followed by Wyoming at 5.3. The District of Columbia had the lowest reported divorce rate, at 1.7, followed by Massachusetts at 2.2 and Pennsylvania at 2.5. (Figures were not complete for California, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Louisiana, or Oklahoma.)
  • 8.1% of coupled households consist of unmarried heterosexual partners, according to The State of Our Unions 2005, a report issued by the National Marriage Project at Rutgers University. The same study said that only 63% of American children grow up with both biological parents -- the lowest figure in the Western world.
  • As of 2003, 43.7% of custodial mothers and 56.2% of custodial fathers were either separated or divorced. And in 2002, 7.8 million Americans paid about $40 billion in child and/or spousal support (84% of the payers were male).
  • Americans tend to get married more between June and October than during the rest of the year. In 2005, August had the most marriages at about 235,000 or a rate of 9.3 per 1,000 people. The previous year, July was the highest month at 246,000, or a rate of 9.9; this doubled the lowest month in 2004, January.
Clearly many millions of Americans are making the wrong decision when it comes to one of the most important decision we can make it our lifetime: the decision as to who we will marry!

Many fools figure, oh well, we can always get a divorce if it does not work out, then they find that all their money and real estate is locked up into the marriage as a binding contract. They stay together for the house, stay together for the 'kids', stay together for social appearances and do NOT stay together out of love, respect and passion for each other.

Any wonder why I prefer to stay single, though truth be known, I am still technically married to a gal I met in a transitional housing program when I was still wearing my 'Save A Ho' cape that I have since burned in the alley dumpster in my past homelessness!

Oh well... live and learn or crash and burn!

Nada mas ahora... need to clean up and go out walking Stella, the dog!
  • +Peta-de-Aztlan+ An Open Journal=

  • Humane-Rights-Agenda Blog
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