Saturday, September 20, 2008

9-20-2008: Cosmic Calendar

Educate to Liberate!

Peter S. Lopez


Sacramento, California, U.S.A.

----- Forwarded Message ---- From: Cosmic Calendar;
To: Sent: Saturday, September 20, 2008 12:11:04 AM Subject: Cosmic Calendar

Saturday, September 20
Daily Cosmic Calendar

Easy does it! Mars and Saturn decide to create a ruckus as the weekend officially begins by making a contra-parallel link (5:55AM PDT). When the two traditional malefic planets of the astrological realm are at loggerheads, you may feel like you are simultaneously braking and accelerating. Mars says go while Saturn says stop. Therefore, it is hard to decipher signals coming to you from the cosmos. The bottom line is that you need to be careful, cautious and conservative across the board.

Despite this warning, the Moon continues its march through literary, communicative and versatile Gemini. Toss the frisbee around, ride your bike and enjoy spending several hours exploring a favorite nature sanctuary. The more fun and light-hearted activities you can pack into the day hours, so much the better.

In the meantime, another kind of celestial struggle is brewing since the Sun in Virgo approaches a sharp square to Pluto in Sagittarius (exact at 8:45PM PDT).

For the source of all life to be in counterpoint to the distant planet of extremes doesn't bode well for earthlings -- especially when this sky pattern is precise or close to precise.

Pushing your personal agenda at all cost or being too egocentric is bound to attract a discordant reaction from friends, family members or a significant other. On the other hand, research projects are back in the spotlight.

What you do have going for you this evening is the monthly Moon-Pallas union in Gemini (10:37PM PDT). Board, card and word games top the charts. Brainstorms and solutions to recent problems may arrive with sudden clarity.

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