Friday, November 16, 2012
@ I got up at 6:30 AM. I went out to K Street Mini-Mart and got coffee. Now I got a brew making now. It is going to be a rainy dreary day, will try to keep a sunshine spirit in my heart.
Let us pray for cosmic universal peace, peace on earth and peace in Gaza, though we need practices to go with our prayers.
Let us pray we have the courage to condemn the evil practices of the Evil Empire and all the accomplices of evil in the world.
Let us pray we are not passive pacifists in the name of peace and fail to protest against injustice and tyranny in the world.
Let us pray we are not blind believers in any God yet fail to condemn crimes and horrors against the peoples of any God.
Let us pray for the safety of the people of Gaza today who are subjected to the violent assaults of the Israeli Occupation.
Farewell to Congress - Ron Paul Delivered on the House Floor November 14, 2012 ~
http://help-matrix.blogspot.com/2012/11/farewell-to-congress-ron-paul-delivered.html ~
VIDEO Alex Jones Historic Plan to Save America ~ http://bit.ly/101jJhJ ~Published on Nov 15, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel
VIDEO Talk Show Host Calls For Second American Revolution! ~ bit.ly/S06jk9 ~Published on Nov 15, 2012 by TheAlexJonesChannel
Saturday, November 17, 2012
@ 9:00 AM ~ Another day in paradise.... lost.
Let us pray we use our words, images and actions to help promote peace upon Mother Earth and mutual dialogue among all of us.
Let us pray we keep in mind that despite all our wars, all our mutual killings and all our aimless violence there is still no peace.
Let us pray we continue to exhaust all peaceful methods of protest and struggle, yet remember our sacred right to self-defense.
Let us pray we learn the lessons of global peace and mutual harmony from the ravages of war and mutual destruction.
Let us pray we learn to disagree with each other as humane beings of the same family, not as animals full of hate and venom.
Oh for the simple days when two combatants met in the field and tried to strangle the life out of each other one-on-one.
Let us pray we honor the divine seed within all of us and worship the Creator before we worship the Dome of the Rock.
Let us pray we can look upon the infant in the crib and reminded of our own lost divine innocence. Save the children!
10-28-2012 VIDEO 6:55:10 ~David Icke Non Stop - Human Race Get Off Your Knees "The Lion Sleeps No More" ~ http://bit.ly/TK7O24 ~
Comment: 11/17/2012 It took me just about all day to watch this whole VIDEO. I had other practical things to do. It is a long VIDEO. Then I got to a point where I just sat still and heard it out, watched it and paid attention. I noticed how I often distract myself with sideline stuff that really does not matter.
I watched it without prejudice. The key is to suspend all disbelief, quit judging and just take it for what it is worth. And stop taking myself too seriously. ~Love @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Nov 17, 2012 A Conversation with David Icke Human Race Get Off Your Knees - The Lion Sleeps no More ~ http://bit.ly/Wm7k9e ~
Nov 6, 2012 VIDEO Mayan explanation of what will happen on 21st December 2012 ~ youtu.be/U8y0MR8KiY8 ~
Ac TAH Energetic Vibrations - YouTube > http://bit.ly/Taidrp ~ or
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=C70Tbsoz284 ~
Let us pray we do not tire of hearing News about the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza. It is a significant spot on Earth.
Let us pray we understand the spiritual struggles that are going on in the world and their significance for all of us now.
Let us pray we respect each other despite our many differences and see our common survival interests as one Family.
Let us pray each of us becomes a creative channel for advocating and promoting peace upon Mother Earth. Be peaceful.
Let us pray we balance our lives and love one another as Family ~when we are online, offline and inline with the Spirit of Love.
Let us pray we see good words of Love and Truth not as New Age crap, but as common sense so we can learn to live together.
Let us pray we advocate peaceful methods of struggle, yet be practical and respect our sacred right to armed self-defense.
Monday, November 19, 2012
@10:12 AM ~ It is another Monday. The world keeps spinning and life goes on within and without us.
@ 3:25 PM ~ I need to go get a paper map of Sacramento. I need to go see about Brother Stevie!
President Obama and Aung San Suu Kyi Deliver Remarks -YouTube~
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gaZH6Gzt2g&feature=g-u-u ~
Comment: I am glad to see the two of them together. We need to promote cosmic peace ~both in the world and within ourselves. We must evolve and embrace one another as humane beings, stress our common survival interests more than our divisive differences. Try to let the seed of divine love blossom in your heart and do your best to get rid of hatred. Our struggle is ultimately of a spririual nature.
~Namaste! Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan.
Let us pray we see the Big Picture about what is going on in the world on a global level and not get stuck on a single snapshot.
Let us pray we are not quick to judge anyone by the labels that others have put on them. Investigate for yourself. Think for yoruself.
Let us pray because we believe in the power of prayer to help influence the souls of others, then combine prayer with action.
Let us pray we search and research matters in question for ourselves. Many mistake their personal experience for universal truths.
Let us pray we command our own attention, each of us on an individual level, focus on what really matters and go with the flow.
Let us pray we awaken with a serene peace in our souls, though the neighbors holler at each other and the world is at war.
Let us pray we surmise that if there is ever to be cosmic peace we must find a place of peace within our own inner soul.
Let us pray we find inner peace and stop making war against ourselves with unwarranted stress, guilt trips and toxic thoughts.
Let us pray we find a place of peace in our lives and stop making war against ourselves with the affliction of any form of addiction.
Let us pray each of us becomes a creative Channel for cosmic peace using the powers of our words, images and actions to help.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
@10:00 AM ~ I am content and comfortable here right now living at the Shasta Hotel in my 'bunker' room, though it has its drawbacks. I have no private bathroom or kitchen facilities for my own use. I am in a small room, but I do like the inexpensive rent here.
In photos: Gaza buries its children as Israeli attacks intensify | The Electronic Intifada
~ http://bit.ly/10k6wAY ~
Be capable of processing, stepping back ~looking at the Big Picture ~the Long-Distance Viewpoint.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
@9:29 AM ~ I guess it really does not matter what time I woke up as much as what time I got up. I took a shower awhile ago. Today is a brand new day! Will try to keep my spirits up and be extra creative today!
@2:18 PM ~ Called Sister Kathy and hope to see her Friday around here. She is Volunteering at Salvation Army right now and tomorrow they will serve turkey to folks. Also called Geri and she is busy clearning up her place. She will have her Son Jr. and his family over and possibly her Son Adam over there tomorrow for Thanksgiving Day. She invited me over but I am not up to the drama.
Over time I have becmme kind of a recluse here in my bunker. People physically around me now often drive me nuts and their concerns are so shallow. Thus, I usually just keep to myself.
Let us take the time to pray for Peace in Gaza between Israel and Palestine, along with Peace in our own hearts and minds.
Let us pray we discern the roots of war in our own character defects, including the greed for wealth and the lust for land.
Let us pray we have a cease-fire on our hatred, on our fear and on our thirst for revenge or there will be no lasting cease-fire.
Let us pray when we choose sides we choose the side where there is the most love, the most compassion, the most sublime wisdom.
Let us pray we can heal from our injuries, let go of past resentments and move on in our lives with feelings of great love.
Let us pray we all learn that the future belongs to those who love the most in their hearts, not to those who hate the most.
Let us pray we can put aside our prejudice and assumptions so we can consider the viewpoints and opinions of others.
Thursday, November 22, 2012 Thanksgiving Day!
@11:20 AM ~ I did not sleep well last night at all. I could not sleep soundly most of the night before I kept hearing little mouse noises around a crate I have across the room. These little critters can get right under the door as I saw before. I suppose they have a right to live, the same as other living beings. I try to look for little lessons in some of the smallest events.
Let us pray we are sincerely thankful for all that life has bestowed upon us. Try to have a thankful attitude on a daily basis.
Let us pray we do not suffer amnesia about the horrors of history, including the true origin of Thanksgiving Day.
Let us pray we appreciate being alive here now and not be lost in linear time in the past or future. Time is of the quintessence.
Let us pray we engage in the struggle for a new world where the people are really 'in power and control' ~not the Illuminati.
Let us pray we have an eye for longevity in life and take care of our health in all ways possible. Live life nobly with courage.
Let us pray each of us becomes a creative Channel for sharing the truth as we know it, providing information and global networking.
Friday, November 23, 2012
@ 6:16 AM ~ Another Friday is already upon us. Slept pretty well, despite a mouse that got into my little plastic bag on a spot where I had an opened Snickers. If it is not one thing it is another.
Let us pray for the peoples of Palestine and Israel and that they are able to live together in peace and harmony in the world.
Let us pray we are able to discern behind a surface hostile situation and strive to understand who benefits from the conflict of war.
Let us pray we are able to be in tune with our spirit, seek the truth without fear and know that all is not black and white.
Let us pray we can process incoming information without prejudice, be able to establish basic facts and keep learning.
Let us pray we find a place of peace without our hearts where we are at ease with who we are and not diseased by the world.
Let us pray we have the discernment to look at the basic core character defects that are at the root of global conflicts.
Let us pray we strive to simplify the complex, not complicate the simple. Remember: the greatest truths are the simplest.
Let us pray we sincerely strive to love one another, look at each other in the eyes and be honest in our personal relationships.
Let us pray we distinguish between love and sex. The climax of sex is sweet and brief, the ecstasy of love can last a lifetime.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Greetings Family! Praise the Lord of Light, Love and Liberation! Shine the Light of Truth upon darkness! Combat Evil! Sabbath!
11/24/2012 Scanned Global News today. Wonder if my Tweeting the News really makes any damn difference. You can search for yourselves.
11/24/2012 Yep. the General Situation is #FUBAR (Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition) of a truly humane civil civilization. Life goes on!
11/24/2012 I suggest we hope for the best ~be prepared for the worst. Build networks, sharpen knives and dig deep tunnels.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
@ 1:46 PM ~ I have been watching Breaking Bad on Netflix and got srung out on it for now. I only did a few personal posts on Twitter yesterday. I see how much Twitter eats up my time without my getting any significant typing done on other matters.
Yesterday I haf 8 years and 5 months sobriety from alcohol, though I have over 10 years off of shooting up meth. For sure, health is the greatest wealth. I wasted too many years at war with myself, wasted years spend in idle drunkenness, wasted years going in circles only to end up where I was all along. I prefer to stay here now in a clear conscious state of being. Amen!
Monday, November 26, 2012
@9:09 PM ~ I am getting back on track in terms of my virtual online presence. Life for me now is a matter of continuing to work on my inner balance between my activity online, my activities offline relating to the world arond me and my personal spiritual evolution inline with my being. I am not trying to be perfect as I think that trying to be perfect all the time can be a shortcoming itself. It is a truism, we should seek daily on-going progress, not mere illusionary perfection.
Let us pray that all our time online does not result in our neglecting our other duties and responsibilities in our personal lives.
Let us pray we stop censoring ourselves when we are feeling creative juices flowing through us. Let go and go with the flow.
Sting - Consider me gone - live 60th birthday NY 2011 ~
Sting! Born: October 2, 1951 (age 61), Wallsend, UK ~Full name: Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner~
A great version with Amigos~+ Branford Marsalis -sax + Herbie Hancock -piano + Vinnie Colaiuta -drums + Christian McBride -bass + Dominic Miller -guitar
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
@12:10 PM ~ I slept pretty well and feel a bit better. I feel like I am getting more into the swing of things, though I am still holded up in my bunker. Just having some coffee now.
Let us pray we have the power to correctly define connected reality and then change it in a projected manner in real life.
VIDEO David Icke on how Bilderberg elites control society~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9sDkPCHRWo&feature=plcp ~Published on Jun 2, 2012 by ConspiracyScope
Graham Hancock and the Sacred Vine | London Real -YouTube ~ youtu.be/iUvPv_5-SCA ~VIA GrahamHancockDotCom
10/26/2012 VIDEO Big Is Baneful - an interview with David Kubiak on Big Bodies and their Harms~
http://bit.ly/U2tBSC ~
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
@6:15 AM ~ I woke up earlier. I am feeling better, my brain is getting better and I am getting back into the flow of life after suffering from a bad cold. I always need to discipline myself more in different ways. I am changing every day and change is usually positive for us in order to evolve and progress.
Let us pray we value our time, energy and attention as sacred elements in our lives, knowing we live one lifetime at a time.
Let us pray we take the time to sit back and establish clear definitions of the words we use to transmit our thoughts to others.
Let us pray we strive to live our lives consciously as humane beings, not as frantic doings who cannot be still in toxic situations.
Let us pray we are wise enough to avoid various mental toxins: fear, worry, confusion, prejudice, short attention spans.
Let us pray we do not weary of prayers that go out into the cosmos. Let us pray we are not too proud to pray for all of us!
Let us pray we are crazy enough to change our own character defects and crazy enough to change the world that we all live in.
VIDEO Chasing Ice Trailer (2012) - Sundance Film Festival Movie HD ~ http://bit.ly/UbVnOW ~Published on Sep 24, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
@7:47 AM ~ I slept pretty well. We will see what today brings. I will try to stay consciousness in the present moment and just do what I can to raise consciousness as I expand my own.
@1:11 PM ~ In my bunker. I went to BofA and withdrew $400 VIA my VISA Card. Afterwards I stepped into the Cathedral for a bit, blessed, took a quet picture but did not sit down. I prefer being there when there is no regular mass going on.
Am now watching and hearing the UN LIVE ~ http://webtv.un.org/ ~ As usual Israel is being fascist!
Let us pray we develop ourselves on an individual level without suffering ego inflation. Know truly who you are in the world.
Let us pray each of us on an individual level become a creative channel for self-expression and raising cosmic consciousness.
Let us pray we each work on our Inner Liberation, take care of our personal wholistic health and not get lost in the herd.
Let us pray our spirits remain open to Divine Inspiration for New Revelations about who we are and what we need to do.
Let us pray we know that the stronger each of us are on an individual level, the stronger we will be when we come together.
Let us pray each of us is an independent leader, blindly follow no one, develop your own leadership skills and lead forth!
Let us pray each of us become the Commander of our own life, follow no mortal being. Join a Vanguard Party or start your own!
Let us pray we are in tune with the quintessence of our being ~embrace emotions ~focus thoughts ~seek to be a great lover.
~ http://bit.ly/YaijUZ ~
Build up your Channel ~create Accounts
UFO Secret - Alien Contacts - Feature Length: http://youtu.be/L9nB2NxQ9XU via @youtube includes evidence
about the moon atmosphere being covered up
VIDEO Conspiracy Theory S03E02 Death Ray ~ http://bit.ly/V8xyGI ~Published on Nov 15, 2012 by SilverSprint999~
Meyl - Scalarwave-Technology - The european website of www.k-meyl.de ~ http://bit.ly/UvnbQx ~
Let us pray we are in tune with the quintessence of our being ~embrace emotions ~focus thoughts ~seek to be a great lover.
~ http://bit.ly/YaijUZ ~
I can sometimes be my worst critic. That can make it tough sometimes for me to be around me, but Daily Inventory is important.
Unite! Fight! Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee ~ http://www.whoisleonardpeltier.info/ ~ Follow @PeltierHQ ~
Possibly the best map of the world ever? Welcome #Palestine! en.avaaz.org/s/nambab ~
I tell my prima she has to get off those VIDEO Games and STAY AWAY FROM THE REFRIGERATOR!about the moon atmosphere being covered up
VIDEO Conspiracy Theory S03E02 Death Ray ~ http://bit.ly/V8xyGI ~Published on Nov 15, 2012 by SilverSprint999~
Meyl - Scalarwave-Technology - The european website of www.k-meyl.de ~ http://bit.ly/UvnbQx ~
Let us pray we are in tune with the quintessence of our being ~embrace emotions ~focus thoughts ~seek to be a great lover.
~ http://bit.ly/YaijUZ ~
I can sometimes be my worst critic. That can make it tough sometimes for me to be around me, but Daily Inventory is important.
Unite! Fight! Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee ~ http://www.whoisleonardpeltier.info/ ~ Follow @PeltierHQ ~
Possibly the best map of the world ever? Welcome #Palestine! en.avaaz.org/s/nambab ~
Friday, November 30. 2012
@8:55 AM ~ I took a shower, am working on my coffee and am feeling better. I am more aware of how when I get ill with a cold it affects my energy, including my brain energy and what it beholds.
From time to time I will post tweets from Twitter here, at least the ones I think are important. It is so subjective. I want to keep learning, share what I have learned with othes and continue to increase my understanding of life upon earth.
@5:38 PM ~ I went out to Office Depot and bought a Laser Printer!
@11:50 PM ~ I swear to God. If it ain't one thing, it's another. I had a snag with my New Printer. I cannot Download the Printing Driver. I got on Error Message DIFxDriverPackageInstall Error= 1610154566.
My mind is pretty fried right now. I have monkeyed with this Brother Printer for a few hours now. I am not sure what it is, but tomorrow morning will be a new month and I will be blessed with a fresh start. At times like this, when I get bummed out about something, I just remember my blessings with feelings of appreciation. It sure beats getting angry then depressed. Took my Seroquel Medication of 25 MG.
Well I turned 61-Earth years this month. I feel pretty good about it. Growing up I thought this age seemed a lot older and feeble that it feels for me. Maybe all the alcohol I drank in my lifetime helped to preverse me some.
For us, smile! Nada mas ahora. ~Che Peta
Let us pray we have the intellect to uphold policies that have revolutionary results for advancing revolutionary processes.
Let us pray we have the intellect to utilize practical tactics that advance the grand strategic aim of the seizure of state power.
Bloglink ~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/ ~
Twitter Link ~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Facebook Profile: Peter S. Lopez ~ https://www.facebook.com/Peta51 ~
Humane Liberation Party Portal ~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~
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