Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan or @Humane_Being on Twitter ~Email:
Peter S. López (Che Peta) - Google+ ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
#RIP Bobby Esteban Lopez aka Tata (February 25, 1963 ~ April 8, 2013) ~
In Loving Memory Of Robert S Lopez aka Tata (2-25-63/ 4-8-13) ~ ~
Uniting To Raise Money To Lay Robert Steven Lopez (aka Tata) To Rest via Sabrina Lopez ~ ~
Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for April 14, 2013: ~ Moon in Gemini ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: Spiritual Journal: March 16-31, 2013: ~
Monday, April 1, 2013
@12:18 PM ~ I did not sleep well last night, between ankle cramps (need to drink more water) and some bed bugs it was a bummer. I am washing and drying my linen again. Saw Brother Ed Otwell at the K Street Mini-Mart when I was getting my cafe. He had a book in his backpack, about the history of bedbugs. General MacArthur hated them.
@7:39 PM ~ Just got into my bunker. Went for a little walk, had a little treat in the Meeting Room and am back here at my post.
Let us pray we are not fools for fascism. Be aware when any regime tries to chip away at your humane rights. #NDAA
Let us pray we have the discernment to know that humane rights are bestowed upon us by virtue of our humanity, not by any regime.
Let us pray we do not confuse a bright personality with a noble character. Do not be betrayed by a great smile and eloquence.
Let us pray we never have to always be right ~get the last word ~be unable to change ~fail to do personal inventory!
Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for April 1, 2013: Moon in Sagittarius
VIDEO Alex Jones Calls for Gun Control on Oathbreakers to the Constitutional Republic! - ~
VIDEO How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland - '3rd Eye' - Cosmic Antenna - Spiritual Gateway - INsights~ ~
VIDEO: US F-22 jets join S. Korea war games, 'situation on knife's-edge': via @RT_com
Sandy Hook state proposes 'toughest US gun laws' ~via @guardian
++++ : Obama a Constitutional Law Professor? ~
New Research Finds Key to Greater Compassion | NLP Discoveries: ~via @PsychCentral
VIDEO Your First Step toward Ending Self-Sabotage:
Three Voices on Immigration & Border Legitimacy ~by Jan Tucker aka @janbtucker: ~
Acuña: The rightward shift of the center in immigration debate: ~
When Do You Start Counting? By Rodolfo F. Acuña ~via @theprogressive: ~
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
@10:11 AM ~ I slept pretty well last night. I hate to just bitch so I will leave it at that. Here in my bunker with my morning dose of cafe!
@2:08 PM ~ Sometimes I feel like an alien in the land of my birth or alone in my concerns. Almost all around me pretend to be deaf, dumb and blind about what is going on in the world, as if the world is in a realm separate from them. Many frantically search for anything to distract them from what could turn out to be their duty as a moral and responsible humane being.
Let us pray we use any money we have wisely because we are thrifty and conscious consumers trying to live within our means.
The Noam Chomsky Website: ~
List Noam Chomsky > : Audio & Video: ~
Noam Chomsky - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ~
Noam Chomsky Feed
~ ~
Remembering Fascism: Learning From the Past ~20 April 2010 by: Noam Chomsky: ~goto
VIDEO Noam Chomsky - An American Addiction: ~Uploaded Feb 5, 2011
VIDEO Noam Chomsky Speaks Out! - Oh Shut up Ronnie! (1989) ~Uploaded Feb 17, 2011
Watch Noam Chomsky - The Purpose of Education | Learning Without Frontiers: ~1/25/2012
VIDEO Noam Chomsky - The role of the radical intellectual - April 8, 2010: ~Pub Apr 14, 2012
Why Chomsky is wrong about Twitter ~by @nathanjurgenson - ~Oct 23, 2011
VIDEO: Corporate Attack on Education, Chomsky: ~Published Mar 20, 2012 ~Still valid, if not more now!
VIDEO Noam Chomsky - Forgotten History: ~Pub May 12, 2012
VIDEO: Noam Chomsky - Imminent Crises: ~Pub May 12, 2012
VIDEO Noam Chomsky - When Elites Fail, and What We Should Do About It, Oct. 2, 2009: ~Pub Jun 5, 2012
VIDEO Noam Chomsky - Prospects for World Order 8/24/95: ~Published on Jun 10, 2012
VIDEO: Chomsky 2012 - Who Owns the World? ~Pub Oct 29, 2012
VIDEO: Noam Chomsky - Rightward Shift of US Politics: ~Pub Jan 30, 2013
VIDEO: Radical Futures: Noam Chomsky and Angela Davis on Vimeo: ~Dec. 8th, 2012
VIDEO We are Preparing for Massive Civil War, Says DHS Informant: ~Pub May 6, 2012 ~Just old news?!
Latino voices missing in US media: It's time to weigh in ~by Dr. Jaime Dominguez: ~via @AJEnglish
Can Latin America resist a return to its populist past? ~
Sacramento man shot after answering door with knife | Video ~ ~
The Big Five Media Conglomerates #ShadowsofLiberty ~via @LinkTV: ~ReTweet ~Educate to Liberate!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
@12:49 PM ~ I got my cafe here. I called my Nephew Steve and hope to see him and his two young sons around 5 PM. I guess we will go to the store, get junk food, then walk over to Cesar Chavez Plaza Park.
@4:42 PM ~ Just got up from a short nap. Still feel kind of sluggish. Am support to meet Nephew Steve and his two sons at CCPPark around 5:30 PM.
@7:43 PM ~ Finally me up with my Nephew Steve (he calls me Uncle Pete) and met his young and beautiful sons. I am so glad for him and his wife Lulu.
VIDEO The James Holmes Conspiracy - Full Documentary: ~Pub Dec 15, 2012 #Aurora Shooting
Comment: 3/3/2013 ~ Echo! We are living under a mature, scientific and sophisticated fascism now here inside the United States. We need to study the evidence before we get hooked up into any conspiracy theory. Hell, we have never even had a full and thorough Investigation of #911. Who cares? Amerikans are a pacified population who, in the main, do not rebel, do not wage resistance and the progressive movement is weak and flaccid. @Peta_de_Aztlan
4/1/2013 #Death Penalty Plan for James Holmes Applauded With 'I Want Him Dead ~via @ABC News: ~
Project MKUltra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ~
#History of MK-ULTRA. CIA program on Mind Control: ~
History of MK Ultra by Eric Jewell: ~via @rediceradio
Declassified Mk-Ultra Project Documents: ~
VIDEO CIA Mind Control Operation MK-ULTRA: ~Uploaded Sep 8, 2006
VIDEO James Holmes Project MKUltra Diagnosis: ~Pub Jul 24, 2012
US deploys missile defence system to counter 'real danger' from North Korea: ~via @guardian
Analysis: Meet North Korea's new Kim, same as the old Kims? ~via @reuters~Another maniac!!
Fox News v. Fox News Latino: AP Style Guide Edition: ~via @mmfa
Aryan Brotherhood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: ~
VIDEO National Geographic Aryan Brotherhood: ~Pub Nov 5, 2012
Texas Warned of Aryan Brotherhood Killings ~via @thedailybeast~ ~
Federal prosecutor withdraws from Aryan Brotherhood of Texas case:,0,716207.story ~
What is the Aryan Brotherhood, and is it targeting prosecutors? ~
Recommended Book: Blood in My Eye: George L. Jackson: ~
Let us pray we can distinguish our true survival interests from the selfish interests of the corrupt U.S. Rogue Regime. Don't be naive!
Let us pray we are conscious enough to see the validity of working on our own Spiritual Liberation ~as we strive for Global Liberation.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
@7:47 AM ~ Slept a little better than last night. Need to clean up some today here in my bunker. It is raining outside. Time to go get my cafe. Good day for staying in and typing up stuff.
@10:03 PM ~ I am going to try to get a little sleep now. I need better time management, sharper focus and stronger discipline. Now have 2,277 Followers on Twitter
Recall! Charlie Sheen's Video Message to President Obama: ~Uploaded on Sep 10, 2009 #Investigate #911
Comment: 4/4/2013 ~ It is so sick and sad that the American people have basically given up on demanding a true #Investigation of #911. Changes are we will never have one under the present Fascist Rogue Regime that has taken over the U.S. Government.@Peta_de_Aztlan+
10 Ways Anger Masks Itself: #mentalhealth #fear #insecurity ~via @PsychCentral
Testimony, Recordings at Trial Reveal the Racial Biases and Arrest Quotas Behind NYPD's Stop & Frisk: ~
#Occupy Sacramento still making noise -April 4, 2013 ~ ~via @SacNewsReview
Noise Pollution Takes Toll on Health and Happiness: ~
Noise Activates Our Stress Hormones: ~via @PsychCentral: #wholistic #health
Obama Tells Donors of Delicate Politics of Keystone Pipeline: ~via @NYTimes
AMAZON WATCH » Brazil's Belo Monte Dam @AmazonWatch
AMAZON WATCH » Amazon Tribe Threatens to Declare War Amid Row over Brazilian Dam Project ~ ~
Let us pray we have the loving compassion to see beyond our own divisive borders. Help the Amazon! ~
Indiegogo campaign for Latino superhero comic: ~via @BoingBoing
Friday, April 5, 2013
@8:45 AM ~ I slept pretty good, was not invaded by bed bugs. I need to eyeball my articles of clothing these days until I get rid of them altogether, if possible in this old building. Went to K Mini-Mart and had a conversation with a Jehovah Witness named Deborah about a variety of topics. Hope to see her again, but I am not going to get involved in that cult.
@11:16 PM ~ On Twitter I now have 2,276 Followers. I just try to share News Links of interest to me and I hope of interest to others + a few personal insights.
Chiron square Mercury: Objectivity and indifference - Personal Daily Horoscope - Astrodienst ~
Personal Daily Horoscope of Friday, 5 April 2013 for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951
~ Objectivity and indifference ***
Valid during many months: This influence gives you the chance to start to look into, or to delve deeper into, those areas of knowledge which try to give practical answers to human problems. These include not only all forms of healing, but also psychology and astrology as well as areas such as sociology and education.
If you are interested or active in one of these areas, you should go deeper into the theoretical, philosophical fundamentals of your subject. The correct reading matter at the moment is specialist literature, introductions to related topics, and fundamental theoretical considerations. Perhaps you will not just read and learn, but also write something of this sort or give presentations. You should bear in mind during all these activities that you find yourself on the intellectual plane - it is quite possible to distance yourself from reality, not factual reality but the reality of your feelings and sympathies. This is not necessarily a handicap, and is even, from time to time, an absolute necessity for psychological work. It must, however, not be allowed to determine our inner attitudes when we really want to respond to our own suffering or that of other people.
The danger of this influence lies in the intellectualization and "flogging to death" of painful experiences and situations which actually call for feeling or sympathy. On the wholly personal level, with regard to existential problems of yours or someone close to you, such an approach hinders a compassionate understanding and effective acceptance of psychological realities. On the whole this quality of time will not be immediately noticeable. You will be more than usually objective in difficult interpersonal situations. You should just be careful that in situations that demand humanity, objectivity does not become indifference.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Chiron square Mercury, , exact at 05:52 ~activity period mid-March 2013 until mid-February 2014
Other transits occurring today ~
Moon opposition Pluto, exact at 15:06 (L)
Moon square Sun, exact at 17:49 (L)
Moon trine Neptune, exact at 13:14 (L)
Moon trine Moon, exact at 16:43 (L)
Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for April 5, 2013: via @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ As above, so belowLet us pray we strive together as one family of humanity to create the conditions necessary for a sane and humane world for all.
Economy Adds 88,000 Jobs via @WSJ
Corporate Capitalism is a failure ~It does not work for the masses! It must be challenged and overthrow! @Peta_de_Aztlan
Judge Blasts FDA, Makes Plan B Available to All Women via @BloombergNews
Google fighting back on unconstitutional National Security Letters — @RT USA ~
The Origin of the Term ‘Hispanic’ | The Hartford Guardian ~a Nixon-era term! Dump it!
Fidel Castro advises friend North Korea against war via @reuters
Latin America Without Chávez by Rodrigo Pardo - Project Syndicate ~
America’s Zombie Prison by Naomi Wolf aka @naomirwolf- Project Syndicate: via @po_st
VIDEO U S Demands to Assassinate Assange: ~Pub Nov 27, 2012 ~ #CombatFascism
Comment: 4/5/2013 ~ This video shows you are the real rabid venom-spouting terrorists. We know the U.S. Rogue Regime is truly a terrorist state and its fascist fanatical flunkeys the true terrorists. Disgraceful! Love Liberty and Justice for All! Remember that somewhere!?!? @Peta_de_Aztlan
Link: | The truth is extreme, to make it moderate is to lie. ~via @collapseupdates
Minority Rules: Scientists Discover Tipping Point for the Spread of Ideas ~Published July 25, 2011
VIDEO: The Road to World War 3: ~Pub Sep 11, 2012 ~StormCloudsGathering·
VIDEO Brian Springer - Spin - ~Pub Nov 2, 2012 ~via @collapseupdates ~
U.S. Government Preparing for Collapse (and Not in a Nice Way) ~Pub Mar 13, 2013 ~via @collapseupdates
The Saudi Succession Crisis & The Geopolitical Implications ~Pub Apr 4, 2013 ~StormCloudsGathering·
Al Gore Publicly Admits To Chemtrails Aerosol Spraying Projects On Ellen TV Show: ~Pub Feb 14, 2013
Sabbath, April 6, 2013
@9:37 AM ~ The days just creep and change into each other. I slept pretty well last night, without my usual bed company. Strange how they went away all of a sudden. There may be more going on with our human-insect relationship that we may be aware of, perhaps on a spiritual-energy level.
@4:00 PM ~ I went and paid $64 for my Mobile Phone Bill. Ouch! It may be an unnecessary expensive, though it is convenient. Afterwards, I went by the Sacra Central Library for awhile. I really should wander around there more to get out around the other animals. My bad.
We need to not confuse effects with causes. Despair and desperation felt by folks is real and tangible. Sometimes mistakes in judgement can be lethal, especially any form of suicide. In the long run and in the Big Picture, we need a Global Liberation, not merely a regional or national one. We now have a corporate-controlled global economy in the form of an Evil Empire. This Empire is not strictly an Amerikan one, it is a global one with powerful forces on its side. How can we win if we cannot properly define our mutual enemies? If we are seeing stuff strictly from a local personal level we are not seeing the overall Big Picture on a global level.
At the same time, we need to work on our own Spiritual Liberation: work on our personal character defects and learn how to communicate better with each other.
There is no use getting rid of one group of tyrants only to be replaced by another group of tyrants. Have we learned nothing from past socialist revolutions that later became revisionist and corrupted? Look at the evilness coming out of the North Korean leader. Look at the Chinese Empire!
On another level, we need to see that our own personalities and attitudes have a lot to do with the way the world is and our general relationships with each other. We can strive for Global Liberation but let us not forget the urgent need to work on our own personal liberation. We need to be liberated from the lies and false fascist propaganda in our own collective consciousness. What have we picked up in our psyche without conscious awareness?
Venceremos! @Peta_de_Aztlan aka Peter S. López
Humane Liberation Party ~Coordinator c/s
Let us pray that despite the woe and worries of the world we do not lose sight of the beauty in our lover's sparkling eyes.
Let us pray each of us becomes a channel for alternative News and Opinions to help raise a liberated collective consciousness.
Let us pray our distinct voices become a mass chorus for creative constructive changes in the world. Exercise freedom of expression.
Let us pray we do not lose sight of the role of the individual being in all our mass movements. Each of us has a measure of truth.
Let us pray we take care of our own inner spiritual health ~strive to resolve inner spiritual conflicts ~be one with nature.
Let us pray that in our sincere efforts to save the world we do not forget to save ourselves from our own flaws, faults and foibles.
Let us pray we do not neglect to be kind to one another and love one another. How are your neighbors living next door doing?
Let us pray we are not sitting on our asses on the Internet all day while a fire is burning in our own backyards! Smell!
At certain nodal points in a Movement's eruption on the scene sometimes one or only a few individuals are key to its growth.
VIDEO Anonymous 2013 Martial Law is certain ~Published on Feb 13, 2013
'Idle No More' inspires Canada's indigenous ~via @AJEnglish #IdleNoMore
VIDEO Poster War: Pro & anti-Israeli campaigners clash in NY ~via @RT_com ~Published on Apr 6, 2013
American troops, civilians killed in Afghan attacks ~via @CBSNews
» Who Are The Rothschild Family? ~via @wikileaks on Google+
» What is the illuminati? ~
» Illuminati Occultism: Death of Osama bin Laden [Video Article] ~via @Illuminati_TV
VIDEO Illuminati - Trailer [SP EDITION] ~Pub Jul 2, 2012 ~via illuminatiMediaTV Channel
[91] US & Israel's Nuclear Secrets, Morocco Silences Truth, PBS Military Propaganda ~via @AbbyMartin
BOOK Divert!: NUMEC ~diversion of US weapons grade uranium into Israeli nuclear weapons program: Grant F. Smith: ~
Lazy Afternoon - Patti Austin ~on the Sabbath >>
VIDEO Patti Austin ~ How Do You Keep the Music Playing (Quincy Jones ~75th Birthday Celebration) ~
Sunday, April 7, 2013
@9:43 AM ~ Another restless bugged night. I am washing my bedding and clean up again! I am definitely going to try to find another decent place to live. I just do not want to be bothered wherever I go with bullshit and bullshit people. I proudly consider myself a Crazy Chicano who is definitely abnormal compared to normal Americana. Stay open and flexible!
@4:25 PM ~ My laundry is gone, I took a little nap, just a bit before I need to get ready for my CASA Meeting. I need to work on going with the flow more.
@9:49 PM ~ I am here in my bunker. We had a pretty good CASA Meeting. We usually cover and discuss each of the the 12-Steps as our script, but this evening we talked a lot about the social addiction in general. It all is a lot more involved and connected than just the regular A.A. drone. A.A. has become so distant and divorced from the larger social issues and conditions that many must cope with in their environment that it is becoming more and more irrelevant to people, especially with so many now on pharmaceutical prescriptions and suffering from other forms of addiction than just to alcohol.
Let us pray we use our words, images and voices to help raise mass consciousness, stimulate mass solidarity and expose Evil Powers!
Never before in human history have we had the potential for global communications today via Internet Power. Use it wisely.
Let us pray we are not ashamed of prayers ~even devils and demons often pray. Pray with purpose and good conscious intent.
When You Feel Too #Ill Or Too Stuck To Pray: ~via @spir_jny_heal
Music-Video > Chaka Khan I Wish You Love: via @Peta_de_Aztlan
Music: Chaka Khan-My Funny Valentine: via @Peta_de_Aztlan
Paul Simon - Still Crazy After All These Years: via @Peta_de_Aztlan
"Stolen Lands"(by Bruce Cockburn) - In the Spirit of Crazy Horse, "Songs for Leonard Peltier"...: via @Peta_de_Aztlan
Makin' A Noise- Dedication To The Ancestors ~by Robbie Robertson: ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
Musicá: Elis Regina & Tom Jobim- Waters of March -English subtitles ~
Sade - Somebody Already Broke My Heart ~
Sade - Soldier of Love ~ ~ in the wild, wild west
Sade - The Best Of Sade (Full CD) ~
Stevie Wonder - Full Album The Definitive Collection ~ ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
Muse_Music @YouTube~ ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
Israel Hacked: #Anonymous assault act of protest, not terror: ~Published on Apr 7, 2013
Palestinian prisoner: ‘This hospital is like jail in fascist Germany during Holocaust’ — RT News: ~
NATO airstrike kills 10 Afghan children -The Hindu ~Gee, wonder why we're hated all over the world?!?
VIDEO The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America: ~Uploaded Nov 16, 2010 ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
VIDEO the End of Liberty of America (FULL VERSION!) ~Uploaded May 20, 2011 ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
Monday, April 8, 2013
@8:07 AM ~ I woke up around 7:30 AM. I slept pretty well, took a Melatonin and the bugs were pretty cool. I left my cane in Eric's truck and have a Medical Appointment @11:30 AM.
@9:36 AM ~ Just got a verbal report that my Brother Robert S. Lopez aka Bobby died. I was told by Brother Darren when we were in the K-St. Mini-Mart. Bobby was living at the Sequoia Hotel right around the corner from here. I had seen the coroner's white van parked out front across the street. I called Bobby's cell phone but it was out of service. It is still sinking in and I am still surprised, it is kind of unbelievable.
@10:24 AM ~ Just came back from talking to the Desk Clark at the Sequoia Hotel where Bobby was staying. He said he had not seen him for a few days so they went to go check on him. The Maintenance guy had to drill his dead-bolt because they did not have the key. Sometimes tenants borrow their room key if they have forgotten it and do not return the copy right away. So the Maintenance guy saw him dead in his room, laid against his bed. I got the Coroner's number to find out about his autopsy and effects.
I called Sister Linda, told her to brace herself and gave her the news. She naturally took it hard. I have not shed one tear yet, sometimes grief is on the inside. Crying does not grow flowers. I just feel more present in the here and now, a little nervous, but not shaken. I already miss him. I suppose I will miss him the rest of my life now. I called his Daughter Sabrina but was not able to get through.
@10:36 AM ~ Contacted Sabrina via Facebook. Hope to hear from her soon.
@11:06 AM ~ Talked to Sabrina and broke the bad news to her. She took it hard. Death often surprises.
@4:52 PM ~ Just made it back into my bunker here at the Shasta Hotel. A friend of ours was here when I came in, waiting for me in the lobby. He told me a few family folks went by the Sequoia and got his stuff. Good. He gave me a flat rock with a small hand print in red painted on it that Bobby used as as door stop. Peter means 'rock' so it is a good memento for me.
Today I have just been remembering good memories and heavy discussions Bobby and I over the years. I already miss him a lot, just knowing he was around the corner from here. Life goes on, within us and without us. We must treasure our health and take care of ourselves as well as we can.
@7:05 PM ~ Just got up from a little nap. It is such a downer to think that my Brother Bobby will not be in the rest my life in the flesh and blood, though he will always be a key part of my spirit in this lifetime and all the possible ones to come. I believe I will see him 'on the other side' of this existence.
@11:00 PM ~ My Brother Bobby was born on February 25th of 1963. He shared George Harrison's birthday, though a different year. I remember clearly the day when I knew my Mom and him would be home from the hospital. As I recall, it was during lunchtime. I was going to William Land Elementary School. I vividly remember running like the wind! I was so excited to see my Baby Brother as an infant for the first time!
Me and Baby Brother > WAR: ~My Baby Brother Bobby & I use to relate to this song.
On Evolving Into Being a Humane Being ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan~ ~
Let us pray we appreciate our loved ones while they are alive in the here and now. Life is a fragile affair.
Death often surprises!
Michael Jackson - Gone Too Soon: ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan #RIP
Keeping Up with Jupiter in Gemini ~by Jeff Jawer ~ ~
Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for Monday ~April 8, 2013: via @Peta_de_Aztlan
Windy spring storm sweeps through Calif., Arizona: ~
Monday, Apr. 08, 2013 ~ The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily Is Out! ~
An Interview With Gonzalo Ituarte on Maya Theology | Compañero Manuel ~
Chris Hedges: The Hijacking of Human Rights ~
VIDEO: The Most Compelling Evidence Of Life After Death: via AfterlifeTVChannel ~Uploaded Dec 21, 2011
Coast To Coast AM - April 07 2013 - Mental Energy - C2CAM: ~via @youtube
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for Tuesday, April 9, 2013: ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
@12:48 PM ~ Naturally I did not sleep well last night, thinking about stuff and other matters. I cried a bit this morning over my Brother Bobby being gone, his being dead to this lifetime, no more intense rap sessions and sharing of our innermost thoughts.
I am still me, a Crazy Chicano de Aztlán, in the here and now. I will continue to do what I can to move forward in life, raise consciousness and help the core cause of liberty and justice for all.
I talked to my Cousin Mark. We will meet up at the All-Tribes A.A. Meeting this Thursday @7:00 PM. He is going to bring his beautiful German Shepherd dog Stella, whom I have known since she was a pup.
I am grateful to have this Spiritual Journal upon which I record day-to-day events and a bunch of other stuff, including Twitter posts and links. This Blog helps to keep me centered, grounded and provides a way for me to express myself in this mad, mad, mad, mad world >
It is a truism that we can be as sick as our secrets. My style is to be Honest, Open and Willing to change, develop and evolve. Too many folks hold stuff inside that can become like poisons in their system. When we express our cares and concerns with a wide open heart our expressions become forms of therapy that can help us heal and in the same process help heal the world.
Do not hold stuff in, especially negative stuff that can turn into unspoken grievances and bitter resentments. Be direct, clear and honest in your communications. Let the world know how you feel and what you think. Do not rush through life being busy without remembering that we are first beings, not doings. Go with the flow of life with a conscious awareness of the general direction of where you are flowing.
Be patient with others. Many are going through their own real life dramas and episodes. Try to understand the motives and motivations of others before you rush to judgment. Many are having a hard time just making it through the day in these troubled times. Patience sweetens passion. ~ Che Petá
@6:23 PM ~ I talked to my Sister Linda earlier. Apparently when my Niece Sabrina went to go see my Brother Bobby's old room she was upset by the condition of it all. There was blood, a cracked mirror and stuff. No evidence of foul play. We are still awaiting the Sac County's Coroner Autopsy Report.
@9:43 PM ~ Just went outside to have a smoke outside. Met my Amigo Joe, a resident here who was a client of mine before. He was once a lawyer and is pretty sharp. He told me to participate in the mourning process over my Brother Bobby's death as I can and that it would accelerate it. I found a bunch of Videos with Bobby in them. I am really glad we least have those online.
#RIP Bobby Esteban Lopez aka Tata (Born: February 25, 1963 ~Died: April 8, 2013)
Bobby Lopez @YouTube Channel: ~
VIDEO Tata on Red Road ~K Street Mall ~ ~Uploaded on Sep 20, 2010
VIDEO Goyo and Tata on the Mall: ~Uploaded on Dec 17, 2010
VIDEO Tata's Intro: ~Published on Jun 5, 2012
VIDEO Tata Spirit Healing: ~Published on Jun 5, 2012
Raw Video 7 05 2010 Tata's Santuary: ~Published on Jun 8, 2012
VIDEO Tata's (aka Bobby Lopez) Canton at the Sequoia: ~Published on Jun 9, 2012
VIDEO Roberto Sober Living Ministry: ~Published on Jun 8, 2012 ~via Bobby Lopez
VIDEO Mark_Got_Us_Lost! ~Published on Jun 8, 2012 ~via Bobby Lopez Channel
VIDEO Tata~Warrior Down @CATC ~ ~Published on Jun 9, 2012
VIDEO West campus ~ ~Published on Jun 27, 2012 #Native #Drumming
Let us pray we strive to understand others before we rush to judgment and condemn. Many have a hard time just making it through the day.
Let us pray we take time to communicate to our loved ones, to listen to their concerns, find out about their interests.
Let us pray we take care of our personal health. Understand that good health is good wealth. There is no real substitute.
Be careful who you consider to be your Spiritual Leader in these times of false prophets, confused charlatans and fancy fools.
VIDEO 'WikiLeaks Project K sleeping danger to US PR' ~ ~via @RT_com~Pub Apr 9, 2013
The Wisdom of Compassion: An Inside Look at the Life and Work of the Dalai Lama | Integral Life: ~
Overdose Facts, Myths and Symptoms: ~
USA - Signs of a crack overdose - Drugs Forum ~ ~
Crack Overdose ~ ~
Via @nprnews: Immigration Overhaul 'Feels Unstoppable Now,' Backers Say ~
» The Devils Playground: Invisible Holocaust: ~via @Illuminati_TV
Media Reform vs. Revolution | Interview with Peter Phillips~ ~via @AbbyMartin~Published Apr 9, 2013
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
@12:12 AM ~ I am still awake, though getting a little sleepy. Yesterday was an emotional day for me. I thought of my Brother Bobby a lot. I wanted to think of him. I want to remember what I can of him. It is a tragic lost for our family and our extended family.
#RIP Bobby Esteban Lopez aka Tata (February 25, 1963 ~ April 8, 2013)
Europa (Earth's Cry, Heaven's Smile), Santana: ~
@5:56 AM ~ It is a Tuesday. We will see what experiences and revelations today brings to life. I slept for a few hours. I feel OK. I am concerned about my Brother Bobby's funeral expenses. I gather that Sabrina is handling it. My Sister Linda said she and my Dad wrote checks. I just pray it will all be arranged in good order.
@3:44 PM ~ I am back in my bunker. I made a few calls: Coroner, Linda and get a call from Sabrina. From where we know now, my Brother Bobby's AUTOPSY Report could take from 4 to 6 months ~stuff is being sent to toxicology section. In a way, his body is being held hostage for now. Funeral arrangements still need to be made and paid. It is another day in Corporate Capitalist Amerika.
One is really in a fix if you cannot afford to live for lack of funds and cannot afford to die because of funeral expensives. I hate this Evil System of things and will continue to do what I can to topple it.
I went into the Cathedral to meditate. I am glad it is nearby, in fact, right up the alley from here. I took a pictures. I guess I will try to take a catnap now.
@6:13 PM ~ I actually got a bit of sleep for a couple of hours. I feel a bit rested. I awoken to this nightmarish existence of being on Earth without my Brother Bobby being around in the flesh.
10:03 PM ~Sabrina ~ I had a good talk with our Dad, your Grandfather, this early evening ~ Pete Lopez, Sr. He is doing pretty good and expressed his love. Our Dad is from the old school of Macho men and does not easily express his love, in fact for him it is very rarely. For him just to simply say 'I Love You' can be hard and to express grief can be extra hard. He loved and still loves your Dad so, so much. I know his heart.
I am glad that my Brother Bobby helped me get out of that tough, strong silent type guy mode. Because of him I have learned to express my emotions better without hang-ups and appearing to be weak by others afraid of their own natural emotions. For some it takes strength to express genuine affection. A lot of guys are screwed up in this area and hold so much stuff in that is actually healthier to express to our loved ones. Bobby was not afraid of his emotions.
I taught your Dad some stuff but he also taught me in areas that I needed to learn more about. I am going to start getting out more, showing my personal emotions and exploring the world yonder!
You Dad taught me how to express myself more emotionally, how not to be afraid of showing tears and he had great compassion. He had great love for all his children: you, Regina, Bobby Jr. and Jason.
Plus, he had about a half dozen other youth who he also saw as his 'kids'. He claimed all of them. Thus, the nickname 'Tata'. You know Tata means Grandfather in English and was the name we used for our Grandfather Felizardo (Felix) Lopez ~your Grandfather's father, your Great Grandfather.
Know that Bobby will always be just a feeling away, just a thought away, just an Oldie-but-Goodie song away. He loved music. I believe he is still 'in touch' with those of us 'down here on the ground'.
So know that you are deeply loved by all of us ~those of us here on Mother Earth and most assuredly by those of our Loved Ones in Heaven. ~Love, Uncle Peter S López c/s
@11:46 PM ~ It has been another long emotional day for me. At least I am learnng how to stay in touch with my own emotions, my own feelings and to give them healthy expression.
I had a good phone conversation with Sister Geri and plan to go over to visit her this coming Friday. Good news! Her son Adam Lopez is now staying with her too. He will be a good help for her on the home front. More will be revealed as time goes by. Yes, the Lord does work in mysterious ways, ways that may not at first be apparent to us but seem to work out for the greater good.
As of now, I have 2,279 Folllowers on Twitter ~and still only Follow 99 Accounts. Nada mas ahora!
The Five Stages of Grief - Elisabeth Kübler-Ross & David Kessler ~via @KublerRossGuy ~ Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance ~
Let us pray we learn the lessons of death as well as the lessons of life. Death can be a great terrible teacher for the living.
Let us pray we have the wisdom to express our love for our loved ones now. Show your love in simple thoughtful actions now!
Oh! Do not hold back from expressing your love and affection to loved ones while they are around you. We all need hugs! Big hugs!
Fair Warning: Using #Twitter can definitely reduce your ATTENTION SPAN. Diversify your online activity. Study hard. Share!
California Dreamin - Mamas & The Papas: via @youtube
The Grand Betrayal has Arrived: ~President Obama's bargain with Republicans opens the door to Wall St.'s dream!
South Korea and U.S. Gird for Missile Test by North Korea ~
NYC settles suit over seizure of Occupy books via @WSJ #OWS
Man arrested after threatening vehicle bomb near White House, police say via @washingtonpost~Sick idiot!
Obama to unveil $3.77 trillion spending plan via @washingtonpost
@Sacbee - Federal judge accuses state of ethical lapses in prison case ~
5 Warning Signs of Tipping Points in an ADHD Life By Laurie Dupar, PMHNP, RN, PCC ~via @PsychCentral: ~
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD and ADHD)~ ~via @PsychCentral
2013 - THE GREAT AMERICAN CIVIL WAR HAS STARTED: ~Pub Dec 20, 2012 ~Make up your own mind
The Way of the Knife: NYT’s Mark Mazzetti on the CIA’s Post-9/11 Move from Spying to Assassinations @DemocracyNow! ~
BOOK The Way of the Knife: The CIA, a Secret Army, and a War at the Ends of the Earth: Mark Mazzetti: ~
Israeli Journalist Amira Hass Sparks Furor at Home for Defending Palestinian Right to Resist ~via @DemocracyNow! ~
#Anonymous vs Bank of America~ ~via @xen0nymou5 ~Published Apr 10, 2013 ~
Thursday, April 11, 2013
@7:18 AM ~ I slept some last night. I am going to go get cafe first when I go out. I will shit, shower and share later. Talked to Brother Darren a bit by my door. I told him I was going to give a cool cloth poster with the Lord's Prayer he gave me to my Sister or my Niece Sabrina. We have an All-Tribes A.A. Meeting tonight. I will rest up a bit before then. Now for cafe. First things first.
#RIP Bobby Esteban López aka Tata (February 25, 1963 ~ April 8, 2013) ~ ~
@9:26 PM ~ I went to the All-Tribes A.A. Meeting by 21st & J Streets. My Brother Bobby was mentioned in the first part of the meeting. The Native Drum Circle he played with did a drumming for him. It was great. I was privileged to drum with them.
Afterwards I receive the drumming stick I had used and a big sage bundle. My Cousin Mark was there and my Amigo Mike aka Gallo aka Dreamwalker. Later we went out in the parking lot by SNAHC and did a drumming there. We are suppose to have a Ceremony for Brother Bobby next wee!
My Sobrina Sabrina, my Sobrino Little Bobby, my Sister-in-Law Mousie and other family members were there. It was a great ceremony. We definitely felt my Brother Bobby's Spirit. I am glad he was well loved by so many.
Plus, Mark brought out the beautiful Stella, his female German shepherd. I knew Stella when she was a little pup. Life grows, blossoms and enhances life. I feel better than I have all week. It has been a tough one.
Now I am hearing some Ravi Shankar. ~
Tomorrow I will go see Geri aka Anabelle. My oldest friend whom I have known for about 30 years. I will see her sons who I helped raise. She is going to make some tacos. I do not want to spend the night, though she offered.
I am use to sleeping in my bunk in my bunker. Nada mas ahora.
April 11, 2013 ~ New Moon in Aries: Stop Fighting the Unimportant ~ ~
Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for April 11, 2013 ~ Taurus Moon and Saturn in Scorpio
The Playfully Productive New Moon in Aries ~by Jeff Jawer ~
Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg launches new immigration lobby group via @guardian
VIDEO Dr. Cornel West on Racism, Inequality, & American Empire ~via @AbbyMartin ~ ~
Taping of Farm Cruelty Is Becoming the Crime ~
Comment: The America we knew and loved as a child no longer exists, if it ever did. Now we are faced with a corporate profit-addicted capitalist system protected by a fascist regime whose front man is a war criminal. As humane beings we need to see other species of life as being essential elements of all of living kind.
Struggle on! Spread the truth! Join a Liberty loving organization! Build bridges, not borders.
Peter S. López aka @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
Friday, April 12, 2013
@9:32 AM ~ I am awake, aware and alert.
Update: #RIP Bobby Esteban Lopez aka Tata (February 25, 1963 ~ April 8, 2013) ~
@8:43 PM ~ I have made it through the daytime hours. Called Sister Geri and plan to go over there tomorrow afternoon. I was just not up to it today.
As far as my Brother Bobby's funeral arrangements go, Sobrina Sabrina is set on a full fledged funeral so his body can be on display. In reality we cannot afford one now. I just want to have his body cremated so we can have the whole matter of his physical death put to rest. We are not only our bodies. We are our spirits and our bodies are physical hosts for our spirits. It is the Spirit that endures. Our loved ones live on in the Spirit world and in our treasured memories via consciousness.
The whole funeral business is another big corporate racket of corporate capialism. Many times when we are saddened in shock by the death of a loved one we routinely buy into it. Let us show our love for our loved ones while they are alive. We need to actively learn to let of our petty differences, let go of our ruthless resentments, accept people just as they are in our lives before we try to 'change' them into our we think they should be.
Neptune Society - America's Trusted Cremation Provider since 1973 ~ ~
Funerals: Beat The High Cost of Dying @ABC News ~ ~
The High Cost of Dying ~ ~
Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for April 12, 2013: ~ Pluto's retrograde + Saturn-Uranus quincunx big planetary wheels
Fascism in the Church: Ex-Priest on "The Pope’s War," Clergy Abuse and Quelling Liberation Theology @DemocracyNow! ~
Bishop Thomas Gumbleton Speaks Out For Sexual Abuse Victims; Reflects on Lifetime of Activism @DemocracyNow! ~
Obama 2012 tax return: $609G in income, $112G in taxes paid: ~via @Newsday
Video Of Brooklyn Mother’s Fatal Shooting Released During Trial | Breaking News for Black America ~
Immortal Technique: Capitalism is way to nowhere: ~Pub Apr 12, 2013 ~via @RT_com
Saturday, April 13, 2013
@6:13 AM ~ I slept OK. It is the Sabbath. I need to get ready for the day, keep my Spirit up and be a real presence in the world today.
@12:30 PM ~ I just took a little nap. I am now getting ready to make the treak over Geri's. It is a long way for me.
@5:37 PM ~ I had a good visit over Sister Geri's with her sons Adam and Ricky. I look at them kind of like sons, though I treat them like friends without any phoniness. I was around when they were younger for some years and watched them grow up. In a way, they are of my only real family after all these years. We never know exactly who will remain in our lives over the years or not.
Geri made some good tacos! I had about a half dozen. She knows how much I love her tacos. In fact, she know me on the inside better than just about anyone in my life. She knows my likes and dislikes, knows stuff about my ways and temperment that go unsaid. Sometimes just the unspoken knowing is enough between two old friends.
@7:44 PM ~ Just came in from a stroll on the 'K'. I sat for a bit on the bench by the K-Bar. Brother Shaka came by and I told him the bad news about my Brother Bobby.
Later I saw Brother James on the 'K' and I told him about my Brother Bobby's death. He told me he had four days clean. The plague of drug addiction is literally killing us off one-by-one.
I ended up buying a crate of Banquet Southern Friend Chicken, a pouch of Buglger Gold and Diet-Pepsi. I know not the best diet for me, especially the tobacco. Lord help us all!
@11:45 PM ~ Time to clean up and hit my bunk. I hope I can sleep soundly. Now have 2,275 Followers on Twitter. More important than numbers is to stimulate others into constructive creative actions in real life. I am not an entertainer. I am an educator with my own unique style. Nada mas ahora!
"Rise like Lions after slumber In unvanquishable number Shake your chains to earth like dew Which in sleep had fallen on you Ye are many, they are few." ~ Percy Shelley
Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water, you put water into a cup it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot, it becomes a teapot. Water can flow or it can crash. BE Water My Friend ~ Bruce Lee
Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for April 13, 2013: ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
April 13, 2013 @DailyOM - Scorpio Daily Horoscope: Communicative Awareness ~ ~
You may be asserting your authority in your business or personal matters, which might make you appear intense and commanding to others today. Although it is important to know what you need to take care of, you might wish to think about how your ideas come across and try to bring a greater level of awareness to your interactions. A simple way to do this could be to focus on your throat chakra, or energy center, since this is the area where all of your communicative efforts emanate from. Bringing your attention to your throat, think about how you wish to convey your ideas, reminding yourself that it is also crucial to take into account how your ideas will be received. Opening up your throat chakra today could bring more sincerity to your words without making you appear too authoritative.
Communicating our needs is best done when we are aware of the force of our message. When what we have to say has a certain amount of intensity behind it, it is easy to lose sight of the ways in which we say things—our message may seem too strong or inflexible. Using the energy of our throat chakra to channel our ideas, however, allows us to bring more consciousness to our interactions, saying only what is most important but with compassion and awareness. Being more cognizant of your needs and how to express them in a healthy and considerate way will make your interactions much more successful and your message all the more powerful today. c/s
Social Media now has global capacity ~but so much significant contributions drown in rushing streams of consciousness.
Let us pray that when we who are alive mourn the loss of loved ones we mourn over them, not just indulge in our own self-pity.
Immigration Debate Puts Farm Workers Union In Spotlight : It's All Politics : @NPR ~
Anti-Indian History ~ @indigenous_news
Review: Indigenous Struggles 2012: Dispatches From the Fourth World ~ ~
The Real News Debate: Social Security on the Table: ~via @therealnews ~Published on Apr 13, 2013
Arctic nearly free of summer sea ice during first half of 21st century: ~via @NOAA
Sacramento area warm today but cooling through weekend - Weather Report - The Sacramento Bee ~
Cops fear Fruitridge-area homicide may represent first shots in gang war - Sacramento City News ~
Barrick Gold Corp Suffering Big Setbacks in Latin America @ABC News ~
GiveLocalNow plans Arts Day of Giving on April 29 - Business -Sacramento: ~
@OccupySacto Film Series Presents AMERICAN VIOLET: “When law is without order, and justice is far from just.” ~
The Question of Socialism (and Beyond!) Is About to Open Up in These United States ~via @PortsideOrg ~ ~
The Question of Socialism (and Beyond!) Is About to Open Up in These United States ~via @PortsideOrg ~ ~
Sunday, April 14, 2013
@11:00 AM ~ I woke up late. I got a pretty good night's sleep, the best I have had all week. I saw my ol' love Peaches by K Mini-Mart and told her the bad news about my Brother Bobby.
This evening, as usual, I Coordinate a CASA 12-Steps Meeting @7:00 PM at the Salvation Army Emergency Shelter on 1200 North 'B' Street, Sacramento, California. ~Peter S. Lopez aka @Peta_de_Aztlan
@9:07 PM ~ I just came into my bunker from my weekly CASA 12-Steps Meeting at Sally's. We had about a dozen people there. I truly believe in the Scripture ~
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
King James Bible ~Matthew 18:20
I forget I had asked Brother Maxie to share this Sunday so I showed up anyways. Probably for the best. I let him Chair the meeting but I helped to keep his focused on the script, that is, the 12-Steps.
In the beginning of the meeting I talked about my Brother Bobby passing away, his ill health and the importance of us all taking good care of our health. Plus, I stressed the importance of our openly expressing and showing our love for our loved ones while they are alive. Life is fragile.
4/14/2013 ~Sobrina Regina ~ Rest your heart. We will all miss him in our own way. Know that he thought about you and always mentioned you with warm affection.
Spirits live on, we are more than our physical bodies. I of course knew him all his life, still I feel that he is gone too soon.
We just really need to express our love to our loved ones while they are alive here amongst us. We do not always know when we will be 'called up' to be with the Lord. At least, he is up there with my Mother. I wonder what Heaven is like. I imagine it is glorious.
With him being younger than me, I thought I would go out first from this existence. I have had some close calls. I was looking forward to us growing old, sharing ideas and making plans for the future.
I suppose I will get use to him being gone as the days, months and years go by. He will always be a part of me, flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood, spirit of my spirit. The same as he will be for you!
Love, Uncle Pete c/s
#RIP Bobby Esteban Lopez aka Tata (February 25, 1963 ~ April 8, 2013) ~
In Loving Memory Of Robert S Lopez aka Tata (2-25-63/ 4-8-13) ~ ~
Uniting To Raise Money To Lay Robert Steven Lopez (aka Tata) To Rest via Sabrina Lopez ~ ~
Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for April 14, 2013: ~ Moon in Gemini ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
Monday, April 15, 2013
@8:16 AM ~ I slept pretty good. Here with my cafe already. It is a brand new day in which we need brand new ways for coping with life.
@10:00 PM ~ I suppose I am getting more us to my Brother Bobby not having a physical presence in my life. Sometimes I talk a little to him as if he can hear me. Who knows? I appreciate the times we have together ~all the good, the bad and the ugly. When the two of us were togethere there was a palpable power that only two blood brothers together can have ~a force.
We are already half way through this month. Time seems to be going faster to me than it did when I was younger. Maybe it is because my mind, when I am awake, is usually absorbing one subjet or another. It is good to keep the mind active more than mindless meditation without meaning.
Tomorrow morning I need to go pay my AT&T Internet Bill up on the Mall. I might wander out to Old Sac. I usually do not make set specific plans for the future. I take life one day at a time. Stay alive, awake and alert.
@11:11 PM ~ It is about time for me to land on my bunk, get some hours of sleep, dream dreams and find out what dreams may come true. Tomorrow I hope to be blessed with a brand new day! Nada mas ahora. ~ Che Peta
Let us pray we are stimulated by love for the people and continue to spread awareness, raise consciousness and enlighten each other.
Let us pray we live life in balance as we try to awaken the masses and remember to show our love here now to our loved ones.
Let us pray we use the power of imagination and that each of us on an individual level do what we can to create channels of truth.
Let us pray we are not discouraged by the many who remain apathetic around us. Many live in fear. Show them brave boldness.
Let us pray we take the time to patiently explain current events in the world to our loved ones. Not everyone is on the Net!
Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for April 15, 2013: ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan~Slow down, enjoy the senses!
The Price of Gold / Human Rights Violations In Peru / Video: ~Uploaded Jun 22, 2008
Lawsuit Planned Over Assaulted Calif. Teen Suicide: ~via @ABC
Tax Day: While Millions Rush to Meet Deadline, Resisters Continue Longstanding Refusal to Fund War @DemocracyNow! ~
Will Chávez Revolution Continue in Venezuela? A Debate After Maduro’s Close Election Victory @DemocracyNow! ~
Meditation techniques teach enlightenment, self liberation - The Daily Barometer: ~
Humanities Center welcomes Alice Echols to speak about gay liberation ~via @lehighvalley: ~
Supreme Court wrestles with right to patent human genes: ~via @thehill
Two explosions reported at Boston Marathon finish line #Video: ~via @thehill
Deadly Boston Marathon explosions a terror attack #FBI: ~via @RT_com
Problems with the #Boston Bombing Story Surface: ~via @collapseupdates
» What is a Zionist? @Illuminati_TV
VIDEO The Zionist Story: ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan~Uploaded Feb 5, 2011
Afghanistan opium poppy production increasing, U.N. says ~,0,7207959.story ~via @latimes
Knox Reportedly Reveals Sexual Harassment in Memoir ~ ~via @ABC
Maduro Wins Venezuelan Election with 50.66% of Vote - Capriles Demands Capriles Demands Audit.: ~
Comment: I wonder how many folks have actually taken the time to study the history of the Venezuelan Revolution led by Hugo Chavez? It take more than reading headlines or glancing at a Twitter stream to learn deeper. For sure, our Comandante Hugo is dead, leaving a huge leadership vacuum behind him.
We should applaud the authentic nature of the Venezuelan democratic political process, though imperfect it is better than U.S. electoral politics.
Venceremos! @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
[145] Talk About Sex, Money out of Politics, Uproar over Drones: ~via @AbbyMartin~Pub Apr 15, 2013
Comment: Amerika is a sexually perverted society, though many think it is open minded about sex. We need to openly discuss as a natural part of life. We need to overcome all forms of sexual repression. Sex needs to be discussed between adult men and women on a higher level than just screwing each other. Sex or the lack thereof has a lot to do social mental health.
Our ideas and attitudes about sex impact greatly on our personal relationships in life. We all came here via sex! @Peta_de_Aztlan
Connect > Peter S. López (Che Peta) - Google+ ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
Bloglink ~ ~
Twitter Link ~ ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Facebook Profile: Peter S. Lopez ~ ~
Humane Liberation Party Portal ~ ~
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