Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan or @Humane_Being on Twitter ~Email:
Peter S. López (Che Peta) - Google+ ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
#RIP Bobby Esteban Lopez aka Tata (February 25, 1963 ~ April 8, 2013) ~
In Loving Memory Of Robert S Lopez aka Tata (2-25-63/ 4-8-13) ~ ~
Uniting To Raise Money To Lay Robert Steven Lopez (aka Tata) To Rest via Sabrina Lopez ~ ~
++++++++++++ #IdleNoMore State Capitol Rally ++++++++++++
Tuesday, April 16, 2012
@10:15 AM ~ I slept pretty well. It is good weather outside. My energy level is better than it was yesterday.
@6:35 PM ~ I went on a Berry Hotel tour again with a guy named Mike. A Sister Grace works the front desk who knew Bobby from SNAHC classes there. Here are a few pixs from my tour below >>>>
@7:50 PM ~ I am growing weary of trying to change the world on a linear plane strictly through the realm of raising consciousness among mortals via online social media. Who do I need to convince of anything about stuff that with some conscious investigation they can figure out for themselves? Many people are lazy and want stuff done for them without any personal effort on their part. One must be hungry for new knowledge and not easily satisfied. The more we know about spiritual matters and how the affect the material world the more we should want to know. Indeed, knowledge is good food for the soul.
Let us pray we focus on our Liberty by creating a Global Liberation Movement, not get sidetracked by the fascist Obama Agenda.
Let us pray we can come together based upon a common Humane Rights Agenda and our basic survival needs as humane beings.
Let us pray we can unite and work together as one family of humanity ~combat evil in the world and create a new world.
Let us pray we know who we really are in the world, create natural alliances with others and overcome petty differences.
Let us pray we know who are our friends and who are our enemies. Abandon the political bi-polarity of a Left Vs. Right mentality.
Let us pray we do not compromise basic revolutionary spiritual principles and relate to the people's present level of consciousness.
Let us pray we honor and respect the masses of people who are struggling for survival night and day. They are people, not sheep.
Let us pray we understand that authentic power is the dual capacity to correctly define and change connected reality in our interests.
Let us pray we command the power of the word in order to interpret connected reality. Do not let our enemies define the world.
Let us pray we see the common sense wisdom of building up local community infrastructure ~think global, work local.
Let us pray we understand that our humane rights are bestowed upon us by virtue of our being of the family of humanity.
Let us pray we work hard, study hard and stay serious about our revolutionary struggles, as we ignore the spineless cowards!
Let us pray we fully understand that we as a life-form are truly an endangered species upon a planet in peril. Save Mother Earth!
Let us pray we expose the true terrorists in the world ~authoritarian governments spearheaded by the U.S.A. and their fanatical flunkeys.
Let us pray we do not fall for fascist False Flags ~not jump to conclusions and investigate current events for ourselves.
Let us pray we remember that humane rights are like muscles ~you have to use them or lose them. Express yourself. No fear!
Let us pray we are not constantly distracted by irrelevant bullshit that has no bearing on our own personal lives and problems.
VIDEO Noam Chomsky: Can civilisation survive really existing capitalism?: ~Published on Apr 3, 2013
Noam #Chomsky awarded UCD Ulysses Medal ~ ~ #Dublin
Noam Chomsky (MARCH, 2013) Rare Interview: ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan ~Pub Mar 9, 2013 ~Poor audio but deep
Proof Of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey Into The Afterlife with Dr. Eben Alexander III ~ ~Pub Nov 9, 2012~
Website: Eternea - the convergence of science and spirituality ~ ~
What Happens In The Afterlife To People Who Commit Suicide?: ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
Don Miguel Ruiz, Author of The Four Agreements, Discusses Life, Death & Afterlife: ~Pub Mar 28, 2013~
One Spirit's Testimony Of Life After Death: ~Pub Apr 11, 2013
The Afterlife of Billy Fingers, A True Story by Author Annie Kagan ~ ~
The Afterlife of Billy Fingers Book Promo (Full Version) [HD] ~Pub Apr 11, 2013~
4/16/13 Guantanamo Prison Raid Defended By U.S. Officials ~ ~ #GITMO
Language in prison: Solitary linguistic confinement ~via @TheEconomist~ ~
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
@8:35 AM ~ I slept pretty good. I still tend to wake up for one reason or cause or another. I am usually a light sleeper. Maybe there is a noise that awakes me, but is not audible once I wake up. I usually keep my bedside light on at night and wear a bandana over my eyes before I go to sleep. I started that routine when I was at a Sally's as a client years ago. I find I sleep better when I do. Often when we are sleeping and turn over we can open our eyes for a bit, then we wake up even more. Time for cafe!
@11:16 AM ~ Now that my Brother Bobby Esteban Lopez is gone from the physical realm I am learning to express myself better from the heart as he taught me, not just my analytical mind. I can accept the fact of his death, hope his body is settled soon and continue to feel his loving spirit in my life more than ever. Namaste!
@11:24 AM ~ We need to remember to express ourselves while we can, especially our heartfelt emotions and core concerns. Today is another day for us upon Mother Earth. This day will not come again. Do not waste the time in idle behavior. Use today to grow in spirit, remember what you need to remember, do what needs to be done and make sure to live life today as fully, honestly and lovingly as you can. Appreciate the simple blessings of being alive!
@4:51 PM ~ I went and paid $70 on my AT&T Internet connection here. Afterwards, I went by Burger Inn for my usual jumbo burger with upgrade of fries.
Lately I find I have become more angry, bitter and cynical about life and living beings in this screwed up sick society. I do not know how many years I have left of this mortal life, but I do not want to spend all the rest of my life here in Fascist Amerika. It can be difficult dealing with folks who seem to be completely oblivious to what is coming down here in Nazi Amerika.
Let us pray we do not get distracted by the fan mail of Obama or other fascist flunkeys. Focus on Global Liberation for all.
Let us pray we focus on our life priorities today ~keep in mind what is important in the Big Picture ~be in tune with the Spirit.
Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for April 17, 2013 ~ ~
U.S.-Venezuelan Relations Remain Tense Under Maduro, Experts Claim ~ ~via @foxnewslatino
To Be More Creative Deal With Anxiety | The Creative Mind ~ ~via @PsychCentral
Eric Maisel on anxiety and developing creativity ~ ~via @DouglasEby
Procrastinating and Distracting Ourselves ~via @DouglasEby| The Creative Mind ~ ~
Creative intellect as a marker for genetic predisposition to high anxiety conditions ~By Charles Linden ~ ~
THE LINDEN METHOD - The World's Premier ANXIETY / PANIC ATTACKS Elimination program ~ ~
Jemma Kidd on the Lorraine Kelly Show: The Linden Method by Charles Linden: #Anxiety #Panic
The Psychology of Creativity ~By Misc Author ~ ~
#VIDEO When False Flags don't Fly anymore PEOPLE ARE LEARNING THE TRUTH ~ ~Pub Apr 15, 2013
Thursday, April 18, 2013
@8:21 AM ~ I slept pretty well, though I was still fully awake a few times a night that cuts into any consistent solid sleep. I will be so glad when I move into the Berry Hotel. I suppose I should go to CEPS tomorrow at Loaves & Fishes and see Heather.
@3:25 PM ~ I just came back from Grocery Outlet with some viddles. It is warm outside now. If I go to the A.A. All-Tribes Meeting I will not need my coat. A hot summer approaches.
Let us pray we keep in a dynamic balance in life ~avoid extremes that can knock one off-balance ~diversify general interests.
Let us pray we awaken to the matrix of connected reality in life ~from the macrocosm to the microcosm ~it is inherently connected.
Let us pray we keep in mind that we are ultimately spiritual beings having a physical experience called a lifetime upon Earth.
Let us pray we accept the fact that the body falls in the end ~no one gets out of a lifetime alive ~let us not be afraid of death.
Let us pray we are patient with ourselves, remain open to learning new knowledge and be capable of letting go of false beliefs.
Let us pray we do not shudder in fear from the antics of fascist fanatics. We are designed to resist the evils in the world.
Luciano Pavarotti said, “People think I’m disciplined. It’s not discipline, it’s devotion, and there’s a great difference.”
97 Best Creativity Tips Ever ~ ~
LINK Dalai Lama on Google+ ~Follow @DalaiLama
VIA @DalaiLama 12 Apr ~It’s unrealistic to think that the future of humanity can be achieved only on the basis of prayer, what we need is to take action.
Citizen Surveillance Helps Officials Put Pieces Together ~ ~via @WSJ
Brutal beating in South Africa goes viral #SouthAfrica ~ ~via @AJStream
Michelle Thrush Presents A Declaration from Amazonian Nationalities ~ ~via @AmazonWatch
A Rush to Misjudgment: CNN Faulted for Racially Charged, Erroneous Reports on Boston Marathon Case @DemocracyNow!
Filmmaker Robert Greenwald on "War on Whistleblowers: Free Press and the National Security State"@DemocracyNow!
Woman faces life in prison for allegedly severing husband's penis ~,0,3683879.story #Ouch!!
Don't Panic, But Mexico's Zetas Cartel Wants to Recruit Your Kids | ~ ~via @rbeckhusen
Immigration reform gets U.S. in on Mexico's boom ~ ~via @CNNOpinion
Coast To Coast AM - April 17 2013 Occult & the Esoteric/ Current Events C2CAM ~ ~Pub Apr 18, 2013
Manual recount not possible in Venezuela, chief justice says ~ ~via @CNN
Pervez Musharraf flees Pakistan court after arrest order ~ ~via @guardian
Suicide attack at Baghdad cafe kills at least 26 ~ ~via @USATODAY
First Nations leader sent #IdleNoMore plans to government: emails | ~
Former refugee from Iraq reflects on 10 years of liberation ~ ~
Noam Chomsky: "The Emerging World Order: its roots, our legacy" ~ ~Published Sep 19, 2012
#Anonymous ~ Operation Gabon ~ ~ Follow us on Twitter:@OpGabon #OpGabon
#Anonymous - #OpGabon: Ritual Killings in Gabon, Africa ~ ~via AnonymousFiveO ~Pub Apr 11, 2013
#OpGabon: Anonymous attacks Gabon government sites in protest of ritual killings @GlobalPost~ ~
[147] Venezuela Protests, Disingenuous Journalism, Boston's Heroes & Political Vultures ~ ~via @AbbyMartin
Sting: The Journey And The Labyrinth - The Music of John Dowland ~ ~Pub Oct 29, 2012~
Friday, April 19, 2013
@8:25 AM ~ Another restless night of sleep. I just got up and need to prepare for going out to Loaves & Fishes to drop off receipts stuff at CEPS. What a drag!
@1:25 PM ~ I decided not to go to CEPS at Loaves & Fishes. I am just not up to changes that would imply for today. I will look at Monday for going there. Sometimes procrastination can be putting off stuff until I am better prepared. These days I try to avoid drama-trauma, constantly confused people and anxiety-ridden situations as much as I can.
I got Bad News from Sister Lea this morning when I saw here by the K Street Mini-Mart. Brother Darren is dead. He was an older brother struggling with his recovery. He was found dead during a Wellness Check they do at the Sequoia Hotel. The Sequoia is where my Brother Bobby was staying when he was found dead in his room. Health is the greatest wealth.
My pretty littl' blond friend Lisa just came by here to the Shasta, but her purse was stolen with her ID so she could not come into my sanctuary. It is probably for the better for now, though she would of been warm company. We talked out front for awhile. I told her about my planning to move to the Berry Hotel where I can easily have overnight guests.
I have been hearing the CNN Coverage of the Boston Marathon aftermath and the manhunt for the surviving suspect in the Boston area. Time to go out for street patrol. Nada mas ahora.
@9:13 PM ~ The day has zipped by for me. I got a Text message from my Sobrina Sabrina.
Funeral Services for Robert Steven Lopez aka Bobby Lopez aka Tata will be hold on Friday, April 26, 2013 from 1 - 3 PM at Sierra View Funeral Chapel & Crematory, Inc. ~6201 Fair Oaks Blvd., Carmichael, CA 95608 ~916-481-1515 (between El Camino and Marconi Ave) ~ ~
VIA Facebook ~
Sobrina Sabrina ~ I know life has gotten harder for us with the passing of my beloved Brother Bobby Esteban Lopez ~your Dad aka Father aka Padre. Life is such a fragile and delicate breathing in-and-out process. None of us get out of here alive. Ultimately we are not our bodies, we are our enduring spirits.
Yes, I miss his belly laughs, his sense of humor, his insights and fresh ways of looking at life. He lives on in our memories and in our spirits forever. Blessings, Uncle Pete
The Serenity Prayer, by Reinhold Niebuhr. Complete, Unabridged, Original Version: ~
#Music! Anoushka Shankar at Festival Les Nuits de Fourviere, France - 2012 07 13: ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
Spirituality Alternative Healing, Inspirational, Motivational Articles, Prose, Poems, Prayers, Quotes, Lyrics.. ~
Defend the Amazon on Earth Day! AMAZON WATCH » Donate ~via @AmazonWatch
In Venezuela, who are the opposition protesters? ~via ~
West Bloomfield Doctor Offers Alternative Treatment for ADD/ADHD and Anxiety ~ ~
ADD as Developmentally Impaired Executive Function: Description of the Model ~by Dr. Brown ~ ~ #ADHD
PROOF! Boston Marathon Bombing is Staged Terror Attack: ~via @RealAlexJones~Paranoid Hysteria?
Bombing suspect became citizen last Sept. 11 ~ ~via @cnnbrk
@CNN TV coverage of Boston bombings ~ #cnn
VIA @OmTimes Spiritual Egotism ~by Marcia Sirota aka @rcinstitute ~
#Anonymous: CISPA Internet Blackout April 22nd | #CISPABlackout ~ ~via @AnonyOps_~Pub Apr 18, 2013
[148] CISPA: Worse Than Patriot Act, Texas Blast Safety, Boston Bombing & Overlooked Tragedies ~ ~via @AbbyMartin
Sabbath, April 20, 2013
@10:03 AM ~ I actually slept pretty well last night, after the mice quieted down and sleep overcome me. I am here in my bunker with my cafe, life goes on, Sabrina is doing OK. I hope it is a creative and expressive day for me.
@5:46 PM ~ Just got in from Grocery Outlet. It is really warm today, a hot summer feels like it is coming before too long.
@11:32 PM ~ I checked out a few good YouTube Videos today. See Links below. I will try to get some sleep now.
Let us pray we do not buzz from one subject to another like flies on honey dew. Take time to reflect on spiritual matters.
Let us pray our attention span expands as we elevate in our evolving wisdom, not shrink into a blur of external phenomena.
If we cannot overcome the Shadow of our own character defects we are doomed to extinction as a species of life upon earth.
In the last analysis, the essential thing is the life of the individual. ~ C. G. Jung (1934)
Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for Saturday, April 20, 2013: ~Mercury & Uranus conjunction ~Sun Taurus
@DailyOM April 20, 2013 ~Finding the Positive Aspects ~#Scorpio Daily Horoscope ~ ~
Suspects With Foot in 2 Worlds, Perhaps Echoing Plots of Past ~ ~
Suspects With Foot in 2 Worlds, Perhaps Echoing Plots of Past ~By SCOTT SHANE ~ ~
Proof That Navy Seals "Blackwater" did Boston Marathon Bombing #FalseFlag Martial Law - ~Pub Apr 20, 2013 ??!
#Boston Attack Renews Fears About Homegrown Terror ~ ~via @WSJ
Senator Ties Bomber to Immigration Bill ~via @thedailybeast
Watsonville #IdleNoMore! : Indybay ~ ~
Carl Jung: "The world hangs by a thin thread....and that thread is the psyche of man." ~ ~Published on Dec 11, 2012
Comment: 4/20/2013 ~ We are an endangered species of life. Sometimes I think we should just screw it all and just have as much fun, joy and ecstasy as we can. To hell with the future of humanity! Then, on deeper reflection beyond base animal desires, I am compelled to think of our innocent children and what kind of world we adults will leave behind for them.
Carl Gustav Jung: Matter of Heart ~ ~Published on Apr 8, 2012 ~via RosesEternal ♥ ♫ ♪ ♫
Comment: 4/20/2013 ~ Carl Gustav Jung: Matter of Heart is a fascinating Video. I could not discern every word but there are treasures here that can help our species survive ~so that the thread of humanity does not snap, break and shatter us all.
We must admit into our conscious awareness all of what we are, including the effects of our own shadow aspects, such as, core character defects. ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Anima and animus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ~
Way of Dream ~via Marie-Louise von Franz ~Video 1 (full) ~ ~Uploaded on Nov 24, 2011
Way of Dream ~via Marie-Louise von Franz ~Video 2 (full) ~ ~Uploaded on Aug 4, 2011
Way of Dream ~via Marie-Louise von Franz ~Video 3 (full) ~ ~ Uploaded on Aug 11, 2011
Way of Dream ~via Marie-Louise von Franz ~Video 4 (full) ~ ~Uploaded on Nov 25, 2011
Marie-Louise von Franz (4 January 1915 – 17 February 1998) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ~ ~
Marie-Louise von - Home (English) ~ ~
Marie-Louise von Franz, 83, A Jungian Legend, Is Dead -Published: March 23, 1998 ~via @NYTimes: ~
Marie-Louise von Franz - Wikiquote ~ ~
Who is Marie-Louise von Franz? ~
“There are people who cannot risk loneliness with the experience. They always have to be in a flock and have human contact.” ~ Marie-Louise von Franz, Alchemy: An Introduction to the Symbolism and the Psychology―
Dalai Lama ~ Educating the Heart: ~via @DalaiLama~Published on Apr 17, 2012
The strategic goal is Global Revolution as we work on our own Spiritual Liberation. Struggle on! @Peta_de_Aztlan
Why go Higher and Higher? ~Go Deeper and Deeper into the Cosmos within ~the eternal kernel of the psyche is the Star of the Soul.
#MIRANDA RIGHTS - Guilty until proven Innocent? ~Published on Apr 20, 2013 ~via @GreeneWave
Comment: Yes Brother Greene ~ I can feel your outrage. Now is not the time to be a fake Buddha, calm and detached about the U.S. Constitution going down the toilet. Let us work on ourselves on an individual level, group level and come together on a global level.
We each need to create our own social media channels and use our improvised imagination.
Power to the People! Peter S. López aka @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
Sunday, April 21, 2013
@9:38 AM ~ I slept pretty well, though I usually wake up about every four hours. I am here now with my cafe and feel pretty content.
@6:47 PM ~ This evening is a rare one for me because I am not going to be there to do the CASA 12-Steps Meeting this evening @Sally's. Our Brother Maxie is going coordinate it and I am sure it will go well.
#NYC City Report Shows a Growing Number Are Near Poverty ~ ~ #Combat #Poverty
Socialism and man in Cuba ~by Che Guevara (March 1965) ~ ~
Get Your Liberation Program On! via @Peta_de_Aztlan| HELP-Matrix: ~
Posted on 04/21/2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
@7:12 AM ~ I slept OK. For some reason I usually wake up around 4:00 AM for a spell. I rarely ever get a straight eight hours a sleep on any given night. Oh well, at least I woke up today!
@9:55 PM ~ It has now been two weeks this Monday since my Brother Bobby died. I am getting more use to the fact that he is already actually gone from this earthly existence. I talked to my Sister Linda yesterday. She told me that my Brother's urn from the cremation will be buried with my Mom at her gravesite. I am not sure how that will work out. I know it was going to be my Dad buried with her, but now Linda said my Dad said he wants to be cremated, as do I. I do not really feel like talking to anyone right now. Tomorrow is a brand new day.
Let us pray we stop just bitchin' and whinin' about stuff we can't do shit about and focus on what we can change in life.
Let us pray that every day is Earth Day. Honor, cherish and protect Mother Earth each and every day.
Let us pray for the Liberation of Leonard Peltier and all prisoners who are caged without justice being served in their cases.
Let us pray for the day when liberty and justice for all will not just be a hollow allegiance to a False Flag.
Let us pray we learn that true liberation must begin within the eternal soul of the individual seeking to be free from fascism.
Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for Monday, April 22, 2013 ~ ~ #Virgo #Moon #Venus #Saturn opposition
Documentary: Jungian Analyst, Marion Woodman, Dancing in the Flames ~ ~
Jungian Analyst Marion Woodman on her approach to therapy.: ~Published Dec 2, 2011
Google Results: [NetworkAztlan_News] MALDEF’s SCREWS OVER NATIVE AMERICANS!!! ~
Red Cross: At Least 187 Killed in Nigeria Violence ~via @ABC News: ~
#RIP Richie Havens ~We will know our Freedom! ~
An Urgent Message from "Ancient Ones " to Indigenous People About Mother Earth: ~Uploaded on May 21, 2011
Practical Tools for Your Spiritual Journey -Part 1 ~By Shelly Wilson ~via @OmTimes Magazine ~ ~
[149] New Kind of #Gitmo Torture, Losing Miranda Rights, Boston: Prep for Police State? ~Pub Apr 22, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
@8:30 AM ~ I had my usual restless sleep. Much be more going on in my subconscious that I am presently aware of that is disturbing my sleep. I did catch one little grey mouse on my little super-glue trap I had by the side of the refrigerator yesterday. The whole building is infested to varying degrees, especially my being on the ground floor above the lower basement level and by the kitchen area across the hall. I will stay alert, be conscious and struggle through the day.
@9:38 AM ~ I called my Sobrina Sabrina earlier. From what I understand, the funeral services for my Brother Bobby will be this Friday. She is going to set it up. Afterwards she will have his ashes in an urn that will be eventually be placed with my Mom's gravesite. Sabrina is really mature for her age and has already gathered her portion of mature wisdom. She has a beautiful loving spirit.
@11:42 PM ~ I made some tangible progress today. I went to CEPS and met with the beautiful Heather ~my Case Worker there ~she filled out my Berry Hotel application, gave me a SSI Income Verification Printout and I turned in my application. The Property Manager Mike was there and Michelle the Desk Monitor took my application. She is suppose to call me after background checks and stuff sometime late tomorrow or the next day.
Plus, it seems like a minor matter, but I got a big jar of change that has piled up and put them in coin rollers. This has been bugging me in the back of my mind. Sometimes it is the small things that can bug me on a conscious level then I shove it down into my unconscious.
Tomorrow I definitely have to write some letters, or rather type up some letters and utilize my brand new printer here that I have hardly used. I need to exercise more the power of the typed letter for certain instances. I find that I am able to express myself more clearly via the typed word. Plus, what I take the time to type up has a tendency to stay around more than verbal utterances that once spoken evaporate into thin air (though they may remain and sink deeper into what who hear such spoken words. Nada mas ahora! ~ Che Peta
Let us pray we have the courage to search and research as deep as it gets to discover the truth about life upon Mother Earth.
Let us pray we understand that whether humankind can survive the negative effects of its own dark shadows is an open question.
Let us pray we are prepared for whatever may come in life with its many surprises. Be aware of surroundings outside at all times.
Let us pray we are aware of the attempts of fascist propaganda to direct, shape and mold so-called 'public opinion' via corporate media.
Let us pray we have the wisdom to know that great liberation struggles are often generated by the totally dedicated individual.
Follow Sibel Edmonds
Sibel Edmonds aka @sibeledmonds on the Boston Bombing: The US roots of "Chechen" terrorism: ~
Comment: Sibel Edmonds aka @sibeledmonds is a good analyst and communicator with a good mind. She has the ability and talent to see deeper into complicated situations. It does not hurt that she is visually attractive too. This Video is worth receiving in the future. I will post a Link in my Spiritual Journal.
We need to fathom the intricate interconnectedness of these global issues.
Venceremos! Peter S. López aka @Peta_de_Aztlan
The Myth of Journalistic Objectivity ~ ~via corbettreport ~Published on Apr 5, 2013~
Comment: 4/23/2013 ~ I subscribe to Corbett Report on @YouTube. Be mindful of where you get your information from, esp. in relation to reporting or regurgitating global news.
We must admit our ultimate subjectivity. though we can strive to be objective in order to digest the truth.4/23/ We have spins and agendas whether we are fully conscious of them or not. ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Boston: Prep for the Police State? | Interview with Sibel Edmonds aka @sibeledmonds~ ~via @AbbyMartin
Create Alternative Channel ~Peter S. López aka
Jesus as Liberation Theologist ~By the Rev. Howard Bess | ~via @Consortiumnews~ ~
+++++++++ Jesus Christ Our Lord at the Sermon on the Mount++++++++
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
@11:54 AM ~ I woke up late, with my usual restless sleep. I know I will sleep better and be more at peace once I move to the Berry Hotel.
Studios at the Hotel Berry ~Sacramento, California ~ ~
@11:30 AM ~ Well, as usual, I did not get done what I wanted to do today. I must focus more on my tasks and projects. I suspect I have a strong case of ADHD.
I did go see Sister Patty at the Berry Hotel and relations look good for my being accepted there. I hope I have generated enough good karma for life to go relatively smoothly for me here on out. I look forward more than I do backwards. I will try to go with the flow and let no one get me down. Our struggle is not simply a matter of moving bricks and mortars, there are a lot of spiritual matters that need our collective attention.
If it matters to anyone else or not, today I have 8 years and 10 months sobriety from alcohol this 24th of April. Tomorrow we'll see.
Link to Who I Follow Peter S. López aka @Peta_de_Aztlan on Twitter ~
#Twitter hack crash cost Wall Street much cash: ~Published Apr 24, 2013
VIDEO Robo-Stop: Mankind raging against 'rise of machines' ~ ~Published on Apr 24, 2013 ~via @RT_com
Glenn Beck's Boston Bombing Conspiracy Cover-up Claims ~ ~Published Apr 24, 2013 ~via @MarkDice
All movements striking at the roots of social problems were—and still are—radical by default. ~ Ben Barker
Man Dies in Police Raid on Wrong House in Lebanon, Tenn ~ ~via @ABC #Fascism
We are complete pagan barbarians and that is because we only ape Christ outwardly. ~
Dr. Marie-Louise von Franz ~ ~
Keystone species' loss could cause ecosystem to collapse ~ ~via @MSNNews ~Follow @KXLBlockade
Welcome to the site of Robert Augustus Masters ~ ~
Bringing Your Shadow Out of the Dark ~By Robert Augustus Masters, PhD, | Integral Life ~ ~
To the extent that our conditioning is kept in the dark, it is our shadow. ~ Robert Augustus Masters, PhD
#Art Recollecting Divinity ~via Pamela Sukhum | Integral Life ~ ~ #Images
Add the Proud To Be #Indigenous Banner to Facebook & Twitter!: ~via @FirstPeoples
Alex Jones aka @RealAlexJones Calls For Gun Confiscation ~ ~Published on Mar 28, 2013 #Arm #People
April 1, 2013 ~ Beautiful Justice: An Open Letter to Liberals By Ben Barker ~via @DGRNews ~ ~
Thursday, April 25, 2013
@6:23 AM ~ I am alive and well. I am still enduring here at the Shasta Hotel.
@12:30 PM ~ I cleaned my bedding, swept and mopped my room. My Mom use to tell me that "cleanliness is next to godliness."
@10:40 PM ~ I went out to Old Sac for awhile this afternoon. I need to do that more often than I do. It is a good relaxer. Plus, I bought a cool Native shirt by The Mountain ~ Assembled in Honduras!
~ Link:
@11:49 PM ~ All in all it has been a pretty good day. I realize I have more stamina than I thought today, especially when I led my Spirit guide me. The Spirit is willing but the flesh is often misled into folly. Nada mas ahora!
Personal Daily Horoscope of Thursday, 25 April 2013 for Peter S. Lopez,aka Peta TwitPix @Peta_de_Aztlan~Born 15 November 1951
Full Moon Lunar eclipse (p)
New friends ~ Under this influence you will seek an exciting break from your daily routine. You also attract new friends, because under this influence you show a fascinating, different side of your personality in a way that is winning and attractive. If a relationship that starts today does last more than a short time, it may revolutionize your life in some way. You will have to give your friend or lover great freedom, because there is no room for possessiveness or jealously in such a relationship. But if you can live in such an unstructured relationship, your understanding of life and of yourself will be greatly broadened. In most relationships people do not need to make as many demands upon each other as they do, mostly out of mutual insecurity. You are able to understand this at this time.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Venus sextile Uranus, ,
activity period from 25 April 2013 until 26 April 2013
[turn off]Show the love horoscope for this transit (L)
Every Thursday (until revoked) there is free access to all transits listed below. ~ Other transits occurring today
Moon opposition MC, exact at 05:21
Moon square Ascendant, exact at 21:43
Moon in 4th house, from 05:21
Moon sextile Chiron, exact at 04:32 (L)
Full Moon in 4th house, exact at 12:58 (L)
Lunar eclipse (p), exact at 13:08, invisible
Important long-term influences (overview)
"The forces at work" (Pluto square Saturn) (L)
"Objectivity and indifference" (Chiron square Mercury) (L)
"Ambitions" (Mars in 10th house) (L)
Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for Thursday, April 25, 2013 ~ #Scorpio Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse
Horoscopes: Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio via @tarotcom
Coming of Age Linked to Activity in Specific Brain Area via @psychcentral
Boston bombing facts & fantasies: Tsarnaevs felonious or framed? @>NastiaChurkina
VIDEO: Aliens And The Vatican 2013 Published on Feb 21, 2013
VIDEO: Aliens And The Vatican 2013 Published on Feb 21, 2013
[151] Secret Agent Turned Whistleblower, Whitewashing War Crimes, and Murder Capital......: ~Pub Apr 24, 2013
#Alternative #Media FOLLOW @AbbyMartin @ ~
LIKE Breaking the Set @
@BBC News - Latin America 'threatened by rising cancer cases'
Newspaper photographer and another young man found dead, mutilated in northern Mexico via @washingtonpost
Cell Phones Yes, Toilets No, World Body Laments | Inter Press Service via @ipsnews
U.N. Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson was quick to produce staggering numbers: of the world’s seven billion people, about six billion have mobile phones but only about 4.5 billion have access to toilets.
Follow Inter Press Service
How ADHD Hyperfocus is Like Sex ~By Zoë Kessler, BA, B.Ed.aka @ChickADD44 ~ ~
VIDEO Dr Russell Barkley - #ADHD "Hyperfocus" ~ #Ouch!
4 Simple Steps to Break Yourself Out of Negative Hyperfocus via @ADHDmanagement
@ADHDmanagement I am convinced that a lot of folks on #Twitter have #ADHD ~I know I have the 'tendency' if not the disorder.
For sure ~
~ Earth's Cry, Heaven's Smile by Santana
~ Sittin' Billy Stewart - Sitting in the Park
~Mothership Connection (Star Child) - Parliament (1975) ~
Bootsy Collins - Munchies For Your Love
~Parliament Funkadelic - One Nation Under A Groove (docu 2005) ~
so many songs... hard to single out right now
Friday, April 26, 2013
@9:54 AM ~ I slept pretty good. I already went to the K-Street Mini-Mart. My Amigo Joe M. came by and brought me my cane. He still needs to replace his light bulks, but maintenance needs to do it with a ladder.
Funeral Services for my Brother Robert Steven Lopez aka Bobby Lopez aka Tata will be held today ~Friday, April 26, 2013 from 1 - 3 PM at Sierra View Funeral Chapel & Crematory, Inc. ~6201 Fair Oaks Blvd., Carmichael, CA 95608 ~ 916-481-1515 (between El Camino and Marconi Ave) ~ ~
Link Google Map >>
@10:54 AM ~ My Amigo Mike is suppose to be here around 12:15 PM to pick me up to go there.
@5:20 PM ~ We had a great Funeral Chapel services for my Brother Bobby. I am so glad the Native Drummers were there whom he use to play together with before. Met a lot of family. My beautiful Sobrina (Niece) Sobrina was the Coordinator and she did a superb job of the whole funeral arrangements. I think she is a born coordinator. Several different family members and friends of my Brother Bobby spoke on a podium. I am so glad my Brother was loved and appreciated by so many people.
My Sister Linda and Frank Ronquillo were there, Cousins Larry and Louie Lopez, my Uncle Armando Sidhu and his sons, Cousin David, Armando and Jeff. Plus, Bobby's former wives Mousie (Jesuscita) and Tammy were there. I will still consider both of them still my Sister-in-laws. I finally got a chance to see my beautiful niece Regina now that she is grown up and her children: a son named Xavier Lopez and her younger daughter. Xavier is carrying the Lopez bloodline. There was a great slideshow with music that was fantastic. It has pictures of Bobby and other family. A very beautiful slideshow to see. I could tell a lot of loving work went into it.
It was a very emotional experience for me. I am glad my Amigo Mike K. was there sitting by my side. He cared a lot for my Brother Bobby. For us it was all a reminder that we need to be united and revitalize our sense of family and extended family. We are all one family, all one family of humanity.
Sometimes after 4 PM we had a little dinner here at the Shasta Hotel of hot dogs and chile beans with chips. It was a nice little meal. Sister Ann F. is back from the hospital. However, later there was a negative disturbance behind a fuckin' bun. Believe it or not! A person who walks around with fear, hatred and resentment needs to reform his low-life character. Enough said.
[153] Bangladesh: Cheap Clothes for Mass Deaths, LOL with Lee Camp, Hunger Strikes & Genocide ~Pub Apr 26, 2013
Comment: Fascist propaganda does its best to keep the people in a frantic fear. It is amazing how so many of us are not really aware of how deep it runs. Many bounce from one fear to another. This Mass Fear distraction keeps us from focusing on attacking the Evil Empire. Support our Sister @AbbyMartin on Breaking the Set
Venceremos! @Peta_de_Aztlan HELP-Matrix Coordinator
On Being A Chicano de Aztlán by @Peta_de_Aztlan ~Update 4/26/2012 ~
Get Your Liberation Program On! via @Peta_de_Aztlan ~04/21/2013 ~
On Evolving Into Being a Humane Being ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan ~04/08/2013
Links to Articles by Peter S. López aka @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ | HELP-Matrix ~ ~
Sabbath, April 27, 2013
@8:15 AM ~ I called the Berry Hotel yesterday evening, talked to Grace and need to go Michelle there Monday morning. I do so need a change of residence for various reasons. Today is another day to combat the Evil Empire in the world, as I continue to work on my Spiritual Enlightenment.
@10:19 AM ~ There is a big March of Dimes parade going on in Downtown Sacramento. It is good to see a lot of citizen participation, though how funds are spent from these events is a matter I wonder about, but then I do wonder a lot.
@12:30 PM ~ Family is precious, especially direct bloodline family. I hope we can all get together in the near future, a picnic for a couple of hours. Sometimes I am kind of a brown recluse! ;->
My Brother Bobby Esteban Lopez left a beautiful legacy of family behind. I believe in Heaven because I have certainly seen Hell here on Earth already! Heaven is another realm of existence in connected reality. I know this as a Spiritual Being.
I felt my Brother's Spirit of Love of Family among all of us and feel his Spirit now. His death from this existence brought me closer to the Family fold. Seeing Littl' Bobby and Xavier! Beautiful Regina is a grown up lady! Sobrina Sabrina is such a light and a born Coordinator!
We need to remember my Nephew Jason Lopez and plan a simple homecoming for him when he gets out of prison. He will need our loving support.
At first I did not even recognize my Cousin David Sidhu who was like a Big Brother to me growing up. I did not even recognize my Cousin Armando who was like a Brother to me growing up before Bobby was born! I was in a real emotional state. I hope to see my Brother Steven Lopez soon. For sure I need to get see my Dad next week.
Blessings to the Native Drummers that Bobby loved who created a whole powerful atmosphere of love and unity. Many who loved my Brother Bobby who were not able to make it. I have seen some Downtown here where I live. He touched the lives of so many people, including those in prison.
May we all have blessed Sabbath day and remember to express our Love of Family.
Venceremos! Peter S. Lopez c/s
Let us pray we remember to educate the heart, to wake up the power of our deepest passions for ending the misery of poverty.
Top 10 Signs You Might Need a Paranormal Investigation ~via @OmTimes Magazine ~ ~
LINK THINK MAGNIFICENTLY - Home ~Nancy Oakes ~Email=
LINK Indigenous Grandmothers Council ~
2/4/2013 Think Magnificently: It’s Your Birthright! By: Nancy L. Oakes ~via @OmTimes Magazine ~ ~
3/29/2013 BLISS A "Gift" From The Creator ~By Nancy Oakes ~via @OmTimes Magazine ~ ~
4/24/2013 Think Magnificently: "Will" a Gift From the Creator ~By Nancy Oakes ~via @OmTimes Magazine ~ ~
See danielle mackinnon
VIDEO Discover The Soul Contracts That Influence Your Life with Danielle MacKinnon: ~Pub Mar 22, 2012
Obama’s full speech at the 2013 White House Correspondents’ Dinner ~ ~via @washingtonpost
++++ with
Sabbath, April 27, 2013 ~ The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily Is Out!
Adbusters Tactical Briefing #43 | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters via @adbusters
Sunday, April 28, 2013
@9:01 AM ~ For once I slept pretty good. I guess I am kind of a restless sleeper anyways. I am just going to get dressed and get cafe right now. I will take my shower later on for the CASA 12-Steps Meeting this evening.
I need to keep in mind that this Spiritual Journal is primarily for me to record my thoughts on a daily basis, plus, stuff I want to save for future reference. It is a way of me checking in with myself, where my head it at and how I am doing in relation to my Spiritual Enlightenment, not to enchant or entertain anyone else. I see the critical importance of working on my own self, my own individuation and self-esteem as a Spiritual Being.
@10:09 PM ~ We had a good CASA Meeting. I need to promote it more, reach a larger audience, especially the concept of Progressive Recovery. Old A.A. tradition is so old, conservative and has been reduced to being a cult in many respects.
"There is no greater agony than an untold story inside you." ~ Maya Angelou
#RIP Bobby Esteban Lopez aka Tata ~Native Drumming Circle: via @Peta_de_Aztlan
Let us pray we do not worry about recognition from others. Be sure to recognize your own authentic true self.
Let us pray we are in tune with our own feelings ~able to resonate with the vibrations in the world ~see the Big Picture!
Let us pray we are fully alive in the present magical moment ~feel your aliveness with your ordinary senses ~develop your 6th sense!
Let us pray we work on our own Spiritual Enlightenment ~rise above the cares and concerns of the world ~find inner peace.
Let us pray we are practical and realistic. Why get anxiety attacks over what you yourself cannot do anything about?!
Let us pray we remember our basic survival needs in life: food, clothing, shelter, medical care and quality education.
Let us pray we do not allow ourselves to be frozen in paranoid fear by False Flags and Fascist Corporate Propaganda.
Let us pray we have the courage to advocate Global Revolution as the ultimate solution, not get sidetracked by surface reforms.
Let us pray we do not wait for 100% mass consensus for us to move boldly forward into the future that can be ours to enjoy.
@csmonitor To hell with making people paranoid about #terrorism and #AlQaeda ~We need Counter-Terrorists to Combat Fascism!
"Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now!” ~ Goethe
HELP-Matrix Blog: Some are overlooked in US immigration overhaul ~By ELLIOT SPAGAT ~ #AmnestyNow
Republic of Texas @RT Documentary ~ ~Pub April 28, 2013 #Liberty RT
Are You Awake or Asleep??? By Baba Shuddhaanandaa Brahmachari ~ ~via @OmTimes
World Demographics Profile 2013 ~ ~
We have 7+ Billion people on Mother Earth almost all of whom endure under an Evil Empire ruled by a tiny handful of demons.
#Drone HowStuffWorks "How the Predator UAV Works" ~via @howstuffworks
3/14/2012 ~ Iraqi Mig-25 Shoots Down MQ-1 Predator ~via @Militarydotcom: #Drone
6/6/2012 #CIA #Drone Program: Is it hard to shoot one down? By Brian Palmer ~via @Slate~ ~
11/9/2012 Predator Drones Once Shot Back at Jets... But Sucked At It ~via @daxe~ ~ #Drone
9/20/2012 U.S. Predator spy drone shot down by Kurd rebels in Turkey, near Iraq: #Drone
How to hide from Predator Drones UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Survival Guide - usCrow: #Drone
I can't speak for you, but I am going to do all I can within my personal power to achieve liberation by any means mandatory.
Monday, April 29, 2013
@10:11 AM ~ I had a strange dream last night. We were in one apartment building, something happened, perhaps a fire and we went to another one nearby. A girl I was with or was there saw something that made her throw up on herself, then when she saw the vomit she threw up more. It was yellow-orange vomit. Somehow I had her under a shower to rinse and clean her up. There are a few images, but I remember feelings about it all.
I woke up thinking of how writing can be like vomiting then cleaning it up in our editing.
Anyways, it is a Monday morning and thank God for Monday. It is three weeks since I found out my Brother Bobby had died. May he up in Heaven giving me some air support! ;->
Funny, the only tattoo I have is one my Brother Bobby gave me at a big party I had when I lived in Broderick in West Sacra a long time ago. He had a little homemade tattoo kit. It is a little Roman Numeral V on my right hand skin between my forefinger and thumb.
It was a crazy night. This White dude who was not even invited to this house party full of Chicanos flirted with my White Gal Barbara (another X). We ended up dragging him outside. Bobby threw him over a little fence there. The windows of his car out front were busted and the dude was able to drive away alive. Guess he will think twice about going to a Chicano party without an invitation!
@11:27 PM ~ I need to call Berry Hotel tomorrow morning, when Michelle is there, talked to Grace today, but she had no info about my app there for a studio.
Knoweldge is direct and/or indirect experience. Wisdom is applied knowledge. It is not enough to know, we must act in connected reality.
Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for Monday, April 29, 2013: ~ #Moon in #Capricorn
Be Here Now: Astrology Forecast for April 29 – May 5, 2013 ~ ~
++++The Sound of Your Voice Speaks Volumes - At Work: ~via @WSJ #Energy #Variation
Indian Country Diaries . Today's Challenges . Tongva Language & Culture | PBS ~ ~
Remember! Why Obama is a Fraud | Noam Chomsky: ~Published on Jan 6, 2013 ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
NBA votes to keep Kings in Sacramento, deny move to Seattle: ~via @seattletimes
Mexico Says Smugglers Abandon Migrants at Sea: ~via @ABC #AmnestyNow
Desperate Situation at Guantánamo: Over 130 Prisoners on Hunger Strike, Dozens Being Force-Fed ~via @DemocracyNow!
Yemenis languish in Guantanamo prison with scant hope of release via @reuters
Arabs loosen stance on Israel's 1967 border: ~via @CBSNews
Mount Everest climbers brawl with Sherpas at 25,000 feet: ~via @MotherNatureNet
UFO Files - Deep Sea UFOs Red Alert Full Episode: ~via @spacetime345~Pub Sep 2, 2012
Comment: 4/29/2013 ~ Maybe so-called aliens are actually truly indigenous natives to Earth stationed deep in the oceans. I would not be shocked to find out they figure we're so self-destructive we will self-extinct as a species and they have the technology to do clean-up after nuclear fallout. Crazy?
Who believes #911 was launched from a cave in Afghanistan? There has still been no real legitimate #911 Investigation! @Peta_de_Aztlan
Book: Invisible Residents: The Reality of Underwater UFOs: Ivan T. Sanderson, David Hatcher Childress:
VIDEO The Truth About Your Pineal Gland: ~Uploaded on Jan 7, 2012
The Top 5 Regrets of The Dying ~via @CollectiveEvol: ~
#Music via Sting - Ten Summoner's Tales (Full Album) HD: ~Published on Sep 27, 2012 ~
4/29/2013 ~I remember when Ten Summoner's Tales came out. I played it for days and only played it over and over. I drove a few of my friend's away, with all that was going on in my life with the boozin' and drinkin' they knew I was 'out there', wherever 'there' is. I found out who could hang and who could not. It seems like lifetimes ago. I am sane and sober these days, though the day is still young. ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Sting - She Walks This Earth: via @Peta_de_Aztlan
Uploaded on Jan 6, 2009
She Walks This Earth from A Love Affair: The Music of Ivan Lins
She's a soulful flower in the garden
She's bobbing in the sunlight
And flirting with her eyes
The way she walks by
I see a wave of colour
Moving like an angel
Trailing butterflies
Give me water
Give me inspiration
I want to speak now, but I can't find a word
So unforgiving is my infatuation
Now that I know she walks upon the Earth
She walks this Earth.
I am restless and burning with desire
And every other heartbeat I beat just for her
I see her smiling
Full is my emotion
This is no illusion
But how can I be heard?
Give me water
Give me inspiration
I want to speak now, but I can't find the words
So unforgiving is my infatuation
Now that I know she walks upon the Earth
She walks this Earth
Give me water
Give me inspiration
I need to hold her like no one else before
So unforgiving is my infatuation
Now that I know she walks upon the Earth
She walks this Earth
#Music ~via Sting - ...Nothing like the Sun (CD Full Album): ~
Published on Dec 2, 2012
#Music Sting - The Best of 25 Years (Full Album CD1 y CD2): ~Pub Jan 13, 2013
#Music Simply Red - Picture Book (1985) Debut Album Full Plus Extra Music Video: ~Pub Nov 14, 2012
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
@8:37 AM ~ Just saw Obama's News Conference. I distrust the way he uses the term 'radical' and know he often has a deeper agenda that may be first apparent.
@9:43 AM ~ I just called Michelle at the Berry Hotel. My Rental Application has been denied because of a fascist tax lien aganst me for $1200+. Thus, I will not be moving to the Berry right now. I need to go pick up my Credit Report from Michelle there.
Plus, I just came here into my bunker with my morning cafe and my light bulk on my lamp just burned out by itself. Is the cosmos trying to tell me something?
@8:00 PM ~ I have been in a depressed mood all day behind not being able to go into the Berry Hotel right now. I will look at it all with fresh eyes tomorrow. I just came in from sitting on the bench by the K-Bar, playing with my phone, checking out folks and doing the do. Talked to Brother James B. for a bit in from of the K-Minti Mart.
I still maintain my sober progressive recovery. I will have 9 years off of booze on June 24th and already have over 10 years off of shooting up crank. One day at a time.
@11:44 PM ~ It has been a heavy month, especially with the death of my Beloved Brother Bobby. His death is such a great tragedy in my life. I believe it could have been avoided with proper attention to his living a good, healthy and balanced lifestyle. It is still hard for me to express it without censoring myself here. Suffice it to say that good health is the greatest wealth. I myself need to be a lot more health conscious.
Bobby had diabetes, Hep C and sometimes would indulge in booze and dope. Maybe it was a combination of mental, physical and spiritual factors. He was often very emotional and prone towards bouts of depression. There autopsy report still is not in yet and I guess there is no such about it from the Coroner's Office. I will look into it this next month of May. I miss you deeply brother, gone too soon. I can feel your spirit at times in my heart. I hope the deep sadness will ease more as time goes by and as I myself mature more. I will do what I can to be helpful to those loved ones you left behind.
I want to believe and do believe in a Heaven somewhere in another dimension of life where you are safe around others who knew you while you were here on Earth and surround you when you need them now.
You know I will carry on with the Plans was often discussed via the HELP-Matrix and other ways of helping to improve the general situation for us all. I hope I meet a good woman someday in the future, someone with whom I can struggle for liberty with together and I will try to cultivate a culture of liberty among our mass family.
I love you, Babt Brother, you will always be a part of my revolutionary spirit! Nada mas ahora.
Venceremos! Che Peta ~
Recall 12/16/2012 via Webster G. Tarpley | The Men Behind Obama~ ~
Comment: I appreciate the Big Picture analyses of Webster G. Tarpley and want to learn more from him. Progressives are too single-issued focused on narrow short-term political objectives. They fail to have a coherent strategy and do not offer any tangible alternative to corporate capitalism.
In a way, leaderless anarchy runs the show where all of us are doing 'our own thing', fighting each other and without recognized vanguard leadership. via @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ help-matrix c/s
Recall #Wikileaks leaked Full Video of Civilians killed in Baghdad ~ ~Uploaded on Apr 3, 2010
Definition of radical in Oxford Dictionaries (British & World English) ~ ~
Who is WebsterGTarpley?
FYI: @WebsterGTarpley ~ Webster Tarpley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ~
Everything Is Rigged: The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever ~ ~via @rollingstone
Ron Paul Slams Police: Boston Lockdown was Like ‘A Military Coup’ (+Videos) ~via @EpochTimes
MARTIAL LAW: Boston SWAT Teams FORCE Americans Out Of Homes At GUNPOINT [POLICE STATE] - ~Pub Apr 23, 2013
Are The AMA, FDA, and Big Pharma Causing a Drug Epidemic? ~via @Lifewisenews
Ron Paul Slams Police Response To Boston Bombings via @HuffPostPol
Video: PINEAL GLAND ➜ How to Decalcify & Activate Successfully! ~Pub Dec 24, 2012
4/30/2013 I appreciate this Video ~already know a bit about the Pineal Gland. I appreciate the calm and clear way it is presented without the presenter being hyped up as in other health Videos. I will explore more. Thank You! @Peta_de_Aztlan
Bloglink ~ ~
Carol Saboya Belezas Soberana Rosa (She Walks This Earth
Twitter Link ~ ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Facebook Profile: Peter S. Lopez ~ ~
Humane Liberation Party Portal ~ ~
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