Friday, May 31, 2013

Spiritual Journal: May 16-31, 2013 via @Peta_de_Aztlan  ~
Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan or @Humane_Being on Twitter ~Email:
Peter S. López (Che Peta) - Google+
~via @Peta_de_Aztlan

Thursday, May 16, 2013
@7:20 AM ~ I slept pretty well. I need to go get my morning cafe. Blessings to the people of Mother Earth! May we all survive and thrive today!

Posted on Facebook in relation to post by my Niece Sabrina Lopez ~
5/16/2013 ~ I miss you every day Brother Bobby Esteban Lopez. As time goes by I realize the big gap you left in my life. I remember all the times we shared together, getting high, feeling low, taking life as it comes blow-by-blow.

I miss your handsome physical presence in my life, sharing hopes and fears, sharing cares and concerns, sharing dreams and plans. I miss just kickin' back with you, not having to say anything, just being the Lopez Brothers sitting together.

Life goes on and I will carry on the struggle for liberty and justice for all. I will miss your help, your advice and your support. I know there is life after life and that you are in Heaven with Mom. I Will try to be a better man, a better member of the human family. Nada mas ahora! Venceremos Unidos! We Will Win Together!
On Humane Liberation via @Peta_de_Aztlan:  ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan

Vedic Astrology & Jyotish Science Revealed: 
~via @KRSchannel
FYI: Principles of Vedic Astrology by a sage via @KRSchannel ~  ~

Comment: 5/16/2013 ~ I appreciate your humble honesty. We should be wary of self-styled gurus or 'masters' who often take unfair advantage of the vulnerable. Each of us should be our own Spiritual Leader for our Soul in the university of life. @Peta_de_Aztlan [Scorpio Sun ~ Gemini Moon ~ Leo Rising]
#Scorpio Horoscope Truth, Scorpio Personality, Astrology:  ~via @KRSchannel
All About #Leo Rising Sign & Leo Ascendant In Astrology:  ~via @KRSchannel
Practicing Infinity I ~via @albertovilloldo ~  ~

Practicing Infinity II ~via @albertovilloldo~  ~
Help the People of #Sacramento First, Not the Kings! ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan~ ~
Amnesty Now! for Mexican Immigrants ~via
~   ~
[167] Assisting Death, Pakistan Elections, Justice for Abu Ghraib Torture Victims:  ~via @AbbyMartin

Comment: Yet another great show by @AbbyMartin that we should see and share with others. What we want to do is raise a general consciousness about current events among people who check out positive progressive shows such as Breaking the Set.

Global Revolution is the core solution for our global ills, problems and situations we face trying to survive. Yet Consciousness raising is key too! Here now! Do not lose faith or lose hope people. We are legion. ~Love, Peter S. Lopez aka @Peta_de_Aztlan


Friday, May 17, 2013
@ 7:32 AM ~ A brand new day is before me. Slept pretty well. Forget my dreams now. Same shit, different day? We need to make the difference in the day with our personal presence.

@9:01 PM ~ I just got in from the Friday Night Concert in the Park at Cesar Chavez Plaza >


Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for Friday, May 17, 2013:  ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
VIDEO 5/13/2013 ~ Another Uranus Pluto square coming on May 20th with Barbara Goldsmith:  ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan

From Video Description: "We are living in times of huge changes - every one of us can feel this in one way or another in our lives: earth changes - earthquakes, changing weather patterns, economic changes - financial upheavals, social and political change, and the transition from one age (the age of Pisces) into the Age of Aquarius..."

Be safe. Help, respect and love one another ~ Namaste! @Peta_de_Aztlan

#Revolution & #Revelation: The Uranus-Pluto-Square 2012-2015 ~By Nick Anthony Fiorenza ~ ~

Comment: Peter S Lopez 
5/17/2013 ~ Hi Nick ~ I just stumbled upon this today. One link leads to another. I did a Google search for 'uranus pluto square' after seeing Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for Friday, May 17, 2013: ~ and VIDEO 5/13/2013 ~ Another Uranus Pluto square coming on May 20th with Barbara Goldsmith:

As a humane liberationist I am interested in the cumulative effects of the stars on current social-psycho events here upon Mother Earth. There is so much to study and digest here. I will save it for further analysis. I appreciate the huge amount of dedicated work this must of taken to put together for us. You are a blessing for many.
Namaste! Peter S. López aka [ @Peta_de_Aztlan ] Sacramento, California

Getting Smart About Your Choices: Third Uranus/Pluto Square ~  ~via @rediceradio
#Uranus Square Pluto  is the most significant and most challenging planetary influence in a generation. ~ ~
#Uranus square Pluto 2012 ~   ~
Uranus/Pluto Square (2013 – 2015): Daring to Dream & Taking The Veil > Rev. Irma Kaye Sawyer  ~via @SpiritLibrary
Earth already trembles with the inrushing third exact Uranus/Pluto square: May 20, 2013:  ~via @BeforeItsNews
The Pluto/Uranus Square - Alan Oken's Monthly Newsletter ~  ~
VIDEO The Unconscious Mind Unveiled:  ~via Channel Esoterietelevisie @YouTube ~Uploaded Oct 7, 2011
VIDEO Why did they delete this from The Secret?  ~Uploaded Apr 25, 2008
Released from Prison, Climate Activist Tim DeChristopher on Civil Disobedience & Building Movements @Democracy Now! ~
VIDEO: Air Force Chemtrail Whistleblower Exposes Geoengineering:  ~Published May 17, 2013
VIDEO: EASTSIDE XIV:   ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan de Bobby Lopez Channel
#Anonymous aka @YourAnonNews
Indigenous Representatives Walk Out on State Department Over Keystone Pipeline ~   #NoKXL  
VIDEO Conversations on Compassion: Eckhart Tolle, spiritual teacher and author:  ~Pub Feb 21, 2013

Comment: 5/17/2013 ~ Of course, Brother Eckhart Tolle is a great educator in his own way, or rather, a great Mental/Spiritual Leader. He needs to have more of a relevant political understanding of what is going on in the actual context of connected reality. He has a good mind and refreshing way of looking at life.

Life will take more than better cognitive skills and cognition for us to evolve far beyond where we are now as an endangered species. @Peta_de_Aztlan

#Benghazi: What Did the #CIA Know, and When Did It Know It? ~via @MotherJones:  ~
VIDEO 4:01 ~ Cesar Chavez - Lost Interview Series: 
~via @Peta_de_Aztlan from FootageWorld @YouTube Channel

Sabbath, May 18, 2013
@9:00 AM ~ I slept pretty well. The Bug Man is suppose to do my room on Monday, so I will need to wake up early and prepare for the spraying.

@10:00 PM ~ Just took a stroll to get an ice cream. I met Craig O. from Sally's. He like to checkout the Dive Bar, a place I might checkout sometime in the future. He gave me a couple of job leads: AARP and Dept. of Rehab. It might be good to get something part-time; just so long as it does not negatively affect my SSI standing.
Sometimes when we get lost in the woods we need to backtrack to find out where we left our heart. ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan

Hateful anger at the fascist pigs will not sustain you. Believe me, I tried it for long bitter years. Pure #Love endures and heals.

Life becomes easier once you make a total commitment to living it out as best you can. Seek daily progress, not perfection.
On Humane Liberation via @Peta_de_Aztlan:  ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
HELP-Matrix Blog: VIDEO: On Humane Liberation via @Peta_de_Aztlan ~  ~
Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for Sabbath, May 18, 2013:  #Virgo #Moon ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
#Anonymous Do You See What I See vs.2013] [HD]:  ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan #Revolution Now!
10 key points for becoming a more compassionate activist ~By Judy Rebick ~  ~via @Vcrow
Automatic Brain: The Power of the Unconscious:  ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan~Published Aug 1, 2012
Automatic Brain: The Magic of the Unconscious:   ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan ~Pub Mar 21, 2013
VIDEO Antonio Damasio: The quest to understand consciousness: ~Uploaded Dec 19, 2011
VIDEO The Primacy of Consciousness - Peter Russell - Full Version:  ~Uploaded Mar 17, 2011

VIDEO: Carl Jung - Approaching the Unconscious:  ~Published May 12, 2012

VIDEO: Jung, Alcoholics Anonymous, And Drug Seeking Behaviour:  ~Uploaded Apr 4, 2007
VIDEO: My Name is Bill W - True Story about the founding of AA:   ~Published Mar 13, 2012

Sunday, May 19, 2013
@9:53 AM ~ I slept pretty well, until I woke up once again in a version of hell. I will see what I can do to promote the good and combat evil, especially the evilness within many of us.
Let us pray we do what we can to change what we can in our lives, not just bitch and whine about the existing fascist regime in power.

Let us pray we remember that power is the dual capacity to define connected reality and change it in a desired manner.

Let us pray we use social media to enlighten ourselves and others. Even the educator needs further education.

Let us pray we go out and communicate face-to-face with people, not just sit on our fat ass online bitchin' about the government.

Let us pray we help others to become computer literate, help raise mass consciousness and help others we know to get online.

Let us pray we bridge the gap between online activists and those without Internet Access. Donate any extra computer you have.

Let us pray our online communications are clear, coherent and relevant to connected reality, not adding to the Tower of Babel.

Let us pray we appreciate the sweetness of solidarity based upon shared humane principles of compassion. Be kind to humankind.

Let us pray we completely divorce ourselves from any loyalty to corrupt systems of government. Resist evil ~ Combat corporate #fascism.

Let us pray we command our own minds ~ expand your attention span ~ take the time to read, study and meditate on issues.

Let us pray we are not constantly distracted by global current events ~ do a Daily Personal Inventory ~ pay attention to basic needs.

Let us pray we pay attention to our loved ones in our personal lives ~ take the time to be fully present in their lives. Love more!

Believe it or not, none of us are indispensable to the global matrix of liberation movements. Just do what you can and be who you are.

If you are fighting for the goals of global liberation for all of us you are not alone. Legions are here with you in spirit.
Daily Kos: Occupy Retrospection: What Have We Learned?   ~via @dailykos 
Noam Chomsky (2013) on "Silicon Valley, the Internet, Google, Wikileaks and other topics":  ~Pub May 12, 2013

Comment: Peter S. López

Clearly the concentration of capital and its domination of corporate media aka mass media definitely conforms to the fascist propaganda model, though its fascist laced flavor is promulgated in subtle devious ways.

The term 'mass media' is inaccurate as its hints at the masses being the dominant player when it is actually controlled and directed by corporate fascism and its mass mind-control agenda. ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan


Monday, May 20, 2013
@8:26 AM ~ I need to get ready for the The Bug Man this morning, though I cannot see what good he does. They need to get rid of these wooden frames underneath our mattresses here at the Shasta Hotel.

@3:43 PM ~ Keep in mind that today is a Uranus-Pluto Square. Tammy G. called me and told me the bad news that Santino Perez, my Cousin Ralph's son, has been shot and is in ICU at San Juan Hospital. It sounds real bad. Let the Lord's will be done. I cannot see a good ending out of it. He was shot by a deranged youth when he heard a commotion and opened his front door behind stuff not even related to him.

Plus, Kendra, the Property Manager here,  came in my room  and said some fuss about me being unhappy here in this room and said I could put in a request for a transfer. She got this stuff from obese Lynda who has become a 'meteche' or meddler. I told her I was cool here and Kendra already knows I want to get a better place anyways.
Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for Monday, May 20, 2013 ~  #Sun #Taurus ~ #Uranus #Pluto Square
VIDEO Tibetan Book of The Dead - The Great Liberation - NFB:  ~Uploaded May 7, 2011

Let us pray we see the validity of electoral politics, esp. on the local level. Exhaust all peaceful methods of struggle.

Let us pray we do not lower our high standards and become liberal pacifists who stand by while we are being slaughtered.

Let us pray we do not lightly advocate violence. We should advocate Global Revolution by ANY AND ALL MEANS NECESSARY!

Let us pray we do not become Liberal Pacifists who beg for surface. reforms from a corrupt corporate fascist state without mercy.

Let us pray for homeless abandoned refugees who wander the streets of the U.S.A. without a safe home to rest their weary bones.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013
@8:11 AM ~ I am here with my 2nd cup of cafe. I saw a Sister Laurie this morning who I hope follows my advice and goes to Guest House tomorrow. She is so lost in her madness in the streets, but has a good heart. Amerika has abandoned its own people.

@3:02 PM ~ Little or no progress today. I loaned Joe M. $25 for Meds, hope he pays me back today. Then I loaned Lisa $5 ~she says she'll be on the street today, she is only on GA and burns her bridges.. I am fed up with throwing what little money I get away, esp. when folks do not pay back. I know in a way it's all my fault. I need to walk myself into the shower, dress up, then walk myself to the bank for a withdrawal. Life sucks and it is little or no comfort knowing that it sucks worse for others.

@8:30 PM ~ Good! Joe M. paid me back the $25 as he promised to do. Thus, his credit is good with me now. I doubt if I will ever see some other monies I have loaned out. I suspect some folks mistake my kindness for a kind of weakness. I need to be more selective as time goes by.  I can be easy to be a bastard, I would rather be kind.

@10:22 PM ~ Just finished watching The Life of Pi via a Netflix order. Great movie edutainment!

@11:59 PM ~ I now have 2.288 Followers via @Peta_de_Aztlan
5/21/2013 ~ Dearest Regina:
I need to type a letter to Jason right now. You must do your best to control your mind ~control your thoughts as they impact on your feelings ~think of the Big Picture ~keep your priorities in mind ~be aware of what you can and cannot change. Death often surprises and tragedy often strikes without warning.

Take care of your own health. Be aware of what is in your own self-interest without being selfish. We all need to live our lives out with common sense wisdom. Do a Daily Personal Inventory.

We need to think of those who have loved us, whether they are here or not in this physical realm, think of the good they would want for you. It does no good for any of us to fall apart now.

Challenges in life can give us more courage. You are still very young to me. Trust me, life gets heavier as we grow older. Keep a fine balance. Remember: we exist in the trinity of the mind-body-soul.

Sometimes we need to give our minds a break. Go out and do something today just for fun. Exercise your body. Get into a good work-out program: yoga, jogging, something strenuous. Take time to go somewhere by yourself: there you can pray, meditate and just soothe your soul.

For therapy, have a Personal Private Journal where you can record your thoughts, what is whirling away in your mind. Use it for future reference.

Life itself is a kind of war, just to keep our sanity and our wits about us. Sometimes we get battle-fatigue. I need to get some cinnamon sticks to make 'canela' ~a tea that is good for the nerves.

Remember, due to life circumstances we hardly know each other and I hope this will change in the future. You are my brother's daughter. Blood of my blood, flesh of my flesh, spirit of my spirit. Gather your courage and be a warrior!

Love, Uncle Pete c/s
"The struggle between "for" and "against" is the mind's worst disease." ~ Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do

“I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.” ~ Bruce Lee

“Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one” ~ Bruce Lee

"Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup." ~ Bruce Lee

"Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.” ~ Bruce Lee

“A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.” ~ Bruce Lee

"As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.” ~ Bruce Lee

"There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.” ~ Bruce Lee

“The key to immortality is first living a life worth remembering.” ~ Bruce Lee

“If you don't want to slip up tomorrow, speak the truth today.” ~ Bruce Lee

“It is not a daily increase, but a daily decrease. Hack away at the inessentials.” ~ Bruce Lee

“For it is easy to criticize and break down the spirit of others, but to know yourself takes a lifetime.” ~ Bruce Lee

“The meaning of life is that it is to be lived, and it is not to be traded and conceptualized and squeezed into a patter of systems.” ~ Bruce Lee

“Many people dedicate their lives to actualizing a concept of what they should be like, rather than actualizing themselves." ~ Bruce Lee

“The stillness in stillness is not the real stillness; only when there is stillness in movement does the universal rhythm manifest.” ~ Bruce Lee

“Ever since I was a child I have had this instinctive urge for expansion and growth. To me, the function and duty of a quality human being is the sincere and honest development of one's potential.” ~ Bruce Lee

“Those who are unaware they are walking in darkness will never seek the light.” ~ Bruce Lee

“If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves. Moving, be like water. Still, be like a mirror. Respond like an echo. ” ~ Bruce Lee

“Real living is living for others.” ~ Bruce Lee

“Preparation for tomorrow is hard work today.” ~ Bruce Lee

“Do not deny the classical approach, simply as a reaction, or you will have created another pattern and trapped yourself there.” ~ Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do

“Man, the living creature, the creating individual, is always more important than any established style or system.” ~ Bruce Lee

“All knowledge leads to self-knowledge.” ~ Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do

“Now I see that I will never find the light
Unless, like the candle, I am my own fuel,
Consuming myself.” ~ Bruce Lee

“Not being tense but ready.
Not thinking but not dreaming.
Not being set but flexible.
Liberation from the uneasy sense of confinement.
It is being wholly and quietly alive, aware and alert, ready for whatever may come.”
Bruce Lee, Tao of Jeet Kune Do

Wednesday, May 22, 2013
@8:48 AM ~ I slept pretty well. I need to study astrology more. I had some new computer updates I installed before going to sleep last night, thus I had to personalize my computer stuff again. Sometimes it seems like there are changes or power struggles going on in the computer world, probably between Microsoft and Google.

@2:23 PM ~ Just came back from Capitol Park. There were two events going on, one for Hunger Action Day and one for Disability Rights Action.


@3:26 PM ~ Now with 2,295 so-called Followers on Twitter @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ I had a recent jump, but am not sure why. It kind of reflects a general rising consciousness in a specific field. I do believe many are gradually waking up, getting fed up and respect those who speak out against the evils of the day.

Let us pray we are not too busy to actually sit down and read an actual book in our hands. Comprehend better. Pay attention.

Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for Wednesday, May 22, 2013~  ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
#Amnesty International | Working to Protect Human Rights~  ~via @amnesty  #humanrights
Did Pope Francis perform an exorcism or not?  #Pope an exorcist? Try Obama!
[169] Dr. Noam Chomsky Breaks the Set on War, Imperialism, and Propaganda~  ~via @AbbyMartin ~Published 5/21/2013

VIDEO:#Anonymous - #OpGTMO:  ~via @Crypt0nymous ~Published May 6, 2013

Comment: Greetings @Crypt0nymous! Clearly #OpGTMO will not be closed unless there is mass outrage by the good people of the U.S.A. and others around the world. This is one core issue among many others that call for Global Revolution as the ultimate solution. We need to continue to exhaust all peaceful methods of struggle whenever and wherever possible. In some regional situations peaceful methods of struggle have already been exhausted and the people have no other viable choice that to resort to armed struggle.

Any appeal to Pharaoh Obama or the U.S. Congress will be futile and fruitless. We must focus our appeal on the mass consciousness of people here now in the U.S.A. and throughout the world. We are in the matrix of connected reality independent of our consciousness of its very existence.

This closure of the Guantanamo Concentration camp needs to be connected with the closure of all concentration camps now under the jurisdiction of the U.S. government. WE must not forget the many others who are now caged in the many Concentration Camps of the U.S.A., including our long imprisoned Brother Leonard Peltier. We will win if we keep fighting back against what is truly an Evil Empire. Think Big Picture on a global scale. This is one battlefront on many battlefront. The world is one huge battlefield.

Venceremos! Peter S. López aka @Peta_de_Aztlan
Sacramento, California, Nazi Amerika    c/s

VIDEO: Malcolm X: RIP (Rest in Power) | Brainwash Update: ~via @AbbyMartin ~Published May 21, 2013

Recall 7/28/10: Exclusive: Google, CIA Invest in 'Future' of Web Monitoring @dangerroom  ~
BOOK: The Wisdom of Psychopaths by Kevin Dutton | Scientific American and FSG Books ~  ~
The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens: ~via @sciam aka Scientific American:
; ~

Thursday, May 23, 2013
@9:05 AM ~ These days I do not usually sleep through the night. I have vivid dreams where there is a lot of activity going on, quickly forgotten upon awakening.

I bought 3 coffees this morning via the K-Street Mini-Mart. I conversed for a bit with a couple of brother, though I am not into deep conversations in the mornings.

++++ My fellow residents Brothers Joe M. and Brother John ++++

So many spout so much irrelevant drivel. I do not mean to seem unfair or arrogant, BUTTT so much is going in the world and folks I know in person in real life cannot see beyond their own individual interests. It is often me, me, me ~ not we, we, we!

@9:33 AM ~ Just got a call from Tammy about Santino. He is off Life Support at San Juan Hospital. I just hope the worst is over, that he continues to heal and his condition improves day by day. He is pretty well protected there. Apparently the police suspect that if his assailant/s know he is alive they might go back to finish him off. We truly live in an evil dangerous world.
VIDEO Angelina Jolie's Breasts, Gene Patents, & the US Supreme Court:  ~via @AbbyMartin~Published May 23, 2013
Comment: We truly live in an evil world dominated by the Evil Empire and the ugly greed of corporate capitalism. We need to see the Big Picture and not narrow our focus on a single issue to the exclusion of other related issues. This is another example of corporate powers attempting to control the human body via patents on human genes.

I am glad the ACLU has taken a position on the validity of patents on human genes in the Molecular Pathology v Myriad Genetics, Inc. case ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan

@AbbyMartin it is a sign of the sick depraved insane world we live in when folks cannot even post coherent comments on @YouTube without lowering themselves by using typed cuss words and slamming each other. A little power is a dangerous thing in the hands of ignorant fearful fools.

We should be responsible when we post comments. Corporate Fascism loves to see our dumb divisions. We should dialogue with mutual respect, not flawed inflated egos.

Namaste!  @Peta_de_Aztlan

[171] Obama's Orwellian Rhetoric, Congo War Crimes, Jail for Silence, DO...:  ~via @AbbyMartin ~Pub May 23, 2013
VIDEO: President Obama Speaks on Counterterrorism Policies:  ~Uploaded May 23, 2013 ~via WhiteHouse

Link TV aka @LinkTV~via Twitter
US Admits Americans Killed in Drone Strikes - @linktvnews via@democracynow, @jeremyscahill~
#Obama Expands Militarization of Police:  ~via @therealnews  #SWAT

Comment: Sometimes it seems that all our efforts in helping to raise consciousness via social media seems futile and fruitless. Besides the corporate ruling circles of the Evil Empire, it is U.S. citizens who reap the benefits of global corporatism, esp. in comparison to those enduring life outside the U.S.A. We here in the U.S.A. generally have free access to water.

Wake up your neighbors! A mature scientific fascism is here now operating inside the U.S.A. Stay Safe! @Peta_de_Aztlan

Christopher Lynn "Chris" Hedges - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ~  ~
@Truthdig - Reports - Chris Hedges' Columns ~ ~via @Truthdig
VIDEO War is a Force that Gives us Meaning with Chris Hedges~  ~Uploaded Apr 24, 2008
March 8, 2010 ~ Chris Hedges: Calling All Rebels - Text:  ~via @truthdig
VIDEO: Chris Hedges on Death of the Liberal Class~  ~Uploaded Jan 4, 2011

Comment: Chris Hedges is brilliant and tells the truth as he sees it. We must each think for ourselves, heed our feelings and when we think of the existential world outside of our individual consciousness we need to think and analyze on a global scale.

Remember: Power is being able to define connected reality and change it in a desired manner. Sometimes different understandings of terms causes confusion and clouds out clarity. The Liberal Class is not a regular economic class. @Peta_de_Aztlan

Comment: As a radical I am naturally hesitant to criticize our liberal allies, BUTTT we need to combat liberalism as it is kind of a soft subtle division among politically-minded people. For example, liberal Democrats who fantasize about infiltrating and transforming the Democratic Party.

We must completely break away from the two-party system and not compromise our humane principles for the sake of a shaky unity. To be Radical is to go to the roots of matters. @Peta_de_Aztlan

VIDEO: Chris Hedges - Collateral Damage: America's War Against Iraqi Civilians:  ~Uploaded Apr 24, 2011

Comment: Interesting accurate distinction between 'murder' and 'killing' by Brother Hedges. I dig Christ Hedges, BUTTT I do believe there are just and unjust wars. I am not a liberal pacifist and neither is he, but war ~real actual combat killing war ~is a last resort after all legal, peaceful methods of protest have been clearly exhausted.

The U.S.A. does not live in a vacuum. Other armed rebels in other countries know that what emanates from the U.S.A. is core to global suffering. @Peta_de_Aztlan

VIDEO Chris Hedges "Brace Yourself! The American Empire Is Over & The Descent Is Going To Be Horrifying!"  ~ January 2, 2012
VIDEO Chris Hedges Death of Liberal Class + Occupy Wall St ~ Feb 7 2012:  ~via NewYorkRawVideos @youtube

CHRIS HEDGES Empire of Illusion  The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle: ~Published Mar 19, 2012

VIDEO Chris Hedges: Call to Action to create "New Movements" replacing corrupt Government:  ~Published Apr 1, 2012

VIDEO: Point Loma Writers: A Conversation with Christopher Hedges:  ~Published Apr 12, 2012
VIDEO: Chris Hedges Calling All Rebels! ~ ~Published May 10, 2013


Rise Up or Die ~By Chris Hedges ~Posted on May 19, 2013 ~  ~via @truthdig

EPL Presents Chris Hedges ~  ~via Edmonton Public Library ~Published Feb 28, 2013
Comment: 5/24/2013 ~ Another good presentation by Brother Chris Hedges. He has a good mind with a heart of compassion to balance it all. I have seen several of his Videos and he is a great writer with the power of the word too.

Our basic agenda should be a humane rights agenda as that agenda can give us a common denominator the masses can relate to and identify with as humane beings. The overall Global Strategy remains Global Revolution by any and all means necessary.
Venceremos! @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ .


“In the beginning war looks and feels like love. But unlike love it gives nothing in return but an ever-deepening dependence, like all narcotics, on the road to self-destruction. It does not affirm but places upon us greater and greater demands. It destroys the outside world until it is hard to live outside war's grip. It takes a higher and higher dose to achieve any thrill. Finally, one ingests war only to remain numb.”
Chris Hedges,War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning

“The enduring attraction of war is this: Even with its destruction and carnage it can give us what we long for in life. It can give us purpose, meaning, a reason for living.”
Chris Hedges,War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning

“As long as we think abstractly, as long as we find in patriotism and the exuberance of War our fulfillment, we will never understand those who do battle against us, or how we are perceived by them, or finally those who do battle for us and how we should respond to it all. We will never discover who we are. We will fail to confront the capacity we all have for violence.”
Chris Hedges, War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning

“The moral certitude of the state in wartime is a kind of fundamentalism. And this dangerous messianic brand of religion, one where self-doubt is minimal, has come increasingly to color the modern world of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.”
Chris Hedges, War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning

“I learned early on that war forms its own culture. The rush of battle is a potent and often lethal addiction, for war is a drug, one I ingested for many years. It is peddled by mythmakers- historians, war correspondents, filmmakers, novelists, and the state- all of whom endow it with qualities it often does possess: excitement, exoticism, power, chances to rise above our small stations in life, and a bizarre and fantastic universe that has a grotesque and dark beauty.”
Chris Hedges, War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning

Friday, May 24, 2013
@6:49 AM ~ I am alive, alert and well in light of the personal circumstances in my life. I have come far along the path of knowledge, but know I have far to go, though I understand life as it is pretty well.
Let us pray we learn better how to think for ourselves, how to think with critical analysis and use the power of the word.

Let us pray we can meet our daily needs. do a Daily Personal Inventory and live in the here and now in connected reality.

Let us pray we learn history as a guide to action and remember the lessons paid for in blood, sweat and tears.

Let us pray we strive to simplify the complex, not complicate the simple ~yet comprehend there are complexities in life.

Let us pray we expand our attention span, pay attention to the tasks at hand and establish our priorities in life.

Let us pray we share a basic humane rights agenda and keep in mind that our rights are like muscles, use them or lose them.

Let us pray we understand the actual facts of connected reality before we attempt to transform and overthrow it.
Wish List Book: The Russian Anarchists: Paul Avrich:  ~

Vandana Shiva: Tomorrow’s March Against Monsanto is a March for Life and Freedom~  ~via @Lifewisenews

A March Against #Monsanto is a March for Life and Freedom - 25th May 2013:  ~via @occupytheseed RT!

Sabbath, May 25, 2013
@6:45 AM ~ I slept pretty well. Today is the Sabbath. It is quiet right now down here at the Shasta Hotel.

@8:24 AM ~ Here with my cafe. I had a chat with a 70+ elder at K Street Mini-Mart named John and learned some interesting stuff. Surprisingly he mentioned the benefits that have happened because of socialist democratic republics. Seniors are another great group of people that many younger progressive activists have failed to reach out to in their movement activities.

@3:20 PM ~ I checked out the #StopMonsanto Rally at the State Capitol >
Potential Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods | Global Research:  #StopMonsanto #NoGMO
Anonymous leads global protests against Monsanto ~ 
~via @examinercom
via Anonymous aka ‏@YourAnonNews ~
Over 2 million people Marched Against #Monsanto in 436 cities in 52 countries.  #MAM
Tweets 5/25/2013 #MarchAgainstMonsanto via @Peta_de_Aztlan| HELP-Matrix ~:  ~
Note: If the above pix seems sexist to you, get over yourself! We are all born equal but we are not all endowed the same. There is a natural beauty in the human body, as long as we do not view each other as mere pieces of ass or pounds of flesh.

If you need to worry, worry about the raping of Mother Earth! Consider the question: Is violence ever necessary in the real world in defense of life among the living?!? #NoKXL

Besides, this is My Spiritual Journal! Get your own! ;->
Sunday, May 26, 2013
@8:35 AM ~ I broke down and bought three cups of coffee at the K Street Mini-Mart. They do have the best coffee at the best price on K Street, plus you can use the cappuccino machine for free without additional cost. Guess there tends to be one kind of hook or another.

@9:30 PM ~ We had a pretty good CASA Meeting at Sally's. I announced I had 8 years and 11 months from drinking alcohol this lat 24th of May. I want to make 9 years on June 24th then keep my options open. I would not mind going to a nice night club, meeting a nice lady and having a few drinks (why does this sound familiar?).
The individual vs. the collective in the Matrix ~via @Lifewisenews ~  ~
Comment: Obviously Jon Rappoport has found profit in utilizing the Matrix metaphor. In connected reality, life in the cosmos actually is a matrix. We are all connected at one level or another. A lot of folks got spooked by The Matrix Movie series and fell into a kind of paranoid fear about even the word 'matrix'.

Phenomena tends to have positive and negative characteristics. For example, the various Liberation Movements in the world are in a kind of interconnected matrix. Thus, I support the idea of a HELP-matrix where we help each other on an individual and collective basis. Truly, the struggle between for and against is one of the mind's worse diseases.

Venceremos! Peter S. Lopez aka @Peta_de_Aztlan  c/s

Get Apocalyptic: Why Radical Is The New Normal By Robert Jensen @Countercurrents:  ~5/26/13
VIDEO 'Any president who messes with national security will be in deep yogurt':  ~via @RT_com
What Does It Mean to “Prepare for the Economic Collapse?   ~via
March Against #Monsanto - Photos From Around the World - May 25, 2013:  ~Published on May 26, 2013
Monsanto hires infamous mercenary firm Blackwater to track activists around the world
~By @Thrive_Living:  ~
A beautiful planetary trio on May 26 ~ closest planets in Earth’s sky until 2021 #Jupiter (left) #Venus (bottom) #Mercury (upper right) ~ via @earthskyscience  ~
Monday, May 27, 2013
@12:03 AM ~ Via my Netflix account I just saw Lord of War with Nicholas Cage ~ ~

Funny, I did not realize it was this late, or this early, depending on your angle of time perspective.

@9 AM ~ I am now using my Dragon naturally speaking. I hardly ever use it, but it does help me be more conscious of my diction and I am speaking. So far, it is working pretty good . So I guess I will toy with it for a while. It is a drag to have to go back and edit what I speak. I am speaking this to my blog online, though. I usually only use it on the Word document. I do not like having to wear a head phone when I am online.

@11:58 PM ~ It is about time for me to land on my bunk. It was kind of a lazy day. I usually take it easy on Mondays anyways because I can.
The Communist Manifesto (Full Audiobook):  ~via TheChomskyVideos ~Published May 27, 2013
Electronic Intifada ‏aka @intifada
Mexico has gone public about military coordination with Israel in Chiapas, home to the Zapatistas liberation movement ~  ~
VIDEO Julian Assange's The World Tomorrow: Hassan Nasrallah (E1) ~Published on Apr 17, 2012 #Hezbollah
The Afghanistan War Comes Home to Philadelphia ~by Dave Lindorff » via @NatCounterPunch:  ~
LifeWise ‏aka @Lifewisenews~ via Twitter
#Internet Control: Obama Blames Internet for ‘Domestic Terrorism’ –
READ: Chapter 15: Self Help in Hard Times ~By Brother Howard Zinn ~  ~
Global protests target Monsanto, genetically modified food ~via @csmonitor: #NoMonsanto #NoGMOs
McCain Meets Syria Rebels ~  ~via @WSJ #FreeSyria

Latin America’s Social Movements and the ALBA Alliance ~By Federico Fuentes ~  ~
Memorial Day Special: U.S. Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan Return War Medals at NATO Summit @DemocracyNow! ~
Sink without Zinc ~via @OrganicLiveFood ~  ~
Wave of Iraq attacks kills 70 ~via @thenation ~  ~
Take the Pledge | Honey Bee Haven ~  ~ CCD= Colony Collapse Disorder
Bees: pictures, information, classification and more ~  ~ #Save the #Bees!
Research: #Bees ~  ~via @NPRNews
What’s the Buzz: Study Links Pesticides With Honeybee Collapse: ~via @TIME 4/11/2012
4/26/2012 #Monsanto buys leading bee research firm after being implicated in bee colony collapse ~ ~
Beepocalypse Redux: Honeybees Are Still Dying — and We Still Don’t Know Why ~  ~via @TIME ~5/7/2013
#Monsanto, Bayer seek answers to bee losses ~via @NBCNews ~ ~ 5/20/13
Vermont senator continues fight for GMO labeling, defeat of #Monsanto Protection Act @NYDailyNews:  ~

Tuesday, May 28, 2013
@10:35 AM ~ So far it is has been a little busy this morning. I helped put fresh bandage on my friend Joe M., went to get my usual three cups of Cappuchino cafe, talked to a former Client Barry R., has my blood pressure taken by County Health Nurse Marina Mercado (110 / 65) and my pulse was good. Plus, Cousin Mark came by but I missed him. It was around 8:30 AM and I was not up to seeing anyone at the time, though I did not know it was him until I found out later. He was headed back to The City.
Let us pray we keep a dynamic balance in our lives ~going with the natural flow of life ~knowing what direction you go.

Let us pray we are consciously aware of the preciousness of our being ~life is a process ~take  time to live it well.
Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for Tuesday, May 28, 2013 ~  #Moon in #Aquarius ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan
A Functional Definition of Politics ~By Huey P Newton ~ January 17, 1969 ~  ~
Eve, the Mother of All Living ~By Huey P Newton ~  ~
Lawyers for man accused of killing Trayvon Martin plan to use teen’s last texts against him ~  ~via @nydailynews
The March to Stop Monsanto: Taking Back Our Food, Our Farms, Our Democracy and Our Planet via @HuffPostGreen
Pope Francis and Liberation Theology ~By  Samuel Gregg~  ~via @NRO~Posted 5/28/2013
Liberation theologist priests: Pope Francis can fix church 'in ruins' | LAC Journal ~  ~
Nearly Half a Million Salvadorans Connected to Street Gangs: Study ~via @InSightCrime ~  ~
Chicago to Shutter 50 Public Schools: Is Historic Mass Closure an Experiment in Privatization?@Democracy Now! ~
[172] Obama's Drone Hit List, Dishonoring Veterans, Prosecuting Hactivists ~ ~via @AbbyMartin~Pub May 28, 2013
Maoist attacks are a counter violence of resistance against the state: Arundhati Roy ~via @firstpostin:  ~

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
@9:02 AM ~ I woke up a little late. I was up watching a good movie on Netflix called Crossing Over with Harrison Ford about complexities involving the immigration issue in Los Angeles.
Let us pray we take the time and have the wisdom to analyze how we can best help others while being online.

Let us pray we use various websites to build up a true Mass Media in order to provide relevant news, information and knowledge.

Let us pray we communicate out to the world consciously, remembering that we are beings, not doings.

Let us pray we are one with the masses of people. Put the people's communal interests before lone individual interests.

Let us pray we nurture genuine compassion for all people ~ even the humane rights of perceived enemies must be respected.

Let us pray we do not act as the people's enemies do ~ we do not torture any prisoners and we do not shoot our wounded.
VIDEO #Power to the People Now!:  ~via @Peta_de_Aztlan ~Published on May 29, 2013

Assange: U.S. Probe of WikiLeaks & "Show Trial" of Bradley Manning Aims to Scare Whistleblowers @Democracy Now! ~
Julian Assange: Stratfor Hacker Jeremy Hammond Guilty Plea Part of Crackdown on Journalism, Activism @Democracy Now!
High Fructose Corn Syrup Is Causing #Addiction Similar To Cocaine ~via @Lifewisenews:  ~
Peter Jennings Report - How to Get Fat Without Really Trying - Part 1 ~ ~FoodMattersMovie ~Uploaded Jan 13, 2009
Peter Jennings Report - How to Get Fat Without Really Trying - Part 2: ~Uploaded Jan 13, 2009
Peter Jennings Report - How to Get Fat Without Really Trying - Part 3: ~Uploaded Jan 13, 2009
Peter Jennings Report - How to Get Fat Without Really Trying - Part 4:  ~Uploaded Jan 13, 2009
Peter Jennings Report - How to Get Fat Without Really Trying - Part 5:  ~Uploaded Jan 13, 2009
For Medicare, Immigrants Offer Surplus, Study Finds ~via @NYTimes:  ~

Confessions of a Sociopath ~By M.E. Thomas ~via @PsychToday:  ~
Genes Affect Culture; Culture Affects Genes ~by Jim Davies, Ph.D ~via @PsychToday:  ~Pub May 27, 2013
Watch 'In Prison My Whole Life' Online about  Mumia Abu-Jamal 2007 ~via @Netflix ~ ~

Thursday, May 30, 2013
@5:32 AM ~ I am alive and well and awake! We had a Alarm Alarm here at the Shasta Hotel @ around 4:30 AM. Rumor has it that the dope fiend on the 5th Floor tried to hang her clothes on the Alarm water spout they have in each room and set the alarm off. Last I heard she had left the room wet going north up the street. So we were all out in the street for awhile. We had some fire trucks here and I got a few pictures. So I am up now. I might as well wait until the K Street Mini-Mart opens for cafe.

@5:45 AM ~ Management knocked on my door to check for any water damage. There was a little water by my door, I guess from the sprinkler above, and some in the kitchen area that I mopped up. The song is: If It Ain't One Thing, It's Another.

I now have 2,314 Followers on Twitter @Peta_de_Aztlan ~yet I just stick to my belief-system. I  do not compromise humane principles to the best of my knowledge. I do not try to be popular or politically correct, though I do try to be accurate in my online reporting.

@2:12 PM ~ A couple of folks from a company came by, put a infra-red light on my room's ceiling and now they will have to put a dehumidfier that makes noise for a couple of days or so. They will be here tomorrow around 8 AM. Apparently there is water up there that could result in mold that needs to be dried up.

Downtown #Sacramento Shasta Hotel Floods Overnight ~  ~

#Sacramento Shasta Hotel: Hanging clothes trips sprinklers, evacuates building ~  ~

Possble lead for an article ~
To be totally against ALL wars and ALL methods of war is naive, neo-liberal and counter-revolutionary. Exhaust peaceful methods.

Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for Thursday, May 30, 2013: ~ #Moon in #Aquarius

McCain: Syrian rebels don't understand why we won't help ~  ~via @CBSNews#FreeSyria

3 Ingredients Needed for Personal and World Transformation ~By Martin Murphy ~  ~via @joinwakeupworld
What Do We Actually Learn From Videos? ~ May 28, 2013 ~  ~via @MindShiftKQED
#Metacognition and Student Learning - Do Your Job Better ~  ~via @chronicle
How Students Learn --and How We Can Help Them ~By John F. Kihlstrom ~Dept of Psych ~UC Berkeley ~ ~

Learning changes the individual's fund of knowledge that occurs as a result of experience and is reflected in the organism's behavior.
Font Size May Not Aid Learning, but Its Style Can, Researchers Find:  ~via @NYTimes ~4/18/2011
Cognitive Dysfunction: National MS Society ~  ~
How the Internet Will Change How We Learn ~By William A. Draves ~Email: ~  ~
Learn To Read Through Sound ~ Cognitive Neuroscientists Use Sound Training To Help Dyslexic Children Read:  ~
VIDEO Kerry Offers $4 Billion for Palestinians to Restart Peace Negotiations:  ~Published on May 29, 2013
WE ARE ALL SHAMANS-IN-TRAINING by Paul Levy ~Posted 2/3/13 ~via @humanityhealing:  ~

5/30/2013 ~ WE ARE ALL SHAMANS-IN-TRAINING by Paul Levy ~Posted 2/3/13
~via @humanityhealing:  ~

Root Link ~  ~

On Paul Levy ~
A pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence, Paul Levy is a healer in private practice, assisting others who are also awakening to the dreamlike nature of reality. Paul is also a visionary artist and a spiritually-informed political activist. He is the author of The Madness of George Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis,which is available on his website (See the first chapter, The Madness of George W. Bush: A Reflection of our Collective Psychosis).

Please feel free to pass this article along to a friend if you feel so inspired. You can contact Paul at; he looks forward to your reflections. © Copyright 2010

Shared on Twitter ~ The above is a good heavy complicated article. We are not ALL SHAMANS, though I appreciate the sentiment. I am not easily labeled and do not go around calling myself a shaman. I am first and foremost a humane being of the family of humanity upon Mother Earth.

Someday I need to share a story about some experiences I had that bizarre year of 1976 when I went through my 'shaman' experience.  I am evolved enough to understand and type about it now, yet have lived without doing so too. I hope to do so sometime in the future because I believe sharing is caring and continued self-knowledge is good.

I had a 'calling' to visit my Uncle Challo in Mexico, did not get to see him. I got drunk that first night, went through some changes. I ended up locked up in Mexcali Penitentiary for about a month in the 'Casa de Locos' or 'House of the Crazies' and was later simply released.

I returned to Sacramento, went through some more shamanic changes, was put into the whole psyche ward ordeal. I was diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic, downgraded to manic depressive, was released. Sometimes after i got home I did not want to live in that linear time. I later attempted suicide off my meds in my room, was found in my room by my Dad the next morning when he called 911.

After a three day coma I awoke into a long period of rehabilitation, especially for physical injury. I had crushed the nerves in my right arm when I slept on it that fateful night. The doctors told my Mom that only a miracle could save me and I awoke on the third day. I was later healed but other advantures and misadverntures were still to come. It is a complicated story. My life has been a long and winding road with numerous twists and turns.

In these times I am focused on the here and now of connected reality and my spiritual enlightenment is a major priority, along with helping others.

Peter S. López aka @Peta_de_Aztlan
P.S. And I love making little collages....



WE ARE ALL SHAMANS-IN-TRAINING | Awaken in the Dream  ~
Friday, May 31, 2013
@9:11 AM ~ It is Friday morning. I weakened and bought three cups of cappuccino cafe. I do not feel guilt-ridden, though the expense is non-essential. To justify it to myself I remember some mornings in my days of alcoholism when I was anxiously waiting for the Liquor Store to open shriveled by the shakes!

@12:07 PM ~ I have a Dehumidifier in my bunker now. Apparently there was a lot more water damage to the building yesterday than anything else. It is a little noisy but I have great powers of focused concentration (pray for me!).

Planet Pulse Video Horoscope for Friday, May 31, 2013:  #Moon in #Pisces #Mercury moves into #Cancer
Astrology: Mars in Gemini ~  ~via @dailyscopes

Science and Spirit aka
Synchronize and harmonize. The mind/body/spirit isn't effective until it is operating as a resonant chord vibrating together.
Going with the Flow ~ Working with a Larger Energy ~by Madisyn Taylor ~  ~via @dailyom
The Relevance of #Chicano Studies to Today’s Students ~by Jimmy Franco Sr.| ~ #Latino
Blog Talk Radio ~May 29, 2013~ The Relevancy of Chicano Studies to Today's Students:  ~

Lakota Heart -N- Soul 05/31 by Lakota Ancestral Voice ~via @blogtalkradio:  ~
The Story Of Muammar Gaddafi ~via @topinfopost:  ~
Private Prison In Mississippi Allegedly Put Inmates In 'Barbaric' Conditions:   ~via @HuffPostBiz
Feds Say #Pennsylvania Prison Misused Solitary Confinement ~  ~via @ABC
Feds investigate treatment of mental health inmates at Cresson state prison~  ~via @pittsburghpg
#Violence prevention  ~via @WHOviolencenews
VIDEO: Patrick Stewart's Strong Words About Domestic Violence~  ~via @nprundefined

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
(1962)” ― John F. Kennedy


Bloglink ~ ~

Twitter Link ~ ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan

Facebook Profile: Peter S. Lopez ~ ~

Humane Liberation Party Portal ~ ~


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