Saturday, September 25, 2010

Blogpost: Sabbath, Septiembre 25, 2010 

@ 9:39 AM ~ Slept pretty well. Tweeted some good Morning Prayers which help me get into a good mood, good spirit for the day. Prayers are a key element in my life. They help to remind me to be humble, to think of others, to help others and be conscious of the Consciousness of the Creator. So many folks are so wrapped up tight in their egos ~eging god out ~ that they fail to evolve as spiritual beings on a non-linear plane.


Friday, September 24, 2010

Blogpost: Friday Night ~ Septiembre 24, 2010

2010/9/23 John Ross <>
Hi Peta
One phrase in your latest email caught my attention: financially independent of having to work for any company. 
In the changes soon to come, no one will have to work. We will each have the ability to manifest all our survival needs, so working will be a choice, not a requirement. The changes I made in May 2008 included quitting the work I was doing and I am now fully dedicated to the coming changes. I have enough money coming in to live modestly without working, so in a way, I am already living the changes to come.

Keep the faith Peta. Keep making a difference and take care of yourself. Beautiful and beneficial change is coming.

Your friend

Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 11:08:24 -0700
Subject: Thursday, September 22, 2010


2010/9/22 John Ross <>

Thanks for your email, Peta.

I tell people we are all part of a loosley knit team bringing beautiful change to humanity and to Mother Earth. From the start, I have felt a kinship with you. Seems likely we have been together in past lives, working for the Light, but cannot tell you anything specific. Seems possible we will do things together in this life as all this unfolds.

My ancestry is all British Isles, mostly Irish but the surname is Scottish. I was born in April of 1948 which will make me sixty four when the era ends.

While on a cruise in 2007, a Mayan ruin called to me and I went alone because no else wanted to go. Not one of the majestic and well known ones, a lesser site on the Gulf coast near Belize. I had a mystical experience while walking on the land where they played ball and was later shown part of that lifetime as a Mayan athelete. I scored a goal, a rare feat and after about three weeks as a national hero, I was sacrificed. When I scored, I knew this was the deal and believed I was serving the nation, but before the end, I felt used by the heirachy. The realization came to me that the Creator does not ask for blood sacrifices, but by then it was too late.

More recently, a book writen by a Mayan elder called me, so I know I have Mayan connections. Many of the south west tribes have important prophesies and that may or may not be part of our connection.

John Ross
Calgary, Alberta

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 13:27:53 -0700
Subject: Brother John ~ on your Tweets and stuff today

Appreciate your presence! I suspect my direct bloodline goes back to Mayans. I am a direct descendant of Chiricahua Apache War Chief and Medicine Man Geronimo  Goyaałé, "one who yawns" and knew of this heritage before it became popular to be Indian {a misnomer}.

Choosing our Timeline: tomorrow fall equinox ~September full moon following six hours later. Each is a moment. >

We know of these prophecies and suspect that more will be revealed as linear time goes by. I just try to help in the here now of connected reality, take care of my health and believe that all of Mother Earth requires a real genuine great healing.
Gracias, Che Peta ~ ~

Don Peta-de-Aztlan
Sacramento, California
Another synchronicity. Agreement. Have a friend named Peter who is from Belize now here in Sacramento at a transitional housing program. Need to re-contact him. He and I were seriously discussing re-locating there but domestic responsibilities keep me here. He has family there and housing. 

I have long felt a 'connection' with Belize. In fact, now that I think about it I have another friend who has property down there but now lives up by Mt. Shasta.
He wants me to go up there for a week, but right now I remain here in Sacra
{short for Sacramento}.

My long-range goal is to keep writing and hopefully have enough of a financial base in order to relocate. I would love to be financially independent of having to work for any company.

My rent here at Globe Mills is $525 per month and it is a Senior Residence.
My physical mailing address:
1131 'C' Street #501 ~ Sacramento, CA (95814)
Don Peta-de-Aztlan
Sacramento, California

Friday Night ~ Thank you for sharing. I love being alive, being active and helping to raise consciousness. I believe a lot of unnecessary bloodshed will be avoided if we just share the same basic spiritual principles ~ we already share the same basic common survival need common to all peoples: food, clothing, shelter, medical care and quality education. I always bring it all back down to the basics of survival. I know, believe and sense that great changes are coming in the not too distant future. I love America and I love people, but America needs to expand its identity to include all the peoples of America: North America, Central America, South America.

I love being alive, having energy and working to help others. I have no fear of self-exposure about my beliefs, my ideas and ideals.
Don Peta-de-Aztlan
Sacramento, California

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blogpost: Thursday, September 22, 2010

2010/9/22 John Ross <>

Thanks for your email, Peta.

I tell people we are all part of a loosley knit team bringing beautiful change to humanity and to Mother Earth. From the start, I have felt a kinship with you. Seems likely we have been together in past lives, working for the Light, but cannot tell you anything specific. Seems possible we will do things together in this life as all this unfolds.

My ancestry is all British Isles, mostly Irish but the surname is Scottish. I was born in April of 1948 which will make me sixty four when the era ends.

While on a cruise in 2007, a Mayan ruin called to me and I went alone because no else wanted to go. Not one of the majestic and well known ones, a lesser site on the Gulf coast near Belize. I had a mystical experience while walking on the land where they played ball and was later shown part of that lifetime as a Mayan athelete. I scored a goal, a rare feat and after about three weeks as a national hero, I was sacrificed. When I scored, I knew this was the deal and believed I was serving the nation, but before the end, I felt used by the heirachy. The realization came to me that the Creator does not ask for blood sacrifices, but by then it was too late.

More recently, a book writen by a Mayan elder called me, so I know I have Mayan connections. Many of the south west tribes have important prophesies and that may or may not be part of our connection.

John Ross
Calgary, Alberta

Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 13:27:53 -0700
Subject: Brother John ~ on your Tweets and stuff today

Appreciate your presence! I suspect my direct bloodline goes back to Mayans. I am a direct descendant of Chiricahua Apache War Chief and Medicine Man Geronimo  Goyaałé, "one who yawns" and knew of this heritage before it became popular to be Indian {a misnomer}.

Choosing our Timeline: tomorrow fall equinox ~September full moon following six hours later. Each is a moment. >

We know of these prophecies and suspect that more will be revealed as linear time goes by. I just try to help in the here now of connected reality, take care of my health and believe that all of Mother Earth requires a real genuine great healing.
Gracias, Che Peta ~ ~

Don Peta-de-Aztlan
Sacramento, California

Another synchronicity. Agreement. Have a friend named Peter who is from Belize now here in Sacramento at a transitional housing program. Need to re-contact him. He and I were seriously discussing re-locating there but domestic responsibilities keep me here. He has family there and housing. 

I have long felt a 'connection' with Belize. In fact, now that I think about it I have another friend who has property down there but now lives up by Mt. Shasta.
He wants me to go up there for a week, but right now I remain here in Sacra
{short for Sacramento}.

My long-range goal is to keep writing and hopefully have enough of a financial base in order to relocate. I would love to be financially independent of having to work for any company.

My rent here at Globe Mills is $525 per month and it is a Senior Residence.
My physical mailing address:
1131 'C' Street #501 ~ Sacramento, CA (95814)
Don Peta-de-Aztlan
Sacramento, California

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Blogpost: 9/21/2010~Wed ~Last Day of Summer


@10:51 PM ~ It is the night of the last day of the Summer of 2010. I am alive and well, counting my blessings not my curses. I still have my place up here at Globe Mills on the top floor ~ my private 'penthouse' I call the Aztlan Sanctuary. 

I am sane and sober, my sobriety date is now June 24, 2004 ~ the day I went into the local Salvation Army Emergency Shelter I call 'Camp Chaos'. After I went into Sally's I was pretty well aware of how to work a strong recovery program. I eventually called back involved with doing Sunday evening CASA 12-Steps Meeting. CASA is my Christian Ministry and is a key central part of my life right now. The last time I went into Sally's I ended up staying there as a client 'in house' for around six (6) months, including a stint at the local VOA Shelter for a couple of months. I could of left earlier, but I wanted to never forget what it was like to be a client there, again. After I had my fill as a client I ended up moving in with an old love, now Christian Sister named Annabelle L. (aka Geri). I stayed with her for awhile, worked at Office Depot for a spell, then ended up being a Care Worker for a client-patient, went through some chances of residence and had other comings and going. 

Fast forward: I ended up going to work at the Salvation Army in a temporary position in the Winter Shelter program called Overflow back then around October of 2006. Later I was hired onto Case Management, went through about four supervisors, then ended up in the position of Case Manager-Counselor. Actually I adapted into the Counselor position of my own volition and innovation. Long story short, I was Laid Off from Sally's this last September 1st and am now on what I consider a Sabbatical. I have some money in my bank account, enough to get by for awhile and am not in any big debt, though I will focus more on getting a regular job or develop a way of getting income so I can live here as freely as I can without having to be a regular wage-slave.

If I would of had some advance notice about being laid off I would of made plans to go to Sacramento City College this Fall, but alas I was not able to swing it. No use worrying about the past and no use hanging onto any petty resentments. Let go and let God.

So I will enjoy what is left of September, explore some options and do what I can to get off the treadmill of having to report for a regular job and working under any sick control freaks. At 58-years Earth-age it gets pretty screwed still being on this treadmill, having to work to exist hand-to-mouth, making ends meet, always being poor in a financial sense and being so opposed to the status quo here inside the United States of Amerika: aka Fascist Amerika!

I am firmly convinced that we are living under a mature reactionary fascism in the U.S.A. and the scary reality is that most Amerikans in this country are pretty much nonchalant about it all. Apathy plays a major role in the sorry state of affairs in this country and the lack of a real organized public outrage over it all. People have just been so conditioned to take whatever comes up, to tolerate the basic insanity of the U.S. government, to fall for the pretty words of eloquence from POTUS Obama and to not really be concerned about it all because each of us believes that can really do nothing about it all other than just try to make the best of it.

I will continue to speak up, to voice my opinion and to do what I can to help raise consciousness in my personal life, on the Internet and in what ways I can. I have faith in Creator, have a deep profound love for people and will keep on fighting for a Peaceful Revolution with all the energy I have at my disposal.

Do not go gentle into that good night
by Dylan Thomas

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Last update - Second Full Moon Tuning Event - Unique alignment identified.

As time progresses and our Full Moon comes in sight we, at Para Pachamama ~ Spirit of Earth, have come to learn even more about the significant alignments and energies that can be illuminated during this particular Full Moon/ Equinox event.
"This is a big month. There’s a zero degrees Aries full moon exactly on the Equinox, when the Sun aligns with the Equator at zero degrees Libra. This is the line of cardinal polarity. Here’s a picture: on the evening of Thursday 23rd September, as the full moon rises in the east at 0 degrees Aries, the sun is setting in the west at 0degrees Libra. And both Sun and Moon are in exact alignment with the equator.

If you could view this from space it would be quite spectacular, but even from an earthly perspective, if you find a hill where you can look to both the eastern and western horizons at that magic moment when the Sun is setting and Moon is rising, you will be experiencing a unique energy flow.

Sun pouring its life-giving energy in from the cardinal point of balance, harmony, equality and oneness, and being reflected back from a full moon at the cardinal point of new beginnings, pioneering, warrior, ‘I am’- ness of Aries. And this energy stream is flowing and amplifying in a feedback loop right across the equator line.

As far as I know people, this has not occurred before and, if you’ve been following the exciting astrological events of the last few months, you will know that Jupiter and Uranus are hovering around zero Aries, and Saturn is still close to zero Libra. We have the unprecedented opportunity to expand into fully conscious galactic beings and celebrate the real power of oneness.

This has the potential to dissolve all illusions of separation while still retaining an exciting sense of self. What a beautiful paradox to be resolving."(...)

"This is the opening act for the spectacular show that has been announced for 2012. The show has started. Don’t miss out!"

We hope this article can serve as an inspiration, visualization and amplifier to your meditation and work you do during the full moon and after. Once again, thank you for participating in these tunings and being part of the change we all wish to see, collectively and around us. Our hearts are committed, Para Pachamama!

Namaste, Jiriki

Feel free to share with those who resonate to this message.


Beautiful. Blessings for sharing. If we stop, be still and feel the vibrations of our own souls here now we can feel the radiant reverberations of these times.~Che Peta ~ ~


Blogpost: Monday, Septiembre 20, 2010

@12:37 PM ~ Still here in Aztlan Sanctuary. Need to get ready for the day and go take care of business away from here.



Monday, September 20, 2010

Response: 9/11: Israel's Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah

Will do. Late here in California..least for me. Good research.
I monitor several groups, get around on the Internet.
Unidos Venceremos! United We Will Win!

PETER S. LOPEZ AKA: Peta-de-Aztlan
Sacramento, California

"An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come."
~ Victor Hugo


From: Jonathan Azaziah <>
Sent: Sat, September 18, 2010 9:52:29 PM
Subject: Re: 9/11: Israel's Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah

Thank you for spreading my article around brother. Keep spreading the truth. And check for weekly updates.

In Revolution,

Jonathan Azaziah

On Sat, Sep 18, 2010 at 11:20 PM, PETER S LOPEZ <> wrote:

Friday, September 17, 2010

9/11: Israel's Grand Deception

by Jonathan Azaziah

When an event occurs that changes the dynamics of the geopolitical spectrum, there is only one question that needs to be asked, no matter what kind of information is being force-fed to the public by the Zionist media: Who does this event benefit? The answer to this question is always: The Zionist elite. The official story presented to the masses in the laughable (and criminally false) 9/11 Commission Report, overseen by Zionist Philip Zelikow, is so dubious and so nonsensical in its arrogance, it is truly amazing that the story was swallowed by the world's population as truth to begin with. It doesn't take a scientist, an architect, or an engineer to determine that something else other than planes brought down the Twin Towers and Building 7 at free fall speed on that infamous day. Al Qaeda, Arabic for "The Base" because it was the CIA's base of operations in Afghanistan, was not behind the September Eleventh attacks, the Mossad and its Zionist criminal network were. Wake up.........................   

9/11 was not blowback. 9/11 was not done by Al Qaeda, an organization which doesn't even exist (76). 9/11 was a Mossad-CIA intelligence operation, and the evidence exposed here is only the tip of the iceberg. Journalists and activists like Christopher Bollyn, Wayne Madsen, Jerry Mazza, academic Joel Kovel, and Freedom Flotilla activist Kenneth O'Keefe have all exposed Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attacks, but there needs to be more efforts like those put forth by these brave men. Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, former head of Pakistan's ISI Hamid Gul, and former Director of Studies at the Army War College Alan Sabrosky have also gone on record stating Mossad was behind 9/11 (77). War criminal Barack Obama's new Regulation Czar, Zionist Cass Sunstein, has said that 9/11 truth groups need to be infiltrated because they pose a threat to the government's 'anti-terrorism' policies (78). That means seeking 9/11 truth is hurting the occupiers, oppressors, murderers, thieves, and financial gangsters that have turned the poor and downtrodden masses into their slaves. It means that the truth is winning.

It is the duty of every activist, journalist and scholar fighting to end tyranny in the occupied nations of the Middle East to investigate, discuss and expose 9/11 due to it being the pretext for which the fight to end tyranny stems from. Once the people of the world know the pretext was a lie, they will know everything that followed it was a lie too. They will know that Muslims, Arabs and Islam itself aren't the enemy, but the US-Zionist alliance that has sat at the top of the world's power structure through a reign of terror for what seems like the duration. With this newfound knowledge, the people will then unite in truth and revolution, and the Zionist criminal network that orchestrated 9/11, will be eliminated once and for all.

~ The End ~  

Sources ~See Website~Peta
Unidos Venceremos! United We Will Win!
PETER S. LOPEZ AKA: Peta-de-Aztlan
Sacramento, California

"An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come."
~ Victor Hugo


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blogpost: Sunday~September 19, 2010

@9:00 AM ~ I need to be more aware and conscious about my own personal health. Check my smoking of tobacco and curtail my caffeine intake.

@7:30 PM ~ Our CASA 12-Steps Meeting went well, though it was a small group in attendance. Those who were there really appreciating there even being a meeting. Sometimes the appreciation and sincerity of people is heartwarming. After all my years of being around our local Salvation Army Emergency Shelter {aka: Camp Chaos} I have learned the power of being fully present in a meeting, using our whole being ~every nerve and fiber of our being~ in order to carry the Messages of hope and healing to others.

On September 19 at 1:03 AM UTC (9:03 PM EDT or 6:03 PM PDT on September 18), Jupiter in Pisces is conjunct with Uranus also in Pisces. Both of these are sky energies since in ancient mythology Uranus was the God of the Sky, and Jupiter was equated with all powerful Zeus, who ruled from the top of the highest mountain.

Jupiter is a positive thinker and attracts good fortune. Uranus is a sparkling firecracker of light bringing sudden insights, new solutions to old problems and it especially dislikes restrictions. Uranus wants freedom over anything else.

The two together usually attract a lucky break or a pleasant surprise. Something comes out of left field to make life easier and more fun. It could be a chance to travel soon or a chance encounter that opens a new door for you. One way or another you'll think 'thank heavens for that' with a feeling of great relief and go on your way with a lighter step and a twinkle in your eye.

However, you'll certainly not want to put up with compromises or situations which are unfair. Uranus can rattle the bars of your cage and give you the courage to say 'enough is enough'. You may also find that a pet project that had been gathering dust on the shelves suddenly comes back to life. There is always a fountain of new possibilities around when Jupiter lends its expansive tendencies to the lightning bolt of Uranus. It will kick start you into forward gear for sure.

Later in the day -- on September 19, we have another cosmic energy of a completely different variety. Mars in Scorpio is sextile Pluto, which pulls together intense determination, depth of conviction and real guts. This aspect has the ability to give you a very clear understanding of a dilemma you may be facing in life right now -- at a very core level. You will not aim for the quick fixes or glib short cuts. You'll really know what needs to done and have the will power and persistence to ensure that you put your truth into practice. You may not say too much but you will be walking your talk for sure!

Edited Tweets for Sunday, September 19, 2010

@coyopa Don't submit to any authority but that true voice you found in your heart - navigate by this alone, regardless of hazards & pitfalls.
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia~Time 4 candlelight prayer & serene sleep. Mas manana. ~Namaste, Che Peta<+>
Domestic homeless refugees are a micro of the macro in U.S. society ~ canary in the mine

Well I shot my whole admonition for thoughtful meaningful purposeful Tweets straight to hell tonight. ;->~~
Beware: We’re exercising the neural circuits devoted to skimming and multitasking while ignoring those used for reading and thinking deeply.

Life is full of irony and much of the truth is in obscure gray areas, not black and white

From where I sit we are in a Great Depression of New Millennium ~ Pray for POTUS Obama & people of

@lurainpenny Gracias for VIDEO LINK > ~Enchanting...needed that...I get high strung at times.

So much of what I see on the streets is self-imposed ~ self-repression instilled for years

I saw some sad lost abandoned street refugees walking back home after meeting...made me sad and pissed

Conscious intention is great. Alas, most of what goes on in our brains I suspect is unconscious.

READ: Cognitive Surplus: The Great Spare-Time Revolution ~Wired Mag >

Stream of new information plays to natural tendency to overemphasize the immediate. We crave the new even when we know it’s trivial.

It all involves the dynamic process of cognition, our cognitive load, how we absorb, file and store memory.

Not if we cannot store the information from our cognitive load into long-term memory we can access at will.
Information flowing into our working memory is our cognitive load. Long term memory key. Many Internet Users suffer cognitive

.....We transfer only a small jumble of drops from different faucets, not a continuous, coherent stream. Like Twitter

On the Net, we face many information faucets, all going full blast. Our little thimble overflows as we rush from tap to tap.....

Internet...easy access to vast amounts of information, turning us into shallower thinkers, literally changing structure of our brain.
If OCD and ADHD are brought under control and tamed they can be transformed into positive attributes, no longer disorders.

READ: @wired: Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains >

Attention span= amount of time a person can concentrate on a task without becoming distracted. >

Open your eyes. See the domestic terrors of Amerikan Fascism. People turning on each other like animals.

Amerikan Fascism hates the power of the Internet and knows there would be mass outrage if it was shut down.

The ultimate aim of Amerikan Fascism is to destroy all elements of genuine revolutionary consciousness.

Fathom the facts of Amerikan Fascism: it is fully aware, conscious, scientific, ruthless and counter-revolutionary.

Keep in mind that under Amerikan Fascism the U.S. Economy is bankrupt, is flat broke and trillions in debt.

Amerikan Fascism fosters passive obedience to government authority and self-repression of our liberty.

Perhaps the worst damage done by Amerikan Fascism is upon the human psyche-spirit

Four qualities of U.S. Fascism: Corporate Control ~ State Authority ~ Military Machine ~ Mass gets deeper

Are you waiting for brown-shirts goose-stepping up Main Street saluting Heil Hitler?!? >

Beware: Fascism is now 'in power and secure' inside the United States of Amerika. Question Authority!

Most progressives ~if any at all~ have a comic book stereotype notion about what fascism is inside the USA.

Fascism has seeped into the inner psyche of the Amerikan mind like a littl' patriot soldier who believes, "My country right or wrong!"

Most people do not have a clue as to what Fascism really is inside the United States. Fascism has infected their minds.

Zen_Moments Thank you! Will try to keep Following barring INFO OVERLOAD

8:16 PM ~ Just came back from CASA 12-Steps Meeting at local Salvation Army Emergency Shelter ~ a small but sincere group tonight!

Combat Terrorism! Help Fight the War on Terror! Overthrow the Amerikan Empire! Occupation Is Not Liberation!

"Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth." ~Pema Chodron
RT @laurenahayes: Wisdom in natural simplicity

John Lennon was definately anti-imperialist war. He would of gotten more radical as he got older/wiser ~ and deeper
BOOK: The Legacy of Luna: The Story of a Tree, a Woman and the Struggle to Save the Redwoods ~Julia Hill > about 17 hours ago via Help-Matrix Portal

When you begin to touch your heart or let your heart be touched, you begin to discover that it's bottomless. Pema Chodron

 Receiving with grace is beautiful. It allows someone the opportunity to give, and blesses both giver and receiver.

Don't be pushed by your problems; be led by your dreams.
Let us choose our cherished dreams with discretion, dreams of harmony among all creatures upon Mother Earth.
RT @AnthonyLawlor: New post, What We Dream Today Is what we live within tomorrow 

It is a nice cool day here. Cumulus clouds that help me believe in the awesomeness of Creator.

@The_AntiJoe Suggest you create a blog. it makes for easier reading. Relevant Revolution is the Ultimate Solution. Peaceful if possible.
@The_AntiJoe I agree. No argument. Just have evolved beyond archaic Left-Wing and Right-Wing terminology. Socialist Liberation!
@ElyssaD John Lennon was such a beautiful revolutionary in his own way... Imagine... gone too soon

RT @ElyssaD: @Peta_de_Aztlan Central Park West & West 72nd Street, New York City. The Dakota. Where John Lennon lived (and died)

Comprehend there is no set right and left ~ these are matters of right or wrong ~ correct or incorrect ~ Please evolve!

Terms "left" and "right"~French Revolution 1789~National Assembly Members divided ~king supporters right ~ supporters of revolution to left

Please Evolve beyond bi-polar consciousness >

I can't help it! My TweetDeck stream just keeps getting flooded. My stream runneth over! I want to Follow so many interesting people.

Twiiter Tip: Try to keep Tweets conscious, thoughtful and meaningful. I know... it is all relative. Just a Tweet

Certain thoughts enter consciousness and change on a cellular level in quantum physics... I Tweet therefore I am

Mentally advance beyond right vs. left thinking. It was first simply courteous seating arrangements of host to right.

My point is we have a sacred right to defend ourselves ~ against predators, spousal abuse or anyone else

ReTweet VIDEO 43:07 ~ Mind Control: America’s Secret War >
RT @Quotes4Writers: "Time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time." T S Eliot (1888-1965)

RT @alison_ruth: With a chance of rain and a high of 71 in September, I think Sacramento can now be considered "Pacific Northwest".

VIDEO: September 19, 2010 ~The Int'l Effort to Criminalize War >

There is no doubt we have the right to protect ourselves, including violent self-defense!

VIDEO 9:46: Why Aren't Progressives Breaking Through? via Norman Soloman >

Join Up! ~ Talking-Circle Yahoo Group >


Join Up! CASA 12-Steps Yahoo Group >

Join Up! THIRD-WORLD-NEWS Yahoo Group >

Join Up! Network Aztlan News Yahoo Group >

Join Up! Humane-Rights-Agenda Yahoo Group:

Check Out RT @conspiracydocs New VIDEO: Mind Control: America's Secret War >

Sunday CASA 12-Steps Meeting at 7 PM ~Salvation Army Emergency Shelter~1200 North B Street~Sacramento, CA

On September 19 at 1:03 AM UTC (9:03 PM EDT or 6:03 PM PDT on September 18), Jupiter in Pisces is conjunct with Uranus also in Pisces.

The term ruthless compassion has an inherent contradiction ~ it is a matter of compassion with discretion and discernment.

@rcinstitute I understand your spin on ruthlessness. Often we confuse personal experience with universal truth.

True RT @rcinstitute: If you truly have faith in your principles, you don't feel compelled to convince others that what you believe is true.

Crying is healing and rinses the soul. Be concerned if you have lost your capacity to cry. Glance at the world.

Ruthless compassion is a contradiction in terms. Be ruthless in self-criticism, compassionate in criticism of others. Sunday, September 19, 2010 8:10:36 AM
@YouAre_IT Blessings. Summer is over, seasons come and go. Let us go with a good flow without being frozen by fear. Sunday, September 19, 2010 8:03:30 AM

So let is be felt, so let it be known, so let it be done. Sunday, September 19, 2010 7:59:08 AM via Help-Matrix Portal
Let us pray for good health to get our good work done on a daily basis. Health is the greatest wealth.

Let us pray for each other, that we never tire of sincere praying because we have faith in our lives.

Let us pray for the complete healing of our Brother Michael Douglas and all who suffer today.
Let us pray for conscious awareness of the value of the present eternal moment, as we use our time wisely.

Let us pray for our enemies ~ that their hearts soften and their minds know enlightenment.
Let us pray for the elimination of our worst character defects as we strive to be humane.

Let us pray for the wisdom to use our time, energy and resources to help others and thereby help our own souls.

Let us pray for the healing of all who suffer from diseases and afflictions in the world.

Let us pray for all caged human beings who suffer in concentration camps in Amerika.

Let us pray for cool calmness in our spirits, that we overcome all unfounded anxiety.

Let us pray for inspiration in our writings, that we allow the Lord of Light to shine through us.

Let us pray for guidance in our lives so we make wise decisions with compassion.
Let us always pray for peace upon Mother Earth and keep a spirit of prayer in our hearts today.

Let us pray as sincere believers in Creator ~ without phony hypocrisy.
Let us begin each day offering prayers and petitions in behalf of others to Absolute Creator with honest humility.

<+>September-19-2010-Sunday<+>Good Morning Family!~Buenos Dias Familia! <+>Let us create our day in harmony with peace. ~Che Peta<+> 7:06 AM Sep 19th via TweetDeck



Saturday, September 18, 2010

Blogpost: Sabbath, September 18, 2010


@5:52 AM ~ Today should be an interesting day. Woke up and got up around 4 AM with the concept of peaceful revolution on my mind. Will write an article around this concept today.


Tweets Posted on September 18, 2010

From now on I will try to keep Tweets revolving around global news, movement matters and philosophical musings.... pray for me ;->~~

NEWS: Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell won't stay execution of Teresa Lewis >

@aazzure I am pretty much honest and open as part of my conscious personality. No matter what we Tweet someone talks smack anyways.

@aazzure I think it does but I do not see them on and it could be a little redundant. This has been an issue with me.

Remember the Four Agreements, including not to take everything personally. A good Tweeter should have a blog.

On if I Follow too many people I miss other important Tweets from others, esp. as I dig the News. I Monitor Several Yahoo Groups.

IDEA RT @AdviceToWriters: Work on a computer that is disconnected from the #Internet. ZADIE SMITH #writing ~Or Self-Discipline

@palestine New aid convoy sets off for Gaza -

READ: 9/11: Israel's Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah >

@sahoura "We have been practicing terrorism for fifty years, only we call it foreign policy." --Jesse Ventura

Now Follow @Inspired_Ones ~ ~

RT @bbcworld: Thousands protest German nuclear power

Tracking the Tzolkin/Cosmocycle and Applying the Tzolkin/Cosmo Codes >

"Empathy is the heart of progressive politics." ~George Lakoff

RT @Cosmocycle is now formally launched with the publication of...

Make Time 2 Learn ~VIDEO 1:03:20 ~Authors @Google: George Lakoff >

Feedback: What do U think? ~

@PermaRev ~ READ: Blood in My Eye by George L. Jackson >

@PermaRev You still have an archaic traditional idea of fascism. We will agree to disagree. #Peaceful #Revolution not permanent

Got to go out on Street Patrol... huaraches on the ground... buck knife on side...

@PermaRev Catch up! A mature Amerikan Fascism has been here since FDRoosevelt 4-Terms Presidency. Decades!

RT @PermaRev: ...real Fascism that is growing happening within structure of both political parties. What to fight it? Get outside of it.

So-called Educators/Leaders need to understand that good communications is being a good explainer ~ breakin' it down!.

@VV4Change ~VIDEO: George Lakoff on The Political Mind 4:48min >

@VV4Change So-called Right-wing reactionaries have been better at grasping linguistics than progressives have so far

@VV4Change Gracias. I am glad I am out of bi-polar thinking, able to follow different lines of argument and trains of thoughts

LINK: Bible Study Tools ~ --Don't freak atheists ~ I am not an either/or fanatic!

Twitter Tip: I like how mind can fill in gaps when reads we sentence

Do not waste #time worrying ~ how many Twitter #Followers you have. For where #two or more are gathered #Matthew 18:20

Think outside the box. The #instructions are on the outside. #Think #Feel #Do something with yourself !!!

Liberal-Left Wing Movement inside U.S.A. is mis-guided, confused and irrelevant to many Third World peoples.

@Bearwalker58 Echo: Simplify the complex ~ strive not to complicate the simple

@CitizenBoquu I love Lakoff. Taught me how to re-frame stuff. Beyond #left-right bi-polar political thinking f > ~

@StaffWielder I have evolved to appreciate our Tweets about trivial personal activities we are doing throughout the day.

RT @indigenous_news: Chilean MPs join hunger protest by #indigenous detainees #Mapuche #Chile

RT @reflexionfidel: Reflexión de 2007, Reflexiones de Fidel - Tomo 3 (+PDF)

RT @ascend08: The New Earth timeline is about peace and about harmony, and about abundance for all.

@lissnup Iranian judiciary Sat. sentenced activist Shiva Nazar-Ahari ~ 6-year jail term ~ subversion charges >

@adel_LPLOVE As an aggressive-assertive Peace Movement gains real momentum peace in Middle East will come closer.

@Bearwalker58 Yes, Brujo Don Juan called synchronicity as simply an agreement. Simplify complex. Many are here now.

RT @hrw: Multimedia - Protecting Civilians in the Democratic Republic of Congo >

PHOTO: Lopez Family Collage > about 13 hours ago via

RT @sciam: We Only Trust Experts If They Agree With Us

@Bearwalker58 Blessings for beautiful day of peace, agreement and revelations~ ~ ~

@RevJJackson $35.00 - One Year Membership is way too expensive for me and poor folks. Ahh..the bottom line in capitalist AmeriKa

Now Follow @RPCoalition ~ ~ about 13 hours ago via web

RT @RevJJackson: Jonathan Jackson is electric see for yourself click the Saturday Morning Forum link or tune in Comcast

@Bearwalker58 I will keep 'following' you and believe this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship ~ brotherhood.

@Bearwalker58 We cannot leave out our women and children in all our analyzes and contemplations. Collective Unity is strength!

Now Follow @Cosmocycle ~ ~ Hope it proves relevant to here now for me.

@Bearwalker58 ~As a humane liberationist I have no need of kingdom, throne and other mortal attachments of ego-vanity.

@Bearwalker58 Creator is not individual being. Creator is absolute beyond mortal mind involving cosmic consciousness.

@Bearwalker58 We need new neurons and synapses that encompass concepts of humankind, not sexist mankind.

@Bearwalker58 Many put too much store in spirits of others and do not witness the energy of one's own spirit.

@Bearwalker58 LINKS: "The Advent of Ahriman" > > >

Now Follow Name: Ojibwe/Cree Elder ~ Location: Canada @Bearwalker58 ~ about 14 hours ago via Help-Matrix Portal

@ascend08 I just try to make it through the day, help as I can along the way and share what has been freely given to me.

Left vs. Right ~ Demos vs. Repubs ~ Blacks vs. Whites ~ Citizens vs. Non-Citizens ~ ALL BI-POLAR DISTRACTIONS

Have you greeted your neighbor today? Do you reach out to others? Are our children fed? Is peace in your own heart?

Yes, we see the evils of corporate capitalism but who allows them to do so. Gov't? Masses of apathetic suffering people?

In our family of humanity we sometimes get into family feuds and get millions killed because of gov't insanity.

We cannot give up on peaceful resolutions of our differences as we are ultimately one family of humanity.

Now I see the great errors of the past ~ defunct Soviet Union and People's Republic of China and Cuba. I am glad to still be alive.

Years ago I just wanted to launch 'foco' urban guerrilla warfare in the U.S.A., esp. after Comrade George Jackson was killed.

@ascend08 ~I pray for the same wish every Christmas. Peace on Earth, simply Peace on Earth. Am I being realistic?

If you are still reeling from yesterday's Sun square to Ceres, Sun-Jupiter contra-parallel & Venus-Pluto parallel, you're in good company.

We should strive for a peaceful revolution without being under any illusions about the violent nature and history of the fascist beast. via Help-Matrix Portal

Let us pray for fertile imagination to help transform this wicked world into a brand new world of love, peace and understanding. via Help-Matrix Portal

Let us pray for those who have lost faith in prayers and wallow in the misery of poverty devoid of faith. via Help-Matrix Portal

Let us pray that we have the courage of heart to fight for freedom in harmony with our spiritual principles. via Help-Matrix Portal

Let us pray that we use our words as weapons to combat false beliefs, fascist lies and demonic deceptions. via Help-Matrix Portal

Let us pray for peace in the Middle East among all warring parties. Free Gaza Now! via Help-Matrix Portal

Let us pray for a peaceful revolution that will attempt to exhaust all legal, peaceful, non-violent methods of struggle. via Help-Matrix Portal

Let us pray for a peaceful revolution that will spark the hearts of many and bring renewed faith in humanity. via Help-Matrix Portal

Let us pray for honest speech among our loved ones spoken from a heart of peace.

Let us pray for a heart of peace free of anger, wrath and wanton violence. Peace begins within.

Let us pray for global peace upon Mother Earth, but know we must fight for peace today.

Morning Sacramento! @brisli_jonas @Kate_MrsMadness @martytrue @cubedweller @Globesters @iBeliebeInSwift @Sian_OhMyJustin ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan

Good RT @DeepakChopra: I am the spirit of freedom in which the universe is born in a ceaseless outbreak of ecstasy ~Rumi

... and we shall see what will become of his dreams. via Help-Matrix Portal

20 Come now therefore, and let us slay him, and cast him into some pit, and we will say, Some evil beast hath devoured him:... via Help-Matrix Portal

19 And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh. via Help-Matrix Portal

Genesis 37:18-20 (KJV) 18 And when they saw him afar off, even before he came near unto them, they conspired against him to slay him... via Help-Matrix Portal

@DeepakChopra Agreement. Just Joined Deepak Chopra's Facebook Community > in reply to DeepakChopra

5:13 AM ~ Still dark outside. Spirit just got me up early today. Time is relative. Still on my 1st cup of coffee. Another addiction.

@SpiritUniversal World requires fundamental social change, namely, a relevant revolution based upon principles of democratic socialism.

@SpiritUniversal I oppose any form of capitalism and the greedy profit motive. I support democratic socialism. I am not a naive pacifist

@SpiritUniversal Agreement. Woke up thinking about striving for a Peaceful Revolution. >

Sunday: Large Anti-Government Protests in Thailand Scheduled on 4th Anniversary of Coup >

4:55 AM ~ Had vivid dreams about traveling on local RT on Light Rail. Will go to Office Dept, Safeway today. ~Che Peta

<+>September-18-2010-Sabbath<+>Good Morning Family!~Buenos Dias Familia! <+>Let us create our day in harmony with peace. ~Che Peta<+>

Personal Daily Horoscope of Saturday, 18 September 2010
for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951
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Vigor and irritability *
This is an excellent day for starting a new project, particularly one that you can work on by yourself, without having to take orders or coordinate other people's actions. You feel very vigorous and have a high level of physical energy, so you really need to be physically active today. One of the worst ways to handle this influence is to work quietly at a desk. You would quickly become itchy and irritable as your repressed energies try to find an outlet. It is important that you can identify with whatever you do today. Your ego energies are high, and you demand to be recognized as an individual. If you are not given this recognition, you are likely to become angry and easily involved in disputes. There is no question that unless you are totally occupied, you will be much more irritable than usual today.
The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Sun Conjunction Mars, , exact at 02:35 
activity period from 17 September 2010 to 19 September 2010

Other transits occurring today, for subscribers 

Moon Trine Venus, exact at 13:36
Moon in the 7th House, from 22:56
Moon Sextile Jupiter, exact at 09:47
Moon Square Med.Coeli, exact at 02:55
Moon Opposition Ascendant, exact at 22:56
Moon Trine Saturn, exact at 22:50
Important long-term influences, for subscribers 

"Harsh realizations" (Saturn Conjunction Venus)
"Domestic strife" (Mars in the 4th House)(L)
"To be and to have" (Sun in the 2nd House)
View natal chart with transits

